The Darlington democrat. (Darlington, S.C.) 1868-1871, July 27, 1870, Image 1

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€l)c fUemorrat. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING, TERMS:—$2.60 per annum in advance. Advertisements. One Squire, first insertion $1.60 One Squsre, second insertion .... 1.00 Every subsequent insertion 60 Contract Advert ismcnts inserted upon the most Reiaonible Terms. Mirriige Notices eud Obiluiries not exceeding 6 lines, inserted free. e®- All communicitions intended for publics- tiou in the Dirlington Democrat, must be id- «rested to the Proprietor. HEALTH! BEAUTY!! Siroor, Pare and Rich Clood—In crease of Flesh aid Welrht—Clear Skia and Beaalifal Complexion, SECURED to ALL. RADWAT’S Sarsaparillian Eesolvent HA.S MADE THR MO«T ASTOXISUIJfO CURE*. 60 Qt'ICK. HO RAFID AH 1C THE CHANGES, THE BOPY UNDKUOoEt UNPER THE INKLU- KNOB UK THiS TRULY WONPEKFUL MEPI- CINK THAT Evary Day an Increase in Flesh and Weight It Seen and FeSt. •crofnlm, Con«nm|»«l4»in t SjrpRHU.Yarvrnrffl «nd b*(liy treated Vane real. I at It* many Fomas. Glandvtlar dUeaae, Ulcers in «lt« Throat, Mouth. Tuuiora, Nodes In the Gland*, and other parts of the system, •ore Kyee. HI ruinous dischargee from the BOars. feruptlee dl«eaees of the Kyes, Xo«e« Mouth, and the woret forms of Skin Uio- caees. Rruptlons, Pever Sores, Scald Hea«l f -Itlaag Worm, S*li Ilheum, Krjrslpelas, Aeaae f ISIack Spots, 'Worms In the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers In the We mb, and all 'Weakening and painful discharges, Might •weats, lots of Sperm and all wastes of the life principle, are witnln the curative range of Kadway’s Sarsaparillian Mesol* vent, and a few days use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of tllsease. Its potent power to euro them, Not only d<jcs tL« Sarsaparillian rte&olveut excel all known remedial ageuts. in the euro of Chronic, Scrofulous Constitutional, firir and Svphilot.1 dismscs but it is the only po-itire remedy for ILiditey, Bladder Urltfiary, and W'ouib <llseasee 9 Gravel. Dia betes Dropsy, Stoppage t»f Water, Incon tinence of Urine, Bright's disease. Alham* fnnrla, and in all eases where there are llrlck dust deposits, or the water Is thick, cloudy, mixed with substances like tlte white of an egg. or threwls like white silk, or there is a morbid dark, bilious appear ance, and white bone du»t deposits, and where there Is a prfte.klng, burning sensa tion when passing water, aud pain in the •mall of the Bark-and along the Loins, In all these conditions ICadway’s Harsaparll- liou Kesolveul aided by the application of JCadway’s Heady Kellef to the stplne aud Smail of the Hark, and the Bowrls regula ted with one or two of Rad way’s fttegulaf. lug Pills per dny, will soon make a com plete cure, lu a fetv days, the patient will be enabled to hold and discharge his water Naturally without pain, and the Urlue will be restorod to Its natural clear, aud amber or sberry color. Tilt*: YfAHTES OF TUE BODY are •ttprHod with new, hvalthy, snd vi :orou.t blood, that tu: uisImss Kound structure. licaoc nil guttering from NVfcA-r.jrrso Di^chakoss, either MALE or FEMALK, of thir Wotnh, Uterus, or other org ms, whether L. ucor- Tha‘% Sperm, or discharges, of terry kind, fu ll o*u eicitcncu of** Seli-ahuso,” trom the Ueuital liinnds, or Venereal discharges, or ulcers, or soros, through the top i rati re proceM of RAHWAY'S SAUSAl'AKIL- Ll.kN, are arrested, and the ruptured organs healed. THE TRUK THEORY OF CUKE. RAD WAY'S SAUSAl'A KILLIAN KESOLVENT •upp ie« the system through tl»-* blood, urino, and s^ructurc-m tUlhg cocuiituoiiLs with Tissue making, Flush BY A. P. LUCAS, “Min’*noblest mission lo a'tvanov. His »os assail, bis weal enhance. His ri(bts enforce, his wrongs redress- $3-50 3PEH. ^VTSTTSPCrTs^E. DEVOTED TO LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE, MORALITY, GENERAL LNETLLIGENCE AND INDUSTRIAL IMPROVEMENTS. VOLUME 2. DARLINGTON, S. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 27,1870. NO. 34- [From Ibe Charleston Daily News.] THE CITY WIDE AWAKE. MASS MEETING OF TEE PEOPLE. A NOBLE GATHERING AND THUSIASM- GREAT EK- SPEECH OF THE DON. R. B. CAR PENTER. Agreab'e U the published announcement thousands of «ur ciutens assembled last eve ning in front of the Charleston Hotel, for the purpose of attending the meeting ailed to ratify the nominations of the Union Re form Gonveition. For more than two hours the clouds had been lowering and the clement, every moment threatened a deluge. At the appointed hour Jedge Carpeuter rose aud apoic as follows: My FcUow '.itizem—If anybody supposes that a showeiof rain lilte this is unpropr.ious he is miatakoi. On the contrary, I look upon it as oie of the blessings which Jrovi- dence reserrei iu store for South Caolina. As the eartk responds with its abundan crop and all natur, smiles more sweetly, <0 will the career up»u which we of the Uncn Re form party have started ; a career in viich we can, even now, anticipate the fructifiition of our grand old State. If these were lc only elements will which we had to cotcnd, I should feel that God himself was (peaking to us with Bis lightning, and bid m speed forward in the language of His thunder- head.