The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, July 07, 1903, Image 1

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F?: et tta)W l fiba e 1-8 ESTLISHLA NIWRRY, S, TUESIAY, JULY 7 1903EDAWIrA Prices und 2 casts AndroLcoggins Bleachin town 8Yc and foe, Minmnat $1 .0o worth to a customer. i case Lonsdale Cambi ic, full pil sale, 14 yards to each custol to each customer. A big lot 36 in. Bleaching, slor 4c yard. 1oo pieces Plain White Lawn w( ' 25 pieces P'lain White Lawn wor MIMIM NEGRO UPRISING THREATENED NORWA MILITIA WAS ORDERED TO THE SCI OF ACTION UJneasiness Still Exists --Phillips, The I sassination Of Whom Started The Affair, Is Dead. The State. In response to a telegram from Al J. L. Glover, intendat, Capt. L. Haskell and a picked squad of 50 C lumbia militiammn were sint o Nc way on a spiecial train Saturdi night. Trouble wil b t he negroes h been feared ever since t he lynching Charles Evans, who was charged wi the attempt to assassinate Mr. Jn L. Phillips a week ago last. nigh Not much surprise was felt when T1 State last night received a telephoi message from Mr. Glover co.ivevit the intelligence that. the nogroes we congregating near the town and hi sont Iessiges sitying that Norw would be wiped out f oxistiro h fore daylight. QUICK PRfPARATIoNs. The members of the milhtia cor panics were at H-yaitt park, t.hri miles from I he city, Vwen this tel gram was rec'eived afteor 11 o'cloc but by 1230 they lhad assaembledi their armorios, had got tn arms at equipmlents and att. 10 mitnutes to o'clockc a special traini in ebartige< Mr. J. J. Puiller of the Seaboard Ie the R4. A. L. depot. CJol. Patrick, assistant adjiitat genmeral, atCom pan ied t he comnpar na ordnance oflicer. T[hose enlisti meni who haed (cartridlgPs were ri quired to surrendicer b hem to (Jol. Pa rick, anid no ammuniltion, was to has beenm issued except ini cai.: of gre necessity. . 0LD)IERs5 IN NORwAv. An armed posse of mon wi patrolling the townt. Mr. Solomior informed Capt Haskell its 0non asI stepped on the plitform that betwee 400 and 500 negroes were massed i the woods about three miles froi *Norway at a place called Bush Pon Rlunners from the vieinity of [1 negro camp arrived in Norway oar] in the evening with in formation thi .the negroes were preparing to mnos on the town. The town is beirn patrolle'd by armed meni, but they d not feel that t hey coul cope with tI' great tnmber of negrotes. Town Marshal (*lover heard t.he there was to he a negro frolie nou the town today. T1he towns p)eop] were afraid to permit the frolic anc told the marshal to order the m gross to disperse. TIhis he did anl the negroes threatened hiimi and1 set word to the town that they propose -to kill B. S. Hutt o, (. F. Toole, Pei *Gibson, Launcey Yonng and Henr Dykes. The force of men in the town is *stnall that it was then dleelaredi wit naugi 'MORE Wedn We mean to makE the ranks being W( adding of other ati has ever seen. Cc Sbuying at the BIG 3r the Axe. Tabl , f Ull 36 in., and sold all-over i5o Tal igh's price is 7Yc, not over pa !ces, it's worth :22c for this xoo do ner, not over a dollar's worth big 50 doz. lengths to go oil sale at only 25 doz. -5 0 doz. >rti 12y2c, for this sale 8%c. 6o doz. th 20c, for this big sale IiYc- 5o doz. OME TO THE B] I> UGH' to summon help. The women and children of the place are 'hidden in three houses, which are strongly guarded. RB The fact that the old soldier, Phil lips, whom Evans was lynched for shooting, is-sill alive has greatly ag grieved them and butr for. the arrival of the troops the contrymen say that they are well informed of the fact that there would have been treu [r. ble. V. There are lights in all of the hcuses o- and the women of the place are badly ir- frightened. ly It was decided to leave the com as pany of the Richland Volunteers to of guard the town, assisted by the th armed citizens, while Assistant Adju 0. tant General J. M. Patrick, accompa t. nied by three picked men, is going )o to the camp of the negroes to inves 1e tigate. Ig The Norway men are practically re wori out with guarding their women Ad and