The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, March 01, 1895, Image 3

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V v 1 v r ' ;XSP 15**> * , /) CHEAP MR] THE I NEW YORK AND CHICA< 15 PER CEt> Than the old line companies. Hi* IL Office *1 CAR THE @ c v 4 * - ? . v " f SPARTAN * IN t SLAUGHTEI NEXT DOOR TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS Jonesvllle. Feb. 26.?The lovely weather for llie la week has pat new life into our people at most everything else. Some of ihe good 1 dies flowers however are past reviving f they are verj dead. There Is plenty of snow yet on tho Nort hill side<t some places it is 6 inches deep. Some of our people were looking out laM week for storms, cyclones and blixxardi They had been reading the prophecies o the Rev. Mr, Ilicks, but Mr. Hicks mui I take a back seat for he cried out blixxart blixxard when we had warm sunshine call lovely weather. Mr. A. C. Liudsey, who I mentoned la week aa being very sick, is belter but young colored man who nursed him got som of the puss from the sores on Mr. Lindse into his blood and he died yesterday of bloo poison. Lest Saturday Mr. Fitiaiuimens of llnio bought 93 bales of cotten at Jonesville an yesterday he bought 10*2 bales more, he pai from ijo to BJc. There is more cotton i the county yet. I saw a load of seed cotto yesterday going to gin. People are stirring round getting ready pay their tax. Several colored me n wei out last Saturday hunting a job to mat money to pay their tax, they said they wani ed lo get ready to pay by next Thursday A mad dog was killed at Mrs. L. Is Whites last week. It came very near bit< iog Mrs. White and berson Fletcher befm it was killed. Mr. F. Laurence, of Brooklyn, N. Y., visiting hie brother-in-law. Dr. W.O. Soutl ard. Mr. Arthur Eison, w bo has been on an e: tended viait to Tennessee lies returned. Mention was made last week ia the Timi by the Pacolet correspondent of the death Mrs. Jas. Wood of Pacolet. It has bee the writer's pleasure to know Mrs. Woo for more than thirty years and to know he was to love her. She was kind and gentl in disposition, obaritable and obliging to a her acquaintances, a faithful wife, kic mother and what might be termed a goc old time bouse keeper and last but n least she was a christian. She had been /Alikr..l ~ ?w. tl..L - li-. n. iwvmui uiQuiuoi ui ino i>i6iDouisi unufC for many years. "Her children arise i and call her blessad her husband also an be praiseth her." Rev. R. W. Spigner filled his pulpit he Sunday. "Telephone." " Etta Jane. Feb. 25.?What effect the new Counl Government bill is te have on our bad road remains yet to be seen. No definite plai have been sutured yet that we know of bi we suppose that matter will remain som thing like it has been?a dead letter on tl Statute books. The free free school is bebnming in i and more complicated, if not disgusting h real benefit is bring derived from it by tt country children. Such teaohers as are ir duced to take hold of it meroly for its pect pinj-y reward are a very poor class of publi servants, a'nd the results are that the chi dren have no brain power developed I them. Can't our State fall on a better plat As soon as the ground gets in conditio to plough our farmers will beg n sowin oats. The In tie steamer of which we road mention last week made made its trip as fi down the river as Holly's Shoals, a shot diotnnce above Lockhart's. While moorc at Cord's Island it sprung a leak an sank?nothing could be seen above ll Ma?pr h.ll I Ita *an aP fka - ? r" ?wp V* niuufcc Dvnuft* was raised, the water tailed out and ever, thlog "ound 0. K. Hot. C