The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, January 04, 1895, Image 2

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. th^i xjisrioisr times. j in n JOSIAh CRUbUP, - Editor. ; *bout yf Mr. C Friday, January I, 1894. fa,a ? RATES OF ADVERTISING. " be wel One dollar per square first insertion, fifty cents per square lor each subsequent in- * sertiou. Liberal contracts will bo made for there apace for advcrt'scuients of three mouths dersta duration anil over. Grcaoi Local advertisements ten cents ? line. ^ As we , All communications for publication, ex- exprci J cept regular correspondents must be accom- duty I panied by the real name of the sender. nionr Tho Editor is not responsible for the ' views of correspondents. places Gbitunrirs of over eight line9 in length see h< Will De Cliargeu lor as oincr mucrureiuniio wncru for all in excess of U??t am Mint. anj t| POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. 11 9 The P. O. will be opcued for business of fee from (f A. M. to 0.00 P. M. hat gi The Money Order Department will be wjse opened for business from 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. Mail going Fttist will close promptly at mnu> 12.40 1>. M.; going West 1.10 P. M. duct The mail will be taken from the street box court each day ."10 minutes before the trains ar- ^ rive. / 11. W. HARRIS. P. M. *omc ?-L'~ ?- M ay 0 Owisu \to the severe, stormy weather, enter Gallagher llros will keep their gallery open out th until MouoWy, January "th. the di ~t ~~ cent i This issuoJwns delayed by reasou of the .j fact that theyiaper was three days late in ^ ^ t ing toyiur oflice. Mrs l|t. M. T. Smith has gone to Good- ,rol,b man. MisVto visit relatives and fricuds. (j t j She will bstonc about a month. . a. nmlei The county overnment was passed to the Mr hands of Mr. J."" 11. Scott. County Super- ing ft visor, this week. )Vc wish hitn the very a cus most success, and elievo the law will have put it a fair trial under h. administration. 1st- ou ^ him t The regu'ar quart?'ly meeting of the I n- ru]e ion County Alliance yill be held iu the Mayo Court Mouse at Unio. on the lltli day of January, 18'.?o. the r* J. V.'James. See. fuged The different Sunday fc^hools of our town l,er8U had their entertainments la* week and the ,Ct ^ little folks were given a good .iuie generally. u' We sometimes hear people talk if 'be badness of little boys. What a glorioi? country llic 1 we would have if tiic grown men weto as a"ct good as the little bovs state J he dr MARRIED?Mr. J. T. Rose, formerly icr ?i cbief of police here, but now conducing u he wi general grocery business, to Miss Anntiie Mr. 1 Rriggs, the beautiful ami accomplished If an; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I*. F. Rriggs- at uia:tc the liome of the bride s parents, on We'nes- auger day the 'Jtjth day of Dec., I8U4., Rev D- judic Allston officiating. After tlie ceremony Light elegant supper was seraed to the friends know present. Rest wishes from The Times Tor hat in a long and happy life. and li _ . . ^ even One of the mceit things of the season iva3 the Knights of Pythias banquet, it wa# held at tbo Union Hotel on last Friday night. The weather was quite inclement, but with the aid of carriages, we got out *?d j houic again without difficulty. A colored i parlors until about half past nine o'clock <)tl when supper was nunounced. Then the company, the ladies and their escorts in ,x^03' front, and the "stags ' in the rear, repaired ^ePul to the dining room where a magnificent re- Jur^ past was spread for their considera- 'lU1'91 tiou. Then for a while little was said, but 0 u great deal done. "Actions speak louder ,uouo than words, ' 60 wc are safe in saying that ,'1CIU the supper was excellent and enjoyed imnienscly. l',e^ The supper being onded. led by Mr. K. l'er-? " 11 Nicholson, we nil pledged in pure, cold 011 water, good faith and earnest support of tho lJ l'u e?use of Pythianisin. Then the toasts?Mr. le3'-". /U. Nicholson, Chancellor Commander, Mas- C)UM' ter of ceremonies, 14 Why are we here?" Ke- Cfl 1 r - sponded to by Mr. T. C. Duncan, in an iutercsting speech on l'ythianism. "The <,1CS' Ladies."' responded to by Mr. .1. A. Sawyer, nhou in a spirited and happy speech. Mr. W. hefor