The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 31, 1903, Image 1

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rABLHED 1F LIRIJEtElb i' ems. 'TABLISH ED 1865. ___ NEWBERLRY, SL (C., FRIDAY, JULY 31, 1903. T -_ __ ____ ___ _______ __ WJCE A W REK. MU.5 A VW AP "HORSE-SHOE ROBERTSON." teresting Sketch of the Old Hero Made Famous in Story. 'he Pendleton chapter, U. D. C., ted Prof. W. S. Morrison, of mson College, to deliver an ad. as On Memorial Day, May 9th, on the history of "Old Pendleton," d in complying with the invitation gave an instructive address upon e early history of Pendleton dis. ict., which originally included the resent counties of Greenville, Pick ens, Oconee and Anderson. Among the interesting sketches of this sec tion, Prof. Morrison alluded to the well-known historical novel, "Horse Shoe Robertson," written by J. P. Kennedy, Esq., of Maryland, the hero of which was a native of Pendle ton district and lived on Chaunga river for nearly a third of a century. is home is still standing. Prof. orrison read the following extract m an old newspaper, the Flag of Union, published at Tuscaloosa, and dated January 17, 1838: ho has not read Kennedy's do. ful novel of this name, and who as read it would not give an ay's ride to see the venerable hero of the tale of the "Tory doncy," the immortal Horse himself, the exteriminator of Curry" and "Hugh Haber " The venerable patriot bear he familiar sobriquet., and whose Mr. Kennedy has nade as liar in the mouths of American hs as household words, was visit y us, in coipaniky with several ds, one day last week. We found old gentleman on his plantation, ut twelve miflos from this city, as fortably situated with respect to is world's goods as any one could esire to have him. It was gratify ing to us to see him in his old age, :after having served through the whole war of Independence, thus -seated under his own vine and fig itree, with his children around him and with the partner of his early toils and trials still continued to him, enjoying in poace and safety the rich rewards of that ardnous struggle, in the most gloomy and desponding hour of which he was found as ready, as earnest, as zealous, for the cause of liberty, aS when victory perched upon her standard, and the star of the "Tory Ascendency" was for awhile dimmed by defeat, and in which he continued with unshaken faith and constancy until it sank be. low the horizon, never again to rise. The old gentleman gave na a partial history of his Revolutionary adven tures, containinrg muany interesting facts respecting t he dlomination of the Tory plarty in the south during the times of the R?evolut ion, which Mr. Kennedy has niot recorded in his boo0k. But it will chiiefly interest our readIers, or that portion of themn at least to whom the history of the old hero's achievement.s as recorded by Mr. Kennedy is famuiliar, to be assured that the principal inidients therein p)ort rayed are st rictly true. That his escape from Chiarlest on sfter t he capture of thait city, his being entrusted with ai baIter to But hler, the scenie at Wat Adair's, the capture of Butler at. (Gndaml's loerd, his sub'sequernt cape and reeaiptunre, the death of John llamusay anid the detetionm of t he part y by reason of of the sal ut e ti redi over hiis grave, bis capturing thle four mien under the commnuurd or the younger St. Glermarn, his at tauck upo0 n lue's camp, and the cdeat h of 11 ngh H aber ebaw by huis own haend, and inally the (teathI of J im Curry, are aill nar rated pretty much as they occurred, is certain. In the 01(d veteran's lan gnage, "Tiihere is a heap of truth in it, though the writer has mnightily furnished iti up." Th'.' at thie namrues of Butler, Milred, .I,insay, Mary Musgrove, J ohun llamusay, H-ugh HIabershaw, J imc Curry,- and in fact almost every othler used ini thle book, with the e'xceptioni of his owni, are' real suid riot lict itinms. lIis owvn nanie, he inuforumed us, is James; and that lie dlid niot go by the familiar appellat ion by wvhich he is 'now so wvidely kneown until after the wvar, when hte acqjuired it from the form of his pliant ationi in the Horseshoe Bend of the Changa crook, which was bestowed upon him by the legislature of South Carolina in consequence of the services he had rendered during the war. This estate, we understood him to say, he still owned. He was born, he says, in 1759, and entered the army in his seven teenth