The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 30, 1922, Image 2

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-em Baker and lied the music and .-Ms?*.' which was f-esents w*re dis beautlful holly sked for a cash lady member the large con The' presents ted and the big something of t is cue Mr. D. untiring efforts e and-.inter te was assisted Christmas tree >parU was at iarge cro wd last the large jnag jPaxk wis-select tree and. it was with various its. Thesjng Stion.of Mrs. H. by a: choir, of the best land accompanied A . number of [s. hymns and car tt was a ^pleasant ?ion. .winter sports? >me. . "cKissick lected by the >ia this state amounted to. Messed by the 1.27 as assessed mington, mak $3,001,737.1.3. ? ieiyed the letter through Sena F,t"week asked the iternal revenue to ith figures showing /collected, by the South Caro pyear. ago. Proclor Bonham of GreenyiHe publicly, that lina. was not getting its if the income tax as col .federal government* it around $12,000,000 collected and that this mid have around $4,000, of $1,000,000, ? Sradley took the- matter iip John F. Jones, collector' Carolina, and Major informed him that" the col-' in South Carolina was ap itely >3,00.0,000. The state >m the hiteral revenue de ^at Washington will, '?. it is at rest all statements' iroHna is not getting' the federal amount tas* collected to date fy $1,000,000.; l^EEANDEAD >n, Dec. 27.?Brig Gen. >h /Wright, Confeder id author, died at his^ ly from hardening, of Re was 91 years of ive of Tennessee. Weight was one of two Confederate brigadier >f the Confederate ;war; one being Gen. Felix >f Waco, Texas.v : Wright was born June fat Purdy, Tenn. fie was 'of ; Capt. Benjamin and Ann (Hicks) , Harwell He received his early ed in Tennessee, later, prac-^. He entered the array ^Southern 'states"in May, '186.1,; leziant, colonel ??.v.' 154th' issee regiment. He was pro l to brigadier generaL the; fbl-i year.. . r to the war he was engaged; for a; number of. years j ,:purser;^of::the.i Faw. As an kVrote histories and memoirs south. Among these were "Life Seneral Winfield Scott,'/. "Life "of^ Sov. William Blount," "History pfj McNairy . County, Tennessee, "Sketch of the Life of ,the Duke 3f Ken:," "The Social Evolution of Woman," and "Sketches of Con-' federate Generals," in Appleton's^ "Cyclopedia . of American graphy." He also was ca*^8dltorj of "Memoirs of Gen. R'fJbert E. Lee," with Gen. A. L^Long, "Lib rary of American^^iistory^ wrote "General Officer of the Confeder ate Army,*V ".Col. Davjd Crockett j of Tenne^^e;"-"Life of Gen.. John j Petefi^Mul^berg*' and "Tennessee! yQie War of. 1861-i8o5." General Wright was twice mar tried, his first wife being Martha Spencer Elcan of Memphis and his second and surviving wife, Pauline j Womack, of Alabama. He was a ] member of the Sons vof the Ameri can Revolution, Southern Histori cal association, president Southern I society, member Wash- j ington Historial society, honory member Alabama Historical, .so ciety;, .and member of the Order of. Washington. < Surviving him besides bjs wife are four children, . Col. John Wright, U. B. A., stationed here; Marcus Wright of California, How ard Paul Wright; special agent for the department of. justice, and Mrs. Pauline Casey Dinwiddie. of this city and four grandchildren. There are two Important consid erations in planning, a highway sys tem, for the couny?that it be of the greatest seryice to the greatest possible number of resident tax payers of the county and that it link up with the state, highway system. The .first and most im portant purpose of a paved, high way, is not that it be the shortest possible route, between . the county seat and.some point i:i anoother county, but that it be the most convenient route I for the people [living in the territory abutting on the road. Correct this sentence; "Aunt Ada got the silver we sent her," said the wife; "and, wasn't it sweet uf her to send us a nice postcard ?" IRENGEi [ee at Woj^r State Highway Bond Ffograitu Columbia, T>$c^W?A. B. ?ing ley.; chairman . of /the good roa4s convention and a/lso a member of the ? and j Charles. H. Mo^refield/ state. m^hH way engineer, went to Sparenburg ] early:' yesterday,: afternoon to con- J f er : with Charles. 