T. Beat3' responded in a glowing sj eech to l',u ^ "Dear old Union." Finally Mr. Peak to 'n?s "Come again ' gave us something humorous cou'^ and quite interesting. The entertainment unev was worthy of our notle order. What was l"'occ doue was well done. The visiting Knights ' thank the home lodge for the invitation to v participate in their festivities and enjoy- ^llt '* ments. partu business Changes. lc!v Mr. 1. H. Clark has moved from 1 he office unintry into (lie house formerly occupied by The Mr, V. L. Cruinpton on Virgin Street. was tl i Mr. V. L. Crumpton has movod to Mr. (Jrcgo Pool s house on South Street, formerly oe- fore tl copied 1*3' Josiah Crudup, Kd-of Times- store, Mr. .losiah Crudup fid. of Times has Tookir H moved to the house lately occupied by Mr. what M. Stokes on Main Street. arouut Mr. Audersou Brown has moved from made Hill house to his own place on the edge wh0 ? J of town. Crawfi Mr. W. D. NVilkin- has moved from the ||,Q |,0 IIill house to his own house on church better street, which he purchased from XV. 1>. jn cast llewley. town u Mr. K. W. Harris has inevcd from the and he John llodger house on main street to the Culp w Hill house. Kvans Mrs Austell has moved to the Hailey house of the on Church Street, formerly occupied by Mr. Galium W. T. Graham. and Ci Mr. W. T. Graham lias vacated the l?ai- other i ley house and is now living with his daugh- across t ? , Mrs. l'ool. lie is having a neat four Gulp w room cottage built on Church Street and on hi will move into that as soon as it is eoiuple- Grcgor ted. Then ( Mr. Crocker and family from S& utuc t'ou and Mr. Jolly and family front near *'rc "" Town have moved to,Town to work in the bacKinj ' * Cottou Factory. ' Mr. Cr Mr. J. T. Kosc lius ttiov tl his husints? was cut to more cotniiiodious aj jiart nuLtft and now occupies 1 lioFosUT__hinldj.yr ^^TrTtTwdTcsi Cohen recently mud. Mr. J . M. Cohen h is mo\? i his grocery know .11 business in|u the Hunter building last occu- Mr. J pied by \X. 11. Hay & Co. down si Messrs. Gilbeit and Cooper have moved Stopped out of the llill X Co. budding to make below F room lor A. G. Floyd, who is mooing in men go goids now aud will toou opeu usloiu thorc. towards liis issue we give the material ficts the inquest concerning the Uta h of ainillus Gregory. A great deal lies f this cue, and we thought it would 1 to give the whole of the testimony, mtc we tiave given the substance of it. >re, and indeed during, the inquest was something that we could not mind and that was how it happened that ry was shot in the back eveiy time, were scepticil on that point and so ssc? ourselves, we now it cur :o (?ay that in the light ofWl tho te?tiand after examining the giouuri and where the bullets struck, we do not [>w he could have been struck niiyi vise, if he were tiring at Mr. Gulp, te policemen tiring at hiui. eems that there has beeu a good deal ling exercised over the matter, and it ven rise to expresdons, hasty UDd inland no doubt regrette 1 now. A great have condemned the police?their conwill be investigated by a competent iu due time, and if tliay were h.isty ct will be brought out at the trial, havescverely criticised the Council and r. In the nauie ofcommon justice we our pro'est, and ask our people to find le facts and consider before they lay sath of thia nau to the account of iunoand well moaning persons. The Counlow nothing whatever of the matter ad nothing to ao witu any 01 u. to tlie Mayor, wo have lak?n tho !e to find out the following fads, which that he wan guilty of no ncgloct, and ic acted a) any of us would have acted r similar circumstance*. . Gregory was put in jail Mouday oven?r being drunk. Now the Mayor has torn, not absolute, that when u man is i jail drunk in the evening, he is not it until next morning. This is to allow 0 get sober. Wo wish now that the had been adhered to. So the r. But about 7 o'clock Mr. Milton :aco went to Mr. J'ant and asked lor lease of Mr, Gregory. Mr. Kant rent tirst. Finally, however, after much asion, as a special favor, lie agreed to r. Gregory out on condition that lie d go home at once. it was ali tho Mayor had to do with it. layor did teceive a note about an hour Gregory was out. in which the author 1 that ho thought the policemen must unk. But