The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, September 04, 1903, Image 1

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ESTABLISHEDI. VFWBRRYSe., FRL)A Y, SEPTEMB ER 4t 1903 TWICE A WREK, $t.50 A YEAR A WONDBRFUL GROWTH. D) elopment of the South's Cotton Mill In rests-Negroes can Not Raise Cotton Profitably. R. H. E dmouds, in the Mont hly ne view of Reviews. Owing to the fact that the negro, as an independpnt or as a tenant farmer, is not successful in produc ing as good results in agriculture as when, in slave days, his labor was di rooted by the planter or an overseer, much of his farming has been un profitable to him, and at the same time ruinous to the soil. He has not understood the value of raising his own foodstuffe. and as a yearly ten ant, moving from place to place, he has not bad much incentive to im prove the sod, even if he had had the knowledge. His work has, there. fore, made him every year a less im* portant factor in the production of cotton. Absolute statistics of the relative amount of cotton produced by negro an- by white labor Vo not obtainable, but everywhere tj -h out the South, except in mc. m1s similar to the Yazoo Delta, the amount of cotton raised by negro Ia bor in proportion to the wtole crop is steadily declining. Such statis ties as are available for a few dis tricts bring this out very clearly. Fifty years ago defenders of the institution of slavery upon economic grounds thought that the production of certain staple crops of the South, especially cotton, dependod abso lutely upon the maintenance of slavery. Their reasoning was that the negro was necessary in the pro duction of cotton, and that the bost. results could be obtained from him as a slave. Subsequtnt events have demonstrated the fallacy of the argu ment, even though the free negro is not yet as efficient in agriculture as was the slave under some one else's direction. The actual work of raising cotton was never exchwviively / in the hands of negroes. It. is cer tain tha , e the passing of slavery at t1at tuice im this particular A bri(p a steady decline. This gr*adingirstood in the South, but prove are. In 1739, in an Eug Of the c testimony was given to ing thi "that cotton grows very sider jeorgia, and can be raised .e persons without the aid of .es," and this hav been true ever xe, though many writers not fami liar with Southern conditions even yet suppose that almost the entire crop is raised by negroes. cOTTON MILLs IN sOUTuERN RTATEs. The developme:it of the cotton inill interests of the United States is indi cated in the following figures: la50 . 2 Z8,% 7ai 1,01 5 9'" 1550... .3,611,693 932 111 7c, 00,911 01,1 ,I,iN7 i IH'0... .4,035 -'98 12' 'X IN,'85.2913 I, N31 7 3 1510... (1,1231 571 l35.:1 9 4',7 11.9% 1i7,x ',7 9 I1't0... 0,7118 5111 17 1,11, 2' 8,4 - ' (11 9 '.0 J 313' 18j90... 3,185', 43 22 ,58S 3 1,S, i 1 ' 7,98',7 t ,i~ 9) 3 ..!91,0503,9 .1 302,8X' '17210,1 p : 3 t::i\ 20 .4 In 1 880 the S,uthI had 607,000) 5pind les, onut o f a t ot al oi I0,708,000, htiind its capjit al inve'sted4 in Iet 3on1 fmaufacturinig was $21 ,00,00t -a Yfraction over one teonrth of ihn eotilon mill capital of t he count r-y. by 1800, the number of spindles had inmcreased 'Ito 1,700,000, and the cap1italt to $01, 000,000, the caipital thou, being over 9one sixth of the total for the count ry, and the South had then, for the fi rst m,conm to be seriously regarded asi a p',ssible domninant fact or ini cer tain lines of cotton goods. 'rThe cont sus of 1900 showed that in that year the SouthI had 4,5)00,000) act1ive' sp)i1 dies and $1 12,000,000 of cottt tmillI capital. At. the p,reont time th South has, in round figures, a total of about 8,000,00(0 spintdles, repro flent ing ani investmnenat of bet woonu $ 175 000,00(0 and $200,000,000. wnly smr1 TO EImIIor'E? While the largest. expantsiont of tihE cotton mill indust ry is in i he sout bi this (lees not mean the (decay3 of New England's mill interests. There ii room for growth ini both sections certainly for New Enigland to main Lain its present cot toni businessi by steadly tendency toward the fines products, even though most of thi future growth should center i[n the sonth. There are about 110,000,004 cotton spindles in the world, and Ihre, f-mrtbs of ill the cotton used by them comes from ihe cotton fields of the south; but that section, with all its progress, still has only 8,000, 000 spindles. The entire country has only about 22,000,000. We are still shipping to Europe over 00 per cent of our raw cotton every year almost as uneconomic as it woul( b'e to ship our iron instead of turning it into the finished product here. In 1900, there were 302,000 hands em plo)ed in the cotton mills of this country. On this basis the full util. ization in our own mills of the 10,. 