The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, December 14, 1894, Image 1

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JtPl. -?K - -JXTM ;,*.- _ >-:. ^ tr. **? *9* / y-rPf . ?* ?* cdFv??SS vr <? *<-' /' t v-!s' ..;; ' !?' #? "(?. jftrvATt?; s> -, s'? x\ ed> '- " '^ ^.' _ _. 1 * ICxccuieiL j^rii Jo.^iolx cruclv ^ I V^ / R -H , , ? , ?f M V" Fin ^ X ^ ^ ^ --?ry? | y j ^ Jeter Ctfiint?, Wanner. VOL. \.\V. NO. SO. UNION, S. U., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14,181)4. 81.SO A VISA It. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. .1). K. Hyphk k, J. A. Hawveb, Spartanburg, S. ('. Union, S. O. HYDKK K & SAWYER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1 Judge TowiiKiunl's Old Office. Ml'NUO & MUNRO, ATTORNEYS IF , NO. > I, AW HANOI;. i ~S.~S. STOKES," ? ATTORNEY AT LAW, I 1 ? AND? ^ TRIAL JUSTICE. 5 OFFICII UF A It OF COUNT 1IOUSE. < J. ( . WALLA CL, ~ ! ? Attorney at Law, j NO. :$ LAW RANGE. s( hi \ in tTkk, 1 Attorneys at Law, , NO. IF LAW ItANOE. } McKissick A Colli ran S ? ATTOKNKVK AT T.AW,? 1 Corner NTtti 11 ntjtl .Judgment Streets, t IJr. A. It. Smith's ' ( DENT All ltOOMS, K t ?ovru? f A. II. ,v CO.S STOltE. 1 C\n':iilli> llsi'tl in I'viiM.'i intr Jail ft-1-ly * | * P. M. FA 11 Li, GEO. Ml'XUO, ! ? Frositlent. i Cashier. ! i MERCHANTS' and PLANTERS' j j National Hauls. 1 OF UNION. , Capital Stock, $00 000; Surplus, $."i0,- s 000; Stockholders Liabilities,$00,- ? 000; TOTAIJ?8170,000. 1 i OFFICERS: [ F, M. Farr, Frcs't. ; A. If. Foster,Vice j t " i Mnnro, Onrliicr; J". ; J>. Arthur, Ass't. Cashier. c DIRECTORS; ? AY. II. Wallace, A. (i. Rice, Win. Jef- \ frit s, T. ('. Duncan, J. A. Fa'it, j \ J. T. Douglass, J. (i. McKissick, ^ A. II. Foster. ' 1 ? fiv *V \VK S< >Lf(MT Yorit Htsinkss. William A. Nicholson & Son, ' -B A iKT XX. iI2 n_ JS, - , 1 No. 00 AIaix Stukkt, ' h See advertisement in another column. j lIi|ion Hotel, x. i i t>i 1 ?111111i/li n .m mm 01 ,?iam ntrcc t, ! , I 1 W, M. (SI HISS, Pitoi'iur.roit. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, No. "U lluchelor Slicct ' i I . OAKliKTT & CO. J Ml i (* * Vl< * / ;! I l\c I 11101! I mio^ ; I . Cor. A11?i 11 anil Jiulgmcnt Sts., i J OS IA II (Mlt'Dl* 1 *, - - Kiumic. J I'MO.N 31A It l?LI] AM) ! UHAMTK WOltKS, 1 OEO. OEDDES, HEAVY,| - 'ASK? j; FANCY GROCERIES/; l 51 Fiour, Meal, Molasses, 1 Sugar, Coffee, Bacon, i Lard and Salt. ' i Best Banitiiet Haras,;. Kerosene Oil, Machine Oil. Elc. ' BAGGING AND TIES. Fl'lilj STOCK or j PLUG AND SMOKING TOBACCO. Plantation Hardware. I i Fresh KUjtproH <>f everything in the (troivrv line always nil hand j at roek 1? ?ttorn prices at I W. H. Sartor's, ON Til! '. OOKNF.Ii Sept. I t '?'<' I)<.? I. J 1 TILE CONGRESS. nil-; NATIONS' LAW-MAKERS RESl'MK 01*10RATIONS. I'lio Proceedings of Roth Houses llrlelly Epitomized. Til 13 SKNATK. Tn llio Pollute, Wednesday, u reso'uion was ollVrcd by Mcl'licrsoii, demo- ] -rut, of New Jerst-y, by request, iiitructing tlio coimnittoo on education md labor to inquire and report ns to bo availability and advisability of esnblishiug a national unit of value of abor wherewith" to regulate wages nuomatieally. It was referred to tho iommittee on education and labor. I'lio resolution oil'ored at the first lay's session, bv Mr. Lodge, rcquestng the president to furnish inforinaion as to the delivery to tie 'hinese authorities at Shanghai of two lupunese citizens who were afterwards ] ortured ami put to death, was 1; id eforo the senate, ami after discus : n, asting an hour, was referred o tlo mmmittco uu foreign relations. '1 ho senate then proceeded to consider .Mr. .'oiler's resolution regarding the locality of tho act. of the secretary of ho treasury in tho recent issuing of >onds. Tho resolution was agreed to. t sin-ply instructs the judiciary eomnitteo to impiiro into the matter. The first action of the senate, after ho reading of tho journal Thursday, vas an order, on motion of Mr. Gorlinn, that the adjournment for tho day hould he till Monday next. Tho