The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, February 15, 1895, Image 2

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r THE XJIMIOIST TIMES. 1 JOaiAH CRUDUP. I Editor. ' Friday* IVurNHrj IO. l??4. _ J ""ratbsof advertising-. Ob# dollar per square first insertion, fifty eenta per square lor each subsequent insertion. Liberal contracts will be made for i space for advertisements of three months duration and ever. Lveal advertisements ten cents a Hue. All communications for publication, except regular correspondents must be accompanied by the real name of the Bender. The Editor is not responsible for the views of correspondents. Obituaries of over eight lines in length will be charged for as other advertisements for all in excess of that amount. POST OFFICE BI RECTORY. The P. O. will be opened for business from 8 A. M. to b.OO P. M. The Money Order Department will be opened for business from y A. M. to 4 P: M. Mail going East will close premptly ai l*.iO P. M.; going West 1.10 P. M. K. W. HAKIUS. P. M. Church Directory. METHODIST CHURCH, l'reacbiug every Sunday at 11, A. M., and 7:80, P. M. I Sunday-school every Sunday at 10, A. M. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday at 1, P. M. ! Lord s Supper, monthly, at close of morninor iiorti^A itn fircf Xitn.lar I -"O ? ~? ?? Church Conference, monthly, after morning 1 service on fourth Sunday. Seats all free. 1 llt\. T. E. Moiuus, Tasiok. PR1SBYTE1UAN CllUKCll. ' 1'rcachiug every Sunday at 11, A. M: Sunday-school every Sunday at 4. 1'. M. ' Prayer uieatiag every Thursday at u, P. M. 1 The public cordially invited to all services. 1 lvEv. C. A. 13. Jenmnos, Pastok. EPISCOPAL CHL'llClI. 1 Preaching every Sunday at 11, A. M. Sunday-school every Sunday at 4, P. M. Evening service every Sunday at o, P. M. Friday at 4:130 !' M. All seats free and everybody welcome. key , k. allston, rectob. BAPTIST CIIURCII. I Preaching every Suuday at 11, A. M. aud ] + 7:3U T. M. i /j Sunday-school every Sunday at 10, A. >1- t ' Prayer weeliog every Wednesday at 7:1>0 i 1'. M. I } Everyone invited to attend these services We will give you a hearty welcome aud ] strive to do you good. I Key. J. IV. Doom, 1'astob. t / Ke sure aud see the LLOYDS INSURANCE All, under the "Kecket aud l'urcell e." } l^v. (5. T. Gresliam, the goulleuian who 1 ^ ^ Mr his wife aud son ia Bread Kiver, is in ivtu at the home ofUev. j. N. lloolh. ? y | . Miss Mablo Withers, of whom mention 1 ^ was made last week is, we arc glad to say, " improving. 11 ... Dout fail to take advantage of A. II a FOSTER \ CO S elcarmg out sale of all win. h tcr goods. li Mb. It. F. Ballon, of High l'oint, N. C., t representing the Sir w Lumber Company, was in town Monday and Tuesday. lhe body of Mrs. Greshnor was found a yesterday morning at tlm inroad bridge, t tSheltou Island, seven miles below the ferry, ti Sfuo buys a $l-.00 Suit. This winter's ( good- from. A. II. FOtsTLU S; CO S. t . m llev. C. T. Maife will not j?rea< h at Low- * er Fairforest next fciunday as was expected. 1 but will be there the third .Sunday in March 1 at d.::0. P. M 1 ? Mr IIa/el Scuife, t .n of our townsuruu ' II F. fcleaife, who is teaching in a college 1 iti Louisville, Ky. ha- been very si x lately but at the last report- was convalescing. Ilis mother and -inter of this place have been with him a week or two. < Prices on overcoats cut nearly in half at. , A. 11. 1 Ml'.lt \ CO S i V merry crowd had a 1 >g snowballing on the street last Tuesday. They snowballed 1 one another and snowballed almost every ' one that passed Is nt it wonderful how the < suow can make us school hoys again? ' .. > I ive Mc freight the Woodrul' mail rider ' auj perhaps the oldest rider in lie service 1 ihout here, ervutod |iiilc n ?en-aiioii bv not ' ge tingbn k to 1 nion Tuesday night a- by ' schedule. There were all sort- of supposi- r in ns at >111 wimt i:r*?l become of hiiu. many I -upp"- in tli;11 lu' had fro?