The Orangeburg democrat. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1879-1881, January 31, 1879, Image 4

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The Orangeburg Democrat. A. Ptti>or for tlio people. C?l*.u.x*oli 131i*cotoi.*y. Methodist.?Rev. o. A. Darby*, Pas tor. Services every Sunday morning at half-past 10 o'clock and at night at half past 7 o'clock. Prayer Meeting every .Wednesday evening at half-past 7 o'clock. Sabbath School every Sunday morning at 0 o'clock. Children's meeting every third Suuday. PrESBYTKRIAN.MRcv. j. a. d. Brow n. Pastor. Services every Sunday morning at half-past 10 o'clock, and in the after noon at half-past 4 o'clock. Prayer meet ing oveiy Thursday afternoon at half past 4 o'clock. Sabbath School every BUrfday morning at half-past 8 o'clock. Baiti'ST.?Rev. T. W. Mellichatnp, Tastor. Services every third and fourth Sunday 'morning at naif-past 10 o'clock and ait night half-past 8 o'clock Sab bath School every Sunday morning at half-past 8 o'clock. SuNdy School Mis sionary Meeting every fourth Sunday. Lutheran.?Rev. J. F. Riser, Pastor. Services .every Sunday morning nt half past 10 o'clock and at night at half-oast 7 o'clock. Sabbath School every Sunday morning at half-post 8 o'clock. Episcopal.?Rev. L. Guerr.y, Pastor. Services third Sunday In each month. Morning half-pact 10 o'clock ; afternoon half-past 4 o'clock. Y. M. C. A.?Rooms on Russell-street. Open every evening during the week. Prnyer meeting every Thursday evening at half-past 7 and Sunday afternoons at 0 o'clock. Business meetings fourth Thursday in each month. Orangeburg, S- C, jan. 31, 1S71). Mr. James L. Sims is authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys due the Edisto Clarion for advertis ing and subscription, and he will fill out all subscriptions to the Clarion for which we have received pay. T-. C. Andrews & Son. Subscribers to our paper who get it through the postofllce here are re quested to'ask for Tue Democrat in calling for their mail, and then they will be sure to get it. We hear of considerable sickness in town. Mostly among children. Mr. Theo. Kohn is offering bis winter stock at reduced Ggures. Sec his advertisement. A 3'oung man, named Stoudenmire, in the employ of Mr. J. II. Felder, died quite suddenly on last Wednes day of congestion. Mr. B. Frank Slater, who is driv ing a huge business in the stock line, will receive a car load of fine horses on the 15th of February. Mr. James Cannon and Charlie Thotn took the train for Charleston on Monday night to appear before the Teller Committee as witnesses in 44mj Orangeburg election case. - The Waverfey House^ Charleston, S. C, will charge Patrons 81.50 per day board during the meeting of the State Grange^. E. J. Felder, Master Pomona Grange. That portion of the goods of the stock of Mr. J. II. Schachte, not dis posed of, will be sold at the auction tion rooms of Mr. C. D. Korljchn on Saturday next and Salesday in Febru ary. Remember it. The weather has shifted round again ana become warm?very com fortably warm. Over-coats, so long a necessity, may be doffed ana a spring dress, so long forgotten, may bo donned with little risk of the epi zootic. Mr. Kennedy Exum's still, located a few miles from town in the Fork, was burned on Saturday morning last from causes supposed to be en tirely accidental. The loss is heavy. There was no insurance on the prop erty, A colored woman, apparentl}' an Idiot, on Saturday struck a little 'child a severe blow upon the head with a stick, and inflicted a pninful wound. Such persons should not be allowed to run at large upon the Streets, A monkey, belonging to Mr. Hughes, of the Fork, created quite a sensation on the streets among the idle darkies. His curious antics seem