The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, August 30, 1881, Image 3

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fi! jj* Ma%mnHi?rSon] TUESDAY, AUGUST 3 Entered at the Post O?ce at Sun (?., as Second Class Mattel POSTAL DIRECTORY. -o Tue Money Order Delivery is Open ev during the week, from SA. il. to Soatbern and Northern Mails close M. Both Mails Open SA. M. Suodays-Both Mails close at S P. M ral Delivery Open from 8 to 9 A. M - Arrivais and Departures of County i 'BishopvilleMails arriveon Monday's V days and Fridays, 12 M., andleav< M. same days, k Smithville and Providence Mails p on Mondays, Wednesday's and Friday; M., aid leave 2 P. M. the same days JNO. A. WHITTEMORE, F LEONARD W. CORBETT, Assistant P. The warehouse at the depot is now with goods. For the week ending August 29th not has been recorded in the Clerk's office. Capt. John Reid and Mr. Altamont have returned from tbeNorth. The wife of Mr. John N. Allen, of : Creek, died on the 24th inst. Two colored people bave died durii past week. Thc girls need not look for their jul before half-past nine o'clock now, for ' day ends the six o'clock system. Henry Mack, of Spring Hill, charg?e house burning, was committed to jail o urday last. Wash Davis, for violation of con trac sent tc- jail on Saturday last. Tom Lavan for disorderly conduct o streets on Sunday night, was sentenc 10 days in guard honse, or two dollars The Greenville Railroad has made a chang? in its schedule. See advertisenu Srst page. In all probability Coup's circus will Sumter some time in the month of Octot One day last week Capt. Hood's Huh was bitten by a dog. The dog was t over to the Chief of Police, who forth shot him. Mark Johnson was arrested and sent t last week, for selling whiskey at Wedg without license.. Aaron Montgomery, a professional tr was commited to jail a few days since-cl ed with pocketing a gold watch. Twenty-three prisoners in the Sumter two of which are from Clarendon Countj Miss Carrie Sanders, from Hagood, Su County, is visiting the family of Mr. TS Norris - Florence Times. If you knew who "Aunt Jerushy" is, weald smile sweetly-that h, if you are to smile in that way. Some people neve above a gentle grin. Horace James, one of the forty-five h who came from Darlington County, a s time since, to work on the new ritld^^? cf feet nearly cut in two by another I who was cutting down a tree at the time. Toe Town Council held its meeting ye; day morning in the loft above the T Awake Fire Engine bouse. The reg Cocnc? Chamber was locked up and the . r.on esl for the time. Miss Mary-H. C-irardeau left last Thurs morning, for Spartanburg to take her p i:i the Piedmont Seminary. Mr. A. A. Solomons, who is now at North, purchasing new goods has remembe _^ii^^veral times lately with copies of ? York Sirpers? for which he has our thank' The attention of parents is directed to School notice cf Miss Florence Hurst, T will open a private school on Thursday, 1st. Miss Hurst has had experience in tea ing, and was quite popular with her pupil, the time of her connection with our pul school. Mrs. Dinkins and her daughter, Miss Utri will leave to-morrow morning, for a months' visit to Mr. Joseph Dinkins, w es'des in Texas. Mr. Dinkins is General S perintendent of the Texas Pacific Railroad. A monster Crane measuring 6 feet 2 incl from tip to tip of wing9, and 5 feet Ih incl from end of beak to tees, was killed on I Thursday, 24th. by Mr. L. N. Bat wick, at I First Mill. Mr. Mott Kirby, of the lower Lynchbu neighborhood, died last Sunday night. fr< consumption. He was a son of Mr. Nels Kirby, whose death was noticed by us recei ly. He leaves a family. "We chronicle this week the death of Mi Jessie N., wife of J. J. Scurry, of Private Township. We learn that the deceased w 134 years old and had been married 12 yea to her husband. She leaves three childre the youngest three?1 years old. She was member of the Baptist Church, was a lovii wife and a kind mother. Rev. F. P. Ramsay who has made so favo able an impression upon our community by h gentlemanly carriage and urbane manue leaves on Thursday night for Laredo, Texa where be is to engage in the work of tl Gospel as a missionary. Our best wishes g with him. TheKingstree Herald says : We welcon: to our midst Mr. J. T. Wilder, who wit Solicitor, J. J. Dargan, h is opened an ofSc for the practice of law at the bar of Kingstre? .3Ir. Wilder is a courteous gentleman, an his association with Col. Dargan, can bu command for the new firm a good practice. Mr. J. P. Russell, of Baltimore, a brother in-law of Dr. A. Louis Blaading, is