Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, July 28, 1881, Image 1
Now that the holiday season is I
over and everything has gone pros- 1
perous and happy; every one better
off, and a bright fertile year ahead,
at no period iu the history of our
business life havo wo bocn so thor
oughly prepared to meet the wants
of the trade and the requirements ->f
the people, as we are uow. We shall
continue to place upon our counters
from day to day, bargains iu every
department at
and shall nlways_bc found using our
best tndeavors to prevent e.xtortions
and uphold the CASH SYSTEM.
Our entire stock is now offered at,
Wo ask 30U to call and inspect our
Wo guarantee to please as to
quality and price.
Look chit fully over this list of a
few articles mentioned :
Gents J Hose, white, 5 and 10 c.
" striped 124
" solid colors 121
double heel ?& too 12*
Ladies hose, white, 8, 10, 121.
?' striped. 10
" solid colors. 12]
" balbriggan, 15
" " finest quali*
ty, 25
xl hiblren's hose, colored, 5, 8, 10, 12-3
Ladies Cauntlets, dark colors, 30 c.
Berlin gloves, embroidered
backs, 35
" kill gloves, 4 buttons, "best
makers, 75
Gents buckskin gloves, lined 75
" driving " 30
Derby suiting, 10
figured, 121
Cadimercs, beautiful colors, lti'i
Merinos, beautiful colors, 1G
Flannels, red, white and blue, 25 to
35 cents.
1m 1 um-, cry pretty,'30 c
1 adies Hoods, new styles, 40
cooking Glas-cs, bureau size, SI
" extra large $1.50
? 11 oval frames 00 and
80 cents
Silver plated tea spoons, SI 25.
Table " 1.75
" Forks 1.75
" Knives 3.75
Glass Setts, handsome, 4 pieces, 50
Glass Preserve Stands, 60
Goblets, 75 et per doz
Tumblers, GO^et per doz
Lamps from 25 to 75 cts
Lnrge assortment Ladies, Gents
and Children's Shoes from the finest
to the cheapest,
Men and Boys Hats, 40, GO, 75, 1.00
1.25 to S3
Men and Boys Caps from 25 to 50
Fancy Box Paper, Envelopes and
Agent for the Largest Tobacco
Factory in the United States, we
offer bargains in this line.
Agent for Manufacturers of Poaps
and Con ecu rated Lye, wo defy com
We have the Largest and Cheap
est Stock of
iu the Mnrket.
Agent for the Ctlebrated Town
These Powders have stood the Test
by the best Chemist, and pronounced
PURE, when bought in cans. Prof.
Mott, the Leading ( licmist of the
World, Bays tho Worse adulterations
occur when Powders are sold loose or
iu bulk. Remember this and get
TOWN TALK fr&n Headquarters
Your attention is asked to the re
duction in our CARPETING, put
down to 25, 35, 40 cents.
Pocket Knives from 5 cts. to S2..
Buggy Whips, 25, 50,75 cts., SI,
$1 25 $2.
ours respectfully,
C. D. kOllTJOHN.
&&" Always nolico this COLUMN
Ik.kmI Feeling*
The strongest refutation of the
changes of cruelty and inhumanity
exercised towards their slaves by the
old slaveholders in aide bellum times
is found in the fact that many of the
freed men -and their families-?aye, a
large m^yorivy K>f them?retain a
feeling of ?ndying affection and re
spect for their former owners-, which
no sophistry, no blatant endeavor to
change on the part of a portion of the
North<Vsn press and people Iris been
able to effect. This impression was
beautifully brought to mind and ex
emplified on last Sunday morning,
when an old colored woman and
daughter wended their way through
the heat of a scorching sun to pay a
visit to the daughter of t heir old mis
tress, who resides a short distance
in the country. Her kindness and
care has never been overlooked nor
forgotten, and their love for her fami
ly has not abated one jot through the
changing scenes of life.?Palmetto X'eo
A Delicate Subject*
A church dignitary, whose jurisdic
tion embraced a vast region of the
West, and afforded several kinds of
climate, was greeted by a clerical
friend with no end of the questions
us tipy wort: riding up town inn
crowded car. Inquiries spiritual
were poured in at it rapid rate, nud
(hen the mutter of his temporal en
vironment was the subject of dis
cussion. The Western shepherd was
speaking of the extremes of tempera
ture to which they were subjected in
the district where he resided. Sud
denly Iiis New York friend asked,
"How does vour wife stund the
A peculiar look stole into the
countenance of the occlcsinstic, from
beyond the. Mississippi as lie quietly
answered, "My wife has been dead a
The infelicity of mentioning an
elevated temperature in connection
with the departed was too much for
llie Knickerbocker, lie left at the
next coi ner.?Harper1* Drawer.
