Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, August 28, 1872, Image 1

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THE OliANGEBURG TIMES Is published cycry W E I) N E S D A Y, ?i .<?? . . AT : ii i OKAXQEBUIIU, C IL, SOUTH CAROLINA BY FRANK P. BEAKI). ?tirnscmrnox katks: S?2 fi year,, in advance?$1 for six months". .KU! t'KINTINU in it- all depat Intents neatly executed. Give us a call. JIZLA H, <& DTB I^LF,, ATTOKNKYS AT LAW, lftJ&SEIAj STUEET, jOranjgcburg, h>. C. J \s. R T/.t.ak. ?S. Innnr.i:. inch U-lyr ? FEIvSNKR & DAN'i?ZL151{, 13 IS 7sT T I s rr s , Orangeburg, S. 0., Office over store of Wm. Willeok. v. Fnu.sNta. T. A. Oaxtzi.ku, I). L). S. rach 12-ouuh 3here'.vi lh return my than!;- to my friends for their past patronage, and hope still to merit their future patronage. 1 am glili over Captain F-I?* W, ilriggmunu's >torc, prepared to execute work in my lino of business, in the latest and MOST IMJ'ttoyUli STYLE. JGSi;" Satisfaction guaranteed. C- D. I'.hl'MK, jnl:5l-T Artist OTTO SOMTAWn DYEli AND JSCOI.'11 Ell OF (i ICXTVi COATS, PANT.-' AND IlATir. ?c, Cm.? ui.cstox, S. C. 1 am prepared Ii? furnish SASiIKS, P.LINDS, 1>.iiii--, Ma el-,ami every style of im'ide work, ;u 11k* short es i notice, and of best material, at l.dltmoiv rates, adding freight, Call in and f%.'c c.ita.ogite. liorls wmtuii <!. jtVil.N ? I Mil.TON', iiicli l.'J-lyr Or.tugcbmg, S. C. T !?: mv ES 2tArV('H A E > VOC A T K. Kstaw.:"sih:i? Si:i-rKMi:i:u !. IS70. IMjnUSIIEi? KVKItY MONDAY, IIY v. IV BKA iii), Hdltor end I'roprh tor n hums One year ------ S-.n<' Six iu*nths ------ ApYKRTlSFMKNTS inserted ai publisl il 1 ate.-. .I(>:'. IMtlNTlXO, in all i: - ihparhiun!> n.'htly executed on ||u< mos) teas? nable levins. t ns a ("air trial and we a- uro you we will satisfy you. Kirk Robinson, ^.'?1 '. OUAl.KM l,V ,-' V.' ?'' -"^ }) n)k.s, Music niitl H-fiitibiscry, und I' A rficics, .17' THE E.\(fl.\E 11 OES I-;, OKA.NOKIH U(J, C. Ji,( S, C. in ?b t'i - Jewelry, Watcho3 and Silverware, JAMES Afl/^AiV, Ko. :107 KINO STI^EICT, Invites special attention lo his new, layrgtj and elegant stock of IiCoiilinc, < )pcr;i NccU and Vest< 'bain.-, may 8-?> hios. JrVO. C?IA'OCK & CO., rACTOIiS and ( < >.M M iSH< )N MEN CHANTS, CIIAIILE8TON, S. C. joiin coi.cociv, Tiios. H. <'<?M.'0<,,\, i.. n.\<.<<>o O. I', HAY, Act. July 1?, 1872 '_!?>" .'bit fJV.K paytuet>hip hcretofoie existing he B. Iwceii .lames S. Ileyw'ard and Frank 1'. Heard, under the linn name of I ley ward cc J tea id, is (bis day dissolved by mutual con t'di I ? All an . nuts due the linn tiiiisl In- paid to Fi auk 1*. Heard, ho having purchased the entire interest in the Orangcburg TIMES, and having assiuhed all the liabilities of the firm. JAMES S. HEY WARD, FRANK \\ IJEAKD. Orangcburg, S. C, July 1?., 1672. POETRY. Some Day. Sonic day tho sun will be shining On tin: rose trees and poppies in bloom; And some day tlic moaning and pining Will stop at the door of a tomb. .Some, day the heart's bappy fuljncsa Will yield to reckoning:* of pain; Some day life's hoaviiics-?dullness? Will dfoj) from tbe pocr fevered brain, The strife, and die toil, tbo defending, Tbe man at war will) the few, .1/iist all on one day have an ending ? 1 Tbe fttUo put away from the true. .Some day the dream will bo broken, Some day the veil bo rent down, - Sonic day the bitter words KpoUeii, When the bright things ;iiavQ faded and flown So:hc day tbe yean* will ba going On, on, with new pledges?they nu:st; And .-nme day the grass will be growing, ()\r hearts then bat pitiful dust. Ibit the gobbing, the moaning and crying, Or tlie storm, tho' it h;:t;Jeand rave, Ilc'er shall* rouse n.