Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, March 11, 1875, Image 6

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u?rTJ* and 11wit par. Ulddv Fiactte, ?>ave F?wtte, I b-?w Fluclt j ime morning, Anil preMy Flnotte sho was nursing her pet, With airs or rebuke and warning; Bhe carried her pet m her itatoored gown, And -cclded at piURnrltb finger and frown ? ?'Ab, would you, pussy? Lie- down, llodowul now pretty she looked that morning! How pretty oho looked, tho young Finotte, UVr woll-ael HmbB how llBBome I - Thq atax and hand that nursed tho pet, Wlmt would one glvo to Mbb 'em ? But'Flnetlo looked rroes, aud this was tho cause:. Fuw, the pot, was airing hor claws? Aud then I thought or some old men's saws? How lucky I did not ml?s 'em 1 I looked Bt Flnolte, soft, smooth Finotto, As soft as down of tJder. .< And I Haw that Finotto hsd claws llko hor pol; I Aad yot, could I ever chide her ? To a creature as Boft as tho eider down, I never could baar. with Anger and frown, . To tar, " Ah, would you ? Lie down,.Ho down!" *" *dr watch' her about llko a spider. ? But if I.niarriod tho plump Finotte, Tbat.Boon would be my duty; ?>F<>r pretty Fiuetto can sulk aud fret, I??'Min A"-' thou what comrs of beauty ? "' " Ah ! brauty in only skin deep, yon know. And does not lan lon< (never mind IVEnclo?)? Remember Da.i'au, Xmtlppo, and, oh, . 4 g ? . ooi>a. ThWf mWh urn xtium, theso saws are pat, Vul ho v.-.-nt aud married tho girl for all that; Andaho very soon aired her claws, the cat I Andlio grow thin as Finotto grew fat? Don't marry a girl far her beauty. AGRICULTURE. HOW TO CURE TIT.E liONO MOSS. jQar ^een mo3B (liiianuBin usueoides) m "beVt and most quickly prepared by being simply boiled for a short while, then dried aud beaten to get rid of the vogotablo outer coating. Prepared in ' this way, it is much oleaner than when prepared by the common process of rot* ; ting in mud or in a hog pen. INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS. It willinot diminish tho interest in theBO plant's to know that one family of thorn, thef?arr?cenia, is probably our bost remedy for indigestion. If the , ohewod, or if they be put in a bottle (dH much an can be convoniontly got in) and then the bottle bo filled with whisky,, or other ?pirits, and a tnblcBpoonful of this tinoturo takon in a litlfb^water, it will immediately re lieve a lit of indigestion, without cans ing any apparent notion of any kind be yond tho relief. TAN YAH HOOTS VS. TANYAH TOPS. From the disappointment of your Orangcburg correspondent V B," I sup poso lint ho must have planted his crop ou dry, sandy land. I raised plonty^of them on a clearod ovpreBS pondjTaobut five miles below tho village, during tho war. If bo wishes to grow tholA^BUCcessfiilly, lot him try them in ,a jiob vdn,mp soil. say in his neighbor hood, in a part of a oypreBS pond, whero tho blnok gum- growa freoly, and not dig until after tho tops have been killed by tho frost. I am yory sorry that I have nono to send him, as I havohoro no land suitable for thoir growth. HORTIOUnT?RATj 1UNTS FOB MARCH. . Boeto, currols und paranipa may bo put in for tho main crop (in thin lati tude) from tho middlo to tho lust of this mouth (noxt month in tho middlo and upper country), alBo salsify. Swiss . chard, cross, muBtord, kohlrabi, etc. IiOttnco, radishes, and turnips, for a succession, may bo put in any tirao during tho month. Sugar corn ma-yj*? tried hero toward tho last of Jthe month, - ten*, tVitrnrmrernpsTiouUl bo deferred till March. Cabbage plants should bo set out at various times dming tho month ; and, as thoy begin to grow, tho Boil should bo frequently stirred. Toma toes and othor- tonder plants may bn started in a hot-bed or a cold frame. If ono iu disposed to tako tho trouble .to protect then), a fow hills of encum bers, squashes und melons may bo planted. Bottar .loss boxes, ilftocn (inches sqnnro, and six "or sevon inches high, covered with oiled cotton cloth, THOrvo admirably for this purpose end coBt littlo. Aftor tho plants eomo up, tho boxos mubt bo lifted off, or raised at on-ftsido iu pleasant weathor, to ad mit the air. In tho hit it ude. of Oharlostou garden peas uro planted wit? tho bost rosults irorn tho 20t)i of December to tho mid dlo of January^but thoy may bo put in any timo1 during tho present month to kcop up a succession^ A little further north this is a good time to plant the main crop.' Hoe frequently those that uro advanced and set sticks for their support. 