Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, May 11, 1878, Image 1

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TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. J. GOD ^3STE> OUR, COUNTRY. VOLUME VI Q IC7 ATURDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1878. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE *A NUMBER8 I! at MULLER'S OLD STAND I "Where can be found a full mtpply of FRESH GROCERIES rap^f ? r and LIQTJOHS, MOUNTAIN DEW AND ROCK CANDY FOR "WEAK lungs constantly on hand by JAS VAN T ASSISI., A?t. ?aar 10 ISTvS tf GIN GEARING SIIA1TING AND'BOLTS CHEAPER THAN EVEH BEFOllK AT TIIK FOREST CITY FOUNDRY and] MACHINE WORKS, |GEO. R. LOMBARD A* CO., AUGUSTA, GA. ENGINES. COTTON SCHKWf?, MILL (SHAKING And Machinery off Kinds Made and Re paired. oct 27 12501 ~>'2 TO RENT. That large und commodious llrick Store, formerly occniiud by Mr. C II. Jone?. For tcrniH r.npfv lu MKS. M. K. MCNAMAKA? nug 11 tf. SARSAPARilLA amd QUEEN'S DELIGHT. thTSreat blood purifier. KNOWN FAR ANn WID^ FOK ITH WONDERKtll, VIR .' ?E8. Thousand* of victims of Scrofula, Rheumatic pa tteats who hove cnsl aside their trulehes, sufferers from syphilitic mint nn<l mercurial poison, all over the land, bear wiliicMof Its < flluacy. The seat of these diseases is in the blood, and impure blood causes unhealthy secretion, which develop Eruptions of the Skin; Sore Eyes, foul Discharges from the Nose, Ears ond Womb; White Swellings; Scald Head; Might Sweats; Whites; Sallow Complexion; Kidney Diseases; Nocturnal Emissions, and a long train of direful ills. dr. tutt's sarsaparilla Is a concentrated oxtract of the curative, properties of roots and herb? which act on the blood, coming in direct contact with the germ of disease*, extending Its influence to every part of the system. It la u i'oworf ul nlterntlvo, and i it < rally a renovator of the body. Under lt9 Influence the eyes prow sparkling, the complexion cleur, and unsightly blotches rupldly di.iappear. The value of this compound In general debility ran not bo overestimated. It urouscti the flagging euerglca of life. TO THE LADIES. If you arc suffering from what Is familiarly known as "Famalo Weakness," uaeTirrr'aSAaaAPAaitAAAiiB Qur.nn'a Dkuoht. It will cure Lencorrhasa, Sperma? torrhoja and other foul discharge*, when all other medicine fails. Sold by Druggists. Frlco. 81 ? bottle, or Blx for 95. Sent by express on receipt of price. TUTT'S POLLS, For t?n years Tutt'h Pill? have been the recog nized StaiKluril Family Medicine in the United Htatkb. Scarcely a family c?n be found fron? Mai.tb to Mkxico that docs not u6c them. A SINGLE TRIAL WILL ESTABLISH THEIR MERITS. do they cure everything. KO.-They arc for Diseases tlint re sult from ill A i, A Ml i A I, POISON and a. UK It AIM O KID LIVER, Much as Dyspepsia, Bilious and Typhoid Fevers, Chills, Colic, Sick-Headach, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervousness, Dizziness, Palpitation of the Heart, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Kidney Dia? cases, Chronic Constipation, Piles, &c. NATURE WARNS YOU THAT YOUR LIVER IS DISORDERED When you have n Dull pain In Shoulders. Coated Tongue, Coc. tive Bowels, Weight In the Stomach after Eating, Sour Eructations, Aversion to Exertion of Body or Mind. BE ADVISED, atta AX ONCK TAX JE TUTT'S PILLS. 'SUo first dose produces an offoct which often astonishes the niiU fcror, and In u short time fol lows 11 n Apetite, CJood Digestion, SOLID FLESH AND HARD MUSCLE. ? THE WEST SPEAKS. "best pill in existence," IIb. Torr:?I have used your Fills for Dyspepsia, Weak Stomach and Nervousness, j never hud ony thing to do tno ho much good in the way of medicine. They aro ah good as you represent thu'in. They ??? the- beat 1*111 In Existonce, nnd I ?>?? ill I enn to acquaint others with Oinir good mo it*, w J. W.TiBiir.Ti?. fiHuta, Minn. Bold by Druggists. OFFICE. 