The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, August 09, 1881, Image 1

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"HB SUMTER WATCHMAN, Established April, An?:. 2, 1881.} 'Be Just and Fear not--Let all the Ends thou Aims't at? be thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's. THE TRUE SOUTHRON, Established June, 1S6C SUMTER, S. C., TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 1881. New Series-Yoi. I. No. 2. "ruT?isJitjd orrery-fc?tday, - ' * -BT TH? atchman and Southron Publishing TERMS: wo Dollars p?r ^nnum-in advance. i t> V S B TIS B 3f B'? T S . t??e Square, first insertion..-00 Every sabseqnentTirsertioTJ -.-.. 50 Contracts for three months, or longer will J&jnade at reduced rates. ?r , All coumuji?cAtronaVb ick aobaerf e-private [cari?s and "tributes of respect will be larged for. Mtjri*ge notices aod notices of deaths pub iihed free. * ' 1? ; >\. * r ; - ^ob work or contracts Yor'advertising address Watchman and Soittkrony or. apply at ?%e O?c^ to - ??.! G: OSTREN, Business Manager. THE STONY SOUTH. .4? Hundred Million Dollars to Devel? op Mer Resources. ZS?^?Zi? '.Kr:..? o'-? ' > ? -': ' Railroad Syndicates, and loreign Capital Courting King Cotton-Ev &iS&8 o%D?par^?el^ Peace Math lier .Victories No Less Renowned Than War. - Th? advent of llil^Th?os* flifl in Baltimore, as a commissioner, of the In? ternational Exposition ai Atlanta, Ga., 1 has evolved mach interesting statistics ss to the material, rezurces and present \ prospects~ofj?W wayward sisters/ as Secretary Siward denominated the se? ceding States in secession . days. Ev? erywhere, luv those sonny regions is a large business boom. Kail roads and cotton x?ct?ri?s are being da??y devel? oped as'if by Alnaschir magic,-and all the Skrath seems to' propose to itself to blossom* as t^fe rose. INVESTING $100,000,000. Advices, from .Atlanta,. .Ga., state that there Have been 'subscribed in tbe North and fn Ifordpe iuifoe'p?st'eighteeu months $100,000,000 for investment in the South. This statement sounds rrarveloas, ^aad^t it ?an be* easily ^sbown tofo-^ttW. ' lt may' be stated, however, that in this estimate none of the vast sums invested in the South? west ate included. In other, words, . this enormous sum of money covers in? vestments and developments only in that part of "the South, east of the Mis? sissippi Hiver and South of Bichmond, Va. Of course, the largest sums have _ been subscribed for the purchase and building of railroad lines. The effect of "*S3^ has been to improve the roads al dy built, to.develope new sections of >* ^ntrj>thus starting new currents of ?trade and quickening old ones and to take ^Cr?m Southern hands, atadvarieed prices Marge amounts of " railroad . stocks. ^Among the more important movements made in the direction of Southern rail? road investment and developements are the Cinctnnatt? and Georgia syndicate. This 8yjj3icate was organized in New Yortt inTtfay last, with a capital ofijj;16, 000. 000, under the auspices of George 1. Seney, of the Metropolitan Bank ; Thomas & Co., of Columbus, Ohio, and E. W. Cole, of-Nashville, the latter being made president. ' The company purchased the Macon and Brunswick system in Georgia ; the Selma, Borne j and Patton in Alabama; the East Ten? nessee and Virginia in the States named, and a lease of the Memphis and Char? leston, and will build at a cost of about $7,000,000, several lines of road to connect the purchased properties into one system. The work on these con? nections is now progressing, and when finished will give the syndicate a cart? wheel system the hub being at Chatta? nooga and the spokes penetrating the sections of the South in S ve directions, and Sodi?g termini at Bristol, in Ten? nessee; the Mississippi river, at Mem? phis ; at Meridiao, where the South? western roads end; at the Atlantic ocean Rt Brunswick and Savanah. The money subscribed by this syndicate is $16,? 000,000, but tbe bonds floated in the ? 'North and in Europe raise the total to $22,000,000. THE GEORGIA SYNDICATE. The Georgia Pacific syndicate, orga? nized to build from Atlanta, Ga., Birm? ingham, through the coal and iron fields of Alabama-heretofore virtually nnpeoetrated and the richest on the continent-and thence to the Mississippi river: Gen. John B. Gordon, who re? signed his senatorship to give himself ? to such enterprises, is president of this j company, which contains sueh men as j Hugh J. Jowett. Ex-Senator Barnum, j of Conneticut ; U S. Grant, Jr. ; Geo. YT. Perkins, of the Mercantile Bank ; E. H. Perkins, of the Importers and Traders" Bank; Senator Plumb, of J Kansas; W. P. Clyde and several "Richmond, Ya., subscribers. The cap? ital required by this Company is $12. 500,000, which has ali been subscribed. Work is now progressing on both ends of the line and the road is graded twen? ty miles each way from Columbus, Miss., and Atlanta, Ga. This road will make the most important develop- j ment of the past ten years in the South. The Norfolk and Western syndicate, which purchased the Atlantic, Missis? sippi a?d Ohio road, in Virginia : This ndicate was represented by Clarence j Clark, of Philadelphia, and com-! C. C. Baldwin, H. I Victor Newcomb, George C. Clark, I Robert Mioturn, who will be recogniz- j ft ed as leadiog capitalists of New York, ] and the Louisville and Nashville people. The capital required for the Norfolk | and Western was $11,500,000, which does not include the cost of certain ex? tension, estimated to be $2,000,000 more. The first capital, however, of $11,500,000 will suffice for the present. The Erlanger syndicate, made up of Frankfort