0./ H^aron,. I an? j other' member Of the commission, j in reference to road plans in gen- j eral. . . ^ . I From-. Spartanburg. Mr. Langley j and/jVfr, /Moorefieid ? will go tc I Greenville where they will confer \ with B: N. Peace, - a. committeeman from"the Fourth congressional dis- j trict. ' Mr. Langley as chairman of the general conyention arid as a mem ber; of the. ^subcommittee; of *. 'the'] general j^^^^i?.Xva^^ P#>-' gram for, jaresentation to the gen eral assembly next year is ;Working | hard in an effort to have ail-.details ] completed for the; full committee meeting January c4. The date,. for the general con - ve'ntibn .session has been, changed from", January . 9 to, Jan uary 11, .it was ann pu need yesterday- morn mgVi Gxoyernor.. IJarvely is //inyitfng^&Bi evQ^brs of newspapers in .the state to meet with..theconvention when it. reassembles.. Tentatiye plans of the .subeom-j mfttee call for a i25,000,p0(> bond j issue// ". '<? '? Revenue Derived For Eight] ?hths ^Totaled &^,???. Columbia, ?ec. 28.^Buring eighth months of the present." year, from March - l to ? November 1, - Soijtbc; Carol!na ' motor.', /vehicle;? owners', spent ??, 92 3,000 forg^olme. alonei not including the two. cents a; ga/t-j Ion --tax. F ig ui*-eii through/.No^ vember were not compiled, but will ? be- in a. few days.": . - 'According to the compilation .of j the. commission, 30,10fr.?Q?\ gallons of gasoline were consumed between March i a^id November .\ and thisj ?es> an/ approximate average: of i %%\A%-ior each car owner in the] state. / Thetax has cost approxi-j mate)y $7.08 for each niachme own-j er f-or the eight montlis? j . $he revenue raised . from the j tw?; cents . tax, has amounted to! ?e02???p, this figure not including j ?the rXoyemrber < amount, . pother] iter? hrbughi. out in the st^tenien *>?*tjhe.' commission is that ^pproxi- i lately ',354''^!ons;or'g^o!toe:^^ei " / by each motor vehicle. Tj " Jtes. an approximate average- o| cenrk ^^^j^^^^jj^^^^ .^Tfe'^ents 'for eight' months, / ?.. I 'fee. cost of collecting the tax] wiife jeabout $5?i}??. Bust Explosion:- at Kansas] 7s ? Kansas Citiv./^I^ec.- 27.?-More ?tanifjiirty persons are tonight suf rferiiig fropv bujrnS' and injuries, re sulting from a:/lust explosion and: a-Ofire in .the mill of the Seh^eifcer Flour and ..Cereal Company -. fere this afternoon. Estimates, of .the lo^/r^nge/ from $125,000^ to.$150^ 'po.... ... . f.; . . , iremen searched ."in the ruins re a man was, said./jo, have, been i inimed^teiy-jafter the .explo-| / ; ,This , |nah^ it " ^s ; explained A e two attempts to escape, from 1 f?viildlng through, a. back win- j v but each time^eemed to'.lacjci iilglh "and, fell back . into the] flames.. Company officials said. all ? the./men escaped from, the build- j mg/-/;. The mill was a ?ve-story struc- j (ture with few openings,- making it j lifficui^ for .the ..firemen, tp, 'make j eadway ^aii^t -t-iie ?&mss* '...Tlie.j plosion - was caused^ .by sparks \ m motors, in the opinion of fire- ! ?men. I^LEBOYj Negro Shot by. White Lad Six! Years of jAge. Camden, Bee. 27.?Ezell Mur phey, a negro boy ten - years of age, residing In West Wateree, was shot and instantly killed about noon Tuesday by a white child named Furman Ray, who will be' only six years of age in M?y. There were no eye-witnesses to the trag edy and all the information ob tained was from the white child. The small/children had been snap ping the empty-gun the afternoon before but in. the morning some elder member of-the family had. used the gun while out hunting! and left it loaded. The negro came| by the home of the white child and they were talking when the gun was again snapped and it fired, the whole load taking effect in the ne gro's neck. The sheriff and coron er made an investigation of the af fair but owing to" the age of the child no action will be taken in the matter. Death of a Colored Woman Mrs. Binkle Bush departed this life on Becember 25th at her res idence on Council street. She had h,een.ill for several months. She leaves to mourn her. loss, her bus band, Edward Rush of Surater; three children, Mrs. Bessie/Rice of Chicago; Miss. Essie. Hopkins of Sumter and George Hopkins of Co lumbia, five grand children and a host of relatives and .friends/ The funeral service will be held tomor row at 2. o'clock at' Mt Pisgah A. M. E. Church. Interment will be at Walker's cemetery. Cammoihv ^BcesTS^ow dis tinct Strength-?Cotton and Wheat Attain New: High levels For the Year New York, Dec. 24.?While the holiday season has served: to .quiet, the chief financial markets. appre ciably; during the past week, it has brought . distinctly * - active ? retail trade and has had remarkably lit j tie checking effect on the indus tries. - Steel : productions ? continue I to approximate. 