5 Even the dwarfest ki?u? do hotter in that way. Wo have recom mcuded to plant, pretty thickly, but thero may'bo a question what is to be considered thick planting. Well, for the dwarf kinds ono pint of seed to from fif ty, to sixty feet of double row. Of fho large growing kinds a pint of seod should plant from eighty to ono hundred feet of double row. Let the distance apart of the about equal to tho height the peas are ex paotcd to grow, whether it bo one, two, three or fonr feet. ' Irish potatoes are, doubtless, already planted, in most casos, but they are still in season, and if put in at once may'mako as good orops as those planted earlier. Choose, if possible, a good, black, moist, but not wot soil, aud manure liberally, avoiding, however, too much crudo stable manure if you doBire tubers .of tho best quality. Wood ashes, ohip manure, rotten sawdust and the scrapings of the houso-ynrd are ex cellent for. this ciop. The Early Rose is tho best varioty, so far as our experi ence goes ;. in fact, it is so much better than any other, that we would not ac cept as a gift, for planting, any of the older kinds, good bb some of them are. Tho Peerless ifl said to bo an excellent, and very productive varioty, and to bo suited to our olimate, but wo have not tried it. Iu vi.o ilowcr garden there is plenty of work to bo dono ; lily and gladiolns bulks should bo planted, and, toward the last of the month, the seeds of hardy piivnninls and annuals, Half-hardy aud louder annuals may be sown under glasp, to be' transplanted when the weather bocomes warm. Perennial plante of hiat season's growth may now be transplanted, dividing them in snob esRos as permit thi? mode of multiply ing specimens. Many of the early flow ering bulbous plants will now be in ,bloo:n, and thoy should be carefully at tended to and tied up to neat btafcea -jwhan necessary. Always out off the lowor fjtxms.o.s Boon as the flowers have ?Withered, nrtd in many cases a second stalk" will spring up and bloom, Toia is a "good time to fltriho cutting of hnrbacoonR plants, such as geraniums, heh'otropos, snlvias, aud colons, Of these, young or unripenod wood nbop.ld always bo tab?? ;'bnt it mnst not bo too soft. When iv shoot will break on the upper purl, on being bent, it will not bo far from the propor otsge of growth. Tho outt intm may bo from two to three inohes in length and the leaves muBt bo removed (cutting them oIobo to the stem) from the part to bo inserted in | the Boll. Ueo a poiutod slick for insert ing them, and if set in pots place them near the rides. If insocte of any kind trouble you in the garden, orchard, or olsowhero, send epeoimens to our entomologist, Mr. Ohas. lt. Dodgo, Washington, D. O, with notos of inquiry or information. A wooden maloh box is one of tho bent tlxirgs to sond them iu. Do not send them to u3 in Charleston, as some have, heretofore done, but direotly to Mr. Dodgo, aB that will save trouble and expesae. one cause op southern poverty. First, then, I asoign as one of the reasons of our continned poverty and want of progress the faot, that wo do not produce enough of what we oat or drink, and buy too much on cre dit. To present-an elaborete argument in do fenso of this position would require a volume. One or two practical facts will suflioo to prove my assertion true, and the answer that every farmer will give when applying tho idea to his own case will corroborate these facts. In 1859 lue B?nth produoed over 5, 000,000 bales of .cotton of 400 pounds each, which sold at an averago of eleven cents per pound, realizing lesB than $250,000,000. In 1869 the cotton crop, of the south waa less than three and a half millions of bales, four hundred pounds eaeh, and sold for an average, of twenty-two cents per pound, realizing over $300, 000,000. The cotton orop of 1878 readied con siderably beyond four millions of bales, and sold for legs I ban $275,000,000. And this has been tho history of our crop annually in the past; havo wo any roason to anticipate that similar offeots will not follow tho same course in the future ? Then if the all cotton policy, or a large cotton crop has actually tended to impoverish ns as a people, who will assert that the same policy will not have similar effects upon in dividuals ? Qn paper it can bo easily proven that' cotton, as a crop, will pay bettor than any or all other products. But these figures are far moro unreliable than tho oft-abnscd labor of the country. There is no qustion but that individual farmers, having lands poouliarly adapted to tho growth of cotton, can net moro monoy growing cotton and buying their breads tuffs and provender than by cultivating a diversity of crops. But it is an egregious error to think, that A, B, or O, oan do so, therefore every southern farmor oan pursue tho Bamocoureo, anticipating thoBome result. Throngh a series of yeaia, regardless of tho prieo of cotton (I reitorato horo what I have often astertcd before in theso pageB), on ninoty-nino ont of every hundred southorn farms, it is cheaper