35 fllur ray SU vet. New York. May 6 1877_ ly Warranted If mum only i-'j et? per lb. Sold bv A, FISCHER. Coaot Lands. Rki?ort of htk Committee of the Aoricl i.turai Society op South Ca ?oj ika on Coast Lands. ^PUBLISHED BY KEIJUBoT.] [Continued from fart veek.] Tlic30 experiments with rice lands nre on an ample scale, and will be conducted to the end with care and exactness. It' no accident intervenes to thwart the development of their legitimate results they must be of great practical value to our planters It is said that our rice planters make now, under tho most favorable circustnuces, only a new for an old dollar, and if a storm, or n f reshet, or a Fait river conies, or n break in the 1 >nnk occurs, they do not even this. Now, Mr.Daniel Heywur I, of Savan- j nab River, a practical, observant and a successful planter, has told us that the production of rice land may bo i raided from forty to seventy bushels | by fertilizing it vilh 'lie cow pea under ordinary cultivation. Can any iiii> conjecture wl til it may uttuiu to ?in laud after peas with I lie >sh cle incut? There will prohabij be .some licht on this material point from Lam el Spriug next autumn. Dr. J. 11. Rartou,of Rowesyille. Ornugrhurg County, writes under date of the 20:h of February: "1 cannot as yet give you any definite result from any experiment I am now making with the ash element. In dune last I sowed broadcast on eifti t acres five hundred pounds ash element per acre, und peas sufficient to give a thick htand. The peas grew luxuriantly, and made a heavy crop of vines. When matured I sowed two bushels of ihc red oat, and turned peas and oats ifder with a two-horse plough. It guve a good stand, and the oats nre now looking extremely well. From present appearance they will double my former crops. "1 have not as yet made aiiy ex periment with the vetch, but have a few plants, and intend getting seed and sowing the coming autumn. "I shall try ash clement and peas in June, let the peas mature and die on ihe land, and plant cotton on same land in the spring of 1879. I shall be pleased to give you the result of any experiment I may make with the ash (dement, peas, A.c., etc." Mr. D. Lynch Pringle writes from Ivtiihlield, Georgetown outhclOih February : "In June last I prepared two acres, as follows : Ou one simply sowed two bushels of cow pe:is; ou the Other I applied four hundred pounds of the ash (dement and then sowed the peas. The difference was very marked between the two acres. The one on which I applied the ash ele ment producing the most luxuriant crop of peas I have ever seen. The other pioduced only a poor crop. I allowed the. vines to remain untouch ed upon the land unil the middle of November, when I turned them under and sowed oats. The difference in the growth of the oats is as marked ns it was in the pens; and, in fact, one I consider a beautiful crop; the other poor. 1 sowed perhaps a little more oats on the one acre than on the other , but not enough to ma e the differ ence as marked as it now is." Mr. Pringle also kimlh offers to aid your committee by giving them any informal! ?n within his r -ach and by experimenting. Mr. Pan- S Im hier, agent of I lie "Stale Grange of South Carolina," has obligingly furnished the following notes of experiments begun on his plantation in Orangeburg: "About ten acres of laud, dry and rather sandy, with a gradual slope ol about one foot to tho bund rod loot, planted ono year in cotton, the next in corn, and in the fail of 187(1 in oats, umde about fifteen bushels to the acre. Gats were cut in June, calves and bogs pastured on land until lat ter purl of July; then a mixture, two parts calcined marl and one part each ground phosphate and German kainit, was sowed, with cow-peas, broadcast on eight acres at tho rate of |opr hundred pounds of tljo former and one bushel of the Inttor to the acre, and were turned under. The peas grow luxuriantly, the vines cov-' I ered the land completely, fruited Well, and it was, necessary to drag the wood-, en side of the harrow over the fie'iHu November in order to level thoni be fore turning under. "The remaining two acres wcro sown in pens, without the mixture., at the Fame time with the eight, and tho crop was not good on them by o:ie half at the least. "In November, without pickin g tho peas, the .en acres Wfresowod down, about a half acre in barley, one aero in wheat, and the rest in oats, and peas, and vines, barley, wheat and oats were turned under with a Watt plough. "About two or three weeks after, a part of a cot to.i held manured for cot ton with two luindr d pounds Georgia .Slate Grange Fertilizer to the acre was planted in wheat. The result ho j far is j.hat i'- bar'ey, wheat and oats planted with the *ash element' (a* the above mixture is called,) >ia I peas turned under uro far ah m I >f ; the rest. "To