expecte< here to-morrow morning. Mr. Russell in tends making Sumter his future home as h and Mr. J. M. Spann will open out in : general merchandise business in a few weeks See Mr. Jas. D. Witherspoon's card in an other column. In consideration of the state i?ents made therein, we desire to coraplimco gie Rettenberg fraternity. We had almost saic fit. Witherspoon's good looks would commenc im to the community, but our pen halted ?frhen we recalled the feet that his popularity and efficiency as a clerk exceed even his good looks and manifold other attractions. In this issue of our paper appears the card of Miss Sallie Fleming, giving notice of the opening of her school in the basement of the residence occupied by Mr. Murray. We take pleasure in recommending Miss Fleming to . f?? community. We believe she will make an ^?.cce^table teacher, and is fully competent to giv sound instruction to the children who mar be sent to her. Upon the ground of her own personal worth, we say these words in her behalf. The WATCHMAN AXD SOCTIIRON- family acSnowledge with thanks the receipt of a handsomely printed invitation card to the Second Annual Pic-nic by the employees of he Emmerson Saw Works, of Bearer Falls, 'a., with "Compliments of Jess. M. Reed." The Pic-nic takes place next Friday, the 2d ~ Aliqnippa Grove, and will be attended by te Royal Italian Band of Pittsburg, It is of > use to wish we could be there, but we can't Mr. Reed is brother-in-law to our . end Mr. C. B. Porteous, who left Sumter ' first of this year. To the kind wishes of the er for the success of our "Combination," will say may his bowl be always right " re i>p when the porridge is dealt out. "Little Brown Jug" .r"- Oary, a gentleman who has a jug fac aear the Kershaw and Sumter Hoe in the j "hes River neighborhood brought two j jdred and fiity jugs to town this morning, j / .3 lot was bought by Mr. A. D. Ricker. j -A- J_i_ _JL T$o- 5. Mr. W. F. Rhame has recently purchased press and a lot of type, and he is now doing job printing for the benefit of the public generally. Give him a call-office on Court House Square. Base Ball Again. There will be a match game to-morrow afternoon commencing al di oclock, between the Eurekas of this place, and the Alerts of Columbia. We are requested to say that the ladies are invited, and that scats will be pro? vided for them. The Columbia Register of Sunday gives the names of the Alert nine as follows : Phvsioc, c., Warding, p., Dunning, s. s.. Kraft, 1 b., Rav. 2 b., Bonham, 3 b., B'. Earle, 1. f., Welsh, c f., Wright, r. f. A match game between the Palmeitoes and the Resolutes, of Stateburg, formerly known as the Game Cocks, will be played on the grounds of the former, Thursday afternoon. The New Railroad. We were informed yr iesterday by Mr. Cor nelius"McLaurin, that about one-fourth of the grading for the new S. C. Central Railroad has been already completed. The only diffi? culty now in the way, to prevent the early completion of the work, is that a good many of the hands are compelled to stop work to go home to pick out their cotton. Mr. Mc? Laurin bas the entire contract for getting out cross-ties. Attempt to Break Jail. The prisoners in Jail made an unsuccessful attempt on last Sunday night to break out, and some excitement was created in conse? quence of the alarm made by Mr. Weeks, the Jailor, and the rattles of the policemen who responded to his signal of distress. Mr. Weeks had his attention attracted, about half-past nine, by the noise, whereupon he fired his pistol and sprung a policeman's rattle, which was promptly responded to by Mr. Hurst aud another policeman. It was found that aboard had been ripped from" the ceiling, and a hole comraeuced in the brick wall, but the prisoners were all in place and apparently sound asleep, so that it was not ascertained who or how many were in the plot. Factory. More than two-thirds of the foundation of the Bellemont Factory has been laid, and by this time next week the entire foundation will have been put down, and the brick wall started. Nearly all the beams and cross? pieces have been framed, and the window frames commenced upon. Up to yesterday morning the work has been pushed forward with great rapidity, but about mid-day it was brought to a stand-still by the laborers striking for higher wages, and up to evening new ones had not been procued. ISTews Front Old Friends. We regret to learn by private letter from Cfr f?"c?d and former townsman. Mr. Thos. A. Frierson, of Atlanta. Geo., that hisfather, Mr. T. D. Frierson, and also his brother Charlie, have both been sick for a long time, the