Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, June 19, 1872, Image 1

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Jill / v ; ot'J MhrtiLi "CT?.Ht tHioL $2 PER ANNUM, > , "On we movk indissoiajbl Vol. 1 Ii? 14". OlMGEB?RG, SOUTH CAROL and nature diu tdd same ;-lN AD VAN CK WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 1872* ;i riiu :u" ' 1 ?-"-kr in tue "?r?ngebur'g- times Is published every Wednesday, O-RA-NGEB UliG, C.H., SOUTH CAROLINA CO %r (^iy ?EYW?RD & BEARD. UUnSCIUPTION ilATErf: ?$15 a year, in advance?$1 for six months. JOU riUNTINU in it* all dcpaitnicnts, taeatly executed. Give us a call. W. J. DeTreville, -A T TORNEY a T L a W . Office at Court ilousc Square, Orangeburg, S. C. ? nich 13-lyr iZLAii & di:bi3X/j?:5 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RUSSELL street, Orangcburg, s. 0. ?Jas. P. S. Dnuu.i:. n\ch O-lyr* 9BROWNING & BROWNING Attorneys At I.-mav, OnANCKH'JlKi,, s. c, Malcolm T. Buowxino. A. K. inch O-lyr ' EERSNKR & DANTZLER, r> iq ??t 3F j ? i? w , Orangeburg, S. 0., Ollioo over store of Win. Willeofe. 3P, Ffhsnkk. P. A. Pant/i.r.e., 1>. I>. 8. lach 12-MttilOS George S. Shirer, tOil M 1 8 S ION M ER C II A N T "Wholesale Dealer iihund Imj?orter ot HEAVY (iHOVEHIES,A., Ac f?b l-t-.'Jmos Kirii Robinson, UUAI.KK IN lijoks, Music und Stationery, und Fancy Article?, AT. THE EXCISE HOl'SE, ORANGEBURG, C. II., S. U. nich li To Builders. 1 am prepared to furnisb SASII KS, BLI N I >S, Poors, Mantels, and every style of inside work, ?at tlje..-hortest notice, and of best material, at Baltimore rates adding freight. Call in and ucc catalogue. H'ork warranted. .JOHN A: HAMILTON, inch 115-1 vr Orangeburg, S. C. SPECIAL. NOTICE. 3?rxme Rio Coffee and Sugars, !lt prices to please. :bacom , SALT, All marked at selling juices. mapes' phosphate AND BROWN'S COTTON PLANTERS Always ou band. JOHN A. HAMILTON, Market Street. feb 21-1 yr PAVILION HOTEL, CHARLESTON, S. C. R. Hamilton, G. T. Alfort & Co., Superintendent. Vroprietortt. DR. T. BERWICK LEG A RE, DENTAL SURGEON, Graduate, Baltimore Col lego Dental Surgery. C$ce, Market street, (Jeer Store of J. A. Hamilton tntjf-b , U THE ART TONSOKIAL. lam pleaded' (o inform the citizens of Or angcburg and vicinity tbat I bavo opened u Barber Shop, over the Store of Captain Brigg tnann, v.hcro 1 am ready to jervo them in my profession, which consists of Hair Cutting, Sbaving, Shampooing. Ilair-drrssing and Blich other work as belongs to the tonsnnal art. I ruk trial. JOHN ROBINSON. may 1-Omo POETHY. For the Kmc*. Linos. Suggested by two pictures?"Cluing with and against tbc stream." Thou art, indeed, a Fairy Quc-n? The fairest of God's creation ; Possessing beauty, mirth and love-^ 7)csigned for man's companion, That as along life's tiresome .stream He tioats along down stream , Thou muyest abide, ah! close beside And charm away ennui? To change Time's leaden wings To Cupid's feathery gauze ; And drive away the tedious hours "With nv.igie wand of love. Put when 'gainst rocks and waves Our bark is forced to strive? In face of wind and tide To work our way to port ; Thou change thy seat oh ! siren, Surround thyself witli cloaks, iteraoVc from these those ample skirts, And give free play to oars, If, overflowing with energy, Thou wouldVt hot idle sit ; 7A?vote thyself to (EK6?\Vrgcht work t)f bailing out the bark. Hu;, indeed, thoru is no uecd Of mixing in the strife, Thy titles! place h in llie boyf? A beautiful head-piece. mhV>W DAY'S FO?TUKB. J!V 8 YI.V A NtJH conn, Jit* Harry Cow nur, was buok-lcwjicr inn large commission house* anil Iiis enY] iloy'crs prized him lieenuso, though only :m em ployee', upbn n slated salary. he mad.: t!i?ir interests Iiis own, und .-alien d nothing to Miterfe're with his duties, lie v.n- -tout, heaUhy, handsome youth, life char blue eye an ! purely tinted .-kin showing very conclusively that Ids Imbils were vir tuously regular. It was toward the r'.