ed tolio quite a source of amusement judging from the large crown massed jiear the wagon. The United States Senate Finance Committee have decided to recom mend a reduc* ion of the tax on to bacco from the present rate of 24 cents per pound to 20 cents. If this becomes a law it will rejoice the hearts of tobacqo users. The Charleston Evening Journal, of last weekj says: "Malcolm I. Browning, Esq., the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Demo cratic party of Orangebtirg County is in the city, for the purpose of tes tifying before the Teller Committee." Last Tuesday night the room oc cupied as a sleeping apartment by our young friends, Messrs. T. M. Raysor and James A. Hamilton, on Russell street, was entered and rob bed of clothing to the value of about one hundrod dollars. No clue to the thief. If any of our friends should visit the town of Spartanburg und want a nice article of jowclry or silverware wo would commend our old friend, ). A. Hcuncmaii, us the proper mail to buy it from. lie keeps one of the finest establishments in the up coun try. Tub Columbia Register, of the '29 th instant, says that the prisoners re cently convicted at our court were delivered to the Superintendent of the Penitentiary on last Tuesday by Shcriif Livingston. Their names, crimes, and terms of imprisonment havo already been published in this paper. The Executive Committee of the Grand Lodge of B'uai Brith at Phila delphia recommend in their report that an annual collection be taken up in every lodge for the benefit of the "Alliance Israelite Universello," and for the elevation of Hebrews in lands where oppressive laws have hereto fore checked their progress. The South Carolina Rail Road will sell tickets at a reduced price from all points or; the road to Charleston from February 1st to February 12th, good to return until February 17th. This will afford an opportunity to all who desire to attend the Grange and Masonic meetings and races to do so at prices to suit the times. Mit. Z. J. King, dealer in foreign and domestic liquors, tobaccos, se gars, &0, still keeps at the Doyle corner, where his promptness to meet the demands of customers, his polite attentions and courteous manners have made him a favorite dealer in such goods. Those in need of any thing in his line would do well to give him a call. As cheap a store as any in town is that kept by Mr. A. 13. Walker, on Russcl-strcet. Superior advantages in first-class goods and at low prices are offered here. Indeed we know of no place where more can be bought for the same amount of money. Mr. Wnlker gives general satisfaction and will make every effort to maintain his reputation as a mcichant. The Charleston Evening Journal, a little afternoon paper recently start ed in Charleston, has suspended, only having issued four editions. Messrs. Riordan & Dawson have conducted the News and Courier on such fair and liberal terms as to completely kill off all opposition, and they rich ly deserve all the success they have achieved. The Atlanta Constitution, in its society personals, says the prettiest girl in South Carolina, lives at Sene ca City. Nonesene. She lives right here in Orangoburg, and if the Con stitution man don't mind he will get himself into trouble for trying to rob Orangeburg of this distinction. We will let him off this Um ', but he must be more careful in future. Mr. F. DeMars, with his usual en terprise, has increased his supply of goods by purchasing a large portion of the stock recently on sale by Mr. . J. II. Schachte. By force of energy, politeness and business tact, together with the courteous attentions of his clerk, Mr. A. Moorer, Mr. DeMars has established himself in our midst as a successful business man, a true citizen and a worthy