this was about another uiatitirely, and the author of the note says ?uld have let Mr. Gregory out just as mil ui<i, uirivi cmuuiii v;u tuiiioiuiRi:?. y ouo has done wrong iu this wliole r it should be investigated, but not in Let us he calin, discreet, and ious iu our thoughts and expression, may he thrown en darkness, and a ledge of facts gained by investigation, nsty words sometimes cause injuries icartsorea that cau never he healed, though they may he shown to be uuvorr can I'ick up "some SNAP SHOTS n the way of Winter Goods at V. H. FOSTER & GO'S. lti? day after Mr. Cuiuillus Gregory tilled here, the particulars concerning e death was given iu our la-t issue, ty coroner, Clmt. Roil, summoned a u! twelve men and commenced an in. After viewing the body they went to fliee ol County Commissioners and suiud the town marshals to appear before nud tell what they knew about the case, would have summoned others, hut could not get the name of any other n who knew anything about the case, iie of the marshals appeared in answer : summons, and were proceeding to y when they wore stopped by their lei, on the ground that they could not impelled to testify in the tase, inasas they had been accused of killing >ry. 'hie of the marshals told tho 3 story of the trouble aud die fight e counsel appeared. <>u objection to Isrshal's bearing testimony, proceedwere adjourned until other witnesses be had. tin Saturday tiio court cou1 again, and after hearing testimony eded io render a verdict. ? testimony in this ca?c is very lengthy, ruuld like to give it word for word, ave not room, wc will try to give im illy, the substance of what wis told in jtirt. Whoever wants to know exwh&t was said can find it in the Clerk's oral the office of Mr. Clias. Holt. substance of what Mr. l'ortcr said. iat he and Mr. Kvans had seen Mr. ry and .Mr. Crawford a short time helie difficulty near Bailey Murphy s and that Mr. Crawford seemed to be ig for sonic one. That he asked Kvans he supposed Crawford was peepiug J for, and Kvans said Crawford hud thrca's against Ctilp or any one elso ihould attempt to arrest him. That jtd and Gregory came on up towatd* tel. That lie told Evans that they had eouio on up town, eons to be on baud s of n disturbance. They came up in-1 found Culp near Poster's store, i, (I'orter) told I'vans to go and tell hat he had heard about the threats went and told him. JSy that tin r all policemen were present except Mr. in. That they saw Gregory and awford come dawn the street < n the side by liose's store. They went at Gulps comnini 1 to arre-t them, ent up to Gregory ami put hN hand tn. Didn't hear what Gulp *aid. y jumped hack and fired on Gulp, .'raw ford tired his pi-tol in the direcCulp. Then the wltole force opened the (wo men, who kept firing and ij until tliey got to the corner where awford ran. Mr. Porter s evidence I short hero ' y hi-> counsel. saturJay it. >ro witnesses ^twearsd ftTTcd. . J. I'll real I w.os sworn, but deJ not .ynjj.iog about the case. ^ . (;. Wallace was sworn. Suritu* reet, CTkr.V mas Eve about 10, p. ni. and stoo i ? i 'lie curb stone ju-t asters store, ftw . -ir'v of policeacross tue street t -go'b r. diagonal! the Trout of botch Ju a .short fin.' y ft saw ii pistol flush from a/> ui the 2nd p of ho'cl, about a second aifn-'i warils another | flash two or three feet lower Jowu, lUshod | as if fired up the pavetm'ut from a point 3 or 4 feet lower down than f^e first, b'uw u flash at trout cf hotel about edge of pavement at poiut opposite where first flash wa?. Titeu things took place so fast that could not keep up with thetn. The last pistol fired from d?wn street was about the last of the fusi'ade* The police fired after tirs shot. It was firfedj from lower side of l'ostoflioa door, cros*v<lM over street and saw some otic lying urn grouud with face down street and shoul 1 Ma about touching corner of hotel. IJlood /its runtiiug down his face inn his eve. ltjtcognized hint as C. Gregory. Ittmcdia'cly at his right hand, attd lying tin ler the si/le of his body was a pistol. Was the first t>no to touch him or go in 3 feet of him. 1 as ted for L>r. LaWson. and some one sa d he had gone down street with Culp, I left the dead matt and went to sec after Culp. Mr. L. l\ Murphy being sw rn, said