The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, June 14, 1895, Image 1

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'Wf' / mr. . ; -m' ( r1 i VOL.XXVI.-NO- ->4. UNION, SOUTH CAIMLIXA JUNE 14,1895. 81.50 A YEAR. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. ' l>. 1'j. IIVDRICK, J. A. SAWYER J Spartanburg. S. 0 , Union. S. C. c |T VURU'K & SWVYKIt, t Attorneys at Law, ? Judge Towdsou t's (> M Stand. "VT L'N1U) & M I'N110, 1 Attorneys nt Law, 1 No.Law It.nice. - 1 SS. STOKES. ? Jl Attorney at Law ami Trial .Ihm'ioc, Office Rear of Court House. t I" C. WALL AC K. j Attorney at Law, No. It Law Lnt.-e. i gCHliMPEllT & BUTLER. ( Attorneys at Law. (j No. ;U Law !t.a DENTISTRY.' ? t1 T^R. II. K. SMITH'S i j, Denial Rooms over A. !l. Fester \ ' Cos. store. Cocaine used i:i oxtr.>citti<s ' teeth. 1 - t DENTISTRY. tJQK. .I.e. Mv-eUlJHINS, 0 Y Oflicc on the coiner of Main and Judgement Str?ei? near the Court House. '' R ridge nn I Crjwn work d tie when desired. Call and see me. UNION M.VRItLi; 'i ?AND? 'a w^.K^ j ^ M M CI. MB.Jt BjM w I ...... , GTOlUiK GKDDKS. sss - v. F. yh FARII, ' GEUT. MILSRU. 1( President. Cashier, r Merchants and ? Planters' National HAMa, OF XJ^sTIOTNT. o Cat ita! Stock .fit WU tot). Surphi* s'.it.tMin ' I Stockholders *, f'iU.Ot?0 ?? 11 SI 70,000. Olliccrs? F. M. Ikirr, Pies I. A. II. ( Foster, Vice I'ri's t. Geo. Minim, 1'ushicr. J. 1'. Aitin*, .\ssi?t'nit directors? W. !!. Wallace. A. G,, ;| Win. JelFeries, T. ('. Iinnrtiti, .1. A. Faiit, J. j T. I'ouglaa, I. G. MeKissick, A. II. l oiter. ( We solicit your business ( ICE CREAM I' AND SODA WATMIi ? i 'A i { L< >iv ; \S the Oyster season is now over, 1 1 It ive converted my Sil > m into an ( 10K CKKAM lWKLOK. And the ' tidies and gcntlcmcn tire respectfully in- ( vitcd to call on 1110 when they W iiit a cool and refreshing drink. Orders ftr ore un I?v the pallon will receive prompt and careful attention. , I have one ol the line si Soda I'oun- i tains in the up country, every :hin<r shell l bo kept tidy. l/idies arc invited t< 1 nnko my place their Lcadijuarters while ' hlioppiii'-', stop' in nr.d r? 8t whether you witdi to buy or not. If you have a head ( ^,-lie try inv W I N I: ('()(! \ it will cure f in*,'iy time. . ) oy. " ill a'- find at my place the lar | j <e*t a lid ;hi?st assortment ( f fancy and | plain candies, cakes and crackers, fruits . all ied ??')ods and i?eneral conli ctiops, 1 also f unity i.Ti'CCt ii-s. '^.imkiii/ uiy cm oners for tiicir kind ' . ill', heral patrofiricc 1 a-t Summer ' , i-spe.cxfully : '! ' : 1 c ntinirnei) of the '.nis inner; pu i rr.teeing . jrouipt mi. 1 poli'e at' jii.loii to an ' , JOHF K. MATHIS j ; ? L L'he I leg ist rat ion Case! What Beoame ot It. dichniond, Va., June 11.? The relebrated Smith Carolina resistra- ( ion ease was deeidod in the I'lined t States Court i f Appeal here today. ( I'he State wins. Jud<*c Colls famous ( njunetinn is dissolved and the ori?ji- :l lal hiil will he dismissed. The de- j eisiou ol toe eourt was announced j )V dud_e I lushes shortly helore i > eleek and an outline of the court's | ... n. i . . 11 l. .. lOMlli'il Uil> 111 *' IIUj;U I I 11 111?> ,, ubn;itted a >tr<?n<r individual opinion j nnl the ?-- .