Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg Court House [S.C.]) 1877-1881, December 15, 1877, Image 3

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MASOrVIC Birek* Chapter No. 13. R.\ A.'. M.*.? Will nwt during the present Masonic year ot tho usual hours, the fnllowin dates: ?April 27th, Mav 2">th, June fed, August 24th, September 21st, October ltth, November 16th, December Mth. 8. DIBBLE, M. E. H. 1'. Gbo. W. BfcUNSOK, Sec. Siikbedeth Lodge No. 2S, A.'. P.*. M.*.? "rVill meet each Tuesday at 7 o'clock, from lit Oct. to 1st April and at S o'clock from lit April to 1st October on the follow ing date*. May 6th. June 5lh, July 3d, August 7th, September -Ith, ' October 2d, Kevunber 6th, December, 4th. JAS. F. IZLAR, W. M. Out. W Bjiuhbon, Sec. 1S75 7m. r I. O. O. F. BdiBto Ledge No- 53 - Meets at Odd Fellows Hall, every Friday evening at 8 o'clock, from 20th March to 20lh Sept. and at 7.} o'clock from 20th Sept. to 20th March. JAMES F IZLAR N. (i. F. DeM A KS, Sec. Roboccn Ledge?Meets 8 o'clock every ?econd Wedncsdav after nale dav. A MES F IZLAK X. O. TOWN COUNCIL. Tkii Vody meets Jone 8, Sept. 7, Dec. 7. Mayors Ceurt, held whenever occasion requirea. SONS OF TEMFRRANCK. Orangeburg Division No. "4, meets every Monday evening in the basement of tin Praibyteriun Church. ftioaat.* Carol i it u Itailroatl. e-rrzoa hours at ohanukhi no okpot. From 3 o'clok A.M. to 2j P.M. From 8} ?'?look P. M. to M P. M. GeoJa received and delivered only during ?fSce boura. V. M. C A.? Rooms on Kussel fitrec. next to W. K- Crook's Store. Business Meeting?-Fourth Thursday in ?ac'j month at 8J r. m. Prayer Meetings? Every Sunday afternoon at OA o'clock, Cora half kiur oniv, and every Thurau iy even ing et 3J o'clock. MORTIMER GLOVER, President. yt. B. Thompson, Secretary. Independent Young A met: rn V ire I'.n gdue CoBpany?Regular Parade? Tuesday afternoon after first Monday in vat h month. Regular Meeting At Company Hall "vTedn<?.->d?y evening after first Monday in eacl mouth. SAMUEL DIBBLE, President' J. L- BEIDTMAN, Secretary.. EdUto Rifles?Regular Parade?Tuesday aftjrno;n after second i i.i'av in Jaiituiiy, April, July, October. Regular Meetings?Same evening of pa rade. Company Drill?Tuesday evening after irocond Mondav in each month. S. DIBBLE. Captain. F. 8. DIBBLE. Secretary. patrons of ESiaslmiuSry, Orange Grange No. 21; meets tin- fourth Friday in each month at 11 o'clock A. M.. in the Basement of tin; Presbyterian .('k?re!*. auf'"* Qrangd ineot?i aar] rlv on ' tfpt Saturdays of Jann?r7 u7\pr iI;.3?Tv nun October. Hour of m ? intr, 1 o'clock A M., place of .meeting, lb Raseweat ofth Presbyterian Church L O G A. TL.. Bishop Howe will visit the Church of tbo Redeemer at this place to mor row the iGth insl. The South Carolina Conference met in Columbia on the 12th in t.. n lull delegation. Judge Wallace will preside over the next session of Court: to lie held here on the 1st Monday in January next. Our City Fathers arc dig-iug another- fire well oil Market street opposite J. Strauss & Co s Mill. A good move by our big parents. Our much esteemed Gunny Treasurer, Mr. Robert Copes, lost one of bis Children on Tuesday ht<t. He lias our deepest sympathy. ana Aldei )emocratic ticket for Mayor ??d Aldermen of the city ol Charles ton was elected by a majority ol 3,J>77. Good'for the Citv l?v the Sea. It will pay to give Shiiner's Indian Vermihigc a