gentleman. We saw a man on Monday evening last trying to walk a chalk line across the public square, but diverging to the right he came up against the en gine house pump; after disengaging himself from the pump he steered for Pike's corner, but landed into the merciless embrace of a pol iceman, who lotlgcd him in jail. We regret to sec drunkenness on the increase in our town. Such sights are becoming common on the streets. Our rcaderrt are familiar with the stand on the corner of Russell and Trendwell streets, where our enter prising young merchant, Mr. Charles S. Bull keeps a first-clasa family grocery and provision store. Mr. Buil has made asrangements to fur nish his customers with fresh and first-clasi goods, and he means by close attention to business to meet every want of his patrons. Remem ber the place and give hini a call. We arc informed that the Young Men's Chiistian Association of our town propose having a scries of Dime Readings, the first of them to take place February 11th, at Boliver's Halb Several of our leading citizens have consented to read, and we trust the community will 3how their appre ciation, by their presence, of ah en tertainment that has a tendency to educate as well as to please. The matter is in tho hands of a competent committee, and we arc sure will prove a success. ! FoURTEKNTH Of February, St. Val entine's day, u largo and new supply Comic and .Sentimental Valentines at Henry Kohu's. Ginger Alo Soda Water, nn excel lent tonic and winter beverage will be kept constantly on band during the winter by ?r J. G. Wannamaker. Congress water on draught and in bottles always on baud. c | Wk learn Unit Mr. Julian J. Sallcy has been appointed agent for the Singer Sewing Machine Company for this county. Zealous and active, Mr. Sallcy will prove a valuable acquisi tion to the company. With Mr. Geo. Schiffley controlling the business of the Wheeler and .Wilson Company and Mr. Sallcy that of the Singer, our citizens may as well make up their minds to buy a machine, as they are determined to supply all of our people who need one. Tub South Carolina Rail Road is said to be doing a thriving business at'every point along its line. This speaks well for the new management and the local agents in charge of its business at the several depots. Large quantities of freight are being receiv ed and shipped at our depot, and Mr. T. O. Dawson, the courteous and efficient agent, is stretching every nerve to keep the business even with the demand. Punctual in the dis charge of duty, attentive and polite to patrons of the road, Mr. Dawson proves himself a most valuable officer. It is written in a line female hand, says a Western editor. It's a poem and asks: "What was the dream of your life?" It was signed, '*Kli'rida." We haven't room lor the poem, but just to quiet Elfridu, wc will answer her conundrum. The dream of our life has been to be rich enough to put on a clean shirt every day, and to have two suits of clothes, with a pair of suspenders to ench pair of pants. But it bos never been realized, Elfri da. Castles in the air. j , On. Wednesday evening last a col ored man, living on the place of Mr. Augustus Fludd, in St. Matthews, left his house with two small children in it. Fastening the door to keep the children in, he proceeded to the woods to obtain wood for the night's use. While cutting ho heard scream ing and looked only to sec bis house on fire. Before reaching the spot to rescue the children the roof fell in and the children were burned to death. Trial Justice Julius A. Ed wards held an inquest over the bodies and a verdict was returned in accord ance with the above facts. Don't forget to send the Democrat news items from your locality for our ljcal column. Friends cau aid