# to dcntli. lie 0 tinned i;|> Wednesday all liirbt. however, F hating -la.J "\er ligli; w.'h a neighboi on ' tlii' route. v - ? Wo liavc slin k il.i knife in oj> to tin- lull I in | i ices for winter gooJs. \ II. IOSTLK \ CO J?. a Dwelling Burned , Mi .1 llnuev. a g.'Oil citizen of I nion | t ouiity, who live# nbout four miles thi? -ide c f Kcltou, lind liis dwelling house kitchen t and ? icrythiiig binned to the ground last Monday night, lie managed to - tve only j some <>f his beds nnd he I ' lothe-'. He -aid ( that he could have vivcd more, hut it look j tell of hi- lime to keep his email children out c of the burniug buildings. I luce he lost sight , of one ol his little boys for a moment hiiJ t when i:o found the little fellow, iio was in the house now all in Unities, looking for his ^ diecs. t The fire probably Marled from tlio chimney. The family retired ahoul seven o'clock. iin'l between cigbt nuJ nine o'clock they | v were awaked by the tl tines which were wvl' i c tin Icr way ia the loft. The los- several ' lain tire.I dollars, no insurance. It was bitter cold nod there was u <now oo the ground, as you will remember, so you j can imagine the distress of the parents, leuv i. ing behind them tiie ashes of their horue <nd t H uJgiug through tha snow with a fuiily of 1 tuinll cliildreu. to tiie home ot the nearest t neighbor for protection against thi aaow j and cold. J ??????I, rheSnow Jtar above our brads?several buudrcd ! yards, perhapd a mile?.arlj' last Monday morning, small particles of vapor beg?u to crystallise in the icy air. And as they cryslalhled tlioy fell, aud as they fell they gaib ercd into little bunches, and by the time we saw tbeui they loosed to us like a liilie wbi.o piece ol Collou, uud we culled it a flute it was enow. ihero were uiauy, inauy oryeiala in eacu flake, borne having one shape and uppeareuce and some another, lint strange to say while there might have been a thousand different kiuds they wore all alike in one thing, th<*y were all uexagoual or six sided. JJul that is neither here nor there, tney were wku?, uud cold uud irozeu. ihut'o wuat we noticed. As they tell uud the say looked u?ru and lowering the clutdreu Cinppcd their nauds wun delight, and ruuuiiig atnoug them would endeavor all in vaiu to eaten the restiess llaltes wafted by uuceriatu winds, flow beaultiui thv tlaKes as they lull, flow ocuuiiful the snow as it lay so suiooihly at our le?t, tne very embien ol purity, bo thougut luc cuttd. bo thought the ui?u. iiut the ujuu s tnouguts did not slop here, lie looked at tne ctouds rud thought ol wuat was coming. * "l'ue ouow, the mow," said the young laujr 01 vrcuuu, kuu i a uave a iiiuu ilciguiug and skaiiug? iiuvv nice is lhe brucug ?ir threes uuo luto turs and cloaks iuU blaukew!" * * * * "dloro suow" sighoi liie peer mau who bad spent his mouey. "1 clout kuow what we will do. Who would care to haul wood to mo iu a suow, aud that wiiuout the cash? And how bliuli 1 bo aule lo get something to eat for tuy sick wile aud but* ice? ' With tho busiuess urnu who has a comfortable home, pleuty to eat aud pleuty of hrv its "llow you liko this?" wheu he meets uis ueigubor. * * * What weather we have had! Business was almost entirely suspcuded Mouauy and Tuesday. 