resoution offered hy Mr. Turpio several lays ago, declaring for a change in tho , ystem of electing ITiiled States sensors, was taken up, and Mr. Turpio uklressed the senate ill support of tho csolution. Senator Harris presided over tho * diate Monday in the absence of tho -vi.. />..!i . ? I.M lu jn-vninn. JI i, \ *II119 i?i i lutmii, lVored ii resolution r< citing that tho udepciidenoe of ('ulm was an object I >f gront importance to tho United >tatos, and requesting the president o open negotiations with Spain for ho recognition of tho independence >f the island and lor tho guarantee by i ho United States of tho payment of ? ueh a sum of money as shall be agreed j >11. On objection it went over. The i iresidont pro torn, announced his sig- < mture to the bill for the dedication of ho Cbickamauga and Chattanooga f National park. .Mr. Morgan called up i ho Nicuraugua canal hill and sjH>k.o in ts KUppoe*. In coiichi'doii tie do- ] dared that tho United States must net low or forever abandon the canal, md ho did not think the American ( icoplo were willing to abandon it. dr. Morgan held tho attention of tho icnuto and galleries until 1 o'clock, vhen he was .ollowed by .Mr. Mitolidl, rejniblicau, of Oregon, who riellv endorsed the remarks of Mr. ' dorgan and favored the eauai as beng in the interest of tho l'aeilic tales. Mr. Dolpli, repuhlicnn, of 1 >regon, secured the lloor, lnit yielded ' o a motion to go into executive ession. After a short executive sestion, tho senate, at i:-10 o'clock, ad- 1 oiirued. ' rnk, 11011*1:. N In the house, Wednesday, Mr. Illair, if New Hampshire, presented a resoution asking the immediate conside- ( ation thereof, calling upon tho prcsi- ' lout, if not incompatible with public * litcrcsts, to transmit to congress all < ho corrospondenco by tolograpli or 1 ithcrwiso with tho governments of , dhina and .bipan, relating to the pond- j 1 ng war between those countries. Ob- I eetion was made to tho present con- | I adoration and tho resolution went to j ' lie committee on foreign affairs. The ( I louse bill to prevent the free use of j iinher on public lands and to revoke , t ill permits heretofore issued in certain ii dates, and the senate bill asking land varrunts applicable to t he payment for j ? ill classes of public lands, wiih passed. j I 1 11.' conference report oil the hill to i\ vgulnto tin- ]>ri 11 tin;; ami t li?- distrihu- . i >11 of |>nl>1 it; documents was called up ' t it I :ir>, ail.I occiipi. .1 tlio attention of n lie house for the lest of the after- . loon. I The fortifications and pension up- r iropriation lulls for the year en.ling J I line '10th, 1 were reported to the J { louse at Thurs.lay's session. The first i vill he called up immediately after the n 'ailroad pooling hill is disposed of. . I'he house tin n proceed..! in theinorii- i ng hour to consider the hill to protest ' . he public forest reservations. After a i e\v minutes discussion the hill went i >ver till I ri.lav. At request of Mr. j ; layers, (dem. of T. \as), the revenue i narine hill was laid over till Saturday, j i Jonsideration of the hill to amend the ' . nterstate commerce laws so as to per- ' i nit t he rail roads to pool t heir business, ' . vas resumed. The discussion of this 1 , neasurc occupied the balance of the I lay. i Among the executive coinniuniearioiis laid before the house Friday vas one from the secretary of tliotrcasiry, submitting an estimate for an nil- ' litional appropropriation to me. t the 'xpciulitiirea of the civil service coinnission for the year ending Juno ">(), ( .s'.?.r?. On motion of Mr. Martin, dem- 1 ?crat, of Indiana, the order for a ' light session for the . >nsi.leratiou of I he pension 1 >i11 was vacated. A reso- J lit ion oiler.'.I l>v Mr. Springer, deino rat, of Illinois, was agreed to, giving lie committee on hanking and curren y ]>. rin issioii to sit during the sessions ?f the house." < ?n motion of Mr. ' A lison, (democrat), of West \ ir inia, the house went into coiuuiitee of the whole to distribute the several Sections of the pl'? side-Ill's Incsage among the r. opr. >pnat ion coin- | nittees. Mr. (iiow, (rep.), of I'.