capitalists, and represented by Mr. Fred Wolfe. The syndicate takes its name from Baron Erlanger, and is accordingly strong. It has owned the Alabama and Great Southern road for some time, and has just purchased the Brunswick and Albany road of Georgia, the Vicksburg and Shreveport and the Vicksburg and Meridian roads at a cost -ef $10,800,000. This company will build 320 miles of new road, and has jost put a block of $7.500,000 on the market in Europe. When completed its system will be a good one, stretching from New Orleans to Chattanooga northward, and coastwise from New Orleans to Brunswick, Gi. The Richmond and Danville syndi? cate, usually known as the Clyde, syn I dicate : This company controls the organization af the Richmond and Ban? ville road by holding 28,000, of its 40,000 shares. This cost them less than $2,000.000. and through it they control 1,550 miles of road aad are building about 400 miles more, besides the Georgia Pacific, in which they are interested. The chief members of the syndicate are-W. P.. Clyde, G. W. j Perkins and?T/ H. Perkins, of New j York ; General-T. M. Logan, John j Branch, Mr. Palmer, and the Stewarts, ofRtchmnod, Va. The Stewarts are retired tobacconists, said to be worth probably. ?&000,000. The capital of the syndicate is represented by its stock in the Richmond and" Danville road, bat the following are its investments made within the past eighteen months, Northern or European capital being used, of course, for the purchases : It bought the Columbia and Greenville system of roads, aggregating 297 miles ;and costing?$6,ppO,l,00 ; the Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta road, costing $1,300,000; the Western North Car? olina road, costing; over $4,000,000 and $1,000,000 to finish it (the work now going on,) and the York River road, costing, with its extension, $1, 500,000. The company is now engaged in extending the Northeastern railroad from Athens, Ga., to Knoxville, Tenn., which will cost $4,000.000, and for which the money bas been provided and the contracts .let. These all repre? sent actual investments of $17,800,000. Besides this the syndicate has several lines leased, on which ? certain percent? age is guaranteed. When its lines, present and building, are consolidated with the Georgia Pacific, as will proba? bly be done, the Richmond and Dan? ville syndicate will press the Louisville and Nashville line very close. The Louisville and Nashville system, which is now building an extension of the Pensacola and Atlantic road, which baa-been- purchased at a cost of about $3,500,000,. and is.being finished at a cost of $1,000,000 additional. This road is also building from Livingston, Kv., toward Knoxville at a cost of over $1,000,000. This company and its friends in New York also purchased control of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis road, of the Western and Atlantic, the Mobile and Montgomery, and Mobile and New Orleans roads within the past two years at a cost of many millions. The Baltimore and Ohio Company bought some time ago the Virginia Midland road, intending to go Sooth, as it had already gone West Its an? cient enemy, the Pennsylvania Central operating through its sympathy with the Richmond and Danville syndicate, has outstripped it and shut it off in its Southern race The last tilt between these companies was in trying to cap? ture the Atlanta and Charlotte air lir e The Baltimore and Ohio was beaten out of it, although it offered 1 per cent, more than the Richmond and Danville folks gave. Being cut off in this trade, they have now commenced building a road from Danville, the terminus of their Southern line, to Spartanburg, S. C.. This voad, now under way will cost built and equipped at least $5,000, 000, But this will not be the end. The elder Mr. Garrett, in his report to the stockholders a few days since, said that the Baltimore and Ohio roust get to Atlanta, which is the first point they can reach where they can get competi? tion with their rivals. To reach Atlanta will cost $5,00,000 more. It is shrewdly suspected that this company will io a short time buy the South Carolina road. In any event,-?it h;?s already put $5, 000,000 down for building a new South? ern road and must spend millions more before it completes its Southern system. Baltimore Gazette. mm HHH tmm The Fastest Trotter. Maud S. is seven years old. She was bred near Lexington, Ky., by A. J. Alexander. She sold for only $400 when two years old. Her first fast time was three years ago at Lex? ington, making a mile in 2.IT 1-2 She made thc same year 2.19; 2 21; and 2.13 1-2; at Chicago. But here is her full record since then, and it is interesting ; "At Buffalo, on Agust 4, 1880, she lost the first heat in 2.17, but won the remaining heats and race in 2.15, 2.16 3-4 and 2.16 1-2. lier next appearance was against time, W. H. Vanderbilt having become her owner. He paid Capt. Stone $21,000 for her and objected to the risk of injury in? volved in a contest with other horses, and siuce then she has trotted only against records and her own time. In Rochester, on August 12. she trotte quarter, 32 1-2 ; half 105 ; three quarters, 1.311-2; mile, 2-113 4 At Chicago, September 16, she low? ered the record-quarters, .33 1-4 half, 1 04 1-2. three quarters, 1-36 3-4 ; mile, 3.11 1-2. Two days later she further reduced the record, bring? ing the mile down to 2.10 3-4 This year she began the campaign by making a mile over the track in Columbus, Ohio, in 2.13 1-4; beating Ranis' time, the best ever made over that track, by 4 1-2 seconds. Trot? ting, against St. Julien's time over the Detroit track, she beat it in 2.13 3 4. Again, at Pittsburg, on Jul}' 13, she lowered her record by a quarter of a second, the time being 2.10 1-2. lu Chicago, four days ago, on a track notably three seconds slow, she made the be^t two miles ever made over any track, 2.11 1-4 and 2.11. --*m~ *~4<^?