The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, May 15, 1903, Image 1

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TWCE I Wr EAK . E~STABLLSIIED it;-,WS4 EW Pk': ,Is._U;,,_F,19AY, MAY 15i, 1903 TIEAWE.~.( ER THE CONFEDiERATE RiBUNION. Columbia Warmly Welcomes the Old Veterans, Who Have a Glorious Time Within Her Gates. The following is condensed from the reports of Col. August Kohn, the Columbia correspondent of The News and Courier: The gallant veterans of the South Carolina Division, U. '. V., have once more marched to their Capital City. In behalf of South Carolina Co lumbia gladly and proudly welcomed these defenders of Southern rights. For their sakes and in memory of their deeds her gates were opened wide and warm was the welcome that came from the hearts of a people. The stars and bars wore seen from the tops of houses, from windows, on vehicles and, best of all, they were waving in the hands of the fair daughters of South Carolina. Pic tures of Jackson, Hampton and Lee were seen, always surrounded by the battle flags of the Southern Confed eracy. Secretary of State Gantt had the State H'use decorated and Governor Heyward had his office floating the stars and bars and the Palmetto flag. The Governor's mansion was draped in these patriotic colors. They clung, with loving pride, around the marble monument. to the Confederate soldier in front of the capitol, and, flower-laden and beau tiful, they rested npon the old war cannon that stand silent and solitary around this monument.. The notes of the bugle and the drum were heard again and the band played "Dixie" and the "Bonnie Blue Flag!" Electric lights in red and white lined the sides of the streets and overarched it at regular inter vals. And peace was in the air, while the birds sang and the breezes blew softly for those tier) spirits whose valor gave the doom of battle in the bloody arbitrament of war. The tents on the State House grounds were vivid reminders of the old fighting days. Adj. (en. Frost was busy preparing this camp for the old veterans, knowing that they would like these resting places. The large tent held over 200 soldiers and the numerous small tents made things look regimental here. TIlE FIltST DAY. The veterans caine in the first. day in large niumbers. Every t rain on Monday night bronght. squads and companies and1 on Tuesday, the first and opening day of the reunion, the old v'eteratn were ini comlplete possesS sion of the city. The opening event a as the wel come to sponsors at Wright's Hotel from (1 to 7.3(0 Tueday evening. Numbers of t ho old veterans were there, "'loo(king arter"' t heir spionsors and1 maidis, and scores of sons of vet eranrs were there "looking after" t heir fat hers. Music wats fiunished by the Columbniia Orchesr a,TP( and t event wavis a very b)rillint one0. liALLY~ AiT THllE TIiilATi'I. - ' open Oiniiig (colIvenht ion was hld in lie Clolomiinbiat re Tn'uesday inighut. Not so large crowdvu hats am. senibh-d'i in ne placte in t his State ini receanl years, and' I h.' enuthlinsm of tihe vete'rains esp eciali ly w as inspi rrig. The exerc'ses wre ope~ne'd by W. D. Stanrlinag, commuandler of Camp Hamtipton. Th'le niddress of wvelcome on behalf of the Chamber of Com-t mnerce wvas dehl ivered1 by Il'resident WV. A. Clark atnd on behalf of thle city b)y Mayor Earle. The ado h ess of the evening was delivered by Miss l'9liza bethI EllIiott Linmpk in, w ho made an other of her remarkable and t ouch inig appeals. Glen. Carwile then took charge of the conenion 1 and pre sented Secretaury ol thle (Chamber of Communerce 1'4 J. Watson, wvho wvarmaly welcomed "Tlhie Pri vatei Soldier."' 