to grow oats for plow animals than to haul corn from Um? v-curooi depot, bocaiiRo cuita will follow com wnli no cost but the seed and harvest ing, both of which can bo paid' for every winter in tho mntton that oan be fatted on I ho growing crops; it is cheaper to raise all tho pork the farm or's family can consumo annually than to boy bacon at ten cents per pound ; it is cheaper to grow a pound of wool, up to a certain nutnbur of pounds, than the same numbor of pounds of cotton; and it is cheaper to grow anything that can poBBbly bo grown upon tho farm thau to buy it on a credit. Fow farmors undor?tnnd proporly what is meant by "buying on a credit. ' Thoy know thoy get the artiolo and pay moro for it than if thoy paid tho cash*; but thoy nover onco oaloulato tho pro mium and percentage thoy aro paying for this privilego of gotting timo or orcdit. Lot mo illustrate The avor ago farmor may raiBO meat enough to do him till tho 1st of April. By that timo ho has to bny; but having no oaah, (hough good oredit, he goes to tho store and buys bacon at 15 cents per pound, payable 1st of November following. He learns the cash price is 12j cents per ponnd, but necessity com pels him to buy on oredit. Ho thus pays 2 J cents per pound "for tho privi lege of buying on a oredit, on'ono-sixth tho prioe to bo paid, which in simply 162 per cent, per annum for the use of money, But he buya in April, and has to pay first November, only eight months' oredit, and thus pays twenty live per cent, per annum for the usa of money. What farmer oan afford to do this and live ? What is applicable to bacon is equally bo to corn, hay, flour, implements, mules, and every article the farmer buys on a oredit. It is estimated that the avorage in crease of the agricultural wealth of the United States is abont four per cent, per annum The average increase of agricultural wealth in any southern state annually since tho war has not been one per cent. Indeed, some of tho states havo traveled the other road, and aro now lost in the wilderness of debt; and there is no moro potent cnuEO for ?his condition of things than that of buying on a oredit the necessaries of lifo to enable them to grow cotton, and this, toOj very frequently at a cost that exceeds its market value. There ia an infatuation about this cultivation of cotton that amounts to on halluoinatioo. Can there be nothing invonted to so far dispel it as to induoo tho southern farmer to livo moro within himself and less at the mercy of tho Shylook? of the land??Cor. Rural Carolinian. The official report of tho Austrian government respecting musical Instru mente at tho Vienna exposition, declares the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs to bo "the most distinguished and praise worthy instruments of their olans; praising iu detail their power and reso nance of tone, variety of combination and solo effects ; fine power of expres sion ; smooth, even and sympathetic tonoB, and thorough workmanship. They were awarded the first and hign eot medal. Other American organs in competition were* deolared to bo far less meritorious, the tones and workmanship being both inferior. In comparison, it was said : "Judged leniontly, they do not rifle above a respectable modioority." This was undoubtedly tho most expen sive, thorough and oompotont compnri son suoh instruments over made. * cke's Comet-?It? Twruty-thiru Yifit Wear at Hand. ucko'u comet io eoon to make its twenty* first recorded vi?it. Dr. Van Adlon has published hia ophotnoria of tho comet for tho forthcoming return, and it will reach its perihelion on tho 18th of April. It will bo ncare?t tho earth about tho Ith of May, ap proaching ub within a distance of about 00,000,000 miles. Tho larger telescopes will bo able pretty soon- to detect tho presence of tho celestial visitor. Eaoke's oomet is not a remarkable one. a tolc?copio comet, and consists of a circular patch of nobulns light some what condensed toward the center. Though usually only visible through the telescope, it is sometimes seen with the naked eye, as, for instance, on ? its appcaranoein 1828, when it shone Lko a star of the fifth magnitude. It is one of the tailless comotB, although on rare occasions a tail has been discerned ex tending'like u faint brush toward the Bun, and also a similar appendage branching out in an opposite direction. This little oomet is invested with a speoial interest for terrestrial observers, from tho faot that its period is tho shortest a. oug those whose tune of revolution have been ascertained, for it is only three years and a quarter in completing its course. It performs its revolution within the boundaries of the solar system, its perihelion being be tween tho Bun and Mercury, and its perihelion between Jupiter