500,000 bales we now produce would furnish employment to nearly a million operatives. For the con trol of this vast industry, employ ing a million people, probably tvo billions of capital, and pro(ucing about $1,500,000,000 a year of finished goods, the south is now be. ginning to contend It is a prize worthy the struggle, for it is enough to enrich an empire. Add to the $500,000,000 or $550,000,000, the present valu of the cotton and seed crop, the $1,500,000,000 as the value of the finished product, and the $125,000,000 as the present value of the product of cotton seed oil mills, and tho total of about $2,250,000,000 -merely, of course, a rough esti mate in round figures-is the, daz zling wealth which the south 1, by [lnt ural advantages, Ias the right, to claim and the certainty of eventually winning. TIUE VALUE OF I'ItEEN'T cliOP. When the wheat. crop or the corn crop is b_olow the normal yield, in part, at least, substitutes can be pro vided, but for cotton there is no sub stitute. After it has left the field, it affords employment in its manu facture to over a million operatives, besides the hundreds of thousands employed in the making of machin ery and in other work connected with this industry. The capital in vested in the cotton manufacturing interusts of the world has been esti iated to exceed $2,000,000,000. The world's production of cotton has averaged, for the last six years, 13, 470,000 bales of 500 ;ounds each, of which the south is now producing an average of 10,023,000 bales, or 75 per cent. The south is now producing anti average of about 10,500,000 bales a year. The larg. est crop which it ever raised was 11,274,840 bales in 1898; but, owing to the very low prices tho p1revail ing, its value was the smallest for any' year since 1878. In that year the yield wvas 5,074,155 bales, but this gave to the cot ton planters of the south $236,586,000, while the 11, 000,000) hale crop of twenty years later brought $282,772,00t0. WHIAT'S WVRONG WITH TUSKEGEE? Alabama Legislator fi-om Booker's Owi Town Brings in 11111 to Take Away State AId from is School. Monitgomiery, Alat., Sepitemb,ler I I prosenlat Li Wood0( introduiicOid in tlbe A lad buma Legilavto ure t oi ay3 ai bill whuich seeks to) take from the Tnske gee Normaul School, of which Bookei WVashing,,tonm is the head, the annnal appiroplriationi or $1,500 which it re ceivyes from t he State agricoItuiira fund. Thel same bill seek-s also t< dleprive the Negro Normal C~ol leg< at Montgomery of $1 ,000) fronm the esame source. Mr . Wood is a reSi dlont of thle towni where the Tu'ske gee school is located. The bill wi referred to thle comminit tee on 'd uca A mnan giving his namo as Frani WVilb renor wont. to Haga more 1 Hii Tuesrd ay n ight. andi inusist ed on secina thle P'reidlent. lis attions were se peoniliar andti hiis domuiiads to see thi lPresident so inusist enit thait lie wa lockedl up. Hte wals found to be full arnimd. He was gi ven a preliminatsr hearing Wednesday and said that h went. to soe the Prasidlent to marr his (laughter, Miss Alice. Hie sai he had talked with the President an it was all right, lie was turned ove t.o the county authorities lHei hn1)linvnel tn ha0 (1emaented NOW COMES THE TUG OF WAR. Macedonian Leaders Order a General Up rising.-Gen Zontcheff and CQl Jankoff at the Head of the New Outbreak. Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1.