--. [Great cheering.] Gcutlemo*. of Clarleston, that wtriotic bod* of men, reproenting the intcjrity, in- j dustry and apiulof the State, w\o met in Columbia, on Uiel5th of last moith, honor ed me with tie oouinatioo for the dstioguish- office of Govemwof South Caroliia. While I am fully gamble of the great d stiuctiou thue conferred, and of the dignitf and mag- .. „ , - „ . . _ . .. . nitude of the cflSce itself, I hivi neither rnikmt, Heat wr Oiilone uad Fit mtki.ig elemunts. Ali oi it* cmstituenU nre n^Hrithfng, purif^nn, and i direct!V DOF ildireCtlv SOUffht thai exalted t.r+i 'j.htning. H fltat. Jlrso'rct, and drivrt J J > ... «Mf "j Lie hodtf the i»t*odiiut«i ot Devuy »tu1 Corruption. — i—— t..,1 »* *«,«.».> CO sSUifrlHiy, w fHTR swcLUNii, HROl’bY, BVfH'L.i, CANCRlki, TUMORS. &c.. *rv *11 of • •crofuiott* diulh.-*is and a* nu- h, rrc wishin tb* curativ* mn.:r of the rf.V 1U>Ai'AU1L1.1AUESOLVtM ! i That S'" afuln, br wh.itf-rpr nnmo dexteanted, la the ic»uit of de^opit* from the bloo*J, iuduroJVr ra-isud by t hiosiic InU-imalion. That tho«c* depor'ii* take place vh**n tl». b o*^l m }>oor, w*ak, %caUry, un i incitpabie of Loidinrf in itoiuliua it* piopt'r cematituunta, or from the*t-ti< e of •omc virut or poiaoii in the blood, a* Mer- eury. Calomel, Corrosive Sublimato, which is the C'-rro- °nlor»*le of Mrrrurj* or ether agents, a in m , di- a***, which enter ianrelv m tho common urtvoitK^d vUlS'KlitU Oli CHAMiMV *LU)M 111LIR h .4TN *U VI. \niTION. L- "Tnai unlcm to* rep*'r^ or nurimmta an* prr«atfrr _Itaii ih« wafiiea, th-t d*c*om!>o«i»A/n and decay wui »a- pa*Y ; ur, and tii« pvw^r* of lit*- xxwiii* othauaicd. 3. Thr*. the dying body . mnot be su«t ^nM on tmr treAim-ut of luciioiU.m lb- 4 or fa.!* V» aoui Lit* bioo-1, tt»- on L T ni«'ditiui through wl.icL Ihv tw*<tf force* aix; pre vrv ® v U f ' n which the growth ai ti.a 4*pen 'a 4. That Zlad^by'* BarNi par'Ulan Ke»> «1 vaaat wippuea * nerur before poscta-.* * or known to *xi<t ia modv'M. that tin* new found jwitiople in Chemical ecienre. ahkh ha* been brought u, .^ i a per fect aycten o#c» • a Ush-bit.-d a* follow* » 1. It* (peak f*”* a aa-da*II*U»vj ihn * Drat * wk—• *«,—•1%^ .g.**!.- chyl* . J 7 ** BoatRating a?enieaU (»^lf pasition, becai* in my judgement, it might more properly lave been tendered to some one of the mtny gallant native sois of the State; those who, in the past, ver., and in the future muitbe, her representitive men Considerationsof a personal clurirterhushed the strong voiie of ambition, anuiuclinedme not., indeed to sloth fulness, hv't to peaceful | aud congenialUlstr. The sc ,‘ T of my life, before my I ritiou in this genenus, hospi- uble und plundered city, whs in the mighty West, amidst majestic riven, broad valleys and grand eld forests; its actons, incessant combat; its .' *»lts, littl. more, perhaps, than true friends and im,- v i5f ^ mies. At the ti*|f#f ’ptod en P di This is the precious sample of honesty and public decency from which emanate the chargee that I have bribed the Legislature —charges, my fellow-citiiens, which are not made so much againatmc aa against yon, the people, that those who are in power and who own this infamous organ, which seeks to control public sentiment, may keep tbea- solves out of the penitentiary. (Prolonged cheering.) It has been said in the columns of that paper that I bribed the legislature. Well, Heaven knows, that was not much to do* [Laughter ] And the charge is made by lie ( acting Lieutenant-Governor, the Codiie.' of “the law, the City Attorney, the Pbo«[ uate Attorney, the United States District ARw- ney. If I have forgotten any of his titles 1 beg his pardon. And that he, the owner of the honors aforesaid, actually del bribe a judge of the State to render »uch a deciaion as best would suit his interests What 1 that immaculate spec’— etl of mortality bribe a judge! (Laughter.) Gentlemen, the con fession rvily illustrates the weakness to which these enemies of honesty and political decen cy are reduced in order that they may forti fy themselves in the offices they hold, an'* thus be