-?--*-m^ Miracle Cures m Connecticut. Miss Ann Lewis, daughter of E. B. Le wis, residing on Washington street, | in this city, has been cured by one visit from Mrs. Mix. the colored woman from Wolcottville, whose friends claim that she has already restored nearly 2, 000 invalids by her application of the Bible theory of faith. Miss Lewis has been an invalid for some three years, during which time she has lost her power of will so that she could not leave her bed. She now walks every day, and is constantly gaining in strength, with no fears of a relapse. Mrs. Mix makes no charge for her services, save her simple expenses.-Hartford Times. The Commercial Drummer. -o The following is taken from a letter of a distinguished clergyman of Abbe? ville County to the Associated Reformed Presbyterian : I found on the train the inevitable drummer, a product and necessity of modern enterprise. He is a character to study, his cheek is unused (io blushes, be has no deadly dread of a lie, he has that glibness of tongue that can he ac? quired only by long and earnest practice. There is one thing he can do, he may be very deficient in other traits and qualities, but be can puff bis wares and the particular firm that it is his predestinated mission to talk up. He bas learned long ago that one way of getting himself up is to pull others down, and this he does without scruple. I have been told that there are decent men among them ; it may be so, but surely they are the exceptional cases. That business must indeed be in a bad way which hasn't some decent men in it. I know from personal observation of drummers, that if there are foul mouthed, profane, shamelessly indecent jjeonfeth^&are they. I ntake it that tol>^;Bram?i.?r is not an easy way to get to3?eaveh. Do you think that valise contains only samples and wearing ap pearel ? My^dear' sir, you are great? ly mistaken ; there in one corner, is ensconced the whiskey flask, and in an? other, place the pack of cards, marked perhaps.v Can adjone tell why these four things generally go together, profanity, card-playing, whiskey-drink? ing and general worthlessness of moral character ? They are closely allied; wherever one is seen the other three are not far off. And there is no one -occupation in which all four are so generally found as in the modern drum? mer. ,"_'._ ? iThe drummer ia an example .of. this fact, that men go to. waste and ruin, morally, when they are shut out from borne influences. Home, and especial? ly a Christian home, is almost a Para? dise regained. Its power to restrain fro. evil and cultivate and stimulate the good cannot be overrated, lt is one of the most blessed conservative influen? ces in this bad world. Without "Sweet Home," earth would need no fire, or brimstone or visible fiends to make it a bell, not in metaphor but in reality. I reckon that the next time four drummers are seated around a square table ornamented with fifty-two pieces of pictured pasteboard and a bottle of whiskey, they will not give me a vote of thanks for what I have here said about them. -o The Caustic Reply of a Baltimore Drummer. CHARLESTON, S. C., Aug. 1,1881 Reverend Sir : In your letter, in the Associated Reform, Presbyterian, you discuss Drummers. Permit' one of this class to say a few words in reply. My valise contains, contrary to your diagnosis of the average drummer's satchel, no pack of cards or whiskey flask. But in that valise is a Bible, from which, when I have concluded, I will have drawn for your benefit more freely than you will probably think a poor drummer capable, who often in weak? ness tramples the law of God under foot. You begin wi;h the assertion that the drummer is a necessity, and then labor to prove a necessity an evil. To state your postion in harmony with logicial technicality, you, substantially assert that trade is a necessity ; that the drummer is indispensable to trade, therefore the drummer is an evil. Your process of ratiocination is as sublimely logical as would be a mathematical phe? nomenon announcing that 3 added to 4 make 11?. You designate commercial travellers as "foul-mouthed, profane," and the unclean tongues, voicing the thoughts of the impure hearts of every class of mankind, you tacitly commend by not putting them in the same catalogue. I commend the following passage of Holy Writ to you ; "But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors." James, 2d chapter, 9th verse. You think drumming a poor way to get to Heaven 1 think misrepresenta? tion a worse way. You are in the worse way. A hard working, honest drum? mer (and there are thousands) may succeed in getting a firm grip on the Eternal throne, but a preacher, who misrepresents bis fellow-men, will find himself grappling thin air. I perceive that you have more studi? ously applied yourself to the charming writings of Hoyle than to Biblical litr erature. You show none of the broad and deep charity of the Bible, but you are really classical when you volunteer information gleaned from the sacred pages of Hoyle's disquisitions on games of chance. You announce to the public that there are fifty-two cards in a pack and that oard players sometimes mark the cards. I have no doubt that these two facts will constitute valuable data for those Sunday-school children whose spiritual instruction is your especial duty and