*, so peacefully living &> tar from it all in tbo grave. And done With all hoping aa l grieving, '1 he love Had the hate* jitisml awny ; Y/eiKhali joy in know' weave leaving l'/irth'.- empty possessions, kouiv day. "S ?\ JXTKIV ST() ll vT" TEIAT MYST^&Y, on, Ahl/s WULh that KXDS yys:m,. nv i*::am i- vi a iia :>:::?. " (hie itrtt easily ',< aiori... but hciiig wrought Perplexed i:i the ex.'remc. Sn.VKlsl*i:.:n. As hap:T ??><? l-'vin- a lit:!.- wife as ever !.!.??.-?>! I he hear! ami li >mo of man was Kttth ?' |>i!'c. r. A gen tu?, l?"own eyed little dove, who Relieved ?all the world a good and a/lcmd as heWeif.'. Sho had becn'married hive years, and during hat tin;-.* hardly :i shadow of care or trouhh? !,;? 1 enter il l?er !'.::! ? home, i except what had hecn brought by her hi:.-Lund old aunt Prudence, a matd.'ii lady, very poor and terribly protid, who lived with tii Im. Ore little ^cherub of a boy the crowning blessing of her life. i would often rav .-!?:? was the happivst \\< :r.-.o: in the world, will? I ho best luiihnml and ovi.M to! baby. lij the :;. :?; hous'j lived a very pretty giVj t?i whom Aunt Prudence ' took n manifest dtslitce: and indeed she was the causd of lnauv a bcarhiehe to our ljitje. Ivlttll, Uum-.u- said Lii'.y liansonwns engaged In a man old enough to be her gra'nw I ather -at; arrangement of the b)d fojks. Lilly ?Ii 1 not love any one particularly, ami as tho old Colonel was initpensely wealthy, .-he did not object t>> their at rahgctni lit; A great intimacy sprung r.p between this young girl and lluth, and when1 the latin's brulher, a Lieutenant Scalen; ! came to make hi.- fete lor a yi-il oil Iii i return iVtiin sea,'scarcely a day pa ?< d withou! soiue party < f pleasure, or sigh'-' seeing cvpetlition, found them together; I; was soon very evident that Lilly's bright eyes und made a decided hapr. sion <?;; the yuan;.' officer, i Id a ciin|iilCntjji' talk with hi.; sister, he told her as much, but concluded by snying . " Lot it is a hopeless ease. H.?- is tru ly betrothed Id that ' Old (lohmell' It i' in? bad! lie is old enough to be Her grai dfather; h? I he is a noble old ehapj ami I ennh?l help liking him." ? " Would !;?? n; i release her, think you, jf she loved solue one. wise betterV'' sug* {jested hi.* sister, ! "No,! think not. It seems her lather is under .some very great obligation to him, and l am by no moans sure that sh? does love an) otic ln.-Lt? r than her old Colonel." So the vi.-it was concluded, nod y< ong Seaton bade adieu without giving bis sister any hope thai Lilly looked on him ' with any feelings other than simple friendship. i l.hit to Kuth'.s amazement., very foon her husband began to grow very fond of Lilly's company. If they were going to any place of amusement, he would be al most sure to t ay : ? Yotlhnd' bettor ask Lilly to go.?il Hot* old* lovordoes not take, her . outi much, and she will not go with youn'gj gentlemen." ' . Aunt Prudence did not hesitate to cx press hcvPelf very freely. On 6116 OCCtif sinn-she said: " Indeed, Iluth, child, I do not know what you are thinking; about, not to see that girl in trying hpr best to bewitch yoi*r husband.. It's plain as day to them ns are not blind, or don't want to see.. And I tinnk she is as artful n piece as I overcame across, having the impudence to tell you how good your.?? husbr.ud is, and what;i\;splw?Jid loUvny?huniph, its if you dida'.t know it. l*d let them know my eyes were open. I'd pip I be treated dk>.''. .;! K .'