enabled to continue their deprcA- tions upon the treasury of the State and the purses of the poor. (Great applause.) Up to the present time I have paid no at tention whatever to these allegations and I do not propose to do so in the futtre, be cause they emanate from a source which it would defile a man to handle; bo- here and at all times I am prepared to answer any re spectful question that may be ashed by an honest fellow citisen. When theves aud pub lic robbers interrogate roe, Iplead to the ju risdiction. [Applause.] It vould be a very pleasant thing for doubt, if they could accuse a judge, or she their place on a jury, or play the part of the solicitor; but I have been taught to know that criminals must stand in the docl, be arraigned, tried, found guilty, and seit to the penitentiary for punishment. iLs for this reason that I plead to the jurisdition, and refuse to be tried by those who lave assumed the lions skin to hide their gnomiuious identity. I repeat, therefore, nat if any gentleman wish es to ask mo a»y question, I am here to answer it frankl; and truthfully. A Voice. Tel us about the Phosphate till. Judge Carpvnter. I aoi gla-1 r-m naveai- forded me the-pportuuity of doing so. As a shareholder I was interested in a plos- f.hate compaiy, about which much has been written; hut understand me. I did not sell my vote asa legislator to become a s-lare- holder. I dd not imitate the example of some ii*y continue to "ob and pilfer the treasury and the people ; *od thirdly, that they may prevent the !»** from being executed to the eud that tho^- may keep tbeir carcasses out of the peoi«nt<ary. {Tremendous cheering and ao'oc ntarruptiuns.] I deslo those men immediately in front ofme.M understand that they must either keepo^lsr or be put out of this meeting, i an-not hereto be bullied, and whatever the rtsnlts may be, I intend to speak and to be keard. [Great applause aad cries of “that’s so.”] Let us for a moment examine the condition of South Carolina when General Scott as sumed the control of the State. A devasta ting war had exhausted the resources of as gallant a people as ever bore arms. For throe years or more, they struggled hard to obtain bread, with scarcely the means to gather their crops, and fatality attending all their exertions. Misfortune covered the impoverished State like a pall. Under thes* circumstances what did Governor Scott do I Instead of economizing the resources of the State so that its burdens should rest but lightly upon the people, you will fiod by tE.e report of his own Comptroller-general, that, without any good reason whatever, he added to the then existing public debt of the State the enormous sum of eight millions of dollars. Where, fellow-citizens, did the money come from ? It came from the labor ing classes. It came from you, every hour of whose labor is divided between ibe sup port you owe your families and the work you unconsciously perform for the public. Eve ry ship that sails upon the ocean ; every rail road in the country ; every edifice that rears its head in town or city; the property on in which the wealth of a community is em- thattime, they never will get at all. [Cheers.] , an enthusiasm that shall know no defeat. For I pledge you that if the people do their duty, they will then speak in thunder-tones in behalf of Retrenchment and reform: I pledge you, that if we faithfully adhere to our platform aud work as we ought to do. when the Ides of October come every railroad train will be crammed with rascals getting (Cheers and cries of “We will!”) The bat tie is yours—the results will belong to you. And the man who, under these circumstan ces. with so much thst ia dear to him at stake, docs not enter with all his heart into the contest for the right, does not deserve the name of Carolinian. Sink your prejudi- out of the State to save themseivea from get- ces as to candidates in a desire to further the iug into the penitentiary. [Applause.] The Chairman, who preceded me, said that tins Governor Scott made a speech at Wash ington, in which he stated that South Caro lina was a nest of assassins. If the Govern or has been in South Carolina two years, and executed the laws to so little purpose, I ! interests of your cause. When this is done you may march forward in the broad path of duty, couscious that the blessing of Heaven will rest upon you, aud that in the end you will attain chat glory, honor and prosperity which of right belong to the people of South Carolina (Long continued cheers and ap- think it is about time that he was kicked out; plauso.J of the State. But that is not all. Iu that i Col T. Y. Simons then offered the ful- speeck