'l'Ue factories rau us usual, lor ivuat ouu stop a tactory, unless something ureaks? Hie priuteis also rallied their typeas usual although there was little news utloai But moss who worked out of doors aud .he meichauU aud the olerka mil a rest. To some it was utce, uo douot; mose who juJ plenty, aud those whoso needs urc supplied by other bauds, aud those who had no loved oues depeudiug uu tho labor ol heir Hands, But to otuurs, aud tUey arc many, it was auythiug hut a joy. There labor is there lite aud the life of ihe>r family. Sometimes we feel that tuo suow uuJ especially the a.ush after it is very disagi cable, out if we couid ouiy realize tue am .inn. of suffering, real sutleriug that it causes all ajout us. our leuliLiiri of distrust at the h.iihIi nou.d aiuk into mere insigiiklicauce and wo -youid dcspisu ourselves for ever huviug bought a complaint. At your leisure sit down aud couut the :oa; of a suow,iu ui ouey, aside from (Uo diyoicai suffenug. Just tumk of ilie wages o?t to (lie laborers. Of course it docs uot ,moui 10 very much with oae or two, but iow many are tbere wtio are turo wu out fo r . day or two? The merchant's p'olic erase 0 iso and aiany of ihe manufacture*. Interest lowevcr remains in statu quo. Th? dead 033 to the United States caused by the roeut snow aud cold wou d no doubt amount 0 many million! of do.lars. Kvihv farmer would do we'd to real a tid tudy ihe article in another column on (,'oton Acreage. l>ut reading a one will not do my good. Little reading and much action will accomplish a great de il more than much -eadiog an I no notion. The farmers do 1 great deal of rending now, and we are glad of it, for en'ightenment is the first ete.i award lasting prosperity. As a c!a?s. We lelievc that they read more now than other jusine-s men. This is one of the good works 1 iccotnplished by the reform movement that jas swept over the South and West during he post live years. It has made cranks of ionic, but it has in*de others read and think. We are adepts'ia theorizing but that will lot do us any good. The occasion demands ictioii. We are confronted by a condition. Jottcu brings only five cents. For various reasons we cannot make it at that price. Sow what are we going to do about it.' We ; nay grumble and complain and blame Wall i i street and the cotton buyers as much as we ' ?lea*e. but it will not raise the price of cot- j en a farthing. Those who buy are going to my only what it is worth, that is. what it .III I.? .. ...I- -. -_:ii t " iii .ui'i h uh ii Hiu uring ?i any riven lime is determined by tlie amount r>f ' aw eottsn on the market or in eight, and i , he "juanii y of cotton cloth needed or soon o be needed lor the trade. We c*n't rcpeil j lii-i law of Economics, and wc may as well oali/e that and submit to it. lint we can duck out it- sting. How'.' Why we control ne of the price making conditions, the sup- 1 ily Jin'/'. I,en work on that, an 1 make it 1 ess. much lc--. for only in that way will : re be able t > raise the price of cottcn * Hinrl T'ger The police raide I Levi Malono .s place last j >aturdajr night and captured a deinijnhu and I pint bottle of blind tiger. t'liief Culp, be- i ng not very conversant with thedhpans.ary aw came up town to notify tlio -berifl and oustnkrie Newman of the capture, ari l left ? be jug of liquor in charge of tlio other mar- 1 h ills. Lefure the cms able an 1>1 i cared on the scene, tlicjug was t.roken and be whiskey epi't. Some say that outside arties broke the jug to keep the po ice an I unstable from getting the wlii?key. <>ne hing is certain, Chief ("ulp got thr pint of urn. ' * Hay and Crumpton'a phico whu raided | rom top to bottom, four stories, on Monday >ut no li picr was found. E\i.u< i>r.s were suspended at the (iraded 1 School several Jays ilrs week on account d the snow. ? Itiicklen s Arnica Salic Tub Rial Sai.vk in the world for Luis, i liuises, Mores, Fleers, Salt