! /.d?! J! ''^*1af '! \yhy. Aunty! froated how ? George is devoted to me, njijhjnst us attentive as hp ever was. George, is sorry-, far her, ami-she i;-:akcs so,, juuch ul' hini, indeed of both of us, that of eotmc he cniinpt help bojpg kii.ul to hqrf -Nothjiig else,; but I do think he is a little too ibuiltipf her,"' in 11 nun red lyulb. "Is Mr. .Spencer in? Sisfc^wnni: <e sop him, und soys plca&C will ho step :it, our door a tnonioiiti before he 3i>i'.i to his .-tore,".excl>iimed liltlo Wii.iio Httiujbri running .into lyidh's tduihg-rpopi. " This put a slop |o Appt-Prudence s lecttire.ibr ilmt time. Indeed Uuth wnjj ve ry ghul to have a slop put to it. She had become-sore on tjid subject. Poor little thing, she tried hard not to sec or iiiir.k anything v.'rohg, but her pretty r.i'.v lipd :> decidedly careworn look. A (bv days after conversation, Lilly herself cam3 bounding in'..? the room ttiitl Faid : y\rs. .'?'p.-!'! :ei, i- n'i it most time your husband was hemp? I waul to,see him -iv.niy -h ; ! watched fir hini this morn 11 , 1 c 1 it; r. have \v>??? ?<! !>? dor ? i was at ihe window-" ami then, ns it her spt'cch needed apoluyy, she .-aii 1: "i want to see if lu hat a \y 'tor for me, he promised to call .1!. t!:o ofjioo." Tlicrc '.' :?> a s'.i p i;: (he hail, and away I she fl w to meet hi. 1, and had a hing Iii'!; f :; few iiuopicjjrt.s before (George runic into the ro< n?, und then parsed out not l:.':'ti;e i.Juth heard her sav, ?? Thank you, I'll haw: u ready and vv ilcji for you." V ery ijuhM was the p"or gric-vod-little wife. , All that Georgecould dp In be pleas ant, did not make the ahm ?;? pther limp a very dismal meal; ?if?!, wheij inj iiig his leave, he went as u. ual to kiss Ijor, ,s!ic did nol want to return it; b;:t run up slabs to bido'her tears from Atrnt Pru dence That evi ning when her husband carnu home, she did not fry to wear a happy 'hoe, she was miserable, and was not go ing fo try to hide it any longer. " f!'::!?. darling; what is life niatl ???'.' What-'ails you*? I've never, i:; the live years pf our married litb", sepii your sw?ct fact; wear a frown i,r any expression but love and happiness, until Within (he last few d?Tys, Tell yniir husband whal trou bles you," ho .-aid, taking du v in his arm-'. she hurst into h ajpj fold hini all ; and what Aunt Prudence thought and " Little v.ife, do mil lei yonr pure heart he troubled by wlinl A tint I'ru deneo says, and above pll do not see your friends' actions with her t yes. Tins; your husband, and bo very surd that he j loves his little Ruth mote arid More ee - ry day, and thanks God for giving hini such a blessing,1' he said in such asPlcipn, truthful nVaiiuer, she was quite .-atis lied for fonictinie afterwards, nt.ifwHh f-Janding Hint Amt I'nideiue, < very day or so, would lind something to si? ick hcr; idea: of" eoniinon dceem'-y" as .-he t.nn ctl il. " I'apa i-- coining! Pupa is coming 1" said baby George, running tip to bis mother. " lie tops to sec Lilly, piipa dive Lilly likeness," "Do you untlcrstaud, Kuth, what the child is sayingV Well things arc coining lo u pretty paw, (hat a man stop^ to see voting /il l , and give tin :n hi- likencj.-, keeping his;poor wife home waiting din ner ; I wasn't so in my day, hut of course,, it is all rightjsimply friendship and pity." "Aunt Prudence, please do hot talk s?. ft have full confidence in my husband; and cannot you throw the mantle of charily owr's action?" "'1 (r^ljumph, 1 don't know what style of pl?nkle charity wear.?;.but it will taken jHEptrous large and long *mo, different j ffrjai the present fashion,, to cover upand i rade thnt girl's ways," broke forth the <*nd|]hdv, ?j'psb.days passed into Weeks, and thero grew ttj he :?. coolness between lluth and Jiiljy, latter trying her be.-t, to warm tfc*K|d|rllcd heart of her fornmi! friend ; ami wflon she woitl<l throw*:off.the feeling of rUsp":< i<>a. vn.l be a little ein."