The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, June 12, 1903, Image 1

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W* ESTABLISHJED 1865j. NW3RY. S. C., F~RIIDAY, JUNEt 1'2, 1908. TWICEA WK. R Ib A T~ 6UUD DISTilUT SITUATION GRITICAL RUMOR OF EARTHQUAKE ADDS TO THE PANIC Looks Like Bad Management Among Re lief Committees, And There Is Misery-The Losses. The staff correspondent of the 8tate, writing from Spartanburg, calculated the losses in the flood dis trict up to and including Tuesday night, as follows: Clifton mills and warehouse . $1,800,000 acolet,Iwills and warehouses 925,000 lendale mills and warehouses 350,000 Whitney mills and warehouse -10,000 Arkwright mills . - 1,000 White's mill and ice plant 15,000 Bell's mills.---- . 5,000 Thirteen railroad bridges, track and rolling stock. 400,000 Seventeen farm houses . . . 125,000 osses to crop cotton and in other ways-----. - 1.75,000 Total .......... $3,866,000 Operatives and employes out of work . . . . . . . . . . 4,300 The death list now numbers 61. About 4,500 bales of cotton were lost, but probably hhlf of this will be re covered, and about 3,000 bales of goods of which perhaps 1,500 will be recovered. Spartanburg, June 9.-Five funer als in Clifton, the finding of three more dead bodies in the sea of the Pacolet sands, the discovery that Clifton mills No. 1 and 2 were almost as badly wrecked as if thoy had been swept away, the bursting of the re servoir at Pacolet and the indefinable rumor of an earthquake-these were some of the incidents in another red letter day in the stricken Pacolet valle3 All of these, however, sink insignificance when the suffering of the operatives at Clifton is consid ered. That has been bitterly intense in the past few hou-s. From the moment that the burning sun rose over the Clifton hill topa until it sank into a thunder cloud the day was one of agony for the mill opera. tives at mill No. 2, and operatives at the other mills had their pains to bear. The night and the cool winds brought some relief and it was well, for many were spent and well nigh stri'ken down. The relief committee that has in charge the subscription fund are acting with de. liberation. Many of the operatives are not only without shelter or clothing, but they went to bd supperless and they have been without bread for the major part of the time since the dis aster. Judge J. H. Williams, who has been wvorkiung so hiird to stay off the snffering that has been staring the operatives in the face ever since the flood, Prof. W. X. Hogan, chairman of the school board o,f Clifton, and the other members of the comm,ittee draw an ugly picture of the condi tions~ that exist. Judge Williams and Mr. ierrison personially went through th. three mii , dist riots of Cliftona No. 1, 2 and 3 Iooday anid the3 simuply contlirm the inf ormiat ion conItainetd inl t hi.e dis pat chies yet'erday that: thorn are many operatives not only on tbe verge of starvation, but absolutely without shelter or homes. CONDITIONS GESTTINO woRsE. "After this great troule on Satur day," said Judge Williams, "all of us got toget her and a personal can vaas was made of the sufferers around us here at mill No. 3. We divided our food and made every arrange. mnent that we could for the sufferers temporarily, thinking that something would be done for their comfort by mill owners in a day or two. Noth ing has been done, however, and the conditions are getting very h,ad with us here. But they are nothing com pared to what. they are at Mills No. 1 and 2. At the latter place the suffering is terrible, and why the committee in Spartanburg (10es not loosen up is more than I can under stand. These people need food and money. They are not being treated right at all. Something should be clone and done at once. If it isn't we will have a lot of starving people < on our hauds in addition to the trouble we already have." Judge Williams and his friend were returning from this visit from mill No. 2 when they were approached by two nieatly dressed old women who asked them what they must do. The women explained that they had been refused credit at the company's store and that they did not have a .thing to eat in their homes and knew not which way to turn. Mr. Morris gave them a dollar. GRN ORAFEE DELAYED. Prof. Hogan will probably wire the governor. . The people of the stricken district have beejp anxiously awaiting the arrival of Gen. Chaffee with the tents and provisions or dered by the war department. This is barren hope, however, for the rail. roads could not until t- Aight get the necessary things here. The people at