The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, October 04, 1881, Image 1

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THE SUMTER WATCHMAN', Established April, 1S50- "Be Just and Fear not-Let all the Ends thou Aims't at. be thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's." THE X??VK SOUTH iwsr, Es?:ti>]i>ii<-d Juno, 1S66. Consolidated Auff. 2. ISSI.] SUMTER. S. C.. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4, 1881. Sew Series-Vo]. I. Xe. 10. Published every Tuesday, -BT THE Watchman and Southron Publishing Company, SUMTER, S. C. TERMS : Two Dollars per annum-in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS. tine Square, first insertion.Si OG Every subsequent insertion. 50 . Contracts for three months, or longer will Se made at reduced rates. All communications which subserve private interests will be charged for as advertisements. Obituaries and tributes of respect will be charged for. Marriage notices and notices of deaths pub? lished free. For job work or contracts for advertising address Watchman and Southron, or apply at the Office, to N. G. OSTEEN, Business Manager. WILMINGTON, COLUMBIA AND AUGUSTA R. R. ON and after May loth, ISSI, the following schedule will be run on this Road : XIG HT EXPRESS AND MAIL TRAIN. (Daily ) (Nos. 47 West and 4S East.) Leave "Wilmington.10 05,p m Arrive at Florence. 2 ?5 -a m Leave Florence-. 2 40 ? m Leave Sumter. 4 fi S a m Arrive at Columbia.- 6 0" a m Leave Columbia_.-10 00 p m j Leave Sumter.-.12 OS a m j Arrive" at Florence. 1 40 a m ! Leave Florence.?~. 2 00 a m j Arrive at Wilmington. 6 20 a tn j This Train stops only at Brinkley's. White j ville, Flemington, Fair Bluff, Marion. Florence, : Timmonsville, Mayesville, Sumter, Camden j Junction and Eastover. THROUGH FREIGHT TRAIN. Daily, except Sundays. Leave Florence. -12 25 a rh-j Leave Sumter. 3 13 a tn [ Arrive at Columbia.. 6 25 a m ? Leave Columbia.......- 5 00 p m ? Leave Sumter-.- S 20 p m ? Arrive at Florence.- ll 10 p m j LOCAL FREIGHT-(Daily except Sunday.) j Leave Florence. 3 50 p tu j Arrive at Sumter-Lie over. 7 5G p m ; Leave Sumter. 7 30 a m j Arrive at Columbia.11 CO a m ; Leave Columbia. 3 15 a m Arrive at Sumter-Lie over. S 00 p m Leave Sumter...-. 6 00 am Arriv? at florence. 12 00 ' m A. POPE, G. P. A. JOHN F. DIVINE. General Sup't. South Carolina Railroad, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON ANO AFTER SEPTEMBER 4 th. ISSI. Passenger Trains on Camden Branch will run as follows, until further notice : EAST TO COLUMBIA-PA IL Y EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Leave Camden. 7 45 a tu Leave Camden Junction. S 50 a m W Arrive at Columbi;:.10 55 a :n ? VEST TROM COLUMBIA-DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAYS. Leave Columbia. 5 10 a m... 5 55 p m Arrive Camden Junction, ll 01 am... 7 32 p m Arrive at Camden. I 00 p m... S 37 p DI EAST TO CHARLESTON AND AUGUSTA. '(Daily except Sundays.) Leave Camden. 3 cO p in Leave Camden June'...?. 5 37 p m Arrive at Charleston. 10 30 p m Arrive at Augusta. 7 25 a tn WEST FROM CHARLESTON AND ACGCSTA. j (Daily escept Sundays.) Leave Charleston. 6 20 a tn j Leave Augusta. 7 CO p ai Arrive Camden June'.ll 01 a m Arrive at Camden. 1 00 p m CONNECTIONS. ?Columbia and Greenville Railroad both way?, for all points on that Road and on the Sp;>r tanburg. Union and Columbia and Spartanburg and Ashville Railroads, also with tho Char lotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad to and from all points North by trains leaving Camden at 7 45 a m, and arriving at S 37 p m. Connections made at Augu3*a to all points "West and South; also at Charleston ui:h Steamers for New York and Florida-on Wed- ! nesdays and Saturdays. On Saturdays ROUND TRIP TICKETS are ?old to and from all Stations at one first class fare for the round trip-tickets being good till .Monday noon, to return. Excursion tickets good for 10 days are regularly on sale to and from all stations at 6 cents per mile f-.-r round trip. THROUGH TICKETS to all points, can be purchased by applyiog to James Jones, Agent at Camden. D. C. ALLEN, General Passenger and Ticket Agent JOHN B. PECK, General Sup't, . Charleston, S. C Columbia and Greenville Rail Road, PASSENGER DEPARTMENT, COLUMBIA. S. C., August 31. ISSI ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, September 1st, ISSI, Passenger Trains will run as herewith indicated, upon this road and its branches-Daily except Sundaj-s : No. 42 Up Passenger. Leave Columbia (A). ll 20 a m Leave Alston.12 26 p ni Leave Newberry.I 21 p tu Leave Hodges. 3 52 p ta Leave Belton._. 5 05 p tn Arrive at Greenville. 0 27 p m No. 43 Down Passenger. Leave Greenville at.10 33 a tn j Leave Belton.ll 57 a m " Leave Hodges. 1 12 p tn Leave Newberry. 3 47 p m Leave Alston. 4 -15 p m Arrive at Columbia (F). 5 5'J p m ! .SPARTANBURG, UM' N ? COLI-MBIA lt. R. NO. 42 Up Passenger. Leave Alston. 12 40 p m j Leave Spartanburg, S U & C Depot (Dj 4 03 p m ! Arrive Spartanburg R ? D Depot (E) 4 12 pm ! No. 43 Down Passenger. Leave Spartanburg R&D Depot (II) 12 4S p m \ Leave Spartanburg S U & C Depot (G ) I 07 p m j Leave Union._. 2 ->.> p m ] Arrive at Alston. i :>6 I1 m LAURENS RAIL ROAD. Leave Newberry. 3 .55 p .'u ; Arrive at Laurens C. H. 0 45 p m ; Leave Laurens C. H. 8 M a m \ Arrive at Newberry.ll 30 a m i ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Leave Hodges. 3 55 p m Arrive at Abbeville. 4 4? p m . Leave Abbeville.12 !"> r? to ; Arrive at Hodges-. 1 05 p at . BLUE RIDGE R. R. & A.\T>EP.SON BRANCH. j Leave Belton-. 5 (?a p m ! ' Leave Andersen.-- 5 41 p m Leave Pendleton. (5 20 r? ra Leave Senaca CC). ..... 7 2?) p m ' Arrive at Walhalla. 7 45 p ta ! Iseave Walhalla. 9 a in i Leave Seneca (D). <j "lam i Leave Pendleton.10 30 :i (!1 ; Leave Anderson.Ll 12 .