us grcat^' and add much to the interest of th.o paper in this way. We are greatly indebted to those friends who have interested themselves in behalf of the Democrat by sending us sub scribers. The rapid increase of our list and the kind words of commend ation received arc sources of encour agement to us. Our paper has al ready found its way into every sec tion of the count}', making friends as it goes. With a liberal share of pat tronage wc will make 'he democrat all that an intelligent public can de mand. Street hucksters are becoming a nuisance to our town. Durfc.g Court a number of colored women station ed themselves along the street and the crowd, often noisy, that surround cd these stands blocked up the side walk. At other points they are, at times, equally troublesome. The small liconsc demanded to carry on this tralllc scarcely compensate for the injury done our fruit merchants and bakeries who conduct a legiti mate business. The town would rea lize as much money by increasing the lax, save the citizens much vexa lion and send a number of ablc-bodi icd boys and girls to seek more prof itable employ m but. Tun Rev. J. F. Kiser has received a unanimous call from the congrega tion of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at this place to become their regular pastor, lie has accepted the call and is now in the active dis charge of the duties of the office Mr. Kiser is a nativo of Virginia, was a soldier in the late war, where he lost a leg in the discharge of a patriotic duty, and was ofterwards educated and prepared for the sacred olllce of the ministry. As a minister, Mr. Kiser comes among us possessed of every qualification to commend him to the good will and kind olllccs of the people of Orangeburg. May the blossing of the Lord attend his labors of love, and may he prove a blessing to his people and they a blessing to him. JVLm*x*locl. On Sunday, January ID, 1S79, by Mr. jj. L. Hast. Mr. Hutu Kernet tin to Miss Kamill! Ilidglcr, all of Orangcburg Coun ty. Mo curds JSTurlco't Reports 'Corrected Weekly by J. 0. Pike. cotton. Middling. ?8 3-4 bow Middling. @8 l-i Ordinary to Good.7 country i'uodl'ck. I'mis.10 Kloo, rough.Til 05 Fodder.75 Potatoes. ?Werl.50 Hotter, country.25 Egg*.121-2 Poultry.15@25 PATRONS AID ASSOCIATION. PMotico TS hereby given that a Special meeting JL of thn Patrons Aid Association of S. C? i will bo held in the basement of the Presbyterian Church, in tbo town of Orangehing, S. C, on Saturday, theSlh day of February, 1870. at 10 o'clock A. M. Members arc earnestly requested to l>o in attendance, as amendments to tin*' Constitution and will lie up for consideration and adoption. Bv order \VM. P. BARTON, President of board of Directors. VVm. S. Barton, Sce'tj'. Jan/31-It MULES! MULES! W1LL receive another car load of ex tra line , on oUUday morning February 2nd. B. FRANK SLATER. January 31-it Tho Stats of South Carolina. ORANGEBURG COUNTY. By C. B. Gr.ovEn. Esq., Probate Judge. l*f)afiUEAS, C. G. DANTZLKR 1?/ hath made suit to me to grant hitu Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of FLORENCE GLOVER, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the Kindred and creditors of the said FLORENCE GLOVER, la'o of Oranncburg Coun ty, deceased, that they bo and ap pear before me, in the Court of Pro bate, to lio.he.hl at Orangeburg C. II., on the 10th of February next, after publica tion hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be grant ed. Given under m}* hand, this 25th day of January, Anno Domini 187U. C. B. CLOVER, Jan 31?9 Judge of Probate O. C. The Opportunity has Come! WINTER GOODS Selling at less than Manufacturers Cost at Fashionable ?HY GOODS' THEODORE KOHN Is now closing out the balance of his stock of winter