The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 28, 1903, Image 1
C 1r eWbeRRm CY eraW
other Interesting Letter from Col. Cros
son, Former Newberrian, Now of
Texas - Molly's Rocks.
As I draw near this ancient spot,
My heart beats a' the way;
'lk place I pass seems yet to speak
0' some dear former day;
hose happy days o' mine
Whilk make me think the present joys
' naething to lang syne."
Since my last, I am far west visit
Siig my son in Ballinger, where I an
enjoying invigorating breezes in this
delightful climate. I have just re
turned from a three days' camp fislh
on the Concho river, one of the beau.
tiful streams of West Texas. Caught
fine fish and a bad ease of ' sunburn,
,and I am now 400 miles from home.
Resuming our walk, we reach the
forks of the road--the right hand
known as the Beasly road, the spot
afterwards, in 1848, called Jalapa.
Before reaching this point: On
the left of the road lived a good, in.
dustrious, brisk old lady. It was
aid of her that when Dr. Sam Fair
as in the neighborhood vaccinating
he people, she gave him this invita
ion: "Doctor, when you'are around
laxinating, call in and dine breakfast
with us." At a picnic at Jalapa this
kind old lady gave me very pleasant
employment which I enjoyed hugely.
A young man who was dead in love
with her handsome daughter, was
very attentive to her. I was re
quested to be her beau on that day.
I certainly enjoyed the company of
tL: beautiful girl and the discomfit.
ure of the youngster. The young
lady died early. She has entered
the promised land, while we are yet
on the march.
Not far from this spot was Tran
quil M. E. church, one of the oldest
and most prominet in the district
(now I learn moved to Jalap)-the
ground around the steps beaten bare
by lounging footsteps of pious gene
rations gone before. What hallowed
memories of sweet and quiet Sun
days, stir to life in the hearts that
have known it! "How the voices long
since silenced live again and peal
and ring above those really heard!
How memories and hopes, love and
ferra throng from their remote hiding
places in the heart, bringing tears to
Ithe eyes, and now gentle, soothing,
.soul tilling fragrance and light from
.1(old lost days." They pass before
me like a throng of gentle spirits,
filled with heavenly love and among
them the Wrights, Shells, Gilliams
and others. Who that ever knew
that pure man anid devout Christian,
Zacheus Wright, will ever forget
him ? It is true of him, "He wyore
the white flower of a blameless life."
The singing in that church was in
spiring and1 fervent, and there was a
wonderful syrupathy and earnestness
in their voices. There was not the
gymnastic singing of the present day,
but it was joyous, devotional, filling
t,he soul with worshipful praise.
Some one lhas said: "Churches as a
~whole do the hiumnane wvork of the
,orld. Tranquil has (done its full
When I think of the glorious wvork
the M. E. Church has done for this
world, I think of the scorn that
greeted1 John Wesley's attempt to
make the religion of his day a reality.
Near the Laureons road, also in the
olden time, lived four brothers, all
excellent citizens, named Cannon.
The eldost, Uncle Billy Cannon was
an old bachelor. I have as vivid a
recollection of him as it I had seen
him yesterday. lHe wats a kind, in
dulgent master. Anut Naucy, a big,
fat, impudent 01(d negress, carried
the keys and fed Uncle Billy as it
suited her. One spring Uncle Billy
said: "Well, Nancy, I'm tired of
hbving no meat to eat but bacon,
and want ham." In a saucy way she
replied there was no ham. Quoth
he, ''What his become of it" "E 'I'at
up," said she. For once he lost his
temper and st.ruck hor downi. Downi
she fell as in a fainting lit, rolled up
her eyes skywvaid and called out,
"Lord Jesnus.- receive my spirit."
But the geood Lord was not ini a re
ceiving spirit that day, anud the old
lady for many a day afterward fed
the old man as it suited her.
Dr. Isaac Cannon was a fine man
and physician, b)ut occasionally 1Johni
Barleycorn was too many for him.
David Cannon was one of the
good men of the earth, and a line
surveyor. He attended the great
Baptist revival in 1831 in the Hal
cyon grove on the school grounds
and camped. I remember he got a
chair from father, and on it 'Was cut
the letter D, which suited well, for
he and father were both named David.