*. m ! Arrive at Belton...ll 43 a ta ! On and after above dute through cars will *>c ; run between Columbia and Henderson ville with'- . oat change. CONNECTIONS; A-With South Carolina Rait Road from ! Charleston; with Wilmington Columbia & Au gusta RR from Wilmington and all points a.;r:h thereof; with Charlotte. Columbia A Augusta i Kail Road from Charlotte and points nor;:; j thereof. B-With Asheville & Spartanburg Rail Road j for points in Western N. C. C-With A. & C. Div. R & IL R. R. for nil j points South and West. I D-With A.<? C. Div. R. & D. R. R. from At ! lan ta and beyond. E-With A. & C. Div. R. & D. R. R. for ali j points South and West. F-With South Carolina Rail Road for Char- j leeton ; with Wilmington, Columbia & Augusta j Rail Road for Wilmington and tho North ; with ; Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta Rail Road for I Charlotte and the North. j G-With Asheville & Spartanburg Rail iftond , from Hendersonvilte. M-With A. & C. Div. R. & D. R. ?.. from ; Charlotte & beyond. Standard time used is Washington, D'. C., j which is fifteen minutes faster than Columbia, j J. V?. FiA*, Sup't. ! A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. August 30, J SS]. tf. ! AN AESTHETIC POEM. A pinte of hash and r. brindle cat A sailing on the sen ; For your sisters bc:xu a pink cravat To climb a hickory tree. For thc? a stick of taffy s'-veet ; (Onions are strong In the onion bcd !) A blue-eyed nug for rae to greet; (Still, oh, still are the entombed dead !) An oyster stew or two for you : (Oh, clams are fifty cents a peck !) For me a schooner of mountain dew Two glaces for a ten-cent check ! For you a stroll upon the sand ; (Red is the nose of him who drinks !} For me three pairs in a poker hauJ ; (Bologna sausage is sold in links !) Norristown Herald. LADT BLANCHE LIFE-BOAT. -o He was drunk as usual on his watch, though there was a big gale blowing out ut sea, with gathering signs of a storm overhead ; and it might bc that the life boat would have some work to do before morning. But what did Peter Pencorrow care about thc life boat, except for the salary of ??1 a week which he drew as its cus? todian ? Nobody in the village of Pol loot had looked with kindly eye on thc arrival of this foolish boat-as they called it-which was to take the "har? vesting" out of their mouths. For the population were wreckers to a man and woman, and they termed it "harvest? ing"' when some well-freighted ship was driven on to the great Needle Rock off their coust and went to pieces. Such accidents happened too rarely for their taste-once a year or there? about-and the booty was often misera? bly small. But there had been years within the memory cf some of .the in iuhabitants, who were not yet old, when a dozen vessels of all sizes hud founder? ed in a single winter, and when the luck of the wreckers had been large. It was in a winter of this kind that old Peter Pencorrow had made his fortune. He was young then, and it was said that he had picked up a package of diamonds j from the Brazil as bis share of the spoils. \ Anyhow, he disappeared from Polloot, j and went to live io London, like a gen ; tleman, as some supposed; though oth [ ers affirmed that lie ran through his j money pretty fast, and went through a j multitude of queer adventures aftcr : wards. Twenty-five years after bis de ; parture he returned to thc village with I a boy cf sixteen and a girl one year j younger ; aud soon afterwards he was j appointed custodian of the life boat Lady j Blanche, which had boen presented to j Polloot by the rich and good Cornish Earl, and christened after his favorite | daughter. Peter Pencorrow was not liked at I Polloot. Tt was said that he had "blown the gaff." He was accused of having, while steward on board an oceau steam? er, told a number of ugly stones to the Earl and Lady Blanche, who were re? turning home from a tour in America; insomuch that my lord and his daugh? ter had made a vow to dedicate a lifo j boat at once to the salvation of human I life. There was some talk of blasting i the Needle Rock, and erecting a light I house on that dangerous part of the ! coast. Engineers had come to take sar ? routings and their operations had been j watched with sullen wrath. Harold j Trecorpe, the biggest, most scowling j fisherman in the village-a fellow whose ; face looked murder, and whose mouth j never opened without a curse-had I sworn that if bc hanged for it Pencor ? row should never live to see a life saved : bv his boat nor a vessel waroed of dan mt j ger by the beacon of a lighthouse. 3e j fore long, however, Peter Pencorrow j ceased to be so much hated, lie was j a,worthlcss scamp, always drunk, and j his chosen companion came to be Har j old Trecorpe, who had several times j threatened his life. Drunken men are not dangerous, save to themselves; at ! least such is the popular idea, and Harold ! used to laugh *tu odd mocking laugh when anybody talked of what things the Lady Blanche would do with her sig? nals, her rockets and all her costly and ; complete apparatus for salvage the first i I time that a vessel stood in peril of touch ? ing on that dangerous Needle. Three years passed, una the lifeboat : did nothing. They happeued io be ex : ceptionally disastrous years from the ? Pollooters' poiut of view, for though. ! wrecks enough took place on other parts : of the coast, no craft of any consequence 1 foundered ou the Needle. By this time ? Harold Trecorpe was captaiu of the life? boat's crew. Ile and seven other men received twelve pounds a year apiece from the Karl to go out practicing some- | times with the boat, aud to hold them? selves in readiness at any time when their services might be wanted. If they j saved lives, they were to have each a j bounty of one pound on every human j bead rescued. Nay, they were to h;tve j ii?eeri shillings, too, tor every dead ! human body they brough: ashore. Til us j had the Earl and his daughter tried to enlist the cupidity of these men on the side of humanity, hoping, maybe, that some higher agencies would work too j for thc reclaiming of a population as ! barbarous and debased as any in these i isles. Peter Pencorrow lived in a pretty ? house which his patron had built for j bim near thc large white shed where j thc lifeboat was kept. There was a j pharmacy in the place, wi:ii two rooms ; h old in 2 three beds each, wnien were to ? be reserved for half drowned men and : wotaca who might bo drawn out ol the j sea: and there were a great nu:.:-ocr of j useful appliances far restoring ii ves ?"hu? might he just flickering out. ??oroKlines , the K.'