Overcoats, Clothing, Dress Goods, Blankets' i&c., &c., regard less of cost. I Has also marked down the balance of stock in Undershirts, Dress Shirts, Gloves, &c, ifc. Will also.sell as usual his popul?r stock lower than any house in the city. Just received a full line of Valentines, Valentines, Valentines, Tlfolight running "Domestic Sewing Ma chines," and needles for all sewing ma chines always on hand for sale cheap. Agent for Madame Demorest's reliable Patterns; Call and convince yourselves :it the ITa si i i on able DKY GOODS THEODORE KOHN. J, H. Schachte, Agent. Free Waeon Yard. CROC EUIES OK ALL KINDS. H IG II EST MARKEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE FINE WINES AND LIQUORS. ALL GOODS SOLI) AT LOWEST Fill CES FOR CASH. AT PITTIIANS <? d STAND Russell street, Oraugobiirg, S. ('. July 10 2<i I). P. FLEMING. JAS. M. WILSON. August, 1378. ?o? Wc are now opening, direct from the Manufacturers, a large and new stock of Roots, Shoes, and Trunks, FOR FALL TRADE. Orders solicited and promptly fill ed. All goods with our brand war ranted. D. F. FLEMING- & CO. WHOLESALE OEA I.Kits IS AM) Trunks. No 2 I lay no street, Cor. of Church street, Charleston, S. C. sop '27-',\ rll. DUVAL it SOX, ? :i;i7 King street'. Charleston. S. C Manufacturers of Tinware, ?.fco. Dealers in Stoves, House-keeping goads, &o., Proprietors ol DuvuPs Baker and Hincs Coiubinatioii Cookers. Agents for Union Kerosene Stoves. 52 llovO For Sale. Avery desirable house and lot^ on Rail Road Avenue war the depot: for further particulars apply t<?, Sep. 23 M MRS. E.O " EGARB. J3rick! Brick! Brick I ! MRS. M. it. THE AD WELL would respectfully anuotiicu to the citi zens of Orangeburg Comity, and the pub lie generally, that she has opened a BRICK YARD, w here can be purchased tirst class brick at lower rates than from HAMBURB or AUGUSTA. Apply to MRS. M. R. THEA DWELL, At the Brick Yard. Or to A. FISCHER, at his *toro Aug HO ly NOTICE. r|MIE ofllee of School Commissioner for JL Orangcburg County will be open un til further notice for the transaction of business on, every Friday and Saturday of each week. 001 co hour*) from 0 a. to to 3 p. m. 1). L. CONNOR, Dec 20-tf School Commissioner. St. Matthews S. C ?o? DEALER IN DRY GOODS, BOO l'S & SHOES, HATS CAPS &c. ?o? I buy my goods from first bauds and sell them at Charleston prices ?o? llighcstjCASII^prieo paid for cotton and country produce. ?o? Full and Genetal Stock alwa3'8on hand. ?o? Rl St. Matthews. Near the DEPOT. Ort iR.-io T \7T?r " DEALERS IN PLANTATION GOODS, DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, St. Matthews S. 0. We respectfully cadi the attention of the fanners (o our general stock of GOODS and solicit a call wlieac1*?? they visit St. Matthews, A full and fresh stock constantly in store. Oet I 3mo SIED WHEAT, White, Amber and v ? litz. SEED RYE. SEED BAU LEY. 9 RUST PROOF, WHITE AND Grass Seed. Clover Seed. ?o? SOME TU!NO NE W! RUST PROOF SEED WHEAT, "warranted, r&iist I/Vool 01* Monev lie Funded.. ?o? ?FOR SALE BY? L?RICK & LOWRANOE, Oct. I .'lino COLUMBIA S. C. QAM, ON .JA.31in? VAN TASSEL, For your Family Supplies hl tlio way o FRESH GROG Kit I KS, FINE LIQUORS, TOBACCO undSE AUS, FRESH LAGER always on draught. A First-Class RESTAURANT: Where you can get Fresh Oysters or anyihing else in the Eating Lino served up on shortest notice GOOD FAT POULTRY and FRESH EGGS always on hand Country Produce bought at the highest market price. JAMES VAN TASSEL, A?t., At Midler's 0!u*8taiid. AfiEDDING GIFTS AT ALLAN'S ?o? FINE WATCHES, \ mcrican and Swiss, Liitest Styles. RICH JEWELRY Of New and Elegant Designs, and Ex quisite workmanship. DIAMONDS, PEARLS, CAMEOS. As well as less cor,': ly sets, in great vari'y STERLING SILVER WARE, In Fresh and Beautiful Patterns, wspe cially adapted for Wedding Presents. SILVER PLATED WARE Tea Sets. Waiters, lee Pitchers. Buttel Dishes, Cups, Goblets, tfce. CHOICE FANCY GOODS, French Clocks. Bronzed, Fine Table Cut lery. Opera Glasses, Fine Glassware. The liest Conds at the Lowest Prices JAMES ALLAN. 