pleasure. Does any cid habit of handling cards ever so emphatically assert itself as to lead you to "shunie" your hymn book, and "deal out" a "full hand" of leaves to each member of the congregation ? If so, I suggest thc following scripture: "That ye put off conceroing the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts ; and be renewed in the spirit of your mind." Eph., 4th chap., 22-23d verse. You write : "The drummer has no deadly dread of a lie." Neither have you when you say, "I know from per? sonal observation of drummers that if there are foul-mouthed, profane, shame? lessly indecent people, these are they." A man's moral qualities attract men of like morals and repel those of dissimilar moral features. The braying of one ass calls forth a vocal response from the nearest ass in the neighborhood. A lascivious man seeks the company of the lewd. The drinker of ardent spirits finds congenial companionship in the society of another imbiber. A righteous man is blessed, because he "walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in thc way of sinners, nor sittcth in thc seat of the scornful." Psalms, 1st chap., 1st verse. ? seem * 'by the eternal fitness of thing: by which like is made to mingle wi like, to have been walking in the cou sel of ungodly drummers, and stand i tn the way of sinning drummers, ac not satisfied with these iniquitous as: elations, you courteously divide yo car seat witb a scorning drummer. Why don't you associate with a b< ter class of these men? Contrary your statement there are more decei than indecent ones among them. Ma of them are Christians. Nine-tenths them who travel South Carolina we trained at the knees of Southern mot ers. One-half of them fought for t i liberty of the Southland. Nioetee twentieths of them are gentlemen, they were otherwise than gentlem they could not succeed in their effoi to hold the trade of the gentleman merchants of Carolina. Gentlemen w not transact business continuously wi moral lepers, especially where the tran action puts the merchant almost whol at the mercy of the salesman, as is tl .case in buying and selling of goods wholesale. Ask the merchant if, as rule, they have not found them honet Let the railroad conductors and tl hotel-keepers speak also. Let the fire North and in Charleston, who cmpow drummers to collect money, receipt bil and draw drafts, answer as to the inte, rity of these men, and then compa their responses with the product of yoi slanderous pen, when you write, . have been told that there are decei men among them, but surely they ai the exceptional cases." Remember, si that through the columns of the pre you have sent to the home of many widowed mother, whose^only means support is the salary of her toilir drummer boy, whose heart runs bac toward his borne, that that boy is ii decent in his life. I could now wri the names of twenty whose lives ai those of sacrifice, who save nothing f< themselves, but send all to cheer tl hearth-stone and spread the table f< the anxious mother. Sir, following the dictates of y ot own pen rse spirit, you, a minister ? God, have slandered these men, whe you know nothing of them excepting few whose conversation was imprope: Almighty God laid on Ezekiel the bu: den of proclaiming the terrible judg< ment from which you cannot escape "Woe unto the foolish prophets thi have followed their own spirit and ha\ seen nothing." Ezekiel, 13tb chaptei 3d verse. Not one word of admonition do yo give to these itinerant salesmen, wb are subject to such temptation. Yo did not write of them in a spirit ( kindness. If you saw and beard thci sin you do not, in' your letter, sorro' over their sins, but simply proclaime them vile. Contrast your letter wit the letter of the great preacher of Mar Hill, the Apostle Paul, when writin to the erring Corinthians ; and let th contrast cause you to hang your head ii everlasting shame, as his spirit, sweet ened with human charity and mello* with divine love, utters, "I write no these things to shame you, but as m; beloved sons I warn you.' Cor., 4tl chapter, 14th verse. Sir, how doe your letter contrast with that'beautifu sentiment. When you heard a drummer swear ing, did you go to him in the kin?uesi j and affection illustrating Christian char acter, shimmering with the beatitude) of righteousness and whisper in his eai the words of inspiration : "My son at tend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding; that thoc mayest regard discretion, and that thy Hps may keep knowledge." Prov., 5th chapter, 1st and 2d verses. "Lei no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth but that which is good tc the use of edifyiDg." Eph., 4tb chap., 29th verse. Did you say this, or any? thing like this, or did you never hear of this scripture before? I trust that a young drummer, who is a sinner, will not quote scripture that will surprise one of the oracles of the church. Ia view of your cruel, bitter, unchar? itable heart, there is one more passage I want to quote to you Wheo the heart of Nebuchadnezzar-unmerciful toward his fellow-man, like your own heart offended God, while he slept the fabric of a terrible vision relied before his mind's eye, ag a chariot rolling along the tall highways of the night and laden with the terrific judgments of the Ever? lasting. While Nebuchadnezzar peered into the midsu of the terrible scene an awful voice shouted : "Let his heart be changed from a mail's heart and let a least's heart be given unto htm " So say I of you. JOUN R. MORRIS, With Matthai, Tngrum & Co., Baltimore, Md. - -- Sixteen Children at One Birth. --:-0 A man in Illinois, having