Governor Scott counselled the colored lowing resolotionx, which, being put by the people of the State to organize in companies and regiments, not to keep the peace, but as an inducement to commit murder 1 Think of it 1 The first peace offeccr of the State, in the capital of the nation, declares that Winchester aifle law is the law for South Carolina. A vgice. Are you opposed to the mili tia ? Judge Carpenter. I Was a soldier in war and not a soldier in peace. [Great applause] When the people of South Carolina were qp- pressed by enormovs debt and taxation, to take $50 000 for the purpose of organising the militia, was an outrage upon the Sate. There was no needofit for there wasnotiouble in the country save that which this corru, Riugand tbeir associate thieves weremoiliog. The truth is, I imagine his Exc.-Hency is a great deal more fond of talking about Win chester rifles than of using tlein. Let me say right here, however, thst if the Ring can braced, is, more or less, the product of Ira- ! win this election by fair means [they shall man labor. And yet, these men who pretend have the offices. But I declare, before High to love the colored man—to be the special friend of the white workingman, load the re suits of his industry with a debt of eiglu millions, and ask them to sustain an adminis- tr.-tion that is written aii over with incon sistency and .xtravagance. I honor the poor laboring man who works day by day, in a hard struggle with fate, to supply the wants of h’s family and T tell you, my countrymen, that Christianity is not a fable, the angels of God look down Heaven, that Winchester rifles shall not carry the day. [Cheers.] Two parties can play at that game. (Renewed cheering.) Nor shall they win the election by stuffing the ballot-box when the voting is done. (Tremendous applause.) Governor Scott,> too. has done his best to antagonize the two races and disturb that harmony ia which the people had lived This is a point upon which I need not dwell, for all who hear me are perfectly aware of with a smile upon him who dedicates bis ; the character of the relations which it is im- serviccs to h:s wile, who is his queen, aud ! portaut to preserve between the white aud the colored citizens of the State. to his children, who are his subjects. But I desire to see that poor man protected, and when a body of rapacious officials use the power which circumstances have put. in their hands to benefit themselves at his cost, I, for ooe, feel like stepping to the front and using whatever poor ability I may possess, to the arr**ti the system with the ver; Ui-at folHiS 1 veiicsaioal action uu (he plew (.umliuon, •erar.ues every atom of ruf ri element, out of which the Tiros of disTase-*^ 1. That, the Mood thus piepured, a*j*j _ ipertie* becomes ^ of those vho have made the charges. I was , ■’ .'•private individual, and usitg my j end that their wrongs may be righted. And ' w Tiuch, I made an hivestnifflt of i thev may feel they have at least one champi- ••ibillUes iu^ my means;,,, w«* * - .g..v whieh UHnped Vs ru-h as any man in .hi* au-iencc to! v ;* n J‘L ,< ^ >vere '* t *’ ,t t ** 8e in-'erests i s the first count in the indictment. WOO # become matte, of]i,« tloI1 , A voiee . T , M „„ mn „ uW thfi ?7y £ 1 'j discharged fi« d Jtle* wd^val of tb' * non- rZZpiJ'SX zasr* U manner that mat . h -& warm ‘ -b'^^^^^-.jost and intelligent. It i ore, I had no enemies I grasp of the friends ofyo.der. My hours of tirn. aourtiiiog propartia- becon*. we those of law and in social intercourse —P^fe,>r thc V. iote' j dispus' V those i.ferests, I according^ T 8 it^ m I th * ***"* 4A# a P e °P !e roiDar ^ . * •* oement. To leave dispo^dof them. It was a personal trans- TJSTt jJu j ^ cctu:i ^ t ) r i urbuoitj - ^ ba/k upon the ; ac tioa, and what I thus obtained for a bona *• ra* rapBitj «hcts i ^ on ° r a,i( ^ ** *]££<£' ve ict a,,< * ' 6de business is do man’s business but mv ra?au " •SUM th- OWKlitu*,^ on who dares speak the truth. [Applause '] Eight millions of additional debt; That A voice. What is the difference between (he Union Reform party and the old Demo cratic party of South Carolina^? (At, this juncture, there was another at tempt at interruption, whereupon the chair man. Mr. O'Oonuor, sa J : “I ask my friends iu justice to themselves and to the city in which they live, to ms'-itan order. As the chairman of this me, -ing, it is reeessary for me to sustain its character. I iulcno to do Cha-rmin. were adopted: Retohed, That the Union Reform party hiving for its sole object the redemption of tie State of South Carolina, and the retnrn to good and honest government, invokea the intelligence, the