0Other at ddresses were udel ivyeredl and respj,I(ondd to h.l ( TI'i General ari le, on. behel f of thle veterans. M'eore t han t thon itsanrd veteorans had b)eeni ass5igned(' homies before the night of thle fi rst daiy. wED)NEi)AY A nIo( DAY The ent husi asm reachled its hieight on Wedniesday, when it was estimated that there wvere 15.,000) visitors in Coluobia, and over 15,000 Co . der ate veterans. The chief featutre of the day wits the parato e Voters Iii, escorted by the sons of veterans, the school children strewing the streets with flowers for the oldi soldiers to tread upon. THEM PARADE. The parado of vetorais on Wed nesday afternoon was truly it remark able scene. It. was a truly inspiring sight, one that could only be seen in the Southland, where the Confed rate Veteran is held in the highest regard and deepest reverence. It. showed how thoroughly the old soldier of the sixties holds the hearts of the multi. tudes. There was a parade here, a parade in which the Confederate Veterans were the central figures and held the place of honor. It had rained on and off during the day; the streets were muddy and slushy, but the old and tottering veterans, ever faithful to the call, formed in line and marched through Colunbia's streets It was a brave effort, but those who stood the trail won the plaudits of the tbousands who waited their coming along Main street and upon the State Housegounds. There were the Sons of Veterans in line, who wore the kaki uniforms of the regular army, and they made up the ranks of the three companies that acted as escort. Then there were the officers and marshals on horseback and in car riages and the charming sponsors of the veterans. More than three hun dred school children, in Confederate colors, were in line, and, with Super intendent Dreher at the head of the column, through the muddy streets marched these three htndred chil. dren, each bearing a basket from which flowers were strewn along the last part of the route, and for wore than a block the gallant old soldiers marched over a bed of roses. WA it not indeed a picture? The old sol diers were deeply afiected. There were from l,500 to 2,000 veterans, who formed in twos to make the march and it was it glorious march for them. Along the entire route were crowded people who waved their hands and hurrahed until they were hoarse in their applaudits. It is not an easy task for the soldier of the 60's to take such a march, but it must have had its compensation this afternoon. As soon as the para1e reached the State -Louse Governor H-to) ward wias, and sidaniing in the rain, he mttade an address of great force and eloquecue. During thle dlay sp.eeches were de livered byv Generail (Carwile, General WValker, Col. James A rmst ronig, Mr. (4. Rice Smith, *. of Augusta, and In the evening the sponsors were introduced to the veterans b)y Col. James Arumstronig. The scone took place in the hall of the~ convent ion. The,1 present at ion of sponsors was fol lowed b)y the addlresses of the gentle. men mnentioned. One Instance Ini Which The Course of True Love D)oes Not Rttn Sinooth. News andii Courier. MIr Charl is Spradly gnY~~1it e a r-e specttale younig mantl, formierly of lIldgeIiOhl countii y, hin now of Augusta, was lodg d in jaLil a few dayvs ago upon01 a warrtant. swornt out by Air Buirrell Abntey, charginug him n withI abdluct ion. It appears thait ir Sprad. 