sent to a Washington journal a photograph of five of his children who wore born on the same day, asserting that 'no other man can show a picture of five,' the newspaper quiets him with the follow? ing statistics : 'Instances have been found where children to the number of sis, seven, eight, nine, and sometimes sixteen, have been brought forth at one birth. The wife of Emanuel Gago, a laborer near Valladoid, was delivered the 14th of Jane, 1779, of five girls. Thc cele? brated Tarsin was brought to bed in the seventh month, at Argentuil, near Paris, 11th of July, 1779, of three boys, each fourteen and a half inches long, a girl thirteen inches. They were all baptized, but did not live over twenty-four hours. lo June, 1779, one Maria Ruiz, of Duceoa, in Anda? lusia, was successively delivored of six? teen boys, without any girls. Seven of them were alive on the 16th of August following. lu 1535 a muscovite peas? ant named James Kyr?off and his wife were presented to the Empress of Rus? sia. The peasant had been twice mar? ried, and was then seventy years of age. His first wife was brought to bed twen? ty-one times, namely four times four children each time, seven times of three, and ten times of two, making in all fifty-seven children, who were then alive. His second wife, who accompa? nied him, bad been delivered seven : time-once of three children,, and six times of twins. Thus he had seventy two children by his two marriages. A SPLENDID SCHEME. The Clyde Combination to Se'tle Six Hundred Thousand Acres with Im? migrants. Says the Augusta Evening News: The Clyde Combioatic-D, one of the largest and most powerful railroad syn? dicates of th 2 day, is now engaged in developing a plan which will do more than anything else to put its long Hues of railroad on a solid and self-sustaining basis. It is intended to settle thickly the lines of road now owned by the Clyde, and thus not only develop the rich Southern section of country, bat pro? vide a local business in passenger and freight traffic along the lines. Tbe idea is of course a good one, and to show that the authorities mean business, we learn that the Clyde combination al? ready owns 600,000 acres of land along its lines in Virginia and the Carolinas, on which to settle thc immigrants brought over. The plan is already formed and will soon be put in opera? tion. The effect of such a scheme is easy to comprehend and foresee, and yet it is so immense that the mind fails to grasp it all at once. All kinds of bus? iness will be assisted by such an addi? tion of people. The agricultural inter? ests of such sections will be given a big lift, the merchants will have larger orders, all professions will be benefited and of course passenger travel and freight orders will be multiplied world without end. The Clyde Combination now own and control nearly all the lines of road south of Richmond, in Virginia and the Car? olinas, extending as far as Augusta and Atlanta. The 600,000 acres owned by the syndicate are scattered along the Richmond and Danville, Western North Carolina ; Charlotte, Columbia and Au? gusta, the Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line, and other Carolina roads. ? Question of Time. Which a Good Women Found it Difficult to Get through Her Ht ad. [Frotti the San Franci?o Chronicle ] "Did it ever occur to you, my dear, tiiat a person going overland would have to mail two letters a day from the train in order to have one letter a da}7 return to San Francisco ?" asked Major Max the other evening after the cloth was removed from the table and bis wife was pouring his glass of two-thirds benedictine and one third curacoa, which his wife con? tended was the only civilized drink with which to pr?paie for the after dinner cigar. Mrs. Max passed the Major his cordial and waited a moment before replying : "Why, no ; it seems to me that if a person traveling cast mailed a letter each day by a west waid bound train a letter would arrive here each day." Mrs Max answered cautiously, for while she knew that the Major pre? tended to deplore the fact that she was illogical, he really derived much comfort from his superior comprehen? sion, and was somewhat addicted to studying out intricate propositions with which to puzzle the lady. "You think so, do you ?" queried the Major, as though about to be convinced by her, while in truth he only wanted her to commit herself more decidely that his victory would be the more signal. "Why, yes," Mrs. Max continued, somewhat assured, "if you mailed a letter on the first day out, it would get here the next day ; if you mail one thc day following it would arrive here a day after the first, and the letters being mailed twenty-four hours apart would of course continue to arrive here a day apart. They couldn't grow further apart on the road, could they Major ?" Mrs. Max woend up this sequence of feminine logic with a triumphant accent, and felt sure she had posed the Major, for he did not reply until after lighting a cigar. Then he said slowly: "You post a letter the first day out ?" "Yes." "That letter arrives here the day after you leave ?" "Certainly. One day gone, one letter received." "Exactly. Well thc next day-a little curacoa, straight please-the next day you post another letter from the train, and-" , "And that arrives here the day after the first, of course, making two days out and two letters received, and so on to New York. ?h Major?" If Mrs. Max had not been ex? amining a new pattern of lace she had )n her sleeves she might have noticed the satisfied smile the Major had as he leaned back in his chair and said ; "The second