former for 15 months, and the latter for 13 months. Both wore better at the time his last letter was written, Aug. 25th ; but Charlie's disease is such as give little hope of j his final recoverv. The many friends of the family and of our first above named friend will be phased, with us, to learn that he is himself quite well and prospering in business <:all that be could ask." - ? ? --? Gin Accident. While attending one of the gins of the Joint Steck Company this morning, Ex-Pro? bate Judge Sam Lee got his left hand very badly lacerated by the saws. It is feared that one finger mav have to he amnutated. Distinguished Visitor. Just as we were about going to press, we j received a call from Martin Van Buren Brooks. ! under escort of-Chief of Police Weeks, who was on his way under orders of Council, to show the distinguished individual outof town. By the three fingers missing on his left hand, we recognized him as the gentleman reported by us last week as talking impudently to cer? tain ladies in the upper part of town. .?tm t 'I ? -CS-a-a The Unknown Confederate Dead. Our readers will remember that, in giving in the True ScutJiron, last May, thc names of the Confederate Dead, we stated that the name of the Confederate soldier who is buried in the Presbyterian Church yard could not be ascertained. On Saturday last Rev. N. W. Edmunds informed us that while at the White Sulphur Springs, a short while since, a gentleman asked, him about a grave-the only one he said be knew of-in the Presbyterian Church yard at Sumter. This he stated to be the grave of John Callahan, a young and noble Irish soldier, who belonged to Taylor's Bat- j tery, Alexander's Battallion of Artillery, j The gentleman also says that Mr. Callahan j was on his way to his home, Lynchburg, Va., when he got his leg broken and was compelled to stop at Sumter, where he died, and was buried. Rev. Mr. Edmunds says the facts correspond exactly, for this is the only grave in the Presbyterian Church yard, and the soldier, who was left here about the close of the war, on account of an injury received in a railroad accident, died and was buried as an unknown soldier. If this should chance to be seen by any of Mr. Callahan's relations or friends, we will simply add that his grave is well attended to, and is marked bv a beautiful cedar tree. Cured of Drinking. {:A young friend of mine was cured of an insatiable thirst for liquor, which had so prostrated him that he was unable to do any business. He was entirely cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It allayed all that buming thirst ; took away his appetite for liquor, j made his nerves steady, and he has remaiued a sober and steady :aaa for more than two years, and has no desire to return to his cups ; I know of a number of others that have been cured of drinking by ii."-From a leading R. R. Official, Chicago, 111.-IHM?. Thoosands*have been cuicd of dumb ague, bil'ious disorders, jaundice, dyspepsia and all diseases bf the liver, blood and stomach, when all other remedies have failed, by using Prof. Guilraette's French Liver Pad, which is a quick and permanent cure for those disorders. Ask your druggist for thc great remedy, and take no other, and if he does not keep it send Si.50 in a letter to the French Pad Co., Tole? do, 0., and receive oue by mail postpaid. August 23. IT IS FOUND AT LAST. SOMETHING NEV.- UXUEUTUE HUX.-A new era is dawning -ipon wom?n. Hitherto she has j been called upon io suffer the His >.>!' mankind j a ad her o wu besides, '.''he frequent and dis-j tressing irregularities peculiar to l?er sex have ? long been to her thc '"direful spring of woes ! unnumbered." In the mausion of the rich and I hovel ot' poverty al Ute, wonjan has been liie j constant yet patient victim of a thousand ills ! unknown to man-arid without a remedy, j s:!.'l? LorJ, how long I" in the agony of her sou!, hath she cried. But now the hour of her ! redemption is come. She will sutler no more, ? for Bradfield'? Female Regulator, "U'omuti's ! Best Friend," is for sale by all druggists. Prepared by Dr. J. Bradfield, Atlanta, ? Ga. ; price, ?l 50 per bottle. - mmm * t Wm No DANCER rx TAK/XO MAY AIV:.K [?IVER Pi;.r,s. They ar>^ harmless to tho most delicate person, hut so penetrating that they clear the s\'3tcm of all impurities, and gently excite the liver to healthy action. Price 15 cents per box. Sold by all druggists. July 5-3ra. A GARFIELD. -o Low lies he now who lately stood Erect, the nation's honored head ; The States, a sorrowing sisterhood, Stand with locked shields around his bed. And. with veiled lids and