<s< df the day, sind Harry was busily engaged in balancing his accounts. Tin- i hl.y other been pit lit of the counting-r?oni Wits Peter Phipp , the delivery clerk, l'eter was. an old man?sixty, at least,?ami had hern in the employ of the house tor many years, lie wa> broken in honltb> but was able to keep an account of goods as they were delivered, fur his support. Harry had just closed his ledger when Jasper Groomo entered the oflice. Jns" per was Harry's senior by two or three years, and held a limited interest in a small house near by. Ho was well and fashionably dressed and might be accept ed as a fashionable man. "Harry, my boy,?have you heard the new.- ?" t ried the new-comer, tupping his friend upon the. shoulder. "i have beard nothing wonderful, Jas per. Is gold up, or down ?" "A certain kind of gold is high up. Haven't you heard of the stroke of for tune which has fallen to Millie Day?" At thcm?ntion of that name Harry Cowpcr ca?glil Ins breath, and a quick Hush was visible upon his clear check. "J have not hoard," he said. "Don't you remember an uncle of Mil lie's who \VUs sick hero in New York a few years ago, and whom she nursed so tenderly ?" "Mr. Snyder?her mother's brother? you mean?" "Yes." "I remember him vory well; for 1 pas sed a great many evenings very pleasant ly in his company." "Well," pursued Jasper, "old foiydcr* it seems, was one of the lucky ones in Chicago land. About two months ago ho died, without chick or child, and his attorney has been on here to inform Miss Millie Day that hhoissolu heiress to his whole fortune. iL is somowherc in the neighborhood of half a million. There is over two hundred thousand in bank. What d'ye think of that old fellow?" Harry Cowpcr .shrank like one who hud received u blow. He vwis silent and though I ful. "How, my buy!?don't it. please you?" demanded Jasper, with a show of sur prise. Harry rallied, and answered, with a shake of the head.? "]\'o Jasper,?I am sorry for this." I "Sorry ? And wherefore? I though'ra you had a particular regard for the lady."! Cowpor looked up, and faintly smiled J It was a smile, but thero was pain in it. "Jasper," ho said, seriously and carnsti ly, as one speaks in confidence to a dear friend. "I lo'vo Millie Day, though I have never spoken to her as a lover. I have been -waiting until I could insure hern home if she accepted my proflcrcq hand. As you know, I have only my: salary to depcud upon, aud a portion ofi that 13 Eet apart for the maintenance andj education of my sister." "Arc you (serious?" asked Groomc,; "Will the coming of this fortune dote? you from pressing your suit?" "Yes." 1 "But, man alive! i3 not the prize worthy more than ever before? If Millie Days was worth winning when she had hardly"; a dollar of her own, what must she be*; now?" "She can bo no inore to mc," replies Harry. "It was Millie Day that I loved! ?Millie Day that I love still,?and nqjjj amount of worldly Wealth can add to thea price I would have sot upon her love itij return. But that is past. Had she rol mttjhcd poor 1 had hoped ore long tea lmvc boon able to offer her a home?tu homo where she could help mc to fincp joy and comfort." "And do you mean to say, Harry, thaj you give her up ?" ".Sup is not mine to give up." "But will you relinquish your s lit? !<Xrdare not pivss it. After so long ? time my past silence might be miseonS strucd, and my claim be rcgsirdeil nsj mercenary.'' I "By Jove, old fellow! she'll make a-' rich catch for fe'otn$>ody." f "No lieber than before,'' s>;aid Harry, with solemn seriousness. "I tell you, .Jasper, that fur the true man, seeking a true and loving Wife, Millie Day, with only her truth and her goodncsa for her dowt r, would bo a priceless boon. I should esteem it the richest gifi this side of heaven. I think it* J had her for my companion I could challenge the world to exeoed my happiness." "Harry, you're a fool!" "Thank yon." "If you arc to step out, I shall go in, and try lo win." Hatty winced, but betrayed no ill feclingi "Von arc your own master, Jasper." "I sha'nt be rivaling yon?" "No. If Millie can love you, then iU is proved that she has not loved me." "Iben count me in on the race for the heiress. By Jovo I I'll make the attack this very night. I shall meet her at Darwin's. Arc yoil going?" "No,?I don't belong