! Till and < aw, ^Lttnt Prudence, would suggo.-t some iiowoutrag.o to soc iety in general, and domestic peace in particular. jRdust it camo just as she know iL would be,j't>i as she had predicted. One day a not~ from Uopigc was brkiffrjvt by tho porter from the smro, saying "that his^wifd nnist npVbo uueasy or worried, he- was called away ycyy un; oxjHmtaily, and had not tim'o to,'.come houiP:;lb .-ay good-bye, as ho wanted to ealelivlho four'oVloek train, lie wotdd he honiv the next uftcrno m. Tili? explanation was satisfactory to uutli.'aio: so to Aunt Prudence, .?Humph ! may be so ! 1 hope- it will prdy?i tin \ 1 believe that girl is at the loot Ot'.ji," ItlllTjf'hhd just put bcr baby to sleep, anil was Kitting by* his crib, v. in n a loud ria-r \Vas heard at the ball dour; in a few ?? ? ? jpiohiedfs more Mr-. Hanson rushed wild ly into1 fhe room, crying out: "Where i- Lilly? is she lure? When did you-sec her last ?" 1! oil* v>us loo-tnln iticd Jo $penl&3 "Where is yoft:* husband?" demanded the excited mother. Poor child ! all was plain now?George gone, Lilly gone. "I've ::.-t seen Lilly to-day; my hus band left town this afternoon," .-he gasp cd forth. - A imvi a tor now appealed in the scene ?Air t iYuh luv. I ".lust what t'vo hceri < xpoeliiigto hear lor a month past. When' have your eyes hccn,-mndam, that urn have not seen your Tally's desigirj oh that poor , iin.*uspi>cling child's husband ? Pye been seeing it all and telling her; hut she is b.good and pure in herself, she could n d llppk of a woman's being ahything else. Hold up your head, iiiy dear? you liay.e nothing lb !>?? ashamed of. 'fixere is i)o di.*grtv*e at vour do uy If,ho '.-? .. ie. I'd fuel i.?a good riddance of had haggtige." "' ?Ii, im, aunty voll do|)'t know?you .diay.e pever beejj a wife. 1 Wasso happy before we got rich ami came here. .Uh, Oh!". sobbed the poor .wiie. The aim >?.-'. cra/.cd mother ran froiu the room; glad to g< I out of the wav of (the eiirfigcd spinater, lluth .-j.cut tho pight hi walking tho lloo.r, crying. At las!; near morning, she grew ruthpV mere calm. She had ik'ci .dcd td do. Packing up a trunk ?.iih things she needed for hcrsolij and little one. -lie wi nt, .u early (lawn to Aunt Pro deuce's rooiu, knocked, and said--; ! "i am going liin/ii'. Lo my pa rep is. 1 shall have this morning tit eight o'clock, I cannot stay herf" 1 should, d,i.e, Von had hotter remain itntJ-J you hottr froni him; ami, phase, have my things- my wardrohi?se:>: |.? pio. Y?>u will know how* to nettle lip bottej: than I. I must go to my luother." "Well, my poor dove, I will do the liesl i caii, and will conic to .you when 1 get II? rough. In a low hours, the cars were hearing her rapidly ttway from her lu&hiigid'ri home. "Hoity-toity! ? what is this??a visit from niy huh' Khthy. W'hyulid you not let ua know you were coming, that spine one might have met you?" iiujiiired old Mr. Beaton. Alter much trouble, ho wan able to inake ?>u: through the sobs and broken exclamations of mortification and grief, just how mattere stood. "Well, well; yesterday your brother took it into his head to clear out and get married, without a word; and to-day, our daughter takes it into her head to cojnc back to her home, tired of matrimony." "Come, conic, stop crying; there must lie some mistake?George seemed to be a very devoted husband." "Oli, so lie was, until Cas Aunt Pru dence says) girl du witched him." Mliu|nph! all, Lehoqhl not wonder if that misnamed damsel had not 'lighted and been blowing the- fire all the time,' ?in a word,, been the cause of this trouble" "Oh no, father dear, it was plain