1ey arid a daughter-i of M r Abntey were married somie niont hs ago, t he Hoev MI r 10d wards, of Btttesbni rg, ofliciatt ing. It was a runtaway inatch anid Mr Ah)ney cliaims t.hat. the. hatppy bride groom ptersuainded his daughter to leave himi, shte beinig, ao Mr Abney contenuds, unde1 r th ai tge of 164. Mrs Spraliy, wvithI a womt'.,~ Ildelit, asserts to thit centtratr), an<d says thtat she is of conit rattti ral age anid thait abet volnunt,arily andi( of bior o'wi vo ion maitrriedi her hiusband:t, it binig a love matt ch pure and si inple. Althiotghi Mr Spiradley. is tont,IhergoI a crsimnal trial lhe andi his f:tithfuil younitg bride arn0 now Ilivintg together in suplr.'mot hainessitQ TI'he Soiuth erni Ba ptist Cionvetion l, said to bie thle largest and mol(st liar mitLonls ove hiohll, 'losed in Sitvan niahl on Mhonduliyi igh SKETCHES OF ANTE BBLLUM TIMES. X-Confed Tells Something of the Life of Col. Jno. R. Spearman and that of David Moats. Col J. R. Spearman, the subject of this sketch, was born in the fork of Little and Saluda rivers in No. 7 Township. He was the son of Frank and Margiiret Spearman. He married a Laurons ladv a,,d lived near Cross Hill in LIaurins County, but in 't0 or '53 ho moved to Newberry County on the place now owned by his son, James S. Spearman. Col. Spearman was a very successful farmer and raised line crops of corn, cotton, wheat and oats. He loved fine cattle and had a nice herd of Jerseys. Col. Spearman was captain of one of the companies the Holcombe Legion Cav alry, but resigned when the conscript act was passed as he was over the army age. He was afterwards Colo nel or Lieutenant -Colonel of the it-ginent of State troops on the coast. He was for a long time one of the dacons of Mt. Zion church and didi a great dei for the up-building of Mt. Zion church and the cause of Christ.. He (liedi a few years ago and his body with his beloved wife's is awaiting the final resurrection in Mt.. Zion graveyard. His living sons are all members of Mt. Zion church and own the old howestend, also the homestead of their grandfather in No. 7 Township. David Moats was an original char acter. He never owned any slaves but. was a good liver. Always had plenty to eat at home and something to sell. [.o was an honust and up right man. Gave a full buahel ir 16 onnsC" to tho pound, an;l nOer wantn t more than the old time price. Uncle David always said the old times were better than the later times, and never would acknowledge that there was any improvement except in threshing wheat. Uncle David was opposed to the stock law and to the overskirts and frills, etc., on women's dresses. He never raised much cotton but always had some money to loan and would Lot take over seven per cent. interest. He listed his property at full value for taxation, paid his taxes promptly and always went to the polls and voted for who he beliovttl was the best man for the oflice. He raised a large family and lived to a good old age. His family still own the old home Stold1. X Coil Fed. WHAT AILS Al'LAURIN? Aniotk:. Suddenm Turn In The Eix-Sena tor's Fortune To Turn Farmer Again. T1he reorganization meeting of the Birunswick aund Birmingham Railroad, held at 100 Broadway, Newv York, ou Mo[nday, developed a big surprise. WVhen Col. Machen sold out last week those interested in the road were startled, but matt ers qunickly quieted down, when it. was~ stated that. a re organ izattion would be immediately ell'. c'ted, with former Senator John L McLaurini, of SouthI Carolina, as presidoent and generail manager. McLiaurini was already vice p)resideont of t hie Mohiiawk Valley St eel Coimpanly, of (Georgia, which is owned by the raiilroad, WVhat, t ranipi red at. to dtay's meiet ing (came like a thunder hol t, it wa so iiuiexp'ected. Soniator Mc'Laurini wont inlto the meetinig slated for t ha p'residenicy. Heo came out an hou r later withlonut any inmter est, ini either railroad or steel comx panys. It 'was annonneied that Mc Laurin had anecepjtedl an immgiediate offeri to pu11rchiase all hius imnterests, had been1 paid1( catsh ando had resuggned his ohliOc's ini both comn 1 ion. Itobert F airb)airii, a Newv York banakor, is ac. tinig president of the road, and it is understood wvill probably aiccep)t the piresidIency. 