to that set. You forget that I am only a book-keeper," "Yes,?I remember. But you'll get into a house one of these days. You'll find it pleasant. The title of Merchant!1 gives a fellow a lift in society. But 1 ain't vain. If you'll go with mc, I'll introduce you at Darwin's." "No." ? j "Then I'll go alone; and bo suro I'll make love, bold ar.d strong, to Miss Mildred Day." "One word," said Harry, as his friend was upon *.ho point of departing. There was a painmark upon hij faro, and his lips quivered; but ho spoke calmly, though with a palpable effort: "You will seek to win the love of Millie Day. You may succeed. If such should be tho re sult, Jasper; I pray you bo truo and faithful; for she is an angel, and is worthy of all love and honor!" "Never fear, old fellow . I'll make her a good husband if I can win her. Haifa million ! Zounds ! Isn't that worth work ing for?" And with this Jasper Groonid turned from the office, and Harry Cowperbowed his head upon tho edge of bis desk. "Shall I put up Ihc books, Mr. Cow pcr?" Harry looked up, and saw the old de livery clerk. "Ah?you hero Phipps?" "Yes. I've been copying permits.? Shall 1 put the book? in'.o the snfe?" [ ?I f'Yes?you may, it' you please. 1 go around and call lor my sister on way home. I N hd "Harry Cowpcr left the store.? id that night when he was alone in his fr?imher his thoughts were sad and pain I I. lie had loved Millie Day a long, . ng time; but be bad m>L yet ventured peak of bis love for reasons already " :alo known. But now a ehange had 4t|ine over the spirit of his dream. He Tvkcd himself if he had decided rightly, jjBjKd his own sense of manly honor told :/m, Yes. He felt that the maiden had i lh.*ed away from him, and he dared Sro approach her. "What had he, a poor v-lcrk, with an oryhan sister to support J^rom his scanty earnings, to do with of WfcTring his band to the heiress of ball'a y'illion? It would be simple beggary. A Time passed on, and Harry Cowper ions punctual at his desk, and at his fumble home. He went nowhere else. the first of January his salary was |! used five hundred dollars a year. He 'Fad once thought that upon a salary of feo thousand dollars be might, venture? pp ask Millie to become his wife. But j^he bright dream had tied. Still he Mo/} the increase as a blessing, as he tSbjrjld now do more fur bis sister. Fp*~A. month had passed from the time of jihe arrival of the attorney who had come iljp plivee Millie Day in possession of her fjpjrtiine, and as might be supposed, suit 0ra for her hand had been plenty and ppersi.-dent. Harry Cowper was on his fway homeward when be fell in with Jas ||>er Groome. Friendly salutations Were Ipassod, and for a time they chatted upon sVarious light topics. At length Jasper ,,id, i "By the way, old fellow, it's all up wfih the. ?ieii v. Harry started, and gasped for breath. "She has refused me, plump, square and (Int. What do you think of that?" "Refused you?" repeated Harry, re gaining his breath. "I las Millie Day re fused you?" "Yes. I gdesa she's after higher game. There's a perfect army of suitors in her train; but J think she looks with most favor upon old Corydon." "Do you mean Warren Corydon the banker:" "Yes. He's worth a million and a half. Depend upon it she hits an eye upon the Firth avenue." Harry's only response to this Was? "Pshaw 1" And yet? But he would not reflect upon it. lie went home, and tried to forget till about it, and the. more he tried to forget the more he remembered and reflected. A few days after this, Mr. Sturgis, the senior partner of the firm in whose em ployment Harry served, entered the counting-room, and accosted his book keeper: "Mr. Cowper, my wife bade me give von this." And he handed him a dain tily tinted and embossed envelope-. Harry took it, and opened it, and found within an invitation to attend a party at her house on the following even ing. "It as-i 11 be a very quiet and sensible party," said Mr. Sturgis, "and my wile is anxious that you and your sister should honor her. I think we may count upon your presence?" Mrs. Sturgis had been a true friend to both Harry and his sister, and