year. Before the close of the war, says he commanded a troop of horses, so that his military title is that of Capt. Horseshoe. Although in infirm health, lie bears evident marks of having been a man of great personal strength and activity. He is now afflicted with a troublesome cough, which, in the natural course of events, must in a few years, wear I out his aged frame. Yet, notwith- I standing his eye still sparkles with tho fire of youth, as he recounts the stirring and thrill,g incidents.of the war, and that sly, quiet humor, I so well described by Konnedy, may still be seen playing around his mouth as one calls to his recollec tions any of the pranks lie was wont I to play upon any of "Tory vag grants" as he very properly styles them. The old gentleman received us with warm cordiality an(d hos pitality, and after partaking of the I bounties of his board and spending F a night under his hospitable roof, we took leave of him, sincerely wishing him many years of the peaceful on joyment of that liberty which lie fought so long and so bravely to achieve. It will not be uninterest ing, we hope, to remark that the old hero still considers himself a soldier, though the nature of his warfare is changed. He is now as zealous a promoter of the Redeemer's cause as lie once was in securing the inde pendence. of his country. Since the above was in typo we have heard of the death of the aged partner of this venerable patriot. An obituary notice will be found in anothel column. Truly in friendship, Signed: Thomas P. Clinton. Within a few weeks after the visit thus described the old soldier met "the last enemy that shall bo, over come." His grave is near the Black Warrior river, a few miles from Ttscaloosa, Ala , and thn in scription on the marble marking his last resting place is: "Major James Robertson, a nati-ie of South Carolina, died April 26, 1838, aged 79 years, and was buried here. "ell known as Horseshoe Rob ertsoni he earned a just fame in the war for independence in which he was eminent in courage, patriotism and suffering. He lived fifty-six years with his worthy partner, use ful and respected, and died in hopes of a blissful immortality. His chil dren erect this monument as a tri bute justly due a gone fat-her, huts. band, neighbor, patriot and soldier. Name derived from a banid in a creek in South Carolina." Notice to KIssers, Passengers k issing ood 1) e are ramluested1 to do most. of kissing at home anid makce t heir oscuilations No railroadl ticket. good for more than one kiss when tri-nsm are leay ing. lake one kiss at a time. Don't kiss on plat forms. D)on't kiss the wrong fellow. TJhe company will not. be responisi ble0 for blow- up[s and( hot-boxes b)y hasty kisses. It mnighit do somo good. Gala Week, Aniderson, S. C., August 44~ 190$, Cheap Rates via Southern RaIlway. On account of the above occasion, the Southern Rtailway will sell r-ound ti-ip tickets to Anderson at. rate of one first class fare plus 25'c. for- the roumnd tipl. M inimum i-ate 50e-. Tickets to bie on sale A uguist It h, r5th, 6th and 7th, with final limit A ugust. 8th, 1903. For rates, Schedules, etc ,apply to Local Agent, or to R. W. hIUNT, D)ivision Passenigeri Agent, Chairlest on. S. C. THE LAST OF THE ROMANS. L Character Sketch of a Striking Figure. Gen. Cassius M. Cloy, of Kentucky. 4ew York Sun. Cassius Marcellus Clay, the storm est and most salient persouality ir State where the development ol ndividuality is carried to the ex rome, had lived for years in a stat( >f private war. His sentimental omplications, his part in the old Irama of January and May, hu astellated seclusion and the terroi io inspired are familiar enough tc ,eneration. The well meaning wish if his relatives to have him regarded ncompetent or insane was excusa >le; but if he was mad at any time, ie was mad most of his life. He vas a law to himself; eccentric or xtraordinary always; but with u koble courage, an absolute trust iii is own strong hand; with heroic pnalities, touched with whim and antasy, and a will that never weak ned.' In his arbitrariness, his vio. Once, his self-assertion, the fierce iess of his wrath, he was medineval, Sprung of a patrician Virginian took that followed Daniel Boone tc he dark and bloody ground, he be onged to the Southern land-holding, lave-holding class. I-I had in ex. OHs its virtues and some of its faults, it Yale he took it into his head tc )o convei Qd to anti-slavery opinionm )y a speech which he heard Willian Aloyd Garrison make. According to his later recolloc ions, he then resolved to "giv( ilavery a death struggle." Possibl) iit delight in battle was caressed b3 he prospect of p-riaching abolition, sm among the planters. Whatevei onvictions he held he was ready t( lie for, and to make his opponenuti lie for, if they attacked him. Th< 4astern aholitionists had a compara ively easy time of it while living md have been glorified ad nausean md out of all proportion for danger hey did not undergo and resulti vhich they had precious little hant i bringing about. A m 1, or two mud Garrison becomes a b,ro and a tod. "Cash" Clay goes down among iis Southern brethren, lights witl .arnal weapons, takes his life in hi. iand and perfectly ready to take th< ives of others; and there is no haih or his grand old unrepentant head qo odor of sanctity breathes from le was a goat and not a sheep. T< ,he sleek, drab Eastern exhortert his terrible, ur.regenorato, fire >reathing, slashing and shooting iristocrat was uni Ltelligible. Imag no Richard of the Lion Heart at 1 neoting of the New England branel >f the Anti - Imperialist League ['hink of Cmsar B3orgia at a sowing iirclel Let us confess humbly that (la' s to us a much more attractive anm mupressive figure; a man and a dlevil fa man, and he looked his par mlways. His prime was the primi >f the bowie knife and1 the revolver le was no friend of arbitration. HI )elieved in the custom of the coun ry, and everybody whlo meddle< ~it hi him was likely to have his handi n11. Somoc lovely combats are (de cribod ini his autobiography. TPak uis mild combat with one Sprigg hvpnr lhe was a membed,r of the Ken buecky Legislature. It~ was oxpectoe that Sprigg wvould challenge him o iecount of certain warmi wordls. No, Sprigg, whein the Bourbon was ii hlad told Clay the Sprigg methof It wais Sprigg's habit, when a figi couldl not be avoidefd, to come uip t his no "'in a mild andl cor.ciliator manner."~ Th'len, withtb01 declarn tion of wvar, he would swat that, ma mightily and keep on swatting hi until lie was licked. Oblivious these fatal confidences, Sprigg, a mnildooess and conciliation, steps u to Clay, who knocks him dowun wili Dut a. word, aind keeps knocking hii do(wni every time34 he gets uip, unt Sprigg is dlrnggedl away. This was meure boy's~ play ; nor noe we mention (len. (laLy's (1uels accord ing to the forms. 11 is fighat at is sf'lls Cave ili 1I8-O with} Samuel i Brown, a gigantic bully, is a spec mxent of real strennousness Brows on thle slavery side of the argamen called Clay ai (Ilnid liar .mnid h him with his unbrella. Clay knew his man and at onco pulled out his bowie knife. Here is his tiecount of the controversy that followed: "Before I could strike I was seized from behind and borne by force about fifteen feet from Brown, who, being now armed with a Colt's re volver, cried: 'Clear the way and lot me kill the damned rascal.' Tho way was speedily cleared, and I stood isolated from the crowd. Now, as Brown had his pistol bearing on me, I had either to run or advance. So, turning my left side toward him, with my loft arm covering it, so as to protect it to that extont, I ad vanced rapidly on him, knife in hand. Seeing I was coming, he know very well that nothing but a sudden and fatal shot could save him. So ho held his fire, and taking deliberato aim just as I Wias within arm's roach he fired at my heart. I camv down upon his head with a tremendous blow, which would have split opn an ordinary skull, but Brown's was as thick as that of an African. Tho blow laid his skull open about. three inches to the brain, indenting it., bit, not breaking tho textures; but, it so stunned him that ho was no more able to fire, and feebly attempted to soize me. Iis fellow conspirators now grasped me and hold both arms above my elbows, which only allowed me to strike with the foroarm as Brown advanced uipon me. I was also struck with hickory sticks and c-- 'rs. But fin,ling I was likely to ge. loose, they throw Brown over the stone fence, which, only two foot high on our side, was sovoni or eight on the lower side. So Brown had a terrible fall, which ended tho contest. Raising my bloody knife, I said: 'I repent that the statement made by the speaker before Brown's assmilt has been proven a falsehood, and I stand ready to defend the truth.' Bnt, neither the speakor of the day nor any of the conspiratorm taking up