day out you would be at Ogden." "Yes." "Wouldn't it take as long for a letter to return to San Francisco as it had taken you to go to Ogden ?" "I supposo so." "Then the second letter would arrive herc two days after you arrived at Ogden and four davs after you left here?" Mrs. Max looked up and said hesi? tatingly : "Well, I don't see how you make that out." "I did not make it out, Mrs. Max, I only asked if I was right." "No, you are not ; if you post j letter on a returning train each day I say that a letter must arrive herc \ each day, and I don't care." Mrs. Max, how long does it take to go to New York ?" , "Seven days, I suppose." , "Then a letter a day would be i seven letters. You would post your I sixth letter on your sixth day out and it would take it six days more to return, being twelve days after you ( left here. Now, aa you had only * mailed five letters before the one which arrived on thc twelfth day, ? how could a letter a day have ar- ] rived ?" i Mrs. Max thought a moment and s then asked with a considerable i warmth : "Do 'you mean lo say, ; Major Max, that if a person going to j New York posts a letter on a San ' Francisco-bonnd train each day that it takes two weeks for all those let? ters to arrive here ?" "It certainly would, replied the Major, glowing comfortably behind bis cigar. He knew Mrs. Max ac? knowledged her defeat by the way she rang for the tea, but she would not ask fur further explanations, so the reader must figure out the proposi? tion without further assistance than the Major's hints afford. EICECULTURE. -o Its Revival on the Gape Fear-The Old Farms Being Reclaimed-Some Figures and Facts. * During the past three years a grow? ing interest in rice culture bas been manifested in this section of the State, caused by the increased value of thc cereal. Until recently and since the close of the war, the cultivation of rice on the Cape Fear has been almost en? tirely abandoned, but very little, in comparison to former crops and the pro? ductive capacity of the lands, being j raised for market, and by far the larger | part of the field being idle. The reclaiming of these fields were j necessarily at first on a small scale, ? and as an experiment, with the present system of labor. So well did the new pioneers succeed, that others were in? duced, by the result of the labors of the 'experimenter^' to embark in thc once lucrative busiuess. So rapidly has the interest in rice planting increased that to-day more than one-half of the rice lands on the river have been reclaimed and are now under a high state of cul? tivation. Among the most prominent rice planters on the river now are Mr. Jno. F. Carroll, who cultivates 252 acres; Navassa Guano Company, 260 acres; Mr. Sam'l F. Potter, 125 acres; Mr. Geo. W. Kidder, 75 acres; Mr J. Dickson McBae, 150 acres; Mr. Fran? cis M. Moore, 175 acres; Mr. Win. Larking, 50 acres; Capt. D. R. Mur? chison. 230 acres; Col. S.L.Fremont, 200 acres; -Mr. W. Hankins, 100 acres; Dr. W. G. Curtis, 200 acres; Mr. B A. Hallet, 50 acres; Mr. Calvin Grimes, 50 acres; Mr. R. B. Wood, 75 acres; Mr. A. W. Reiger, 100 acres; Hon. D. L. Russell, 100 acres, and about 400 j acres cultivated by negro men whose j names wc could not ascertain, making a total of 2.592 acres of rice lands now! under cultivation. It is thought that ! at least 125,000 bushels'of superior rice j will be made in this section this season. J We are treating solely with lowland j rice and have not included in our figures j the rice crop of the uplands, which will probably reach 5,000 bushels.- W? migfon Recieic. Benefits cf the Lien Law* There be some who favor the op? erations of the Lien Law, but judging j by what occurred last Saturday the number is rapidly diminishing and j will very likely continue to do so. | It seems that a negro man by the j name of Ellis Alexander, living 8 or j 10 miles above Camden, has been j tr?'?ng his hand upon the innocence j of some of our merchants. He gave a lien on his crop and mortgage on cei tain personal property to one of j our merchants, during the early part j of the year, for about $150. Having absorbed the amount contracted for with Merchant No. 1, he goes to another merchant who makes advan? ces to an amount exceeding $60, se? cured by similar paper, i hen, ap? parently a good financier, he proceeds ?o Merchant No. 3, and secures ad? vances from him, based upon similar security. Not satisfied with his re? markable financial eugitieering, tho aforesaid Ellis Alexander goes to another me?chant and secures credit for a certain amount of goods ami gives another lien. Having absorb? ed all of In's credit he goes to Mer? chant No. 4, lastSaurday, and obtains an "extension " perchant No. 4 soon got wind of hts customer's tricks and, having satisfied himself of the real state of affairs, calls on Merchant No. 3, who sends his porter up town (where Ellis Alex, is) and requests his customer to call and see him. In a few minutes both return. Ellis Alexander is nabbed, a warrant is issued for him and he now lies in the county jail awaiting the pleasure of His Honor Judge Cothran.