The Spartan. [volume] (Spartanburg, S.C.) 1896-1898, February 16, 1898, Image 4

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The Spartan CHAS. PETTY, Editor and Proprietor Wedueaday, February 10, 1898. Spain has not appointed a successor t ? Lie Lome j?'. Congress ia pegging avr j.y on Cuba ud Hawaii, bill they do not serin to b? making much head way. T)oes any one with the offlcs of Lieu ien?ut?uoveruorr i* ominaiionB are now in ord? r. An explosion took place in Pittsburg, Pa., last week, by which 31 persons were killed and six others missing, Lu?ti ert, the Chicago saimige maker, ai d wife killer, whb found guilty of JLauslaughter and sentenced fo prison for life. Henna's and McKlnley's wave of pr perity has not opened uo the New Engl ind Cotton mil's yet. They have b?en idle a mouth. There st-ems to have bsen more politics and nsaueuvt ring for offlse in the South Carolina Legislat ure than profitable legislation. The English Parliament was foimally o; ened last Tuesday. The Queen's speech was read. The Priuce of Wales and Dake of York were present. The announced candidates for Governor are 8enator Archer, Governor Ellerbe, O. T. Schumnert, Geo. H. Tillman and R. B. Watson. Still there is room for more. The Bowery Savings Bank of New Yr?rlr Kau 11 O (UlA ()an/\eitAMa T*i-*a * v* " S-fWr. AAUfVVV UU|?V?HVIB. XUf Alow York Chemical Bank stock is worth more than $4,000 a shar-', the par value ot which is $100. Bre'r McKinley is very quiet in regard to the harsh criticism of De Lome. Be seems to be willing to let the whole matter drop. He may be afraid that Be Lome will prove the charge to be trne. We cannot allow auy, "furrlners" to come over here in an official capacity from the effete monarchies of the ol i world and abuse our President. That privilege is reserved for Democrats on this side. . pn|nm?-'i- AIL .. there may be another "March Co vention," to straighten ont the tungli skein of Reform politics. That cann be done with u convention every rnou in the year. Alien D. Candler will have opposite in his race for Governer. He wrota letter in which ho abused Govern Atkinson and the people who elect him, and that haa raised up decid opposition to Prof. J. C. Lang'ton, principal of t public school at Ea*ly, shot and sevei wounded L. K. Kelley, who had a s -at the school. They had a quar about the contingent fee. Langst ie from Georgia and Kelly was former in business in Greenville. The News and Courier correspond* frotu.St. Matthews Orangeburg Count says that the farmers will not redu the cotton acreage uud that they w hay about as much gusno mm uku If farmers generally adopt thnt pi they may expect 4-cent cotton n? fall. E. B. Wesley will get possession Agricultural hall in Columbia. T lent for all these years amounts 91Q,UUU IU( Hum lur wiiiuu mo nan n b.d off. The Hoard of Central is p piling to move to a large wareboi ucar the Union depot, where the r< will be cheaper and there will be expense for d'ayag*. Pit'Bburg, Ha. baa been visPed by fital ex pi onion of whi?k?y which hi out the Mulbt rry elluy wall with ti rible resnbs. Policemen, ne'rspai id,n it- a, liretu* n and others were i.u i.liey ai d many are snppeeed have been waugbt by th ? falling we Ruin r has it that f t least 25 or 50 u are still under the debris. In the inter?Ht of purity the You W. ineu'H christian Temperance Un of New Jersey lias pas.ttd res"lnt{< denouncing th* use of the bicyel alagle or tandem?on 8uod ty uml members have pledged them?e*!ve" to go t iding on that day. Tie/ > , declare themselves Hgtim-t. UIj I lversity, bec*if-e liquor U e ?ld in eix nix l)?r room" wiilitn two ? locks oi cenpns, and pr noise 10 ell ti iDlluenc* to oistaude