enough for every one to. see, and tluJy both left in the same train. Oh, 1 slu\ll dio-^U.know 1 shall:" Ruth was curried olf, put to bed, and given a composing ?11 aught by her mother. The next morning she Was calmer, and her father m.mi'gcd to get a elcxr state ment of the nllhir. "Now tell me the name of the young person,.you say, he has gone with." "Lilly Hanson," whispered Until. "Lilly? Why, bless my soul, the Lil lics have grown fo be very forward flow ers! That is the name. of the girl .Jo. has gone m'Y with?Lilly somebody'?he did hot say who; only wc must welcome his Lilly?and lure they are now:" A carriage drove up to the tjnorj a fid Jo. jumped out and led in a lady, say ing : "Here, father?mother?is your n6w daughter!" * The lady rhis.ed her veil, and disclosed the bright, pretty face of Lilly Hanson. "Why, Kuth, yon here.''" George iust left us yesterday nftcvuoiui.'.! But iluth was sp.'echjcss, gazing with ajnjt^nWnj i.n the Iqcc ol her new si.-ter. The old ?geluM7tfiah scetned to bo flic c'earcst-licadcd one of the group, ami said : - * "Oh, -I sec?this is the Lilly!?ha! ha! ha! tiny did not lei you into the se cret." By tin-: tithe Lilly's arrha were around Uulh?.-he oxcjj;inihuz : "Do you (orgive me? I {'ear Pve caused you nnich suffering' but it was all .Joe's fan!;, lie .-aid if I made you the confident,'that Aunt Prudence would draw it all out of you, and ma would ; surely know it; sind as yon would tell your husband, we had better do that our- i selves, and have bat one in the secret, lie brought me all Joe's b iters and sent mine, ami finally Went over to Baltimore, and haying seen nie duly married, has tened back to you. Qh, how disappoint ed ho will be ?ot to find you. Do von forgive me ?" j " iMjfgive you ? Will George ever for give in" for not having confidence in,] him / 1 lo told me to tr.ust him. Ob! indeed Gcoi'go will never forgive me," i hi i' the poor child. "'Indeed, litlio wife, von have been sorely'.tried,.but in fuluroy'du wiil hot borrow Aunt I'rtuloncu's eye.-, 1 hope. I i iwcver, it's ail right now," ". AiL> wyll that ends well," stiid old M r. Seat, n. " This ends very well," said (Icorge. " I've good new- for yott, Lilly. 1 went in and gave your inarriagji certifi cate to your mother, and she viis lieved thai the silly report of Aunties was not true, she t hugged me? And now for thegrand finale. Your bid ! C.'dloncl says der?' must bring you home. That lie nevv v l)US?lho slightest idea of Marrying you himself. That ho only wa;ited lo keep off the young scamps until you wert) sought by some fellow, lie had picked out ?Joe for the lucky chap ; but ; yoif would ijol let hini have the pleasure 1 pf '? iving ym away, lie s?y? all' helms ' i- yours, with his.Host regards and hearty 1 t hank- lo Joe for relieving him for }pj is : perfectly devoted to haejielor life," i President Gratit hai ordered u discon tinuance uf the tearing up of ihc track of the Memphis and Little I lock llailroad, affairs having been satisfactorily settled. j Tho Typographical Society of ( hailes ton, South Carolina, unanimously elected Mr. Grefitey an honorary member on tho i ?th lust., (he dale of its ? Jd anniversary. A Spirited Young Lady. Miss.Antoinnctte Y. ,F<$k, of PP-i1? county, Tennessee, according to a Corres- , ponrieut wbo'-ivritea from Home, is quite . a belle in foreign eireles. Her charm*. di> not consist in ii pretty fnee alone.she iff lithe uiid graceful in movement, spark ling in conversation, and a skillful horse woman. In a recent fox hiuit- in Ital>',J the fair American carried,off tho palm,; * there being*forty riders in tbo field. Miss Polk is the daughter of the late Colour! And'rew J. Wik,*before tlmwar the Own-' or pf the piiiiccly estate, ' Ashwobd^ She early took to the saddle, and' Itf jyouTfl soonrilmt ?the training of-4i?