trial. It will destroy and expel worms and beau lily the complexion. Sold by Dr A.C. Dukes. Mr. C. D. Kortjohn i.s always up to the times with his stock of goods therefore be has not forgot the holi days in bis recent purchases. Don't goby Dick's store, if you do you will regret' it. CHRISTMAS IS COMIAO? Call at Mrs. Albetgotti's and look around and then i uy your fancy goods, toys, candies and confection ary for Christmas and Bridal presents, also, all kinds of nuts and, fresh fruits at moderate prices. Mr. A. Fischer is now receiving large und fresh supplies for the holi days and general purposes. IIb as sortment is so complete and largo that we can only refer you to his ad in this paper and let you judge for your selves. Don't fail to rend his notices. Dr. Hydrick is now comfortably housed in his new brick building, where bis old friends and customers will find him ready at all times to givo them a pill, powder or saw an arm or leg off on the shortest notice. You can find his new storo on Russell street opposite Mr. C. D Kortjohn. Mr. Geo. Voso who for a long time did a thriving business in merchan ? dizing in thii Town some time ago, is now buying cotton, paying the high est market quotation, in cadi, lie can be louud at tho store of Mr. (J. D. Kortjohn. Our farmers wilI find it to their interest to call on Mr Voso at the above place. We beg to call the attention of the ladies to Mrs. Julia Winebcrg's advertisement in this issue. Mrs. Wincbcrg visited our Town so no time ugi>, and gave general satisfaction to all who patronized her at that time. We bespeak for Mrs. Win .'berg a large attendance on her days of sale. See tulvei tisemeut. ? ?? ? rrj tut.. ?> ? ? ? ^BBHB' U' - C'upt. Briggmann has just received fresh supplies for tho holidays. Hie stoic is full with everything that you can think of, and with such el ?v ;r and accomniodating young gcittle inen as Messrs. Kraut/, und August Uriggmuun, and I/.lar, we guarantee that no one will lt'> away fro in the above store dissatisfied with the goo Is or prices oflered them. 1 >. ? n't forgot the place. .t Mew i:stei:p/sh? Our young Townsmen. Mr. A. li. Walker, inform* us that, h? wiil Op ill up a stock,ol new coods. in the store recent-y occupied lv Dr. Ilvdrick to day. Mr W. is an energetic ami ?hserving young man, and we truly ho; c his efforts, will ct amply a pure ein ted by his old friends and thnt be may succeed beyond his expectations. His advertisement will appear in our licxl issue. It bus always been a pleasure to Cap: Hamilton to be able to oiler to his many customers and ihn public, generally pure and fiv.-h goods n t the most reasonable prices, anil also his ighost a m to pr< cure from time to time such articles that would especial \ ph ase the housekeepers during the holidays, which are now not far off; such being the ease, we would advise ??ur renders to - all on Capt. John A. Hamilton when thoy coin ; into Town to buy their Christmas,supplies, as his adv rtisement in this issue will inform you that he has everything Vria\-bxffl^TT't wVs\r. " " " goes to VJlfaTMA? 1 lu Columbia Un/hii r says, Rev. J. Ii. II;.shell, who has been station ed in Oiangehurg, as pastor of the Lutheran Church for some time past, has received a call to the pastorate of the Church at Htantou, Virginia, and leaves forthwith for his new field id labor. Dr. Ilnskell preached hi furewell sermon in this Stale at the Lutheran Church in this city miSu i day last. The sermon is spoken 01 by I hose who h< aid it as a masterpiece of c on j oil ion and eloquence. Tin young pastor carries with him the prayers and gnou wishes ol ad who knew him in this Slate. 