my challenge, some of my friends, recovering from their lethargy, took me by the arm to the dwelling house, and, on opening my vest aid shirt bosom, found only a red spot over my heart, but no wound. On ox amination it was found that the ball as I pulled up the scabbard of Iy bowie knife, in drawing the blade, had entered the leather near tho point, which was lined with silver, and was there lodged." Brown's skull was cut to the brain in several places, one ear was slit nearly off, one eye gouged1 out and he had other woands. It is a plens. nrc to remember that when (Gon. Clay was tried for mayhem, LIonry Clay defending him, Brown was the chief witness for tile defence and testilied that there was a conspiracy between himself and four others to b)ring on the aifray. Some sixty years ago (Gen. Clay ,was edlit ing an abolitionist paper, t he Te Amnericani, at leinigtonm That wvas about ase (dangerous work as ai ma 1111couldl find. Clay fort.iflied hiim. - self accordinigly; I "I selected for mny office a brilt building antd li ned thle outside dioore - w',ith sheet iron to provent t hem be. s ing burned. I purobasedl I w(o brast , '1 poundler cann1ton a t CincOliinnati andi( pIlacd thiemt, ioaded with shot. tan 1 nils, on a table b roast hi gh. I hiat a folding doors, secured with a chiain v which coulid open1 upjoni thmob an<ttI I, give 1)1lay t o myi) (cannon0. 1 furntmishio I. 1ny oflico withI Mox ican l anices and 1 1t limited nur. bor of' gonm. Thor< 0 were six or eight perisotis who stoot y ready to defenid me. If dofeate'd Ihey were to oscapo by a t rapoor ii n the roof; antd I had platced1 a keg o n p)owder, with) a miatch, inhi I conk >f sot off and blow up th le oficoi 11( anda Ii my invaders; and1( this I shouldi most p certainlly have dono) ini case of t h< -last extremity." 1 tractable aill his days. 11 ro misset he lanrel; but h.e lived his life d fi''rco, of late yoars solitary, mtl< L. without ai parallel. An ossentiall' .. despotic charter, who fought fo h. freudo. Who Is Hie? .'Who is it that maikes I"ewer-galons: SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR. What the Agricultural and Mechanica. Society of South Carolina is Doing -An Official Statement. Tihe premium list for the next Stato Fair has boon issued. It offers many attractive and valuable prizes. Seid to the secretary at Chester for a copy. The State Agricultural and Me. chanicol Society, of South Carolina, is the only organization of its kind in this Stato; therefore, lot, us all de termino now to make the next State Fair a success iiin every department. The new officors of the State Fair promise to give every attention to exhibitors, especially to new exhibit. ois, alld they want to be kept busy with a largo number during the next fair, October 27.30. The mianagemont is working hard to make the thirty fifth annual State Fair a record breaker in the way of (1xhibits, buit. it must, have the support of all vitizeis or the fair will not be what it should. (livo your aid now and keep piving it until the fair is over, October 27 30. One f.wt should inake many new exhibitors for the next State Fair ihe Socil'ty pays the freight on all ex hibiks grawn or produced in this Stato, thus enabling exhibits to be sont and returned from the fair with out cost to the exhibitor. The social feature of the State Fair is aln important item in con sidering the ad vantages of being an exhibitor. You moet the best and most, progressive farmers and stock breelOrs in the State and make many friends who are valuablo to you. Prepare a good exhibit to go to the uwxt Stato Fair, October27-30. The State F"air affords a tine op portinity to tell and to buy; the variety is from a peck of peats to a pair of pacers. Help swell the variety by making an exhibit at the next fair, October 27-30. The new exhibitors at the next State Fair will not be a stranger in a strange land. The officers will mako him fool at home and will give him all the aid and information he will need. Be there October 27-30. Tie State Fair offers you a week of pleasure, a week of profit, a week of business and a week of leisure all combined. Exhibit, thero October 27-30. The State Fair belongs to the wholo State; every county should assert its ownership and send enough exhibits to capture its share of prizoes, lVormu an exhibitors' club and make a big exhibit at the next. State Fair, Oct ober 27 30. To those wvho at the last State, Fair