Kheura, Fever sores, Tetter, ('hupped Hands, Chilb ft.ns, I 'urn", and ail Skin Eruptions. an 1 pusi- | ively cures Files or no pay required. It s guaranteed to give perfect eatisluennn or noney refunded. l'rice '2o cenia per box. :'Oii SALE bY t>. F. l'OSEV. Cotton Acieage in 1896, lilt question nf ?i ' -nj'; to hi, put into Culloii tbis y our is obo (i>Ht is now receiving a guoJ deal ut a (taut ou, and accompanying it tbc suiciual theory is being aaVauced (but, owing (o the prevailing tow prices, the amount ot cotton planted will be greater than heretofore iu order to make up in quantity what is lost iu price. li is ol cour e impossible <o arrive at any accurate avciage cisi ol producing cotton in view ot the widely ditferiug conuuious prevailing in ditiercul parts ot the ftouth, nevertheless it is hardly to be disputed, that the cost in the Atlantic States is over 0 cent* <] per pound, aud m Texas, Arkiuaas, and 8 the Mississippi bottom lauas, probally uot c less ihao 4A ceuts, or un average ot proba- j biy not less than o\ to OA coins if- the plan- | nous tor tbe whole couuiry. With tne quotation lor luiduung iu Liverpool or | rougnly converted into Aineucuu iuoa?y 0 ? 10-10 ceuts in Mew York, lor lunuediuieiy de- , livery 6j cents, in New Orleans 0 ecu s, aud t iu the iuterior towns 1'ioui 4! >o 4j ceuts ( it seems almost grotesque thai aieuuieuts j should be put forth that tue Sou.h can altord -o raise Coltou at mo present puces. t Doubtless ihe tbeoiy Uiat onus ueigiiuor will piant less nuy lead some to couciude tbal by putting iu umre tuey leap me tiuvantage of their neighbors couiribunou te 3 the public good, but Uiat any sucu policy p shuuld actuate any grower of tue grc&i oia- ' p.e, uuder pie*eu. circuuielauces, ueums I bardly capable ef belief. 1 It is with great sftiislaciiou to be observed thai the President ol tue Auieiicau Cation Ui-.,weiH Assoiiati'iii is inukltnr a lowr ut the Co>tou ouus W'tli a view ui seeming a reiuctiou iu aceago of ut teas. ilo pei ccut ' wliicu is a movement iu ih? r.gut atreciuu, and u is to be tiopud iliai his ettorts will be crowned wilb success. It, however, a lame reduction iu acreage is to be made, the question aiises, iuto what siiad the farmers ut tlie South put their land, and out ot wliat aie they iu derive a livelihood '.' tSouie ot those wuo stut retain the feeling of responsibility to those whom they employ, and who are dependent upon . them are apt to tudirge the idea that work , must he provided ior the depeud?ht class, t and there is nothing else they can do but v grow eoitou, therefore tuey must plaut ad they can, irrespective ot lue price 11 tilings. h the liguius givcu as to the pioonble cost of iatsiug cotton arc correct, and wmch eveu utider th? urosi iavorablc c rcumeiaucc! of growth show no pi l'!u* wune, under less lortunatc circumstances suuw J ''uaittve loss, it Wuitid sceeui the putt of piuneuce una good judgmeut il tue wuuic co.loa growing commuuiiy, should witu uue accord j reduce thsir aci sage, not h'j bui 7o per cent d theroby joining in an nciiou to their own best interest aud * reducing me supplies ? of the Wo rid tliat lU to 11 ceuis per pouud 0 iu Mew Toik. tor f ur or live yeais to come, ? Would be assured. l>y sj duing. me slug e sea;on of fallow laud, it uc-d ue, woutu ue ? abundantly reeouipeuso l iu the price lui ]. cotton to be subsequently oOlaincJ. Ine t South cau well ahord to uo mis, eveu at the loss that might be euUiled by the support, without lahur, of those who uro dep indent upon them if tucli an alternative were in?eo- > oary. as the lo<? entailed thereby Wou.d eertaiuly be uo greater tnau that re?uuiug from making cotton and soiling h at the prices runug in mo