The Darlington news. (Darlington, S.C.) 1875-1909, November 28, 1878, Image 3

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Tbi eale of (be forfeUetl lands cop^en next Mpndaj. A Postal Card has just made a circuit the world in 117 days. Wk have purchased a new subscript!'! book for 1879 and named it Cash^ We are requested to say that J. A. Smil will deliver a speech at ibis place Mondaj Mb. J. W. Williamson baa received tl appointmeut of Jury Commissioner for th< county. SUE RIFF'S SALE. lATK OF SOUTH CAROLINA. DARLINGTON COUNTY. Itnuel Marco, assignee vs J R King. Judgment /or FortcUeure and Sa!$. j-suanl to nn order of Conn in 'lie above Maied case, lo me directed, 1 will offer lor -[ale in I tout of I tie Court House of Dsr HtK'nn county, on the first Monday in De- mbernrxt, or th Tuesday therealler, the lowing descril ed real estale, to wit: All that ci rlain pii ce, parcel or 11act of ad, lying, living and eiluale in Darlington funty, known as the “Ml Lion Mill tract, ntainiug four hundred and twenty-fire ires more or less, and having such shape, nirks and boundaries as will appear by fereuce to a plat made by George U Earle, puty surveyor, which plat is at'.ached lo a ed of the said E A Woodhatu lo the de- ndant for the tract of land above described, date the 13th day of December, taring IWJ. I - Terms of sale, cash, purchaser to pay for W P COLE, Shff- D. C. shoulder dislocated a lew days since whill Sheriff's Office, Darlington C. H., S C. working in his vineyard. lovember 6th, 1878. Thi market is supplied with exo pork and beef, and occastonly we Christmas gobler fluttering round. i whilJ sheriff's Office, 1) November 6th, 1871 callent i SHERI see a b'ATE OF S< Cotton Quotatioss up to latest reports are as follows: Charleston, UjfijjSj ; vVil. mington, 8}@7{; New York, Stj @ pj. Ifknton l odoe will elect officers at its next meeting, which wV 'rf** the No*.w*av,. oee ndliwreraecretary. Faabokq seems foath to cease his dirtv work. He is wid to have been the insti gator of Mr J- J- Bucbheit's arrest Tues day nlghfi The stockholders of the Darlington Agri cultural and Mechanical Fair Company will meet at IheFairGrounds on the 10th of De- Sr next. The latest novelty in modern architecture isa house now in course of construction on Pearl street, with a roof so sharp that a sparrow-hawk could not light upon it. A Special Session or Cticar, for the dis patch of unfinished business will begin on the second Monday in January, and con tinue two weeks if so much time be necces sary. The Regutrr informs us that Mr. Jerome P. Chase, one of our Representatives, lost bis truok between the depol tnd hotel on his ar rival at Columbia last Mhnday. This is rather a bad slart, Mr. C.; what’s the mat ter? Rev. W H Strickland has been conduct- ing a protracted meeting in the Baptist church at this place since Tuesday night. There will be services twice a day the re- mainder of this week. SHERIFF'S SAFE. SOUTH CAROLINA, DARLINGTON COUNTY, gram Weinberg r« Nelia Washington and George Washington. Execution against Property. Utier v^by^rtue of the above state«1 ex^ JtQf.1QJig 1 olf 1 8<^uuty, on the fust Monday in December next, or the Tuesday thereafter the following described real estate, to statisfy the above stated execution. All that tract of land situate in the county of Darlington and Htate&forcsaid containing about fifty five (65) acres more or less; bounded north by )and»of Robert Caraway, south by lands of A. S Mims, west by lauds ot Nancy Wilson and east by lands of the es tate of Bright Hooten. Terms of sale, cash. W. P. COLE, Sheriff. DC. Sheriff’s office, Darlington court house, 8.O., Nov llih, 78. OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ARLINGTON COUNTY, ble, administrator vn F W Cooper. Elocution against Property. Under JLd by rirfne uf lbs above slated tx- eciitipn, I will offer lor »»le in front of the itourt House of Darlington county, on tbel rst Monday in