.ri and Lady Bl: .?eh.: would drive j to the viii.ige to see if everything was ; in good order; but since their carriage ; could be seen five miles ol!" us it wound j down the steep road ou thc rock side, j leading lo Polloot; Peter and bis daugh- i ter Meg always had about an hour's ! notice to set thing tidy. Peter now j lived alone with his daughter Margaret. I Iiis son had left bim in disgust to enlist, j and Meg only remained with him be- j cause there was nothing : }<.? fW i- ?<. to do. Bbc had been cursed at and end- \ geilcd bv him all through her clo:!:" ! ; she ha?! been iris drudge, his sraj.-e^r.irt In every one of those drunken fits of Iiis which recurred -e ilv, and her body j bore marks of brutal kicks ho had given ; ber ?r!?.on she was rt "tittle thing, with j limbs still tender and weak. Bat she had grown up to bc a tall st girl; with a tanned face and a deter cd look, s^ that Peter was afraid of Ge used to hide his money from he a bad boy does from his mother, an she wanted anything for household penses she had to search his poe when he was dead drunk. Howe more than ?'20 of ?52 a year use< melt in drink, and Margaret had to out a subsistence for himself and by making neis and shrimping. Sc times Ladv Blanche used to "ive b< sovereign, and this, too, helped .household along. Margaret had a wild, clogged sor attractiveness in her appearance, never wore shoes or stockings, and black hair fell down her back in thickly plaited tress. A red hand! chief formed her head covering and tied under her chin ; her rough br arms were always bare to the ell Harold Trecorpc had cast his eye u thc girl from the time she was SO? teen, but she hated Lum. The first t he tried some rough piece of gallar on her she caught up the stump o broken oar to protect herself and m< ly glared at him, without saying a wc On another occasion, when he came hind her unawares and took her by chin, she lifted a heavy fishing net, bronzed with age and salt, and das it in his face with such violence that was knocked down on the shingle. "Curse yo' girl," be swore as picked himself up. "Yo' wouldn't h done that to Mark Brathwaite ; but him look to himself if he crosses mc. "If yo* lay a finger on Mark Bra waite yo'll have to look to yo'self," : swered Margaret, contemptuously ; s Harold contented himself with seowli at her from that time. Mark Brath waite was Margare second lover-a fair haired boy ab< her own age, whom she had saved fr drowning one windy day, when he 1 been dashed out of his fishing boat a flap of a loosened sail, which had him on the head and stunned hi Margaret had swum a couple of fi longs in a tumbling sea to effect I rescue, and Mark Brathwaite had lov her from the moment when he open his eyes and found her bendiug o^ him and breathing life i uto his bo from her own lungs. Margaret, ho ever, treated him like a younger brot er. He was the only human being w could draw a smile from her, bet was not the mau to teach her what lo was, though he tried high and ma himself pretty wretched io thc attemj Sometimes Peter Pencorrow's daug ter, sitting outside her father's house tiue afternoons io make nets, wou drop her hands into her lap and lo out with a dull, wistful expression ov the sea so broad, blue and mysterici Her finely shaped head might have be a storehouse of knowledge and gre thought, but it was empty. She cou neither read nor write ; she knew not ing of the world except in its most so did aspects of dire poverty, drunkei ness aud brutality. She had never s foot in a church and had no idea God save that she had heard and b Moved that there was something aboi those skies which were now so goldc with sunlight, now so black with thui der. Occasionally such natural impulsi of good as wore in the girl's hea would well up iu short scraps of advic which sue gave to Mark Brathwaite "Mark, yo'll not get drunk like fathei There's no good in drinking ;"' c "Mark, if I were a mon, Fd learn sun mut and become a scholard." This is what Margaret Pencorro' was at eighteen, and on the occasio alluded to in the first line of this storj when her worthless father stood, drun as usual, on his watch, and unheedft the storm that was gathering. S? % ^ ? '.<? The storm broke presently wit frightful fury. Long streaks of light ning rent the skies, and the waves wer dashed upon the shore with a roaring a loud as the thunder. In despite of tb deluge of ruin the crew of the lifeboa came to the shed to get all in readiness and a great many other fishermen am their wives trooped out of the cottages but this was only because sleep on sucl a night was impossible. Most of thi eyes that looked seaward with expect ant glances were rather hoping for ? profitable wreck than eager for a chanel to save life. Margaret stood in the shed with Marl Brathwaite beside her, Harold Trecorpc being on the other side of the boat. The occasional glow of the pipe he wai smoking lit up his rugged face ami made it seem fiendish as he cursed the ill-luck that had fallen upon Poiloot, and ex? pressed his conviction that the lifeboat had "witched" the place, driving wrecks oil'it. "Dong yo,'" cried he, striking his fist on the boat's side-. "Yo've done us harm from the day yo' coom here ! Yo' he v\" Suddenly lhere was a cry from every one under tho shod.: "A light; a line light. Look, there's another !" Far off in the oiling there was a ship in distress sending up blue lights. They rose swift and pale, then burst, into a bright gleam and vanished. Har ole Trecorpc uttered a shout of exulta? tion, "It's a big ship," cried he. "Hore, gie us tho blue rockets, girl." ''Wu: for ! he blue rockets?'' asked Margaret, who was standing neara box of lire signals. "Ye must burn three red lights first to warn 'em the coast's dangerous. Then three blue 'uns to say tho lifeboat's coming, "'hat's what my lord told me." "(.'uss your lord and yo' too," blurted out Harold savagely, as he ran around io the -...thor side ol' thc boat. "Here, lacis, a hand and heave this girl '.