worth nud the patriotism of the people to its support. Zi<*oh-eil, That it is earnestly recommend ed to the people of Charleston to assemble in tbeir respective wards, and to the other portions of the county in their election-pre cincts, and immediately organize Union Re form Clubs, so that, side by side, and shoul der to shoulder, they may succed in establish ing the right, and overthrowing corrupt gov eminent and oppressive misrule. The Chairman then announced that a tele gram had been received daring the meeting from Gen. M. C. Butler, and that ho was detained at home by illness. This absence is a cause of deep regret to General Butler ; a regret which, the chairman knew, would be felt by the citizens of Cearleston, whe admired and respected that chivalrous sol dier and gallant gentleman. The chairman then announced the meet ing adjourned. 667* Females, old and young, who have so long been troubled with some female com plaint, should uot despair. Let us whisper words of comfort. Ion can be Cured. You can be snatched from the monster which has so long prostrated and paralyzed your whole system. You can regain your health, your beauty, your strength and buoyancy. Take courage, despond not, be cheerful; a remedy is at hand, prepared by experienced physi cians, specially for just such diseases as afflict you; aud as the profession are using and pre scribing this remedy with much success, we feel proud in calling your attention to it. It comes highly reuomended, and we earnestly advise all suffering females to use this great female medicine at once. We alluded to the “English Femaic Bitters,” advertised iu another column. gljmpSes Belilud Ibe Brown Curtain. ■ ii ^ |.:v*rrv.' '• •- is* Job $)( pttritnfnt. The above Department will be promptly at tended to. and all work in thfi line executed on the most satisfactory term*. We will furnish at short notice LA r BLARES. BARD HILLS, rOSTBHS, CIRCULARS. b U SIR ESS CARDS, WEDDIRG CARDS. BILL HEADS, I'AMI’HLETS, LABELS, AU Job Work will be Casu on delivery. IOB, <-,oe ramnra oomrra «•<*. Wriaa. a-, I *b6i. *. J ' ' ' ' y stormy sea of r> f ' r S''.;. ,. V- M- n. j • in h*aith- Vnttl. lf.di.ane O’ . . - ^oUMn rt ,i ra i, TeM !5^ “J*VL«ctu>n t>, emSieoii F*y blood and iCriuo.' fortitude nh-ch [own. I moreover emphitically declare that 1 l have never approuched a member of the the foes with Legislature and asked him to vote for the hoephate bill, or any other bill. The truth that an honest man coaid have done very . <■’ t'l'll ' '.„d : vt^ ,u thatfcnn th«8Ainni!?^ j of from the ' n'lnetto f .rau^ ^ *. 1 weap..««re io harmony with their detest ,• tLv^cided —. ! charaete-. Their averments, mail— 1 - ' ' It the constituent of Oxygen ■ <iUM go <h. blood b«C .me. oxhouobJ Of it. viw O , n ^ : -uuo, II 'dcpouK ,u tuoeretm and OMued .... .n in Uw udy, and tb. oiemonu of docay .id dMomp-ntion way. Sar.ap«rl Itaa th* ' eoaon.1 vba- Oxro M mtm u to i* to th* ■onabiw me btood to WUin .j, * it* natural coa- atituvnt*. . , , . n l is I • ■ fo /““e m , DAILVCIUXGBS excep.ions, and j man who, until he was nominated fur Gover im the ' ‘ how a*y honcstand intellig-ul man caa with a body win » r e well ki theivesand puilie robbers they arj Nore remarkable thin the rn’. 6,. I . iuo, ior nor was not suspected of doing aught that so. And if’*- cannot be done ia any other G<vup,vin« thB official bbittior which I .lid r 7 T' Tel1 US m0re ah ° Ut tbe ' I ' Ta >'’ 1 wil1 ^ ^ * CnnjmiWee of »>un. asa ^ar of honor I f^dltyLVod to ^ ^ ^ - >* ^ charges of their own organ against me, if j Jnd, - Carpenter. The Denooratic party portnu: ar £in B p^ u b t ?. not a V ra ; I ia tb ^ :M had i “‘ own f' ri0Ci F ,w - bribery. The State Treasurer, ..T’^oIm' . - e >’ w - ro - ,he J hands to-day with all connivance of other Stale officers. &nl to !. K ! ft,bllcans ’ not u t wn 4 P oIitical is ' New York and pawned tbe bonds of South | sS" 8 Carolina to obtain the money with which to i Wcomes a Republican b- votin^f ^ ° ““r bribe the*General Assembly, and the State j though I am a Republican- »„ f me ’. a * Treasurer telegraphed back, under an as-i coaics a Democrat because hc^ “ou T" ^ sniped name, that he had got the fund^ ;>?a „ ant and uob , e coiieague GeDeral ^ n J Tl ” ho,(aid for all that I Ihe laboring man , ThU is my answer to the question (Ap- ( [At this point there was some iuterruf ! pi auge j S niflcarcd the exposure wbici I t_ - t • „ j Jd conclusion, allow me to say, briefly, apple who are *.3king a! ^ Intend to carry this campaign «T -fc. order ru« be pre- ^ ,h « enJ I war w >h dishonesty, refuse to y:. ,ld to reason | ,reachcr T’ corruption and falsehood, in bc- be employed to en. r, jrPe 0T ’ I lu 'f °f integrity, honesty, patriotism and vir- in free speech, a no j t,e - I shall not be moved by the personal about that case , . . . . fuanifaisi other, according to law; and hoods; their proofs, ptriurv. Tothh™ . .