saddened brow, Freedom, dear goddess, bends above Thc prostrate form so powerless now, With looks of earnest, speechless love. And thro' the hush a prayer goes np The voice of millions bent in one: "Remove, O God, the sufferer's cup Spare, Father, spare thy stricken son !" Hetnm cf the Exocntes. Gradually our summer tourists are return? ing. Messrs. W. M. Graham, R. L. Cooper, and W. G. Kennedy are again on the street: Josh Munday, the negro who killed his wife last June in Edgefield, was hung Frida; last. Ile said on the gallows that he was going straight to heaven to see his Jesus. Mr. L.T. Gaston, a schoolmaster, of Gas ten county, N. C., was killed last week from a butt in the stomach from one of the school boys. --- The Noted Train Robbers. The publishers of "Border Outlaws" assert that their history of the Younger Brothers and Frank and Jesse James, published six months ago, has already reached the enor? mous sale of more than 60,000 copies. Since the late robbery and double murder at Win? ston. Mo., they hare issued a new edition, containing a full history of that outrage, with illustrations, which brings the events in the lives of these airy gentlemen of thc high? way down to thc present moment. Forlirely reading we presume this book can hardly be surpassed. Persons desiring agencies will find adver? tisement elsewhere. Traveling Men find it hard to keep in good health, owing to the constant change of water, diet, and the jarring of the cars. All these things injure the kidneys, while Warner's Safe ICidoey and Liver Cure is certain to counteract them. GRANTVILLE, GA., August 26, 1879. DR. C. J. MOFFETT-Dear Sir-I caunot longer refrain from rendering to you my grateful acknowledgements for the priceless boon you have given to the baby world in your "Teethina." For several months past ? have been giving it to our little girl now teething with the most happy results. Other little ones are drooping and dying while our H?te ?birling is fat and cheerful. I recom? mend it to all with whom I come in contact. Yours very truly, A. B. STROUD. Dr. A. R. Norton of Savannah, writes : I assure you it affords me pleasure to give my approval and certificate in favor of your Lung Restorer, having given it a fair trial in a num? ber of cases where it proved a success in the treatment of Bronchitis and Consumption. Five years ago my wife was far gone in Con? sumption, she had been confined to her bcd the greater part of the time, for six months with Hectic Fever every day, audi had but little hopes of her recovery, but by perseverance with the blessings of God, her Lungs are to-day per? fectly sound. 1 gave her no other Lung Medi? cine t h ac XS u rs and ,-*LC-OT?g iv i^rn o I make. I have generally"given them together"aTT1iari; strong faith in both. T succeeded in curing a number of hopeless cases, and regard Brewer's Lung Restorer as a rery valuable preparation. Please send me per Express three dozen, as I am nearly out. Send bill of same and I will remit promptly. Wishing you good success, I remain, Yours Respectfully, A. R. NORTON, M. D , Cor. West, Broad and Harris Sts.. Savannah, Ga. MACON, GA. Messrs. Lamar. Rankin & Lamar, Gentlemen | -One bottle of Brewer's Lung Restorer cured meof Bronchitis in a week's time. I will wanta few more bottles soon. I intend keeping it in my house all the time, as I consider it a valua? ble medicine. Yours Respectfully, HENRY DAVIS. Sold by all druggists. July 5-3m. SELMA, ALA.. April 8, ?ST3. Mr. J. D. Goodwin, Agent-Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that 1 have used your Medicated Stock Feed on a very poor cow, with great success. She looks very much better now, gives a great deal -.nore milk, and is much su? perior. I therefore recommend this medic?nelo ali who w-ish to improve their stock, cattle and horses, as it is trulv what it is represented to be. Very Respectfully, A. KAYSER. EU FA ULA, ALA., July, 1373. Mr. L. Shoenfeld : 1 used one sack of your Stock Feed on ray cow, with very satisfactory results. She had recently dropped her calf, and was in poor condition, and by the use of your Stock Feed she was rapidly improved iu flesh and milk. Yerv Respectful!;-, GEO. IT. DENT. Sole by all druggists. July 5-3m. LOOK OUT FOll ILT?MT ?S0SES IS NORTH, Buying his Stock. HE WILL OX THE 1st September. TO THE Old Popular Stand, N. E. CORNER and liberty Streets.] NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C?ENXtE>urai=X:w? suffer^ tJjat mr'labnr wr-scxccecHricly o^r deasome to me. A vacation of njnoath did not civo sae much relief, but on t!