Orangeburg times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1872-1875, April 24, 1872, Image 1

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iL IIP ? a 11 u ? VII ? l| P?$R AMHUM, "On we move ixDissfiLUBLY firm; God and xati iu: kid tin: same." Voi i. ?"?Ii"-'-/]' ?? IX ADVANCE ORAXGEBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1872. ^NTo. 11 THil^NuIJBURG TIM KS ' ;Vla 'puWiehed every WBPNESDAY, AT 0BU.50F.BUnU, C. II., SOUTH CAROLINA BT ?S?VWARD & BEARD. ???cnirrioN rat 1:5: $S a rear, la ftdrunco?$1 for rix months. #0? PRINTlNU in all Its depaitiiicntH, ?Uly or tented. Ol re un a onll. =1| If Fill BMRppft^CIfl hknshaw hadkn. **^|ptti(,?W> Malomn Fpton. Poor iillawtJBfc he ha.? not yot conquered lltB7: that posseted hun hot "Wfefet la |he tronhle with him, Char ley f* asked the beautiful girl who was lettaiag Ott Charles Ash by's arm, as he ?aeafttd her proudly through the 1"t>?t?uy^iel Notirtajg but his mis mm^mm ^ftiKj?jij> dfaji?ith?--jeaiotiu. be f1W? <to>j0H If admire* more than any ether $ir! in the world was the beauty of the reception last night, and of course "bad to accept souse attentions from other gentlemen. I've not a particle ot patience with dim. He hhould haic pwr feet lou?drnco in the woman he seeks to ?ri? for his Wife. I cannot understand eaeaa ?tote of feeling. 1 am always "* ftm*tm\ wb*a mV lady-love receives thr 'v't*tMk*go ?h? truly deserv**," mid "?tMkY. g*/i?r. fondly on his lovely com jamion. ?"Tfcanfc you. Charley. I trust I shall ? v?r be worthy of your confidence. Ihn yoa have 1 ever l?een trinl y?t. I p'ty auv?n? wh?? te?*U as Malomn?" ?*! do not. Fool'.-It follow! I've newi been tired, you say. 1 know it love. Ihn nothing in the world could make mi jealous of anyone. I have such perfect faith ia you Agnes, th? uot'ii g but yoi r own wnrdn could make me dooot you.' Aga** siniUd sweetly; but shaking her prettv head, looked doubting, and mMs "OharUy, you think you know yourself tmt indeed you have never had anything; to try your feeling*. You have had tae always near you, with no interference #ver eine? you first loved me. My mourn iog for dear father has kept me out of the gayetie* of the world for two seasons. Just suppose you should ever see some handsome, worthy young man very de voted to me, and I receiving his atten tion, would van not then feel a little un easy!" "2fo( no. Nothing but your own words could make me. doubt your love," ans wered Charley earnestly. And indeed he proved quite conclusively the truth of his words: for the next season Agnes again appeared in festive seems, where aha was universally admired, and Char ley might more than once have found occasion to make himself miserable, if be had been like many of his frionds. Hut he was truly a reasonable, sensible, loyal fellow, and Agnee Marvin fully appre ciated his noble nature. "Have I been sufficiently tried now, Agnes, to be permitted to repeat my declaration about jealousy ?" asked Char ley, after the last party of tho season. "Yes, indeed, y >u are a true man. You love, and trust your love/' answered Agnes, placing her baud in his, which Charley gallantly carried to his lips. "The right time and person have not turned up yet, perhaps," chimed iu Agnes brother. *'Oh, well, before another winter camp aign comes, 1 shall have my bird in ihy own bower? and shall not fair her flying from me then. So, unless Mr. Wright comes forth pretty soon, he will not be in time to make me uneasy," ('barley said laughingly. ? He may be found among the moun tains this summer, Charley. Those re tired country resorts are just tho best places in the world for a flirtation. You had better follow your bird in her flight, my boy. Lot mo see! When do you start Agnes'/" "Mother has determined to leave quite early?the first cd*dune, likely. She can not stand the heat, it weakens her so much. You have premised to come in July, Charley. 1 hardly think there will by any one to get up a flirtation with so early in the season. Probably we shall be the only guests for a month or more." "Well, Charley, J shall be back and forward, and 1 w ill keep you advised a* to the movements. You may depend on mo," said young Marvin. "All right, Tom. Thank you,',' Char ley laughingly said, as he moved off with Agnes 'o.' a walk. The spring mouths flew rapidly by, and with the first days of summer Mrs. Mar vin and Agnes sought their ret rent among the mountains. TV.m escorted them ; and after seeing them comfottahly fixed, returned home, ami reported it the "dullest place <n earth." Wcarily^ffiWSrLlhe 11nte^iTrtrf^uTrie^' could go lb his lady-love. Then the sea son was fully advanced, and many guests were at the Mountain House; but among them none tbut Charley could possibly leid lb*' I asi uneasiness about; Indeed lie quite regretted that there was no gentlemen whose company would be at til desirable to either Amies or her mo ther in hi* ab.