December next or (he Tue-fdny thereafter, the following describ ed, real estate to wit: .Hi that tract of land containing five hun dred and fifty three (463) acre*, lying on bolb aidea of public road, leading from Dar lington Court House to Fields bridge, on Lvnch's Creek, and bounded north by lands of Seaborn Psrnell and Stephen Dunn; east by Isndsof Ruck Truell and WJ Stuokey; south by lands of Joseph Mims, L Jeffords and Joseph Rogers'children, and west by lands of Israel Psrnell and Manuel Marco. Terms of eale. cash. W P COLE, Sheriff D. C. _ Sheriff's Office, Darlington Nov. 9th, ’78. SHERIFF* SALE ST4TK QF SOUTH CAROLINA, DARLINGTON COUNTY. J Witherspoon Evans re John C Lampley and Charles Davis. Execution against Properly. Uunderandhy virtue of the above stated execution I will offer for sale in front of the c<url house of Darlington county, on the find Monday in December next or tho Tuesday t hereaft er the following deect ibed 0 & LEWENTHAL Kave in ore the Largest and Best Assortment of At a regular meeting of Hartsvill* Light Dragoons, on the 23rd instant, it was decid ed to discontinue drills until the first Satur day in April next at 3 oVock P. M., unless called tegether sooner by the com man ding officer. Sabers to be kept in order. A Timely Hint.—At ths beginning of the ye*r l^Tir we hIirti mprrrr Tift n*mv> or alt “paid up” subscribers from our old book to a new one and those who are found to be in arrears will be discontinued. This is no Joke. # Fob several weeks our columns have been nece sarily crowded with advertising, mak ing the quantity qf general reading matter ia our paper very small; but after this week pe will b e through with this rush of adver tising, and our quantity of general reading matter will go back to its former standard. Ip the CTminiissioners and managers of election tor 1870 will call on Geo. W. Dar- g*n they will be paid 47 per cent. o. the amount due for their services in said elec tion. The Legislature appropriated only five hundred dollars to paj expenses of this election and it cost eleven hundred — heuce the deficiency. School Books.—At a meeting of the teachers of this county, held in the Court House last Saturday, it was resolved to adopt the following books in »be public schools: Reynolds’ Header, Swinton's History. Robinson’s Arithmetic, Webber’s Spelling book, Swinton’s Word hook. Web ster’s Dictionery. Cornell's Geography, Quucket bos’ Grammars jand Composition, AppletWf Copy Book. The Great London Circus exhibited at Timmonsville last Friday The street pa radedi I very well, the collection of animals was rather limited, the ring performance did not amount to any thing, and upon the whole the circus was a sorry one. There was a Urge crowd of the curious on hand, however, cage! to spend their Ust dime for the sake of gratifying their curiosity. Tbe#e wef* Qf ^11 ages, sexes, sixes and colore—the old folks, of cotrrse, had to go "tfith the children to see the animals,” and the young ones went to “hear the music. M The Edgefield Advertiser still continues its elegant Portraits and biographical sketches ot distinguished Carolinians and Southerners, having already had Calhoun. McDuffie. Governors Hampton, Vance and Nicholls. and Generals Butler, Gary, and others Printed on a new Cot fir ell A Bab cock Press, and using fine calendered news. It is the cheapest illustrated paper in America; only $2 a year. Address The Advertiser. Edgefield. S. C. MARRIED. On the morning of the 13th of Nov., 1878 at the residence of the bride’s mother in Cumberland <’0., N. C-, by ilie Rg^. J. Evans, assisted by Rev. 4. McFadyen. Mr. W A. McNair ot Darlington County, to Miss Flora C. McFu*Jyeji On the 21st of November. 1878, by Rev. William Brearfy, Dr. Henry V. DuBose, of Bumter, to Mist M. Anna DuBose of Dar lington. At the residence of the bride’s father, in Belton. Anderson County, 8. 0 . on Tues day, 19th November. 