1 ie is beinig urged to Nonie or t hec gent!emeon it. rtsted wonl dise.a the extranordinary mloves of ihe Iast few (lays. Seinator McLaurini was sooni to-night. at, the Waldorf and asked to give a state. ment. regardinig friction inl dealls. Hie said: "Yo can ur say that amicable a rranigemients were made b)y which Mrl Mcanriin etires fro,m ot c panies, resigning his uilicom and sell ing his entire interest. Perhaps I am better lited to farming in South Carolina than to railroading and Wall street. I will return to Carolina very sliortly." SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed In the State. Treasurer J. B. 1outhit, of the Farmers' State Alliance, has given out a statement in which he says that it would be a mistake to have a re ceiver appointed. There is on hand now about $17,000, subscribed in $50) shares by sub alliances all over the State. Services wero hold in the Duo Vost A. R. P. Church on Sunday coimiumorative of the organization of the A. It. P. Synod at the Old B1'ick Church in Mairfield County 100 yoara ago last Saturday. The Masons of Florence at ant early day will erect. a tenple to cost. $10,000. The lot has already been purchasod and arrangemeits por footed. The Presbyterian Church of Florence will rect ia now church building at a cost of $5,000. Jas. W. McCormick. Esq., of Syracuse, N. Y , 412 Kirk block, has written Governor 1aoyward asking if there are any sons or grandsons of Jno. C. Calhoun living. Toy Sanders, of B3arnwell, a son of the late ReV. F. J. Sanders, killed Vm. Lutz, near the old Sanders snt.tlement, in Barnwell, on Sunday. Sanders suririldere<l to the sheri', claiminig self.lfotse. Mr. B. V. SIake wa in Columbia this week looking for three little girls, his daughters, which he said were kidnapped from Ashevillo. King Williams, colored, accideni tally shot and killed Mary Tucker, colored, ncar Sparitainburg on Moln day night. The dead body of a child was found floating on Tuck's pond, ten miles from Spartanburg, on Tuesday. On last Saturday afternoon two white men, named Philips and Up t.on, brothere-in-law, while going homeward, in Cherokee County, he gan to quarrel and Upton stabbed Philips in the breast., killing hint. Both had been drinking heavily. By a vote of 300 to 80 the town of Greenwood has voted bonds to the amount of $2,000 for t he erect.ion of ai nOw school buildmng. In a discussioni over a church atll'air on Sunday between two negroes itn Cheraw, ,John Monk shiot Sallie Brunson, p)rob)ably3 fatally wounidi ng Sallie. TJhie Charlotte Observer prints a dispatch fr-om Lancaster which says that Clyde Boone, a well-known far. mer of Lancaster Contty, has been arrested1 for making a criminal as sault upon01 his 1 2-yea-old datughter-. Boone is ab)out (6( years of ago. About fifteen emnployoeos in the card roomu of the WVal hallIa coltton mill went out on a strike this week. They dean mded la gher wages.