and the Asteroids. Encke'a comet, insignificant as it is, has been of nse to astronomers. When at its nearest approach to, Jupiter tho mass of tho huge planet was more ac curately deteimined by means of its "exoessive perturbation." In the same way W?en io was nearest Moroury, it was the means of detecting an error in the computation of the mass of that fiery little orb. Therefore, there will be a warm wolcomc for., this erratic member of the System on Its next ap ftroach to tho earth. If wo cannot f ol ow its oonrso among the stars with the unaided eye, we shall be glad to trace its steps under the guidance of those practical observers who are ever on the watch to imprison these Dying visitants within teletoopio range, ? and always ready to enlighten the world with the resnlt of their scientific skill. A Hero of Balaklava. Scarcely the next thing in order, but one of curious interest, is tho horo of Balaklava, ono of the immortal Six Hnndred who was in that fatal ohargo of the Light Brigado, of which Tenny son sings in such strains us to keep it forever in our memories. This horo who h ib lived to tell tho tale was a mcro lad, a private in tho regimout, and, resident now for some time in this country, yields to tho desiro of these who had hoard him in private conver sation, to give & public "leoturo, or, properly speaking, an account of his oxperienco. A simple, -uncultivated follow, though by i\o moans zudo in language or manner, his description of tho battle-Held, and 1 ho illustrations by diagram upon thobloek-board, woreboth spit ? ed - and - ?irnprepBivK? It1 didn't -need muob oratory to tell that story when tho speaker had had such per sonal experience and subsequent con tact with all that was left of the noble Six Hundred. A cavalry saber, used to furthor tho illustration, gave fierce suggestion and dramatic cficot. to tho whole. In tho courso of tho nccount, Mr, Edgar?for this js' tho heron name?read a correct copy, which ho had obtained from England, of tho or der from Lord Bo glan to tho Earl of Lucan which was so strangely misun derstood. Ho says that tho Light Brigado numbered. 073 men "when it wont down into tho Valley of Death." Of this number 195 answorcd at the next roll-call, though, including thoso taken by .the Russians, 235 escaped tho fearful carnage?413 being lost in tho brief fight over tho Russian Hold pieces. American Women.?It is a melancholy faot, that American women have degen erated in point of health and physique, until they have beconio literally a race of invalids. How sad i*- is to look around us and compare tho frail and effeminate looking lady of to-day with the hale, hearty and buxom Udies of days gone by. To all suoh the late discovory of Dr. Walkor, of California, which is known as Vinegar Bitters, is a priceless boon indeed. For this class of diseases it is certain and safe, and any lady, old or young, can take it with entire confi dence in the resnlt, and thus avoid what to thousands is a stumbling block never overcome, viz.?a consultation with a family phytioiap. 'Tis true there may be oases of years standing, that will necessitate more powerful treatment, but in nine cases out of ten this remedy v.ill reach tho disease, and after a little time effect a oaro. The nnmber of iadies onred by it are num bered by thousands, and are scattered through every state in the union. A Few Words to Feeble ami IJellc-nfc Women. By It. V. Piesce, M. I>., of tho World's Dis pensary. Buffalo, Now York Knowing that yon are subject' to a groat amount of suffering, that delicacy on Your part has a strong iondonoy to prolong, and tho longer it is negloctod tho moro youhavo to on duio and tho moro difficult of oaro your cano becomoe, I, ats a physician, who in daily con* Halted by scores of your vex, desire to way to yon that I am constantly mooting with thoeo who havo boon treatod for their ?Jloionts for months without boing hanolUed in tho loa?t, until thoy have hocomo perfectly discouraged and havo atmoHt mado up tliuir minds novor to tako anothor dose of modlcino, nor bo torturod by any furthor troatraout. Tlioy had rather dio and havo their Bufferings ended than to Uva and suffer as they ha vs. They Kay thoy aro worn out by suffering and uro* only mado worto by treatment. Of anything moro dis couraging, wo certainly oannot concoivo. aod froro thoio no iuoro successful modo of truat ng Hindi dinicnltioH than that, the prindnlos of which teach ttio redlining and deplotiug of tho vital forooH of tho syntcm, whou tho inrli ? cations dictato a treatment dirootly thoieveree of the ono adopted for them, their caees would bo deplorable Indeed. But, tady Buffer ei-H, there is a better and far more euccoieful plan of treatment for you; one more in h?r mony with the !