flwuu ?t mc pie-CUi day. The necessity tor litis ittivere c^naa- I button to the emiauceuieut ot the price of -J cuttou iu ilio future is out, however alto- 1 gather appareut; for white it is true thai L cotton is the great crop ot tua tSouin, uavet- 11 thele?s, when prices have rcacued a level *? such a* ttie f resent, the adopliouof a policy of practically growiug omy ouch orops asMre ^ tirceos ?ry to sustain .lie is c?r>au>iy a rea- l' aouable one and lite doing ot winch does not ^ necessarily mgue toat etloria *n this diiection *' must b? con lined t > ooru ami uteai. lher? ^ are mauyother articles tvnich cuutr.bute 10 ^ support life that might, be gr>wu wt.h a net return to tins pi uicr at ttie end of the year lully equal to the io.-s eututleJ by the v support of th se depeuueut upon htui It is to be hoped that (litis view ot me ctse u may be impressed upou the agricultural u Coniuiunity of the South, ana mat the ^ pieparati its for the next crop will be uu a very largely re luced sc t o as compare i with a| tliat in ml e Within tlte past few > ears: for j, unless soinetmug approaching to tins in its radical natuac is d?in*, ibete is no retoott to expect tLat even present pi ices will be maintained. Already, Liverpool, which (j ntiirkct alter n 1 is tlte maker of prices tor <j cotton. Iie ng ttie lirgest consumer, is sell- n( iag next crop at o d-'l'J I, or Od-IG cents jp WUielt uieatis n ,t inoie ilian II cents st the p alliations and which pi ice is justified and fo, will continue, wt h p'?s oly even s id lower prices, unless die outln'k for tutuio suppiies gives promise of a very marked ie- wi ductiou. Nor is the making of th s price q die work of gauibicrs aui therefore of pub- c< tic execration. If ?t are to have another tan mi,lion bile crop d d'Jd, in Liverpool si for 'dclobsr?Noveur er delivery is u?t unreasonable. It is because of a gtowing feeling tbat col ton can t.o made and aoid at o cents yielding a piotit nud mat the iouth will plant as uiuch or more this year than last, that such prices are made in Liverpool. 'lite remedy for the Sjudi is within its own keeping, let them pant bat I'd jot cent as much cotton as last year, planting the oilier T-? per ceut in such things as iliey may even to allowing! the out i to le id low. and Ihctr ??n salvation is at bind. List of Letters. i: Ketiiainiiig in tiic PusloAiceal Union, for lite week ending Feb l">:h. 18'L">. ^ l?r. Black. XI? . .1 Fred 1'eer. Mis* Julia G iIninf ton. Miss Ln>ra <list. Miss Josephene Lee. Mr. Able Kobin>>n. Miss Alice Hay. dies Sallie Frour. Persons calling for the above letters will Mease say it'advertised and will be required 0 pay one cent I'or their delivery. 1!. W. II A It I! IS, I*. M. tl a FOR SALK. J1, The undersigned will efter tor >a'e hetore j ' ihe Court lloti-e tloor n:i Sales lay in March i s Is'.ij, the house ami lot on Main 8tr. e| in '' he I >wn nl l'nion known at the Slen Iiiian 1 |iri pony. I' rnis id saie i tie Im'l'riMi bi'nnce on a credit of one year with unrest at S per cent per uoinim. | ur liter t . ie mortgage on ilie properly tu secure the unpaid p ?rtion, insure the premises and u?sigu policy. . J. Woods .11 ter. > Executors A Mr \ Pitman j t'-r I..lei. .. I', f Jeter. W III. A N leliol'on. ( 1 ll K'OKA FI IM II I/I K ( 0311*AN V. ? i i tvtvi: , i. . i .i - - - U.? ? ..v? | 111 vni*''i ?111- |> urn. ui i no | Atlantic 1 '! *'-j?liui? <' >111 !>* iiy. t'gciliei Willi lite en'iru stock, 'tum i ami good-will, 1 we take (his method of .a .using (he Ii u nil mill pn'runs of (lie Cli c nr? Fori lizrr t'oinpuny fur their cordial supt>' rl nu I patronage 'ii the p ist, mid n 'w solicit the | fltroi age of lie j Ailantic Phosphate Coiupitiy, as well a* 'ho J t'hicora brand* guaranteeing that, under the d management of the ( It c?ra the repuatioii < earned by A line'i': hi anils will be fully sua- Vj t lined. >| ('II 1<'oilA FMKTILIZUI f'OMI'AN', (1 Charhwton, S, < ( lit). A IVAUK.NEl', General Manager. v< Dec. 1 1-jO-oin. 2 ?'