1878. by Rev. J. 8. Murray, Mr. C. 8. MpCu lough, of Darling ton, formerly of Anderson, and Miss Emma H. McGee/daughter of Mr. G. W. McGee DEN 10% LODGE Nn. 26, A.\ E.\ M. • The next regular meeting of this Lodge will be held in their lodge room December jith, at 7 o’clock P M.,at which time the elec tion of officers for the ensuing Masonic year will take place All members sre earnestly Requested to be present. D. Trailer, W. W. Moore, ?/. M. Sec’y reaVcstate, to wit; ^ All Thnt rmxn of tana tying, t»cfng :\nd sit- uote in the State of South Carolina, County of Darlington, containing one hundred and thirty-six and three-quarter acres more or Itss, bounded on the north by lands of Abel Gandy, Wilson Lewis and Mrs. SC Williams, or the east by lands of Mrs. S. C. Williams, soiith by lands of Zach Wines and west by piblic r< ad leading from Darlington Court iiiuse to Society Hill, being the tract of laid conveyed to Lucy Lamply by deed from AM Gandy. Terms of sale, cash. Purchaser to pay for paoers. W P COLE. Sh’ff D C. Sheriff’s Office, Darlington Court House, S. C., 9th November, 1878. SHERIFF S SALE. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, DiRLINGTON COUNTY. Joliu Lunupy successor to James M Brown. Frubate Judge, vs Margaret A Christmas. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. Pursuant to an order of Court in the above staled case 1 wili offer for sale in front of tlie couit bouse of Darlington county on the first Monday in December or the Tuesday theriafler the following describ ed real estate, to wit: All (bat land contained in two parcels, purchased by Margate! A Christmas, at a sale of the lands of the estate ot John Fields, deceased, lying on southern side of what was known as the original John Fields laud, known in lb Frubate Office of this county as tract number three (3) an < four (4), con • aining two hundred and sixty-eight (JU8) acres more or less, according lo a plat of the John Fields’ land, made by S N Atkin son, surveyor, under order of the Probate court, and bounded north by lots Nos 1 and 2 from old tract, south and east by John Strothers’ land, and west by lot No. 1 and 2 of old tract. To be sold at the risk of the former purchaser. A 8 Fields Terms of sale, cash: Purchaser to pay for all uec ssary papers. W :• COLE, Sheriff D. C.. « Sheriff's office. Darlington court hoysoss November 12th, '78 .J dur ~ SUERIIF S SM.E STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA DARLINGTON COUNTY. Sarah 8 Dowling vs Mary A E Adams, niinistratcr of James H Adams. Execution against Property. Under and by virtue of the above staled ex. cutioa. I w:ll offer for sale on the first Monday in December next, or (lie Tuesday therealler, in front of Ilie court house ot Darlington county, the following described real estate, to wit: All that Iract or parcel of land, situate in D.rlitigiu» county and State a oresaid. con- taitung two hundred and seventy-two (272) acres more or less, and bounded on the north by lands of Benjamins Clements and William Lawson, cast by lands of Abel Stewart and estate of Pinckney Parrott, soutti by lands ot S S Dowling, and on the wesl by Lake Swamp; being land belonging to the e late of Janies |l Adams. Terms, cash. Purcbsser to psy for all necessary papers. w P COLE. Sheriff D C Sheriff’-office Dsrlingtoncourt iiouse. SC, Nov 1 Ith, ’78. THE STATE OF SOITII CAROLINA. COTNTY OF DARLINGTON. JAMES CONNER’S SONS In rem “The Types, Press and fixtures thereto belong ing now (lately) used in the publication of the l ee Dee Watchman.” Mortgage Suit. By virtue of power in me vested by James Conner’s 8on’s of the city of New York mortgagees in a certain deed of Chatte Mortgage made by A. A. Gilbert, mortgagor .i... in.». \ .. \l ... 