saidl, 4'Why, I've got better han that at home,"' the management says, "Prove it - become an exhibit. or." Be there Oct.ober 27-30. PEIACEi iN THlE FAR EAST. AllcKed Concessions by Russia to the Untited States, Japan and Great Biritain. I4onndon, .1 uly 29. -The Daily Chiron ioe this morn ing, on the an thority of~ a "usually well-informed corresplond',it," hears that peace will cortainily be0 p-reserved ini the farn .l'ast. th r mighiout the cominrg winter. Thie corresp)ondent says thait It use ai has miade irm portant concessions to the Uiiitedl States and J1apan, while Great. B ritaini, wvhich has condurctedl her niegotiat ions on imore sobier Iuos, has aLlso obtaineod her desi1res. Thlie Chiron icl e adlds thIiat an ima portanut lissiani declaration will bo issuedl shortly. Peokin, July 28.--ltatifications of the Anglo- Chinese cormmercial treaty have been exchanged. Th is t rearty was signed by Sir Jamues 1L. ,l ackey arid the C'hiniese conur ssioniers at Sh;anghaii last Sep tombher. It provides for thle aboli tion of hukin barriors, wvhiile native customi houses0, eriumonerated in the govenonrt records, are retained. By the torms of the treaty a list of lie customn houses, concerning which number there is a great divergency of opinion, must 1be furnished to (heant Hritlain. REPLACING PACOLUT MILLS. A Big Worcester Firn of Contractors Busy Repairing Mill No. 3 at an L.x Pense of $100,000. News iid Courier. Pacolet, Spartanburg County, July 27.--Metsrs. Geo. H1. Cutting & Co., of Worceiter, Masis., who havo the oontract of repairing Mill No. 3, of the PaC0olet Manufacturing com. pany's plant, are pushing the work forward as rapidly as possible, 1t will be romoentiorml tihat this mill was the least damagod by tlte unpre. cedented flo)d of Juno 6, and the complany docidod to nutk tit) nlecmi sary repairs onl the imill and again put it into oporathonk bforo thoy did anything towards rlcting 11lills Nos. 1 and 2, which woro coiplOeo. ly swopt. away. At No. 3, which im the newet. of tih nills hioro, tho on gino and boiler r,on w0r1 dstroyed anld the upper vild of the mmmiilloth five 8tory building washd out. It is estimated that t1he c.)t of r,p-tir ing this m 11 will rone' 8100),000) I'his (oes not inlude 1h c.)St of ro placing the mebiaery'. The bas,mn) n. and i,rst floors of the mill wero flooded with td and floating debris and t h detkruetioiin to the machinery was iwfill. Whon workmen entored tho bsatmeinti a fow days after tlt, stori they fouid the sand bankld up to a height of ten feet.. All the mnachinory was litor ailly covered up with snlid. A large force of hands hls boon employod in getting the ma11whillery out of the Hand andl( polimihing it up1. Inl thlis manner much of it hat-4 ben svoed and calln bo imed again. President Victor Montgomiory 1opes0f to have this m11ill in full opera. tion by the firkt of Octob)(er, tid it is probable that tho mill will bo tin diy and night in ordor to give om ploymnu t to the m11any operativos who promisetd to return to l'acolet as soon tH they cou(ld be given work. Nothing dlinito is known in r gards to tl replacing of Mills Nos. 1 and 2. The capital ttock of the coinp11Any WaH rocontlY increoed from 00 million to two rmillion anld it is underntood that inost of the now stock ii already boon Hid<d. J idg ing from t thi it an mafoly b4 pro dicted that it will not be a great while bofore ai now and I irgor mill will take the pliace of thost wislihed away. THi MANCIURIAN NIGOTIATIONS. Progress Satisfactory antd NotinlK Re mainis But to Settle the Date for Oren lng thle P'orts. Washington, Ju lly 27. Wh~tie there has18booun a 11ull in thet Man churian negot iations during the pasIt week, it.1 t i ttedl thatt u p to tis point oitisfact ory pr gress has beon made anod t hero is every renson t.o b)elieve that. before t he lst of Sep. tominber next a t Ieaty will be ready for signatulre w h ieb will dlio l t he trade opp)ortunmiity of t ho UnIited States ini Manchturiia. Ant attho. rized stiatomtient ont t ho situation i8 ns follows: " 1he clu1es'i o) (f t he opomnog of now local'ities to tradb in M murit has b)een ini substt anlce' I-atisfttorik a rranlged1t wi'h t he ( Cines gio overni mreut and. nothilng reainstii to be set ~tedt iih oit i on of11 he dat1)0 This8 nturallyv will ho subseqenjiiit t< the exchanogo of ratihtietons of tIn tronty int w,hich t hte opjening ill agreet C:onsulI Gen:.ail Long lDd. London, dJully 