*jL childhood make* her all- the more lovely and fascinating in .thoj bright yoarspf jwo inanhobd.' Will not other girls 'hear*in remembrance that a woman ri6vcr looks hlore qupfudy than wliim seated at .her case oh the uaclc"of a spirited 'horse? The Columbia .Herald tceofds twq in cidents in the life ol the American beau ty : "Miss Polk has always been a fino horseback rider, and "durlng'hcr visit to her home wvcral years ago, 'die horrified her chy gallaurv i.tto day, when .they ^ were riding together^ in the woods, "by clearing a fence at a lcap.which he had to \> get du.wu and let riovrn the fences in oi-dur?^ to keep up with he;*.. "When Columbia was firsi occupied by the Federal forces. VV all the roads were picketed by cavalry,* V who halted every hody and approprintedf ? such horsca as they thqught^ fit forser-^ s ice, iili.-s Polk had uei-o in town, and was on her return homo to Ash wood, when s'no wag stopped by a picket, but was frailly allowed to proceed; She had gone but a short d:stijjice, however, he-1' fore the Federals' noticed that she was riding a very linn nninmL-aUl}r.P*|l*(-'<* -> [j her to halt. She had no idea of turning her horse over to the enemy, and accord ingly set uft'at full speed forborne, follow ed hy half a score of the boys in blue.- Tho chase was an exciting one, and lasted for rr> some live or six miles, after which tho pursuers drew rein and tho daring girl was soon safe under thp shelter of-her own roof"?ITukr Field and Farm. ? ? ? r< -? T .e Fall Elections. " Previous to the great Presidential con-' 1 test in November, the .following States ., and Territories hold elections this fall : , New Mexico, September 1 ; California,. September 2; Vermont, September II; Maine, September Colorado Territory,: ' September 1?>; Dakota, Indiana, ? fowa, l' Nebrask-n, Ohfo, IVnnsylvnnin, ? and .the I>i-t riot, of (lohimbi.t',; October ft; South Carolina, Oetpber h\; West Virginia, October 2-1. All the State- vote For Pres ricntitil electors on the 5th day of No vember, and" on the same day the follow ing choose State officer*: Alabama,'** ? A rkaas:is, I Vlcv.aro, Florida, !fetrorgiaA';r Illinois, .K'.;,K-as. ].ouisiana^ Maryland'*-,? Musi uckiisj (.ts, Vi. bigan, Minnesota. Mis sissinpi, Mi-iopri, Nevada, New. Jersey, New Volk, ieniiessei, Virginia and Wis consin. 'Ar":'.' y. \ holds her Territorial oloctioil on the 8lh of November. 1 Tilt.'*-: Iii." ;-M.--Thc man who walks the streets wit^ unrolled brow and POtiee ful lieiirt, though his huriness* is ruined, his prospects .beclouded an?l Iiis family' reduced t<> wan: ; who maintains his in-"1 f' V*.vi:!\mid tcmplalhui.*v and'j hmvel<, hopefully slr'ngglcM against adversities, upborne by unyu hiing-faith in Proyi- } ? nee, is a iivn.. And in vomier roonjv . where thai j ?> ?r, pale-faced girl, tjirough" long v.\'.r-/ d..iy*'aui| dreary nights, with?1* aching eyes and waning name, brnVcly'v battles oil" thd fpijUid. tarvationdr limit ing1 itiainy, wi||] no ? 5her weapon than a i. i;-.ti;.g heart and a little needle?there Ter* i? i ? - ; i ? me. ol (iori - heroines. 1 ' Hi j i> ?b_no J (:<>m)Tr.MVr.Au- it titjj Mkditkr i:\nka?:.- -\\ e have, a letter from the Is-' land of Malta, w here a bridge ol the Ov dyt has already been e.-tahli<hed, and two more are immediately to bc^oociicd. A noble :-i-tv-r, by the min e of Waller, hu-t ? been tljo Having spiiit ia this work. I.t -s than ihfvo w\vk-< ng?'i<Ko was the only Good Tcmplii.r on the Islaml. Ai> example lor all true women!?[Kka.