childran and property. LY Many of them have not had their clothes off since Monday ovoning when Mr. Phillips was shot. Nothing has been heard of Jim .Evans, tbe brother of the lynched 3e man, who was implicated in the s. crime. The fathier of the Evans k, boy. is a white man and it is said a~ that he is at the bottom of the present ai trouble among the negroes and is i urging thorm on to attack the town. fr Frequent threats have been made to ft the townspeople in the past few day s and the negroes have renewed a their Iprtinence. yThe three nogroes that were dwhipped have been seen several times since the lynching but have t. not been among those who made the e! threats. it Assistant Adjutant General Patrick cannot get back from the negro cam p b)efore :3.30 or 4 o'clock. sA neg--o named Singleton, who was at the s'ation, made some re amarks uncomplimentary to the comn n pany. He was immediately p.laced a under arrest by Lieut. Benet. nj DEATH 01F PHIILLIPS-sOLDIERs LEAvE. 1. Nor way, .July 5.-John T. Ph illips;I 5e the old Confederate Soldier, who was-I y shot live timnes while at his supper1 it table by the negro, Charles Evans, e lynched for the crime, died here this g morning at 6.50 o'clock, after having: 0 suffered mortal agony for but litt'le) e less than a week. That he lived so, long is considered by the physicians. it of this place -but little short of a~ ir miracle. Three of the wounds ad e ministered by the negro fiend wverd di said by the phbysicians to0 be fatal amtd ' how the old man maniagedl to live all d this time puzzled the doctora not S a little. ' d 'Just what effect the passing away e of Mr. Phillips wvill have on the al y ready very much strained situation here it is difficult. to say. Conserva. o tive residents of this section have le hanen hoping aainst hope itha he l'S CU BANN :sday, Thu this week the greatest c %akened in consequence ractions. Our store is st mpare these prices with CUT PRICE STORE. e Linens in Short Length! )le Lengths, 2, 2y; and 3 yds. long, terns to select from. large size Bleached Cotton Towels w sale roc each, only Y, doz. to a custo Turkish Bath Towels for this sale 12 full'size Ready Made Sheets worth 60 full size Pillow Cases 15c kind, for tI Ladies' Drop Stitch I-lose worth 20C, Ladies' Drop Stitch Hose worth 35c, G CUT PRICE S NE ,GREA would live at least a few days longer, believing that if he did not. die just now the conditions horo would adjnst: thOmselves. Now that the end has come the fooling of anxiety and I. oasiness has increasedi and ther are miany persons hertabouts who foar more trouble. The massing of the negroes at Bush Pond yesterday and their op1eni threats on the Huttos and other per sons in this vicinity havo made mat ters worse and the local merchants say they will regard it. as exceedingly fortunate if they are able to .pass safely through the ordeal necessarily consequent upon the old man's fu neral. The presence of the Richland Volunteers here last night and this morning, of course, acted as t forci ble preventive on any move that the negroes proposed to carry out in lieu of those threats. It was with no little regret that the villagers saw the troops depart, today and they did not hesitate to say that they lOared additional trouble would ensuo if Capt. Haskell withdrew his men. Assistant Adju tant General Pattrick, however, x plained that now that Sherill' Dukes was on the ground it looked like a reflect ion on himi for the tro ops to remain as he was ostensibly able to cope with the difliculty and arrest. the ringleaders among the negroes who had made the threats. This explanation did not exactly . satisfy thre Norway people and they showed their anxiety in imore wvays thnone. Assistant Adjutant Gen eaal Patrick (lid not thmk the troops would be required on the ground any longer and as it was quite nmaterial expenses to the State it was decided to withdlraw them today. SOLDiIRs DII)'D,EL. When the volunteers started back at noon they were a very much ox hausted compan5!y or young soldiers.. That was only natural, all things considered, and the wonder of it was that some of thoem had not been prostrated. 