- * . , ’ v ^ ■n* geocra. tbi* audience to imptgn the motives oR r A’s,-.---. statement there area few excer,.. n n. ...i I , Me./ 8 . . . » „ ^ hfo - with a body wloTre well k^uV'to be'fo, ^ I " U h0nC * t ’ Upri,fhl * nd juSt jud « e mi « ht uot ■arnuAii iua-.jas*ith« *tr*i^rth ZuiyW, te.' ' e5 nracd in the !uuv< ih 0 ***** iornun^u l; * Ub - Wive iluiost be«gai-s human credUVty. I have beer, charged w it h a violation bfalmost every command in the poi W^fuisu. aouud. oguc. jny whom arc oha e eS and'vpliat s the proof losnstiju tVin? Orarr’ leUn+r*, • un ef. ' " ’ w ' 4 B>~eUinn th* h travcll-r. i n from WooJiu-ck: ’ ,e! ,, * 1 « '' f A PV‘I K, Imia, ccavT). TOr> . po.. So,.- LHg,. . . eUlna trnm Dccaln made 1 hey are made ly the Go*ernor, Lienteunt- Governor. Tnasi rer a nd Com |>tro!Ier-G coeal i■ famous Pools and purchastl do iu the performance of the sacred functions ol his office. I wish it to be understood also that 1 make this denial, not because the feel v _, i peech Ji- i biund to have ; and if • qu ", suits, nor by the threats of assassination . ■ i * a lV< V been made, if I do not stop de- 0“ i nounc it be ! shall .V may not, ,^ : thjPbugh tbe -lav- -laves, th^eTiirs of the hydraheadeNt^i, of O-o^cott ling, published lierejiflo^ r*ho/»rIni»'. .. . I. J • .i n. I C,eenn S> drive,ft embrace of k k.-i'-iiiSriS! w..*? b *“:; , ‘ wc ‘i I *Litnber Irani tieir eyelid: The S.l IMAP A RlLll VN R f-’r: ^ .. r . x ,_ . demand, arni *.-j k.n^ \t ij’’ F NT 13 in ‘•Teat '••• If II- * .r'l™ ‘A.'V.VS ••n:^u H , Tr 4 S0WT ' „ ; ! ligl.tfu! scieoeof libel. ■ t,le 9,Vt * cte •(" filsellraql. aud orly rise and ; nmkc .»• good M eu6 ts.: ,,.,!,] 3 .r.yh”.ra.^i« d ',?,[ p ,lro,lic On, I nan,cs * 1“' SWBr Of calumny and cesspool l,r ‘ ! uf Jutractfou bowned in ,J ( psrt aod ^ ' tro,,fJ - : ^by the corrupt" King who k^[ 0 v r K ';V" d t^ I- n °7 ?'* ,! * i! ' StA ' ,0 its »«*»"« d*tri ^ •» fh< * ,r own ““rmous profit. 8S.tffajf5St5SS5S4.Te*! ’ charge came from a source for which 1 contempt, but because it originates with one | of the people—a sovereign whose opinion I : ,,,r l,s I’ a - Sfi *?< e respect aud to wh< sc integrity 1 pin my iaith. j L desire no higher endorsement than that S[ ueceasary: I am ready to test ihe now and here. [T'e malcontents subsided ] So much for the S*ate Treasurer Who j w hieh I have entered i reconmended the passage ol' the (.iold bill ’ j Cheers.) W Gorernor Scott. Who paid the Legislature | through a desolating w ? \S'ho wis in-the Ring] that bought State bonus' Governor ^' or, tt ' '' hy ? To benefit, the V lh ^corrupt Ring. If Heaven state ! No: , benefit himself which crow tied, niy offi ial labors on retiring ( from the bench of this circuit. For two years ) l’’ 1 in • '('oUdT I presided over the office of r~""*-— •" 1 ■ ' w ' t ' 111 tax:l h W by should the interest .^fbc great State of Ohio can soldier, wherev I monument of fa . .n e u I as civiRtation i«. ff patriotic gone by. let us one ssaskiuate, but I cease the wo-L ».]-on J belialfof the people. i have just passed r. iu which the Ameri- -1 be fought, reared a that w,ll be as enduring And by that noble and but stimulated us in days Chapter II. i PECREE IN THE “COURT HOUSE CASE. ' —:0:— in “'.’he Common Pleas. , , Darlington County, June Term, 1870 JAMES H. PAWLNaY. and ] JOSEPH J. Mef.'OU’N' jprj themseivea and otherssi*i'‘ rl8 ‘ larly interested, PLAINll** (VS.) SAMUEL MARCO, MANUEL MARCO. !-Co*»pla. JONATHAN WRIGHT, FRANCIS A. THOMAS JNO. A. SMITH, .alias) Jack Smith. (The latter being the Boar] of County Commissioners for,.he Coun ty of Darlington.) DEFENDANTS. On the 19th day of April lost, the Dc- fend^ots, Jonathan Wright, F. A. Thomas and Jackson A. Str.