(Ut. "Harold, I'll l'ire a light in yo'r face if yo' come near me. 31 ark, keep that mot) oil," cried Margaret, panting, and seizing the lantern from Peter Peucor row's drunken hands, she held a rocket j ac Harold's face as if it were a pistol. j But there were other besides Harold j who wanted thc ship io bo wrecked, and j severn! of the lifeboat's crew were ! among thom. They were willing enough 1 ts. go out \v;t!? boat by-aud-by, but . i- .'..i , . t ?.ii tiley w:i:;te?i the vessel ty t>o wrecked . hr?r.. "?"rn dre ls drove Margaret j ??""I 'lark i'.r.-i h back-, and it was I ivo'l among them tirai or' lights should be burned at all for thc present. ' in. her energetic language unadorned, ] Margaret Pee corrow hurled anthems at them, but. they only laughed, and sud? denly the girl vanished through the crowd with Mark Brathwaite. Where had they gone? For several moments their disappearance was not noticed, but suddenly a broad sheet of lightning, that lit up thc whole coast showed the girl and the boy running as hard as they could down the shore in the direction of the Needle Rock. The tide was coming in fast, but it was evi? dently Meg's object to get near the rock bef re it. Why*? They learned pres? ently. A loud hiss, a blaze of red light, and up went a rocket; then another; then a third. Three danger sigoals rooc rapidly, one after another, under the eyes of the enraged wreckers. Then all became blackness again. The storm rumbled away, and no more blue lights were burned out at sea. Margaret bad rushed off with thc red rockets, which had probably warned the distressed ship to keep clear of the treacherous coast. Anyhow, thc ship was not wrecked nor heard of again. Nor was Margaret Pencorrow ever seen again or heard of. Mark Brath waitc, returning, exhausted and half crazed at daybreak announced that she had been suddenly swept away by a wave,* but whither he knew not, though be had swum, and dived, and sought for hours, risking his life twenty times. "God kuows where she went," he cried, sobbing. And doubtless God did know. 5$i % S-C 5?C ')(? At present there is no more Needle Rock off Poi loot. Lady Blanche had it blasted, and a fine lighthouse has been erected where it stood, to warn vessels of the other dangerous rocks in the vicinity. It is called the "Margaret Lighthouse," and Mark Brath waite is the keeper of it. Grant as aljion Slayer. -0 It has just leaked out that while Gen? eral Grant was travelling in Asia be expressed a desire to get a shot at a lion. Not wishing to expose him to any danger the natives secured a stuff? ed lion, set it up in a jungle and then took the illustrious traveller out for a hunt. When the beast was sighted thc General was all excitement, and crawling up to a favorable poistion be? gan to blaze away at the animal with no perceptible effect. After firing about twenty shots he began to get mad, and, taking of his coat, he settled down for a regular siege. Feariog his wrath when be discovered thc sell, thc atten? dants endeavored to induce him to give up the attempt to kill the beast, telling him it bore a charmed life, and tba* he could not possibly injure it. ile told them to go to thunder, that he was after blood and was going to have it. After a vain fusilado of half an hour he arose to his feet, gnashing bis teeth with rage, threw his suspenders off his shoulders, rolled up his sleeves and grabbed his rifle by the barrel, so he could use it as a club. The attendants again begged him to desist, but he po? litely, though forcibly, informed them that he would have that cuss or leave his honored remains strewn promiscu? ously all through that jungle, and with a wild cry, 'I'll fight it out on this lion if it takes all summer !' he rushed upon the beast and with one well directed blow laid it over on its side. Then he chased thc native attendants for six miles, but being better acquainted with the country, they got from him in safety. Eeroic Remedy for Indiges? tion. Mr. A. Wehrner, the champion hun? ter of Leavenworth county, has discov? ered a sure cure for indigestion, or at least thinks he has. He went out on a hunt a few days ago, and becoming hungry seized upon a nest of eggs he happened to find, and ate 18 eggs. It wasn't much of a meal, but some way j or other it made him sick, and bad pains began to become disagreeable in his stomach but he didn't know what to do, being far away from a drug store or a physician. While be was groaning away at a hard rate, he happened to sec a wild goose that had recently been j killed, and out of curiosity picked it up ! and found that its craw was as full of com as it could be, and that mixed with thc corn was a number of fine peb? bles. He was at ouce impressed with the idea that pebbles arc good to assist indigestion, and going to a small creek scooped up a couple of handfulls of muddy, graveled water, which he swal? lowed. He says that it was only a few j minutes UDtil he was relieved of his pain, aud felt as well as if he had not strained a point to swallow his eigh? teenth egg.