<>eop iao.- .iuo . oi/.'npcojj?Ti>i?o> frrrij *UVJ vtv>i;K ' *(! bpiajiurp uy ? I MASTER'S SALES. FOR MARCH, 189&. State of South Carolina. COUNTY of UNION. Court of Common Pleas. British aud Aiaencsu Mortgage Ct. L'l'd. ut. A. Frank Smith, ct al. IN obedience to au order made in the aoove ntated case by His Haoor, Judge L\ 13. Fraxer, 27ik November, 1894, I will ell betoi toe Court il.>nse door, in the town if Union, 014 aaleoday, Monday, 4th Maroh, .695, during the legal hours of sale, the fol< owing lanus tj-wu: All turn certain tract or parcel of land y ug, betug and situato in the eeunty and Jtaie aforesaid, containing three huudred tores, bouuded 011 tue Norm and West by tnute Smith s laud and lands C. C. Davii iu tue East by Broad river, on the 6outb by audn ot J* K. Jctfeiie* and O. 13. Wright. This parcel of laud may be sold in one 01 noto tracts. TERMS OF SALE: One third cash, balauoe on ? credit efene lud twe years, with iutercat from day ol a.e. the erodit portien te be seoured by jout of tue purchaser and mortgugo of the premises. The purobaser to hare the priviege of paying all enah. C. H PEAKE, Mister tor Union County, Mailer's Ottice, Feb. "Jin. ld'Jo. fiie Slate of South Carolina, COUNTY OF UNION. Court of Common Pleas. \V. 11. Sartor t a. Alficd 0. Sprause. IN obedience to au order made in the above stated cose by tits Honor, Judge J. J >oiton, 17th March, lb'Jd, 1 wilt suit nefori ue Court House door, iu the town of Uuiou in Sakoduy, 4tu March, ldJo, during tha egui hours ct aaie certain lauus deserioed s lotions, to win All my r gui, iiue and interest ( the gamt mug au uu .ivtdud oue lourin intuioat ) in md to tail thai certain true, of iaud, lying <*.ug iiud situate }u Fialidaui Townsuip, LJuiou Ceuuty, Mate aioruaa'u, containing ?? nuuuieu anj eigUiy-tiTe items uaoro Ulw~ ' u" ihe muds of Mrs. P. C, ir less, bounucu - ?id tract Luuker, jwinee Naute, aud otuera, ??.? luoivuas Hie llaui>iton Place. A so au uiy right, tine aud interest ( the atub Using ail undivided eue fouriti interst ) iu aud to all thai certaiu otuar tract t iauo, being iiud si.uata in lue town i, CoUuty ot Iuion, Stale aioreaut, uouuden oy lauus ot Hamlet ?>miih. i. >1. kill ejohu, J. E. Lindsay, aud ethers ouiaiuiug two aud one nait acres mora lt.-s. lerms ol sa.e?CASH. C, 11. PFAKE, Master lor Uuinn( da?tOr b vuiue, ruo. inu 155'JO. shl:RTPF'^ SAT.F.S i-UK MARCH lb'Jj. IJv virtu* of uu exooutiou to 1110 diL> ico.ed, i wilt soli bctoro tho Court i 'us? (tour, ia tU* itwu oi L'utuii, Union uuuijr, o. C. uu lu* tirsi Mouduy m March oxi, outing tue itgai hourswf Shortll ae* tu? tuttowiug deaoribeU pruporty lu-wit: FiTO OuitfS ot coiiou belonging t* 1. B. Meu-tur Levied ou and to # soid as ie property ot >1. B Meadur ut me suit ut ioi .uc f .u.oi us Cuctidiau, inoma*. Carrie lid Willi* .UC L><*tilOl. I'iiluUtl ugaiult iM. . .Ucauur, us (juurdtuu *f ihouius, cam* ud ?;lio Mo l>uui*i, DelonUaut. Also 1 will sell ou Tuesdijr tue fifth day ' lurch next, du?iufe the .ogul hours of suer* Is Jules, at i uc I'cSiaeuCi. of FtunU E. Davis JautucTowuiuip, ia Union uuuit;, aomt :u uusoets ot coru and oas siaa.l lot of >dder uud top*. Levied ou aud to b* sold i the presetty of Frank E. uavis ut the tti of c. L, Lsviester, Uuaroiau ud litem luititiflf agiinu Frank E Davis, Deteudam. Also 1 will sell at the rosldence of Oscola lenn, in Goshen Hid Township, Union ounty. on Tuesday, the fi th