-ence. 1 Iowever, hs was ????oii rcliewd on subject, by the ui r vnl of an acquaintance ol .Mrs. Marvin's whom she introduced to Charley as her socmul friend, Dr. Cameron. The doctor wa? a remarkably handsome man if about Lit ty, and of ver) charming ad dress. He immediately became a univer sal favorite Whin t iiar'e.'s time fir leaving came, ho was really glad t > be able to place Agnes and her mother under the doctor's charge. A lew weeks after his return to his city home, Charley was accosted by an ac quaintance who had just left the moun tain resort, with the remark: "Look here, Upton! You better take a trip back to the mountains, and be look ing after Miss Marvin. There is a gentle man up there who is very devoted, and beseems to be consoling that lady very effectually for your absence." Charley laughed, and said be did not feel at all uneasy. And when bis informer mentioned Doctor Cameron as the dan gerous person, be was quite, amused. The idea of the doctor rivalling him w as really absurd. He was quite, old enough for Agnes' lather; and really, if Charley hail been of a jealous nature, he would not likely have thought one so much older than himself a very formidable rival. Ho bad promised Agnes to come up again for a few days previous to their return, and accompany them home. The day before be left to fulfil his pro mise, Tom Marvin came back ; and call ing on Charley, repeated the current re port that "the Doctor was very much pleased with Agnes." "You better look to him Charley. He may be a dangerous fellow for your peace of mind. He is very agreeable to both :?? - . ' 1 ? ?? .~" Ague; and nioth-r, I can .sec; plain enough." When Charley reached his love, she welcomed him as cordially as ever. But there wilt no denying tue fact '.hut the Doctor was more 'attentive than Charley thought necessary. < Besides, ens thing he soon noticed ; there was some thing about Agnes and the Doctor that was not perfectly open ami clear to Charley?something that was concealed from him. Once when be went, unan nounced into Mrs. Marvin's private par lor, he found the Doctor leaning over Agnes' chair, and looking very intent ly, if not lovingly, into her face. She blushed and turned utvay quickly, to welcome Charity's entrance, hue in a very embarrassed manner. Many times be had seen the Doctor call Agnes aside, and speak in an under tone to her. Charley began to feel a little hurt, if not jealous. Besides hcjthought: "If they arc so much together when I am present, tlmy surely) must, very well have jri*cn rise to the reports 1 have heard." Still he wa? too prattq to question or reproach Agnes; nut ho could not help bcinir a little cool to her. ? ' i () ic dav, at the dinner-table, an oc currence quite remarkable served to make Charley feel surest that A gues was no longer true to bini, (if be bad doubted it until then. They were seated, tile Doctor and him self, .[U^^j^ filteren t courses of the dinner had he:>n removed, and they were .tarrying over the dessert, when the Doctor passed to Agnes an ahnond, saying: "Ka* a philopcna with no*. Miss Agnes, please? 1:' i am the fortunate one, I shall?" Kre he had finished his remark, Agnes glanced fiom ?nie ;<> the i thcr gentle man, while her face was suffused with a rosy flush, which receding, left her very pale. She arose quickly, and left t ic table. I o-'tor Cameron immediately fol lowed. There were bat few persons pre sent ai the ti :i<\ and this lit:! - incident passed unnoticed, save by those interest ed. Mrs. Marvin looked very much an noyed, but offered no explanation. ('barley's mind was wavering between which was the belter course to adopt : to ?o charge Agnes with deceiving him, and give her hack her broken promise, or to go call the Doctor but, and demand an explanation. He hail pretty well made up his mind t > the latter, and was leav ing the table for thai purpose, when be remembered his oft-repeated declaration that, "unless from her own lips he heard that she had changed, he would not doubt her." So he determined to wait and see the. result, at b ast a few days longer. But that evening hia doubt was a cer tainty. No longer need he wait ; her own word- told that. He had gone into the reception room, and thrown himself down on a sofa near the window. It Was twilight; the lamp- bad no! been lighted, and no one occupied tho room but himself, lie bad been there but a short time, when he heard footsteps com ing. A moment after, Mrs. Marvin and Agnes came to the room, and were about entering, when Agnes said: "Don*I go in. Let us sit oul here a while, it is so pleasant." And they seated themselves just under the window by which Charley was. Mrs. Marvin asked : "What are von worrying about, Agnes? The loss of?" "Hush, mamma. You may be heard," was tho warning reply. "1 am not worry iiig, but I cannot get quite used to the nevr one yet. How strango Charley must have thought my conduct to-tlay !" ''Why don't you lull him, Agues, and have it oll'your mind ? He will know it some time." "Of course he trill, mamma. I hate so much to tell him! Do you kuuw. I really believe he is growing jealous ot* the Doctor; ho has been very di.ito.nt to inc Cor a couple of (lays past. Mow shall j 1 toll him?" asked Agi'.cs in a troubled tone. "If you do not, [shall, and end this mat ter. 1 do not suppose it is a matter of vitul 'niportaneo to him whether your?" "Ilush-sh?" whispered the anxious Agios. "True or lalse," continued her mother. "1 wonder where Dr. Cameron is? I wish ho would consent to live in town. 1 know he would make a fortune in a short time, he is so skillful. We must persuade him"? "Curse him!" bitterly exeluinied ( 'barley, and a little scream from Agnes