28... -1John it. Long Uinited Stattes conslHt g7(enerala Cairo, Egypt, dlied thIiN morning a Duniibar, Scotland, where hto hat been1 visiting friends. JIis d eit was8 the resulit of ani accidoni111al fall Mr. Long, whoso hiomo was i con stul gene ral at noi ro inl Oct ober 1900). ile wVas 7. years o1<l. Mr. had1( 8jpent the (etning~ with Major (ion. Sir Frnticis WVii gate, Sirdlar of thit Egy ptian ar..y who is home on furlough, and it wat on1 htis return to htis hotel that th consul general met wit Ih the fat! f all. UNOPENED FOR THIRTY YEARS. A Package Left at Charlotte with Fain Bly which Holds Honor Higher than Curiosity. Atlanta Journal. Charlotte, N. C., July 25.--One family in this county certainly holds honor higher than curiosity, and has not the least desire to open i seatled package that has been in its posses sion for over thirty years. In 1869 a man who gave his name as Madion M. Tyler, and said he was front Brooklyn, N. Y., came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh MeAuley, who live near Ifuntersvillo, and leased a vacant store room that was on thte promises. Trhore was an air of mystery about the man. lie never, or rarely ever, spoko of his past life, and ho con ducted all his correspondence through the postoilico at HIrrisburg, waich Was some distanco away. Ho man aged his store successf'ly and NoeVIt(d to be making cioney. In the second year of his life at 11tuntersvillo Tyler borrowed $300 from Mrs. McAuley. Six months lator sho saw him making somo pretparations that indicated his de parture. Bnfore mho had time to got uneasy about the discharge of the debt Tyler walked into the h0use anud paid her the money with in torost,. Thue he gave her the sealedt packtge, asking hr to keep it. for him. Ieo said the parcel wits val iblo and that he would certainly return for it. This hippeied in 1871. Tylnr left, and his never been board from since his departure. Sono years ago Mrs. McAuley died, but before she died she gave the package to her sister, Miss Martha Black, and asked her to keep it until Tyler returied for it or sont for it. The parcel is now in the poss. sion of Miss Black. She still holds it for the owner. Not even the paper that covers the box his been touched harshly by curious hands. The package is eighteen inches long three inchies thick and quite ieavy; that much Miss Black and her rel atives know, and no more. The future of th mysterious par colY Why, the reputation of the McAuleys and Blacks were estab lished long ago. Unless .he owner comes or tionds that. box will be hold intact through tho conturies. .ONE MHLLION SPINDLES IDLEi. Fifteent Cor porations Quit huslness- Twelve Thousand OperatIves Out of Work. Fail IUiver, Mass., J uly 27.--Com. mentci ng todlay and continu ing for onet wook there will be about on1e mil lhon spindles idle in thuis city, and1( it is said( dluring the mon)1th of August b)usiness will be dull. About fifteen corp)orattions aire included in this week's cossatin of butsintess, and the claim is made that the idleniess is due to the htight pricC of cotton. In all, ab,out I2,00() operatives are (out of work for the week atnd 80,000 pieces of print clotht are to lbe remtoved from t be out put. L ocal biusinoss is som< - w hat affected byi) t he cond it ions. Week End Rtates. TIhe Sou thlernt Riilwaiy anntiountces thne followiung Week End Itates, beginning Saturday, Ju tne 6thi, continuing to August 29tht, for all Saturday trains, (dite of sale; rouned trip tickets will hbe ont sale fromi Newbrery to Charleston, 1 Sullivans islantd, and isle of P'alms, at raite~ of $5. 16. lieginning .Junew 1th, continuing to Sepltember 12th, for all Saturdayan Sunday umrning trains, goodl returni ig leavintg dei st.ination not lati!er than Tues (lay following (late ot sale, rotutnd t,-ip itickets will be ont sale from Newberry I as follows: Spartan.burg..-..... . .. .. .$..0 G1reenville... .. .. .. .. ....2 t) Whitestone.... .. .. .. ..... 10i Union ...........---..1 85 T Iaylors ( for Chick Springs) . . .2 31 Ashteville, N. C..-.-.-.-.-.-.-.3 8 I lot Springs, N. C..-.-.-. .. ..I 4G Arden, N. C. . . .--. . . .3 8 Fletchiers, N. C... .. .--. ......5 l lendersonville, N. C. .. .... - Fat Itock, N. C... . .. .. . .... , JSaluda, N. C.-.-.-.-.-. .. ... ;3 85 T 'ryon, N. C..-...-..---.. .. 3 85 Birevard, N. c.-.-. ..--. . 60 L ake Toxaway, N. C.-.. .. .... 3() For tickots and further' information, annly to S. nI MoIt..AN Agt.