sum it up. I ha e eight aeic* > j of oats, bar'ey and wheat planted I with ash element and peas, two in ! oat.s after peas alone four acres of wheat and twenty five of oat.s in the cotton hold manured with two hund red pounds Georgia StaLe Gnt"ge Fertilizer per acre when the cotton was planted, and about forty acres of oatp on rested land." Mr John Stoney Porcher, of Wal worth, upper St Jobu's.writes: "I had three-fourths of an acre in peas, with two hundred and fifty pounds ash element last spring, for wheat in the fall. Owing to abme mistake the wheat was not planted until the 5th of February. It looks very well now, but is too small to conjecture any thing about it. "The ash element was used nil peas that wore planted, invai tab' .\ to feed to mules in the summer, w*7^fr pood results. On six acres 1 put 200 pounds per acre, applying i* to every other row. The. effec t was quite apparent, both in color and in Quantity of vine and peas. They were cut in August as needed. The vines with ash element put out again, and made small fruit, But for the drought they would hnv made a good second crop. The vines with out the ash clement put out u few leaves, but made no fruit. The land was quite poor. "One of mv ucighbors planted three acres of pens with the a>-h ele ment, (the quautity of this used I do not know,) last spring. Hogs were allowed to eat off the peas. Two acres were put in wheat and one in rye, the last week in January. "These are the only experiments in progress here. Several will be under taken this year, using the five hund red pounds of ash element per acre with peas, preparatory for small grain and cotton." It is understood that Mr. \V. G. Hinsou and other planters on James I Island will begin experiments this I spring. Mr. Joseph T. Dill will do J the same. These experiment" by Messrs. 1 Adgtr & Warren, I>r. Burton, Mr . Pringle. Mr. Felder and dr. Porcher have been made under oik- formula; they have hceii an us si in lli ir i fourse and i . -??.tt ?. and i ? igh i.icoin plete liitv? progressed stiffieieuily to I establish through iheir remarkable coincide ice.-*, beyond a p< rad venture, one material fact in the \ la itio and Mono system iiuinelv. th -eflhutive? licss f thea-di element, us capacity to stimulate wonderfully the growth of the post, and in the si.ine degree, therefore, increase its fertilizing pow er. And they foreshow, besides, .through a comparison of oropsgrown with and without the elcmout, the re sult in June and Soptcmbe?, a great, ly larger production through the uso of tho element; therefore, so far so good. Your committee will report, from time, to time, the progress of these ex periments, and when the harvest is ended, the results. And they trust that this paper will incite plantcs everywhere on our alluvial lands, having the moans, to test for them kSelvee and for the bonefit of their less fortunate neighbors the practicability and utility of this system of cultivat ing cereals and meadows. Your committee are indebted to Mr. James G. Holmes, Jr., for a re port of very interesting experiments with wheat and grass on the rice lands of Cape Fear River, North 'Carolina, prepared when on a visit to Wilmington last November. Mr. Holmes assures your committee that the statements may he relied on as they were obtained from gentlemen wht planted the crop, and as he places the report at the disposal of the committee, it is introduced entire: [to be continued.] Character. ? " The great hope of society is indi vidual character, because it. not alone effects the individual himself, but al ao the society iu which he lives. Emerson says that the character of men make the conscience of society in which they live. Benjamin Franklin attributed all his .-success among men to the character he established for illiuseil imu um iu aiijr m J! I iilUC V 0? intellect. Character is capital in it self. It is a victory organized, and docs not depend upon birth, fortune or influence. There is no capital goes so far or pays so well, and bank ruptcy iu character is seldom repair ed iu a life time. To establish char acter, feelings have to be disciplined, habits mould*d and controlled in obedience to reason and moral con science, and when proper y fashioned make the surest passport through life. We find in everyday life that'when a person of doubtful character circu lates a peioe of news it is received with suspicion, whereas when it is at tributed to a man ot character people hinten svith eager interest and convic tiou. The bo<t time to testa man of character is when the tide, is against him. GtorgG Washington was a true example of a man of great character, who s. owed iu times of danger and difficulty a loree of will, a tenacity of purpose that have never been sur passed. It is loss of character that has fi led prisons, poorhouses and lunatic asylums, and only when people appreciate the true worth of character ?how jealously it should be guarded and transferred as a pro cious heritage t?