day of March xt, during tlse legal hour* cf Sheriffs ? e?, four bales of cittoo, about fifty iishels of corn, and about four hundred undies of tedder Levied on and seized by virtue of warrant i the crop of O'Cola Gloen, at the silt J It Richards, as Administrator of John . Kichtrds, dec*a?cd, Plain.iff against Os 1* Glenn, Defendant. J. O. LONG, S. U, C. Iioritf.s Office, Feb. 11th, 1806. State of South Carolina. COUNTY OF UNION, Court of Common Pleas. Summons for Relief?Complaint served. E. W. Mar-h, I. S. Smith, J. Liug*bury, f. T. Ashfurd, E. W. .Marsh, Jr., and M. 1 15. Marsh, Survivors of the firm of Moore, larsh, .C Co.?Plaint ill's Against J. II. McKissick. as Administrator of the state of Mary M. Tolleson, Rebecca Oslont, Addie Littlejohn, M. P. Hamilton. G. To ties n, Ambrose Tolleson, Etta al man, Claude Tolleson, Harnett Tolleson, Fus Sieele Tolleson, Ada Daves, Clyde long, Rernice Mcng, Edward Meug, and . W. Tolleson?Defendant. To the Defendants: 17"OF ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and X required to answer the complaint in lii.T action, of which a copy is herewith erved tilion vou. and toserveacoov of votir nswcr io the said complaint on the subacidcr at his office, No. 3, Law Kangc, at Unjn, 8. C., within twenty days after the ervicc hereof, exclusive of the day of such ervice' and if y >u fail to answer the eonilaint within ilie time aforesaid, the plainitr in tins action will apply to the Court for he relief demanded in the complaint. Dated Jan. 12(U. A. D. IK'.td. J. C. Wallace, l'luiul ill's Attorney. To the Defendants, C aude Tolles >n, Ada Daves, Ibbeccu Osment, and Kit a Cullman: Take Notice; That Ihe comliaint in thisactim was tiled in the office of l.? ('. jk of the Court, ai Union, in the 'oun'y of L'niuii, in tjje Suite of Soi lh Carliua. on the Di li Jay of January, h'.ld. Jan'y, 12, lh'.to. J. C. Wallace, PIuiutifTs Attorney. I eh, Id. 7 01. Application for Homestead. ^.V'ice is b -retiy given that Mrsf. Lou L. L e Service, wotow of Robert F Service, leceaSeJ, has fi ed her petition heforo roe a faye aliime?lca 1 assgned and srt off for he benefit of herself^from the real and per oust prnjrei ty of the said Robert Ll Service etc iseil: N lie i< further given that the said petition rill c?uic up for a ho ling before tne on ihe f,th diy <f Feb. 1S'J6, at II \ M. C. H. PEA K K, Master for Union Ooun'y Feb. 1, u-lt. I . / , . ? ?? F ? Farmer* and Commercial Fertiliser*. Editor Headlight: If the guano dealers expect to sell an goods this year they must cut ilieir price and cut thetu deep, too. They have oul made a reduction of about $1.00 on the lot) and our planters are determined not to p* this price and are a unit iu this movo. Tl past week 1 talked to not le-s than fift representative farmers, from different po: t'ons of Spartanburg couuty, and they de clare, to a man, that not a dust of guauo wi they buy until the dealers come to their term , that their next crop of cotton is alread [ sold at from three to four cents an L that they ure not fools enough wit this light before them, to go in debt for con merciul manures, uud give all their cr<<| next fall to the guauo dta'ers. On theothi hand, whether they raise much or littl they will control it, and will come out wit [ more clear money in the end. This is a wii determination, and 1 bulieve it will headhe t ed to. And not ?nly in Spartan! tr g coum are the farmers fixed iu their ideas to tl without guano, hut the same sentiment pri . vails all over this and other southern state And 1 believe, too. that if our planters w; stand together, and they can f ice thes guano dealers into terms. They no 1 have their goods made up, and mu ' sell them, lly next