1). A .Straker, Ksti., the colored lawyer of this Town went to Colum bia on Wednesday of this woe': to ask K.soculive clemency for Vainly Goblson, sentenced to 10 v sirs in the Penitentiary at the October term of Court, I'ui hor-v steal i ig. Governor Hampton instantly signed the par don, and Goldsmi i- free once innre. Mr. Straker .-ays, Governor Hampton received him courteously, and ex prtS-ed a strong wish that t ic colored man should bd protected in all his rights as u citizen; also tho G iveru >r expresses a determination to leave no stone unturned in finding Coleman who shot Police Mar.-hal Washing ton i I this Town a lew weeks ago. < jp Tuesday lust, ihi< town was the scene of a feud and torr.blo accident which resulted in the (h ath of one of our worthy young citizens, Mr. ?. M. Robinson. While testing the speed of his horse on the old t Irangobtirg Koad near where Mr. Tucker recent ly resided, when the animal bolted and ran between several pines near the road in such a manner as to strike the hind of the rider against one of the trees. Medical assistance being near examined the unfortunate mail and lonnd that Iiis skull was fractured and that the chances for bis recovery was beyond eurhly help. He was taken to his residence accom panied by two of prominent physi cians who remained with him until tho last spark of life w ont out, which was j about 11 o'clock that night His funeral was held at the Frosbyto rian Church on Thursday last. We tender our heartfelt sympathies to his relatives und Iiiends. SC A RCITY OF M?XEY? There is no doubt but the pescntl condition of nil kinds of business and iudustry is fearfully depressed, and it behooves every family to look care fully to their expenses. Winter is coining on when children are liable to croup, whooping cough, etc. Cough and colds will prevail everywhere, and consumption, with other throat and lung diseases will carry off many. These diseases should not be neglect ed. Doctors hills are expensive, and we would advise our people to use Boschcc's German Syrup. ?!( never has failed. Otic hnttlu at 75 cents will keep your wholu family well during the winter. Two doses wil. relieve any case. Kohl in nil towns ill the United States, a:i I by your Diu; gists, Dr. A. 0. Dukes. ' ADVICE GliATrS? The Mon Alexander hi.Steven? says:?"The Globe Flower Cougl Svrup has proven a most vaUiabli remedy to me." Gov. James M. Smith, of Georgia, snys :?"1 shall always use it with perfect c uifidence, and recommend it J to tin', public as a remedy which will afford thai satisfaction experienced by me and iuine. I; excels every thing fur coughs, coldj and obstinate lung affections." ICx-Gov. Brown, of Ga., says: "lit finds the Globe flower Cough Syrup ?a most excellent r?mcdy." Such endorsement by our great and good men deserved the attention of the aillictcd. Those suffering from cough, colds and lung affections should use the Globe Flower Cough Syrup. It will positively cure con sum ntion. For sale by Dr. A. C. Dukes. IVlarlvet Reports. Corrected every week by Messrs. I'ei.i. Jfc 1.1.. Sa i cuoa v, Pcccmber 14, 1s77. cor rti'N Middlings. Low Middlings. fl?VjV i Ordinary. oj 'a PROVISIONS Corn.