- 'Te mill keeps ruining and theore is no) exci temot. MXrs. WV. \V. Bell, whlo was ac'om paLnying botr husband ini a bnumgy to stri ngt wireo for: t he Postali Com pany along t he track of t he SouthI erni railway, was killed by a t.rai n wileI try intg to drnive he r horse acro)ss he t rack near- Spar-t anburg on Tues day. WV. IH. Abramts, a young imani of Conway, was shot anid fatally wound ed b)y Lanmau HI ackibonse, ai u'on of Senator- Staeck hous of aion, on Wednesday. Stailk house had1( como1 to Conway oni bumsintess. As heo was walkitng up towna, lie was interfered wSith by ) Abras, who wats drnunk. Abramns wihorm told t,> hushi r eacOhol tows;:ds his i Po1 ck,t aind rushedm towards St ack~ bouse, whlo shot. hi m. ltopor-ts from all over theo State indicatto thtat. thle cool weaitthmer is in-. terferrinig seriotisly with thle cot toln crop -that in sornte *oit ne it is already maore t han three weeks Inte. Hilo for tlei outragem. It. will be r'callod st'vortl banks wore (1lyna llito(l, 3t11( thmro waH 1m101) violenlce. ''ho csH(' of t ;G( Cloorgial Saw Mill Associat ioll vH. t he Sout,eb itern Traflie AHHoritloll, to (,njoin the railroads frin laitincing freight rtttH on c+illc w pinm luinbor two e()Its p,'r luniltt, is lein1g board in tho UnitOil Stltt1s C oulrt at Macon, Ga. It is cunlbil((' atgainHst combine. IPresi<lont I(. ,s)Hvelt. was accor(1od a ni+tg ti'leont ovtttion upon his ar rivatl inl Siti 'riutl('('O oli 'I't10H(lav. ''ho 2Sih bi'nnial ucovention of tei Ord'r of Uttilwity Conluctors was in 14s sion ui it It sburg, P'a., this wook. .lort' thti >,000( wero in fill inibtco. ''he I'tlortl Sti Coin p iy, of Calfornilit, has Ib+otI conlvictotl of Imaiutinling it inlonopoly in Violation of (h Sha" nr tmiti trust litw. This coinpnytV wts urgaizi111(1 recently, ito (Iuiri,l It Conut rol of t ho sit t rado on tho Catlift'rnia (oalst, tun<l aItltan(ol irict'Hs froin 4 an<d -I a tn to $30 Mrs. \Nttl Biallavi who shot mtid kiulo i t li ('halmtotrs im logili ('otulty latst l'ohriiV, liits bo(,nl Hun teoc(1O to six years in tho P'eitiO) tiary. It wis allt'go(t that the Bil litd woulnn's hisbtanil has bloonl inti niuto wit h t hti Ohahlnlurs girl, and the Ballarid wolnotu inl it lit of fury Hhot, tu<1 killod. (Gov'rnt.'r Poi vyillickitr iats sigiod thl 11i)01 Ia1w rtW'nt ly 1asse' by I ho P'e:nsylvania logislitt nr(. It isclaiml((t by lIin )llt' 0 ,11 II( (l oif lllt, 11(+llt (ir tlitt it was intriulin'l to got oven \vit.h t"hn 1)r101 fi'r t'.\,uMsing corrnly I t)ol il Sl ttatt' ait tiy gover"Inient h( Go(uvtrnor (.Itit11s t at th iiaw pr1"( loctts (ir'yti sil '(+1sp et in g eit izOln. TIh'e rtiport is ro llaku to Now \'Yrk that. it tullon'lltson in Iiaku was ('ol jIdi lintl('r lhrttts of yiulonico 1iit<li( hy two youig zto'n to otijou) it y('ng Wmallu Il a ol1 wal, }[e wasN blidfobhed arn(1 varrliod away itnui left. Il. riptrti t hc alftir to ulliciiI lslnt th(' watll (nn not be foncil. I'rif. Atlol1dph I,orenz, thO Austriatn urgion, los b,'t'n giving yo11 )rtc ictl <1+llonst rat ins of h is t rent monlt of' congt;nital hip disolnso and club I(e't it I h ill'tt ings of t"he AmorI ican Suirgittl A1ssocittion inl Wa'tshiilgton his v('k'l%. tion(' r(anitrktlle e(rm41 h avt, bee(n t'olt'td. ng t heiit r ut hi of Iiussia's p)risie t o wvitlliaw fromtN Maeia(i'l, is working himr aronalits daiy andl i nghit anl coin (cent rat inug pros isionis preparing for TI'he loper itt Tyhoe, whIo is being miint , is~ st ill wit hi t lhe d i'onuso. ILlis iremiovatl hias boo0 askled byi) peoplii livitig niour, but tihe r.'iniest wats roi Thii w . ia 'lou burstlliN in .1 ick aiilt ihe wa'dtr was it w fiIoot deep ini lile' tillit01~'Ir tjlIlt. NI aeli <latinatge wits dono)1 l stck 04.8f good in stores. ATLANIA'S DISLOYAIiFY, A New Schleie fo' Evad InK the Fifteenth Amoendmient. NIes aot (o uriert. II sio uw