that bo was in Mr. J. T. Rose's store and'heard the shooting. Thero were two or three shots fuel in rap:d succession, and 'titeu a perfect fusilade, went to the door and >t just looked hke a big bunch of fire crackers, the firing was so c ose together. Walked down to the post office and saw a man lying on the ground, and somewnat turning him over recognized him as C. Gregory^ Sent for a doctor at once, and then itiqufred who did the shooting. Spoke to Policemen Cvana and May, and asked them if they knew who shot Gregory. They said "you see thetc is a dead man over there. ' Asked who fired the first shot, they both said that Gregory fired lite first two shots, and Crawford tired once before the police fired at all. They did not say who shot Gregory, but just said that the policemen had to fire to save Bartow. Asked if Bartow was shot, and one of them said lie foil to the ground about the 1st or 2nd shot. Saw a No. 32 S. & W. pistol by Gregory's side, examined it and found three chambers empty, had been fired and inc cinpiy 4ii?ns >'.114 m tjnuutr, 1 u t-.uiul)crs were loaded. (Questioned, Mr. Murphy .said that the two men, Gregory and Crawford had just about gotten to the M. &. 1\ Bank as he walked in Rose's store, llcard Crawford say something, "I'll be dammed" in a muttering way. Could not tell what he said as he was talking in an undertone, but could hear tho "I'll he damn ' plaiu. Heard nothing more from them until the tiring commenced. They were nut post going, but were under the influence of liquor. Could not say that the men were sober enough to be in a reasonable frame of mind. II. L. Goes being sworn, said: That lie was Coming up ihc street by l'urcell's store, about 10.1">. p. m., Christinas lire, and saw a S'pia I of policemen standing at the upper corner of the store. The ncn moved across the street towards ihe hotel. Asked them what wa> up, but did not get any reply. There were about live men in the s<piad. Met J. C. Wallace to front of Foster's store, n-.kpil lilm what the iiolii't'tnnn worn going to ?lo. Det'ore lie could reply, the firing coninieticcd. The first soot seemed to hotel, between the entrance ami the postoffice door. There were two shots fired at about the .nine place before any others. L'hoy seemed to he tire ! up street in such a way a- to strike abjut the eat ranee to the hotel lobby. The next shots, don t km w how many, seemed to ho lited about the noted curb stone, and directed towards t hebarber shop. When the shootiog commenced 1 c uld distinguish the form <f iv.<> tneu about between the ladies entrance and the postofticc, but did not recogui/o them, buring the -hooting one o! the men going down the sidewalk, disappeared and t c">uid not tell where- he went. Smw otic of !hemen fall, he was moving .a- if trying to get around the corner, lit fell about two fiet from ilie corner of the 1* stollice. lie threw up his hands when he te l. 1 went down to PurceH a after Gtegury fell, everything was still for a second or (wo, uad then there was another shot, could not toll whether it came from the | ostollice or the alley, hut think it came from the alley. Went hick up there au 1 saw the ni.ui dead, a pistol lying by him. 'pie tioiivd, Mr. lln-s said there were four or live shots tired up street l>id not hear any fuss or disturbance before shooting commence 1. The rutin who disappeared must have done so before Gregory fell, as 1 could have seen him had he been in front of the postotlice. Saw man while firing was going on backing back a-- if trying to get to alley, and saw two or three Hashes come front that side. The firing was general on both sides while it lasted. The last shot was fired about on a level. It was fired after Gregory fell Mr. A. 11. Walker was sworn, but his testimony did not amount to an\thing. Mr. L. N. Ilodger being sworn stud that he was in front of PurceH s store about 10 t>. in., that he saw <>r I men walk m-ru (lie street from be ween Foster's and I'urcell's towards the IVstofhce. About time they gnt on t'.ie oilier side heard two or three shots and then I't or 1'J shots together. Hear I one slml an I saw Hash a second or two niter the general firing The llish ecmod t ) he nlo>ut the gmiiti 1 in front ot tho I'ost.illice window. Went aei iss an 1 found man on ground whom 1 rec ign /ci when tsotec one struck a innieh. Went hack to store. Tnen the marshals vet umtimnod, hut nit ler advice of counsel re/ust 1 K. te-lify. I'r T. Mtirj'hy s certificate wa- n, i lie was calle I. iiud found Mr. Gregory in a dying condition, hive I only I" or 1*> minutes. After a thorough examination with the aid of I->r. II. Smith, I'mind six pistil wound - in the body, 'i it. the bead. 