1 fh 1UTT L SHERIFF S SALE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. DARLINGTON COUNTY John Lunnry, Probate Judge, vs R M Reynolds, Foreclosure and Sale. Pursuant to an order of Court in above Staled esse, I will offer lor asle in front t ourt House of Darlington County, first Monday in December next, the following real estate: Two lots known as No. 0 and 7, contain ing one hundred and sixty-fits (165) ac es, niore or lea»; located on the north-west of the lands of John Fields, deceased, by 8 N Atkinson, under order of Court; bounded north and wesl by laodsof Adeline DuBose; east by lot No 6, estale lands of John Fields south by lots Nos. 1 and 4 eslale John Fields, and land of John Strolber. Terms of sale, cash; purchaser to pay for papers W. P. COLE. Sheriff. D. C. Sheriff s Office. Dsrlingion C H., 8. C., November 12th, 78 SHERIFFS SALE. STATE QF SOUTH CAROLINA. DARLINGTON COUNTY. John Lunacy, Probate Judge, es R M Reynold. Foreclosure and Sale. Pursuant to order of Court in above stated case, I will offer for sale in front of Court House, Darlington county, first Monday in December next, nr the Tuesday there- atter, the following real estate: Lot No 2, located by 8 N Atkinson, un der order of court, containing one hundred and Ihirty-five (185) acres more or less, as part of Hie lands of the estate of Jobn’Fields. deceased, bounded north and west by land of Adeline DifBose, east by lots numbers 3 and 4 of eume land*, and south by tract No. 3 and Lynch’s Creek. Terms ot ssle, cash; purchaser to pay for I papers. W. P. COLE, Sheriff. D. C. Sheriff's office. 12tb November 1878. To Inventors and Mechanics. PATENTS and how to obtain them Pamphlet of 60 pages free, upon receipt of Stamps for postage. Address— (ilLMOKK, SMITH & Co., SoUcitortof Patents, Box 31, Washington, D, C. on the 10th day of May, A. D. 1877, and on the siime day recorded in the office of the Register of Mesne Conveyances for ?aid county, in book “Y. Y.” page 45fi, wherein said A. A. Gilbert sells by wiiy of mortgage to ihe said James Conner's 8ous, the above described personal property, to better secure the payment of Two Promi.-sory Notes, by the said A. A G'lbert to the sniii Janies Conner’s Sons made, each for the sum of Two Hundred and forty dollars and eighty- eight cen s, each dated the 10th day of May A. D. 1877, the one payable ou ' - h day of January after the date thereof and the one payable on the 28ih day of June after the date thereof, and each for value received. 1 havehis day. upon breach of proviso Chattel Mortgage contained, id Mortgaged Chattels, and will e lor sale at public vendue on jiy in December next, at the ’ ‘'"’kfcimd county, during Utu.,4 have on«JK7:'luiU.E“ b ^i^nact tor James Conner’s 15, 1878.—tds in the* . seii particuM (ell ' Or SOITII CAROLINA. DARLLNGTON COUNTY. Court of Common Pleas. 1. James N Garner, Clerk of saiil Court, in puruancp ot Title 8, 8eo 28. of the Re vised Statutes and of the order of the Octo ber Court of Common Please for 1878, do hereby give public notice that a Special Session of the Court of Common Pleas, for the ile-patch of unfinished business, will convene on the second Munday in January 1879. at Darlington C. H.. and continue tor twp weeks if so much time be necessary. Witness my hand at Darlington C. H., this 12th day of November, A. D. 1878. JAMES N. GARNER. C. C. P. STATE OF SOITII CAROLINA. DARLINGTON COUNTY. Court of Common Pica*. Serena L. Dargan. executrix plaintiff, against Henry E. P. Sanders, administrator of E. W. C< arles, the elder and George W Dargan. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale. By virtue of an order of foreclosure in th-’ above stated case. I will sell at Darlington Court House, on the first Mon- tlsy in Decembei next, or the Tuesday thereafter, the following real estate: All that lot or parcel of land, lying and being situate within the incorpmate limits of the Town of Darlington in the County and State aforesaid, on which the late E W Charles, the Elder, latelyresided—contains between two and tbre acres; bounded on the north by Ipt purchased of W Scar- boiough by E W Charles, the l?lder; on the east by lot of B C Norment; on the south