>? cuntir, ar. was followed by incensed prostration nnd pinkies ch?ls. Atrhistime I foe^n the us? oiyour I nos Toxic, from whi'.-h I nr irtd r.Imost immediate nr.d wonderful results. The old ftnei?ry r<Hu med ?nd I found tbnt ni y natura! fore? wis not permanently abated. I bave nr.ccl three bottlesof ?!ic Tonic. Sincft usic^it ? have d?ae twice tbc ?a bor that I ever did ia tie snuse time during 1117 illaoss. r.:id with double tho ec-o. With tb-': tran?:i:l c?rvo asri vicor of bodv, has como rdso a clearness of thought never before onioyed. 1 ?tho Tonic ha? nos dono the work, Iknow not v;bat. Igjye ii tMcred:-_-J. P. "WATSON-. Pastor Christian Chr.rea. Troy. (_>. g ^/i ares./ %x?fsoo*??^c ?| ? '^^^J^p ^^'^^/n i^^^^j^^^^^^? ^^f^^^^^^^ i !ir??;t<?V?c?. * liner rcs? *W ?* j? M J?? M Jkl JfM J? j??. ^P^rfi V* Jonie itfjiccessufif.f li MI ni i II' III i "'" JRAi?L'FAST^O 5Y THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CC, KO. 213 NORTH MAiN STREET, ST. L&Ulfr ?KPZ^acn^.?mr?aaflwA. mm*mM^i.M?9ao&*tA~.-.x^<m'*+x mp^?wi<Mn-mwB.minn fm... mmmmL~*mmmn DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, OF ALL GRADES, Piece Goods. Cloths, Gassimeres, Gottonades. Jeans, ?e" IN GREAT VARIETY, HATS, TIES AND SCARFS, SHIRTS, COLLARS. HOSIERY, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS AND UNDERWEAR. AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK JUST RECEIVED. WI? SELL AT LOWEST PK?C3S. THE IMPROVED WHEELER AND WILSON, IMPROVED WEED. IMPROVED VICTOR, HOWE "B," AND NEW AVERY Sewing Machines-, ALSO The Celebrated Preston's Fertilizers, PERSONS CONTEMPLATING EU YIN G STEAM ^PiGINEIB. Will save money by calling on us. WE SELL A FIRST CLASS ENGINE AND BOILER. Made by the New York Safety Steam Power Company. Satisfaction Guaranteed in Er erv Purchase. Send f?;? Circalars and Prices. April 15 "Earliest Flowers of Spring." mmVS HOTEL BLOCK, in Store : Beautiful Lawns at 6 1-4 eis. Beautiful Cambrics at Si c. Beautiful Prints at 6lc. Large Towels at 10 c. Large Linen Towels at 15 c. Gents' Silk Handkerchiefs, (Beauties) 50 c. _Eeflies!^ (Marvels) at 25 c. Ladies' clo do "^(B?fgair.Vat JLO c. Misses' Sun Hats at 25 c. A beautiful linc of Ladies', Gents' and Children's Hand-sowed Shoes ; also the cheaper qualities. Gents'. Youths' and Boys' Hats, Shirts, Hosiery, Nock-Wear, Gloves; Trunks, "valises, Steel Scissors and Needles. -o DRESS GOODS in all the novelties of the season-a drive in Black Silks. Trirnnring Silks and Cretonne Cloi'is and Lace Curtains for Upholstering. GENTS CASISMERES, Cloths, Jeans. Docks, Drills, from all the Celebrated factories of America. -o-' We are prepared to sell Good Goods as cheaply as any house in the State. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Desportes & Sdmuncls, Wright's Hotel -stock, March 15, 1881. COLUMBIA, S. O. Always Scmsnibe. THAT AT THE J. THEO. SOLOMONS, You will find the Best and Freshest Selection of Sill DRESS ill . SUCH AS BJJNTINS, LAAVNS, GRENA? DINES &c, for E v e ii i ii g D Y c s s3 OR Co m ni cn cement Exercises. Nothing better than our Delicate and Beautiful NUN'S VEILING in all Colors. Constantly in Receipt of Such Goods As Warrant His Offering To thc Public At All Times A Full; Complete And Varied Stock, competing with AMY HOUSE IN THE CTIY. Just Received an Assortment of Also a New Line of 7)7?i7//)7..1 fi 7 V?-TF7T?? And other WHITE GOODS NOW IN DEMAND, And ottered at LOW Titi CES. At 4 o iP? KISTES - A F?LL UNE JUS f RECEIVED OF Ai.ii cor.ons Pri?es Defying Cuni pet: ti-, u. We arc disposing ot our liemnant Calico, Homespun, Dress Goods, f ieee Goods, Embroidery, etc., at almost Nominal Prices. Come One, Cerne All. Sec our Goods, iiear our Pri? ces, and bo happy. J. THEO. SOLOMONS. June 1; 1S31. I Bm g S?5?fSr? 8 PC ?ulll ?U?II ???ii?i??i?? ifi??t'??iit, S CTM-T E R, S. C. ?S PREPARED TO TAKE RISKS AGAINST FtRE, ia a number of first-class Northern, Southern and English Fire Insurance Companies; among which arc North British and M ureas tile of England. Scottish Commercial of Glasgow, Home of New-York, Georgia Home of Georgia, and Others, aggregating ?50,000,000 of Assets. AGENT ALSO FOR Wilson & Childs' Philadelphia Wagon?. McLcar & Kendal's Carriage & Bug? gies. Wando Fertilizer and Acid Phosphate. July -r Bgfcy if vc.?i;:r^:iIIiSrj?j'tr tmuwa xS^SI on'.::-::;v.- ?.v.e.i?i- ??TJ man of U;- ^BjSS? SS ?ai>d-byi::ej?:rai!i;vf tt& tcrsr->:l;:i^r?c<?riiiid- M ja jro^r Unties avoid 3fe ir:.-:;r w,.ri:. res- Sj M Hop.JB?tt?rSi S waate, IIMJ Hop B.5| &i jf Y,.:I aro yo.:nc and S saffer?ri?? from ?vv fri- S fdi.scii.-ti'>'! or ig tiun ; i:' >..<:? art- nor- M ri?d or s?u?r??..c.W .<ayoutisr.