Itovv to Treat a Wife.
First, get a wife; secondly, be pa
tient. Von may have great trials and
perplexities in your business with
the world, but do not, therefore, carry
to your home a cloudy or contracted
brow. Your wife may have many
trials, which, t hough of less magni
tude, may be hard for her to boa:. A
kind, conciliatory word; a tender
look, will do wonders in chasing
from her brow all clouds of gloom.
You encounter your ililllcultics in
open air, fanned by heaven's cool
breeze; but your wife ia often shut in
from these reviving influences, and
her health fails?her spirits lose their
elasticity. Hut, Oh! boar with her. |
She has trials ami sorrow.-, to which
you are a stranger, which your
tenderness can deprive of all their
anguish. Notice kindly her efforts
to promo'e your comfort-.
Do not receive nil her good offices
as a matter of course and pass them
by, at the same time being very sure
to observe any omission of what \ on
may consider duty to yon. Do not
treat her with indifference, if you
woidd not sear and palsy her heart,
which, wittered by kiodnces would to
the last day of your existence, throb
with constant und sincere affection
for you. Sometimes yield your wishes
toilers. Her preferences may be .is
strong as yours. Regard it as an
indulgence to yourself to yield some
limes. Is there hot danger she will
deem you selfish'? With such an
opinion she cannot love as she might.
Again, show yourself a manly man,
that your wife may look up to you
nud feel that you will net nobly, and
can confide in your judgment.
Mr Robert Toombs is one of the
few men who seems to suiter from the
well quoted but seldom experienced
"cmbarassmeiit of riches." ile says
he has given up law practice, but peo
pie keep pestering him with cases he
doesn't want, nud he is ashamed at
the case with which he can make
money. The other day a widow came
to him tOnsk his advice about a son
who was out on bail lor a felony.
Toombs put her oil'; said he wasn't,
practicing law. and didn't want tu
have any thing to do with the matter.
Hut she kept insisting, and asked him
how much lie wanted. Five thous
and dollars, said lie. To his surprise
she wrote a check for the amount, and
handing it to him, waited for his ad
vice. Madiiin, said he, "tell that
boy to gel up and git." The boy is
now on the frontier somewhere.
Toombs says he means to build a
house for the widow and make her a
present of il. Jt is to be presumed
that a man who can make money like
til at, feels as if he could a (lord to be
un reconstructed.
Ajpplcs as Food.
An exchange states the benefit of
tpplos to he as follows: "^yw,
mellow apple is digested in an w?r
an a half, while boiled
ptires five hours. The most healthy
ilesert thai can be placed-on a liable
is-a baked apple. If oaten IVoqiimitly
at ;bi*eakfast with coarse bread and
butter, without moat or flesh of
kind, it has an admirable ctlect upon
thegeneral system, often remorlng
constipation, correcting avidities and
exiling off febrile conditions more
efieefua?y than the most approved
medicines. It' families could be 'in
duced to substitute them for pics,
cakes and sweetmeats, "with which
their children arc frequently stuilcd,
there would be a diminution in the
total sum of doctors bills ili a single
year sufficient to lay in a stock of this
delicious fruit for the whole season's
A Fi gill Story.
A man has an artificial pond with
at least II, 000 fish, each weighing
from half a pound to t wo pounds,
more'or less. Me also has a little
girl, five years old, who has succeed
ed iu training the fish so that, she
can go to the edge of the pond, and
with :i handful of crumbs feed them
from her chubby hand. They have
learned to jump out of the water and
snatch worms from her fingers, and
they arc extremely fond of their lit
tic mist res?. One day she lost her
balance, and pitched headlong into
the water where it was deep. She
snys that when she went ??away
down,''she called lusSily lor help.