by lots formerly owned by Thomas Stanly and Geo I W McCall; on the west by King street. Terms:—one-third cash; balance of the pucchase monej in two equal annual install ments with interest from date on the whole unpaid amount, payable annually, puchaser to give bond and mortgage to secure the payment of the amount; purchaser to pay lor papers. JAMES N. GARNER, C. C. P. D. C. Dry Crtods,Clothing, Sim*, Notion*, & STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF DARLINGTON. In the Probate Court. JAMES E BYRD et. al.. Executors of JESSE KEITH, vs. ANNA M KEITH et. al. Petition for Re-sale of Land. By virtue of authority vested in me by law, I will offer for sale in the above stated case, in front of the Court Iiouse on the First Monday in December next, or the Tuesday thereafter, the following proper- fy, to wit: All that tract of land lying on the west side of Sparrow Swamp, known as the old Homestead Place, containing Eight Hundred and Twelve (812) acres more or less, to be cut up by eurveyer and sold in lots. Terms of Sale. One third Cash and baP ancs in two annual installmenlx, secured by Botxi and Mortgage of Laud. Purchaser to pay for papers GEORGE D ROLL*NS, Judge of Probate D. C. No?. 14, ’78. AD1SINISTRAT0R S SALE, By virtue of aut honty vested in me by John Wilcox, Judge of Probate for Marion County, 1 will sell at public outcry, at Darlington C, H ou the first Monday in December next, certain articles of personal property belong ing to the estate of the late Ellen L. Brown, of the following description, to wit: Set of bed-room furniture, piano, rockaway,jewel ry, books &c. R. L. HART, w Adm’r of Ellen L. Brown. Boot*, &<*., EVER OFFEICIFORSALK IN DARLINGTON COUNTY The Senior paer of the firm having spent the whole of the past Ssqier in New York purchasing his stock in f person, a having thereby bought at advantage ous p*s, thty feel sure that their prices can he competed with in this market. HORS I, BUGGIES, WAGONS, and all kinds FARMING IMPLEMENTS always on hand and for sale at • prices and on reasonable terms. Strict att«on will be given to supplying farmers on crop time. Also monoaned and other advances made where good sureity is furnid. We shall ee no {tains to keep everything needed and give satisfactio) our customers who do right by us. Give us a and see what we can do for you. Respectfully, MARCO & LE Darlington c., Nov. 1st. ms. HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR WOOL, SKINS, Beeswax, Tallow, &c., J3y £31. "WESHaSH. NORTH SIDE PEARL STREET, DARLINGTON, 8. C. JOB A F. WILSOA, HAS JUST RECEIVED HIS FALL STOCK, C02SrsISTI3STC3- OF ^Q-OOTDS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTH ING, GENT’S FURNISHING GOODij, GROCERIES, &C. Stoves and are. I AM AGENT FOR THE CELEBRATED *^ WATT PJLOW AND CASTINGS. . J Darlington, C. H., S. C., Sept. 12, 78. 3D. W. MANUFACTURER AND DE ALER IN ALL KINDS OF Octiriricigres and Hetrnoss, Whips, Umbrellas. Furniture, Carriage and Wagon Material, Leather and Shoo Findings, ALSO KEEPS ON HAND ALL KINDS OF WOOD AND MITALIO C’oflin* and Casket* OF THE LATEST DE8IGNES AND HANDSOMELY FINISHED. ALL GOODS MAULED DOWN AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. July 11-1 f] VV. H, I)jerry, Agent, Timmoitills, S. C, IIASK SALE BEANS. SUGARS, COFFEE. MULLETS, MACKEREL, COD FISH, RICE, CRACKERS. EGG BISCUIT, (VINEGAR. HUSTETTERS BIT [1 ERS. RIT1NG INK. SUN POWDER. OOD KEGS, AUCKTS, igars. LOVES. TEA. CANDY, LEMONS. MCKEES, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, OYSTERS, SALT. ONIONS, SOAPS, FIGS, LY E, SODA, APPLES, PIGS FEET, FRENCH MUST A tPICK. ALACK PEPPER, HKSTNUTS. MINCE MEAT. RISH POTATOES, JOS TON BAKED JEANS, / STARCH, TOMATOES, TEACHES, ALMON, IRE AD PREPARA- H0N. HERRINGS, SINGER, Ki NUTS, ALMONS, WALNUTS, candles. GINGERSNAPPS, MATCHES, APPLE BUTTER JELLIES, PEARL HOMIN Y, SAUSAGE, LARD, BUTTER, MOLASSES, BUK-WIIEAT, FLOUR, CANVASED HAMS EC AN NUTS, WHITE BACON. SMOKED