>iiir?-rii!trfro;n ^ jvM.j-jK-a''>;orlai:i;-:--li-^J i:ur on n lieu cl UK ii- g| H whenever von f.-.-l SK 3 v;,:,:i>' ;.r. ? gH*'T 0 ?3 i!::.t y o ur :..>: ii ^?.^, (I.V!'r., .?-,?> t^j^^.y S B 'v?hm!tt>V?l".M?/:':?/; l?:' i fe? a tim I ly ?seb? g ? $nJ:v Hop i-^'ciS HopS.'ttere pe S Si-lore. _ g i t. * 'n~./f [ ^^?^T? P 1 of?sM^?j'Mij HOP |ilii?Tr?r 5 g 17I"V;,.?5f?:j liUI ^?.;,!?:.:r ?.:.-;>s, g ?fe cured if ?wnwej'?? R! I | TOO r.'-'roci;;.-*. ' fe| g Kop Bitt&rsiiSj ' fjj I j [U gi 0 l?i?v.??trit-?iftrr^-; NEV ti? |if'i?-'j:--. g it: it :?:ay.lla';:-?-A s J f- nov n-rttss $3 save y our; j t-^ j j |j ST?TC??., g HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED ! Just nu?l?shoil. f "cw ciiti'..i of Dr. CUL VRUwki.!.^ (;?:!.!:?:itAn:i) KSSAY M ? r;i'l?c:il ei?"e nf Sper:nat< r i;'1.':! <.!' iSciiiiua! wc;;- j l?es*, i r.V"!iJ'H:i .;. L?>?f.?S, I:upo':?,nev-. j Mci>::il .-. i?i i'i?jrsieal IM . ;-.u-;:y. ?:;?i>o?^.?i: t? j to M;irrij,!iC*. cfo. : a!*?, '.'..!) ?up?tiu, Ei-ilc-p-y j ;iinl :i:.s. ::;Jucc?l by gcl?itiUu'??.*ncc ?r ?c.-.t: :! ; c's? rn f?-~K a cc; Ste. Tue cclc!>r:i.*c:l author. . . tlii- :?.t i; r.?!? . j Kc^ ?y, clearly <le:aon.>;".*.:-. s, ? ea: rainy year.?' '. .?;: vc e.-.-::..:! praci/CC. lina !-ie ..:.IMH:^ j MiicMc-? ?fVc!>a<c may i)>: !:..;':..-;!iy eire!: ! {.ni I'L!.:^ til*! ;i motto u: cure a: nie? cor; .MI ;H- ? j < -iv-.-. ii.: i. uv ? :?ich every .-?n!V :--. i:?i inaner j ..vii!; c.nh!:: .:<-'! ia ay ..?.. :t..iy CITO ?i:.ii.-cl! ? }'<V" Tit ? Lecture ?i> on :?l ?ic "'.i r ? t ?- Jtandi ol'! eve: Mc laud. >? .:: :.:..ijr ?cal. IM .? |? '"i onvc-i'pc. tn atiy a.i.! c->. paiil eu rc?- ;.: of s?x ccu:.-":' t?v.? ;e -:.t.i.,j-. WK Ii-\Vc SlKS CU:l!i 'J'Al'r. U v>tiM. Adti-c-s T;.?: CLvl.VKtlAVVLL &Ei>?C?Ci Ci>.. li ANT; S:. KKW V ? > I : ?< ; L'u.-.? O.Iicc Dux, -i.iit?, July 1 ly. WB?&HT'S HOTEL, CO LU M Hi A, X. C. rpi j IS NSW BLK?:-A"XT IJOCSR, ? wirha:] mt?L''uM?'ccis. now upVU : ol* Iii J 1'.: J?[>: ...:. ?- ? :: . < .?ts. ?. L. wiao?T & sox, May 6. Pro?)riciors i a E?? Livery and Salo Stables, Main Street, (AT ELLIS' OLD STAND,) A full line of Vehicles and Teams always on hand. Traveling fares moderate. Commercial travel? ers can always be accommodated there. Contracts for Hauling taken promptly and satisfacto? rily executed. In due season will have a full line of . Sale Stock on hand. P. & A. J. MOSES, July 24, ISSI. tf. J. W? CRAIG'S FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING ESTA BL TS II ME ST, Sumter. (-ESTABLISHED IN 3356.) A FULL ASSORTMENT Ol' FURNITURE JjL constantly in store, at prices to suit the times. BED BOOM SETTS. WARDROBES, Bureaus, Wash Stands, Tables, Bedsteads, Chairs. Sofas. Lounges, Safes, Sideboards, Looking Glasses, WhatNots, Wall'Brackets, Chromos, Window Shades and Fixtures, Picture Frames, Cord, Tassels, Picture Glass, Window Glass, Putty, M-ttresses. &c, ?cc. THE UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT. IS FULL ANO COMPLETE; COFFINS AND CASKETS of ail descrip? tions ?.nd sizes constantly iu store ut prices ranging For Adults-from SS to 125. For Children-from S3 to 43. .My special personal attention, day by day; is ?tren to this business, in all its departments; and satisfaction guaranteed in every case. Nov li) ! W?0SSFf?ia BUILDING LSTS FOB SALE. ^Sv^ -0 -ff^rxjf-^tho view of meeting thc demand for Y V Buitre- ^o?s :lt Wedgefield, thc under? ived lia's dscitfc! 10 *:U' out 'n 'o?? ?iho,,? TEN ACRES of iantf^E^i^ vvhic'r' . will besohl low. and ou reas?^w^^ms, to i bona fule Settlers. JAS. TI. AYCOCK. Aug iT-?f. Wedgefield, S. C. WHOLESALE GR O CEES. AND DEALERS IN Wm, Him ToMooo, k IGT a nd 1 69 East - Bay , CHARLESTON, S. C. Dec. 2 6 MOSES mmm & soi, Wholesale Merchants. PURCHASERS AND DEALERS IN Iron and Metals, of ail Kinds. BIDES, FERS AND SKINS. WOOL, W AX, RAGS, PAPE K STOCK AND COTTON. Coi lon Tics, Nae and Spliced. Circulars of Prices furnished on application. p. ?. BOX sm, CHARLESTON, S. C. February 10 ly E. R. STOKES, Blank Book Manufacturer, GENERAL BOOKBINDER, Main Street Chronic City HAL, COL LT?! BIA. S. C. Blank Books ruled io any puliera and bouud in any s?y 1^- desired. My faeiriiies and long acquaintance with the business enables me to guarantee satisfaction on orders for Books for the use of Clerks of Courts, j Sheriffs, Probate Judge?, Masters in Equity, and i other County ol?ic;a!s. Pamphlets: Magazines, Music, Newspapers and Periodie:iIs. and ail kinds of publications, bound at bottom prices and in the best manner. Sept. 2S ly. Spartanburg Go., S. O. SIMPSON & SIMPSON, PIl?PIliETORS. npii?S CELE G MAT ED WATERING PLACE 1 is now upen to visitors under the same management us last year. Daily stage iine* connect with trains at Suartanburg. A good Livery Stable at the Springs. Daily Mail, good t?and ofM??sic, Billiards, Engat?le, Ten Pins and o'?her Amusaients usually found at lirst c!a?? Waieriti?T Places. inn? l?l-tf THE ?I3S?S HOUSE, COHN Kit Gr Yaiiderhorst and Kin ir Sts. il A VIN ?J UL"1-:? LKASKD BY Miss Heriot. (Fonncrl}' ufiO? Mccting-St:,) TS NOW OPEN fur I ho ?iccoiiVuiouation nf tiers. I'iinies.riS?ting Ch ?rle.