3m 3u7 k t no Street. J. A. BAKDIN & BRO. PINCKNEY'S LANDING, Ion SANTEE. NEAR VANCES FERRY DEALERS IN GEN ER AL MERCII AND I S E-?F FERS for sale a full and complete stock of Groceries, Hardware, Ready Made Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Hat?, Caps, and Trunks, arid a tine line of Dry Good?- of ail descriptions lor Ladies' use am1 v -or ?also? A full ...? "?f Foreign and Domestic Wincsandl rs, Sugars tie ' ^' a'ceo; &c, &c. m sept, o, C Ali Ii ?SW? CALL At the People's Bakery, ESTABLISHED IN 1S71, THE PRESENT PROPRIETOR Who is still ready and willing to JJTI^L ORDERS BREAD,RM1APIE8 and O A. K E S ? of all descriptions. G U N Gr E R S by the barrel or uoi. also BREAD FOR CAMP-MEETINGS, or Any other meetings at short notice. TUST RECEIVED FRESH C?NFEC ff TIOXARVS. FANCY GOODS AND NO TIONS. Wldeh will he sold as low as any that can lie bought in Orangebnrg. ThlinklUl fur i he past patronage of lity friends And the public I still solicit a eOu tinuauec of their custom. T. W. ALBRGOTI, RUSSELL STREET, Next door to Mr. J. P. Hurley. Orangebnrg, Sept 18, 1S78 ly PRICES C CRRENT Front D. W. (MUSTARD, late ok i.ewisvlle, s. c. Dealer in Country Produce, 675 KING STREET, CHARLESTON, FOWLS, grown, per doz....2.?0a0.00 Medium per doz._ O.OOaO.OO Chickens, per do/i.1.75a2 00 Ducks (Eng'h) per doz...8.00aL00 Ducks (MVy) per doz...5.00a0.0 Geese i>er dos.O.OOaOOO Turkeys per do?..8.00a 12.00 EGGS, per (loa.18a00 PEANUTS, per bushel.lOOaO.OO PEAS, clay, per bushel.70a 11 Mixed 44 .55n0.1 RICE, (Rough) per bushel..l.OOal.23 HIDES, Flint, per lb.10a ?? Dry Salted, 44.8a SKINS, Otter, apiece.1.00u2.23 ?? Coon, " .5&10 11 Fox, 44 .10a2o " Deer, per lb.15a " Goat, 44 .....8a BEESWAX, per lb.n22 Highest market prices obtained for all goods consigned tome. Returns made I promptly. Consignments solicited, ly THE COLUMBIA REGISTER DAILY, TUT-WEEKLY & WEEKLY. Beet KovVspaper eVcr ^ubiWhcd nt the Capital of South Carolina. Circulation Largo ami Con-tantly In WE RESPECTFULLY INVITE THE attention of the reading commun ity to file excellent newspapers we are m?w publishing In Columbia. THE.ItEGr LSTElt is I lie only pit per ever published at the capital of .South Carolina which is conducted as are the Iciulin? dailies of the principal uidu9 of Jhe country Wo have ah able and UiKlhtgYd^id corps of editors?gentlemen well kiiutvu all over the State for their learning, iiblj'uy and sound Democratic principles;?men wli?? have served the State and the South Oil every occasion when the demand aro?o for iheir service, and who may safely be depended upon <ig reliable leaders <>*' Hits Democracy hi the lino ofjoniiinlism'. THE DAILY It KG IS I'E Ullisu twoi-tyr ? Ight column paper, 24 by 3(5 inches', printed on good paper ami with large^ clear cut type, containing tlio Latest Tel egraphiu New?, Full Market Reports^ editorial matter on the leading occur rences of the times, and replete with Iii? foresting miscellaneous rending. The Local NiVws Is f?ll and interesting, ono editor devoting bis time exclusively tci that department. Our corrc>P'?nduuc? from Washington and other places of note given an entertaining resuine of a'l the im'portant events of the ilay. THE TRI-WEKKLY RKGlSTlsR, with tiomu minor changes, comprises the con tents of the Daily at ?2.50 less per ail? num. ,, i v. TB E WEEKLY REGISTER Is a largo', handsomely gotten up ci?ht-puge paper', 29 by 42 inches. ci.ut-ahiintf forty-eight columns of reading matler. embracing all the news of the we*k and the most editorial and local news. thums?in ADVANCE. Dally Besnier, one year.