-nn- < ylvunia, addressed tli" Imuse,suggest | ng certain amendment* to the ?? . tionnl banking net by which n greater jlasticity con hi l?o given to their eir-uluting not< s. At the conclusion of Mr. (1 row's reninrkn, the conunittee rose ami the resolution to distribute I he president's message being favorably reported to the house, was agreed to. 'J lie bill reported front the committee on public lands and to protect public forert reservations, which came over from Thursday, was called up and the house went into committee of the a hole for its consideration. Less than twenty-live members were present when the house was called to order nt noon Saturday. In the mornng hour, Mr. Mullory, democrat, of Florida from the committee on intcr.tato commerce, called up the bill to remote the etlleiency of the rovenue utter service. The bill was considered several times at the last session. It Kovidcs for the retirement of officers f the service incapacitated by reason i te infirmities of age or physical or n iitul disability. Opposition developed against the measure. The mornng hour expired without action, and Sir. brown, democrat, of Indiana, *ave notice that on Thursday ho would " II up the contested election case of iV llianis vs. Settle. The house then resumed the consideration of the railroiut jtoohng lull. A report from the United States engineers 011 the plan of leepening and improving the harbor f Sandusky, ()., was presented. It involves n cost of ?'225,000. Under the rules, the house devoted itself Monday to the consideration of District- of Columbia business. On motion of Mr. Heard, democrat, of Missouri, chairman of the District of L'olumbia committee, the house went into committee of the whole. rilELATESTBYWIUU [JIVINO THIS NKWS UP TO Till'. llOUIt OF OOINO TO PitICSS. Ilrlef Mention of l>uily Happening* Throughout the World. Fires have been started in the furlaces of the Watts Steel l'lunt at MidUesboro, Ivy., the largest basic steel [>lant in the United States. They will ivork live hundred men when in full iperatiou. Francis It. Keudrick, defaulting asostuut cashier of the Commercial yank, at Syracuse, N. Y., has plead i/lty to the theft pf ?30,00'V. apd tins L'ecn sentenced to three yeai'a in the xMiitentiary. A New York dispatch states that u-orge lv. Mioulo, Koocrt -Alaclay, 'lnirlvs T. Harney and Simon Woriner, 11live agreed to act as u committee, imlcr an agreement lileil with the ivniekcrlioeker Trust Company, to Toteet the interests of the. Northern I'ueilie anil Montana bondholders. The total loss resulting from the turning of the Keel Hank cotton faeory, in Lexington county, S. C., on ait unlay night last, is about ?50,000 ibove all insurance. About 500 people or the present are left destitute by the ire. About three hundred of these .vi 11 have to remain so through the a inter, as all other mills are crowded vith employes. The Southern Hotel building at 'luittanooga, Tenn., the handsomest usiness block in the city, was destroy d by lire Monday. The lire was -iiuscd by the explosion of a gas meter n the cellar just underneath the olliee. L'lio entire building of five stories went ip in smoke. The following firms on he ground tloor saved all their stock: Yeples, l'itner Kros., tobaeconnists, 'alace I >rug Store, and Payne A Co., iijtiors. Short's steam saw mill at Washingon, N. C., was wrecked at an early ionr Monday by the explosion of one >f the four big boilers that furnished team to the big saw mill and its six >ig dry kilns. Tarts of the iron work vere thrown blocks away, demolishing . very thing in their path. Mr. Short, lie owner; the engineer, two firemen ind a drayman were killed, and two ?ther operatives were injured. The anlies of the two dead men were teribly broken up and mutilated. Monday was an eventful day in the hnitli Carolina legislature. Followng New York's lead, the house