whtio' carry (1 odorss bor hniJ plosat to sprinkleo thornolvesiI ' with violet watterl holfore' Elitorinig (ears, bult if the coriliietor does1 not likE) theiri br, I bioy Iluust got oif. Thlere is inunuh spileculattion its toi how (conie l ors. willI doch~IlR ''n thle litneses of jO'.siungeirs I o rile, ias somo( pooph, eim ii tt t her'e atrecoinductors wiho of e'itx do cologne anid thait of LhnJf. burger chooslel. At itny ratt, it 80011ns Sitt the day of short nose0 fatrot-ak(rs is att itn ein. The oirdinance is yet toI go h)(foreC the ieriinno I)-tr GENiRiAL NEWS NOTES. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed Outside the State. A Hchooter Was cotpletely wrecked ol t ho jet.t.ies at t ho nouth of the St.. John's river Monday. The crow narrowly escaped with their lives, barely reachling with the boats another schooner. Ex President Cleveland has eon tributed a cheek, aceoinpanied by a letter, for the benefit of the f111(1 to erect in Richinond at tiluillllimnt to G.'neral J. E. B. Stuart. Four negroes woro killed in it race riot in Now Orleans Saturday night. The negroes ariod and threatened vi.lonce because one of their number Was botten. The whit es met themn itnd1 a pitched battle ons(ti with t he result of the death of four of the negroes. Peace was tlien r(stored and the troublo is over. The betrothal of I'rince A draois, fourth son of King Ooorgo, of (i reoco, and Princess Alice, oldest. litughter of Prince .LoniH, of Hatton burg, who Wits Qleet VIctoria's favorite graud-ileld, Itb's beon ollic. ially annou111nced. There was an att.onlipt to l ynch throe negroes in Ohio Sat it rlay night. One of the nogroos was sup. posod to be it murderer and the Northern mtob wanted to huteh the three. 431 shipwreckcd Portuguso imi miigrants, 390 menl and 3 $wo ne n, driven ashoro otn the North ('arolina coast inl it terrible storrtl en last Saturday night, woro still b(>ing enro(d for on t ho coast t his wook. One porishod from t arvat ion hoforo i escu0. 'I'he illimigrantts will ib Itakon to Ma1(ssachuset.ts, where thieir ship Wits tounl. The (uestion of ehilti lItbor vts (discussed at tho Nat.ional Cotforoice of Charities and Corrections in At - 1anta this week. '1'he proviling senti ment wsti thitt child labor is in jurious atnd ilihould be prohibit l by ltw. ( apt Porshiing's American forces in the IPhilippinOs Iivo engagedl in several lights with Moros tidring the past month. '.'he Amiericans lost only two killed aindl four woui(lod, but. hundreds of iloros were slaugh, tcred. The strike of tyloyOH of tho Mo. bile ani Ohio railroid 111 113011 plity. ing hatvuc with business'5 ill MoiOIlo, Ala., antd 0(ot1her oits along1 the route t his week. Paussenigers have been mlovuig on t im1o4, buit the fruit rad1e is incommtodedl, and catrgois of p)racticlly valuteless. At at recent, mteeting of (lie stock holders of the lRock I slandn antd I1a cific ttilroadi Co. tihe purchuiwe of the stock by Morgian & Co. wasI ap. proved andti the capit l stock inicreused $20,000,000. lteoports fromt (Gutematlut confirmis thle rumtior tht t over I ,( 00 sqluare iles haive hodi ( coveroed seven' to lifteeno feet d1eep undier ashes0 fromi tho Satua M ari ' vol canto. Colloe thir o~ (f the crop ha~ s btern dest royed1. it hits been-reported fromt P'taam, who wits itn arden)1t advIocate of (lie IPainamai Canial, 1(habeeni forced to resigni his (JUico. F"ourt pers'ins wVere shiit and1 wyoundiedo inthe (1attemp111 t to atiriest it neugrit, lEddiie Colemauntuu, for sho ot ing ia negro wIOnntttt, inl .Jeksonv~'ilb-, F'li., Ott MIondalv. l'hoi neOgro bartriu,ede ht iself ii his hois andt th itonotso ( )ver one1 hitundroed thtouistti visit or'S ari" c'ounteid oun to be p)ritsent it the' I.. V(X\. 