*? I = r revolving dinUre < I oil' n vas entered at aiuv. Nolle of the lounscl who took part in tin* arjjuuvat wore present. dud;*e 11 italics. :l i: announe::i.: the eourt's decision. aid: This ease was hoard 1?v liio Chief (l Instico, Judjje Seymour and invself. >n Friday last. Wt* thought it was f a chavueted to call for an earlv ,, lecision and it was determined after (1 i .4 . i l l I in|<>iu niuriii uu 1 ruin uiiu inv uceision should lie announced later lid a decree entered. l'heease was xhaustivclv argued at the liar and | loihing can he gained I?v waiting a ; itrther time for the examination of < iriefs. We are of the opinion that ? he injunction which was granted in | lie ease ought to he dissolved and p he bill dismissed. decree to that xv ll'eet will be entered at once. The ,, pinion of the court on the important |, nest ions presented by the record rill be prepared by the Chief-Justice .. ml liled and reported as soon as pes- 0 ihlo. Meantime a brief' statement l( f the ground; of the decision pre- n ared bv the Chief -Justice is now ^ .led." * t; JUIHIE 111 ?.lilts' ( >lMNio.\, '' tl -Judge Hughes opinion ;n the <j ioyjT Ihirlina case is it. pait as Ibl- ( )W>.'' The .Judge gives e.trelul cview of the record, and cont inuing n av : " l here is nothing in tiie reerd t ; show thai the complainant is man of color or that those for o ihoin he sues are colore! jiersons. |( he hill contain- no allcgotions tlia: lie parts of the law complained of b ; . 1 ;..o, <i i..: I I'll* * 11." \ d ^Ul J I I I 11\- v ? M 11 j M ?| l 11 ?| 11 i r those fur whom lie sues -n account m f their race, color ur previous conation of servitude. There i-- muli- (j nii in the averments of tlie liill ^ rum which it n::iv iiaturalk or niu-t (. iceessirily he inferred that tlie ?-oinilailiaut and those lor w hom In' > jre citizens ol color. i here are no ; \erinelils in the lull whuii show ,, hat lh< ease la Ms w i l h in tlie pin ; ieu j if the fifteenth amendment of the '(institution of the 1 nif?* ! States. \or dues the lull contain any a In .'a- ; ions which raise a federal (jitestion tnder the clause of the foiirteitith imcndnient which lorhids a State to )( leiiy any person theei|ual protection j >f the laws. It charges tliat the pro- } isioiis of the registration acts com laitied of is to uive unequal facilities ' I registration to dill'erent classes of ili/eiis, hut it does not point out low this is so. It leaves the di> riininat ion as to the privilege <,? | ( oisteviny, if there he discrimination ( o inference and research in sources ithor than its own averments, it diaries that the provisions of law .'omtihiined of discriniinates. luit does I t lot deserihe tlie maimer of d:serimi- ^ intion. or define the classes affected. >ro or c>n. nor does it show licit 11< aws i*<>iii|i1:iiikmI of in <iisci'ii 11 ili;iIinlT etWceil classes ftS to tin* Jil'ivill'Oo ol egistevinji granted by them, violate he clause in the Fourteen'It amend- . cent which lorbi<ls a State to <l< nv j inv person within it 'be espta! j io- > ! cctioii of the laws. Il confound-I * irivilejre w ith protection. ; < The bill lias no rcfeionee to a i :i I cderal election in sett in;.' out coin j I ihiinaiit s ca-e. The gravamen of| | he hill enntelii|?latcs oiil\ .t Stateja lection to he held for m-'inber- of! he State convention to ( ..nvrne m ' Au'oni m < . It is not shown that . I Ili y Federal eh el ill to t?e ijehl i: ' i o.iitli Carolina ' elm o -N<?venih? r 'r 1 Sl'd. ? > :l; r':; sf? ill do not think ' .at a court has urisdietion to into:ft 10 hy injunction ?r otherwsie with the enforcement of he laws h\* officers holding and do- j iving their powers from these laws: ertainlv not to the extent attempted o he done bv this bill. In arriving it 111iconclusion I have not eonddred he <|nestiuii whether