-rb. comprising the Boaru son or a relative, resident in New York, of Samuel Marco, the evidence being uncertain as to the matter. Of the zeven bids in the name of Samuel Marco, all bear bis genuine signature, except one, for $17, 990.50, which proved to be the successful bid. Two papers were shown for this bid, ono. signature and body, iu the bandwriting of Phiiip[Lucnthal, clerk of S. Marco, and the other, signature and body, in the handwriting of John G. Gatlin, clerk of tbe Board. Both of theso papers had endorsed, an original award by the Commissioners aud were iu all respects exact copies, the one of tbe other, except the one iu the handwriting of Gatlin, the date had been altered from the 2Sth to the to the 16th of April. The Defendants claim the former, and the Plaintiffs the latter, to have been the original bid. I give a copy of this bid, as I shall have frequent occasion to refer to it. Darlington, C H:, S. C., ) April 16 th 1870. | Jonathan Wright, Chairman Board of County (A rnmittivnm. In strict obedience to your speoificationa &c.. for the New Court house, 1 will well and truly build the same, in the time and accord ing to your will, for the sum of seventeen thousand nine hundred and ninety do'- lars and fifty cents. I will also bind mysell to furnish the entire cash to complete tl e same, not annoying your board in any man ner whatsoever, and take your checks for the saiae. as the work are received by you. To secure you against all loss I will give you as security M. Marco. B. Clements, Martin Harrall and Wesley Harrall- 8 MARCO. Endorsed, The Board iu consideration of the bids offered this day, do accept and award to S. Marco and his sureties. See within. April 19th 1870. Jonathan Wright, chairman, F. A. TiioNas J. A. Smitu- Tke seven bids of Samuel Marco ranged from $13,000.00 to $18,500.00, The ma jority of the fifteen bids, named no sureties, and aa these were said to have been disre garded by the Commissioners, their exami nation and choice were confined to the fol lowing : 1st. The bid of John W. Oox, $13,500— sureties, J. J. Me Cows, J. H. Pawley and K. A. McCown and at many mure os are re quired. 2d. The bid ofM. Marco & Co., $18,950.- 00—sureties, Ben. Clements, Martin Harrall Wesley Harrall and H. J. Lee. 9th. Tbe bid of S. Maroo, $18,500.00— sureties M. Welsh and M. Maroo. 11th. The bid of Sydney D. Humphrey, $13,900—sureties, Henry M. Mims, It. N. Langston, R. F. Humphrey and T. E. Hill. 13th. The bid of S. Marco, $17,990 50— sureties, M. Marco, B. Clemcats, Martin Harrall and Wesley Harrall. 5th. The bid of S. Maroo, $16, 500.00— sureties, Phillip Lieuenthal, Thomas Biakcr W. B. Astor aud A. T: Stuart. t.Thi* bid oi gbt to be marked 5th, anHr' ut >*» it* pro- 15th. The Old of l myton Cannon aud Henry Brow’, $13,500.00—sureties, J. E. Byrd, and L-‘B- Ragsdale—(I have given the bids, the numA-rs plated upon them by the n ommi»s)oncV’^v; 'll 10 ^ ,e Coin- -H:..: ‘A*’' .also d isregmrded But it is difficulfgyiPf Cu ’ missioncrs said bid No. 5, as /. it. bid should not bat Lech' considered, espe cially as it was acknowledged to bear the genuine sig* 1 “ i c of the bidder. Of the see* bids, having suretie- only two, to wit: I and 15 have the names oC the sureties in tHtir own handwriting. In tr»„ other bids, surdiw were premised rather of i carpet-bagger who has come here to till h'.« lcu | purse is against us: all of the tlirto hundred I thieves ami rubbers pardoned out of the r-m - U mttt V, p* iJm B# U pv, - sH-viMue ntreng, • (O.M Uwl »U wild t 'U •ulKtm.l Ue.iIOi • u. ; •mm. rewi r.4v, li, T ." • vs’th 0 MoiinwBR SABAAPUm •r.d Mr-n w.m.w*. « publish)., in the city'ol Charleston thm HARLLEf & DARGAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAV? * DARLINGTON, U. B C v '* ha#ieC t o.daroav MaehnifTO. . » SUSm , me duiiLed WiUi-yhe name ofthe cty , a a I-* P** | Pa ' nevith Hist oi; Bealifoct, and one with that of CWumh!^..' (A3L thus tyipiicatiog it cammindx'from tkc , - - more engage in a labor i of registrar in bank a taxable property of a bill,on, and a . lh e object cf which is the regeneration of., ruptey. aud subsequently, for two years. ] ‘ revenue of twenty million, docs not pay its | p,,^ The c b atl ,. ( . 4 are all in our favor, tf'tudy the de-j performed the duties of a judge. And when | ! " co,n ; ,,or J m;9 lhe ” r '' at oi , Tbe influences against us are many Tim an.|*aeditatc upon'I resigned the latter position, the Bar of; ■'enusyl vama, with even more property and ! Charleston, as astute, high-toned and dis- j taore re ' t ' oue - with this > w >11 criminating a body of gentlemen as can be j U F on our * la "^ s - as ‘bat was uot found in America, presided over by the I en, ' Uf f'’ um,er t},e circumstances, to crush Nestor of the Bar of the State—ex-Chief [ P m,rSuuth '’aroli'ia, you the workingmen. > are a gai nst ug. But w ho t< us tire Dunkin—officially declared tbit I , Jr,? r • 11 payment of the . a i,j iutciligont men arc had proved a faithful and an upright Jutfge j , " er< :,t in 00111 " ho own the bonds ? The i the widow and (Tiemen-j (Applause.) I desire no higher comroenda- Kiog in New York and Columbia. Who' ' lion; und if the people of South 'aroiina ; U,ust ‘ hat ‘'dcrest in gold? You, the | of the pious ascend to heaven in onr behalf; aguculturiats and workingmen ol South Car>lina. [Cheers] The Sinking Fund bill. Who recom- nuuded that ? Governor Scott in his tr.cs- It than given. - A The eveu.'ng ‘he I8th April, the bids of County Comm.nera of Darlington, af- werc opeoed and »xamined by the Commis- ter having advertised in a county newspaper ) hiuucr( . jn ECCret ;^ mu and not at their of- for the space of four weeks, for bids- awrrd- J fice b|U (t tJla aouse of Jackson A. Smith, ed the contract for building the county Court 0De of tK ,; r jumher- This opening and ei - House, to the Defendant da.