<to:i wi.i find IJoii.-o ctmyeiiiontly ??i?iatcd !'??r busi? ness, and il:?v?':.?y ot; 'Arc i?i:e .?: > ree: U:?iiw:iv. Terms, per day. fruin S? ~? to $1 .:>D. *. nunn!:. :'?M:;? ru in $.'t? 00. aee.:r.ip;:?? u> li.eai'.en of rc ian-tire extr.-i. ?HS P?ECELL HOUSE Wi I ming ron, X. C. UNvEii SrEW XJXA GEHEST. First Class Hotel. I?<-.'. rd $2 j:' Ut ?0 per day-Merchant ?t> ll. ?L. ?'S&RV [.??.{?rictor. mm mm & SONS, iMBORTEiiS AND DEALERS IN Miles, Wiiies ai Wli?skies 44- Soiilh-Srrect. Ballimore, Md. : !-ii -A i'l l.-! ??t :.-). \V!;:t?-?e.'?:u ??tiatin?Cw ^ / : ..? v.ii.-rown .-r :?: ... t? ?:ivo ?n:. PII?.-H. v.jn.-.M.- cal WM. D. BLANDOW, AS. D. BL?XDISG, BU?D??Q & BLA?DS?GT Alto me vs at Law. .-..?/. ' Sumter, S* C. June 21 ca UlIVXD? r? "K "O.?UI? pou qsing .;o .\:[?vit?j ai possvd.:ris ?>q lonuto 'poupanvju^ \LUIHS RL\\o uni -o .">JSUJ pu? ?Vitt tpt.u papaos C0[.V1? .VJA??} ill 'SdTLL 'S4??VDS -0 'sivu uni cixv MT?S JO axn rina v 'O:STV ?! 'SDNIILIS nOXH?liT ci xv irsnoxa .i:uiUili[OJ Ul UOOCj ?0.10 ??:ll IVtp '-DN???IO10 *3 *? '??e.Mi?rI?3 1 1T88I - io ililOilOOli ?o JSL I m dc s Peerless Engine, rvSOONTEO GR OH SILLS. PORTABLE OE STATIONARY. Any Size from 2 to 60-Horse Power. THESE ENGINES HAVE AN ESTAB lisbcd record fur simplicity, du iv. bi I i ty, and development of power per ruted korse-'?wer. The boilers ure provided with every improve? ment looking to safety, and by a patented device cannot explode under any circumstances. We furnish with this engine the famous Geiser Saw Mil!, with independent and simultaneous Head Blocks, or complete Crain Milling, or Cotton Ginning or Milling Machinery. Having sold several outfiis in Sumter County, wc invite thc attention of any one who contem? plates buying machinery of noy kind. ITMTXJ m '? tv. ? i JjflirTTrl j IMPROVED UNDER RUNNER, BEST French Lr.::!;r S?ones, either Single or Double Gear, and ^"yS^e from 20 to CG inches. J Wese?S?ii0 a Vertical Buln* Stone Mill snrta - hie fotU*ht^&& Engines, with capacity of from 5 toT5 l.tisl)e^??0 Qlt'ai I'tr houp Wc also offer the fa^S^Geiser Ihresncr and Separator for any dcscM ipuS^01 wonc done by Threshers. , Farmers' Friend Piows and At?>??>1K'nls Belting of any kind-Rubber, LeN???: 01 Cotton. ^*"SI AU descriptions of Machi ocrv sold bv us at > NO. 41 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. SCHEVEN & B11TDGE3, General Agents. ??S* Correspondence solicited. aplO-Gm HE SU.MTER STOVE MAN. T. C. m AFFE STOVES. PUMPS, TINWARE, STOVE CASTINGS, WIL? LOW WARE, DRIV? EN PUMPS, GAS PIPES AND ELBOWS. ALSO LAMP FIXINGS AND CROCKERY. Gas Pipe Cut and Threaded. Water Works Put Up. Pumps Put Dowu. Stoves Rebuilt. Tin Ware Repaired. Guns Put iii Order. Houses Roofed. May 12 lyr LA X D O F T U ? SS Y I" 3,250 Feet A hove the Level of the Sta! T? ?I?;IM.I iii, H3NDEE30NVILLE, ll C. f j^Ili-" HOUSE ha* been thoroughly rctio g v:tlo>? aa?i put tu t:rsi c?.tfs eou?ii?ou f?r thc SEASON Ue ISSI. The Proprietor will ^;ve his personal atten? tion io (?nesii. an i <lo everything ?a power to make rheta feel at homo. EXCELLENT WELL Or ICE-COLD WAT EH, Nice Jt'uriiiicre; linens Carpeted : Attentive Servant?:; I'.?t*:r.k>n Central: ?'.ire tlie Uest: ?elegrap!, Office ht :ho Hotel! Stages for A>hevs!:e ie.iv? tilts House evvr-y morning, thiekif for Inward ami Caesar's Head. Otitai'tius t... :iinl ?ronj t?ie l-Viv-t. Good Liccni Sable connected xsilh i ?ic ilvuze. Terms S- per Jay, and by (he mouth from ?:it> to si;). A. J. DODAMEAD. I'n-pticior. June !?1 ISSRCI??WT'S HOTEL -Ut SPARTASlSCnC, S. C., A. M. SPEIGHTS.Proprietor. j^? EW, Cl.!-AX. COMMODIOUS AND AIRY. REST SUMM Ei: HOUSE !X THE STATE. May -J-;, KILBERS HOUSE, No. L'S [ Kutij-Sbrect; Charleston, C. Transient Board per Day, S 1.50 to S2.00, according to location of rooms. Carriages always in attendance at the Depots and llouse. to convev passen-ers MRS. B. HI EHE RS. GEO. A. WAGEXER July 13:) jyffi imm CONGAREE Iron Works, COLUMBIA? S. C? At5ENT*0R CHAPMAN'S PERPETUAL EVAPORATOR -O--- . ; " These works veera established *? 