-The Macedouian revolutionary leaders awaited the anniversary of the Sul tan's accession to proclaim the long anticipattd general inurrection in Northern Macedonia, the proclama tion of which was issued today, signed by all the members of the insurgent general staff. The new outbreak is headed by the famous Macedonian leaders, Gen Zontcheff, president of the Macedo nian committee, and Col Jankoff, who was wounded in the rising of 1902. The new territory covers the dis trict in the Valley of the Struma, at the base of Rhodope Mountain chain, and to the north of the River Var dar. Col Jankoff is directing the moveinents of the bands in the soutli orn part. News of severe fighting is still coming in. At the village of Aruensi, after i (ay's fighting, the Turkish troops in the night time massacred the entire population of -180 men and 200 women. The Turks have also massacred the inhabi tants of the village of Velei. It. is reported that Hilmi Pasha, the inspector general for Macedonia, fears to leave his hoadquarters in the Konak at Monastir. The insurgent leador, rnell', iii a letter to Hilmi Paslm, demandeuI that. lie prevent the barbarous acts of the Turkish soldiers and Bashi Bazouks, other wise the revolntionists would ninassa cro all the Turkish inhabitants. The insurgents have occupied the moun tamn pass of Gergele on the main line f rom Salonica to Uskub, and Tur kish troops have been sento dislodge thnem. The town of Malkoternovo is re ported to be in a state of anarchy, the Turks plundering the houses and committing unspeakable atrocities on the women. PROGREss OF COTroN's FLEET. Mssina, Sicily, September 1.-The United States cruisers Brooklyn and San Francisco passed through the Straits of Tessina at. 11.20 a. in. to day, bound south. The semaphore saluted the wiar ships, wishing them good luck. 'LACA'11NO UNcLE SAM. Constantinople, September 1. The Porte has notified Minister Leishman that five arrests have been made at Beirut in connection with the shooting which led1 to the rep)ort that William C. Magelssen, the Uni toed States vice and dleputy consul there, had been assassinated. The Turkish oflicials continue to insist that no attempt was mnadle on the vice consul's life and they reas sort that the whole story originated in feu-de-joie fired on thme occasion of a nat ive marriage and in accor-d anico with custom. Mr. Leishmain, however, refuses to accept such an QApinntat.ion without conclusive proof that thle judicial investigation con tiunues. Washinigtoni, August 31.---ChekiL I By, the TFurkush aminister, had ii long interview todlay with Secretary I lay. He refused to discuss th< interview, stating that he had noth ing to commiunIicatte further that' what appeared in ihe AssociateodPresi a dlispatchecs the previous minornng After thle imntervi'ew Secretary Hiay visited th1e( navy dlepartmient. Chekib Boy assured Secret ar3 Hay tha. the Turkish Governmmen lihad done nothing wrong and wvil I use overy ende(1 aver to proteci ( Anmericani citins residing in Tur >key. Hie also dlisonssedl the con 3 dlit ions (of the inisurrectioni m Turkey s and1( salIid hat I ih Tuiirkish G4overn nmont wa's noti responlsiblie for ammny 0: y the. d1isa-ter ni h ,at had1( occured. (i Secret ar Haiy's call upon Acting y Secetary D)arling was for the pur :1 pose of ascertainmog thle whoroabouti cl of t.he FEuropean squadron, anid ala< r wvhat t heir- orders are. There is nm s intention of chlangi ng any ordlers a preosent,, especially as the ships cani not be reached until they arrive at Beirut. DIIoSITION OF AMERICAN WARSHIPs. W ashington, Sept. 2.-The admin. ietration has come to no decision re. gardmg the disposition to be made of the American warships which are now sailing to Beirut. Whether the Brooklyn and San Francisco will re main in Turkish waters will depend entirely upon the report which Min. ister Leishian makes concerning the si! n in Turkey and the necessity whion exists.for warships to protect American interests. It is expected that the report of Minister Loishman will receive the consideration of the president before any determiintion is reached. It is understood that Min ister Leishman's complete report will reach Washington about the time of the arrival of the squadron inl Turk ish waters. AMElRICAN RAILWAYS BEST. Paul Morton, of the Atchison, Talks of Foreign Roads. Philadelphia Record. Vice President Paul Morton, of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway, who has just returnod from an extended tour of Europo, makes interesting coiparisious between American railways anid those itbroad, and sums up by saying that the for mer gives the best service at the low est rates of ainy railway tin the world. Anong otlher lhings I said: Tho servico yon roeeive while travelling does not, begin to conipare with the pullnman service. A guard answers the place of conducitor and porter, ano one roller towel at, the end of each cir is stipposed to ne commodate all the passengers. Tho American people, ats now e(ucated, simply would not put uip with the