The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, October 16, 1903, Image 2

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sJSfceralU ??J |;invf. k. ii. alu,i,f hditok. IMPORTANT NOTICB. We arc sending statements to all our subscribers in arrears ami will bo glad to hear from I hem. If there are any mistakes in these statements we will be very glad to make correction. It would he a little remarkable if there should be no mistakes, hut wo are always pleased to make correction. We hope our friends will respond promptly to this appeal. FOR GOOD ROADS. The Rock Hill .lournai is another enthusiastic advocate of good roads and a property tax as the right and proper method of securing the money. It should add that this would not be a tux in the ordinary sense, but an invest incm inai would pay good dividends to those who would bo called upon to pay it. hi fact they would got all hack each year as it was paid. Wo arc glad the Journal is on the right, side of this question. Keep up the agitation and we will hasten the glad day when we will have good roads and the rural districts made desirable as residence. The .Journal quotes the following from the Atlanta Journal which will hear copying here: Good roads, and it is improvement of the roads which the act is primarily de- j signed to bring ahout, are necessary to the people of a commonwealth as are good houses. If the arteries are the life of the body, its highways are tin life of a State. Remove its means of intercourse with the outside world and any community would become insular m all the manifold meanings of the word. Improve them, ,nd so make material, intellectual and ... ial breadth. Of what use are schools, churches and other institutions which statu! for the symbols of enlightenment if they are not accessible? Good road.; are the cords which bind together i he mental, material and social life of the country side. Without lhem, prosperity Ian g'lishos. advancement halts, and the hardships of primitive conditions make narrow the enviromnenlsof the , .-ople. The increased value of property which they touch; the aecelerat ion of business and trades ol all kinds, the facilities for expansion along all lines these and countless other benefits prove goad roads out weigh any possible plea that might be urged against them. The en/ tering wedge has been placS-. and ' he. although therl- hl'm' s,n','K'.\1 .WV >vfr>-icT thnt for Mr f^n. v .i ^oX room eoiulitioii; ?o Mr. .on/ales to ,?*sson the out I u-i. - ! What has bccomo of the retail groj cers association which was to be organized here some time ago? The verdict in the Tillman case was reached in Lexington at 10.30 a. nt. ' yesterday and at lO.'lO a. in. just ten minutes later The Herald and News I had it posted on the bulletin. The story of the announcement is published in another column. The Herald and News has been to some expense in furnishing an account of this trial specially written f.m* this paper, but when it comes to giving the news that is what The Herald and News is printed for. THE SPEECHES The Arguments In the Now Famous Tillman Case 1 ,ivtiurln? a ^ * < >> v^., ucijner i i.? The arguments in the now fiftnous ami soon to bo historic e^se of Iho State aga:nst .lames II. Tillman, the slayer of N. (J. (Ion/ales, began on Monday morning and were concluded shortly after noon today. Judge Gary began his charge at about half-past twelve o'clock, and (Ik* case was given to the jury at J.'10. Nine arguments were made, five for the prosecution and four for the defense, and for more than s'xteen hours the walls of Lexington court house rang uitli the eloquence of South Carolina's loading attorneys and foremost orators. I.AKCE CROWDS IN ATTENDANt'.E. During t he progress of the arguments the court house has been crowded. I.argo crowds have come over from Columbia and there h?"s been a large attendance of the people of this county. SENATOR TILLMAN I'KHSKNT. Senator Tillman arrived in fji'xington this morning and heard the arguments and t he charge of the judge. THE , 'UMENTS. The opening argument on Monday tnoining was made by Solicitor TluirI m md, who devoted himself largely to I a discussion of legal phpsesof the question, and who made a strong and clear presentation of the State's crs<v i v>a Solicitor Thurmond w;-s i Mr. Geo. yttbert, onjjfr' Aattorns^tmd do I r'^jaCte,r- Gary Attorney C , owing to our 'peculiar dren M s. a man in this Stn?e I J TWO ATTORNEYS ARRESTED. ' Asbtll and Sturktc Attorneys for the State \ i in the Tillman Case Under Bond. . 