'rho fact that they were not speaks volumes for thoem. August Number New Idea W oman's Maga zinc In addition to the splendid array of clever fiction which marks the Au gust issue of the New Idea Woman's Magazine, eispecial mention of the practical articles upon household or garden martters in that number is worthy of thre careful reader's atten tionr. "The Economies of a Summer Girl," by Minina Irving, is among these; anid of equal interest are '"The.a Evolnt ion of a Home," by Alico Chit.. tendon; "Furnishing a Flat," by Wynogene I"arghor; "Psycho physi. cal Cnlture," by Adele Mario Rigne~ "A W oman's T1woacre Invest mont," by Ethel W albert; andl others of equal value presented by thei well-known enntrib)utors to the magazine depart meris. t Pric ER BA 'sday, Fridf f sales. Many new lines of the past week's great ill jam full of the greates others you see advertise i Half Price A Big twenty different Where we have gi gandies, Dii orth 20c, for this Fabrics, soint the big pile 5i Another big lot of Mc. worth 25c. 7c up and ( c, now only 38c. sells it fpr 3C is sale 9e each. Another big lot of For this sale i ic. you for 5c, Ml [or this sale 19C. 25 bolts of Cotton iALE. 4WBERRN -TEST ST CALMLY VIEW PEOBLEM. Negroes' Address Deals More Rationally With Lynching-- "Make Friends with the People." Louisville, July 3.-The closing (lay of the Afro. American council was marked chiefly by the presen tation of resolutions embodying ant address to tho country at large on. Lh race problem. After its adop tion the convention adjourned sino die. The address in part, is as follows: "As o mob violeie, it, is gratify. ing to noto that for the past year or Lwo tho number of victims showe a lecided decrease; and while all Lheso were not members of our race, . the vast majority was. Notwith standing this fact, we shoold not. t fetel called upon to discuss the mat. ter at this time, were it not that I while the number of victims is de ireasing, the variety of provocations which lead up to this act of violene is growing more and more insignili ant (and numerous. It is not an inusual thing to read of negroes being lynched for impudence, ref us ing to obey, striking a white man, etc. Now, we submit, that lynching for anLy cause is destructive of any law, is demoralizing, but to subject persons accused of--even guilty of, such trivial offenses, to unlawvful punishmet and death, is to make the negro the marked man of the nation; for him to suffer violence for such causes will eventually involve1 many of our best people. In some sections of thie country ist means death for a negro to attempt to pro tect the females of his famiLy. WVe ask in all sincerity: "Is this American ? Is it right ? Such actions indicate a tendlency to anarchy and anarchy for the negro will terminate in anarchy for all mnen. "TIhe number of those of our race who are now accused of the name less crime against woman is so small, compared with the whole number, t,hat it is scarcely necessary to dis cuss this as aL distinct crime. Yet we make no plea for any man who may be proved guilty of this crime; our plea is for law and for the pro. tection of the innocent. "It is now clearly evident that the purpose of those who first started ostensibly to disfranchise the igno rant negro has been broadened and strengthened. Their purpose now in cludes almot ali negroes. In cer.. taini of the States this result has al - readly b)een achieved andl thonsands of gnalilied muen are dlenied poesitive ly and( absolutely the right, to vote. In such States taxation without rep resentationi prevails as truly as ever it did when England held control over the American colonies. We make no objection to the disfratnchuise ment of tihe ignorant negro, providedl n~ name classns of tieher rkaces e Sal RGAIN ty and Sa will be added-in othe business they will be s t values the trading pu d and figure how muci 5 cents Cour ouped together a lot of this sea ties, Trillick Lawns and many otli worth 8 ic, ioc and 12%6C, our, yard. Colored Lawns, the kind you pa) lown the streets, you all know