facilities that the Continental t rav ollers get on their "t rain do Iuxe."' Ini many of tie trains the only way you can get towels, 1oap and other toilet accommnodationts is bjy patronizing the nickel-in the slot, ina chines. These machines are in th lavatories on the trains. In Ger. many, for 20 pfennigs you will draw out of these machines a towel about tle size and thickness of an ordinary piece of wriing paper and a cike of soap about the size of an American dollar. I am certainly not oxaggerat ing when I sey that ihe towel you get is not any thicker or as large i the ordinary American napkiin. I is intended to be throwvn taway aifteu you use it. PASSENGER RATEs 10nonER. The passenger rates arVo very muel higher all over 1?urope than the) are in the United States, the aiverag< rate por mile being between 1 anid cents. Sleeping car chalrgosl ari much higher and1( in a good mnilly o) the counitries they atllow j:n free bag gage lit all. In F'lrnco which i; the most liberal of thien lill, t he: aillow onily i)6 piounds. Th is is abou one-thbird of that allowed ini t.heUnite< States. The Amonricani tourist cai figure on payinig for excess balggag 33 per cct. of what, his ticket cos himi. Th'le employees of rilIroads ari very poorly paid, I believe 1 Iar safe in saying thait. engiineers, liro mnen, condulictors, and1( rail way emt p)loyees genlerailly earnt only aboi one( lhalf thie mon01ey abroadl for poi forrming more wvork t,hani the 511am class of workmn receive ini t.hi Icountry. Fromn close observaition of t Ii g nest ion, I am11 satie find4: thalt the AmInerican people1 re ceivo more comfort aund het ter faici ities in every way for less nmne than thosei ini anly I'uiropean coluntr) and that b)oth paissenger rid freigli rates in the United St ates arne 33 por cet.t cheaper t hanr t hose aibroa: while the employees or Amlerica: rail road(s receive iln wages nearlI twice as muttch astti1)1 pa1id to siii wvorkmn inl Elnrope. A I ( yeair-oldl boy was killed dut ing a dramaitic pierformnice imn lii >rminghami. D)urinig the play13 blan1 >cartridges woero fi redl and1 th rough mist ake a bullet ini one revolv( ROOSBVBLT AND CALHOUN. g Some Striking Resemblances In Their ) Careers and Some More Strik- d ing Differences. St Louis Republic. 0 Republican protectionist papers do 1 not fancy the Republic's recent cita- i tion of a passage from a speech of 0 John C. Calhoun. Mr Theodure Roosevelt's career, if these papers in sist on barating Calhoun, may be contrasted with that of the Caro- d linian, who was State Legislator, Con n grossman, Secretary of War, Vice v President and Senator. In several u features these careers bor striking i resemblances, which make the point ' of divergence and antithesis but the h stronger. The mno rose in rank through not dissimilar gradations; Roosevelt serving as police commis- i sioner and Governor, where Calhoun caine up by way of the South Caro hi Legislature and Congress, and Roosevelt being assistant Secretary c of the Navy, whoreas Calhoun had ( hold the portfolio of war. Thus they I caine into he Vice Presi(lency by almost parallel paths. Then occurs the striking compari i son and counter thesis-thence the t two young men carried the banners of success to opposite peaks, Roose volt to the peak of ambition, Calhoun ( to the pinnacle of principle and tIruth. Thoso 'oareers approached great climaxes inlhe sa e mariner, and t he clinaxes occurreil when each aspiraint, had attainod tihe Vice Presidency and V was seeking election to the supremo posit. Tile crucial momients arrived 0 under similar circumstances and in. volved like states of facts. Identical issues were presented for decision. v Action hinged upon the same consid- t orations. In either case fidelity to i principle involvedi a sacrifice of polit- t ical opportunity. Up to the time of the crisis which called for his supreme fortitude Cal. houti's success had been undisturbed; esteem, afrection and renown had boon his inl great abundance; through. out, the country his popularity was lippormost; with the politicians he was in high favor, no breaches hav ing occurred. The Presidency fairly waited to drop in his lap. Then caine the hour of trial, when charac ter arnd purpose were put to the test of firo. The tariff Act of 1828 was on passage-the "bi'l of abomma tions." Politicians had taught the 1)0o1p10 to cry "protection" on behalf of special