Converse (Clifton No. 8) have been vainly awaiting a train from Charlotte. It was reported two days ago that a carload of provisions and tents were to be sent here, but they had not arrived up to late tonight and nothing has been heard from them and the operatives have almost given up hope of speedy relief. If the present condition could be re lieved there is everything in store for them. Other mills in the State have arisen to a sense of the frightful condition existing in the valley and today the Poe company, and the. American Spinning comFany of Greenville, the Bennettsville company of Bennetts ville, the Winnsboro company of Winnsboro, the Concord company of Concord, N. C., the Avon mills, the Lancaster mills and the Union mills all offered to take a part of the thrown-out operatives. The Southern Railway company has also offered to transport them free and if the sufferers can be sup plied with some bedding and cloth ing they may be able to start life anew. The trouble is to relieve the present condition and tide the oper atives over until they can be pro vided with the most necessary things. OUTLOOK BRIGHTER. There was a meeting of the di rectors of the Pacolet mills held this afternoon. The following out of town directors were present: Frank E. Taylor of Charleston, G. H. Milliken of New York and R. K. Waring of Baltimore. Two resolutions were passed: First, That the meeting of the stockholders be called for July 14 to consider the advisability of re-. building the entire plant. Second, That Victor Montgomery be authorized to repair and fix up mill No. 3 to operate, which will re quire six months. The directors of the Clifton have not muet. The necessary number can not reach here on account of railway facilities. TRAINS IN AGAIN. Trains are now rnning on the Southerni main line from Charlotte to Spartanb~urg. Lawson's Fork tres tle has been repaired SQ trains can pass over. Trips to and from Au ;tmta are being maede each day. A special fronm Carlisle is still operat nag. Up to t his time $12,000 has been mubscribed to the relief fund. An mormonu. quantity of articles of ap arel bed clothes and food has been piven. The relief committee has sent 1p1,000 to Clifton anid $500 to Paco et. The body of an unknown white woman, fished fromt Pacolet river, uiear Jonesville, was sent to this city ~or burial this afternoon, one of Clif on's victims. A SAD INOIDENT. A sad incident of the flood is that f Tomn Henderson. He returned ome to Cliftoni y4sterday from serv ng in the Tenth United StateE in antry in the Philippines He found tie mother's b)ody floating near the us of a portion of the Clifton No. in the Pacolet river. SOME STORIES OF THE FLOOD. The funeral of Mrs. Robert Finlay scourred late yesterday afterno.-m and today Will Calvert who resid6d near her home t Wo. 2 Santuo turned up with the life insurance of his father. His mother, Mrs. Livy dalvert, a his brother, and 'sister, Lulu and Feli*, were0 all four drowned. I6. surnce was old Calvert's'hpkby ani his boy will have a tidy sum. There has been much discussion astq,the finding of so few bodies. There is nothing 'Unusual -about this for the reason tt .there has at no time been any orgainized search for them, and those that have been foutd were in most instances discovered by the. merest accident. A mau was dig ging to find some trace of his house in atid toddy wheun after going about two feet in the sand he dis covered three bales of cotton which had been entirely covered up. This clearly gives an idea of about what might have happened to somc of the drowned. The body of Julius Bigerstaff of Santue, and also the body of the boy, Lawson Waddell, were found in the sand just below Clifton. They were in such a condition that it was necessary to bury them at once. A.. W. Greer, an aged man who re sided in the mill No. 3 district, was buried this afternoon. Greer had a remarkable escape. Despite the fact that he was nearly 70 years old he managed to grasp a tree and save himself. He finally died last evening, however, as a result of his wounds. Still another dead body of a woman was found near Union to day, bringing- the total up to about 60. TRAIN PALL, INTO RIVER. Terrible Accident on the Seaboard Near Carlisle - Three Lives Re ported Lost. Charlotte, N. C., Jun# 10.