K- Robinson will pteach at Salei next Sabbath 3d prox. at 11.30, A. M. The people of the Gowdeysville and Sku Shoals neighborhood are much inoonvec enced by the closing of these postuflice They are talking of trying to have them r opened bt others established in i|ieir place The oall for a mass meeting of the citizei on Monday, the 1th of March, will no dou hnoa the effect o? bringing together as iar| a number of voters as have ever met in tl town of Union at one time for the sac purpose?seeking light. There has been mere talk in political o oles about the forth coming consiitutioc convention than any ona subject we ?t remember hearing of. The humblest in m <st unlettered citizens who havo here) fore been c ntidered nothing but mere vi ing ma shines are asking souie ques'ioi which the most experienced in Statesor.i cant gpawer sa< sfucioply. Jt seems tli everybody is at at sea. - -i V..x ,^ ... ^INSURANCE! iLOYDS OF SO, OFERSAFE INSURANCE IT. CHEAPER B, fore renewing your PoHcy, OL1NA DRUO CO. poN (a > F BURG, S C. ' NION. UNG PRICES. THE DISPENSARY. Santuo. Fab. 25? It is reported that hogs are dying off rapidly In Fish Dam Township, and no kiud of medication does them any good. Now st the "preventive" p'an is beiog tried. They id don'i know what disease it is but suppose *- it to he cholera. >r Sunday was the brightest and most pleasant one we have had this ye'ar, and Rev. J. h A. Cell filled his pulpits at Salem and Carlisle, one in morning and one in the evening, it His sermons were greatly enjoyeJ. ? Messrs Willie Sartor and Willie Linder, f left last seek to resume their studies at st Clomson College. 1. E. W. J. m ,t SHERIFF'S SALES. t FOR MARCH 1895. 4 Dr virtue of an ezeeution to me di_L> reeled, I wilt sell before ths Court Q House door, in the town of Union, Union 4 County, S. C. on the first Monday in March 4 next, during the legal hours of Sheriffs n Sales the following deseribed property to-wit: Fivo bales of cotton belonging to M. B. Meador Levied on and te be sold as t0 the properly of M. B. Meador at the suit of r. Sim Mc Daniel as Guardian, Thomas. Carrie le and Willie Mc Daniel. Plaiotiff against M. I_ B. Meador, as Guardian of Thomas, Carrie and Willie Mo Daniel, Defendant. ' Abo .a I will sell on Tuesday the fifth day of March next, during the legal hours ofSberj? iff's Sales, at the residence of Frank E. Davis n Santuc Township, ia Union Countv nhani tea bushels of cora and one small lot of K. fodder and tops. Levied oo and to be sold as the property of Frank E. Davis at the ES suit of W. L, Leviester, Guardian ad litem 0f Plaintiff against Frank E. Davis, Defendant. ' Also id ,r I will sell at the residence of Osoola e Glenn, in Goshen Hill Township, Union II County, on Tuesday, the fifth day of March l(l next, during tbe legal hours of Sheriff's ,d Sales, four bales of cotton, about fifty ut bushels of corn, and about four hundred i bundles of fedder. ,h Levied on and seised by virtue of warrant ip as tbe crop of Osoola Gleen, at the suit 1(j of J. B Richards, as Administraior of John C. Richards, deceased, Plaintiff against Os> re cola Glenn, Defendant. J. G. LONG, S. U,C. Sheriff's Office, Feb. 11th, 1805. State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION, ls Court of Common Pleas. 18 Summons for Belief?Complaint served. ie E. W. Marsh, 1. 