80. per cent ..of ca j pacity and- trade reports state that the year-end closing down ot plants will be for briefer periods than j usually is the case. Most of the I producers will reopen their plants Tuesday rather tfcan wait the week which more commonly elapses be fore operations are resumed. Steel makers are confident, furthermore that/their present .scale of- opera tions will be maintained throughout the. "first quarter of the new year. Order books arc fairly well filled and prices, of finished products re main": firm. ^ ;Railroad carloadings, meanwhile continued to hold up ^remarkably; , welL. although the normal, seasonal [slackening _ is making itself felt." Coal Production. " Bitominous coal production is be ing, maintained at .the rate of 11, 000,0.00 tons a , week and the amounts ; made available- to indus try seem wholly . adequate to ,rear sohabje demands. ?Commodity have shown distinct strength during the .past .week. .. Bcrjao.cotton..and. wheat at tained new high levels for.the.year, .insistent buying of the more dis ajit/-'future'scarried May Cotton .up to" approximately 2G 1-2 cents. It was, apparently based in' the. idea that a i0,a00,000-baie crop apd the present rate rof consumption, which is high, means a . shortage before new] cotton.. can be . obtained Xrom another crop. . Influences were, mixed in the wheat .market. v It seems probable that.the firmness in prices was due largely to/general optimism. .. Thus the -Department of Agriculture re viewed its estimate for 1922 crop upward, adding some 45,?C0,0O<|H busheis. . Its first report on the new win ter wheat crop placed the acreage at slightly niore than . 46,000,000 acres and the condition at 79.5 per cent. As .compared with the fig ures for the previous crop, acreage is reduced about 3 per cent, condi tion ; increased by a like, amount. This first estimate . is only, . of course, suggestive. As the holidays approached, the absence of any pressure: to. liqua dat~ was. noticeable in. the several jricrkets.." Techincal conditions ap parently had been greatly improved during the last rwo months. Mos|fl Lorservers are looking forward to the..New Year in a cheerful, mood. AUTOMOBILES ? / Columbia, Dec, 27,-?Having 18.7 persons to every motor vehicle reg istered. South" Carolina is far down the list of . states in. motor vehicle density, according to figures which the December number of the State Highway bulletin, official publica-' tion of the State, Highway depart ment, says were compiled from the registration of a u t o mobile s throughout the country. This places the Palmetto state in forty second place among the states.; . A number of , motor vehicles for each 1,000 persons, in the state is: given as 52.35. The state's total registration is thirty-second in the country. ROAD BOND ? - ? MEETING --r-r-. .. , . ;(3V Florence, Dec. 27.?Citizens of the sixth congressional district will meet, here tomorrow to discuss the proposed,, bond issue for building liighways of the state. The meet ing; was called by CoL D. A. Spivey, chairman of the Sixth district, and|l one of the members of, the com mittee named . at, the recent mass' meetingj in Col?mbia t? work out a plan that could be submitted to the state legislature in January. Special invitations have been sent by . Col- Spivey to mayors of towns, members of the legislature, repre sentatives of chambers of com merce, ^punty commissioners and other proim/nent men. throughout the district. The meeting is being held both for discussion of the proposal to issue $50,000,000 or $60,000,000. worth of road bonds and also to sound the sentiment of the district on the question. WOODROW WILSON'S BIRTHDAY Washington, Dec* ^S.?rFormer President Wilson celebrated his sixty-sixth- birthday today quietly at his home here. The only sched uled event was the visit of a dele gation from the Woodrow Wilson foundation this afternoon to ex tend birthday greetings and in form him. of the progress made in raising, a million dollars to perpe tuate the ideals he pronounced during his presidency. WANTED?Several small tracts of good pine timber from 1-4 to 5 million feet. i We also nay cash for No. 1 -?ne logs 14 inches and up in diameter delivered to our new band mill at Denmark. S. C. The ^ickgraf Company, Denmark, S. C. - ?