> their offspring?will the world furnish lewer causes of hu man misery, sorrow ami degradation. - mm Wm> ? - . <?? ? ? A Beautiful Idea. I cannot believe thatea. th is man's abiding place. It cannot be that our lile is cas up by the ocean of eternity to float lor u moment on its waves and sink to nothingness. Else why is it that the glorious aspirations which leap like ngels from the tern pie of our hearts are forever wandering about unsatisfied 'I Why is it that the rainbow and the elouds come over us with beauty that is not of earth, then pass off and leave us to muse upon their faded loveliness? Why is it that the stars who hold their festivals around the midnight throne are set above tho grasp of limited faculties, forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory? And finally, why is it that the bright forms of human beauty presented tJ our view and then taken from us, leaving the thousand streams four ajfceiioiis to flow back iu Alpine tor rents on our hearts? We are bom tor a higher world than that 61 tho uaith; hear is a reauu whom rainbows never lade ? Where tho stars will be but bcturo us, like isles that .-lumber on the ocean-, and where the beings that pass bet?re us like shadows will stay in our presence forever ? "He's filling his last cavity," said the dentist, as ho saw a fellow crea ture lowered into the grave. - mm ? mm - The hangman's vogetablo?-The arto* cho^o. A Woman of Influence. "I want to know if th is is a steam injun or a boss car!'' yelled a woman with a complexion like an old boot, as she hooked the conductor in the coat collar with the handle of her umbrella, and pulled him back with a jerk that came very near stretch ing him out on the hay. " Really, mum, I don't understand you," stammered the young man. "You don't, hey? No, I'll be bound you don't; but if you don't stop this car, and that mighty sudden too, or I'll give you a taste ol this umbrella over your wooden head that you will understand. Here I've been motion in' to you and shakin my fist at you for the last two minutes but there you stand grinnin* like a chessy cat at the gals on the sidewalk and never once shipin' your eyes around to sec how your passengers are corain' on. There now, help me out with my basket, an' look sharp about it. You' ve carried me five blocks further'n I wanted to go, an' I want you to tell the man what runs that car com in' yonder to pass me back free. I'm a patient woman, ah' -ever say much, but I've got lots of influence, young man?for my man is fireman iu a printin' office down town?an' if you know which Bide of your bread has the butter on you'll attend to busi ness a little sharper the next time I'm aboard. That's all. You hear me." Too Beautiful to Leave. We have it from a gentleman of undoubted veracity, says the Colum bia Register, who conversed with McEvoya few days before his execu tion, that the unfortunate man, while talking with his counsel on the day alluded to, said that he had always been indifferent about being execu ted, and more especially since his last escape.?even upon the day on which he was respited by the Governor, at which time he expected to bo'iu oi?.* nily within an hour after the arrival ot tho respite. 'But now, sir, life is very sweet to me. Never, before did the world look so beautiful to me. The songs of the birds sound sweeter, the leaves on the trees look greener and fresher, the (sun which I have never seen anything particularly beautiful,) breaks through my cell window, and, for the first time in my lite, 1 see beauty iu that, too."