1 i Lexington, S. C., October 14.?Two j of the uttorneys for the State in the j j Tillman case are tonight under $200 ; bond each, one on the charge of carry- , ; ing concealed weapons and the other on j tlu> charge of trespass after notice, and i among the much extraneous mutter I which had already come into this case ] there has now been injected the charge i of attempt to brib") witnesses. Several days ago the report was eir- i culated on the streets of Lexington | that E. L. Asbill, one of the State's attorneys and a member of the Lexington bar, had offered to pay $2.00 to M. C. Loriek, a witness for the defense : and a resident of Irmo, if he would say J that be was too sick to come to Lexing-1 tnn + vcouij in nit; case. Mr. Asbill heard the repoit and that it was originated by a brother of Lorielc and Geiger, also of Lexington. Mr. Asbill, accompanied by Mr. T. C. Sturkie, also a member of the Lexington bar and an att >1 ney for the State in this case, and who was a partner of Mr. Muller who died just before the beginning of the trial, went to Irmo two days ago to see Lorick and Geiger and to investigate the report and its origin. Mr. Asbill says he went for the sole purpose of inquiring into the report. Messrs. Asbill and Sturkie saw Lorick and Geiger, who said they had said something about the matter, but thrt they had not circulated this report, that if they had it was incorrect, in the words of t he gentlemen who went to see about, the matter, they "eat their words." Today Geiger ;<nd Lorick c;*me to Lexington and swore out. before Magistrate Jackson a warrant charging Asbill with carrying concealed weapons and Sturkie with trespass after notice ?entering upon the grounds of Lorick or Geiger after warned not to do so. After court adjourned today Messrs. Asbill and Sturkie were arrested and gave bond each in the sum of $'200. .J. K. A. -iiliiertuan! May your a(iditioua o increase. Joseph [ IMPORTANT DECISION. ?Pportuni gospel. icneral Guntcr Decides that Cliil- new cabin ay Attend School In nisfrirfc - 4VI . ' f GOTO Counts k Divert FOR TIIIC HKST IN Groceries, Fruits, Produce, Etc. Russell's Old Stand, Main Street. The NEWBERRY WAREHOUSE CO.... J c r oo H " < ^ * 1 ~ A * <v..iuiy ?,v./ OUU'C *..>OI7LOIl and issue receipts for same, which money can be obtained on THE NEWBERRY WAREHOUSE CO. Bos! in the World THE WALTER A. WOOD mmm and rakes For sale by me at close figures. Gu aranteed ^sg-r ^?< opening of Tha 1 ports in Manchuria. ,cl Chamberlain is losing no YOU fcy to spread his fisea| foh i) Uedmouc! says tlle let will go to pieces. 9 lV/JL?IllIi A.O I5Kif. A New Store HAIR & HAVIRD. I Wo arc now ready to show the trading public the Bent, Cheapest and Most Up4o-I)ate lute of MILLINERY IN NEYV BE K RY, Mrs. Hair having spent 2 weeks in the Northern markets selecting the stock by hand. We Also Carry DRY GOODS ...AND... R T an - - in VJ l IONS. We say get our Prices.. .... Before You Buy. jll.till 1 IIWIKlt, The Right Price Store. Summer Bros. Block, Lower Plain Street. LI M E AND ICEMENT We have just received a car each of Mi Lib Limp. --am nv liking you for pas in the future. W> Yo Certainty and $ofety Guaranteed at our Reliable Drug Store, Wm. E. Pelham & Son. We Employ The best skill and back it r~~with the ripest experience. > Prescriptions put up by men who . know how, with care and precision. Every Article Sold at our Reliable Drug .rzrrr???- Store that bears our name is guaranteed by us to be of full standard. V Orders From country or from a distance MP ???~ filled with despatch. If Dpi />rvr> TV? ? 1 l l ILiCD " u t/uuiui y blUTtJS GCJUcll TO "th? low? ~ est in any city. wm. e. ptlham im, 1 RELIABLE PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS, NEWBERRY, - - SOUTH CAROLINA. I sh0es~clothing ( ' > a T* \ T r\ i j n jo k t favors and wishing to ser^T 1 e are, . Urs trulw *