manufactures and moneyed interests, and those interests were making capital out of the popular clamor. The tariff Act was specially designed for their benefit. Calhoun knew it and perceived that it was an attempt to mulct the people, but lie knew equally well that to fight it would be to incur the full tide of a sectional displeasure and the hatred of cap)ital ists and( p)oliticians. Disas ter and the end( of p)olitical advance menit confronted him. He made a clean fight. "Protection, indeed!" lhe cried. "Call it tribute, levy, ex act ion, nmnopoly, plundler!'" lie had counted the cost anid biore the death Iof his aims philosophically. Malice, Nlanider anid uncharitableness caine upon01 him in torrents, anid he only remuark(ed calmly that ''le who acts seems to he the greatest do ceivor.'' t. How dlid Mr Roosevelt face this crisis ? lHe had often shouted t.hat he wvould "(lie for'' principle. How did he face the issue when it was fairly presented last year? " 'Shackle the trusts!'' lie haSd cried, andi had loudly proclaimed against -a perverted [prot ection wh ich sheltered the trusts. He had led the people to bielieve the revision would 1)e hi Sweapon against the trusts. Observe Ithat t lhe peopl)e( were against thmeoxist ing ordier of tairiffs--they were riot bieseochinig hel p for the p)rivilog4(d ~,maiiufacturers, as they had done in r. (alhiouni's t imn. Th'le people wvere~ readhy to starnd solidly at lloosevelt's b)ack., should lie defy the monopoly '. anid p)arty alliance arid make a clean -stantd for his p)rinciples and pledges. k WVhat wvould .Johir C. (Calhioun have a doneJi under' ihe circurnistances? WV ha, r did1 Mr R'osevelt? I is manninili was ambimon his oal was the PrsIdne , 1oand ho )und the t rits andl(I party leadors locking his pit h, crying "Staid aInld oliver!" fie yielted his principle to 1e political higlhwa men. It was a Jmpromise and a moral collapse. 'he results are patent. "Revision i not a remedy," Mr. Roosevelt de. lared in his December message. 'he trusts woro no longer to be shackled;" the shelterig schedules ore not to be disturbed to the trusts' amage. Tho trusts anid politiciansi o lIonger block tho path. ir. RHoose elt complacently continues his way p the mountain-lbut principle and delity and fearlossness shall tnot be rrit large in his history, as in tle istory of John C. Calhoun. SOUT11 CAtOLINA NiWS. ems of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. The first balo of the now cotton rop rocoived in Norfolk was froin iio, S. C. It brougliht 15 oents a lonid. Messrs. N. G. Evans and S. Mc lo.van Simkinls, of 'Idgofiold, have nounced themselves for olicitor of heir circuit in the race next year. Prof. J. M. Balvin, who was iorn in Columbia, has resigloil the hair of psycholgy at Prinvoton to cept, the chair (of Jhlilosoly)' and 1sychology at Johni Ilopkins. Chief if IPoico )aly of Co11ihbia vai on boarl a t mme whieb vilt inl col litin wit h) 111ot hvor fi(emllr [I jHam-pt,onl ItotIs oil Miiivity. N1 no was fatally injurod. Chief l)aly Ias stunned for a Imn. A cargo of Ohre hundrOd tos of vhale Ilmat, hits ben shippod from'ii he Erie basin to ChIarlestoi to b ised il the Charloston fortilizor fte ories to prepare the Southern cotton ields to pro:lue bigger crops. The dwelling of Mr. limury Cri ler at St. Matthows mwIs st ruk by ightning this wok and burn1ed. several other building inl t ie neigh )orhood were set ,onl firo by the ightning. There were no fatal ties. A two millioni d(Ollar coIMany has >een formed to Iiwolop th e water >owers in and airoimd Grooknville for ho purpose of driving Ile lund1reds >f factorios inl the Piodimot. The apitpl stmk of the comuny i , )00,0. 'The details are nolt yet. iccessible. Conlstab)le J1. T1. T1homiauson at R{ock 1Hill ranled the hlouse of (Gabe Blowdeni, colored, for whIiiskey, arnd got into trouble with thle female mnembers of Bowdon's family. The 30onstable 51ays tien wollioni aissaulted him. The o1(1 ngo~( satys t hat. the sonistall whipd th1)( Ile wo miiinu for no( aanI15. Thiornassor i was arrested( an ii then the nlegro 's daumghteI r was ar rested, and1( bothI have b een re leased oni bond. Slow Trinms to G;reenivhill.. A proint CIIizeni of (Ireeniville hats filed the following compl'aaint ini the~ oflice of thle railroad ionuiisiri in Columbia: "'For thle past eightoon11101 moths tho Coh lumia and (ireenivil le train No i i has1 run froin twenty miinitos to twvo hours l ate, averaging p)rob)aly3 fifty niIt.uinu late. M oat of thle <do lay, 1 iundlerstiiand, comesi' from wait ang 0on the Chia rlsat on conethit' on. CJan not your b)ody linfluenlce thle rauil - roads to leave CJharlest on at 6.30( a. mi. instead of 7 81), or' leave Coluni bin at 1 2.