- ? I I I . ' .' - ? The P?c?ilo Road ! > ^-r-rr I00rio Miv TmMs Article ! and the Sentiin<3it of the | | People Involved ? ?? . . - [Editor Dally Item: , Due to my inability (on account of -being confined to my bed with ? .the flue) to attend tifie meeting of '$h?- Permanent Road Commission on Thursday, having been! appoint ed on a committee to represent my people at this meeting I ask you to publish this' article setting forth the facts;and our.wishes in regard to the paving of a road .in our sec tion. I have read an article in your pa per under,date of l^th inst. signed by Mr.,;H. I). Tiadal, in which he criticises, the. meeting at Pocalla and tries to mislead the public in regard to facts. VJ ain going to comment on his article and give you the .facts as they exist: ' Pinewood was not represented at the Pocalla meeting, this mis take in the article was due to Mr. R. P. Monaghan,^ who presented, the article for publication, having not been informed as to sections represented." The meeting would be called a Bethel, Providence, ? Po-, | jcalla gathering and those are the ones mostly concerned. ? As everybody, knows there are only two. sections by name, Bethel and Providence school districts or Earl. and . Privateer voting pre cincts. I live in.tha heart of the Providence district,, in behalf of which I. am writing. .. ? ;Mr> Tindal .states that his pro posed railroad.., route , is designed to help those or serving those that Jive, along the Manning road which passes through our district. I. wis? to state.this is not, true, and not ; the sentiment section. -If it was true why didn't. Mr. Tindal consult, us, and have us, join him in the petition. Did he? No,, we knew nothing of his plans until it was,published in the papers where he had presented them to the com?: mission. What did we do? .We got a petition, signed .by: a greal many citizens, of our section , to show our disapproval, and Mr. J. T. .Brogdon presented it at the next meeting, which, it seems had np weight as the. commission voted in favor of Mr.._Tindai.. So we.j;^ solved to continue,to fight his prop osition,, which seems to be a one man . proposition. So we. notified the Bethel people and; they unanimously joined us at Pocalla, and..we, the fight to a finish. In..order for. the patrons of the Manning, road tQ.use Mr, Tindal's route, it would mean the addition of from 1,1-2 to 4 1-2 miles, more mileage, to reach Sumter which would not be. practical, this mile age depending on .where ypu lived. Xou {wou Id have to .travl over th is mileage going west,, while Sumter lies north. ... ... ?s I have stated. I live in Providence district, on eastern side or railroad and consider from? :. a; {practical point I am.mpre familiar i with- said district than any other ! person in regard to roads,, honies, and property owners: . Why?. .Be cause I took the. census in this dis trict., two years ago. and. in doing so I had to visit every house and travel every road., .. So I contend from my own ob servation that the proposed Tin dal. road would not render us any service. Mr. Tindal owns all land on our side of railroad from the A. J. Jones, place to Pocalla, except for a short distance from. Pocalla, which, is owned by Mr. M. H. Beck, Hodge estate,. Mr. Isaac Strauss ^and Mr. Seabrook Now he-states, he has had the property owners to do nate the necessary. land;. for a new j road. . I contradict this statement, as : you see the land owners .are j few, as I stated at Pocalla, about. 