their brct'* and other joiujh' m-n f oiu en'er oi ou a course it that iosihutiou. Dave Harris, a quiet, well-behaved negro, about tlv# miles from Greenwood, was called to bis door last Saturday night and shot and instantly killed. It is suppc s?d that white men committed the murder. No tfTo?t will be mide to c**ct? them because it was only a neero killed. Of lourse they shot him by accident or in sell-defense. "No word applied to newspapers is so much abused ?s 'sensationalism,' "says Stephea O'Meara, editor of the Boeton Journal. "Let in have a correct definition. If you wean head-lines, tbsre is uo more sense in callim? them sensational than lu condemning dry gocds dealers for displaying their good* to tLa best ad van t t^e." This is putting tl matter sensibly and compactly. Ths Dreyfus matter i? creating greet interest in Paris, which city is France when it comes to s >cial or gov* rumeutsl question*. Dreyfus was accused and convicted of turning over certain important State sserets to another Government, said to be the German. He was imprisoned for life. Zola, author, editor and literary man, severely criticised some officials of the Government. He is now on trial. MiniB'er De Liome, of 8puin, wrots a letter to a friend io hi* own country on the Cuban situation. In that hi* criticisms of lleKiuley was bo severe that his resignation was necessary. In .mo way the latter ware stolen and wade pnblio. But the affair has ended in a peaceable manner. President kfcKinley is wi'iing to let the matter drop, so peace prevails again. Spain is resenting what she cons'ders the interferense of the United States in her Cuban affair*. The eabinst has prepared a diplomatic letter in reply to certain propositions made by our Government last Dsrember. The letter has not been made public, but it is believed that Spain in a moat polite manner in'orms President McKinley tbat it would be m)re beeomiug in bim to attend to his own business. A Jawbone Campaign. A few da) s ago, a citizen of the eonnty was apt eking of the race for Governor. The merits, or as is nsual the ( uieriiii vi mo canaiaaiti were die casf-ed. Something was said aboat the backbone or want of it in certain candidatev. The citiz-n said: "This is going to be a campaign in which the jawbone will play a very iinporfnut part and the candidate who has a weak one will be left bebiad." u 111 f mil' . 1 , n- two Fighter* li the Ring. ed , ot The Atlanta Journal of Monday sa The aunouuc 111 ?ut of Jadge Bpen K. Atkinson that he wonld outer contest for tlie Democratic nomiuat on for Governor, published in Baturda a Jonmal, has made politics the ct or subject of conversation and newspa ed comment throughout Georgia. ed Both Candler and Atkinson hi strong reputations as fighters, and < of the liveliest contests in the hiit he of Georgia politics is eipected. ly ~ Joe Ballev Leads. re 1 " oll Washington, Feb. 14.?Mr. Bailey .jj Taxes, the loader of the Democrat* the House of Kepr-sentatives, ie dt entrench'am himself in his position, i the opinion is ^en-rel among Dai t v crate that if they carry the next Hoi ' * and thsy seem positive of it now, i ICO 1 'ill l>e '#cte^ &P**aker. , There is practically no opposltioi i im. What little there was is dv dliOtf end he thrown stronger daily, has shown himself duriux the rec 1 debates in the House to he pooses*e( much more (food, sound sense tl ?' even his friends ever g?v? him cri e for. The opp>'siciOQ is divided, and friends say he will win in a walk. ras re* Condition Powders for Horses. i*e mt A v?