„ocl Mareo. l an)I - D>ljon 0 fWd)i on the 18th was asserUd ana p,. „ ;, nd specifications of the Luiu;..,. I ^ M<(> r .jiniuLs.d'>..- r « the trial, but no had, at thr of the Hoard, been pro j jn-adik, is made ol -'t in the »ar,ird in their pared by their Clerk, tun T .h b fl j h-xik, of the proceedings of tbeir meeting on and the adveAisernent was as follows : j iSat day. As public notice had been given that Notice to Contractors. ’ the award would be made on Tuesday the “Proposals Mr building thr Crurt j JOth April, this opening aud examination on at D.nlingtom will he received, until Saivir- ! the 18th coupIcd with the tilue auJ pUcL . day eveniM; 4 o clock, April 1 (’.th 1H70. ov the ehairms . at the Board ol County Com- | of lls occurrence, with thu fact that it is m t missioners, and the Board will determine on , recorded on their hook, am! with the further the Tuesday fidlowing, the suecessful bidder | facts that it was iu evidence at the trial, and and dose r! o eontracl on that day. 'I bo old | (0 n ,j D j satisfactorily proven, that Red- niatonal of the old huilding will be used in j the construction of the new house. At th A nuuni meeting of the loissiont rs, there wu Board of County corn- allowed, hy estimate. iug. a North Carolina contractor who was one of the bidders, was informed that eve ning by F. A. Thomas, Commissioner, •uncut j -■d n:/:r\ W !V h « : h ^ iS h - Mt r l I ^ ♦“ believe the slander, of such a King uself ■, C:::; ' e ! , h;..-au s e it IS | as exists ,u Columbia, with a paid agent to uenL-t r , C l 8W - d! '“F represent their villificatioosin Charleston let pertinacity ^ owner* It , s because it ! them J, This it. [Creat applause.] : s not my fight. It is not me they i;* issue* it casKaipde'fKHD jiJte State three prioee for e^- Rdvertijaai^ etd . prisa being, I umLrftbe to say, doable that '.bicb is paid to aw'j.trtier bipot in th. «».*. |alpst whom their blows are aimed it is not merely one of men, but of planea*d power. It ia a oontost, fi«t, to enabk an infcmoa* Ring of plunderers to .. ... ,***PfHj wine; seooodjy, toen- asy prtfer pip or « (he Su«. - abl« flv> to retain tbeir places, that tbev j penitentiary that they might become voters j the sum of thirteen thousand 1813,000 00) j that ho was not the successful bidder aud fho for us ? Honest ! ! ,ol, ar s for building the Court House, and it that g M, rco 8aitl to j ohn FloTd tbc for u« • th * hop.-c of ls e3£ Dccted. when the house is done, that it . , ", lo, us, th. hopes of j will ^ worth f . ilb t|iig uuiiiunt of • . evening, that he (Maroo) bad the contract, around the j.> or plans and spccifieatious, see the same does not, it mute bo confessed, afford-'that appearance opeunw-s ami falrneaa, with rcasos, expected in such a case. On the morning of the next day, April j JOtu, there was another secret session at the I same place, and the record of their proceed ings in their book reads aa follow*. “April 19th I860—ajler opening and thoroughly examining the bids for the-€ourt ‘ Widow and orphans cluster ; flag of the Union Reform party; the prayers of the pious ascend to heaven in our behalf; and. finally, eternal justice is with us in the grand conflict. (Greatapplause.Inhouor then ol South Carolina, by the memory of your Sumter, and your Marion, and your money the some with the clerk of County commissioners. All bids will be accompanied by two or more names of resjion-iihie persons a* sureties. JONATHAN WRIGHT, chairman k. g. C. J. G. Gatmn. Clerk. .. March 23d 1870. urn -irilfm-r I, trn • •* j .1. , e ^ lt P rovl ' lM " ,ut he may sell every- j Fin.kney ; by the memory of your proud! Fifteen bids were hauded in, ranging in Cm linaifcluiil nil 'd * 6 of ‘" outh • rbiD S tbe State has. when he pleases, and | old past and of that golden future, full of i amounts from 813,000 00 to $19,500.00 0» ^ ofmAi L... i ter an( j cheers] Already they have sold , your young men, upon whose energy and ; Samuel Marco, one bv the defendant Manuel ar *. fiward to S. Marco (luaoatract for build- »hc Greenville and Columbia Railroad Mock intlouiiuble will our salvation depends ; bv | Marco, • A- - I