Her erics quickly attracted her par
ents, und lhey.we're horrified at fee
ing tbe litt16 girl llpating upon the
si |V face of the pond, 'flu; father
rushed to the water's edge ami reach
ed put lor bis pet, and, as he raised
her from the water a perfect solid
in ass of trout was found beneath her.
These faithful subjects of the little
Queen, as she fell, quickly ?
beneath her, and thus.shd'
love for their mistress by hpluT?
her body until aid arrived, thus pre
venting her iroin meeting a water>
grave.? Whitehall 'Viinrsi.
A Trip <o iit, Matthews. Crops
Editor Or ingcbiirg Tiiiici :
Oil Tuesday, Jlily loth, after ah
early breakfast, my friend, Dr. R;
and myself commenced our journey
to the town of St. .Matthews, which
is situated on the S. C. R. 1?., 13
miles North of Oruhgeburg C il.. to
witness a match game of Class Rail
Shooting. We found the country
through which we traveled, filled
with an almost, unlimited store of
line pictures ;ii ? scenery which all'ord
e'd pleasant thoughts foiMheiniiid.
Tlie high bills, with their beautiful
herbage, reminds one of passing
through the mountainous districts6.
the Old Dominion. The crops fo
such lands tell considerably belo
niy expectations, with a few excep
tions, Citpt. .Juo. ami Air. Ceo. Sellers
having the best, we saw. Aln Ceo.
S. has a piece of cotton in the roar of
his house which is planted accord
ing to the old Uiodc in the check or
hill, which, with one more rain in
time, 1 feel confident will make at
least a bale and a half per acre. 1
think for the seasons we have been
having ft r several years, that it would
be wise in all fanner.-, to plant itt the
check for two reasons; it wilt stand
the drought better-, and it is much
more easily cultivated. Also, allow
ine to say a wo.d about our worthy
Representhlives's farm, Dr. Summers.
The Doctor, as we all know from his
actions in the Legislature, is a man
with a full share of perscrveranee,
who has worked Iiis farm up to a I
most a model) 1 think, 1 can with
truth say that the Doctor's crop of
cotton, at least, will, w ith all the dry
noss. compare favorable with that of
the Mississippi low binds. From
what. 1 could sec of the general crops
along the road, they seem to ha\e suf
fered more from the want of work
than of rain, iu a great many places
the grass almost, hiding the cotton.
After climbing small mountains for
two hours we. reached the* town of
St. Iii all hews. The shotting took
place about a mile ami a f^ilt' West
of the town, on the grot
(?nee. stood the summer i
our venerable hero, the
M. Keilt. Alter lirri
grounds, as usual on sin
we found quite a crowd, s(
sonic 1'ret.ling, and Bpm
We found the people very sociabh
and enjoyed the .shooting very much,
every thing passing otf pleasantly.
lie that cannot forgive other:
breaks the bridge over which he must
himself-pass* for every man has need
to be forgiven.
Oolclcn Marriage.
Marriage is gradual, a frneti'on of
us at a time, A happy wedlock is a
long falling in loves I know young
people think loVe belongs ouly to
brown hair.and plump, round, crim
son cheeks. ?50 it does for, its begin
ning, just a3 Mount Washington be
gins at Boston hay* But the golden
marriage is a part of love which the
bridal-day knows nothing of. Youth
is the tassel and silken iloWcr of love;
ago is the full.corn, ripe nttd solid in
the ear. - Beautiful is the Morning of
love, wjth its prophetic eriiilson, vio
let, purple and gohl, with its hopes,
days that are to come. Beautiful, al
so, is,the evening of love, with its
glad remembrances and its rain-bow
side turned toward heaven as Well as
e a r t h .??T/wodvrc I \i ikev.
Origin ui' a Ji avoriic Hymn.
There is ' an ' interesting incident
mentioned jn the life of Charles Wes
ley, which' led to the writing of one of
his best known hymns. One da}' Mr.