'I i i the right of the hack, and one in the i gl.t I; in I. One in the head and i in the lack, each of which we think are sufficient to prove fatal in a short time. Signed : (.'. T. Murphy nu I M. T. Smith. I)r. Smith said that it w in j ruhably the wound in (lie heal that cm ed Gregory's death. It enter'. J on the right s do md range I transver-ab.y towards the left and liVnt. /After consideration the jury fottn I the n/iowiiig verdict : 1 h it t ie sa d t inu'.us !cgory, dcccaacu, came to ins dcu h i>y \ \ I I gui ~W wounds from pistols iu the hands of Ibe Jin police f roe of the town of Union, S. t T?iz : K B Culp, J. 13. Porter, F. M. 1 -Jtd' Milo Evans. J. I, Vinson, *. May, night of the 21th of L>ec. 1S'J4, in the Union, on Main street, at or near g lnioa Hotel. M he Policemen were accordingly arrested Ki'lodged in jail, hut were admitted to J'M after staying one night iu jail, in the Jlutn of $2, ">00 each. I n ^ * A FEW SIZES IN IJOV 'S KNEE PANTS, at 4(>c a pair, to close out at A. 11. FOSTElt & CO S. our correspondents" Etta Jano. Jan. 1.?Willi a complacent bow we takt oil our Derby" to our readers and co workers tins New Year morning, and extend to thorn, one and all, its happy grecliugs. With the recurrence of each new year wt take ou new hopes, aspirations and resolves We will try to remember the past only foi J its good, and trust the future for better results. Should we live to write for the Timks regularly this year, we will try and give our readers all the items of interest. Iter. C. E. llobortson will preach at Sa lcm next SabbathMr. Charlie Foster is lying very low with consumption. 11 ij family and especially his devoted christian mother has our heartfelt sympathies iu h>.r troubles. Mr. Foi Jetferes aud Miss Mary Smith wuffGIarneu by J. L Strain on the 27tfc ult.. Eli is a regular subscriber for tin Tim h. We have liiU a good deal of frollicinf among the y tungsiers during the holidays Dr. B. D. Bates lias been spending sevcra days with his father, Dr.^Ben Kates, of Clifton. who is very sick. Mr. James Millwood died near Star Farm on the 20th, ult For several years he line been suffering trout t he effect of a gunshot wouud received in buttle, but a short timi before Den. Lce't surrender. Finally it resititcJ iu an immense tumor which ended his days on earth. Ou the night of toe 27th, ult., snow begat to fall and continue I throughout the day? Friday. At times it mounted to a blinding siorui. me met uiomttcr wcni uown several degrees below the freezing point, nut the weather has been very cold ever since. We had the pleasure of attending the Christmas day .exercises of the North l'acolci Sunday Lehool Convention at KIBothel. The people of Ml Bethel never do things by halves. A loug table was spread on which was jcjacis! every delicacy that the most fastidi ons epicure could wish for. aud besides this, an abundant supply of confections were ad led to the stock of eatables. The good ladies did their full duty in preparing foi the ocoasion. When our North l'acolei people, and especially the ladies undertake a work of this kind, its success is secured The best of order was secured, and all tin children made happy. KIBethcl has been particularly fortunate in always having o persistent consecrated corps of christian workers. The mantle of the late .J. 11. Jefftrics has fa.lcti upon the worthy shoulders of T. M Littlejohn, whose zealous leadership ic church work bus endeared lurn to Ins colaborers. He is especially attentive te th? wants of the poor uud deserving aroune hun, and is ever ready to assist them witl Ins means and counsel. W c only regre that we haven't more such men in tin country. The little steamer is launched and read] for business, and soou our section will havi n reghlar line of travel through it fron lliokipy Grove to Loyklinrl Shoals. been^iJugaged to