BACON, October 20th. 18' “ Be just that you may be liberal with a good conscience.” JOHN McSWEEN, COBACCO, SLACKING, SUCKETS, ) RANGE.3, 1DEK. lAISINS, >1PES. SUTMEGS, APS, IOCOA NUTS, NUFF, A BRAGK. EAST POWDER, HEESE, HOT, FALL pING A T IE Darlingbi Bazaar. Mrs. (E.Hymes Returns thanks tol® 1 dies of lie village an»l surrounding *unt y for their liberal patronage, and irttes item to call in and see her Fall Stocfrf MILLINjR? GOODS, Consisting of Ills, of nil stjlcs—Chip Straw, Felt tnil t\r%f. Also, ribbons, ties, flowers, kill gifts, silk mitts, »n<) Lisle tbresd gloscs, rfipel staff plain childrens and tallies hose.sick combs, lace setts, lace collars, lace an »il> lies, illusion, black crepe, frilling 4 all ki. ls, embroideries. Isces. corsets, fans and [an attachments, plumes, stampd pateres in embroidery and braid, butuns ofall ahadcs in ailk and releet, silk galoon ftr trimmings, black and white eeils, Iracelett black jewelry in setts and seperate silk haidkerehiefs. A nice assirttnent >f articles too numer ous to menthn. Call md aee and feel satisfied you can buyebeaper ban in Charleston. Her terms ere cssh, her goods cheap. Quick sales and snail profis is her motto. [apr. 18 L! AND Others Coming! o — Prices Lower than Ever! I have just received and openened another new supply DEIV GOODS & CLOTHING FOK THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE, io which I respectfully ask the attention of the public as to price and quality. My slock is now consider ibly larger than ever before, and the quality of my goods I think will please the taste of the most fastid ious. As to Prices, I am confident that I can com pete successfully with any country store in the State. While 1 dsn’t pretend to say that I am sell ing my goods at.Cost, or as cheap as they can be bought at the Manufactories, I do Fay emphatically ihat 1 don’t mean to be under sold by any house in this section of country who sells as good a quality of goods. I also have and keep constantly on a full assortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS, CONFEC TIONARIES TOBACCO AND SEGAR8, LIQUORS, &c., Which I am wiling al pricea to anil tb* time* IliKhPNt Market Price* Paid for Cotton, either in Seed or Male. THEO. KUKER. Timmostvnax. 8. C. mar 9-tf. ST. JOHN’S U’ADKMV. The undersigned expects to re-open St. Jptix’a Academy, October 1st, 1878. Rates of Tuition: [Successor to Keith & McSweeu.] DE-A-XjiEXl XKT GENERAL MERCHANDISE, And Agent For all Prominent Guanos. A Carefully Assorted Stock of Fall and Winter Goorjs in FXjTJSBI STTIPFlLiir. THE E-A.CT TKA.T THE Times Are Improving la recognized, and WITH LARGE AND STEADY SALES, The Margin of profits is reduced to a mere shade. Interests of Customers in every material regard attentively looked to. Octlls Solicited, Which will be uniformly valued and sought to he Rendered Mutually Pleasant. Sept 12] W. E- T. -PEEN-aE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHER/.W, S. C. Haring rclurneil lo hi» obi home, .111 resume the practieJ of his profaeeion in Chesterfield, Marlloro, Darlington piand Marion, S. C. iMb 2l-6 NOTICE. Primary department, inttriutdiate DeparJ* men t, (ioc‘ Primary Lajin'.) • iL (inolud- $8.00 per month. 4.00 per month. High School, ing adranced Lalin, Greek. F r e n e h, Mathematics, Ac. 5.00 per month, Should the number of Scholars warrant it, a liberal deduction will be made from the regular rates. Persons desiring lo pal rotme tha School, will please address me at so early date, at Darlington C. H. Board can be obtained in private families at Darlington C. IL. ou resaouable terms. P. I). EVANS, Principal. 8eptl2-Sm. UPON nil PHILS MD BIG PROFITS! New goods-Falt stock AT EARItY’S YEW STORE. Silks, Dress Goods, Laces, Trimmiqg. AND LADIES’ FANCY WEAR IN GREAT VARIETY, KJOTUIE—800 BUSHELS RED RUST M PROOF SEED OATS For Sale by E G KIKVEN. OUR GENT’S DEPARTMENT IS FULL AND COMPLETE GtEOCEEIES, HATCDWA-IRE <ScC. LOWER THAN EVER.