passed i bill forbidding the selling of pools >n horse races in the state and providng a heavy penalty for the violation if the law. A bill was introduced addng seduction to the list of crimes, miking it a felony and sending a man o the penitentiary for six months ipon conviction. Another hill was inrotliiccd, and will become a law, pro iding for the establishment ininiedtitely of a state reformatory, with school attached, for tlit? criminals unii r twenty-one yours of age. It will re known as the state juvenile re form itory. i'i.kau tii'ii/rv \n?l Turned Sfate's evidence in Order to Sup I liemselves. In the I'nitcd States court in ses don at Columbia, S. the l>ig lhir rctt postmaster conspiracy caso was ailed for trial Thurs lay. 'I'herc were "ourteen defendants,nearly all of them lostniasters whom Barrett hn<l gotten In- government to appoint at country daces alleged to be towns, bearing heir respective names. At the outs-t i sensation was caused by some four >r live of them pleading guilty and lien turning state's evidence to Have dieinselvcH. Huntington liuys a Mountain. It is given out at Monelova, Mexico, that C. I'. Huntington has bought tin rent Iron mountain, at the City of Ibirango, and that lie will establish iMciujivc iron and ntvvl works there. FltOM WASHINGTON. NKWSY 1TKMS PICKICD UP AT TilK NATIONAL CAPITOL. Sayings mill Doings of tlio OHIriul Heads of tho Govornnieiit. Secretary Carlislo has appointed Jobii C. Lehman shipping commissioner at Brunswick, Oa. The' Hurst multi-charge gun, as anticipated by naval ordnnuco officers, lias proven a failure, ami no further . experiment* wifK V . '1 ' cbnrgcs bi^gnnc',, Ii. b? .mulo. I a Tho house appropriations committee Thursday agreed on tho fortifications bill for tho next fiscal year. It carries an appropriation of $l,H7l),057, being 85,478,(510 below the estimates on which it is based, and $547,'.)!<> less than the appropriations for tho current fiscal year. The bill authorizes no contracts to be made in excess of the sums appropriated. Tho republican congressional committee has sent out a significant letter s in regard to the contested scats in tho next congress. There are upwards of thirty districts wherein the defeated republicans luivo indicated their intention of filing contests. The committee lias addressed to each of these contestants ii statement notifying him that lie must not place any reliance on the largo republican majority in the next congress, lmt must rest liiB prospects for success on the merits of tho claims he Care is w^ing taken to have all sections of tho country hoard before the house banking and currency committee concerning tho proposed currency system. Chairman Springer is not confining has invitations to eastern | financiers near nt hand. He has sent to Chicago and St. Louis and Cincinnati as representative western cities, and to Nashville, Atlanta and other southern cities. He would go as far as Denver and Snn Francisco if people from theso sections could get to Washington in time for tho hearing. Care is also being taken to secure only those recognized as authorities in praet ieal f\uaucieri ng. Notwithstanding the secrecy with which the interior department guards its action with reference to the Uto Lilian troubles in southern Utah, it d<"velopcd Monday morning that Secretary Smith has ordered Agent Day b>. tek.g?apl;j? _ hillow Vhu Utus into fputheastcrn' Utah and bring U&ein back to tho reservation. Tho secretary, it is understood, took this step in compliance with urgent requests fro.n (lovernorJWest and other citizens of Utah, who stale that, ilnrintr the past week the Indians have committed nnnieruus depredations, such as killing the cattle of the settlers, and otherwise terrifying the whites of that part of the country. For New Federal Prisons. Jteprcsentative Livingston is authority for the statement that tho general deficiency hill, which is soon to ho I considered by the appropriations com- I niittee, will contain a provision for the building of