*<*? and requirement* of u>m Byctcm. A haish irritating camdie treatment and utrong medicines will novor cum yo i. If you would lino rational moaiiH, euch an oom mon-sonsn Hhouhl diotato to ovory intelligent lady, tnlio such modiolnfm an embody thn very nest invigorating io.v.c; r.r.d norvmoi, oom pounded with tp iclal roforence to your dolicat> system. Such a happy ooml-iuaiiop yon will dud In my Favorite Preecrintlon which 1ms re ceived tho loudest pratao from thousands of yonraex. Those languid tlresoroo bob *?tiona canning you to ford Bcarcoly abla to bo o 1 your, fcot or neuviiil a l'litht of stairs; that continual i drain that in uapplng frem your systems alt ?our ffruier ^;!:liif.'..,i^,^ and driving Use bloom from your cheeks: that continual Htrolu upon your vital force'e that rendei? you irritablo and fretful, may all be ovoroome and subduod bra persevering qso of that marvelous, remedy. Irregularities aud obstructions to the proper workings of your eyntoina sro relieved by this mild and safe mean?, wh'.lo periodical pains, Uio oxiatonco of which is r. euro indication of eerioiiB dltJOABo that should not be neglected, readily yield to it, aud if itu nse 1b kept up for a rouonablo length of lirno tho Hpecial cauao of tboao ? iiaiiiH is permanently removed. Further light on thouo eubjnote may bo obtain ed from my pauiphlot on dtaeasoB peculiar to your nek, sent On receipt of two stamps. My Favorito Proscription la-.sold by druggistb. Thb American Oroans, advertised in another column, have the guaranty which comes from twenty-five years of successful experiment, and from the well-known high character of tho manu facturers. They now offer entirely now atyles, unsurpassed in quality and beauty; ** Motebrs, who havo dolicate children, who aro subjoot to croup. When your child goos to bed wbeozing aud coughing you know not i oforo morning croup may set in, and be-, f oi o you can got a physician your child may be beyond tho roach of help. Allan's Lang Bal sam should always be kopt in the house, and bo givon imtnodi&toly whou tho fliM symptoms appofr, which will remove tho mnens collected in tho throat and aavo the lito of your dear, obild. For salo by all medicine dealers. EiiEOTBiorrx jsLife.?-All nervous dis orders, ohronio diseases of. the chest, head, livor, etomaeb, kidnoyo aud blood, aches' and pains, norvons and .genera) debility, - otc, quickly cured after'drugs fail by wearing Volt a Electro Bolts and Bands. Valuablo book free, by Volta Bolt Co., Cincinnati, Oblp. - There are probably a hundred or more persons in this and .neighboring- towns, who daily suffer from the dietroBslng effectB of kidney troubles, who do not know that; Johnson's Anodynp Liniment is almost a cer tain euro. In sovoro cocoa, great roliof may | bo obtained, if not a perfect care. We notice that the Agricultural pa-; pora all over tho country recommend tho use of Sheridan's Cavaiiy Condition Powders.-? Exchange. Farmorsand othorn in this section havo long known and approoiatod tho advantage of tlicno Powders ovor all others. A FonTUNc; ron $1.?''The Wyotbmg month ly Lottery is conducted on the square."?Slock Journal. Sooadvorlieementinanothorcolnnui. BunjJKTr's Cocoaixe is tho beat and cheap est hair dressing in tho world. Go to Bivorsido Water Gere, Hamilton, IT. Dr. Ttill'a Iitvor PHIa followed byqai nil: c Is'a permanent euro for chills and fever. They aro purely vegetable. Sold everywhere. Agontn. Chang Chang sells iu night. Necessary aa ?oap. Coeds free Chang Chang M'Pg Co..Boston. Patent Novelties. Largest Hiattnnory packaco In the world. Felton A Co. 110 I*osaau St., N. Y. ?P l\t\ a week to agents. Circular* free. Hamrdo ?JpViV/ i*. O. t it lW CK A Co ,bt. Louis, No. 05 | (\ to9'J5 PKR DAY-Hcnd f?r "Cbromo" '.i ? 1 \ / catalogue J rt. iu>i-1- >?!>?;: sonh, Bonton. cbortfl ,l "?"'?tli to awents ov-'fywhere. Address iWvU ExrRLHion M'f'n Co., Buchanan, Mich. fX\l\ s HOn norday at home, terms rree. Address *>lO f? 96V \iK0. HTiMsoN A Co.. Portland. Maine tfl? 6)t i i>ntlr ><i Agent?, now articles and the ?U>*jV/ hem Family Paper In America, with two f rirhrnmos, free. Ani.MM'g Co.300 Rroaoway, N.Y. A ?KNT8 WANTED?Men and womon IM a /V. week nr f im forfeited. Tin? secret free, write at onre to COWKN A CO.. Rth street. New York. Jgt>fr I'Kli^ DA V commliulnn or ?3U ? ito?Ii *ir>/U*} salary,and oxponsen. We offer Hand will vny It. Apply now. <?.WetiherACo, Marlon.O MflWPY ?""'