IM yard. Shirting Prints, the kitid other si imnaugh's price is only jc yard. ades, the i5c kind, now only ioe y, O- IF YOU C rjS OR E. tr 4imilarly doalt. with. Our con ention is not fo. special but, equal )rivilvgen." .1. C Napier of Neashville, Tenn., n ll aiddre4w, kaid: "Wihat t.he ne rioo want dodo in this country is o imiko friondi with the people. ?assing the law-h will not bring Lhout th1e dosirod- romilt. I would 'ol bettor away from home if I mow that I had the respect, of my ieighbors who were willing to pro ect. 1my family during my absence., han I would with an army a thous mild miles away willing to tight for ny rights. These young men who -ome from Booton with their high otions of life, with thoir bloodthritty pomctetill, would make it botter by .isitinug Chti south, knowing some. ling of the condition of their peopl mnd prmaching to themi i gospel of ST0tM IN NEW YORK rwo Storms Unite and Play Havoc In The Bronx F ollow a Wave of Heat. NewV York, July 2.--A terrific itormi here to day followed a period >f intense heart. There were four leaths from the heat to-(iny and a icore or more of prostratoions. Al ready three (leaths, dlirectly tracea. '>le to the storm, have beene reported iund imany perons caught ini tile fury >f thme windl were injured. A long i'nmo thme gale blew at the rate of ievent.y-two miles ani hour ini the upper)0 pmart of New York, according to the account of the wveather bureau. Many places were struck by lhght ning, which played conet inuously for an hour or more. T1here were in reality twvo stormes, Llt they blended into one. The Ihronr was the lirst to feel its effects md1( the lowver portlonl of that borough mtfered1 most. A windl of ext.remely bighl velocity swept to the east, up rooting trees, Hinashing plate glass winde(ow-, b)lowing podestrainms frcm their .footing anLd dloing all kinds of damage. FanntLiio Kinstrer, at 6. year-Old1 child, frightened by the storm and blinded by the rain, ran directly under ai swiftly moving wagon and was killed( instantly. John D)ominick, ai dock laborer, wats knocked into the East River by a plank, which had been picked upj b)y thle wind, acnd was drownedl. Trhe windts swept thme embers of a bonfire, kindled by a numbeor of boys, over the pinafore of 8-year old( Clar evnct' 11addon, anid lhe .was bmuned to Conust able Wm., Lykes wais pain fully injnur(d ine Chlarlest on onJ Hatur (lay afternoon ine anv attemupt to seize one of Chicco's lignor wagons. LAykes seizedi thme bridlle reinri and thle driver whipped up his horsss. Lykos, how. ever, held on, and fi inalIly muade the enpture. 'T'he driver was arrested Exte DAYS turday. r words instead of tren<ythened by the blic of this section ri you can save by iter bo0ts 4tC 011MIVS. tIhe :,50 dtz MNlci'- Negligee shir. SO $1.00, for this sale 6oc. on s Or So doz. Men's Negligee Shil er Sheer loice of Millinery! 5- Md Any reasoiiable ofier on any iuninaugh Ient will be accepted. ores sell Ilm's worth of these goo4 your chancei (Quick Mlimauigh's is thle blusi( 1. Odds. AN'T RIDE WALI I MNAW SOUTH CAROLINA NEW". T bemlls of More or Less Interest (,ondenised In the State. 01a1ff1y iis to hav 11 tird4 cotton HI mili, 011pitallized ait $200,000. A M ifi4 Trtiesdaile, wh.,livmd inl ithe li Camden factory village, WatH drownera in the factory ponld Friday evening while out, bathing with t wo other young ladiis. It it tiipposid fhe stepped ill it dip plac and lust badl1 Ii( w Johni Osborne, thie nogro charged 1, with criminally 11Haia111ing an aged at womanty) in Unioi Couity, vai lynelid Hi on Thursday iight. It. is maid the ali negro mado i full confutssiori. Abraham Ancrimn, a negro living to near Springtown inl Bailerg County, C iH in jail charged with having beaten th 11i 1.1 year 01<1 daighttor to doath. I Jo Friday, a bell boy at. WrIghtt's hotel ill Columbia, alioml Wialter Stophlnsonl, it waiter, with it kinif" on 0I Thursdaiy afternoon woudi g? I from which StplimsoI died. Thoe crie vah connuitted just behind the office lobby. Fridiay escap)ed. MVlrs. J. B. 1 mun tat Swanstiea wvas m painfully and( probably fatally