Wesley was sitting by an open win
dow, looking out over the beautiful
fields in summertime. Presently a1
little bird Hitting about in the sun
shine attracted his attention. Just
then a hawk came swooping down to
ward the little bird. The poor thing,
very much frightened, was darting
here and there, trying to lind some
place of refuge. In the bright, sun
ny air, in the leafy trees or the green
holds, there was no hiding-place from
1 be fierce grnap of the hawk. But
seeing the o.pcn window and the man
sitting by it, the bird flew in its ter
ror towards it, and With a beating
heart and quivering'Swing found re
fuge in 31 r. Wesley's bosom. He
sheltered it from the threatening
danger, and saved it from death.
Mr. Wesley was at that time suffer
iiig severe trials, and was feeling the
need of a refuge in his ?W1? lime of
trouble, as much aB the trembling
?ttlc bird did that nestled in his bo
jut. SSo he took up his pen a.nd
rote the beautiful hymn:
'?.lo.sus. Savior of my soul,
1 ci hie to 1 liy bosom fly,
\\ Iii If die waves of I rouble mil,
Wbik- tlie tempest still is high."
Revenue I olleetor jfSru-yton
Mu i* tiered.
On Monday last, Revenue Collec
tor 1 bay ion, with a posse, went to the
bouse of one McDow, near Green
ville, to arrosl Mcliow, and close up
and destroy his s'.il!. McDow had
promised to surrender when be
?inisheti breakfast, and Bray ton and
tiu 11 or stayed in the yard to watch
Iii in, while the rest Of theparty pro
i-eeded with the dcMrUe'ilm of the
still. While in this positir) :, MoD?.y
iroui hi-, v.-in..ii.., and killed!,
tiiavion with a load of buckshot. The
csi til' the party then tied-. McDow
s said in be a dan.? irons character.
iY ; t'qiuinbta cofres!>oii lent of the
.-, ,-.. iiiii/Ciiiii-ity givj:j i ie foilo.viag
^jiditibhal incidents of the murder
i'. L. Lirayiuh, received hcreyeater
i ?i V ?
vilis cotripniiions in'the raid wore
?I. l'\ Andress and Robert Knight;
lepttty marshals, and John A. Brain
lette and George Butler, assistants)
They wtii-ti armed only lit pistols.
One of the'party,: bit his return, re
ported that McDow agreed to sur
render as sobii as he had colon break- j
fast.? an.) with that understanding
lirnyton and Bntbir watched the
bouse while the rest proceeded to de- j
inoltsh the still. The three latter
fled tis soon as they licard the shoot
ing, ns did Buller, who claims that
he was fired at several times."'
ilMeDow was reported as last seen
at Centra! about U A. M. yesterday,
accompanied by Iiis negro servant,
who allirincd his intention of sticking
by him to the last. McDow attempt
ed to shoot ii citi/.en at Central willi
mit provocation, but) upon his gun
being knocked up, desisted. He is
staled tu lic it Well to-do fai'inol", pos
sessing a rudimentary education', and
is spoken well of. Brityton's watch
and money were (hissing when the
body was recovered, but the pocket
bonk and papers had been returned
to it. Much indignation is felt in
Central, but with no practical results.
The Rcvohtic ollicc here has received
iio information about the progress of
ihe hunt for McDow."
An Editok's Krinrs.?"Every uian
ought to pay his debts, if he can.
Every man ought to get married, if
hecan. Every man ought to do his
work to suit his customers, if lie can.
Every wife should sonictihfcs hold
her longtie, if she can. Every lawyer
should occasionally tell the truth, if
hecan. Everyman oiight to lnind
his own business, and let other
people's alone, if he can. Every
man should take a newspaper, and
' pay for it. anyhow."
A Curiou? Application lor
Dit orcc.
Ben, Mnllett, a colored man who
cultivates cotton and drinks whisky,
came to Little frock, and findii'g tnci
United Shales Judge, said:
U'se got a pierce ob business for
yer to transack.' -
'Well-,' replied the Judge, 'pro
'I'se artcr a divorce.'
T have very little to do with such
cases.' But why; do you wish to
sever the lies which bind you to a
companion who in all probability is
mtttih too good tor you?"