two new federal prisons at points to ho determined by tho secretary of the interior and the attorneygeneral. The cost will he limited to ?500,000 each. lie anticipates no trouble in the house. The erection of these prisons i^. very much needed. The attorney-gdieral has several times called for an appropriation for these buildings and tho president also urged an appropriation in his last message. Currency Committee <<etting Heady. The house committee on hanking and currency, Friday morning, on motion of Mr. Warner, adopted tho following resolutions: "llesolved, That beginning with Monday next at Id n. in., this committee take up the recommendation of the president and the secretary of the treasury with reference to the currency, ami that there he invited to appear before us the secretary of the treasury and the comptroller of the currency. llesolved, That the chairman of this committee ho authorized to invite such persons as he may think proper to appear hefore us in the aamo matter, and to arrange for hearing them with a view of completing all hearings on or before the 15th instanat which date all hearings shall he closed, llesolved, That tin* meetings of this committee for the purpose of these hearings may he called by the chairman at any time during the coining week, and that five members present shall ho u quorum for the purpose of such hearings." Induction fu Pension ^louey. Tlio pension Appropriation 1 ?i 11 reported to the house Thursday l?y Mr. I O'Neill, of Massachusetts, carries an j appropriation of #141,581,570, 1 ?eiup; i #200,000 le;\s than the estimates and #10,20(1,000 below the appropriation for the current fiscal year. A reduction is made in two items?in payment of pensions and in the fees of examining surgeons. For pensions the bill allows #i 40,000,000, a reduction of #10,000,000 from this year's appropri- j ation, and for surgeon fees #800,000, being a reduction of #200,000 under tlio amount for the elirreut year. In the report :.pi Auiying the (till is a table showing tnat'iu 1870 the number of pensioners was 242,755, and the annual value of pensions #25,4051,742, and the disbursements on their account reported by the treasury #1515,121,482. In 1804 the number of pensioners increased to 000,544, the annual value I of pensions to # 1510,120,and the disbursements by the treasury to #14 i,- , 177,281. Anarchists ArrestOil. The /'i/fiir states that fifteen anarchists, belonging to an organized baud of thieves, loe" '?? ? ? arrested ill I J'uirie. SOUTHERN FLASHES. A SUMMAKY OF 1NTKKK9TINO ]IAITKMIN<iS, And Presenting nn Fpltome of tlio South's l' and Prosperity Barclay A Williams, furniture dealers, at Newport News, Vn., have assigned. Liabilities, $10,000; estiiimted assets, $1'2,000. Tlio Manchester spoke mills, nt Richmond, Vn., wliieb luive been shut down lor some mouths, hnve resumed epilations with n full force ?<f hnuds. The state liquor commissioner of South Carolina, Mr. Truxler, who wiih appointed hy Governor Tillman when the dispeusary law beeaino operative, lias tendered his resignation to Governor Evans. The cause of the resignation is not known. Notice of contest has been served on Congressman-elect Jos. M. Kendall (democrat) of the tenth Kentucky dis trict, on behalf of N. T. Ilopkim (republican) who charges conspiracy with the county clerk to defraud him by issuing spurious tickets, omitting his name from the republican ticket. Thursday night a terrible collision occurred between a special and uu ox trn freight near Rockingham, N. C. One engineer named Wells was scalded to death. The other had his skull fractured and ouo leg broken and if not expected to live, both firemen jumped and did not receive any in juries. Firo broke out Thursday morning in Pai-ham's mattress factory in Chattanooga and for a time a conflagration was threatened. The firo department, however, responded promptly and succeeded in getting the flames nndei control before they could reach adjoining buildings. The mattress factory was milted. The loss is ubotil $5,000, fully insured. The lied llauk cotton millH in Lexington county, tt. C., about twentylive miles from Columbia, one of tlu oldest cotton factories in the state,wasentirely consumed by J!r?i on Saturday evening. Most of the output on hand, cotton goods and felting, were saved. The total loss will be something ovei $75,000. The amount of insurance i; unknown. A sensation has been created in Go lumbia, S. C., by the publication of i letter written by It. F. Perry, a Caro iiuian now in Washington, to .Tosh W Ashley, a member of the hous?