or not the regstration laws ot South Carolina vioate the Federal Constitution or laws. prefer :o rest niv opinion upon the :round of the independence of the lillerent departments of the govcrnnent upon the impolicy of interference v the courts in ipiestiou w hich w ill esuit m dragging eonstantlv into may part\ polities, and upon the eneral principle that each depart11*111 of the government and each llieer there, high or low. has the! iglit to administer according to his est judgment the duties imposed p<?n him bv the law> ercatiu_" his lliee. As illustrating these princip'es. 1 tor to tin' fn!!oU?ili ' i li'elC ol i ? Mi>si>si{?jii vs .John- !!. I Wall. 7o. (iaini's vs Thompson. 7 Wall 17: Louisiana v> .lim? l<>7 l.Tiite<l tatrs. 711 11 agouti v-' Southern. 17 Initi'l States: Avers in re Iil-i 1". S lo. in ie Sawyer I J-l I . S . i is m- 'le-s to eite the many eases ! liieii hear i?n tie. questions arisin-r this atuls.. piMl't-olv a" the ! nr. So lar as the rights of the imlivilal eouiplaintant in the hill were neerneil it may have heeii eoui|?e ni for tiu* e >iiri t > jjrant imhvi<lua! lief. The Supreme Court <>f the nite.i States the otner ilav uranteil lit'!" IV<>!M tlir paviliont. ol an income i.\ to tlio individual comp!ai;.tant in is suit before it ''tit it vent no furor. On the author:^ "v >f Mis>isipi i vs .Iohuson. \ we may s>nme that it v ild n<>: have eaterlineil a hill lor enjoining internal rveime odieei s of she government o!ii Oolleel'.U'j' Mieouse ^eiierily. The'jinlieial power e<-vetii.^ io viirh( to verant individual relief, lit (lid not extend to the general over of repealing the law in?; >>iiio ( ic tax n> to tee entire ptiMie. i repeat that in i!i. ease at l?ar it i:i\ have oc< a eoliipOtelit t*?t* the ?u:*t to . nan; ;ndi\i.diial relief, hill ic h.ll ;:>!<< M inoiv. it a-ked similar eliel'for all ether eili/.eiis of the oinity .-ituateo like tlie eoinplain111. It praetieally a>ked the relief r a numerous p- d parly, i ?r: i- ' rj a purlieu <11 lii peuple ;?> \\ii<>in lie I ?e^i>l.?t lll'e wa- >nlcl\* lv>po||-lhjc ! ?r it- lav. and to v.honi alone the eltilis e| i 'IS' .' *-111It'.ioll > li akes the jesri>)atiire re?p m-i'de. .Mnivnv r. , brought the court into imiiieiliaie j : lid aOliveeoiitaei with 1 el v routes- ' itions. It liiii'li' ilii* (.'"iiri .1 ! rolling l.ift?-r in j'nitv strife. I nm najriiie 11??t 11111ix nitirc ]>cariiii*i? (:.? Ii:i11 ;i direct j :irtii*i|?;i!i<>i? I?v tin* idiciary hy judicial action, in tin ?11!i?.'- '?! tin* people. I lie Itill asked raetieallv tiia! the process rt*?xisimti<>n nude; tin* laws <?i 11 States hall be suspended in an < litii e count v m inx tin* pleasure of tin- cut t ami l:at ali fiti/eli** of a enmity not tlien ( <rj>tered as votel s should denied tin* ixiit of suffrage during 1 li:?t pleasrc. It scents t?> nil* that a mere v ir\\ I'tlic oao shows that the injunctions iere i111]ii'f>\ iil? ntly pruned. I think tin? Inli >!n?i11?I he disii i^si-tl. \\ UKY('11 l*iI ("ON DITK >N ( ) 1 | M '( ) | > I ! ' I > I | I i J 1 (>KL.\ IK >M A \;im.sis Ciiv, .June ? I!<\. I*. | ;!i:hih* ainl I". i'. N;i>h nil i v:i it I < 1 >in: | \. < >K1., lire iii il ? cii v -kin^ ai<l l'?r (lie |>fo]>lc .,r I Vnirie >\\ii>lii|> si11?1 in l.irt lor tin- < iitire im?n]:i*K>ii ?>!'(Iriin; count v. \ilm mv riwilly >t:ir\ injL?lit port> ol tin.*- sln'r >! wniil :iml i?- li'iilioii luiw ivnclmi ilic pulilic Voiii tiu;c ! > tin. . ' -i* very h111< ! rcli'ih'v v.:i> : ii tiici:.. I I. tv.o :.ii? ti., ii v.Iio arrivi'.! iii ;!.?. <*ii v I - tCi'.lilY to .i.