season half their strngt will be evaporated, und their value lost. S 1 I say to farmers, s'nud firmly iu your tracl and you will whip this figlu as you did ihn jute trust. There is no justice iu everythin the farmer grows selling below cost of pri duction, while be must pay a big profit o what he buys. 1' is altogether wrong. !V see from the daily papers that guano dealei recently held a meeting in Columbia au formed a trust, by which tliey agreed to ri duce the manufacture one-third so as i hold up prices. This little feint at redut tion they offer over last year is no indue ment whatever. Quano forms a component part af the cotto crop, aid should hear its shave of the ri duction in price, and uot make the poor fai , mer carry the whole load. * * vt * ! Cotton Victim. [ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i All persons having claims against the c ' tale of John C Richards, deceased, will pn sent them properly ntteiied and those iudcb ' ed to same will make payment to the nn?lci \ signed at Maybiuton. South Carolina, or t ' Munro & Wuuro, at Union, South Carolim J D. RICHARDS. Admiuiitrator. lau. 21, IS'Ji. Jan. 2o-4-Jt. A Des Moines wonan who has been troub led with frequent colds, couc ude I to try at old remedy in a now way. and accordingly took a tabiespeotifnl ( four tines the usuh dose) of Clianiberlaiu Cough Remedy jus before going to bed. The uoxt morning ehi found that her c >ld had almost entirely dts appeared. Dnring the day she took a fev doses of the remedy ( one 'canpoonful at t time) and at night again to >k n tablespoon ful before going to be t. and on the follow ing awoke free fiotu all symptoms of tin the cold, tsince then she has. oil several oc castons, used this remedy in like monner with the same good results, and is mu th ela ted over her discovery "f so quick a way o curing a cold. For sale by D. F. Poney Druggist. I* ^ Jt^ncyclopoedta Brltannlca M JPor ^ Ten Centa A Day JA^^oa jfrofldfa/All war* o >HB* tf II Mil other book* efcaoJd bp destroyed, the Bible emeftmi* the world wovM h^ro Ajt m little oi Its Information*'' Without a Parallel U thefelatory of edueatioaaJ eo tardea ttUldl (n? owtr .. The Columbia State to its (fieupand* Qf frUo4* at>4 imM, VW an o#*r has r>?w?r tMM Ware, m iboull have y4\ir eafaMcaMMiia jelT. <iNf3fuvi(e*n?^ ?4iar^; asstaMK""faporUnl* Of BwHy eeeem? It Means That. lea an- othc? Hfcrityi Mfcalell have 4 better one. Bear in Mind Thil U>l t ns\? tottlon Is cojj^UU Uri v4Tltt?<, #r.4.u tb* only WWWWiktt* orl4 r?Vls?4 t? isti, tal M imd hp lufif t\ lntrodu?6ry (fcte? to gbscrfbasfc fjf fl? Mate for witoiri All fi*]?^' ??arj?? will to pMpttajO t?/rMlroA0 tAttcn In Ibo United Start#, Wrlug for Atftritftldh of varlatw #tyl?* pt kiailolf*, pr'o??. ?< . <0 THE STATE, i i-OLLA\BlA. S. C W. L. Douglas CUnr 19 THE BEST. ^(3 WllVCi nosqucakino, ?And other specialties foi Gentlemen, Ladles, Itoyi and Misses aro the Best in tho World. fee descriptive advertise ment which appears In t till Takfl bo Substitute. Insist .?i having W. I,< S. IXIIXILAM' MldiS, ; wllb and prior stumped on bottom. Bold trj C 0 S T , I COST. a* ^8 tr e, ii ? ? ? 1 1 ? ? h le r y A m TTT? i 3^. a JZ.L1 w mrer g"oou? uu una 8. : Below cost, for cash. St 1 9 :! IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR I OUR SPRING STOCK, VND AT I THE SAME TIME RAISE ; MONEY. n tr * ? THESE GOODS CONSIST OF ? s15 i = DRESS GOODSE CANTON FLANNELS, JEANS, CASSIMERE8 - FLAlX Vi *TVF!TS. ^ J iljL/ln ? . _ i HEAVY SHOES AND BOOTS, ; AND A GREAT MANY OTHER GOODS. : call at once and say^j money. ; GRAHAM & SPARKS IT WILL ' PAY YOU ! I MTOW 1 / UKUh" IN AT 1 T. E. BAILEY 3 Between now and the the i 14th of February. g 1 I . T oliilL,. i i