-to11and reach GroonIvillie at 5.'25, so t hat every piasseriger on that11 train overy (day in t he year', wouhlt niot Jose one hou11r, abisol utoly thIirown: away I" Secretary D)nnean hats taken the matter uip withI Superinitndeuit P'. I. WVellastand thiis nitttr of lat e tratins will beC rmneidied1 if poslsibile. It is reported froms Xenezuola that harrsh injustice is tbeinug moed out. to foreigners wvho present cliaimis against Venezuela T1hie hatred of foreigners hia gone to such an extreme that a gibboet was erected onl thie streets of onie of the p)rinIcipal cities on which wvas hung an ofligy rep)reseniting a fornigner. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. tems of More or Less Interest Condensed Outside the State. Andy Montgomery, 117 yents old, he olde.A negro in Georgia, died in Atlanta on Tuesday. A negro was hanged at Richmond, Va., on Wednesday for an attempted 19sault upon a white woman. The international arbitralors at he Hague are in session on some 3laiins of the Venezuelan govern nent. An Austrian steamer was blown ip on route Burgas to Constantinople )n Wednesday, twenty-nine persons tosing their lives. Three men working in a sower in Nlilwaukee, Wis., two white fuld one 'olored, wore suffocated by soweor Yas on Tuesday. The engagement has been an [lounced of Miss May Gooblet, a rich American girl of Newport, R. I., and Lhe Duike of Roxburgho. 'Judge J. C Ellis, one of the best known lawyers of western Kansas, 1ied at his home at Pratt after hav ing gone 37 days without food, fol lowing a theory that fasting is a cure for indigestion. TIhe peoplo of Shawneetown, Ill., went to the jail Tuesday morning to lynch a negro who had assaulted a white wvoman, but, the umob was held at bay by the sheriff and finally dis porsed. A terrific hail storm swept over Virginia the early part of the week. In Appomattox alone it destroyed a million tobacco plants. The storm swept Amhorst, Nelson, Appomattox, and Charlotte couniies. A teacher of a negro school in Now Hoads, La., was killed Monday night while riding along a road horseback. The negro teacher had been making spovches tending to incito the niegroes against the whites. Th( romains of Lord Salisbury woro interred oil Ni onday besido those of his wife in the burial ground of the Cecils at Hatfield. The only floral tributo on the coffin was a wreath sont by Queen Alexin dira. A tihroe days' Biblo conference, uIidler the auspicos of the conmittoo of the John C. Martin educationil fund, was held in Atlanta this week. The fund 1s used to promi1ote the ed-. ucation of negro preachers througout the South. Owing to lack of wind there have booni nio yacht races since the second vist ory of the Realiance over the Shamn rock ill1., though there have been several attempts ini which the Ameri. cani boat has walked away with the challenger. A t ai recenit mootinig of the creditors of t he Oliver ltofiing (Jo., of Nor folk, Va. , which recently failed for a quallrter of a il Ilion dollars, the brothers of thle president of the coin paniy ollered to assume all liabilitie e andic pay one0 hunirdred thousand (tol lars cash dlown. TIhe members of the New York Yacht club hav.e called for a popular subiscript ion for a silver service to 1)0 presented to Sir Thomias LipJtoni. It is dlesiredl th!at the subscript ion be nationmal and the service willI be pre.. seinted ini the nme of the people of the United States. Satu rday miorning when the officers of Fortress Monroe discovered than five prisoners had (escaped sentinois wero placed at guard over all the cells. Notwithstanding thim, on Sun (lay night private V alentine, who was in solitary confinement, made his escape from the fort. Seven directors of a Newark, N. .J., trolley line andl four of the highest oflicials have boen indicted in the courts oif New Jersey for manslaugh.. ter, the crime charged against them being that seven high school students of Newark wore killed in a collision of one of their cars with a railroad train. The arrest of the oflicials followed the coroner's verdict fixing the respon:;ioility on the trolley corm pny.