-A special to The Observer from Union says: News reached here late Monday evening of a terrible accident at Broad river bridge on the Seaboard Air Line railroad, by which three lives are said to have been lost. Seven hundred yards of trestle were washed away from the southern ap proach to the bridge, near Carlisle. This afternoon the railroad people sent a pile driver to begin the work of repairing the trestle. When the engine and driver had. reached the middle of the bridge, it gave way and bridge, engine, driver and crew of 10 were precipitated into the river. It is said that the railroad people report the loss of three lives. ANOTHIER ACOUNT. Union, June 9.-Eight persons went down with a pile driver in Broad river yesterday on the Seaboard; four are reported missing. Another. report says only one is dead. The latter is likely true. The disaster occurred on the Ches ter side of the river and the railroad authorities will not give the names of the injured. They were taken to Chester. HB3Ab-ON COLLISION. New York Newspaper Flyer And A Freight Came Together Near Fort Mill. Charlotte, N. C., June 10.-Sonith ern railway train No. 97,' the fast mail from New York to New Orl.ans, routed via Columbia, on account of recent flood, collided with a freight train near Fort Mill about 6.80 o'clock Monday afternoon. Only one man, Engineer W. A. Wilson of Columbia, was seriously injured. One ankle was broken by jnmping and the leg bruised so that he may lose it. The' occupants of both cabs jnmped. T1he contact was head-on, at full speed, and occurred on a high fill. The engines were nadly torn up and both rolled down the embankmenzt. Five or six freight cara wvere demol ished andl one mail car considerably damaged. Some of the mail clerks were slightly bruised. The track will probably be cleared by morning. It is said that the freight crew misread orders and ran past the meeting point. EAST ST. LOUIS UDER WATER. inS RIVBR RISSS SUDDBNLY WIThOUT WAlkNING. People Take Refuge in Second Stories and on Roots, But Ine-Story Cottagip Are Covered, St. Louis, Mo.; June ro.4-Al most two-thirds of the territoty of East .t. Louis, Ills., is under from-two to fifteen feet of water. Between sunset last night and lawitoday eleven Yives were sac rificed'i 6the waters and damage which no man today attempted to estimate has been done to' the' prop erty. Probably never before in the his tory of the country has a more val iant fight been made by brave men, with defeat staring them in the face to protect lives and property than has been made by the cit izens of East St. Louis. When the rising Mississippi river began to threaten the city last Thursday morning Mayor Silas Cook ordered men to work to construct sand bag levees at once. The river rose higher and more men were em ployed. Citizens of the best classes worked side by side with the labor ers. Since Thursday morning five thousand men, under the leadership of Mayor Silas Cook, without sleep, with little rest and food snatched at intervals, have toiled unceasingly to strengthen levees and to do every thing possible to,save the city. Not a wheel of industry is turning in East St. Louis. The smokeless chimneys of manufacturing plants stand lifeless while the flood whirls at the foundations. The vast railroad yards are out lined by hundreds of half sub merged cars, and here and there stand locomotives only half visi ble. Huge grain elevators stand sur rounded by a veritable sea. To the south, beyond the railway yard, are thousands of homes, main ly humble cottages, owned by the laborers and containing their all, submerged to the eaves. In Northern East St. Louis the description is repeated, but not on such a large scale. TII BUSINESS PORTION of the city and the district contain ing the better residences is still in tact; ',but for how long?" is the question tonight. When boats were rowed along side homes where the occupants were MAROONED IN SECOND STORIEs and on roofs, in the great majority of cases the occupants could not be induced to leave. They said to leave meant that their belongings would be left to the mercy of river thieves and;they ;vvould remain and stand guard. Strangely the women were those most unw illing to be rescued, although sonme of them wep)t in terror. They were assured that a thorough boat patrol would be established, with orders to kill river thieves on sight, and finally the unwilling householders were persuaded to go to land. -As wives entered boats that were too full to carry. husbands and children and were sent ahead they wept and clasped each other in abject fear that some farther calamity mighit separate them forever.. At the landings weeping women were assisted from the boats aind throughout the day scores of boats rescued hundreds of refu -gees. :Attorney T. E. D)emnpcy, who has charge of Camp Refugee, said tonight: 'wE MUST Ii AvE FOOD. East St. Louis is cut off from sources of Aupply and what