ini-w julredl by anm explosioni of kerouiino oil m while tryinug to st art ia lire ini a stovo L last week. i Ex. Senator John11 L. Mc Laurini hia' 81 ret.urnied t o h1is hIom ini Bonneiittavi lie. Ic TLhe only p)rop)erty t hat lhe owns there re now~ i8 a rice plani tationm vialuted iat "I $1503,000t. e tI Coroner's Verdict Was Thlat 'lIvans DI)ed at Hands of Unknown Parties. Ii Thle State. Norway, Jutly 2. An .inqu1lest over the body of Chas. aisiti, who wits lynched bore Tunesdaiy n1ighit, wvas helda this mlorninmg by Coroner Iticken backer. Six witnesses4e were exatm ined. After it short talk to the jury by CJoroner l.(ickenibacker thle jury cameii to a verdict ''that the de tconsed( citmeh to his (death from thle eIfect of gnun C shiots iand stranmguilationi at thle hiands (3 or a party or parties unikniown to the jury." Everything is4 quiet again. No moure' trouble is expected from thle negroes. Town waus guairded well last niight. Mr. P'hillips, whJo wasH shot on1 Moni. daiy night, 18 living, but it. is niot, thought lie will latst t hrough the might.V MIiay cas'~ua1t.ies maiirked ihe l"on rt hi r or Ju tly. l4ou r personis were killed iln a terrible ratin storm att Pit.tsbuirg, Pa., eleven were inijured in ia trolley ( car collision at ir minghatm, Ala., and two were killed and (it hors4 in jured by flying glass fromi it collision at N"ew York l)uhe ito a witchi eniginel 111and a rgmlatr nisager nded oc kind, 110W otlyb 12%-eC N ard. Us, Gold and Silver Brand worth ts 6oc, for this sale 39c. Millinery! article in our Millinery Depart We (loll t intend to carry a dol ls until another seasol, So nlow is Sales and Short Profits is why st store in Newberry by JI,ong IGH'S. HE PASSING OF THE AGED PONTIFF S IIOLINESS LINt 'ING AT THE POINT OF IWATH. s Feeble Lips Murmur "God's Will be Done" Already Speculation as to Ilis Successor. Rome, July 6, 3 a. Iml.---0od's Al Ie done. Who would have be Ived it, whln olly 10 days ago I As presiding over a public consis ry Y" murimiured foobly Pope Leo i ho felt hium1self late hast evoning iiking into it sloop which lasted >out, throe lioirs until excruciating kinl brought. tho dying pointiflf back or ,iouiess. lilo groaned and m111PMu110d of pains on both siles of e thorax. Tenderly Dr. Lapponi, Hitted by Popo Loo's valet, P1iocen 4, and the p1131icIans' second, DO istro, lifted the frail form and anging the I>osition, suCCOedod in ving the patient. moio relief. Though hovering on the brink of 1ath, the life of file poltifl im still olonged by means of strong stim anits and concent ratedl nourish ant, and while he is still alive his m[derful vitality maty atgaini resist d conquer the attackc of' t his illness,. ste last evening, after ihot excite unt, of the ceremony of the last cramnentd was over, the p)oposeerbned as restless, partly soothedi by the ligious service and partly b)y a (Jose chloral which was given to himi im nsiderable quantity. Th'le pontiff is lying on at small bed 'awn up to at wind(ow overlookmng 0 piatzz/a of St. Poters. The only eturiet in the room is an antique adonna, anmd t hi sole o)rnament a rent ivory crucifix. Ali kinds of spoenlation are al.. iadiy in circulation as to the prob.. >ie successor to the throne of Sf, eter. Opinions are mnuchl dividedj ving to the tmany interests wvhich ill be affected accordinig to the moice made by the sacred clege, he first qJuestion the cardlinals will uIvo to solve will be whether' tho >ntclave shall be hold ini ltomie or utside of Italy. IlThe candidates chiefly spoken of re Cardinal ltamplJlIa and Cardlinal lerafino Vannutelli. They arte both I njpresenitativos. otf the conservative olicy, but. are bitter anitag>niists of atch other. A great watet spont. struck in the iciniity of Oak ford Park, (Greensburg, 'a., oni Sunday. D)etails are yet eagre, but reptort. pute the number f dead at more than oneO hiundredl. The last conntilon in the Pacifio jompaniy's cable was made at H ono ulu Saturday night and a cablegram vas laIshed1 arouind the world itt nine and one- half nijnutes. TIhe first ntessage was sent by lLoosevelt to r'aft at lunnila.