? Lancaster Ledger. The First Step. There is no step so important as the first step in any direction, espe cially a wrong one. Having once taken it, you are very likely to go farther. One who steals a penny will remember it when he thinks of steal ing a sovereign. If he steals the sovereign first, when he is tempted by thousands ho will remember he is al ready a thief. A perfectly innocent person drca Is the soil ofauy sin upon his soul, but after the slightest smirch he cannot say, ''I am clean*" The vulgar proverb, "One might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb," means a great deal. Often the lamb was stolen years before, and why not take the sheep ? HONESTY.?Two young men, twins, of Hart county, Ga , worked out their fathers debts, iu compliance with his death-bed request. They were thir teen yettrs of age when they began, and obtaiuod their maturity before I finishing. Although frequently told I that thuy were uoither legally nor morally bound to do so, they persis ted until the last cent was paid. ' Do you soe any grapes, Bob ?" "Yes, but there is dogs " ''Big dogs, Bob?" "Yes, very big" "Then come along?these grapes uro not ours, you know." ? i? ? - ? ? ? The United States utilizes in agri culture ten per cent, of its area; Great Britain, fifty-eight per cent, and 11 olland, seventy. Mollusks are out of season. The Goslin. John Billings says: Tho goslin is the old goose's young child. Tin v aro ynllor all over, aud a/ soft a< a ball of worsted Thero foot is wove hole, they can swim as easy a/, a drop of kastor oil ou tho water. They arc born annu ally about the l?tll of May, and was never known to die naturally. If a man should tell me he saw a goose die a natural death, 1 wouldn't, be lieve him on oath after that, not even if he had swore he had told a lie about seeing a goose die. The goose are different in one re spect from the human rnmily, who are said to grow weaker and wisei, where as a goose alwu.* grows tu Her and more phoolish. I have seen a goose they said was 993 years old last June, and it didn't look an hour older than one that was only sweet sixteen. The goslin waddles when he walks and paddles when ho swim), but never dives like a duck out of sight in the water, hut only changes ends. The food uv the goose is rye, corn, oats and barley, sweet apples, hasty pudding?, succutash ami biled cab bage, cooked potatozc, raw moat, wine, jellj and turnips, stale bread, kould hash, and buckwheat cakes that are left over. They ain't so particular as somo pholks what they cat, won't get mad and quit if they can't have wet toast and lamb chops every morning for breakfast. A Husband Market. A strong minded woman married n man not noted lor activity of body or energy of character, and before the honeymoon was ovtr, upon awakeu ing one morning, he found his spouse in tears. "My love,1' said he, "what is the matter?" "Oh I've had such a dreadful dream-" . _ "Why, what was it." ?' "*""*? "I thought I was genug out Wash ington street when I saw a sign, 'Husbands for Sale' So many wo men were rushing in that I followed, and just then they were selling a splendid specimen for 81,000." "But did they all bring as much as that?" "Oh, no. They went at $1,000, $500 and soon down." "Well, did you see any that looked like me?" "Yes, indeed. But they were tied up iu bunches like asparagus, aud sohl for ten cents a bunch." Keeping Up Appearances. A member of the sanitary polico came across a boy the other day who was wheeling homo a load of oyster caus and bottles, and curious to know what use the lad could put them to, he made a direct inquiry. "Going to throw them over into our back yard," replied the boy. "I took two loads home yestorday." "But what do you use'cm for?" "It's a trick of tho family." grin ned the lad. "How trick ?" "I'd just as lief tell," continued tho boy, as bespit on his hands to resume his hold of th'? barrow. "We're going to have some rel-'.shuns come in from the country. We may not havomuch to eat, but if I hey see these cans and bottles aud boxes the'il think we'vo had isters, champagne, figs and nuts till we've got tired of'em, and are living on bread and taters for a heal thy change!" The officer scratched his ear like a man who had received a new idea. False friends aro like, our shadow ?keeping close to us while wo walk in tho sunshine, but leaving us tho instant wo cross into the shade. A Tennessee paper has a poem en titled, "Smile when ever you can. Whiskey is cheap in that State 1 -??'??<? - Difficult man to divorce?one wed ded to his own ideas.