-t*r narian was once asked DO pr scribe a good condition powder uiu-dovn horses, and this was hit ply: "Bound outs, 100 pounds; wl n hr in, 50 poun is, and linseed oil, *W Do 11 litis. Mix W-l I ami imrn tr~ noon auJ night in doses of about I ?er quarts to a meal." Horses wsil ,n properly groom?ri, * xercised or worl To rarely require medicine, althougl tli*-y are more or I?h* subjeet to |f,? ranged Uidue>? and torpid liver fo lowfng toi in may be g>v.-n ore s t.l y to advantage. Mix with the | mentioned, a tab;espoouful of the loo lowing mixiure: (Jiugrr and g.-iji [)bR each 0 ooucrs; powdtneil sin phut *' iron, 4 ounces, and feuugre. k re '* ounces. This is u simple remedy , 01 will generally tone up tie systei l'!,? the proper st n.d xrd. ty* Th< tnasrille. On., Fe ?. II.? l,il tiie H <uim. sister of Marcus Hauna, nir in rr.i'd here ioo;.y nr. t? o'clock t ers Pre ities Osl Iwiu. K .fi pur1 ie? hg Ir m Jlevelvitid, Ohio. Th; l;:nl 43 j oil. s old, cue gto^m 2d. The State ConS#M'lon ot the Ti M- C . met in ColaiuHjP** laet week. The had a large iium|^B)ar of delegates and most profitable Hjltod intrreatlug meet W^Wiing. My two girl J^H[i?ren? 14 to 17 year old, have left bofll6 without l>* ruiissiou Their n'.mes araB*1'*2'? Mapsy aDd Patri Tli sley. ! hort tHJy warn all pereoDs n<> to eino'oy theniHB01* give them ghelte and a home. aHIv information abou them will he received. The? ere colored obiIdBjEen' *"*' I live with E U. D. Watson lier". ffg* An clior. P O "PWlLLIS T1NSLKY, Feb. 18, 1888. Ff>? ForeclosmK? of Mortgage. J. m. cvbttluivakft I mortoagk J. N. Cui d. Bp ' > Rkal Estatk. statu ok ?jd<<utrf"carojljna, County oflfo vpartanuuro. By virtue of aiW^orltv err nted in tbi mortira^re, dne |P.?knowledsremw)t hav in?< been m?de Ijr amount of deb at-eordine to law^WoJ will sell to thehich est bidder at St)Ji^?.aDb?rg Court Hous? -u the first 1d March, 1898 within the bonrs <>' sale all to at t r&^flT ?' land ,u saic connty and OQ the wt'tri of Pacolet RIv^?> and Cherokee Cr? ek beui)d?d by ?t said river being the Und^B *''wn a* the Genre* McAfee l?Dd, t^?MEul* deeded by h?n to Jolia E. Norri^B*3^ NV- Anderson ant W. N. Ander8ou]?land b>' thein dreiJec to J. M. 0'8uU?~frao? eontainlrs: tbre? hundred and thWjJy'00* sere*, more 01 |ph". For a tuer^B* Porticolar dskciipi ini of said land see tjPWl* uiortirage r?-c"rded io office or the ci?-4** ot tbe <*>utt of said County and Stat?*1) Book 23, paue 5 Terms of sale, ? *,b. Pa,""baf?f to paj for papers. I?. J. N. CUDD, Feb 12, 1898. N Mortgagee. Teacher's Rfixaminatiou. The next exa?>4"?^,Datlon of teacheri will be held a? 4Spartanburg Courl House on FrldCjJ aDd Saturday, ths 18th and 16th of?^f*br?atT? 1898. White applica^?** *id ??1? Frl day, the 18th, a^?d colored on Saturday. the 19th. JHK?, . Examinations j^?^'l b*fh* At 9 o'olosk a. ui. each day. HH ? ' 1 B. CHAPMAN. Chalrm^Hp*B?"rri Education. INTERNAL RB^BfeNUE SERVICE, ( Distriot^V' Sooth Carolina, < dbpxty ^ lollkctor's office, ) j JKn?ry 81, 1898. The followinj^H&described property having been f?r violation of Sections 3280 ?? U. 8., any p-rson elaiuiiDKi^V^6!^^ fli* bond as required under of Section 84#0 R. S.^^Bfl^B'irty (30) days trom date will be declared afon 0'. ifkrriok, 1 Deputy C?llee<or. A house and wore lot on Pine street, ion Lot luiiy be cl into 10 lots all on iy's streets. I One lot on Minolta s'reet. Two lots on If?irvlew avenue. One lot on Hampton avenue, near Gnureh street. *ve One lot and lionae 8 rooms, one lot ju* HUU nuuae ? r<Hiiux, one tot aua uoi)8?, 8 room*, in live minutes walk of publio UI*y *qu?re. 1 new house and lot on ftlendalynn street, opposite residence of Mr L'wichell. One lot and house, 6 rooms, South n. an street. Two lots ttt. Paul ? p' street. Several flue lot* South Chuich i in and SpriuK street. Apply to lily U. W. BOMAR, and Ant?