she had hats beeni largely drawn upon dur. ing the p)ast week. Large amounts of food were dest royed b)y the water last night, ad we are in need of additional food to care for the suf fering people. The viaduct is uin safe and wagons cannot reach St. Louis. Railroad traalic is cut off and the situation confronting us is growing grave. Food must be se cured in some manner, or people already in distress will suffer more." WITHOUT wARNING, the river suddenly began to rise. The city was made safe along the river front, but suddenly a nw danger menaced. Word was re ceived that the Illinois Central embankment, skirting the river along the southern boundary of the city, was threatening to give way. Couriers were sent on horseback and afoot to shout warnings to the inhabitants of the southern half of the city. Carloads of .sand bags were rushed to the place and work was hurriedly begun. Accustomed to warnings the inhabitants did not leave their homes. Higher and higher rose the water until a thin stream began pouring over the embankment and suddenly it broke. PANIC HNSUICD. Hundreds of families from the choicest residence portions of the city carrying trunks, grips, bundles Af clothing and valuables, began to oross Eads Bridge tow ird St. Louis. Most of refugees were scantily clad Strong men carried aged women in their arms, followed by women with babies. Barefooted children were in the procession, which con tinued steadily over the bridge. Hundreds of others sought protec lion in the second story of the pub lic library building. Congressman Itodenburg estimated that thirty lives were lost in the flooding of the lower portion of East St. Louis -arly this morning. It is estimated that io,ooo inhab itants are affected by the district ilready flooded and that 500 to 6oo tre iiniediately in danger from rising flood. WHAT IT WOULD COST TO REBUILD Where Pacolet Mills I and 2 Stook Even the Ground Is Washed Away. rpartanburg, June 8. -Pacolet No I was built in 1882 and No 2 was sreeted in 1888. These two were united, making really one mill. In 1894 No 3 was built a little lower down the river. There were '7,000 spindles and 2,190 looms. To build and eqmip with good machinery three such mills would cost about $800,000 to $1,000,000. Mills No I and 2 were completely wrecked. The ground where they stood is not left. At that mill about 3,500 bales of cotton anid 4,000 bales of cloth were carried down. Quay, a worthy and industrious negro, was drowned wh ile trying to save some bales of cotton. That was the only death reported at Pacolet mills. Glendale Mill may be the first to start up. The damage is not be lieved to be very great there. PRESIDENT OF ROANOKE. I)r. Dreher Resigns and the Position is Offered to President Morehead of the Lutheran Seminary. Rloanolke, Va., June 10. --President Julins D). Dreher, of Roanoke Col. lege, 'jituated at Salem, hats tendered his resignation to the board of trus. tees and it has been accepted. The presidlency has been oflered to Dr. James A. Morehead, president of tl.eLutherani Theological Sem inary of the Lutheran Church of thme South, at Charleston, S. C., but no answer has been received yet. Dr. Droher hats been connected with Rtoanoke College for thirty-two years and for twenty-five years was itse president. He long since do aided to retire when he had served twenty- five years as president. He rleclines to say what his futnre plans Fire. He was thme oldest colle'g4 presi tIent~ in Virginia in point of service, suid is one of the best known edn-. r3ato(rH ini the South. Miss ItuthI Hannia andio Robert 8. McCormick, a Chicago millionaire minister to Russia, were married at Cleveland, 0., On WednesdIay. In b)eauty the weddmng is said to have excelled any ever hmtld ini Cllanu. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condiensed In the State. Andy Davis, eolred mhot him mioth. or, step fathor aid sistor all wit b ono load from a shtot gu, on Sndav, in Anderson eounty. Thet% sholt followpd a fuss, tarted about practically ioth. ing. White caps went to the loie of Dock Hogani, about eight Illilos from Columbia, on 8aurdty ilghtI anId whippod him litlaiorcifully hecatit Hogan had givIen inlforIation by which the diipesary coastablest woe enabled to seizo Huve id humed ro gallons of liquor shipped to partiom in Columbia. The dead body of Il. J. Jih4nson, a whitesaw mill man, was foundtl ly ing onl his bed last. weik inl an abaildonod section hous11H at, tle O ait t li ['e I)O bridge near Dilloti. llo lad beon shot. witi a 18 etillibro pi tol. 