The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 13, 1903, Image 1

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a - -;.a Q ESTABLISHED 1865. WBER > D , - ESALSE1f5 -- _NWER, .C RDY ARHL,10 WCE A WE EK, $1.50 A YEAR FCUT P1 CLOTI 331F000 The O. M. 1 Don't miss t prices. $5,O It will paa Never before ii every man, worr Shoes, the Ladie COME AND __SEE US. THE CUSSING OF THE PRESIDENT. A Great Storm Raised Because He Said He Would Rather See a Senator "In Hell." [Charleston Post.] A great storm has boon raised by the report that President Roosevelt had told a Tennessee delegation the other day that he would see one of the Tennessee delegation in Congress, l presumed to be Senator Carmack, in hell before he would do anything to please the member. The story of the President's strong language was reported by very reliabLe newspapers and with considerable circnmstan. tiality. The remark quoted was made to a party of prominent Ton nesseeans, chiefly Congressmen from the Qtate, who called at the White Hou? ask some favor of the Pres ident. After the report had been p60ed in tbe New York Times, in Wl(ii dit appeared first, President Rogsevelt had the correspondent of tha>aper summoned to the White Hound and given a complete denial of the report, which the correspond :ent sent to his paper. Senator Carmack does not accept *the denial. After it had appeared1 he was interviewed by a correspond. .ent of the Memphis Morning News, to whom he stated that the story of the President's cussing had come to him from Representatives Richard son and Gaines and he said: "Of course I knew that these gent.lemen told the truth and no man's denial can make me believe otherwise." *That is a very straight issue with the sincerity and veracity of Mr. Roosevelt. The Memphis Morning News makes the.following excited editorial comment on the whole matter: "The Whiite House has been turned i<oa fish market,-and the Pre&sident of the United States imitates the foul mouthed blasphemy of a fish wife. For the first time in the his tory of the republic the chief e'xecu tive, supposed to be the personifica tion of.the national dignity, falls to cursing like a drabl when addressed inhis official capacity on an all'air of 'state. Moreover, the exhibitio.n of billinugsgate was purely gratuitous, agd the man at whom it was aimed was absent. The country has come to a pretty pass when a United States * .enato r, acting in the line of his duty, shall be called to task at all by the P resident, much less that he shall be abused in such brutal and blasphemous fashion. And this is the man that is supposed to be Ethe examplar for the rsi;ng youth0 of thi RICE , I cING WorIM of D Famieson stoc is Big money 00 worth of n you to cc i Newberry has tl an and child to vi s' delight--a full Ii Christian nation. MfcKinley's suc cossor! Hyperion to a Satyr!" There is no use for anybody to fly into a fit because the Presiden' has done a little cussing. The une of strong language does not'utterly con demn a man. It depends on how the language was employed. And certainly it was remarkable that a Tennessee newspaper, which should have the name of "Old Hickory" ever fresh in its sanctum, should hold President Roosevelt to be the first President to swear about at his ene mies. But for all that it was unbe coming that the President should reaeh out of his way to speak in vio- E lent language of a Senator, though that Roosevelt should do this is not a < surprise. HB EOUND HER BOY. One of the Experiences Which Dr. Von Roth Had In Charleston.] [News and Courier.]j Dr. Von Roth, the palmist, who has 1)e0n givinrg exhibitions during the week at the Charleston Hotel, had a novel experience yeterdlay. Many' persons who have consulted him have marvelled at his ease in answering questions and in solving mysteries. An elderly won an, who had evidently been weeping, aisked for an audience yeeterday morning. "I am anxious to find my son,'' she saidJ. "He has been aiway from home for months, has not written a line and I fear.that some great mis fortune has over taken him." The woman wanted to know how much it wvould cost to get a line on the