* 10> ' no'*? Eggs Tap Hatching. . Fine Ha rr*d Pie mouth Rock*?Excel110 l*nt strains crossed. Apply to W. W# riu Fsnfc, SnanauburK, S. O He ent Haried Pqiuontn Rocks?very fine j 0[ hi.<h-feorln^ st'alo; also a few flue Ooc*< r?l? r-<r ?*:?. Charles H. Carliels, *t Morgan Irou Works, sdit hie eygs from high-scoring Buff LagI'ou. and Laugshaas now ready: Chaileu Petty, *t Spartan Oflins. Coral,h Indian Gam* egg*; flrit pH*a at. fp?r:?nbur)f Ponltrr Bbow. Gao. to W. Bo?ar. for _____ 2 Landreth s our I'd! GARDEN 1 SEEDS follrtr,, For rroro p,*.. ha'f a een'.n?y H (if I ...... . I. . Ko.ll. ? ' ' ? rVICJ " <J, 3 for t li?< ho itfi H (1 Wn > *jit*(| Kred^ ?nii trn# to u to naiuo. lV|>cr? full a>tid arse. . Count v Merchant* ar-? 'livita<l to call a Lid Mt whoU*?l? l?ric??. i'lan was t u 0 o o o o o "'Arthurlrwin i I I & 3c ? ^ | wwdbb??ommmn?oooou>om?capmoonoooo ooooooooooo !;: We I. 8 Dinii Are 1 ' ^ S s?ne ,;; Selling j JK. fi mncK ; X Furniture V At ^ Ce: ; A ** 50 ce | Unheard- f3g 8 of Prices. I nitur OB MtM)MiMMnOOMOO?MiMtMOMM?MKMMMUMUUlMt OOOO o The Southern Fui X 15 East Maia Street, Spartanbi Farmers, Att Genuine Bright Leaf Tot Acid Phosphate Bone and Potas MAHUfACTl Norfolk & Carolin BRANCH, RICI Read the following Circular and prott by BTj This ia to eertify that Mr. J. K.1 prize on*r?a uy tne i^ocron manured r ? Hroliue, for the largest production of White Hhowed, to the satisfaction ol Committee, that be produced 3,212 po exress of the yield of any other coiupc s*id Committee that he need in the cu of "Slaughter Hone* Boue Guano" to chaeed the same from J. H. Oliver, of < (Sign Con Spartanburg, 8. 0., Jan. 17,18*8. J. E. Bagwel ( Is opening -j Haavy and ( Grocery st< SPECIA Fine Teas, Coffee, Cigars READY FOR 1 "isoa'ts 5.3(3 Orsetesrs in grr^ut *ari?t< V?K*t&blet; tha *! y best liHaortmuut < FA.KMKliS will find Hay, Corn, Bac( Grocarles. Kverythioe pa fee.My fre^h. Special unci (J melt Dailvvry. LOOAN'S Ih the best piece to have your horses and mules shod. He will take sptciul ] pauiH to straighten re-t and keep 11 or me from striking end interfering He always guarantees suti-faci ion. all sorts of plaii'aiiou ami repair work , done on short notice. My prices are most reasonable lor nor. c*sh, 6la>p on rear of Morif-wit' statics. JAMti LOUAIV. TJ e above high-back, braced Q cane-seat, highly polished JL tig-Room Chair going at 8S 3L ts. V me early bofore they are ail V d-room and Parlor Suits and A ther Furniture at correspondr low pribes. JL ds, $1.50. jjt its, $15.00. V eking Chairs, $1.25. n ? litre Tables with marble top, A oot extension Dining Tables, X reaus, $5.00. O ishstands, $2.00. O y thing you waut in the Fur- A 'niture Company | irg, S. C., next to Bee Hive. JL ENTION ' -V EG .HOUSE (luanol >acco Grower, >h Mixture, JRKD BY a Chemical Co., 1MOND, VA. it: *TR OF SOUTH C*ROLINA. Bounty of Spartasbuuq. White ha? beeu &w?H?d the ftOO.OO irers of Spartarborg Countv, South cotton from ano acre of 'and. Mr. T the undersigned duly appointed and* of Seed Cotton, whiou was In (tifor for said prize. He reports to ltivatiou of said cottoa 500 poonds the said oue acre of laud, and par* Cherokee Spring*, H. O. led) T. L. OA NTT, CHaKLES PETTY. J. C. G ARLINGTON, linittee appointed by the Cotton M ills and arranging a fine assortment of I Fancy Groceries at the old Spartan >ra, next to Sheridan Qtaham. LTIES: , Tobacco and Molasses rHE TABLE; r, r"aiu?d FNh, Frnlta and i)f Pickles and Condiments. >u, Flour, Bran and other Heavy inducements in the way of prices J. E. Bagwell. MONEY TO LEND. L aui t>rei ared to negotiate Loans for $500 and Upwards :>n mortgage on improved farms at rea souhble latt 8. RALPH K.CARSON. Dec. 15, 8ui.