-Ker. show Gazeile. Thorough Culture. A leading agriculturist tells us he has long claimed that if the soil is worked deep enough and finely pul? verised, it will take a very severe drought to prevent it from maturing a crop. The yield may be lessened j by a drought, but a total failure would ? be something very unusual on soil j that had bern stirred by a plow 6ix- j teen to twenty deep. To work soil to such depth is certainly an ex-1 pensive operation ; but what of this, j so long as a proportionate return is j obtained? To make "two blades of j grass grow where one grew before," is the aim, or should be, of every j good farmer, and if ten acres can be made, through deep culture, to yield as much as twenty by the usual sys- j terns of shallow plowing, there must ; be a gain equal to the cost of the j extra ten acres. ? There is little doubt that the crinoline will soon be upon U3. It ha9 carried ?verything before it in England, despite ibe protests of both the men and women md has already crossed the Atlantic and appeared in New York. Its course is slow but sure. Worth, of Paris, is said to be responsible for its invention, Dr rather for tis restoration of an old ;tyic, haring designed it as a coup to restore bis fame, which somehow had been growing dim of Ute. The Baltimore American. Republi jan organ, thus refers to a man of dis ?QCtion; 'Dr Hammond, of New York, who so sharply criticizes the President's physicians, was dismissed from thc irmy as Surgeon General, but was re? stored by Congress and allowed to re? sign after a lapse of nearly twenty ^cars.' ( Notes by the Way. ONTARIO AN1) TS? ST. LAWRENCE RIVER. A?er spending two days at Niaga? ra, our party set out on Monday, Jnn? 27tb, on a retar? trip to Toronto. Arriving there at 2' o'clock in the day, we found the boat for Montreal read}' to start. In a few minutes the transfer was made, and we steamed out from the Tittle harbor, with a boat well filled with a happy party of tour? ists, all in quest of pleasure and sight? seeing. Our route Say along the northern border of the lake, two hun? dred miles^ For tome hours wc kept within sight of the high cliffs on the shore, which glowed under the soft light of the evening sun as ii crown? ed with a halo of glory. Until dusk the sea was as calm as one could wish, but as night came on, a brisk wind worked the sea into a very fret? ful state, and the boat seemed to labor in her journey^ At this junc? ture oue of our party suddenly left off admiring the glories of Ontario, and when found again, he was lying on l?is back, with thc pallor of death on his features. At the other end of the boat others were in a similar condi? tion, and some went sa far as to pay their tribute to the Bea. Night at length came on, and while we slept the good boat made bet way onward. Just at sunrise, we arrived at King? ston, where, by the way, lie Cite re? mains of John Rothwell, whom many of us learned to know and love du? ring his evangelistic labors in Sum? ter in '76 and "77. We felt sorrow? ful and sad as we thought of him sleeping there, cut down thus in the midst of Voung manhood and useful ness. At this point we enter the St. Law renee River, aud arc one hundred and seventy-two miles from Montreal. We are now to have the advantage of daylight along the whole of our journey down thc river. Just as we leave Kingston we enter the Thousand Islands, which from here extend fifty miles down the river. They form tho most numerous collec? tion of river islands in the world, and consist of 1,800 woody and rocky islets of every imaginable shape, size and appearance ; some being mere dots of rock a few yards in extent, others covering acres, thickly wbod ed and presenting the most charming appearance of rich foliage. At times our vessel passed so close to them that we might have cast a pebble on their shore. Again the river would seem to come to an abrupt termina? tion ; but on approaching the threat, cuing shore, a channel would sudden? ly appear, and we were whirled into a magnificent amphitheatre of lakes, bouuded by beautiful banks of green. As we approached the seeming lake shore, the mass moved as if in a kaleidoscope, -and a hundred little islets broke into view. We learned that this is a famous ground for sport? ing, and that myriads of wild fowl are found here in the winter, and they say that angling is rather fatigu? ing than otherwise from the great quantity and size of the fish. We thought, as we heard this, that such fatigue would be pleasant. On ene of these little islands, near the lake entrance, Mr. George M. Pull? man, of palace-car fame, has erected a handsome summer villa. Those islands, too, have been the scene of the most exciting romance. From their great number, and the labyrinth-like channels among them, ; they afforded an admirable retreat for the insurgents in the Canadian 1 insurrection of* 1837, and for the ! American sympathisers with them ( who sought to overthrow the British , government in Canada. Among these : was one man who, from his daring ( and ability, became an object of anxi- ' ous pursuit, by th? Canadian authori- , ties. Herc he fjund a safe asylum, j and through the dovotedness and courage of his daughter, whose sk il- 1 ful management of her canoe was j such that, with a host of pursuers, . she still baffled their efforts at capture, i while she supplied him with provi 1 sions in these bolitary retreats, row- j Eng him from one place of conceal ment to another under the shadow of , night. c These islands abound in material 4 for romance and poetry, and many \ are thc traditions of the Indians. For ( instance, eui the Manitoulin Islands ^ Indians believe that the "Manitou,"' | c that is, the Great Spirit, (and hence j t the name of the islands,) has forbid- 1 ? den his children to seek for gold, and j | they tell you that a certain point I j where it is reported to exist in large j quantities, has never been visited by i the disobedient Indian without his c canoe being overwhelmed in a tem- J pest. j Along thc banks of thc river, as t we go down, we* pass many very 1 beautiful towns and villages, of which j * Brookville presented the most pleas- J ing appearance. It is on the Canadi- . sn side, and is built on a succession if graceful ridges. The river is from one to five miles 1 wide, aud about jmidday the increas? ing swiftness of th?