*Ka*.c I can't get aloug wid him,
'Yes, sah^him.'
'You 'didn't ly.avr.y a mn-iV, did
?No, Sah; 1 married ez likely a
culled 'Oman ez yer ebbcr seed, an'
don't want no divorce from her. j I
wants h divorce fromiiiy sum'
'From yoi\r son?'
?Yes; kase'dnt boy;is' ?^non'ttrous
sight of--?troublo, an' spen's ebery
nickel he can git his ban's on.'
'There is no such, thing as a di
vorce Irom n son.' <
?Dar niny. h?t-be.iu de litw, but dar
is wid me.- What's de law fur cf it
ain't ter pertect a .man? Any man
can get a divorce from his wife, but
gitt in' one from his sou is one ob de
line pints. Sity. tiow, Jetlgc, de law
on do (iint -ob technicality ken do
anything. Can't yer, make riis a
technicality, jes tcroblcge de ole man
what driv. a team endnria' de
wall?'?Little Hock O'azctle.
Festival in the Fork.
Editor Ormiycbury Times:
It was our good fortune to attend
a Sunday school festival at the
Antley School house last Saturday,
that was the grandest affair of the
kind that we have ever seen. Quite
early \\\ the morning, we found a
good many persor s on -the road, all
looking towards the School Loobc,:
but when we got there, wc found
every thing alive. The ground was
like a swarm of bees. Where could
the people have come from? But
this is the secret: The Sunday
School at Canaan is in a good condi
tion, the t>est that the Church has
ever seen, and so the parents and
friends of the children, must kill for
them the fatted calf, and invite their
friends and neighbors, to enjoy it
with them, and it was done to order.
It was not long before we heard
the sweet songs of the children, that
called us to the stand. Wc found Dr.
Bagget, Her. Chaplin and liev.
Stou deutnire,pu the stand as speak
ers. They did their part, and said
a good many good.things. The sing
ing was line. This being over, the
tables were spread. It was then that
I wc saw the greatness of the prcpara
! libh. Tu'ei;e were three tables SO feet
long. Some of the finest water-hiel
Ions we ever saw, and a plenty of
J them were furnished. But the din
ner?beef, ham, chicken, pies, cus
tards, and thai to no end. About
(iOO persons cat, and there was enough
left to feed nearly half as many more.
Prominent among the good people
was Mr. John Antley, who though
not a church man, gave much of his
"goods" to feed the people.
And now wc had a chance to look
over the people, and to our surprise
wc did not. sec an ugly person ou the
ground. Where nature was not as
kind to eotnehs to others, 1 he merry
heart gave the cheerful countenance,
which was all we could ask for on
such an occasion. The day was hot
and dry, but an arbor 80.\-10 feet,
with a pldhty of iee-wator> made us
forget the drought that is upon us.
W. F. C.
A Colored Fnrsori on --HatEes."
Parson Sandy, a colored gentle
man of long standing, went into a
Little Kock book store yesterday
and asked:
"Boss, is yer in possession of do
revised statutes oh (to New Testa
ment?" When answeredalHrmative
ly, he continued: ?'Ah yer is heppin
for stribute dis deception. Talk ter
tue about J hides, hell is do word.
What inlluetice wculd my preaching
hnb if I was tor toll do congregation
dat ho who don't obey do junctions
is in danger of Hades. Dat tile book
may be too slow fur de white folks,
but it hits tie nigger powerful natral.
Da say Lord is unchangeable.
If did is tic case why does (ley want
ter Change dis word? Why do (ley
say dat dc inspired grammar rind
'rithmctic of do postles wariter lie
erected? I 'sposc dat whar Peter
says, '1 go fishin,' do latter day gos
pel upstarts wants hi in ter say, T)o
pronoun I, in dc fust person, hah,
artcr mature liberation, concluded
ter,repair for de seashore, when de
aforesaid personal pronoun ob do fust
person; proposes ter engage in dc
piscacorijal. e.xereisc. Dat ain't do
kind ob n book fur tor sabe a man.
Dars one faith, one T-ord and one
baptism, but do white folks is tryih
to make Iv^g firviihs, tSvo Lord* an' a
muUHiide ob baptisms."