1I)infin int New Or. sitoillnoton4ly piubbshied ofijiial i'tich theoy give at hint to ITurkety tha lty wiill toleratoi ino stertn fo. theo Satlonica out raiges. T'he pow ers Ihohi (IinitI~ii ia is ., n.- ..45 ~ DEAR COTTON---C1EAP CLOTH. What Mr W. B. Smith Whaley Says AIbout the Present Boom in the Cot toil Market. News and Courier. Tho New York Coton E;xchange Wash tho Hc01n0 I ii n1o11.ring of I Imcost excited flurry on Monhlay. As in tho Fobruary cotton tovelnolt, tho lloot waH not only crowded with ) olling, wildly gtsticulatting brok''ry, il,t the gallory and Hlpace ou1tsido the rails wore fillod with cUstomevorrl. Tho flurry WtH caiusod, it wi said, by cables from the Livorpool umrktt, which showod advances o<lual to mioro than 3() pints onl our IllrkotH. 'hiH nIW caUHeI all illtlitllate rise at t h opetning of 20 point oi nist of the ohd crop opt.ions, arnd from i to I( points on the now crop optionm. Inl Wasthinglonl W. L. Smith Vhtaley, proident of th roo largo cot tl tuill1 inl Columbhia, S. C., awl builier of many mills in tho South, maid he anticipatetd a generatl Hl down in Now Englami and mnst South+rn lail , ls,)bcause of he hi high )riec of cotton and low price of clotl. By Holliig Cotton oil hanl, ho says, tho mills eannmako $15 at bahlo profi, whilo tho Iss to ul tifac:turo wout bo the Hamte am1omit por bflo. le halts just rotturtiod fron the 140Ino of iho Now inglaud Mtriko arn says: "''Tho ill opeoratives Wor' only too glad that theso atrikt+H wt!ore intaugu ratod, aH Iho Htrik rel ieved a im mhc h Mtraioned conition. Thtfe lio. at p r1+HOnt Ire uut, of ati pro portn ; ve'ry I1an1y N,ow I1ngland mill haiv1 s1tl down, and 801110 of thle 111111H ( 11hroWgl I ho Soulth havo clu-il for !.h tlumnuon for reotairH. Ih+ Itl'ounIt, of good+l Htacked is ibnti. ;2,()t))0,()0) worth to ovelry I t),()l) spinlos. If couit,l Wal so1lilg for H0VOi ceut 13 it. Wonld just rinlit 118H o 01akw it prolit at the Pros,cnt, cloth p rico," Ha'id M1r 1VIait,\ , "anIt. nothinlg cal hob diio 1unt1il tho *'itmation iH reoliovud.'' "Whon do you think that, will bt Y" "it. will " 011)o Hoon. The1 Hlpoctulc torH hatvet, 1-11(t(' I ricoH of cotton lil but thoy forgot to do tht+ tmtn thinl wit It h mttade goodls. Now t hio pievs havo got. to go "p tn 1 lti goods or oott oll 1111181 comlo du Wll." 'TIi Govornor has b)(1111n aikid to to oll'f+r I rwla' I for It '''a IIr0 of Kolly, who Itillid ('rtc'hr iIn I,te+ Coutly root+lt ly. It is aHil (,rotench had "wronged Koll,y'H Histor." Tim Shorill was Ibsen1t from t ht countly at theu 11ino of Ihlie kill ing ami1( K oily hastH 11uJlrrendeItrtod, It is repIortedl fromi ( (ienillou tht ini t wo'lv uV>n 11011t hs a~ t oly l iii will be ini operlationl bot woeUu (ireion. vilit) and1( A m1IErson,, ia disl tine of *~ miiles. Nort herin caplit al is houhiiI ttue nteIrp1rise. Advertlsed Letters lostonl, .Jack Blounti, I. A . lI nrtoin. *C -din Caiw~ell (2k, buIla COm.. ) -Jin l)iirts, J1. \\'. l)avis, u. iLcy DaviM, (G Wat r I iary, \lirs. 7t imo iratter. Hlentz. NI - Simo Illl yrIaivni t, 1k NI. .\I r tinl, J. II. loore, \liss liiott1' i. N tl iss Aniio Ni'al. (t )do ichr i.(are) 5--- T1. II. Samb,.rx, NIr-. (loora S pears, Normani el Sarigont ( ), AlrsI'. (Carrio StrO o'e, Al rs..S. IjI. Stt. Mliiy.l osc lig fo .el .. l please~t saLy t hey werel I tdverised . ('. I. I 'roell, IP. MI. M/jONI'Y TO) bAAN -We ntegotiat e amnouints o)ver 01ne t.housandl( (1) ollas, less tharn $1,.1000. I ,ong time andu ('as\ A ttorneviws.