she was a worthy end estimable woman ; and after a little consideration he said he would The large drawing-rooms of the Stur gis mansion were brilliantly lighted, and the assembly was select?not selected upon the basis of fashion, but culled with appreciative care from the realm of in tellectual vorlh. Mrs. Sturgis had taken charge of Harry's enter, Und our hero was proceeding to join a friend whom ho had discovered in another part of the room, when In met Millie Day. She changed color when she saw him, and for the mo ment it appeared to Harry as though she would have avoided tho meeting; but she presently rallied, and greeted him with a smile. Her greeting was very brief, however, and with a hurried step she passed on, and joined the old banker, Corydon-. !No wonder that nion gazed admiringly upon Millie Day as she moved past them 8he was beautiful in every sense. The father might pray that his daughter could bo like her; tho brother might pray that God would bless him with such a sister j tho child of sorrow und want could but thank Heaven for bringing ?doli a friend ; and the lover vvho might win her for hi? own could surely declare that earth boro nothing of woman kiud more bright and lovely. Harry saw hor give her hand to Cory don?ho saw Corydon tenderly draw that hand upon his arm?and then ho saw them walk away together, engaged in earnest conversation. Harry Cowper felt faint and dizzy; but he struggled against tho load, and '.urned away to other scenes; and yet other scenes could not drive that one painful scene from his mind. Could it be possible that Millie Was about t? sol! herself to Warron Corydon? Ho was old enough to bo her grandfather. Yet ho was a well-kept old man?.nr more manly and vigorous than were many of those piuks of fashion who claimed to bo young men. Never before had Harry realized how deeply he had loved the beautiful girl, nor how largo a space she occupied in the bright hopes of the fu ture. Fully assured that she was lost to him forever, he turned away to a window and leaned his head upon his hands.? He did not wish to remain longer with the party. He thought it best for him to plead illness to his hostess and go to his home. He knew full well ho could not appear himself under such a cloud. He wits reflecting thus when he folt a light touch upon bis arm, and on turn ing he beheld Millie Day. She was* gaz ing wistfully up into his face, and there was*a wondrous sparkle in her azure eye. "Harry, I would speak with you. Will you com4 with me?" Without venturing to answer in words, he followed her. .She led the way to a small conservatory, where they stood by an oleander in full bloom. A brief jmuse, and an evident struggle, and then Millie looked up and ppokc.? 1 ler face was radiant, and the sparkle of her eyes had deepened to a fervid glow. "Harry, I have a difficult task to per form ; but I have prayed for strength, and I think the strength has come tome. Pardon tue if I am brief. I seek your counsel, You know I have inherited a large fortune ?" "Yes?I k?ow," said Harry', in a gasping whisper. "And already," she pursued, "that for tune begins to oppress mo, Mr. Cory don holds it. in charge for mc, and he will do with it just as I say. It stands be tween mc and a very dear friend-?a friend whose love 1 prize above all the wealth of the world, and I have called you here, Harry, to ask you if I shall* give my fortune up." "Millie!?I do not understand." Thrice, .she. tried to speak, and her words tailed her. At length she caught her lover by the' hand, and her speech burst forth: "Harry, do you know that old Peter" Phipps is one of my bc3t and truest friends ? lie was a clerk in my father's store. It was my father who saved him from prison, and who lifted him up from tho dreadfid'slough of intemperance; and h was my father who recommended him to his present position, where he has been so many years; I was but a little child then, and Peter used to toss mc in his hands. But tho dear old fellow has not forgotten mc. Ho is never afraid to call upon mo, for he knows that my heart is warm and sympathizing toward him.? He canto to mo, Harry? aud told me ot tho conversation between yourself and Jasper Groome, when Jasper came and told you of my fortune. He told mc all you said Harry?all, all?and then I knew how truly you loved mc?how no ble you were?and how blessed must be tho woman who could secure such a heart?and I?I? O, Harry 1 tho for tune has put th need upon mc. Say I that you do not blame me!" words fur uttcnihct*.''" And >o dw fdr't??