-LcvenicoHh )Kan.') Times. A Dog Story. A do? in New Mexico returning ono evening with his sheep to the fold dis? covered that his master was still in the ! shanty, and kept very quiet. The next evening it was the same. But after j penning up thc sheep the dog smelled j about thc door, scratched, barked and I even bowled, for he was getting very j hungry, but his master did not m J ?vc. j Thc dog, true to his appointed duty, went j on with thc sheep on thc third day, i but that night when he drove thc flock j into their pen thc last one to at- j tempt to get in became a victim j of the dog's appetite. This method ; of providing for his own wants be? came a part of thc faithful dog's daily ; duty. Every evening thc last sheep to ! try to enter the fold was seized by him j and served for supper anil breakfast and . for dinner the next dav. The rauch to ? which thc dog belonged was in a s?lita- j ry part of thc 'Territory, and off thc I track of travel or visitation. For two j y cur ?s irom tne time ox mc masler s i dea;!: as a: c-r?ain- d hy Jato iel? by i the latter-thc faithful dog tended the i i flock committed to his charge, and : had frosh mutton for bis supper i every night. Thc flock was uot deci- j mated by this steady drain upon its rc- | sources. On the contrary, it increased j in numbers, and when at the end of j two years from the time of thc death of j tho proprietor the ranch was visited and ? lue remains nf iii o owner were found ; the dog was still at Iiis post of duty. . jealously guarding his flock and driving j them to lire Lest pastures every day . and to th-1 fold at nicht, before winch j he slept to keep thc wild shccp-catcrs . of th-: plains at a civil distauce. THREE ??TABLE EVENT! Vice-presidents who bave ' eeeded to Vacancies. -o AN INTERESTING CHAPTER OF FED] HISTORY, SHOWING TIIK PRESIDES VACANCIES, WHO FILLED THEM, THE INCIDENTS OF NOTE CONG Ell WXin THEM-THE PRESENT CALL. [ Wash ington Post. ] Three vacancies only have boen ated in the Presidential office by di since the beginning of the Governm the first two by the natural death of Chief Magistrate, the last by his n der at the hand of an assassin. Pt dents William Henry Harrison, 3Ta< ry Taylor and Abraham Lincoln < in office, and were succeeded by V Presidents John Tyler, Milliard I more and Andrew Johnson. All deaths took place in this city. ' first, that of Gen. Harrison, occui on Sunday, April 4, 18-11, duriu< session of Congress, after he had b in the Presidency one month. Im; diately after thc decease, Mr. Webs Jr., thc Chief Clerk of the State : partment, accompanied by 31 r. Bc an officer of the Senate, set out for residence of Vice-President Tyler, Williamsburg, Va , bearng the foll? ing letter : WASHINGTON, April 4, 1341. J-Jin Tyler, Vice President of United States: SIR-It has becc our most painful duty to iuform i that William Henry Harrison, 1 President of the United States, has parted this life. This distressing event took place t da}*, at the President's mansion iti t city, at thirty minutes before 1 in morning. We lose no time in dispatching Chief Clerk in the State T/epartrnc as a special messenger to bear you th melancholy tidings. We have the honor to be with ! bigest regard, your obedient servant DANIEL WEKSTER, Secretary of State. THOMAS EWING, Secretary of Treasury. JOHN BELL, Secretary of War. JOHN. J. CRITTENDEN, Attorney-General. FRANCTS GRANGER Postmaster General. George E. Badger, the' Secretary Navy, was absent at home in Not Carolina. There was at that time Secretary of the Interior. Vice-President Tyler, in response this summons, immediately left ho: for thc city, in which he ^arrived at o'clock on this morning of April C. . 12 o'clock, coon, thc Cabinet, exec the Secretary of thc Navy, called up< him at Brown's Hotel, where he w staying, to pay their official and perso al respects Mr. Tyler did not think necessary, having taken the oath office as Vice-president, to take an a ditional oath as President, but, heit advised, he did so before Judge Crane Below is a copy of the oath aud ce tificatc : I do solcmly swear that I will fair fully execute the office of President the Uuited States, and will, to the bc of my ability, preserve, protect at defend the Constitution of the Unite States. JOHN TYLER. April G, 1841. District of Columbia, city and com ty of Washington, ss.-I, Willia Cranell, Chief Judge of the District < Columbia, certify that the above name John Tyler personally appeared befoi me this day, and although he decn: himself qalificd to perform thc dutic and exercise, the powers and of?ice ( President on the death of William Her, ry Harrison, late President of th United States, without any other oat than that which he has taken as Vice President, yet, as doubts may arise, an for greater caution, took and subscribe the foregoing oath before me. April 1841. W. CRANCH. None of President Harrison's Cabine remained in office during Presiden Tyler's term. Secretary of ?tate, Web ster, stayed longest, resigning May [ 1843. The other members r?sign?e September 10, 1S41. President Taylor died at thc White House on Tuesday, July 9,1850, whih Congress was in session, one year, foui months and five days after his inaugura? tion. On Wednesday, July 10, vice President Fillmore sent the following communication, which was served D3 the Secretary of the Senate : To thc Senate 0/the United States: lu consequence of the lamented death of Zachary Taylor, late Presidcut oi the United States, I shall no longer oc? cupy the Chair of thc Senate : and I have thought that a formai communica? tion to that effect, through your Secre? tary, might euable you thc more promntlv to proceed io thc choice of a presiding officer. MILLARD FILLMORE. Washington, July 10, 1850. 3Ir. Fillmore then sent to both Houses of Congress thc following mes? sage : Fellow-Citizens of thc Senate and House of B?prcscntali ves : I have to perform tho melancholy duty of an? nouncing to you that it has pleased Al? mighty God to remove from this life Zachary Taylor, late President of the United States. He deceased last even? ing at the hour of halt'-past 10 o'clock, in tli0 midst of his family and surround? ed by affectionate friends, calmly and i:i rh'..