? rnpidlu wllh Stencil and Key Check luUitDl out hl?. CataloRtio,nnmplMand full pnrUo ularafreo. H. M (tpencei, 117 Unnovcr-st.,Beaton, (>>nttant SmpfnumnU.?At home, nutlo or fomnle, fW a week warranted. r?o rurpltal required. Par Iculnrrt and valOKltln nnmplon aent free. Addren?, Willi r>c.return atanip, C. Ronti, WllllarnhbiirghJN.Y. ADVBRTJHKBMI Send aa eta. to (4so. P. now kll A i)o,,4\ Park Row, N. Y., for tlielr Tarn vhirt at lt)U jiaon. cnriiKlnliu; lists of 3,000 newa papers, and estIim?ten ? Ihivhk enat of artvertlslo .S'JTiU Per Month. Wan loo agents and canvarsors muleor female to sell an arilivo recently patented. hQmethlugevery lamtly mttat have. Nocompeti. tlou. R. H. Maycrn. 07 Jetlera. it nt., Lontsvlllo, Ky. hnilI8 paper ii printed with Ink furnished by Jl Charles Boeu Johnson * 0o.;S09 Ho. toth ku, i'lillailclpbla. ami so UoH .-iroet New York. For sj?Io in Id and 2.1 B> cans by faOUTHKRN NKWtv P.iPER UNION. Kiv hviii.v Tenn. TjpTT TJPOVor' VITS cured by the uae of Dr. Row' DrUinrnl Epileptic Remedies. Trial package i'iu:i:. For circulars, cvldenc** of anc res? Kosh UnoTiiKKn Itlo.hniona.Ind. A Week and rupenaea to alL Article* row, ?Uni? ns Itonr. Sample freo. O. M. LININd rON A imo.. N.Y. or Olilr.aBo. a. MONTH ? .tRents wanted every, wbete Buslno-s ii mdrablo and Mrst Particulars i>eni tree. Address wo KT 11 A CO. mi. J.oul!, Mo. ?5SNTS WANTED ?tt'?i n rcnittrs nun mir ??tra terms ioagent<?. NATION A I. PU BlilMH I NO COM PA NY, Cincinnati, Ohio, or Memiibls, Tenn. 700 SUPERB VARIETIES 0PB??fM COO.OOO Grconhouso Planta. TJllVrV Mailsnff Plants a Specialty. illiufiU lllustratod Catnlonur. Pres. llVafBV E.'ST. TEAS & CO. Richmond, Ind. MARRIAGE GUIDE Au Interesting Illus trated work of 'MX. paves, containing vatintble Information for those who are married or ComtempliUo marriage. PitceUfty cents by mail. Address ?B. BUTTS' DIHPKNHAUY 12 Nnrt ?1 - lull Mtf?*t.Ht. l..?.ilK. Me WE will send o varieties pukk fix)W kr hkkdh (> our choice from our Cata loans.) for ? eta. All true to oame and warranted. 30 fur tl. M-mi m eta. for a --. !,> iviw'..;.- .if nur .V> >rr tr Dxcurf jriwjwt .1* 1* o Tver and our t :u u n ?:? .of i>ome?tlc and Jin 6 iO iiorted Hced-t for i:.v. Addreev BONN F.I.LY A CO.. Rochester. N. Y, SENT FREE a Book exposing the mystoriea of TjfftTT GOT and how any one may operate anc- ilillili 01, cessrully with n capital 01 SSO or 5 lotto. Com. pletn ln<<trur'tlotiH mid lltiihtralious to i>nv address. TUAIIIItlUtiSK A. CO. IlANKKiix and BnoKKHfl, 2 Wall ?treet. Now York. TIN WIRE RINGS. >- . Will in.t Jin.t oe\., llio v>> Jloe ? \oma More. s*' j?*fdwnre Dealern sell them. S^op. coc.1 Compered Bi'rigi. ft*0* 1 ToncB H?j, by tn3? -JiRP'lpald. ClrouUra rsee. y/if. W. mil A Co. DcoaturJU. WHAT AUK I'lf.KHI BEADI ?'PI.A1N BliUKf Karts." nTreatiaoon tho Cnuse's, IliBiory, Cure and lNcvintlioofPll.ES. Pub llslicd br P NKI.istaf.l?. TKIl a CO.,? W?lk*r Klreeu Ne York. fenil'aRKioall i>Mr.? bf ih? e 1,u.mi Btates so reteipl or a Intel tUntp. D. iA\r.ri.L>s msw AsrVHSAV ArVIV l ATAMBU HK?tE?V. H.vliiK .lni;,-li il twenty* year* wiv?n Urs an? dt*lh with AMTIIHA, 1 ox|>*rimtn<?d t>7 com uuuudlDit riots ?in! licrts knilluhkllDg Diaitlfd letnf. I lo:|iit>tilT dUcvTtrtd a womtfriul remedy soil ?ui? curs for AUhnancJ Cturrh. Warrioteil Inrrllevt lotUntly tht ritltnl cm lie down to rf?t ?ns sleep comlorUU/. Druc Irlit*sie tiirpllnt with tumpl* p.ckigtt for rui (tutrlt.iith.n. Colt end get one, or addrets i). 1.ASM**!Arplo Creek, oki?. ? Si.lil ty Diurci-t*. PiiU-also I'ackaft, \>y B>ali,|l.SS. ADVERTISERS. Tli a Ante Wenn \?-.vapnpcr Union Toirnben iver l,H<>i)apam, separated into soveit swbillvi? Inn?. Vor separata liat sand coat of advertlMog, addrcia D, P. BAHB?BN, 1U MourooBt., ChlcuBo ? MUSIC BOOKS BBBT B OIt Thomas* Sacked Qdaktetu, Bauvbaoh's Oaoivkd"quartets, r Buck's Motet Ccxi?ctich. ? Baumbacii's New Collection, Buck's 2d Moiet Collection. CntmoH ah? Home. Haytkb's Ohueoh Music. Tnwrrx CoLLEcmoi?. Prlco of each boot, Board?, fIM; In Clotb;|2-7s. CLARKE'S NEW METHOD FOR HEED OHGAHB By VftttttB IL Olaiikk. Pried $3.60. Mr. Wm. H. Clarke, a distinguished orgnnlsl tinrt composer, wasespecially fortunate in the com pilation or this line wortc, which sprang Into pop ular flavor Immediately on Its is-uo, has had re marknbio success, and continues lo be the leading method, contains, In addition to Instruction?, a capita! collection or Reed Organ music All books sent, post paid, for retail price. Oliver Ditsou k Co., Chas. fl< Uibon & Co,, BOSTON. TU Broadway? N. V. ORGANS For Home Use, arid for Churches and Kails. NEW AND fflPROVED STYLES. Oseaualefl in Tone^ and in Beanty of Exterior. The Sffll terican Orp Co. S2? OP BOSTON, MASS, Call attention te their Nkw List, with engravings and .descriptions, ar.d aware trie public that In iheee instruments are to be fonnd combined the bent effects which they have made In. their twenty hve years ot experience. Ho other Instrument so exactly Imitates tho p|pe Orcan Tone. PRICES TO SUIT TIUS TIM KB. Ll3ts sent on application, HOTELS, BAKERS, GR0?ERS, HOUSEKEEPERS, BOARDING HOUSES, AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. 