1^47 by Messrs. (ito. Sinclair and James Anderson and purchased by me in the year IS5S, and from : hat rime till now carried on successfully by mjvr?f. My friends'nnd customers will bear wi:nw "f th? large and stupendous jobs exe fiit< d Ky ?r.e. It w?s at my works where the forge*! and almost only jobof its'class ever es ei-t-tcd in this ci?y was di>nc, viz: the making .>f mc. pipes for the City Water Works in the year J SOS'. \n t{ic branch of BELL FOUNDING, r can say that I have made the largest bella ?..vcr eas: iii iii* ?tate, such as the bell for tbs ZUy Hail in Columbia. My slock <-f patterns for ARCHITECTURAL WORK, COLUMNS FOlt STOKE FRONTS, is Inrge nt:.? v.irt ?us. and in RAILINGS FOR BALCON. ES; GARDENS AND CEMETE KIES I hare (he largest variety and most mod? ern patterns; many of these are patented and I have purchased the right for this State. In the machine line I caa furnish my pat? ron? with Steam Engines and Boilers o? any s^ze and description. My CIRCULAR SAW MILLS lia vc carried off the p ize at every State Fair held in city, aud in their construction I have taken pains to combine simplicity wita* the m.?st useful modern improvements, and may flatter myself that my CIltCULAR SAW MILLS find favor with every sawyer who ua derst:indj? his business. 'J bc many orders I am steadily receiving for Sugar Cane Mills, pr.?ve that me public appreciate\themills of my make, and So ;t is with my C.r DORSE POWERS; GIN WHEELS, GRIST MILLS and other MACHINERY. I have the manufacturing right of many PATENTS, sae!? as castings for Rock Cotton and Hay Press ??ad ilircc or f.-urFEED CUTTERS and other IM I'LE.M EN TS 1 will be pleased to send my CIRCULARS to ..a . applicant, together with price lise or esti ? mate. My PRICES arc moderate, and I assure the public that they are lower even than those of Northern manufacturers, and that my work I xviii compare favorably with that of any other ! maker. Address JOHN ALEXANDER, I C" xe ARO: IKON WORKS, COHJUBTA, S. C. Jan. 20. Jy. ! '?-??- ? ?? - - ?" mt m. -MIIMPWT-Pf ^l&'?^^^k OVER A MILLION /SBR Professor ? mM<ww?mm-. KIDNEY ; \&&&?:%W ^g0g?m PADS i fe^ } "%^Sa?. Have already ? ^fc^rMX, tHH.been sold in this i WBgBBKSL. every one of \l^:^^te?^^^^By which has given i ^^^^^t?'M&^S?I PerfeCt *atisfac i ^^^^W^^SSB?SI lion, and hos Der. ! Wr -t^? :^^/ formed eat'SB I ^^?i^^^m^^Sr ?vei7 time wben ^^^?^^^^^ * uccd according ^^^SB?^^ ' to directions* We now say to the afflicted and doubting, ones that we will pay the above reward for a single case of That thc Pa d fails to cure. Tb is G reat Remedy will POSITIVELY and PERMANENTLY cere Lumbago; Lams Back, Sciatica, Gravel, Diabe? tes, Dropsy; Bright's Disease of thc Kidneys, Incontinence and Retention of the Urine, Infla* I malton of the Kidneys; Catarrh of thc Bladder? j High Colored Urine. Pain in the Back, Side or j Loins. Nervous Weakness, and in"fact all disor? ders of the Bladder and Urinary Orgaus, whether ?^nirncted bj private disease oi othcrwise. I^^iij'^- '* y?u ar0 suff-ring from Female W,?ikn?^Sfctf,5{'"?rhcci. or any disease of the I?dVeys, Blaffe?r Erinary Organs, YOI/ C^5LBK CURED ? ! Without swaHowin^?i^ niedicines, by ! simply wearing ^^^^ j PROF. GUILMETT?*?-^^ ! FRENCH KIDNEY PAD; "WHICH CURES BY ABSORPTION. Ask your druggist for ProF. G I'ILMKTTK'S FRENCH KIDS EY P n. and take no other. If he has not got it, send $2 CO and j cu will receive the Pad by return mail. PROF. GUILf?ETTE'S FRENCH LIVER PAD Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Au^ue, Ague Cake, Bilious Fever. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and ail diseases of the Liver, Stom? ach and Blood. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for Pr.?f. tiuilmettc's Treatise on the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAO CO., Toledo, O. F.-r sal? iu Sumter by Dr. China and by Dr. Auld. May 20 BEST GATE LATCH In the World. Cheap, Sim? ple, Durable. Works easily, and is a perfect support to the Gate. Ali Patent Rights for sale. Agents wanted for Rights or Latches. For parti? ulars address, E. M. MARTIN, Strasburg, Penn. I * THE MOST POPULAR Sj ? jL -. OT ALL'- V - " ?SEWING MAEHINEM jj _ ?^___40su^ J fe?*DER B L7\ST \ f m^Bji Ll PET! M B *- | N 30 UNION SQ. MEW YORK H I CHICAGO ILL.-e-- ? sn ORANGE MASS. Ja Ti 1.. UlSsaisli, CUarloiOiu S. C July i 6ni DS8COVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. ? A victim of yoathfn! imprniience cansin^ Prem*? turo Decay. ??er>-oas Debility, Lost "'"inliood, etc^ liavinf? tnttl in vain, evory feawn rtci^Uy, bas dis? covered a simple self cure, which ho will send FSEg M to bis frliow-s-uflerers, address J. H. KEE>X?- A