That chair we had when we left for
Texas. He was a Bush River Bap
tist and a Christian gentleman. The
result of that revival was the organi
zation of the Newberry Baptist
church, and I always thought it was
composed of as intellectual,and pious
ladies and men as I ever knew.1
Another one of the brothers was
Col. Geo. S. Cannon, at one time
commanding the 38th Regiment. He
was one of the most elegant and
prominent citizens of the District and
a Bush River Baptist. A friend re
lated to me this incident: Col. Can
non visited the Legislature, when it
was a "Coon" Legislature with very
few white gentlemen in it. He re
lated the following: "My old friend,
H. A. Meetze, introduced in the Sen.
ate a resolution requesting the Presi
deO. io imove the Federal troops,
for their bristling bayonets were a
menace to civil liberty, and made an
eloquent address. Whereupon a
nappy "cullid gemman," knowing his
tenure depended upon bayonets, an
swered: "Mr. President, I desires
to say a few words in answer to the
gemmen. Here's how dis ting is:
you goes home at night, sits by the
fire, the cat on dis side, the dog on
dat side, so long as you sits dar all
right; de minit you leab dar do cat's
in de loft." His black brudders, en
joying his eloquence, thought that a
sure enougb answer.
These four brothers were truthful,
noble souls.
Now for Molly's rock. A few N ears
since an old gentleman named Run
nels, from Spajanburg, finding I
was from Newborry, said he had
often camped . Molly's rook, and
being a jolly fellow, always called
me Molly's rocks. It was said to be
a haunted spot. Housen kenner
told me that when he was a kid, he
dreaded to pass by at nigl,c, said he
was timid and would see shadows
struggling in the dim moonlight and
hear wild noises in stormy weather.
I asked him if he believed in ghosts.
He said no, but that he was dread
fully afraid of them.
My friend and kinsman, J. G.
Martin, gives me the following:
"A bout nine miles northeast of thbe
town of Newberry, near the eastern
terminus of the Calmes road, where
it intersects the old Buncombe road,
are several large granite boulders
known as Molly's rocks. They were
a way mark for the many wagoners
and travellers going over the Bun
comb)e road. This road was formerly
the great thoroughfare from western
North Carolina, the upper districts
of South Carolina, to and from Co
lumbia and Charleston. In many in
stances these rocks lie poised on one
another in sublime repose. They
seem to be looking back through the
dim vista of past ages and forward
through the countless years of com
ing centuries. They appear to be
like Tennyson's Brook: "For, men
may come and men may go, but
they are there forever." They are
surrounded by a pretty country, be
ing at a point where the gently roll
ing lands of the chinquepin' region
b)reak into the rich and rugged hills
andI valleys that reach out to the
Enoree Valley. They receive their
name from Molly Lindsay, an old
demented wife and mother whose
home was somewhere near Catch
Penny. Her insanity was not of a
sad and sombre caste, but consisted
of felicitous fancies anid happy hallui
cinsations. She loved those haunts
and would linger around these rocks.
After lying under these rocks she
imagined that the cattle oii a thou.
sand1( hills were hers and that all the
wagons and produce that p)assed1 the
Buncombe road wvere also hers. Her
husband and children moved to
Georgia, but she would not go. In
ai year or so the husband anid son
Tommie namn hack and entrated her
to go. The only sennible remark
they got from her was, as she en.
tered a house where they were and
first saw them: "Hi, Tommy, is that
you ?"
On one occasion Tom Crosson, the
great-grand father of the Crossons
now living in Newberry, when a boy,
had been to mill on horseback. See
ing an apple tree loaded with apples
near the road, he hitched his horse.
Up the tree went he after apples
when, to his horror he saw Molly
underneath, who told him to shake
them down, that she would pick them
up, and they would go to his father
Aleck's who had plenty of sugar and
they would have apple dumplings.
He came down. "Now," said she,
"you get on and I will get up,behind
you." He quickly got up and put.
ting spur to his horse, fled. The
last he saw of her she was throwing
apples after him furiously and villi
fyi.i;- him. A wagoner on a bleak
wet day camped for the night in an
old school house at Molly's rocks;
he got there on a dark night, and
with flint and steel was trying to
start a fire. Suddenly some one
grabbed him from behind and said,
"Oh, yes, I've been looking for you
a long time." It was old Molly who,
like King Lear, had taken refuge
from the storm in the old cabin.