- full possession ut* ali his faculties. Among his last words were these, which were uttered with emphatic distinctness : *l have always dunc my duty-I am retid} to die-my only iv'gret is for thc friends i leave ia .MIK! me. Having announced io you. fellow citizens, this must afflicting bereave? ment, 'ind assuring you that has pen? etrated no heart ?vi;h dui per grief than minc, it remains for mc to say that 1 propose this day, at 12 o'clock, in thc j hall of the House of Representatives, ; iu thc prcseucc of both Houses of Con- j gross, to take tho oath prescribed by thc Constitution, fo enable me to cuter on the execution of thc office which this ? event has devulved upon me. 31 ILLARO FI r.i.MOKK. Washington, duly Pt, 1S"<0. At 1^o'clock, uoem, Mr. Fillmore, the Cabinet. Chief Judge Cran;:!], of tin: Circuit Court of thc District of Colum- j bia, and tbc Senate of thc Uoitcd St; having entered tho hall of the lieu; Representatives, Judge Cranch adi istered thc oath cf office. Thc Cabinet at that time consiste John M. Clayton, of Delaware. Se tary of State : William M. Mcrcditl Pennsylvania, Secretary of the Tr ury ; George W. Crawford, of Gcor Secretary of War ; William Ral mf * ..... * Preston, of Virginia, Secretary of Navy; Thomas Ewing, of Ohio, Se tary of thc Interior, tue first inc bent ofthat office ; Jacob Collamcr, Vermont, Postmaster-General, and I erdy Johnson, of .Maryland, Attorr General. AU these <rentlcmcn rcsi cd a few days after President Fill mo assumption of his office, and an cn ti. new Cabinet was appointed by 1 July '20, 1850: President Lincoln was shot at Fo theatre, in this city, on the night April 14, 1SG5, and died at two mioutcs past seven o'clock on thc u (Saturday) m">rniug, one month ; cloven days after the commencement his second terr:!. Immediately a his death, Attorney General Sp waited upon Vi ce-P resident Juhnsoi thc Kirkwood House and handed I the following communication, signed all the members of the Cabinet, exe Secretary of State Seward, who was able on account of his wounds and ness : WASHINGTON, April 15, 1805.-S Abraham Lincoln, President of United States, was shot by an assas last evening at Ford's theatre in t city, and died at thc hour of 7 o'clock this morning. About thc sa time at which the President was sh an assassin entered the sick chamber thc Hon. W. TI. Seward, Secretary State, and stabbed him in ?evora1, pla in the neck and face, severely, not mortally, wounding him. Otl members of the Secretary's family w dangerously wounded by thc assas while making his escape. By death of President Lincoln thc office President, under thc Constitution, ! devolved upon you. Thc emergency 'the Government demands that y should immediately qualify, accordi to requirements of the Constitution, a enter upon the duties of Prcsideut the United States. If you will plc; make known 3-our pleasure, such ? rangements as you deem proper will made. Your obedient scrvsnts, Eleen McCrr.Loeii, Secretary of Treasury ; EDWIN W. STANTON, Secretary of War ; GID;:ON WELLS, Secretary of the Navy : J. P. USHER, Sccrciarv of the Interior; WILLIAM DENNISON. Postmaster General ; JAM ES SPEED, Attorney General ; To Andrew Johnson, Vice-president the United States. Mr. Johnson responded by reque: ing that the ceremonies take place his rooms in thc Kirkwood House, 10 o'clock. At that hour the follow ing gentlemen assembled at the Kir wood : Chief Justice Salmon P. Chas* Messrs. MeCuIIoch and Speed, of tl Cabinet ; Francis P. Blair, Sr.; Ho Montgomery Blair; Senators Foot Vermont ; Yates, of Iilinois ; Ramse; of Minnesota ; Stewart, of Nevada; Ila of New Hampshire, and General Faro worth, of Illinois. The Chief Justii administered the following oath to 31 Johnson ; 4I do solemnly swear that I will faitl fully execute the office of President 1 the United States, and will, to the bc: of roy ability, preserve, protect and d( fend the Constitution of the Unite States.' Official notice of this assumption < the duties of the Presidency was con mucicatcd to the country by Secretar Stanton, together with a formal an nouncemcnt that President Johnso would retain the existing Cabinet, an that they 'would go on and discharg thoir respective duties in the same man ncr as before tho deplorable event tba had changed thc head of thc Govern ment.' Of thc Cabinet. Secretaries Seward MeCuIIoch and Welles remained in ot Coe until tho close of President John son's term. Secretary Staufen resign cd on May 28, 1868, after the tail ur of the impeachment proceedings aga?ns thc President, and thc others went ou of office in 18(35 and 1SG0. Can Guiteau be Tried in Washington ? -0 To allay all doubt as to whether Gui tcau can bc tried for murder in Wash iugton, although President. Gui licit died of his wounds in New Jersey, wt will simply use such citations of law ar will be applicable to the matter and satisfy the most extreme apprehension. Section 5oo9. United States statutes ai large, has reference to every person who comuvits murder and is as follows : "FiriL. Within any fort, arsenal, maga? zine dock-yard, or any oilier place or district ~r comity under the exclusive jurisdiction of thc titi ired States; Second. Or upon thc high seas, or in any arm of lhe sea, or in any river, haven, creek, basin or bay within the admiralty or roaratiine Jurisdiction of the United States, and out of the jurisdiction cf any particular State; Third. Or who, upon any such waters, maliciously strlk s, stabs, wounds, poisons ur shoots at any oilier person, of which strlkiYig-;, stubbing, wound? ing, poisoning or shooting such ether [x-rson ?.iles, citlicron landor sea? iv?tk in or without the Uii?cd Sidles, shall suffer death."1 Washington being in the Pi: !:';.! ot' Columbia, and ;.\irgre: - having, turd cr the eight;; Seeth e. thc first article of:ho constipation, c-aa pletc juris.?icii< n over it makes tLo statute sup retire ; and to remove all d'Uibt of th is in any mind, hy sc-etiou 03, Revised Statutes of District of Columbia, in act of Congress approved Febnrary '21, 1S71. it is provided that J "all laws of the United States which arc not locally applicable shall have tho I same force and effect in thc District of Col um bin as- elsewhere in tho United : States.*' G iii? can can bc tried and the ? jurisdiction is complete - - MM) '?*? +~' -mmum Out of every HM) inhabitants of thc i United Slates sixteen live in cities. Egyptian Mummies. PAilTlCrjf.AKS O? THE KECES? 13! Pu UT ANT DISCOVERIES IN Xi IE LAND OF Til K PHARAOHS. A great discovery was made a few weeks ago at I'eir-ei-B?bari, near Thebes. Of the thirty-nine mu UK*: i*.