1 five. I know Mr. Beck and Mr. Strauss havevnot and will not sign such papers as they, oppose the plan; also do not believe the Hodge estate would consent to same. ' . I . realize Mr. Tindal is unfortu nate to own so much land and not have a paved road by his door. But it is his .fault. He owns land on public roads and,had the privilege; and Rosy 'Cheeks: tffc of building dfere. ? His lands .''ex*- : tend from the railroad te Pocalla swamp in some places. I realize he needs a paved road through the sand that surrounds him. But, he must be considerate and not try to cpnspit?aie two established, char tered, public roads that are now and have been in-the* past serving two of the thickest. settled white communities1 in . Sumter . county; (Providence ? and Bethel); also those living beyond these com munities with, entire satisfaction to . all, which is of, .far .more ,1mr portance than serving Mr." Tindal and fcis. tenants. He states his plan is a happy compromise. I would like to :knpw how. he reached , . this v conclusion. Why didn't he attend the, adver tised meeting at Pocalla last week, and he would have learned, that the people desired no such compromise as offered by, him. . .In referring, to. the number present at Pocalla, he. says many of .them were not land . owners. That .was . true. I am .not a land owner . myself, but my mother is and I am living on her .place.,jHer interests are mine so I think any casual reader will, agree that I had a perfect right to represent her; the same right as if I was a land owner, as she did not have the right, to vote . on the. bon<jt Jssue. There were others present for .the same cause that I was,.. . I. have been informed that Mr. Tindal, has been putting, iout the propaganda, that a person; not. owning property on. a payed road would', not be,assessed..taxes, to pro tect the bonds,,this would only ap peal, to the ignorant, (as it is. uh-. true). I wish to state there is no con tention between the two. sections (Betheland Providence). - Qf course, it is natural that both sec? tions would like to be served/with: a paved road, if practical. -;3|p^>: total mileage of both roads would not, be as . much as. . that,, on. the Bembert, Shiloh or. Pinewoodh roads. . If this cannot be ? done, 'I then we ask for. what I term a happy compromise, .namely, to dir vide the. mileage of pavement, af ter passing.Pocalla, in -two equal, amounts, giving the two . present roads the benefit of an equal share. I., fee' confident that this ..plan would be acceptable to all concern ed, and .would be .designed to serve all. . x have submitted the facts as - they exist, if the commission doubts the. veracity of same I invite theni to come down , and ha ye."-'a per? , s?nal observation, Bespec?ully, J. A. Cooper. CAPITAL STOCK INCREASED Columbia, Dec; 26:?The Secre tary of. State rhas authorized^ the ; Murray Drug Company, of "iCdlum^ bia to increase its capital .stock: from $100,000 to $6,000,000. The Fairmont ':? Manufacturing Company, of Fairmont in Spartan burg, county, was authorized to in crease its capital stock from $309, ?uO t? $450,000. " '" An Increase in capital stock of from $200,000 to $4"00,000 was au thorized for the Hartsv?ie Oil Mill* ? of Hartsville. , A charter was granted Weston & Brooker, Engineers, Ina, of Colum bia, with a capital stock of $10,{WMl * T. I. Weston is president and treasurer, and B. O. Brooker, see* retary. ^ . ? ? ?? ? Washington, - -Dee. 27.?Cotton ? exports during- November,' includ- ? ing linters amounted to 85&;3S7 bales, the commerce department announced today. The exports are- . valued at $109,387,719. TEN YEARS HENCE j - ? WILL YOU BE PROSEERING IN BUSINESS OR LOOKING FOR A JOB? : IT ?EPENDS ON WHETHER OR NOT YOU-HAVE STARTED TO SAVE. Plow your cotton stalks in now. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Xelll O'BonncU Archie China O. L. Yates J. W. Kiaard * President -j Vice President Cashier Asst. Cashier .?-.t . erlitt ?-. FACTS WORTHY OF YOUR CONSIDERATION Our large Capital Stock and Surplus indicate our Ability. Large Loans and Discounts?Our Liberality. Large Deposits?the Peoples' Satisfaction with eur Service and Confidence in our Protection, % We offer you our Service and Protection and want your Account. The National Bank of South Carolina The Bank With the Chime Clock. C. G. Rowland, Pres. Earle Rowland, Cashier