While she was harmless every one
was afraid of her. When or where
she died we cannot now remember.
They were a splendid people in the
olden time who lived near Molly's
I shall love dear Newberry'till the
chains of clay fall from my soul. At
leisure I'll write again.
J. M. CRossoN.
Ballinger, Texas.
Items of More or Less Interest Condensed
In the State.
The dispensary authorities have
effected a settlement with the bonds
men of Dispenser A. W. Tiencken,
Mount Pleasnt., Charleston, who was
recently found to be short. The
bondsmen paid Auditor Soarson $1,
494.62, the exact amount of the short.
age, and the incident was closed.'
Co. E., 16th Infantry, U. S. A.,
stationed at Fort McPhersod, Ga.,
has bee ordered to Anderson to act
as instructors and assistants during
the encampment there of the Third
Regiment S. C., troops. The regi
ment of regulars was secured throu,h
the Anderson Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. M. A. Dean, a leading young
business man of Anderson, died in
the Charleston hospital Wednesday
night after undergoing an operation
for appendicitis.
Gov. Heyward has5 received1 the
official report of the military coim
pany that wvas sent to Norway to
quell the race riot. The mtembers of
the company have been paid oft, each
receiving $1.50. The trouble cost
the State$216-$126 for special train
and $9(0 paid the men.
The Bank of Clarendon, with a
capitalization of $25,000, was char
tered last week.
In the Greenville court last week
Ada Brooks, colored, was given a
verdict of 250 against the Western
Union Telegraph Co. for failure to
dehiver a message announcing the
death of a relative, which failure
caused her to miss the funeral.
Aimed At Street Cai- Hog.
Chicago Record.lherald.
TIoledo, Ohio, .July 20.--Council
man George Young tonight intro
duced in the council an ordinance
aimed at the "seatend hog on the
street car," who forces women and
children enitering an open car to
climb over him and his impediments.
The ordinance provides that a person
who takes a seat on a summer car
where the seats rn crosswvise shall,
when aniot her person enters, move
over and keep moving as p)assenigers
enter until the seat is filled, anid fixes
a penalty for violation of not less
than $5 or more thaii $25. Th'lere
was some discussion, buit no opposi
tron, and( the ordinance went t.o the
committee on ordlinancan for approval.
Attorney General Gunter Suggests a Plan -
Comparison In Crimes In The
The State.
Attorney General Gunter has hit
upon a plan which, if it (oes4 not pre
vent lynclings, he believes will go
a long ways toward lessoning them.
He called attention to the fact that
since the alti-duelling law w1as pansed
in the State in 1882, the crime has
been virtually wiped off the statuto
books. This lar,, which roads as fol
lows, has been of the greatest. pos"i
ble benefit to the State:
"No property qualification, unless
prescribed in this constitution, shall
be necessary for an election to or
the holding of any offico. No per
son shall be elected or appointed to I
office in this State for life or during
good behavior, but the terus of all
officers shall be for some specified
period, except notaries public and
officers in the militia. After the
adoption of this constitution any por
son who shall light a duel or send
or accept a challenge for that. pur
pose, or be an aider or abettor in
fighting a duel, shall be deprived of
holding any oflice of honor or trust I
in this State, and shall he cthorwiso
punished as the lv shall prescribe."
"That law,'' said Mr. (inter yes
torday, "has stopp,d duelling, and
a similar law might be passed which,
I believe, would go a loig way toward
stopping lynchings. If a man knows
that he is going to bo abtsolitely do
barred from his right to vote or hold r
oflice he will be very apt to think
twice before taking any part in the I
crime, especially for the reason that, t
he knows at any time, in the ovent
that he should run for offico, it will j
be a comparatively simple thing for ,
some of the people to bring this charge I
against him. The law might bo made
even stronger, and even id de the
bystanders in the sti atuto. This would,
I think, almost assuredly make it of
"How would a law like this be
made operative-by legislative ol
actment?" t
"No. In some Siates that would
be possible, but. bere in South Caro
lina it would have to be a contitu
tional enactment. That is, the leg- I
islaturo would have to pass a joint,
resolution and then the matter would i
go before the people to be voted on I
at the regular elections. Then it 1
would have to go before the logisla
ture for consideration again. I am
absolutely confident that, if such ai
law is eventually passed it will be
effective and of the greatest poss5il0
value to t,he State, and also think the
peole of the State are ripe for it.
at this time."