~?iver revealed to . JS the fact that we were about to f jnter thc first of those, remarkable, c1 Rapids of the St. Lawrence. Verily "shooting the rapids," as tie phrase has it, is an exciting feat. The first rapid we enter is known as the Lmg Sault, so-called from its extent, it being a continuous rapid of nine miles. The passage here is very uar row, and such is the velocity of the carrent that a raft of timber will drift niue miles in forty minutes. When our boat entered the rushing current the steam was shut off, and we were carried downward by the force of the stream. The surging waters present all the angry appearance of the ocean in a storm ; the noble boat strains and labors, but, unlike the or"dsnaiy pitch? ing and tossing at sea, this going down hill by water produces a highly novel sensation., and is, in fact, a ser? vice of some danger, the imminence of which is enhanced to the imagina? tion by the tremendous roar of the headlong, boiling current. ?ireat nerve force and precis?t^i are here required in piloting, so as to~1teep the vessel's head straight with the course of the rapid ; for if she diverge ed in the least, presenting her side to the current, she would be instant? ly capsized and submerged. Hence' the necessity for enormous power over the rudder. While deceuding the rapids, a "tiller," as they call it, is attached to the ruddei so that the tiller can be manned as well as the wheel. Some idea may be entertain? ed of the tbrce necessary io keep the vessel steady while decending a rap? id, when it is known that il requires: four meu at the wheel and two at the tiller to insure safe steering-. Further dknvn we came to the Cedar Rapids, the passage of which wasr very exciting. There is a peculiar motion of thc vessel, which iii descending seems like settling down,; as she glides from one ledge t*x another. The rocks jutting out make one hold his breath until they are passed, ior at times you seem to bc running directly _upon them. But the Lachiue rapids, niue miles above Montreal, are the worst of all, and this deponent is ready to testify that he was glad when they were passed. Imagine a bug put into a tumbler of water and sh??fceir around violently, and then sudden!y\ poured out and you'll get a fair idea of how you are treated by the LacMne. After passing the Lachine Rapids, wc steamed out upon what seemed to be a beautiful and placid lake. On our left we saw Mount Royal, with Montreal at its base. Right ahead of us was the great Victoria Bridge, and now as we'glide under this magnifi? cent structure, we will let the curtain drop for another scene. The death of Justice Nathan Clif? ford, of the United States Supreme" Court, has been anticipated for some time. Ile was, at the time of his death, the senior member of the court, and the only^ Democrat left upon the* ~ Supreme Bench. For some time past Judge Clifford has been suffering from an infirmity of the mind, which redered him unfit fur judical duty, and he has been practically retired, although technically" aa active mem? ber of the court. He was a profound lawyer, and a scholar of no inconside? rable attainments, of whom tire pres? ent generation has known little, be? cause he was of another age. At one time he occupied a commanding position in politics, and was Attorney General of the United States under Prosid.-nt Polk from 1846 to 1S4S: President Buchanan tippointed him t<r the Supreme C?-urt in 1858. II? iV chiefly known in recent pubiic affairs as the president of the famous Electo? ral Commission, the partisan decision of which gave Hayes his title to tho office which he filled, birt to which' he was never elected. As a member of that tribunal Justice Clifford's great legal knowledge and marked fibility weie acknowledge by the country/ and attracted a good deal of public attention. He was undoubt? edly a great jurist, and a public nan of distinguished character and* purity of life. The New York Times pays the following deserved tribute td the late fudge Clifford "lu his capacity as president of the commission he did tn act of which even au honorable" nan might- be proud. It will be" cmcmbered that the papers i.eccssa y to the validity of President Haves' Itle, and which would have been val lelesswithout Justice Clifford's sig jaturo, were delayed in preparation ilose up to the limit of noon on the etli of March. It would have been >erfectly easy for bim to have delay id thc preparation of this long, impor ant instrument, and, even after its reparation, by insisting upon his :lear right to a careful personal scru iny of its contents, he might easily lave defeated the inauguration of Vir. Hayes. But, on the contrary, ie vied in eagerness for the comple ion of the document with those hav ng it in charge, and promptly signed t. To appreciate tiic act, it is nec? essary to recall the bitter spirit of he time, and bear in mind that Mr. jlifibrd was a firm believer in the egal and mural validity of Mr. Til leu's claim to the Presidency. How lard this act of duty must have been or him may be judged from the fact hat he never went to the While louse during President Hayes' ad nintstration." This notice is found posted up in * Virginia blacksmith shop : ? ? -Solis-De copardnership heretofore' esisting betwixt me and Mose Skinner s hereby resolved. Dem what owe c'tf irm will settle wid me, and dem what le firm owe will settle wid Mose."