absent boy. Dr. R{othi gave his figure and informed the woman bhat lie would1 charge nothing if lie did not r.ucceed in locating the soni. It may sound1( like a wild dreami, thnt thie palmist. wvhispered to the woman that her boy was in Savani nab, and he gave suchi mninuto in struct ions that she was able to comn munticate withI hun by telegraph. Late yestorday afternloon D)r. ltoth ' was readinig t he palhn of another caller, when the door suddeniy op,en. ed( antd an envoelope, contiin g I mioney, was hurriedly thrown in. TIhe niext mioment there were souinds of hurrit'.l feet in t he hall. It was thie muot her of t he wvanderintg boy. Shie had reeived ani answer to her wanited1 to maske goodl. "Oh, I didn't want you to see im," she saidl. ''You know too muich. i f y'ou could( find( my boy you1 must be the devil, and I'm not. taking any chances." 5Da rycoods k purchased saving oppor ew spring cl< me 100 mi ere been such a sit the Big Corn( ne always carrie B1YAN;DISCUSSES POLITICS. Ic Makes General Statement as to the Situation- Fidelity to The People's Cause. Coj. W. J. Br:'an while in Toledo, Dhio, this week was prevailed upon :o discus's politics. He told of his recent visit to New York and added hat the people in thaL State knew ess_about politics than they do in le west. "They. asked me about Judge Par cer," he said, "and I told them I 3ould say nothing until I knew his ittitude on public questions. They Inswered that he was a judge and it vould not be proper for him to dis ius political topics." "What do you think Mr. Hill in ends to do?" "Well, I think Mr. Hill is tossing penny to see whether he or Judge ?arker will run. The trouble with he plan is that Hill has an old pen iy that he has tossed so often that ie doesn't know which Bide is head md which side is tail." "What have you to say regarding he record of congress?" "What congress has (lone is easily Iscertai[ned. Find out how miuch here was ini the treasury before the ession began and find out how much here is now. The wonder is that hey did not take it all." Mr. Bryan declined to discusB the >robable issue and candidates in the iext nat.ional campaign, but when isked to make a general statement ws to the situation lie said: "Political success depends on two hings, opportunity and preparation o take advantage of it. A political >arty must'have its principles and a' nust, advocate those policies it be ieves best for the people and then rust to events to vindicate the wis oiom of its course. "I believe that t he Democratic par y took the people's side of the pub. ic questions dlisculssed in 1896 and n 1900, and I believe if it wdll main ian its integrity and allow no dloubt. o arise as to its fidelity to the peo ns cause it will be only a question ,f time, and ntot a long time i'it her, >efore enough Reopublicans wvill be lisgustedi ith t he policy of the lte. milhicani party to again put~ the ,)emuocratic party ini power. Suha victory when won will ring relief to the People froum all he vicious policies of the Itepubli ani paty We cannot win a victory Jy comnprom ise or cowardice and if ,ve should win a victory by such nuonns it wvould be as disastrona to ys LC by us will be a tunity to buy )thing just o p iles to buy turnloose of Fin( w Store the next d in stock. uLe party as Mr. (.leveland's victory in 1892 proved to be " Asked his opinion on the Wabash strike Mr.'Bryan said: "The merits of the controversy between the com pany and its employes are over shadowed by the menace of the pro cess known as government by in junction. The Democrats have long been calling attention to the danger that luiks in this abuse of the judi cial power, but it seems to take sev eral object lessons to make the peo ple acquainted with a bad princi. ple." NEGRO'S HEAD CUT OFF First Fatality on the Skyscraper Now Go ing Up in the City of Columbia. (State, 11th) The first victim in the work of con structing the great steel Robertson building was WVilliam Dixon, a color ed laborer, who wars instantly killed yesterday morning by a falling eleva tor. For m?omths theecrowds in the streets have watched the 'house wvorkers," as5 the expert steel