LYNUlliINos A LONe 5EAiI()AlmJ.
The statemient was imlade roeently
that t here had hoon1 lynching at every
station along the Seaboard rail road
where the negro lCvanis was recently
lynched, and( at One of these stations
it was said as niany as half a doz-en
lynchigs had occurred1 in the last
few years, while another of the sta
tions hind a record of seveon1 OnchingsI
at one time.
Mr. Gunter was asked if his oflice
had any reco d of the number of
lynchmngs that had occurred in the
Statoe in recent year*s. He rep)lied( in
the negative, saying that it. .was im.
p)ossiblo '.o get t heom except fromi thle
newspa pers.
In tis connection thle at torney
generad is putting thle oflico in posi.
tion to furnish some vainluablo)1 stait!is
ftice on the subject of crimo0 thlrouigh.
out the St.ate which will he of the
greatest value to the anthorities and1(
enable tihe legislature and the courts
to act with some intelligence in the
When Mr. H. Dunncan JBehlingor
wans attorney general he had the
ollice senid out. last yoar blanks to the
clerks of all courts of general ses.
sions, askinrg then: to manke reports
of all crime 1assed upon01 in lie con rts
of general 5essionis. Those reports
were comp)robonlsively made(h for the
first time last year andl included in
the attorney general's rol:ort to the
TLhis year it is Mr. Hunter's pur
1)ose to have thliis work full don.1110
nnd it Will then bO )ORHiblO to make
the comparisons neceisary to the
betteriont, of conditions.
Mr. Bellinger's report showed that
for the fiscal year 1902 there were
1,731 offenses committed against the
State. A recent table published in
rho State showed that out of sonjo
700 prisoners in the penitentiary
iearly -10 per cent. were there for
nurder, manslaughter or assault and
,attery with intent to kill.
This enormous percentage, how
wer, has had the effect of bringing
ibout more convictions for murder
mid manslaughter than at any pre
rious time in the history of the State,
mud it is because of these convictions
hat the authorities are redoubling
heir efforts with a view of prevent
ng the lawlessiess of lynching and
ither crimes.
'I'o the layman's mind Mr. Gunter's
)lFi for preventing the cardinal
uime of lynching looks like an ox
ellent one and the attitude which
he people will assumo in lieu of the
uggestion will be watched with the
,rentest interest.
lems of More or Less Interest Condensed
Outside the State.
As soon as the troops were with
[rawn from Richmond a quite gen
rir renewal of t.he street car strike
lisorder occurred. On Tiursday
ight two cars woro blown up, a
otorman injured, another motor
Aan shot. at, and there was a general
browing of stones at passengers.
Tht now British battleship, King
lward1 VII, the largt-st in the
torld, w.aI launched at Davenport
itst week. The vessel cost F,500,
Jett and White, indicted for the
aurdor of Marcum, at Jackson, Ky.,
n Thursday wore spirited away
rom the Lexington jail, where they
ave been for safe keeping, to Cyn
hiana, where their second trial be
ore Judge Osborne began yesterday.
Robert Smith, a young farmer of
Vhit.esburg, Mo., shot from ambush
nd killed his wife on Thursday.
'hey quarrelled Wednesday and
mnith whipped his wife. She left
im and went to her father's house.
t is supposed her father persuaded
or to return to her nusband, who
hot her on the way back. Smith
Issaac Ford, a negro accused of
riuminal assault on a little girl in
irayson county, Texas, committed
uicidle in jsil by hanging himself.
dob) violence was threatened.
A negro who killed a policeman
vhile trying to arrest him in Beau.
nmont, Texas, onl last TIhursday, was
)ursued by citi'zens and shot to
beath. The negro had tried to
hoot his wife, and the policeman
whiom he killed wvas attempjting to
rrest him for this offense.
In three years the government has
'Oailizted almost $200,000) profit
'rom thme sale of the little stamp
>ooks issued by the postof1ice do.
>artmmenlt. [The books are' sold for
mel cenit and( cost one0 third of a
P resident lloose volt rodeo horse
back last week from Sagamore Hill
to Sayville, Li. I., to visit his un!c.
T'he President, begani his ride at 2
at. m., reachinug hois (lesti nat ion at (1
ia. m1.