8. Smith, J, Lingebury, W. T. Ash ford, E. W. Marsh, Jr., and M. M. B. Marsh, Survivors of tbe firm of Moore, Marsh, & Co.?Plaintiffs l- Against i- J. II. McKissick. ns Administrator of the ? Estate of Mary M. Tolleson, Rebecca Os^ ment, Addie Litllejohn, M. P. Hamilton, iT W. G. Tolleson, Ambrose Tolleson, Etta >n Gallman, Claude Tolleson, Barnett Tolleson, Miss Steele Tolleson, Ad* Daves, Clyde u Meng, Bernice Men*. Edward M?n? <.n.i irjJ. W. Tolleson?Defendant. "t I To tbe Defendants: d \TOU ARK HEREBY SUMMONED and d X required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith It served upon yoo, and to senre a copy of your Jm answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at his offioe, No. 8, Law Range, at Units ion, S. C., within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such ill service- and if you fail to answer the comii~ plaint within the time aforesaid, the plaina titf in this aotion will apply to the Court for e- the relief demanded in the complaint, is. Dated Jan. 12th. A. D. 1895. ns J. C. Wallace, bt Plaintiff's Attorney, go To the Defendants, lie Claude Tolleson, Ada Daves, ae lUbecca Osmenl, and Etta Oallman: Take Notice; ir- That the comial plaint in this action was died in the office of er the Clrrk of the Court, at Union, in the td County of Union, in the Slate of 8outh Cnr10 olina, on the 12th d*y of January, 1895. >t Juu'y. 12, 1 ns J. C. Wallace, 'ft Plaintiff's Attorneyat fob, 15. 7-tit. CDIM Al wrakiu-s oas ly cared l.y Qr IllAls Dr.UHow' Nerve Plasters V' &L, ,j To the Public. WE WANT YOUR TRADE OUR MOTTO IS LOW PRICE We hand's nothing but the best goods in our line. Oall onus for. DRUGS,. OILS, TOILET ARTICLES, STATIONERY. SOAPS, PERFUMES, EXTRACTS, TOBACCO, CIGARS, AND CIGARETTES. We ere agents for the celebrated PRINCE OF INDIA cigars. The best in town, try one and be convinced. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. Very Respectfully, Drs. Munro and Going have tbalr office In our store and will be found tbere in the future. THE CAROLINA MU1CB. PRESERVE " ? AND ? BEAUTIFY YOUR HOMES BY PAINTING WITH ' JOHN LUCAS & CO'S READY MIXED TAINTS. FOR 10 YEARS We have handled these paints with the Best Results. WAGON PAINTS, Biiggy Paints, Furn it ure Varnish, Stains, Hard Oil Finish, Putty and .Window Glass, at LOWEST PRICES. Paint color card ] and quantity esti- < mates furnished on application. A. H. FOSTER & CO, FANT BROS. HEADQUARTERS FOR GROCERIES. A LARGE STOCK OF MEAL, FLOUR, BACON, SALT AND OTHER GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND. The Peerless Magnolia Hams. AND BEST 100 PER CENT FLOUR. SUGAR, COFFEE, TEA, ? AND ? fancy groceries. BAGGING, TIES, ETC NEW STORE! 1 new r,nnni" il M J ( M V V M .? I JUST OPENED UP THE BEST THAT THE MARKET AFFORDS IN qoods. AT LOWK3T CA8II TRICKS. L BOOTS AND SHOES, FROM SO GENTS TTP. OooJ Family Flour at - $3 per bbl. ? GOOD BACON ALWAYS ON HAND. ? Car Load of Salt just receiveJ. Fanoy Groceries, Casu'cJ Quudt, eic , tVesh and cheaper than was ever known before. A large and handsome lot of QUE E 1ST S W AR EL At rock bottom prices. Goods delivered to any part of town. LICENSED DRAY THAT WILL HAUL AT 1GC. PER 1000. | J. 0. WRAY, Agt for A. O. 1 I l\. ' ?? Time Tini-: j WAIT FOR M) MAN! don't put off buying thliweeded repairs for your qmrit7tp o J- v-f v jli unt|| it has fallen to pieces, when a dqijar oe 30 ,n time will q? a "tttti v xli it) an0 make it nearly as good as new. We Order Ne^r Parts For any and all makes nf first olnaa rtUivitc OUR STOVE, DEPARTMENT I HAS GROWN TO BP: QUITE AN IMfORTANT PART OF | OUR BUSINESS 1 i $9." BUYS J NO- 7 I WITH 22 PIKES. 