% charg ing Ex-GoVernor Tillman with receiv ing all kinds of rebates and other dis honest transactions,and urging Ashley to call on the legislature to a]>)>oint i committee to investigate the matter. ltank Examiner Gannon has mad< affidavit charging William P. Ilriee late cashier of the City National bank of Quanah, Texas, with embezzling $'20,000 by a note on the Midland Na tioual bank, of Kansas City, datet October H, 1801, and payable in thirt; days. Price's embezzlement, it i claimed, aggregates $07,000, of whiel $20,000 is on Kansas ("it v. $10,000 oi St. Louis mill $7,000 on New Yorl bunks. In the South Carolina legislator! Thursday a house bill passed to a thin reading which makes intoxication am drunkenness and the use of profane 01 obseno language a misdemeanor, pun ishable by lino or imprisonment. Tin use of an ordinary profane word wil cost from $5 to $50 under the law There was a big tight, many legislator pointing out the laughable nature o such a law, attempting to lcgislat morality into the people. The directors of Clifton mills, Spar tauburg county, S. ('., have deter mined to build a new cotton mill which will make the third mill opera ted by this company on I'acolet river The new mill will be built at Thomp son's shoals, which has a water powi capacity of 20,000 spindles and NO looms, without the aid of steam pow or. The mill will la! finished and ii operation by the 1st of next October and when finished this mill will giv live cotton mills within a three-mi! radius. (it IT TRANSIT CO.MI'ANY. A New Orgaui/.atiou Willi lleailipiar ters in Florida. Notice has been given that on o about January 10th, next, applicatioi will be made to Governor Mitchell, o Florida, for letters patent, granting i charter to the Gulf Transit Company with I'ensacola as its place of bttsines and a capital stock of $200,000, Tin organization of this company is par of the plan of the Louisville and Nash villo Railroad Company to increase tin export and import business of the t'en Micola port. M. 11. Smith, president o the Louisville and Nashville ltailrom Company, will be president of tin Gulf Transit Company; II. \V. Ilruoi will be vice president, and W. II. lley Holds will lie secretary and treasurer Those gentlemen are all residents o Louisville, Ivy. The company will In authorized to buy, sell and expor com, coke, lumber, timber, stores shingles, iron and other ores and othei domestic products and merchandise They will also import sugar and hard woods. Challenge Machine Works Horned. Firo has destroyed the Challengi Machinery Company's factory at Chi eago. Only the four walls of tin building were left standing. Tho lost iu machinery and the structure is es tmisted at $250,000. Most of tin stock is said to be covered by insur mice. Tho Challengo Machinery Company manufactured monster papei cutters, hand cylinder presses, hand army and proof preeno, ?ogiu?s bollvrt hftil*, I ?FOIt HAliK 1IY? a. ii. post Kit & (<)., in ion. J. II. SPEAKS, Kcltuii, S. ('. Tl^ ~I?o) i c ^ K oodl fov BRIEF TELEGRAMS. | i A CONOFNSATION OF OUR MOST I>1 l'ORTANT I>1SI?ATCIIKS. Short and Crisp Morsels of Oeiiernl Interest to Our Readers. ! 