$ 75 New ("ore. . Peas. 6") I- odder, per 100 lbs. <0 Rough Rice. J Tins standard article is compound ed with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded ba:.r to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the bend a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mak ing the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assa}-er of Massachusetts, says, "The con stituents arc pure, and carefully se lected for excellent qualit}* ; and I consider it the Best Preparation for its intended purposes." Price, Gno Dollar* Suck?o.g2iam's X5y? FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesir able shade, to brown or black, at dis cretion. IL is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and ef fectually produces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL L CO., NASHUA, H.H. feil Ij all CrsgcUti. ?ui Salin la IUUcIaii* aug 11 ly. W. B. TREAD WELL 1 ).MNTIST Will attend to patients at their residents cither in Town or Country. Address through Post Office or call on me at resi dent Coner R?ssel and Tread well Streets, Prompt attention will he given and satis faction guaranteed. W. Ii. TREA?WELL. nov 3 ly DENTIS TRY. Dr. L- S. Wolfe can be found athisotlico oe -r E/ekicl's More where he is prepared to execute work on the most improyal styles, at short notice and at reasonab prices- All work guaranteed. iune fto tf. 8ample Hotties 10 cents. Rcaommendc? by Hou. Alex. IL Stephen?. Hon. M. Smith, Kr tlov. ofGa Hon. Jo-eph E. Brown, Ex-Gov. of Ga. Hon. Robert Tooiubs. ?i?r See circular around Sample Bottle, ft A.C. DUKES, M A Sam pie Bottles MERUEL17S HEPATINL forthe Liver, 10cents, at A. C. DUKE"', M.D. Regular pizc bottle-, $1. A Sure ( tire for Hispcpsia, Indigestion ami Liver Complaint. cot 1'iv. Qllgar 10 lbs for $1 at O A. FISCHER'S. THE tdtt'.s tutt'S SSIWorcIs of Advics, TUTT'S tutt'S "respect FULLY off-Tel hv TUTT'S II. Tctt, M.D., lor many tutt'SJ^^t ^ I*j1J'jl'^,\jltot' ?[ A""'0"1' 'n tutt'S am! the tlinniamla of testimonial! TUTT'S Blvew of their efltcacjr, me tutt's Wyiitg that they will positively ?I it i cwe ??'! lUWUCS that ??--nlt finin ? ?im?2 aiseseed liver. They sre not rec i,u ' ' 2om:npi..'? .1 Tor nil tho Ills that iirU.-t 1 ut1 S lnuilitiiitv, bill for DvsjH'psla. .1 nilii TOTT'S dice, Countlmtt Inn, Piles, Kkln III* tutt's ea?r?. Iltllo-.e. Colic, Kheuinai'.Mii. tutt's''"'pHation of the Heart. Kidney tutt'u Affections, r*eutalcCom|rialiilv?c., tim"i>i<- all of which i t from a deranre ln?.,iifaeiitof 'ho Liver, no medicine lias i..ii..*>vrr proven to iii?ce?.<.fitl a* int. ItITT'SI'triTM VEUETAULE LIVER tutt's PI I.I.V. tutt's ;?.-.; MUTT'S IMI.K.N j cuiie sick headache. : tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tutt's tott's tutt's TUTT's tutt's tutt's Tl'TT'H ItECjUlki: N<? CHANCE OF 1)1 KT. TK'TT'H PII.I.S ?ARE PURELY V EGK f A HI.E. ? TCTTa I?I I.I.S NKYEI1 Olli I E Oil N AL'sE , ATE. : THE REMAND FOR TUTT'S: ?'Il.l.S U not rontln-d tn Ibis! ?country, but ?Staad? lunll parts I?( tllO m'ui lit. I A OLK a It It RAD, clastic limbs. Stood digestion, pound Merp, [buoyant r-i>ii iih, fin* appHtte. ?nro aobt* of tlio r?"iill? of the iiko of TUTT'S FILLS. AS A FAMILY MKOICINK TUTT'S PILLS A nr. Tilt: BEST?FEU FEOTLY HARM LESS. POLO EVERYWHERE. PRICE, TWENTY-FIVE CT8. PRINCIPAL OFFICE IS il V Hit AY H S'itKET. uiav YOitit. rn.i.a PII.I.S PII.I.S PII.I.s PILLS PI l.i s i I.LLS PILLS r i i s r i. \s imi i s PILLS t". I. LS PILLS FILLS PILLS I'll LS PILLS p 1-U.l.a PILLS PILLi PILLS PILLS PILI 8 FILLS FILLS TILI.'