men are called, hanging high in the air bolting to gether the massive girders, or ascend ing into the almost-skies on the der rick loads, but as yet no casulty had occurred among thre hundreds of workers until yesterday morning. The accident occurred without any previous warning or spectacular feat ures. Swift and terribie Lihough~ it wvas the deatih was nevertheless comn monplace whon compared with a falU from the topmost story, or a man crushed by a p)onderous picco of steel. Dixon, a laborer, stopped for a moment and paused in his wvork to look down in the collar to speak to some one there. Heo half lay on thre sixth door, his head just projecting over the shaft. Suddenly, without warning, the elevator descending al most noiselessly anid with t he terrific force of unimipodod gravity, struck the back of his head, crushing it horribly arnd breaking his nock. The elevators are used for 'onivenienee ini carryinog b)uildi[ng material to the various floors, andic when unloaded are dropped to the ground floor to be again ladeui. The men 'rear at hand wore st ruck aghast with horror at the awful sight as thle negro met. his doom11. Almnost instantly, however, orngineecr raised the elevator anid the liinp, nerveles form, its head hanging loose anid its features crushed into a pul py mass, was lifted out. D)eath had been in stant anAnna. )nger, UIoes and ;old at Cut pr your Shoes a ened, going in your Clotl 3 Shoes and Clo 15 days. Bargair AN INTER-STATE TRAGEDY. South Carolina Lover, Just Parted from his Virginia Love, Killed in a Railroad Wreck. [News and Courier.] Richmond, Va., March 1O--Joseph E. McArthur, the prominent, young business man of Gaffney, S. C., who was killed in the wreck at. )anville this morning, was returning from a visit to his sweetheart, Miss Agnes H. Beville, of this city. Mr. McArthur, after a visit of nov. eral days, bade Miss B3eville good bye late last. night and started home They were to have boon married in the fall. The young lady was com l)letely prostrated by the telegram announcing the horrible death of her lover. JOSEPIII I AWRHUR'S REiCOiD. Spartanburg, March 10-.Joseph McArthur, who was killed at Dan yille this morning in a railway wrec,k, was the oldiest son of Prof Me Arthiur, of~ (afi'ney, ex.county superintend. ent of edufcat,ion. He was a young man of attractive manners, with a fIne business prospet. F'or seerl year~ lhe was in business ait Gaffuoy, tput was travelling for some commer. cial house at the ti me of h is deathI. TillE STORlY OF TiHE wREiici. Danville, Va, March I10.--10 arly I.his morning the south- boumnd South. ern tailway fast passenger train, standinig at this stat ion, wvas run into 19-y the niorth boun F)1111 lorida flyor, rAaniting m1 ihe death of Jotioph E. McArt hur, of Gaffiey, 8. 0. , a pass eonger, anid W. K. Neal, of Itural llall, N. C., an overhiauler, who wasi, con. ling: ir b)rakes. Jioseph (Colemzan, ani employee of the roadit, whoi( wats asalmLig Neail, was ta~ken to thle hot,. pitanl, where one of his arms was arn pu tated . Both enIgines'~ were wreck. ed anid several cars <lamiagetI The Brain of An Anit. Al though alt ant is a t iny (reiature, yet its brain is eveni tin,er. But al. though it is niecssarily sinailler t ian the ant's hiead which contains it, yet. it is larger in propot ion, accordi ig to the ant's size, t han the brain (If ainy known creat ure. The hoest writers upon)J iints those who have mallde t he list on ishi ing i ntellIigenco of t hese little in. sect s at speeiatl at.udy and11( are obl iguol to admit. that. they display reasoning1 ability, !alenilat,ioni, reflect0 ionland good1 juidgement. Slch (inallit ies of brmain showy at more thantj ordinary in stinct, and w(e are niot surprised to hear that the alit's big brain carries out our idai thait lie possesses atli igli er intelligence t han is showni by other wvorkors of his size cul CU ices for the i nd Clothing this grand c iing and S thing at such F is in every linE LYNCHIIED F0t Tlill USUAL. (lML, Fate of a Brutal Negro Who Attacked Little While Girl Near Parish, Florida. TIampa)i, Fla., M1arch S1. -- hour3 Thoma, colored, who attempted i criminal assault on the ton-year ott daughter of Porter Keono, on Friday was lynched near Parish last night after being positively identitied by his victimn and having admtittted hi1 guilt. ThoIt5naH wais capturde yestorday afternoon soutih of 1'arisl, and tfter being taken to tIe ,,nm of haii o wias h anged to it t ro e. Last Irid -ay t ho ton year old daughter of Koene was sent to the home of a neighbor to Purchase veg otablos. 