A terrific torurndo visited Paterson,
N. J., on Thursday, killing three
p)ersOnIs, injulring one hund-ed others,
leaving fifty families homeless, and
oausinlg a property loss of something
like $200,000. The tornado mowed
am path of destruction 400 feet wVide
fronm thme southw~esit to tihe northeast
of the city.
TIhe Commercial Pacific Cable Co.
hans 15ssued a list of rates. Its en
tire system from San Francisco to
Manila was oponmed onm the 25th. T1he
rate to lIIonolulu is 3F cents per
word, to thme Midway Islands (60
cenmts, to (uain 81) cents, Luzon
$ 1 05, (Chi na $1. 10, Korea $1 .49I,
etc. T[he statemeumt is of interest to
No More Trouble Results From Illinois
Race Riot --Twcnty-Two Persons
Wounded-Slheriff )id All
Shooting into Mob.
Danville, 1118, July 25.-This city
is in the throes of a race war. One
negro from Evansville, Ind., who to.
night shot and killed IHenry Gatter.
man, white, has already boon lynched
by a mob of 6th) men, who woro later
firod Uponl by tile sleriti, thrmo mn
being wounded. Tlhe mob worn
clamoring for the li fe of another ne.
gro named Jalmes \\'isolm, who 11i
confessod to tohe brital asHault on tlie
wife of a farmor at Alvoil, I1., just
north of horo.
The unknown negro lmot his fat
while the mllobl Vas on the way to
lynch Wilsonl. The angry throig
wais pamsing dowi Iist Iliin stre1t,
when the ligro becalme imvolvod in
an altorcation with seine of its mrm.
bors. They stiart(ld aftkr iml,,, and
he pulled a gun, firing into t he crowd.
Honry Gattormiiani a young lbt.ejr,
who was recently retiIrned from Fort
Monroe, fell mliortally totu and
expired in) a few seconds. 'he no.
gro turied and Ilml, but was caught
by the officers within a block of the
scene of the t ragody imi hurrim to
the police station, With the m1(b in
hot pursuit, temporarily diverted
from their march to the county jail.
Tho oficeors, with th(eir prisoier,
took refugo inl the city building,
barricading thmmmielvt Iolhiind he
door of on ()f tIhe otles. They
could le. chock tile mob, hlowvwer,
far it secured a long pwht and bat
tereu dowin a siectioll of the w!il iid
the door, both of which woro very
thin. On account. of the overwholm
ing numbers of lih mob it, was use
less for the oflicers to resist. The
negro wam meizml aIi rumhil to the
spot where ieI hlad shot dowii (in(ter
man. It was the work of an instant
to throw a rope around him neck and
swing him up to lihe r1narest tlo.
phone polo. The mob did not delay
long, but waited to soo that their
victim was dead. ThTe life was silow
ly strangled out anil he was left
hanging, while the iimo) proceo(ed
to the county jail. The oflicers hope
to save the second iegro )) 8ome
Three other negro(s have bon at
tacked by th1e miiembjj%rs of the llob
and severely boaten.
Tho victim of (Ie iob) was idlenti
tied as J. D. Mlayliold.
The mob cha niged its mind olbfore
attacking~ the jail and wont back and
cut, dIown MIaytie1( h) ody. They
rushed it to t he public 8s1iiare anid
burned it ini a honifire, hacking it to
p)ic(os with kinives as it burnied.
'.L'hon they) chairged 1thle janil anud the~
sherifiT anid depult iOs tired, wvouiidinig
several memibers oif thie muob, some
The mob01 repul sed , sien t t' a n eigh
boring mining camp for~ dyunamite
and1 probaly will attack thle jail
againI. Th le mrol>11 is iiurian-id iand
thireatens to lnch the shiariff anit hhi
doplnt ies, iaso thle negro tI rnkey i
the jail.
A fteor seciarinag bitt erig rains i
took the mob al>out1 half an hour t<
wreck the c ity' pirisoi, thie eg ro be
ing found hiid in a safe'. lHe ww
pulled frnomi thle safe, struick witll
sledges, knocked down, jonped mipor
plaiced ab~out his neck and him lifeles
body wasm i ragged abt )Oi b iroe blocks
An effort was madel to hiang thle lodt
to a telegraph pole, but the rop)
TIhe steamship Mongolia, btult fo
the Pacific Main Steamship Co., wai
launched at Camden, N. J., Saturday
The Mongolia in the secorid larges
steamiship ever hIIt ini t he Uniitet
Stat es.