? PILLS FILLS PILLS PII.I.S PILLS FILLS PILI S PILLS PILI S Mi l 8 Pi I LM PH LS I" '.I H PILLS PILLS FILLS PIL1.S PI L1J PILLS PILLS IM I. LS PILI.3 IM 1.1.3 PI 1.1.3 PILLS PI I.LS PII.I.S PILLS PILLS IM 1.1.3 Pi 1.1.9 P ill' PILI.3 PI LI.9 PILI.i PILLS PILLS PI LL8 PI I.I.S i I I.LB PI I.I.S PILLS Fi r.i.s im DR. TUTT'S l?l" This unrivaled prepaiwiion has per formed some ot the most astontshins cures that nrc r?. corded in the annals c history. Patients suffering for year1; lir>> the various diseases of tlie Lung', a '? trying different remedies, spending tho sands of dollars in traveling and doctor ing, have, by the use of a few bottles entirely t ccoi'crcd their health. "WON'T GO TO FLORIDA " Wow York. August 30, 187a. DR. TUTT: DearSir:?When In Atkon, lant winter, I uacd your Expectorant for my cough, f nd rcalircd iiio.c }??; r.;!l: from It than any thing I eve.- took. leuisowell ?hat I will not no to Florida next wtntor na I Intor.c'ed. Send mo ono dozou bottloa. by cxpicsj for ao.n*. friend-.. ALFItKP C0SIII.VO. US Weat Thlrty-nrat tf!rott Boaton, January 11,1874. ThinocrtlflOB that I have rocommendod the inn of Dr.Tlltt'o v. xpeetorant for dlscasm of tholunnx forthe pist two ymn, and to my knowledge matt] boltlci havo been uaed by my patlenta with ths hap piest rconlta. In two caae* whore It wna thought con flrmedconsumptlon had taken place the Expectorant effected a oure. R. n. BP11AOUB, M.P. " Weoaa not apeak too highly of Dr. Tutt'd Ex* peotorant, and for the aako of Buffering humanity bops It may bcoorao more generally known."? Oiais TIA* ahvoca ra. Wold |>y Dnurslst*. IMIro St .00 May C? 1877 c Ar IS COMING! And everybody in want of r iL And Imlagent v X'Ts ful JPresents goes to the Popular and Eeli ?ble Emporium OF ?r^a~l ""6 The ( RO V DS nil! rmtinue lo avail themsolves of the UNIIEAUD of BARGAINS (dicing in DRY SCOBS & HOLLLDAY GOODS Having purchased largely during the lost mouth at E* "ST* - CJLUEs Feel confident that we sell Goods as CHEAP and CHEAPER than Char leston, Co umhin, or any oilier So p >rt Town. This is a Self-Evident Fact As the St^ek is all NEWLY BOUGHT and will be offered at POSITIVE ? INDUCTIONS during tin- nbvt 30 days. BUY USEFUL HOLLIDAY GOODS You tan find for Ladies and Misses Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Sacks, Gloves, Shoes, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Writing Paper, If sierv. Jewelry, all ol the best quality nud at HE Air ON ABLE PiiRES. For Men and Boys a Niee Suit of Clothes, :?n Overcoat, Hat, Cap, Neck Tie, Silk Haud kerchief, a parr of Shoes, or High Top Boots, Six Bladcd Knife, ami a Double Gun, or a Six Shoot er, in Fact anything you want from a Striped pair of Stockings to a Market Basket. A new Lot of BLACK ALP A CCA nt remarkablv LOW PRICES. Come and Sc.? for Yourself ami we will politely show you through oar MAMMOTH STOC K OF GOODS. THEOBORE KOHN, DRY GOODS EMPORIUM sept 22 1877 tf a B?CBB x* ?Bean?? ar?r gr?. ~j^.