-* cf royal and priestly personages there found twenty-six have already been identified. A Cairo letter of August St h to the Lou? don Times gives elaborate descriptions of tac mummies, their cases, their orna? ments, their garlands of lotus flowers, and "curious particulars of a grave rob? bery perpetrated nearly 3,000 yea rs ago. Much light is thrown on the customs and sentiments of the ancient Egyptians to? wards their dead, and, incidentally, upon disputed points o? the history of 'thc cradle of our civilization* on the banks of thc Xii--. A description of one of the mummies will apply in many re? spects to them ail. Thc mummy of King Kaskeneu (about ?,000 B. C..) one of thc hitter kings (d'thc 17th dynasty, is wrapped in the usual shrouds or line linen and inclosed in ti)ree wooden mummy cases, cai;:: shaped to ?he form ? of the king, and firring the one into the i other like a nest of boxes. Upon tire ; lids of thc cases tiie head and arms of. thc king are carved in high relief. Thc ? arms nie crossed upon tho breast, and j the right hand grasps a cross, while ?he | left holds thc sceptre. Thc lace of king ? llaskencn is represented by a portrait j carved in relief upon the lid, the royal ! head-dress being adorned with serpents in gilt. Each of the mumm^-enses is literally covered inside and out with inscriptions and pictures in yellow and orange upon a ground of olive irrecn. j Titey are supposed to relate exclusively ? to the ritual of tho dead. Thc mummy j itself is perfectly preserved. When the ; linen shrouds are torn away tho i-Csh j is fourni to be cf a dark mahogany coior, ! the mouth slightly opon and disclosing j the teeth. The mummy-case of Queen : Aal un es Zvofert Ari. wi'e of King Aa- . lunes 1.(1700 B. C.,) is differently con- ' structid, consisting of strips of fine lin? en shaped by being rolled around moulds so as to fit her elegant figure to a nice? ty. These strips being glued together form a material not unlike p;ipiermache, which possesses certain advantages over wood for exhibiting the contour of thc j body of thc dead. The Queen's arms are crossed upon her breast, and she' grasps in ncr hands thc aiii:h, or em? blem of eternal lifo. The inscriptions arc in bright colors on a white ground. Wreaths of Jotu.-. flowers crown the head of Queen liout-ta-me-hou, of the IStli dynasty. Thc mummy ease of Queen Xout-jetH, of thc li 1 sr. dynasty, was once entirely covered with a thin j shoot of gold, most of which has been ' torn away by thieves. The lid, with : its bas-relief portrait of the queen, is j inlaid with a mosaic of colored gbss and ? stone. Each hieroglyph is a mosaic of glass and stone in small bits. The rob- j bers have been at work herc, too, but j their piety is shown in ihe fact that j while they have rifled the rest, they j have left the more sacred portions of ; the ritual of the dead untouched. A ? similar scrupulosity is exhibited in their j treatment of a tablet, now in the Bou lak Museum, from which they dug out all thc inlaid gold excepting what con? stituted the picture of thc god Osiris. As the inscriptions and pictures could j have been interpreted and respected : only by the ancient Egyptains them- : selves, these instances of pious care ' show thc age to which the robbers bc- j longed. We arc not, however, left ; wholly to conjecture on this subject, as j in thc British Museum there is a papy- j rus from which wc learn that in the i reign of Ramses ?X there was at Thebes j an organized baud of robbers and i receivers of goods stolen from tombs, i ; The papyrus embodies the report of thc j j Governor of Western Thebes, who, with j ot her officials, in spec ted the tombs of j i thc deified royal ancestors, and reports . that of the thirty-nine persons accused j by name of robbing the royal mummies j seven are priests and eight are royal 1 scribes-educated persons fully capable : of reading the hieroglyphics, though it j seems even in that '.emote age, the j knowing how to read and write was no j I preventive of theft where religious scru- j plo wa:; net inv-dred. The thrce mam [ mv-cases of King Amenhotep (1G0G B. C.) of the IStli dynasty aro in the most ? 1 wonderful state of preservation, inside and out they are covered with closely j writteu and delicately penciled inscrip? tions in olive green, yellow and orange. , 'Thc colors, says tho Times' corres- j pondent, 'are as bright and fresh as if j the artist's brush had touched them hut ; ' Yesterday/ Thc cases aro varnished ; with a preparation which gives the rich j glossy surface of Japanese laquer work, j The mu mitty;, wrapped in linen shrouds ? of the finest imaginable texture, is held . in place by cross hands of pink muslin, and on tim outside of the shroud is ' fun ii J a long hieratic inscription. stating that a loreign invasion was the occasion of the mummy's being placed where is. Over the f;ice. outside shrouds, is a beautiful pa; ior-machc mask por? traying thc King's features. Tito eyes of the mask are of porcelain enameled Festoons and wreaths i-f lotus ilowc-rs encircle the mask ami shroud, and are marvelously well preservi d : so weil, j indeed, that they might readily bc sup- j posed to have been plucked but a few months ??o.; Among tho mummies is that of Pharaoh connected with the his toriv of the children of Israel : Lvamscs II. tile great Sesos tris of G reek leg?: nos : ais.? that ot" Thutmes i ! 1. in whose reign ; rho i--T: which :'amis itt Central I'ark. New York, was erected. .\ : iltur i:- a five-h a :n ted and hor.cra b'o "i t;!loman in many ways. i!o . ?: ec drew ki/ personal check foi; ?"-':'\''?'?0 to save tile m ctr? orv of his ; :::m r and friend, thc late 1'isl'ict A?tc-ru?y "?rom h. (rom rer-roaeli. lie new tr.s : -; 'hat te . wi: le of the salary (br lite year of Garfield s term shall bo paid in? tact to Mr. Garfield. f,:'is gi-vir^ ]:t V * clear ?00,ODO in addition "to the fund raised by private subscriptions. A writ? er in tito New York Sii-r alluding to this; says: 'Im-tcad of doing this oub liely with an ostentation of good feel i nw thc President has signaled his wish Muict'y t<) one of Mes. Garfield's most fn'imato friends and advisers and nothing more will be saul about thc matter from the I'resident*: .ide. :\ Yorktown. A nr. A NO -?y. EMTS TO PROVIDH FOU THE 5I-GI.T?TCD? Ext'ilCTEU AT TUE CEX TKXXIAL CELKJ:I:AT?ON. WASHINGTON, Sept. 28.