$7 On Daily Register, six months-. .'{.50 Daily Regis'er, three months.1.75 Trl-W.eekl.v Register, one year.5 o'l Tr.i-Weokly Register, *)x mnntds.... 2 50 Tri-Weekly Register, three months. 1.20 Weekly Register; one year..?... 2 00 Weekly Register, six months....;?>.?. 1.00 Weekly Register, three months...... 60 Any person sending us n club of ten subscribers at one time will receive eith er of tin; papers free, postage prepaid", for one year. Any person sending us the money for twenty subscribers to the Daily may re'1 tain for his services twenty dollars of the amount', for. twenty Subscribers to tho Tri-Weekly, fifteen dollars oi the amount } and for twenty subscribers to the Week ly, live dollars of the amount. , As an Advertising Medium. The Reg ister affords unequalled facilities, having a large circulation; and numbering among its patrons the well-to-do people of the middle and upper portion* of-tho State. Terms reasonable. For any information desired, address CALVO & PA'ITON, Proprietors, Columbia. S. C. K?p-Pavties desiring copies of THE Rkoistek to exhibit In canvassing will bo supplied ou application. ftoji<l Scdicdulcs. SOUTH CAROLINA RAIL ROAD. CiiAttl.ESNON, S. C, Dec. 13, lSH. On And after Sunday next, the 15tn in stant, the Passenger Trains on this road will rim as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. '(Sunday morning excepted.) Leave Charleston at......G 45 a n\ Leave Charleston at..:.'.'.....7 30 p hi Arrive at Augusta at'.'.;..1 30 p n\ Arirve at Augusta nt.....6 20 a ilk ton 'columuu. (Sunday morning excepted.) Leave Charleston at.......>??.0 45 a ni Leave Charleston at.8 30 p ni Arrive at Columbia at.1 15 p in Arrive at Columbia at.7 25 a m FOR ClIARLKSTON. (Sunday morning excepted.) Leave Augusta a*..3 30 p m Leave Augusta ut.7 45 p in Arrive at. Charleston at.10 10 p hi Arrive at Charleston at.:.'...'.? 30 a m Leave Columbia at.3 50 p m Leave Columbia at...........:'......8 00 p Iii Arrive at Charleston at.10 10 p in Arrive at Charleston at.5 30 a in ACCOMMODATION I'ASSKKCJKK TRAIKt (Dally, except Sundays.) Leave Charleston.7 10 a nt Arrive at Augusta...S 15 p in Arrive at Columbia.7 Q0 p m Leave Augusta.5 15 a in Leave Columbia.6 20 a m Arrive at Charleston.7 00 p hi These trains from Charleston, Colum bia and Augusta connectsBranehville. CAM DEN TiJAlN. (Sundays ekecpted.) Lonvc CiitHden at..;::'.'.'.'.;.b;?.1 00 p nl Arrive at Kingville at..-.::.:...A 00 p m Leave Kingville at..;;5 10 p hi Arrive at Camdcn ut.8 00 p hi This train oonneets at Kingville with the Up Accommodation Train for Colum bia and Down Columbia Passenger Train for Charleston. Greenville and Columbia Railroad eon ncbta with Night Trains from and to Charleston. Spartnnburg and Union Railroad con nects daily at Alston. Laurcns Railroad connects nt Newber ry on Tuesdays. Thursday, Saturdays. Bine Ridge Railroad connects at An derson on Tuesdays,.Thnrsdays ami Sat urdays going up, and on Mbhilitys, Wed nesdays and Fridays coming down. Charlotte, Columbia and Auaustn Rail Road Connects at crossing near Colum bia with the Columbia Day Passenger Train up und down. S. S. SOLOMONS, Gem ral Superintendent; S. B. PICK ENS, Gen. Pass. Agent. Hardware. S. R. MARSHALL & 00. 310 KTNG-ST, * CHARLESTON, S. C. OFFER A COMPLETE LINE OF HARDWARE, POTWARE, T?N WARE, NAILS, WOODWARE, ROPE, , SADDLERY, CU ITLERYj GUNS, Ac. Also, Agricultural Steels, us follows: Straight and Turn Shovel*, Scooters, B ill Tongues, und Sweeps of all kinds, suitable for tliu wholesale ami retail trade. Merchants would do well to call und examine our slock before pur chasing elsewhere. Charleston, Sept. 27,1878; 3mo