- l. T Ol'CM ' to !ill < - -;^r v ??00I I?M A. Xicik J I5ANKJ U NION, iu'sjMH't hi! I v solicit y<>i REPRESENT COMPANIES WITH hungry mouths ami elothes to cover j e suffering bodies. were appointed at a ji meeting held a lew weeks ago in ii (irant eounty tor that, purpose. At i that meeting, the sufferers drew up h a statement of the condition < l'alfairs 1 there. The section of tii territory s| that is the scene of such suffering Ii ami want was opened in September fi The settlers eauie. in therudi h (or claims, with little money ami !< <? ti itoitsehold go?>iIs. 11 .day not a peti- g liy of their savings : left ami 1 very A household is a seen.* <1 destitution. I>i The unI'irtunate people ha\e no; (! e M wherewithal to leave da eonutrv. ami <" - > they remain l stiii'ei. it'in to dees a Met O' Souli. to *tit*. 1.1 lite Kev. Mr. sdiane says: "Koi 1<j the la*: three m nth- four families ai have been existing en my pension ti money. It would d> in < : Unary r circumstances. f>r the hare wants ??t in my immediaie family, hut wi'h fair \\ families you ean imagine what it fo means. Last Monday i <<tv\v s* i if for my last <|iiarter. 1 paid the w yroeery hill which had accumulated during the ?juavtor. and then had u Sl.7~?. dust helore leavin_ for tins h trip. 1 asked lor credit ! >r a sack ol r llour. but t Iii - was re faced. When th we had to face immediate nerds, it at had been customary lor the merchant-.! i ' to ore*lit those who had pensions. >o ro tlu-v were >ure of /letting their :uon- m ev. Jhir with credit denied, t- 1 resort wus out oil". My - >:i-m I.r.v in and his wife started aw ay in their ! wapm Tuesday. without a rent and i'i without jnoviMons. Tliev :sid tiiey va iniylit :> well -tarve on the road as .1! >ta\ there and starve. 1 'nave. ( >( t!i Inard 1'ioni theni since." ee t he Kansas City l.iv >' l\\- | ;n idianye has appropriated S >'l. ;.|t | 1 ... movement ha* Keen started, t s n?! .a relief to the destitute. w i T11;-: (ili.\ DKD SCi 1( >01/ wl (.'losing Ivxcfci^.'-s, 1 1 lie elo.-iii^ exercises .if ;h. ( ni >l 1 tirade I *ell<?ol were held a', tiie i iraded * dto.d hitihhn^ last d im. dav and h'ridav. The p:v_Tanin:e 1 . 1' I tin wa> '.1 t verv ciaoorate out w.;sea.-j . . . ' |\ i .el . .it \ ery ineeiv. 1 lie seiiooj ; lias done .fed w >r!v dutinj; t!ie , i-t 1 ve:if. tin' l?e.*l perhapi 111 Ms !.; ny | and t hose w ho are not ahe:ui\ .; .r- ' v id* the i'aet Will doubtless he ^jlad to 11 'earn tluw ii will he eotitlliued Uini- ; j I lit- same imiliayeiiu ill ii \e::;\?j. The consisted < l .-n ; an address !?y P.of. 11. \\. Sn j ' ami i!it' awarding of jut/. Ivhij* before (lie appointed hour. !l" 11?.:?0 till* cliil|u*l of till.' Iilli! ill;;c row(IfiI, litany liol heiliy aide to find seats. Ill a leu Wei! euosoii Wol d i lli' ISfV. I . I'?. Mol l is ill! i'Oll'f l <1 J |; lla- <1 icakcr of the invasion, I Vol. | " Snyder. lie started oiil i?v saviny i it seemed to In* tin* rule ol f'oii'.li j t, (":ir< >1 in ians to eliiin pieeedi -nee in J almost everything. that it i~ sat?l ike ; lias I \\ s eolleti;e. aici ike lir t j Ay rieultural e dh ye, ;11:: >;: : . '!i. ;- >; tinnys v.('re elainie I for o!.| S. (w lie liked to see a little oi tins >j?<r?t hut not too 11111?*]i hrairailoe'.o. Me Would not he s:ivpli-cd iii the distant jut 're that some one Would eiaini that i'oimitiut> was a South h'nr >liman. The siuvess ol the i' iuy i le. fa- j tiou lay through , th", d? < !',. ol t o J. school room, and the re- poii-f 1!11 ? ) of tli'e matter nMe.I Willi tk -'t .o h- [ el's, I lie heller tie'- toaeh t io ! < > i1 lor tlie schools w on I I he. lie ; !,!.