1,1 a li^lit nnioiiR tramps at Tin, O., two men were killed and a third fatal 1 ly liurt. Tho earnings of tlio Mexican N?tioiial railroad for tho fourth week of 1 November are 8110,1-11.00. . An extensive strike lias been innuguI rated by tho silk weavers of Lyon's, France, most of whom have left their work. * , Count von HehouvalofT, the Russian ambassador at Berliu, will succeed General Gourko, who has resigned as , governor of Warsaw. Congressmen elect Andrew J. Campbell, the republican opponent of General Daniel E. Sickles at the last election in the tenth New York district, died Thursday. Governor Cronns lias appointed as commissioners from Nebraska to the t. Cotton States and International Exposition, which will be held at Atlanta next year, Colonel George E. Jenkins, of Fairbury, and T. M. Broome, of . Alliance. i Private advices received at London from Calcutta state that duties on cot, ton imported into India are to be reimposed on January loth next. J nan r article oil the subject The Manchester i (j!narrfi(in expresses doubt as to the truth of the report. One hundred and fiftv male ear mout workers employe*! by Strawbridge & Clothier, at Philadelphia, and female helpers to tho number of two hundred, struck Thursday morning beer* inc of a proposed reduction in their wages. A ranchman named Francisco ."Morales );as reported to the authorities at I'res, Mexico, that a lmnd of Yn*jui Indians visitod his ranch and killed three sheep herders and drove oft* a large number o. cattle. A detachment of troops will be sent in pursuit. The Shenungo g'ass works at Newcastle, l'a., were entirely destroyed by lire Sunday morning. Tho loss is $100,000; insurance $dl),000. The origin of the lire is a mystery. Three hundred men are thrown out of emi ployinent. The works will be immediately rebuilt. The J'Vcc hi fin's Journal, a Dublin 1 newspaper, says: "Forged American 1 bonds to the value of several thousand r pounds are in the hands of Belfast in vestors. The bonds were bought in the usual way. It is reported that a broker ' has been sent to tho United States to inquire into the matter. The Fidelity Building and Loan Association, of Washington Pity, I which has become so involved in lawsuits at Pittsburg and other points, stole a march upon its creditors bv securing the appointment of n receiver ? to take charge of the business of the concern in Washington and elsewhere. The socialists made au exceptionally aggressive demonstration during the debate on the royal civil list in the Brussels chamber Thursday. Their attacks were so bitter that eventually II tho conservative deputies arose in a body and, led by the premier, drowned the socialist speeches with cheers for the king. The Mexican government is receiving many otters of assistance in putting extra troops into the field in case of war with tSuatemahi. In extraordinary session the legislature of the state of (^uoretaro has voted that its members would draw no salary during the ( war, should hostilities ensue, and that ( the amount thus saved be applied to purposes of war as the general govern^ incut may see tit. r Diptheria is raging throughout the t city of St. Louis, Mo. In some quartern the disease is assuming such pronortioiis as to lie considered an eni. domic. Tlio hoard of health is indigf mint at the action of certain physiI cians in giving the disease a wrong name when tilling out death eertilit. eates. Nearly all of the eases are re. ported as croup or laryngitis, when in reality they are dipthcria or scarlet f fever. p The row between the Pacific Mail t Steamship Company and the Panama t liailroad Company was stoppe*! by the r supreme court of New York Thursday. Justice Trunx, in special term, handed down a decision ordering a permanent and perpetual injunction to restrain tho Panama Railroad Company from terminating its present agreement with 3 the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. This injunction restrains the railroad . from changing tho methods now in h vogue between the two companies regarding the issuing of bills of lading and the transportation of passengers, mail or merchandise. For Itcnclit of Creditors. C. N. Curtis, dealer in house furni> tare at Waco, Texas, assigned to so? cure creditors iu the of <593,QWi 'S SCLLiNG Acc iDCNT (Insurance: SHOE (For/ACI?) ?