'?Bui, old 'man,'' said the book
seller, "von are at liberty to -uiso the
old edition;" .
"Haint dcgnbner.dVn- 'clared dat
do ?le book is ?-repealed an' dat de
newone ism force?"
"Certainly not. The governor hat?
no jurisdiction in such matters."
? 'An day can]t take de olc book
away from mc?"
"No." . ,
"Den T'sc heeled, c-'nze PVo got hell
on my side;,'ni'i I'll telt yer,- when a
nigger ain't got do fire and do brim
stone on his side, he can't colleek ten
cents a \ car from dc church."-~L?.i<//<;
lioc/c Gazette. . ? . , ...
ir?cl News tor?'IVntei* torinkctttu
The age of the earth is piaccd by
some at five hundred millions' of
years; and still others, of latter time,
among them, the Duke of Argyll,
placi it .-.t teii million years. None
place it lower than teii millions,
knowing what, processes have been
gone through. Other .pl.tnets go
through t,he same process, The rea
son that other platiets differ so Irnich
from t he earth is that they arc iua,i?
much earlier or later stage of exist
ence. The earth must become old.
Newton surmised, although he could
give no reason for it, that the earth
would at one time lose all its wattf
and become perfectly dry. Since
then it has bet ? fcimd that N'cwton
was correct.
As the earth keeps cooling it wi 1
become porous and great cavitha
will be formed in the interior, which
will take in the water. It is estimat
ed that this process is now in pro
gress, so far that the, water dimin
ishes at about the rate of the thick
Carving ius't fun. A young man
was invited to carve a turkey at din
ner recently, and before "tne'kiiife was
finally t aken from hint he had upje: a
glass of water, wrenched his shoulder>
shot the bird across the table into a
lady's lap, and nearly jobbed a man's
eye but, and it wasn't a tough bird
A man who had become crazy with
excitement since the attempted mur
der (if the President, created a scene
on Sunday morning in New York by
kneeling on the sidewalk, praying
aloud to save the life of President
Garlield, acd invoking curses upon
the assassin. Ho was removed to
Bellevue Hospital-.
How to Get Along.?Never stop
to tell stories in business hours.
If you have a place of business, be
found there when Wantcdi
No man can get rich sittingKrduUd
stores and saloons.
Never "fool" in business matters.
Have order, system, regularity,
and also promptness.
Do not meddle with b'nsiiicss yoU
know nothing about.
Do hot kick every one in vour
Remember, Young Men.?Yotiug
men who are intending, to be farmers
should remember 1 hat ugriculturo is
both a science and An art, to be care
fully studied, and thou practically
carried out. The day has gone by
when the ignorant can become suc
cessful farmers-. Within the past
ten years ligrivbit?re lias undergone
a great revolution, but the- next ton
years will see greater changes than
have yet been Witnessed. The lead
ing agricult urists Will be the leading
men of the country.?Prairie FarnXer-.
ncss of a sheet of writing paper each
year. At this rate in 0,000,000years
the water will have sunk a mile, and
in 15,000,000 years every traco of
water will have disappeared from the
face of the globe. The nitrogen and
oxy gen in the atmosphere are also
diminishing till the time, It is in all
inappreciable degree, but the time
will come when the hir Will be sb thin
that no creature we know could
breathe it and live; the time, will
come When the World call not support
life. That will lie t he period of old
age and then will come t'Cath?Pro
fcsstir Procter.
There i? no use in dropping yMlrflclf to
I death, and 1 living all the vile ractllchltix for
I internal use w hen you can be cured offerer
and ?Aue, dumb ague, hiUioug di-orderf,
jaundice, dyppeprua, as well up all dhordcie
[ and ailments ot the liver, blood and Btpin*
ach, by wealing one of /'rof. Guillmette's
Kreuch liver pads, which is a ?.irc cure
every time, if your druggist does hot
keep the pad, send $1.50 in a letter to
French Pad Co. TolpJo. 0-, and it will to
front you by return mail. It in the on y
pad that in guaranteed to eure. Itcware.of
counterfeits. may If*