1 have an IMPROVED RECEIPT for making a purk BAKIBG or YKABT POWDER equal to Iho best In tho.msrKet, with which i will sei.d a b?oIr jtIvlnK -?Oncw nnd EXCELLENT METII ODi for uslnir It in cook Inc. My Baking I'owder can be made for 16 cents a pound; Why pay so or fio cents per pound when you tan oa tiy mnkeyotir own for 18 cen's? Price or my receipt ft js. It will, however,bosentunonreceiptorti 00 uyham', with dlrectiona (In English and German) for makimo and iiHiHo, If the namr of the. njcwspa . tea Ii gtvon In which thin :.d vor tl.soment In seen. The cosr of tots KKcairr r? hsvko is jtyaar. Timr.i: ro?.nds of powder made. Ingredients kept by grocers and druggists every where. Address I). yy'.'BBIGOS. Practical BrDgglBt. Chicago, III. YOUNG FOLKS' HISTORY OF TUB XJIVIT,JBI> STATES. By T. -W. HIGGrnsr.SOlSr. " It has a cloar title to superiority over any t Un liar work"?Boston. Advertlur. " A book where-there Is everything to praise and nothing to condemn.' ?if. Y. TribuTit?.'? " the style or tho book la admirable."?A". Y, Xveniug I\>t'.. ." : rT-i-A ji Ji f ? - Mr. Rijr.ilnsnn was well qualified to write such a hliilnry/'-JSprfrip^/ft Rt\.\a>Uaiiu ' 8q. lOmo., will, over 10) Illustrations. Price }l.5n. Hem post-paid on receipt or the prlco. LEE ?& 4HKl'AItI), Boston. A LITEBAIty JOURNAL for the family. NO i:t ?NTXNUKD HTORIE*?. TBBMi OF rtlJMHCRlPriON, POSTAG15 PAID. ONK YKAIt, ??.501 U -mONTHS, 91. MB. ORB iT pr KMi UM offer. Tbecbu'co or two beautlflil Bleel engravings, sire 10x24. ?BUCKsLING;!,' nnd 'THK HIMTJCRS,' As a premium to each sutwcrlber for O months; and 91 Worth of Choice Klower Seediior both engravings lo each yearly aubscrlber. Oil ?jknt?. For tbli smonnt we will send tho " ATLANTIC" fur 3 months* trial, poslnge-pald. Agents wanted everywhere. Address ATLAN iO.WEEiay.,r? Chestnut street, Philadelphia. f. & V.lUco&Vo..0rot(ri Bof 'tn',m' Ml'*'-" .*?'.):?. Foam rW;tvcn perfect satisfaction.". It * "Is excellent, Cornelia A Mumrord, Uroccrt Vrovldtnee, H. I., toy: ?<* Your ?Jo* Foam Is wonderful. Our a?les sro Immense. Everybody peaces lt.? :f " it makes bread richer, light er, whiter, purer, ?wecter, and more wholesomo than any other way " Thegr?r\t(.".t thlnK lo rr-lt you averssw. Bend at once lor clr cnlarloGeo F. Gants A Co, ;ito ouano street, New York. This new Trass la worn with perfect comfort, night and day. Adapts Itself to every motion of the body, retaining ltupiuro under the hardest exercise or tt v*re?t strain until per manently cured, bold cheap by the Elastic Truss Co., OSr. Broadway, New York City. Bent by mall, call or send for circular and be enrod. $R nifill*Qa tho N. V. SATURDAY JOUR *PO UfiOn NAT., the great literary weekly of America, for oae year for tho rognlar snbtcrlptlon price, ?3, postage paid. VI7* Namc-i entered impartially as received, and ' *5 ca*h sent at once lo every llftr? subscriber. Clubs of a (at ?3 each) mav rftatn the ?tT This is our " chrorao"?a cash premium of is io every Ofih nuhserlber! The ilrm name is a cufllcleiit guaranty of fulrnevt and fulllllment. Send money ordpr or registered letter to BtCADLE A ADAM?. Publish ers, OS William Strest, New York. DO Y^ILPWM K?Nt|MCI PRINTING PSESS. Tl )UR0 KT: I Too Btyles, Friers from s5.o0 to ?1bo.0o BENJ. O. WOODS & ?O. Mannfr. end 'dfslrrilnsir Send ttamp for Catalogue. ?""-,",nri""fi!R!iai.?L"K:iS5: DR ? ? JUM.V? V? as D0 vauuHiai|| NO-SliJ NnrthKlfthStreet, Bt; LonU. Ma; F?STAl) L181IHD1SI7. CurcifllsolTm-rsuhhouttheujoor AlnTounr. OhnrecA n-.-ownnlilo fees. : t?r~?'r. B.'s "Trwitlse rrn Sf.u-tsl Diseaees," which fully eiplnins tln> n?tnre, c*nw, ??.-uploni?, and nicsip? to enro all forma nf Nprvnin Onldlity, all Diaeares eatind by the ? Krrnrt of Yonth." and valnablo Information on other delicate subject*, wnt s'lo Ip plain eeoled mvelopo. THE FAVORITES. FAMILY FA VOISITK. ^ 1 he Titles MANUrAVTVHKtttp FAVCMTJS.Y Indicate rtKNFItAI. FA VOKITH, ) th" Uses For full information lespecltng our Goodi. or Asenclt-s fur oanic.BddrefSWREO sn.wi ma CHImk COMPANY at Hartford Connecticut, or our Branch OiBcesln leading title-.. Seed Time Comethl Out- Flow? aiut Kitchen Uarden lltti?. t-'^Ji*'1 D,1rrc,ory r?* ,8''fl (?^jud EdltlOB). wlto Hnpp'eaent or ^rlve^tle^ and Spe"laltlM If, HRF-rf-* "lid r?lh?r n?r.1<.n- r. M..I.I.V tor the Season, is now being sent to nil eaM6in?ri of last ye.r-and will be vent to oUiert FKKE on application- Address. U. T. CURTI ?