< , |di a>a lit I v; to t he senium. 11 :! i o y f A tiiciu ol the ai.lie:;. ,t..-n- j I' the holiday season !..! ay . -oiii'.' "i '?!; Iri;iH "I tii.- . 1 '! r >t>: i. J ?; lu- .-;mi tlif .-clmliir I".i-'i :'..: *? s ii- j , "is" )LSOS & SOX, i E US | s. c. ' ir FILtB ISUPvANOIO. ^, OF ASSETS. rs best jus the holiday season apreached, forgetting their ill feelings i the anticipation of the vacation, ie handled his subject well, and eld the close attention of lii.s attdinee IVoin beginning to end. llis perch was intersjiersed with a lew tuny .uieedotes to please the young ilhs. llis speech was well received y the large audience, and showed mt he was well posted, and had ivcu tin suhjcet tu itnre thought. Iter the spereh tlie Hist medal, a autiiiil gold eiianu was awarded to li>s (leftrude tin-, i.y iveV. 1>. t?. liilbrd, ol' the < .'liilbrd Seminary in well ;imeil tali;, .on flowing with thcJiV advice, and hind admonition i hold Christianity ahove all else, id to lie wholly self reliant. That ie great mind-o!'th world were all aeed to individual o.Tort. This edal was awarledhy I'rol'. C. I>. alh r, the Principal ol the .school, r the best average 1'or the year in e ' th grade. He stated that there as one or more very close contestits and while only one could win, l he complimented the others upon eir high average, and told them to y agaii . ilev. C. A. i>. Jennings on doiiveied thepri/.e for thegreatIvanoe in penmanship to master ranhlin Parlnum There were en lied during the year pupils mi v\e average utteiulactce was good. ?** i in MujiloyiTl is good and akes sehoiar.s strive l? excel, ni avoid lieing absent or tardy. lu'V know thai tiiey v. iii no ad.iietd a< m> ill ;i - tin v aIV eiSigihle, ?o that they will no jiiif haok when e v don i kt-cji tip liii-- an in ? u'ivo lor ? ::* !i - a >'.ir to }uit lortii ,r. oli-'i't. and the clleoM it !i it teed by tin.' j-:a . in . e.y line. The follow in^ ; h ! '. .d'1. i'i(.r .n il c outam- i!ic names of b o 10 1 t;i\ o made 1' ' a -we o:i aneli ol study an ! i i dojioriuienl ve i. it l?een a1 -v ,t m mm tijan four y< in ??!!* ni i:: !:. 'fo make Iiiis j art. twain in" i. avc ! ell In !d regular inter".a! .an i ( the relining jierio.l tin- :i?i < ; ?I?ir.vitaljou-; i.a\ ! a .. iiijniiedi oa. u.or iii" - . a appear tills roll is din- ; t: . -nellies* tii w !ii< i. t!: .a ;- ione and >: to interior wo.. o the jmrt of y |?u", !' t.ilinv :n * t.a ' i J -,e tiliui :* ( !' li'oiii ! v t' ,: i: , ].a\ e a j j>e iron lie Mm:. . :1m. iii. vi,: ti.a: - ' - 14 1* .1-11 i . , < . I i > " I >] | i V I ' I I I " iwih>. j i1 i ! \ i*!:. m r v t ' ' t i . >' : 1' ' . *? *"?? " 1 i' > i )', i. i: ' : *' i ' 11 in * i .ri j 111 M tint r ll. 1 1 ' '.i cf, > i. ! "!. 1 i'? f.nlilll . 'i in ' ' '?. "J liiuli'Ii-: i -n. < . l. ii . ' .m 1 ,.i if r. i ii i>; \!>'f :i ? i. ii n|illi>; ('in it'-, i i . i !i i u- ;-|..ii ii.oii< ii-; iwr m ii.c, i ::i ii'ii: - i i ?v 11 i *: ;. >ii) ii'- M ' o |. i- 111) : I-. ! .;. r < i.11 ? i, in ii*I' !' :, i i I no iii ii; \\ ii in .11. i : i : i. : ! . I i :ii inolil ii; il io l'i r i i inn i !i: 11 "s r ' i i on i) ii' \i)V ; . i. i . l * ? v-' ' * 1? i -11 i ' 11. i i. i?.*111 ?>r% iNcli ii- : . ? ' ' i iM'iAIi ATA ! K. < :.!! on I\ M* ()I! ! ; !*? s. ;iii 1, Mr>i , oi". avion 1i1:al kstatv: ,< ir Ki\(- V. I noil. >.(!.? : llavo srvrial stojvs lor rent oiiic tor sale.