following tho words which had escaped tho lips of the sorely tried nu;n; tobl him that, having exposed his presence, it was the host time and place to charge the false girl with perfidy. In a moment more ho was facing her. With compressed lips and Hashing eyes, ha stood gnzhvg on her. "Why, Charley ! Heavens! how yo'.i frightened me! What is the niajtfer with you ?" asked Agnes, really treuiltr -l*"f "?" iiWkJmlrl ?K.. ot^M,lf^ tippp'irst'kfro id' her lover. ".lfrpm your own lips I have heurd all. Of tho old and the now, the true and false. Oh, girl! And I have had such perfect faith in you! Here, take hack your ring!" And turning, he walked oil' a few steps; when Mrs. Marvin, recover ing her surprise, followed tpiiekly after him, drew him into her own parlor, closed the door, and raid : ?'Now, my boy, what do you mean? Ali, I know tlii- has all come out of Agues not tolling you the truth at once. Well, well, I must do it now. You know?" "1 know, Madam, that the woman I believed true is label" "No, no! Agues false? Never, my hoy. It is her?her? O dear! 1 wish she would conic ami tell you herself!" '"No matter, Madam. I have heard already your words and hers while sitting under tho wiuduw." "No, no ! Indeed you mir.understood. Agnes is not false?only one of her I teeth !" . Just at that moment Agnes came in, and in words scarcely intelligible for the merry lau^h that was continually rippl ing forth, she told him she had broken out of her front teeth, which, having been filled, was very frail; that Doctor Came ron was a dentist, and had replaced, it ivith a now one; that he was tixing it that morning when he eame in and found the Doctor leaning over her chair. Am! that day, at tin? dinner-table, while eating tin almond, she had knocked out and nearly swallowed the false one. That was the secret of all that ha 1 given him so much uneasiness. "I really was very much worried about telling you, Charley. I did not know but you would feel bad that your lady love had a false tooth !" continued Agnes. "A false tooth make mc feel had i No, not if every tooth in your head wis false, so that your heart is true, and you arc my own love still," said Charley, catching her in his anus. "And you doubted mc, Charley ! How could you, after all your declarations; against jealousy, tool" "Whin a man is tried as I have been, and has beard bis love telling of tho old and new, true aad false, be may be well excused for thinking she was talking of the love and lovor, and not of a tooth," answered Charley, looking a little om barra * rd. "Now you, will have a little more pa tience with Malomn Upton, in a word, you will have a sympathizing henrt lor ? ealous men?eh, Charley?" asked Agnes playlully. "1 don't know about that. But I will always say, after this, thut a person doe* not know bow be will act until the time of trial eo.nes, and counsel that we shall never censure the weakness of another until our own strength hn$ l?ccu well proved," % LI?1'_ .. 'J'l ?? ?"'mmmmm*2S?mmmmm1'm?~mS? A Watoh Word?Tick. A Nod Follow?Morpheus. To relieve a Cold in the Head.?Blow the organ. Somebody says that every cord of wood given to the jaior is re-cord-h! above. "Out of sight, out of Oiind," at the wag said when be saw a blind lunatic. A noble heart, like tho sun, shows ita greatest countenance in its lowest estat-. On week days you buy your music by r the sheet. Ol? Sundays vou have it by * ? ? ? Ib^xhjiir._ Pen makers are a had lot. They make, people steel pens, and then they say they do write. The young lady singer, who thought she could make her voice clearer by straining it, made a great mistake. Narrow Souls.?It is with narrow soulc-d people as with narrow-necked bot tles,?the less they have in them, tho more noise they make in pouring it out. A hen-pecked hush.tml, who had mar ried bis wife because she wai handsome, declared that "a thing of beai ty was tt jaw forever." Cur mil*.?Sixty qua it? of strawberries, from Charleston, S. C were selling on Wednesday, in New York, at two dollars and fifty cents per quart. These are tho first of the season. nkatnes8. In its essence and purely for its own sake: says Hall's Journal of Health, neatness in found in few. Many a man is neat tor appearance sake; there is an in stinctive feeling that there js power in i*. "When a man consults a physician or a lawyer for the first time, or comes to rent a house or borrow money, he will come in bis best dress; a lady will call .n her carriage. A man who means business aid honesty comes as he is, just as you will find him in his store, his shop, bis counting-house. The most accomplished jramblers dress well; the most enterprising swindlers are faultlessly clothed; but countless multitudes arc but whitewashed sepulchres. Mauy dcu't care as long as it will not be seen. Washington AIL ston the great artist, the accomplished gentleman suddenly left his friend stand ing at the door of a splendid Boston mansion as they were about entering for a party, because be just remembered that he had a hole in his stocking. It could not be seen or known, but the very knowledgo of its existence made him feel that he was less a man than he ought to be; gave him a feeling of inferiority. When you sec a neat, tidy, cleanly, cheerful dwelling thero you will find a joyous loving happy family.