teach our school this year from an o il army note book uevr before us we 'piote the following from a writer whe stood at the bed stdeuf tjieu. J. K. B. Stuart and saw him breathe his last: "it was evi dent to the physicians that death was set tling its clammy seal upon the brave, opet brow of the General, and they told him so \.sk i: lie had any last message to give. Tin with a mind perfectly clear nm possessed, then made disposition of his sta! and present etleets. To Mis. General U E. Leo, he directed that his golden spurs b< given as a dying memento of his love and esteem of her husband. To the stair officer he gave his horses, so particular was hi in all tilings, even in the dying hour, tlia lie emphatically exhibited and illustrated i rul:ur passion itrong in death. To one c his staff, who was a heavy built man, h sail "'You had better take the largi horse, he will carry you better," (Jtb? mementoes he disposed of in a simila manner. To his young son he left his glori ous sword. Hi:, worldly matters closed, the eterna hUwsxt ut iiis soul engaged his mind. Turu ing to the Rev. Mr. I'cteikiu, of the Eptsco pai citiirch, and of which he was an ex etnplary member, he asked liiui to sing tht hyuin comtneiiciug: Rock of ages cleft for tne, bet nte hide tnyscf in Thee, etc. He joined in with all the voice hi strength would permit, lie then joined t prayer with the minister. To the docto he said : "I am going fast now; 1 aui re signed; God's will lie done. Titus dic? Gen. J. E. 11. Stuart, one of the greatcs cavalry officers we had. ' Vox. A. 11 FOSTER .v CO., have just aids another improvement to facilitate thei Si-owiiitf biiHiuoNH, The lates is a Telephone line from their store to tin depot. This line is also used by the Cottoi Mill. Why can we not have a general tele photic exchange for the whole town ? Enter pricing men come to the front, and lets hav a itono; ^cmrai. Jonesvillo. J \s 1.?We had a quiet peaceable order ly Clnistroas, no disturbance whatover t< mar our happiness* The oil snap: was quite severe, and really it is here i et. the llaptist 8 inday School Convention which was to nice . here last Tuesday morning was C'implete] y snowed under. Two 01 three delegates dame, but tho convention diil not convene. \ There i- a goo luteal ef moving to and fro, peo| !e getting sei{^ [ down for Ihu Now Vcar. ( Mr. I> It. IT,ft, witli bis family, moved o Ins home lUmn miles above Jonesville yesMost of mi? Farmers have made contracts witii t'"-ir ir Jmi's for the year, and labor is p on il il ye. M A good many far.nets have pud up lheij?ivt year's accounts, while a g<> id mail) ml not ah'c Io pay in full and wi 1 h?ve to Jbe carried over. Our met< han s have 111 pulled through, and *ie o, en d out nf his New d ear's day and arc ready to hegiiiui dher year's work. Mr Ihoim Jl-itilcjohn, son of \V. T. l.it1'Uiiefln from Texas a few days ago. 'allymuch tike returning. 1 don t i much .-nick on Texas, (mc school will open in a few days five hundred children will study k . Tkliu'Hosk. .i* weather requires the led i i,. A. H. FOSTKK \ CO S . IK 1'liACK. vertisemcnt that catches the eye ie pocket book. Heat I'oSl'LK & Itiickleu s Arnica Salve- f Thk Brst Salvk in the w>>rld for Cuts, Bruises, Soros Ulcers, Salt llheuui, Fever ^ Sores. Tetter, Chapped Huuds, Chiibmns, Corns, aud all Skin Eruptions. and posi- W tivoly cures Piles, or no puy required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunde 1. Price 2o ceuts per box. FOR SALE BY B. F. POSEY. 1 For Rheumacsiu I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It relieves thei pain ns soon as applied. J. NY. Young, NVbst Liberty, NY. Ya, The prompt relief i', affords is alone worth many times the cost. iiO cents, lis continued use will effect a permanent cure. sale by B. F. Posey, Druggist. , Cure lor Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Biiters has proved to be I he very best. It effects a permanent cure f > aud tbe most dreaded habitual sick head aches yield to its influence. NVe urge nil [ who are atllicled to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In cases of ) habitual constipation Electric Biiters oures by giving the need tone to the bowels, aud few cases long resist the use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles ouly fifty cents at B. F. Posey's Drug Store. i Any one who has children will rejoice with L. B. Mulford, of Plainfield, N. >. , His little boy, five years of age, was sick with croup. For two days and nights he th( t tried various remedies recommended by 3d friends and neighbors. He says: "1 thought sure I would lose him. I had secti _ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy advertised A , and thought 1 would try it as a last flope i and am happy to say that after two ifoses : he slept until morning. I gave it to him next day and a cure was affected. I keep ? this remedy in the bouse now uud as soon as any of tny children show signs of croup 1 1 give it to them aud that is the last of it." 2o aud 50 cent bottles for sale by B. F. i Posey, Druggist. i _ _ _ List of Letters. ? Remaining in the Postollice at Union, for the week ending Jan. 4th. lS'.to. [ A NV McMuhan, Miss 11 attic Belk, Mr. Alexander Work, Mr. Thomson, Mr St-irks , l'ucker, Mr F 11 Shehau, Mrs Martha Rice, Mrs Abbia Louis, Mr Joe llardy, Miss Mary , Harris, NY ill Bcckuer. Persons calling for the above letters will bo? 1 picase say if advertised, and will be required to pay one cent for their delivery. , i 11. NY. UAItlllS*, P. M. 1,0 Stockholders Meeting. jj milE regular annual meeting of the A blockDoluers of the Merchants and | Planters National Bank will be held in the j Directors room ol" the liank uu Tuesday, at January S:h, at 12 o'clock, M. bia cku- MLNUo, | Cashier. 0C' J The State of South Carolina. i i COUNTY OK UNION. By JAMES M. GEE, Probate Judge "VTTHEKEAS, L. J. Drowning lias made YV suit to me to grant him Letters of Ail- ( > ministration with Will Annexed on the Es- , pUe of and efl'ects of Francis W. Sheldon, ! deceased: ' These are, therefore, to cite and admon1 ish all aud singular ihe kindred and credit1 ors of the said Francis IV. Sheldon, deccas? ed. that they be and appear, before me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Union C. f 11., South Carolina, on the lf'th day of Jan- ~~ 5 uary Anno Domini, lbG-j* 1 James M. Gee, , , , Judge Probate . on tlie 4th day ot January, 18'Jo, in The Union Times. ' MEETING OF TOWNSHIP Boards of Commissioners. Ot'tICK OF CotXrV COMMISSIOXKK* ") J Union* County, S. C. J \x. *J. lsO">. / | I TNDEll the new County Government law which went into effect on January 1st, l^Oo, it becomes IIIV dutv as Count v : visor, for Union County, S. C., to call a meet- V ' ing ol' (he Township Hoards of Uommis- ? 3 sioncrs of the respective townships of said 8 County, and as an i.unishatr vrarmiii/fion oj '? 1 lli>. Counli/ un'l Township Hoards ? > oLsol'i'th/ * neuitaxj for the protection and safety ot 1 the county aflsir-, I hereby notify all ineiu* 0 bcrs of each for nship board to meet at my 8 ofiiee at Union Courthouse, S. C , on Mour day, January 7ih. 1^93, at 11 e'clock, M, r in order that we may get organized at the FT oarlicst possible day. There is a pressing | demand for an early organization for there ' are matters involving many dollars t > the . County, which demand immediate attention ' and which cannot be attended to until the County and township boards are organized. 8 Therefore all members of each Township Board are strictly required to be present at the meeting under penalty of the law. In order that there be no misunderstand3 ing among members of the hoards, 1 give ? be low a correct lis; of all members of towur ship bo iris, as follows: 1 ISoijuifvill- Township.?J. N. McArthur, 1 II. 11, llobins. >n, Sanford Wilburn. Cross l\' !/s Township,?V. S. Bobo, G. T, cm II ol lis, J. F. BaPoy. Drivjl'inrill' Township.?A. Spencer, '"J j Mantissa Tate, N. <i Littlejohn. f:ti r Fish Dam Towns hi}'. ? K. C. llowzc, M.C. \\ t Deavor, J. Woods Jeter. I> B (josh en /Til Township.?J. M. Henderson, ^ >i I M - Mobley, Green J oil (iowiieysville Townsli/>.?T. M. Littlejohu, . J. T. Moorhead. J. \V. Nance. e Jonrgri/lf Township. II. J. Kirby, J. C. DC .Spears, Henry M. (lossett. ^ J'inrknr// Township.?J. J. Hughes. J. A. Chambers, W. M. Gallman. San(nc Township.?S. Crosby, Sims Gillmore, C. 1'. Sims, j Union Township.?Gluts. Bolt, S. (*. How- -w ell, G. C. Greer. |I J. B. r. SCOTT, A County Supervisor. Notice ot Final Discharge vo "VTOT1CE is hereby given that on the 'J'Jnd _ _Ls day of January, 1893, 1 will npply to II I tl.. llr,.l,.l.tV . i* " " " 1 Iiv * i vi/ntb V.VUI l| IUI 1. 