~krtvxrt *a< tui am -x^.". PKELIUU'S ItEUEDY CT" HKS NEURALGIA, GOUT AND NERVOUS HEADACHE. An internal remedy, which eradicates (In? cause ul* tin?e dis eases from the system. Carelullv prepared froni (he prescript inn of an eminent phy sician, and universally regarded m the most relialde remedy for such diseases in the world. DoWIK MOIS1C. cent. Wholesale Druggists. Charleston, .S C. nov 1" Cm c11rap MOA'EY ! ?50,0:i<> for $10. TTio Coinii'ioTiVvoali h Piize Distribution Company Incorporated by Act ol the Kentucky Legis lature, wi I have their next pnMie Draw ing in the Public Library Hall, Louisville, Ky.. on December ill, 1 s77. Drawing posi tive <>r the Money Itefunded. They will distribute at thai lime 15(58-1 Prizes amount inj.? in $820,000 Including the following cash prizes, each a small fortune in itself: $50,000, $2<>* <><><> ftl?,6?O, $ff,O0<>. This Drawing i> under the name Manage ment so ably and satisfactorily con ducted the Second Drawing of the Ken tucky Hash Distribution ?'o. Whole " ick els, $iu 00; Halves. ?5; Quarter, S2.?")<). Kor Tickets address f!. AV, UARltOW ? < "()., Lleneral Managers, Courier Journal '?.nil.liny-, Louisville. Ky., or TIIOS IL II .YS .v t u. Clener il AgcnU, ?l?7 Rroad way. N. Y. t&F" Bend for Circular. "Ott 11V Aar? no connection whatever with any iii/iw J.litten/, l/intribntian, or ?ehente of any kind. (\. W. HARROW &C0 ,Oen'l Managers, vno l) 7t GIN GEAKINGr, siiA TiNii And dolts ciih^apkk THAN EVE 11 BEFORE AT THE FOREST CITY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE! WORSES, GEO. 11. LOMBARD & CO., AUGUSTA, GA. ENGINES, COTTON SCREWS, MILL GEARING And Machinery off Kinds Made and Re paired. oct 27 1250 K" Dyspepsia, OR IXDIOtT? TION. ? This may bo called the demon ?X Beecher says* "It is a very difficult mat ter to save the soul of a man who baa bail indidegtioa, of small avil to ?? is1, the devil out ?f his heart while he .--tili lurks in bis stomaa*,1* Simmons' Hepatic Compound will cure thai disease. If administered in time to remove tide bile from the Momach, it will counter*-* the cause* which commonly produce Yellotr or the t i 1 i.? m< Fever, the Bilious Colic, I'reurisly, Dysentery, Worms, ililiooa Vomiting, Sick and Sour Stoma:b. Head ache. Loss of Appetite, Fratueney,. Eppllcp ti<- Kits, Hvpoenondria and Hysterics com', plaints, Indigestion, Habitual Ostivenc-ay and in Argue and Fever, SimraontVHeptyJ lie Compound, when ' taken w ith Quininw produces the most happy results. No better caihartic can be used preparatory to or afletr taking Quinine. We advise all Who an? aillicted with this disease to give it a fair trial onee. For sale Wholesale and Retail bv AUSTIN &CO. DOW IE itMOISB, Proprietors, Charleston, S. C For sale bv lilt. A. C. DUKES, DR. J. U. WANN AM AKKU, Pit. A. S. HYDRICK. aug 11 Oiu. KDUCATK! EDUCATE!! Educate!!! Santoo Academy. FOR BOTH SEX KS. The next Session will begin on the Moa day, Sept. 3d, 1S77, and Closo the last day of ?I nne, 1878. Young Men are here given a thorough Business Education, or prepared for the Senior Classes of our Leading College?. Young Laihes tire prepared for tha Graduating Classes of our Highest Festal* Seminaries. The Latin and Creek Pronunciation 9a that of the Principal Universities and Cat* leges both of Europe and America. Discipline mild, but firm. Looatl? Healthy. Hoard Cheap. TUITION PER MONTH: Primary Scholars.$2 00 Graiiiihai Scholars. 2 6# Classic d Scholars.~ 8 00 For further information addroaa V, W. CORK, Princltol. Or W. J. SNIDER, Treaa., St Matth a wa, Ornngeburg County, B. C A 851A Ii L A THROP? ATTORNEY AT LAW, Orangoburg, S- 07? giS7* Office in^rear of Masonic Halt M arch S ty.