&\*!ftt \\ two pure t?m loving hearts., after till. It becninc a secondary thing in their l.vos,',n.. and while they found their chief gnu I in the cultivation of those i'-vs tluifi sprang, froin^tlio o(hi ' tnfe '^r^e|^lneTr ' ' friends cvervwlu'i-e?thc^e in prfw!petfty and ' tli??c ' ift ?'ddverslvy-^lutr*?! - with' thenf in" the blessing"! lot' dortuno V^vb?eji Uncle. Snyder,!had left. Andt^Xfij.^ttXj.^j add, that of all who gained sunshine from Millie's fortune, not one had more reason to be grateful thn?i hnci ginVd'obf'''* iWr#IKitf&^**?'*????' *t\t\,\ mdii**, -1-rtmatUvUiUih?-if - >.i,?f..?d V A?Kt?EL to TiM, Ui:i:i.kyV .LkK teu.?The.following.^i^>a^b receiv er] by the South Carolina delegaiiou iT ' the Philadelphia Convention': A* ' A ,,,,H CnAiW-.i.STOWivJ?n6 r>,f 3?7*.?i ^ J. L. Orr, F. Ji Moses, A.l Ju 'Ilniwh r ?<< and other Delegates to the ltepuhlieait' National Couveptiouj from South C^ro":^ I lina, Philadelphia: j" Can you arise to the occasion nftu M make a saerifica for your common rodn ! try ? If s?, press Scott for Vice Prosed, dent and relieve the State of bin pre?enc?nl>i ApfH-eil to the Convention; tell them of . all his virtues outside of the State; of his decrease of the State debt; of bis opposi-* tion to every schonte of plunder that has ever passed the Legislature; of'his unb'r? ken pledges; of his abhot't enee of a pro.-' tituted judiciary; Of bis sacrifice!*:for tho good of th? State; of his refusal. to .lukvd his sharo of Blue Ridge, CJrrecnviU? y validating, and any other fraud that ha-; bc-eu-uomm.Ued in tliid State at hi.-; .-o licitation. Tell them anything that will procure his nomination. ' The State wi i1 freely patft with him as a burnt offertn-. Of course to mention his name is a great sacrifice of selfrespect, but do it. Many Rei'Uiu.icaxs. Diarrheea is a very ecmmhn disease in summer-time. Cholera is nothing inoie. than exaggerated' diarrluva. When a man hits died of diarrheea, ho has died of cholera, in reality. It may bo woll for travelers to know, that the first, the most important and the most indespeusa ble item in the arrest and cure of lons ness of the bowels, is absolute* quietude oil1 a bed; nature herself alway.? prompts this by disinclining us to locomotion. Tho next tiilugls to cat nothing but common rice, parched like cofiee,'ahd'then'l>?iled** and taken with a littlj saU and butter.' Drink little or no liquid of any kind. Bits of ice to be eaten and 'swallowed at' will. Kvery step taken iH duirrho\i', every spoonful of liquid, only aggravate/ the disease. A good harness blacking i.*> made of four ounces of hog's lard, sixteen ounces of neat's foot oil, four ounces of ycUnw wax, twenty ounces of ivory black, six teen ounces of brown sugar, aud ton' ounces of water. Heat the whole to' boiling, and stir it until it becomes cool enough to handle, then roll it into balls about two Inches ift 'diameter:' .jiaig^yL Clttiti?h:to ball-goers?Nevtfr wind up' the evening with'a'reel. When docs tho rain become too, fa miliar with n young lady? When it begins to patter (pat her) on her hack.' A country girl lately refused a rich widower, saying, "I don't like affections( or pancakes that have" been wurmcd' over.*' A certain doctor asked Spiff kins which lie thought the best Svay to die. "Sure ly/' ho replied "volt might havo learned that much from your patients." A chap who Wits told by a clergyman to remember Lot's wife,!' replied that In*, had trouble enough with his offli wim out rcmombering othef nlcnV wives. When tho editor of a Woman's Rights paper speaks ot tho most delicious, d?* I iightful, delectable, entrancing und di - trading of all innocent indulgences," she means a kiss.