>V/7 AT TI?T^J>olim ^ Do VjOUL k-povv ^100. polity gj ^oes wit!? GVGVSJ r J^?r oj - ? 1 I In Poor I . _ _ (Health 1 , 'means ;>o much more than ^ , 'you imagine?serious and ? ,'fatal diseases result from *1 , 'trilling* ailments neglected.', ,' 1 )on't play with Nature's', , 'greatest gift?health. ', 11 f you arc fooling ' , on! of sorts, weak , , ? m and generally ex- , , g%fYYf irfYC Inmsted. nervous, j ' ? UiUWllD hst\v "" "IM-clile I ^ i A and cant work, M t begin ai oncctak- \ , T i"g the most relia- x , 3 t1 sirciietlicniiiK \ > R I I 11 1 I medicine.which is M I A1 V.'ii ll'.iottii's iron Hil- jL ? Iters. A few l>ot- M Bitters | Spf f plcasavi 7-. t.ikc. / > / It Cures J i ? Dyspepsia, Kidney Liver P ,' Neuralgia, Troubles, \ ^ (* Constipation, Had Blood T l ? Malaria, Nervous ai!mc:itr> ' i WoTen*:; compfciinls. if ' Cot only 111 iriine '! h;i icrossed red f P lines oil llio wi ;t;<i ? !. Oiloihtt :uc suh- ? ^ stitut" s ? i:i ica i; l of l wo :v ;.1 . mjuJ* $ will m ik! si t of Iti Bci'iitiful WurlJ'3 t ^ Pair Vliv.s and book?lice. f f CROWN CMEMICU. CO. I \LTIMORk, I/ID. \ For Kale by Tho Union 1 >ni'( Company ami ii. 1". J'osrv, Unioll, IS. 0. TllKSFi ROllllKRS (i()T COM). Tlioy IIol<l l'p a Train in Toxns lo tho Tunc of Jj> 1 -4<>,<><M>. Ouo of tho most during train robhories ever committed in Texas took plnco right miles west of Forth Worth Thursday evening nl>out f? o'clock. As v an easthouud Texas and Pacific passenger train was Hearing Mary's creek it was brought to a sudden stop by a danger signal displayed on thctrcsth. Tho engineer was covered by three unmaskt d men, who boarded the cabinet ordered that tho train bo backed tip f \ about a half mile, when the llremau 1 was covered and ordered to break in \ tho express door, lie refused, biitth ) V rob!:L"y pulled the triggers of thoi? guns, ..nd a nPMiber of shots iu tho air brought tlso liromuu to terms. Jbj burst iu tho express ear door with ? piekax. One of the robbers then kept the fireman and engineer while t id others went into the express ear. Fort Worth is the end of the impress run and the safe doors were open. ! One of the robbers rilled the saf? s ; while the other kept guaid over Ilia I messenger. At f> o'eloek the train wan stopped and thirty minutes later it | was in I\ rt Worth. The ex let amount j the robbers secured is not known, but it is said to have been near I 10,000 in money, gold bullion en route from San Francisco to Washington, and Texas Pacific cheeks. '.fter the hohl-np the robbeis Ji mounted their liorscs, told tho eiigineer to go aloud and then made leis? ^Hjj urely oil' in a northwesterly direction. The express odiciuls say they do no^H^H know the amount taken, but Unit it ^^HHj the only through train from the and carries every ? veiling a amount of money. On the liijflHBMI the train at Fort Worth posses were immediately organized to close in every direction, thereby making i - apo impossible. !>! : I.IOSSKPS I >10A I). A Mail Who ('oiitriluitcil Much (o tho < a lory of I'Viinee. A l'nriN special say#: Tho death of Count Ferdinand do Ijesseps, which occurred at Jjiiehosnnyo, near Vatiu, waa not unexpected. Since tho I'anaina revelation the great engineer leva hecn in a comatose condition. Ilia* death was painless. The French newspaper# dwell upon the contrast between his brilliant cireer and his melancholy cud, saying that lie contributed to extend abroad '.lie greatness and influence of Franca, They add that tho work in which ho failed will be forgotten, and that tho people will only see that which ho aoconiplished. THK XKW KKI< IISTA<i (>ri{NKl>. Imposing Ceremonies ami a Speech I From tlio Kmporor. The new rcichstag building at Her* lin, Germany, was Wednesday J with imposing ceromonies. lteligiouj 1 services welo In Id According tntha 1 rites of the Catholic eh iircli, in lit 1- J wig cathedral, and under Protestant j forms in the enstle cliftpol. Chanoollov von Holiciilohti handed to the kaiser a^^^H 4B^h from the tl^nic, opening