- Runvor3 having arisen regard ing tho inability of the managers of thc Yorktown celebra? tion to provide subsistence for thc vast crowd expected to attend, tuc Com? missioners desire td state that so far as invited guests of the Commission, visi? ting military and Masonic lodges are concerned, arrangements have already been perfected by which they "will be comfortably accommodated at Yorktown. They arc expected to number 25, 0O?. In addition to this, four hotels of good size are being erected on thc grounds, of a capacity to feed lt),COO to 15.000 guests. Small restaurants in the town w?i accommodate fully one-half as many more. They will probably bc able to lodge IO,0t;0 persons: Thc Commissioners say besides ibis an hourly ferry service has been arranged bet.'.veeii Yorktown and Fortress Monroe, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Richmond, West Point and Williamsburg, ail of -which points aro within a few hours' sail. Thc Commission is coufident there will bc no difficulty in procuring lodging aud sub? sistence for ali who desire to attend thc celebration. Homicide in Charleston. Jas. D. Turner was shot and killed at the Waverly House. Charleston, Mou day, by James F. Walsh. Thc shoot? ing took place in front of thc office desk, near thc deor leading into the reading room, at twenty minutes past 2 o'clock. Turner and Walsh were sitting in chairs against thc wail near thc door to the reading room, and were talking about some difficulty existing between them, and were speaking in an earnest man? ner. Waith wanted Turner, who wac in his shirt sleeves, to put on his coat and go out and have a quiet talk about their differences. Turner said that he was playing a game of pool and could not go. Walsh told him that he could not wait for him to finish thc game as he wanted to go over to tho Uland at 8 o'clock. Roth of them pull? ed out their watches and said that it was just twenty minutes past 2 o'clock. Some remark was then made by Walsh that the witness did not hear, to which Turner replied : 'You needn't get on your high-' (tho witness could no? recall thc exact words,) 'and if you've got any shooting irons just pull them out and shoot/ At this both parties rose and get right together, Turner a 'ittie behind Walsh. Almost at the same instant the report of a pistol was heard. It was not known who had tired until Turner fell into thc chair and then upon thc floor. When be fell upon the floor a pistol was seen in Tur? ner's hand, which he was pointing to? wards Walsh, who went through thc door opening into thc bar room, just af? ter the shooting. Thc witness said that Turner seemed to be trying to shoot, but Iiis hand was unsteady. Ile seem? ed too weak and did not fire. About this time Mr. R. T. Smilie came up and caught Turner, who was growing faint very fast. At first several parties start? ed to carry thc dying man out into the street, but turned and carried him in thc chair through the long billiard room into tim little yard at the rear of the build lng Turner died in twenty min? utes. Walsh gave himself up to thc police and claimed that tho shooting was in self-defense Mr. Turner was a member of the city detective force and was about twenty-seven years of age. Ile was a native of Dublin, Ireland, and had been in this country for about ten years. Mr: Walsh has a bar room in Market street and is a man of means. -iVcirs and Corn ier '21 ih. Massive Combination of Rali? way Routes. NEW YORK, September 28.-A con? tract was signed to-day between E. W. Cdc. President cf the East Tennessee, Virsinia and Georgia Railroad Compa? ny (tie: Soney-Cole,) 1,400 miles, and G. ll. Tyler, President of the Norfolk and Western Railroad Company, and F. J. Kimball, President of thc She? nandoah Valley Railroad Company, em? bracing 70l: miles, which unites perma? nently these properties under the name of tho Virginia. Tennessee and Air Line. President E. W. Colo and Presi? dent F. J. Kimball constituting an Ex? ecutive Committee for the whole linc; who have appointed Henry Fiuk, Gene? ral Manager. The united line pene? trates seviu States, to-wit: Tcnucssce, Alabama. Mississippi, Georgia. Ken? tucky. North Carolina and Virginia> with all rail routes to the East via the Virginia Midland, and from Norfolk to Meridian. Miss. : Norfolk via Rome, Atlant;- and Macon, io Brunswick, Ga., oe. the Atlantic, and Florida Road ; to knus'vitie and Cincinnatti via the Knoxville and Ohio, a division of the Kiri Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Ivar;roi.d, ar.d into North Carolina by another division of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad. There was some excitement in Wash? ington on the 2$:h inst, because of thc exposure of au alleged plot to assassin? ate President Arthur. The sensation was fou tided upon thc Sling at thc po? lice department of a ?woru statement cf a gentlemen named Cayley, iu which, he gives a circumstantia! account of a conversation which occurred beneath Si.- wlr.t?ow at midnight Monday night between two strangers. Bayley says lu ard one say that lie would kill thc President within a mouth. Thc polkc ?re cv. rho alert, and if such ;i thing is in eeo:, mplaiiou it \:\\\ be averted i-: nossibie. said: '-If a man is net hand >??'?''' :;* 2v. streng at 30, learned at 40, ru: ; tic!, at 50. he will never be hand? some; stress, learned, or rich in this world ?tic Virginia !lo.-t, owned and pub? lished by colored men, has come out squarely for thc Democratic ticket. They want he Mahuueism it: theirs. Tlier*; aro place.- in the Gulf cf Mex? ico ;;:i!es dc ?:. V?t not a paper in all i?r.)atl laud has suggested that thai would be a good place M anchor i i ti:' -