'Ih ouiiighlor's wts only i half a mnilo distant, and when the victim of the assault arrived there sIhe was sont a short distance fromt thte farm to procure1 r thet vogetablt.. There t ho negro saw hor ande itm mnediately fol lowinig, camto upl antd attempjtedl to assault. hter almtost with. iln sight of the farmt htons. TIhe lit. LIe girl, wh1ena she finally maunatged tc tsenipo, ran towards hert own hiomte and1( the ntegro followed hier. Mrs. Koeeno, alarmod at bor dauightora ftbsenace, had1( stairtedl in search of Ibor 1%nd( immeittdiately after shte haid left ber home site saw her Ilitt lo d1aughteLe ruinning toward her witht the negrc in pursuit. UJont soeing Mrs. KeOlm the negro drew a pistol ont her itnd thtronttod to shoot her if shei ca-nt( further ini his dlirection. The alarm was irntmodtiately gi ven 11nd( posses of citiztons bogan a acaroll for the negro. If e was locatedi at ieveratl ptlacos, hat. managed to~ es. mipot eachlttiimo until bie was finally GiNiiltAL NEiWS NiOTliS. Items of More or Less Interest Contdensed tiutside the State. U rover (Clevoland has gi von out u staitoemonet saying th~at lie is out o~ polities for good, attlhouigh he is al. Watys ready to acet jII itI a(lVisor enity 3 if 50 deOsired. l"olgetr (Green Ihais boon indicted at Now Orleoans for rn rder ont his state i'met. thtt somte tirnie ago hoe per. ,nadedl( htis wife to dlie with himt, tht boa thI took mot(rphlinto, shte (dy'ing and1( bet recoverinig. President F'ransis, of the St. L ontis I1)ositOirg wats receivedl in: iundience bay Ettmperor Williamt, of Sermnv.tuy this week. ~PRICE 0 E S mi ss. ext 15 days. at such low ut price sale. hoes of us. >rices. We want ;-Queen Quality THE TWO CORNERS. SOUTH CAlROLINA NEWS. Items of More or Less Interest Condensed. In the State. The l'roasury department has com itenced to pay the claimti growing out of the Charleston Exposition, in accordance with the Act of Congress appropriating $100,000 for that pur pose. That amnount will pay about (10 per cent. of the claim1s. Two murders in (lroenville County resulted last week from gambling. In one caso both part iot were colored. In the other which resulted on Sat. urday night. the partiers were Vest. Ft'ller and 11arl lPlOyd, both white, l'oyd dying on Monday. ''he 1)010 eoni hagi opened an1d a tournaenot has been in progress at Camiden dluring t his woeok, the prai cipa'&l teamsii beinrg t hose from A iken and1( Camideni. The U. S. Suipremie Court has af firmed the op)inionI of tihe SouthI Caro.. linia Supremie Court inl the case of anro. lBrown field, a negro charged with 'murder, and Brownfield wvill hanilg. The appeal was taken on thle gronid t hat while four.-fifths of the peopl)1 of the communiiity in inch t he t rial was held wore negroos, t here was niot a niegro onl the jury. Over 1 ,000 bl)sE' of (cott<, (.1were sold ait toni cenIts aI pound at ( roni woodi laist woElk. Work has begun on the noew Je rome hotel in C~oluhiiija. It will c'ost abont $50,00 anid will be open by October 1st. Governor Hteywardi will p)robabdly accept the inrvitation to deliver thei alumni add(roAs at the approaching c nmmeCien it of W\asington and LOC University, of wich hie is a alumunus. A young white mani, K. K. Janiie soni, of Umion County, cal led out the Columbia Firo Department b)y t urn ig in the alarm from the A'.y lmu Tuesday. He says he went to thie Asylum to visit friends, and thought to ring the door bell. lHe was finled $10. Charlos M. Schiwab), who hans been aibroad for 11hi health, hats set sail for New York. lie is muiich imiprod,(l A n oil train was wrecked at O)lean, N. Y., on Mond(ay night, killing four teen byst anders andl se'riouisly wound inig fourtoon others.