1 ANOTHER BIG ATTRACTON IN *[ SADDLES From ^1.75 Up 1 Riding Bridles with Good Bits, 50CTS> Western made wagon breeching $>2.t 0> For 1 RIDING BRIDLES, LEATHER COLLARS HARNESS LEATHER SINGLE AND DOUBLE LINES, ROQtfDED RIDING BRI. DLES. WAGON, AND BUGGY WHIPS, \)E ARE THE LEADERS. THE OLD RELIABLE" A H. FOSTER & CO I' GIVERS OF GOOD VALUES. I. ]. "5 A RE YOU 1 T "NT LATA TVTnr) /-\T-r< A JL N VV rt-lN x ur IbttU Winter goods ? L T T7^ CVk ,We, 13 th,e pe?i,le y are "? I H ^S| I look? 5 for. In order to ,1U0tii of X_Jl. clean rot the remainder of sales. OUR WINTER! STOCK, DR we will offer for * he next 30 days our entire stock of heavy t AG goods, including BEC CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS The, BLANKETS. JEANS, CAS5IMERES, '?80,1 ? attempt and all MII^UIINEHY P,o<8 at cost. Tliose that have anything to buy in any of the ^ ove lines, will find it to their interest to purchase from us. )o not forget to bring WQrt|l 0j your pocket book, for we cannot afford to sell at these prices ? for other than SPOT CASII. 3 = MC LURE'S. =1 'That's Right." $2.50 REWARD. Up ^ riNHK a|M? rcw.rl will be paid anyone lUlU X farn Ming evidence sufbcient to con- I SEWING MACHINES ON THE "" OHM _ __ _ By ord Jof the Council. ( Installmfinl Plan fl? i a Auu Clerk. Mayor. Not. ?> tf. W)W<? hi|^EY5K =fllVK IIS THE Fll'.Sr I'SUAL INSTALL* I \AVl? KFFRIE3, of the Union Grhded ]\ MENT, (f 19.50 AND FREIGHT, ON A HoA?lloh..l"^,e,'? "*?U U*y oo'SM' "Demorest" f?' pr|es reasonable. I^OUIUIOOU TRIMIV AND THE MACHINE IS YOLKS. SEE J , POINT? JHckleii N Arnica Salve. ^ The 11m# Saivk in ?l.e world for Cuts, -p/-\T> r A written 5 yet?r guarantee goes with ea$h Rrni?*oa, fl< os, ULors, Suit Rheum, Frver *n ft^hino. Sopes, 'I' ?r, Chapped Hand*, Chilh .1 in, iVirnn, n Skin Out-Hou an I ?.?ii- " A. H. FOSTER i CO. '1 Ms | I ? um**m*mmrn i ? m .... . ~ , . ?.- \ r . X' ' ' ' ? RACKET STORE. The year just closed, 1804, will go on TPfOVfl no Uin oi.-..i/?..?<..1 - ? - ' - >?u viiv niuob ouv/ttwilll Ol our business, and we feel inspired by last year's success to greater efforts for 1805. We have . started out with the determination to make _ A the - ? NEW YORK racket! i 4 A the leading DRY GOODS, SHOE AND \ M =CL0THING= M house in upper South Carolina?as it is in Union to-day. We promise to exert ourselves to the uttermost to sell you goods cheaper than ever before. e have just finished overhauling our stock, and find that we have thousands of goods we are determined to close out in the next few weeks. Don't wait until they are all sold* Come at once and get the best bargains ever offered yeu. ilAKJtiY & BELK. ift [0 LET OF. WS j GREATER AND GRANDER. business is the marvel of the day .1 rush all the time. !N<? iuterils of dullness or depression, bill quick movement --very minute nday morning until Saturday night. pours in from every direction, the whole county furnishes it customers to the daily crowds that fill our store and swell our \T n AATtO ffTTATin ft *v * I liUUDD, iSJllfilib 65 iiATi?, [NATE, MAGNETIZE, ATTRACT,SPOIMLARIZT. AUSE OUR PRICES ARE SO LOW csults we have reached would have been imp >ssible, had we tried >ry Goods and Shoos in the regular hum drum way. e don'i to do it. WE IIAD IFTEEM THOUSAND DOLLRAS^ F Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats to sell, so we determined that t)u j to turn the stock into hard cash was to sell them at 20 PER CENT. __LES8 THAN ANY OTHER MERCHANT ?>. THAT IS WHAT IE ABE DOINS, s in an I sea our prices and be convinced what wo say is rue. [E PURCELL CASH CO AT R T. GEE'S OT.n STAivrn IILLINERY > O. I.. ."ClIl'M i'Efll, T, B. 30TM..I ???)K? A FUII LINK OF soiicrtot 7TI CIMOIT, o. S. CO*MISSIONFP. 1ED AND UNTRIMMED SCHUMPERT 4 BUTLER, H -A. T s , *> ATTORNEYS AT LAV/, 3 1-2 LAW RANGF., lADIES AND MISSES. 'rvi^vr, ^ VFKVR ?|?Y INVITVt* *? i.i.i ) n tii ' it . T t i. an.v' . i A V.. v&i -A