'lhero 1s no clue as tt heo 1autho1ir of t(he crime. Johison't wifo with a ian whom she (aied1 to b1 bor br-00t01 he.s disappoared. Mrs. d. C. loozor, of Williaiston, who wais accmintaly slh rocontly by a pistol which drpoi!i,l -tt of hor wardrobe whilo sh was arranging some colthos, is r1pot.I1d to bw inl a very critical comditimi. The Govornor hkat oiered a rOward of $200 for tiho whocitapprs who un mercifully whipped I lt,gan. living near coliibit. The 8tat Board ha1ts ihlsed tho at1i sessm8ents of the1 Suthrn 8011pr0, the Wostoern Uioni, nid Plillbmn Conpanlies, inermasiig ie vialiat ion of taxable propoerity by iarly $300, 000. There will bo a vigirots pro test. An ordiniace hais been int odiced in the Columbia City Couile rO<piPir ing the streetcar eompietsiv to pro. vide seperate acconmuodttions fr t eo races. Mr. E. W. Croft, leading counlfsel for Ja.. 11. Tilbtan, iatiH Hiatl itlit an attempt will bo imado to got a chango of vonuo. P)tpors will be filed today, sorving notive (oI t'he prosecuting at t oreo H. $13,000 SIISCRIIi). Mayor Calvert, of Spart tahIr, Says This Amount is Sulieient fIt the Flood Sufferers at Present. Tuesday ncight $1,1100 hatd IhIOn subscribe cd for thle rel of I th e tufer era in the Ilood duist rictH. NIlayt r Calvert conisidors I 1thitttu adtgatj tt for the omoergencey, atonig wi tie at ieles of food ad c'lothinrg doniat d. Mayor A relh B. Calve'rt gave on t the following statrntt'. "Thle peoplel of Spatrtaurtg and1( the sufferors fromtheIt recuttt,l flod in tis CI cut.y~ hcavo bo'on profoundly13' touched by thet guereos (cntibu1)1 tiouus that heave conntt Mi prmply from all partH of thle cotutrye n r l ievo thle dIistreuss amne' ng lHthtultorers from e~ ielood at I th muills in thIis ho:cs largo that~ it is tow C thoughet by3 thet relief conotte(lnu hee tt THE OLD bAli pow Absolut THERE IS NO SUCCOR REACHES SORELY STRICKEN. SERIOUS SITUATION IN MILL VALLBY VASTLY IMPROVED. The Death List Has Grown Until It Bears Sixty-Two Names. The State. Charlotte, N. U., June 10.-As the wind is tempered to the shorn lamb, hOlp came to the hard pressed suffer ('s oil I he Pacolet sand dunes and wastes today. Through no lethargy, but not fully comprehending the des titution of the operatives, the cow. inittee having charge of the subscrip tion fund has not hastened with its work. Toda), however, a committee comprising it. H. F. Chapman, chair man, W. It. Dillingham, W. E. Bur iet, John Baine, John A. Law, and Dr H4. It. Blake went to the scene. The3 found the conditions as already rnet iit y depicted in toeso dis. patchos, and t he work of relief is now on in tariost. It has come in the 1nick of time. Itit the silver tints now show pininly for the unfortuiates and it'it not likely that they will have to un. dergo imore sufforing in the hellish heat of the sand lands. A carload of clothing, food and provisions and mnwy wast itken t lie operatives today. Work is in sight, the Southern rail way, with a liberality rare, is issuing pasHos to tiny of them that care to leave ind the situation, which had eh at desperato aspent yesterday mthe( ilm day bmfore, is relieved. lioports frout !he outlying districts are c01ing in and it is only a matter of tiie when moro dead bodies will bo diseovered. The finding of an other dead body today makes the tot il nonb111hr (2. Despite tile fact that thie niyor of Spartianburg has snid thiat further subscriptions were iiecessairy, they cone in and pleas int things of Columbia's liberality are hoard at every turn. A few hours ago the sight of a storm cloud in the sky filled tho hearts of theop eratives with fear, but so furnace liko has been tho heat in the valley of the Pacolet that the storm of this afternoon was welcomed with delight. A fler it had east its waters downward it rainbow rose out of the low sand lands and tipped its crescent on the green hillside above the Converse wreck The operatives, dense and ignorant, regarded it in wonder and hotpo lFor the tragedies of the Red Hoa worol no moore direful than theire. A Wise Lady. The A bhoville Medhium says: "A priactical womian remarked the other day1 thait the most interesting things it the netwspapjers to her are the ad velrtiing c,olummns." ''Long ago,'' sIhe said, "I <luit buying of those who din'ti advertise. It has always seemiedi to mne that the merchant who advertises inivites mec to trade with htimi, while the one wvho (does not ad ve'rt tilt unpresses met withI the idea thauit hto doesn't care enough for my trade to ask for it. Then, too, I have found that the mainagement who adlvertises htas fresher goodts, for' the ranson, I suppose, be sells RELIABLE liN DER oly Pure $UDSTITUTE