11 I I) 11 \ Ulllll jr, O.I.., _ I for a tinal discharge' as (?unrdian of Harper U ' l'orter. | .11)UN A. KANT, Cnardian of Harper l'orter. T?( Dec. 1 I8M. Dec 2\ ".1 ot. At a meeting of lItc Town Council held this day, (lie fol'owing resolutions wore unanimously adopted. rw WIIKltEAS, the Legislature at its late session has made the enforcement of the Dispensary law more binding, and the Supreme Cyurl having declared tnc law con stitutional. Jtcsolmt, That we, the Town Council of Union, are determined to enforce the law, and do hereby warn all violators that they must cease their illicit tiallic, or hear the y * consequence ami that notice to this be -Li' published in the Union Timi.s. J. A. KANT, Mayor. Attest : 1 h. G Vot Mi, 8?:v?. S Clerk an I Ti e is. ceuuctl Chamber, Doc. lS'J). / t 5 H O E sfM S H 0 E^S !! t = GO TO = | JRAHAM & SPARKS, FOR SHOES. i ' I ?: J They sell more SHOES than any other merchant?. 1st. because they carry 9 m ; largest assortment. 2d. because THEY" KEEF THE BEST SHOES. . Because they sell the best for the lowest price. w HEY WILL SELL YOU : CHILD'S SHOES FOR 25 CENTS. .. > WOMAN'S SOLID LEATHER SHOES FOR 50CTS. ^ MEN'S SOLID LEATHER HIGH CUT, FOR $1.00. F They carry the cheapest, and (hoy carry the best. Call and get your size. ;DRBSS GOODSE AT A BARGAIN. We have reduced the price on DRESS GOODS, they must all be sold, mtilul Dress Goods foruiorly G5c, now sclliug at 40c. Goods formerly sold 50c,, now 37Jc. Dross Goods formerly sold at 35c, now selling at 24c. ods formerly sold at 25c.. now selling at ISc. Don't miss this opportunity. ;n domestics,I We arc awav ahead, think of it, KXTltA IIKA\ \ \ AltD WIDE sheetings H 5 cents, other merchants ask you 6 cents for the same goods, under different inds. We will sell you tb# BEST FANCY TURKEY RE1) calicoes for 8 , formerly sold at 7c. A NEW LOT OF f := LADIES CLOAKS EE 1 Just received, call and pet your size, as wo cannot promise to have them very p, they are going. Now don't be behind the times, but join the crowd and ^B to the Dry Goods l'alacc of H GRAHAM & SPARKS. * WHEN YOU BUY ? YOU WANT TO GET THE ; t rery Most for Your Money, DON'T YOU ? WELL THEN OO TO J V. T. BEATY'S CASH STORE, IIERE YOU WILL FIND ONE OF THE NICEST LINES OF DRV mnnq xoih ?ts ? ^ ? -??' ^ 5 ijuuiij, ait,, EYElt RU0UG11T TO UNION. ; 'he W. L. Douglas Shoe given up to l?o the host on the market, are soft^uigeiits liere. We also harrdftT the * wwp&md amo% 3-... . nsurpassed lor use and beauty. For Ladies we have the famou; Drew, Selby & Co's ioe, and the large and growing demand for it testifies to its worth. A i line of DRESS OOOOS at prices that sell the goods on sight. Don't 1 to see our 7 <?/, Wool Filling Jeans, at ltirj cents. Ladies and Men's ool 1 lose at 10c per pair. Men's ready made clothing from ??2.o0 up. >ys suits at almost any price you please. J Je sure to array yourself in e of It USE & COS TAYLOR MADE SUITS, made to yout insure. A big line of :aty's famous yankee notions, always on hant = w. t. be aty = ... - ? ... * >T) f^17 L> \TT7 Notice to Tax Assessors \^i ArpilK books will bo open for the Asufis ? t meni or taxea from 1st of January to TJT1 TT T Tn^T T^\7" the 20th of February, 1895. For tlio o< n* I ! /A I I I I JH V venienco of the tax a?8C?sors, I will attend ' the following places ou the dates designated UK HOMES BY PAINTING WITH below 1 flUM TTIflK 9, r'fl'C J fill jJUUiiM vL uUu West Springs, Jan. 8. BEADY MIXED PAINTS. Uross Keys, - Jan. 9. ( rvri l/"* Vl1 A DG Mi liter ? Stoic, - - JK 1U liiiAXVO Goshen Ilill, Jan.II. We have handled Fish Dam, - Jan. 12. these paints with smuuc, - - Jan. 14. the lh ST Re.SI'ITS I 'ak?r< Moorhead's Store, Jan. lo. rAPOM A TTJT"^ l ku""n' Jan. Hi, A<LrV>Al a AllN lO, I Office, Jan. IT, 18, ID. Ihin-trv Paints, Fur- i G..w?iey??iiic. - * J*?- 21 '?' " ir IVilkinsville, - - Jan. Tl. nit are Varnish, } j.?, 2>tains, Haiti Oil I Timber Kidfrc, Jan. '1\. Finish, Putty and T. D Kittleioliii s Store, Jnn: Window GluSS, at Joncsvilio, Jan. DWEST PRICES. Jw"" * *WM Paint color card John '> mates furnished 011 application. ,hc 11. rosvi^it ?.v co, ti.mks. ^