TIhe L ox ingtou At lanita 1)yor ri
into an open! swvitch 1.1 imiles frori
Loisvillo Ky. H'aturdlay night. Thb
train was badly dlamagedi andl eigh
rail road 1men1 were seriously injuro<
The switch had undi(oubtedly bee
Opened for the purposme of wrookin
the train.
Solemn Obsequies Took Place As The Sun
Went Down--St John Lateran
will Be Final Resting Place.
Rome, July 25.-Trhe body of Pope
Leo was interred in St. Peter's to
night. The strokes of the hammer
which resounded through the im
mense domo of the cathedral an
nounced to the earnest gathering in
the nave that Leo XII had been
111id to rest. A ti lundowli the miost
important, most solena, of all the
obsequies took place. The front
doors of the basilica were closei, and
the vast church, except for a row of
lights at the shrine of St. Peter, the
candles about the bier and those per
sons who had (uietly and with the
utmost reverence gathered tihore, ap
peared deserted.
About 1,000 persons had received
invitations to attend the ceremonies.
The cardinals, who mot earlier in the
vatican, ontered the chapel choir,
wiiting there for the arrival. of the
procession, Cardinal Oregliat, the
cmuerlongo, holding the keys of
When the last supreme moment,
caime the heavy cofllins weighing in
all 1,322 pounds, wero rolled out of
the chapel preceded by mitmace bearers
minging as they went, aund followed
by all the cardinials, among whom
the bowed figure of Oreglia, th
strong, upright Vannutelli, the white
haired Agliardi and the immentise black
browed Svamipa wore the most con
spicuous. Pulleys were attached 'o
the colin and soon, to the strains of
the"BenedictusDommus Dous Israel"
it was hoisted into the stone sarcoph
agu above the door where it will
remain until the grateful cardinals
created by the late pontiff shall oroet
a suitat)ii tomb in the basilica of St.
Johin Liaterat, Wi WhiH was chosen by
the pope himself as his final resting
Thus was Popo .Leo XIII con
signed to his long ret.
Father Takes it From the Mother on an
Order Front a Surremc Court Jus
Bonnettsville, .1uly 2-1.----The se
ronity of lemnettsville life hias been
disturbed by (uit a sensatiOIal epi
tiode this week.
Several years ago lFred Jones of
Marionf arried Miss Nota Sparks of
this county. They lived together a
few years aind then separated. Mrs.
Jones wvent to Savannah with the
baby and Mr. Jones kept the other
two children at Marion.
A few (days ago Mr. Jones sont
his little daughter to visit hoer graind
imother, Mrs. Spark(s, and her auint,
Mrs. D). M. I). McLeod, here. All
went wvell until Mrs. Jones unex
p)ected1ly arrived in town and1( secured
possessioii or the little girl.
There was a hurried conultaition.
Mr. Jones was conumnnicattedl with
arid counsel wais employed, whio
wenit before Mr. Jurstice Woods with
haboatrs corpus proceedings. Tlhe re
suit was thait Sherif -I Mulliris of
Miarioni caime to( Henn iet tsvilloe rand,
ini comipaniy 'with Sheriff Ireooi, took
lie child fronm its mrother andl carried
it. bamck to its fat her in M 'trioin.
Mrs. Jones ireturn ed to her homoi
Savannah to lay.
Their Attempt at Robbery Led to Miurder
and the Gallows.
Lex inmgtoni, Ky., J ul y 2 1. -- amdIe
''Brien anid Eairil Whitnesy, boy 'n
years, whose faces ind(icaito nrothinig
of the criminal, were hanged hero at
8 o'clock this morning for the mur
der of A. B. Chinn, who was a
wvealthy merchant and an ox (Confed
orate soldier.
The boys, who were but 1 7 years
old imit their fate calmily and said
they were reaLdy to dlie. Chinn was
killed during a pistol light between
Asa Chinn, sonl of the murdered
man andl 0'Bien and Whitney,
-while the latter were attemptir.g to
Srob the Chinrn home last October.
SAsa Chinnm was wvounded, but re -