> a Oa* Hoi ion. Mam. , COAREmFOMDEBICB lAVlTICO With persons dealrlotr lo exchange Southern or ^eslern Lands, depreciated curporatloa i>o:?? or debtn fany kind for wt. Loula n,opert>. Bargains piocured for luvestors In ?st. LOOM pron?iy, and full Information as to value arid titles Imported to clients W>NTcm-T Hkhmam A RaiMKr. ounsel ore. ate retained (oprcsecutoall llilgnllon pertain ing to titles, corporations, etc. B. B Waudku, Investing Agent, ?irt Pinn Mreet, St. Lonln Mo. mAisKNTH W?.1T.!. K\ e,i in the world-*! Inig?*t company In Am kv kuvwi! i hk ?The ?Kliapiirn-rs' prirvs .^merioa? atupln nnlnle ?piiaSfB everybody?l/idft intiea ln??bwv ln> .lneemeiita- don't waste time-send for circular to Robert Weils, ? Vescy St,, W. Y.; P.O. Box 1267. I)r. .7. Walker's California Pgar Bitters nro'a purely Yoget preparation, made chieiiy from tho the herbs found on tho lower ranges tho Sierra. Novnda mountains of Oal uht, the medicinal jircpcrtiea of vvt, aro extracted thorefroin without tho of Alcohol. Thd question in daily asked. ''Whatia the cause of thd;?; unparalleled success of Vikeoau Bit ters?" Our answer is, that they removn the cause of disease, and tho patiant re covers his health. They aro the great blood purifier and a life-giving principle, a perfect Kenovniur and Invigoratotf, of the syBtein Novcr boforo in tho;; history of tho world has n medicine h?ift'< compounded possessing tho . renutikahlo " qualities of Vineoati Bittkrs in hcnliup tho. sick of every disease man is heir to. They ' are a gentlo Purgative as well m a Tonic, rolioving Congestion or InHammntion of the Liver and Visceral Orgej??.' in Billons , Disease;'. Tho properties of Dr. Walker's FineoarJJiTTBas.oxo Aperient, Biaphorof\c, Oarmlnntivo, Nutritious, laxative, ]>imuf-'a, Sedativa, Ckmnter-Irritont, Sudorific, Alt cr?v Uve, and Anti-BluYraa. Ii. II. McDONAldJ ?X CO., Droppl*!* andQcn. Agta., Son Francisco, California, and cor. of Washington and Chnrllon Sts.. K. T. Sold by all Druggist* nnd Settlers. My atiMtru catalogue of Vegetable aim rtnv.rr Heed for IST*, will r>e sent /?? to ell who npplv. ? nntomers of lest reaton need not write for lt. In i It will he fonnd several valuable varn-tlpi of new vegetable* Introdnced for tho ncr.t nm? thlss?i?on, having made no* vegetable* a specialty for mhmj.v years. Crowing ow a numlntt and fifty vnrtctlf on my several f .rat, 1 would pattlco arly lovlto tho patronago of market gardener* uud all pttat " > who are especially ocalrowa lo lmvo tfcelr seed pi"-" and trcsh.nndorfAr)rrrj/tirt<r<r?n?. ah ft out from my establishment aro coveted hyjbr^o warrants as given In my catalogue. JaMF.H j. h. GKKGORY, Marntchend. Mms. Established ISSH. . TUhJTF. JIAI1E, VATZHTJUJ. The best and cheapest Paint in tTtn' World for Iron, Tin or Wooil. I'or salo'' by Herders bvcrywhere. PRINCES' JIKTATXIC PATXT CO.. Minuft'rerp. 00 t'ctlar Kl. Kew YmU. tSTCAUTION.-Fnrcbaceru will pleaset sec that onr naroo arid trndo mark aro on each and I every pocka^c-. Send for n < :ircnbr. A FORTUNE FOR $1. Wyoming Monthly LOTTERY. Ltgalittd ty A tit*erity */an act */thtLt/rittattirt. Tlckett $1 each, Six for $5. Ono Chane? in every 9. ...... -? ?j ~?-Wi?.B, 1 Cash Prize of 1 Ca*>h Prize of 1 Cash Prize of I Cash Prize of 61,026 Oash PrizeBamountingto$350,00O Tb?- flr.t Ciiraontinsry Prsninc wj? Fititflfit OTtr by Cot. Patrick, rr??'l r>f Ilnanl of'Trad*. Th? wtond by Oo.rroor J?in-?. Third bv Tt*a?t Halfan- Tb? fonrlh fcr Ju-tp? H?t ktti. eraa'tof tb*Striata. 0,aw? evory so Days. A Finn wanted, pxy Fcr full parlkelir* it nit for Circular*. Addrm th? St.ntrfr. d. M. PATTEE, Lernml? City. Wyoming;,, N. 11 ?t.?r?inl? City 1? on tb? t*nlo? r?elf,', fc?-' t*?.u Cblctgo O?d?o. $100,000 50,000 mooo DR. WHITTIER, clo. 61? St. Charles Street, St, Loula, Bs,f i-ntlaiir? to Ucat all emm of eb?ttct?? to n\?rH?M, t-rvA .mcurlllt?, errry alteret er ?fctti?*? ?Mth rr?ut:? ftw? m lljcruiim nr, with Bn?aralM*d ?OMeaK lit. W.'i c?t?ll'.hr,-.?ut Ii charirrt? by UscBUIcH ?t> ?cur!, *a< fouwlrd ani bti b>?n tntubtl?hel to r?cirt f>r?, eertalo and rrliab!? relief. Brlpe a iraciaatu ?l tevi>ral ro?Ji:?l colloge?. an?l baring the ?Tr?u?rrA? h ?? l(?? anj ruc?a,.rul lir? In hl? ?ytcUU-'ci hoho t>?rf>rH*u) r;?i ;;;; :tit ar: tOstixiz: in s? Hvm ?U are b?lof trratrj hj or ?xprm? iTtrtfkera Ma> m?tt< r Ttno fril?!, c?? er ?rite. t'rcm (bt ircitt ftirv ' Orr of apptliatlon? Ii* 1? ?nabt<il to k?<i> U? tt.tfOt) ?ow. oO pogc?, el''''! full ?ymptoma, for tm ,>t??lic*, MAR^ACE CUlDEa MR(.?fa>, B.fAfotar betk ?tjlili ?hould r? rtkit *s ?? bf.1r Ko ?d?r,i?d p;!.-, nr parfoai eoattDlUtirt M ?l?g-, ran ?rfv.l tolo wltbont lt. It-v/utili.iib* irtiM .^r .tum 01 tb!? tnhl?et, tb? raacJuor Dr W . P"1T "?*r*r:?5rv7il:''^ tbAujlju fn.w tat? ^?r Meeker s i ih j rno? cettful remsdy of the present day. 6*nd fur Pf on Opium Eating. P.O.Box <7 WIT?2? writing to udve?t Hers pleam tho name of Ihlo paper. niFI>KS,SHOT0i:: ur.vof.v Of any anu everyktn?l? 6cnd ?u?4 ITlaVal Works, rix X? au???? * A.