The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, February 24, 1903, Image 1

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.1 1; I ESTABLISHED 18fh. NFW BERri . C. TIlES I) l 4 F EBRUR241)3.TU'Aw'z- AT'I ERRV S O. TUSD V,FEBUAR V 24, 1903. NOT MANY MEASURES ENACTED THIS YEAR. GENERAL ASSEMBLY DEVOTED ITSELP TO LOCAL MATTERS. There 'Were 185 in All, About the Average Number; Work of the Session Epitomized. [The State.] There were 185 acts passed by the legislature which adjourned Saturday. The greater part of this number is devoted to local legisla. tion, building school houses, refund ing overpaid taxes, etc. There was not much anti-corporation legisla tion. A number of acts merely correct errors in the code. The first act passed by the gen eral assembly was Senator von Kolnitz's bill to provide for any deficiency in the drawing of grand juries for the year 1903. This act was ratified on the 29th of Janu ary. The following were the acts passed by this general assembly: GENERAL LAWS. To provide for the erection of a monument to Wade Hampton. To prevent the sale of toy pistol;, etc. To regulate the employment of children in factories, mines and manufacturing establishments in this State. To protect fish by regulating the sale of dynamite, etc. To establish a table of mortuary statistics for evidence in the courts. An act to allow wholesale drug gists to sell alcohol;without profit to licensed druggists. An act to amend section 563 of the criminal code of 1902, so as to further regulate the location and establishment of dispensaries. An act to provide specimens of mineral of this State for Clemson Agricultural and Mechanical col lege. An act to provide for chief State constable, etc. An act to fix the weight and reg ulate the trade in corn meal. A n act to require the State treas urer to publish a monthly state ment showing the amount of money on hand and the banks in which the same is deposited. An act to amend section 1066, civil code, relative to the persons entitled to pensions, by eliminating age limit. An1 act to define the law relating to cer.tain'forms of commercial pa pers. An act to amend section [69 of the code of civ'il procedure, in ref. erence to demurrers. An act,.to amend section 2165 of the Code of Laws of South Caro lina, 1902, volume r , in reference to mileage on short roads. An act to amend section [76 of the criminal code, volpmue .i., code of laws [902, i-elating to the punish ment for remiovrl, destruction or leaving down of any gate, fence, b)ars or other structures. An act to amend an act to create a State board of entomology, to define its powers and prescribe its duties, and provide for the inspec tion of fruit trees, vineyards and vegetable farms; to prevent contag ious diseases and destroy destructive insects in orchards, vineyards and other places in the State. An act to require the sergeant-at arms of the senate to take care of the furniture of the senate chamber andl senate committee rooms, etc. An act to amnendl section [69 of the criminal code, so as to give magistrates j urisdlict ion of stealinug from the field when the property stoleni does not exceed $mo in value. An act to require banks having on deposit State funds to render to the State treasurer, at designated times, statements showing balances on hand to credit of the State. An act to abolish the office of phosphate insp)ector. An act t-> fix thme burden of proof on the party accused of violation of game laws. *An act to prohibit the sale, leas ing, etc., of pistols. the dispensary law allowing board of directors to make direct contracts with distillerr in this State. The general measure as to magis trates and their salaries. The three appropriations acts. An act to amend section 276 of the code of civil procedure by pre scribing the number of calendars to be kept by the clerk of court, and the issue to be placed on the same. An act to amend section 2508, volume I, civil code 1902, limiting admission of wills as evidence. A joint resolution to authorize the comptroller general to draw his warrant or warrants in favor of the State printer and the State treas urer to pay the same to an amount not to exceed the sum of $6,ooo, upon account of amount now due to the State printer under his contract for the public printing. An act to amend section 2853, volume z, of the civil code. An act to amend an act entitled "an act to provide for the incor poration of towns of not less than I,ooo nor more than 5,ooo inhab itants." An act to amend section 2432 of the civil code, 1902, by changing the time in which distress warrants may be issued. An act to prohibit the driving of cattle and other live stock into this State from other States, and to pro vide a penalty therefor. An act to amend section 2038 of the code of laws of South Carolina, 1902. An act to amend section $26, civil code (being volume I., at page 315, code of laws, 1902.) An act to amend section 1857 of the code of laws of South Carolina, 1902, volume z (civil code), to cor rect a typographical error therein. An act to supply bound copies of the code of laws of South Carolina, 1902, to certain members of the general assembly. An act to amend section 2170 of the civil code, volume I, code of laws, 1902, so as to increase the penalty provided thernin and to give one-half to ison ag grieved and tl" i to coun ty. An act to anthor; lie regents of the State hospital for the insane to close up a part of the extension of Gregg street and a part of the extension of Elmwood vnue. A joint resolution to authorize the regents of the State hospital for the insane to purchase the Seegers p)roperty, and to provide paying the same. An act to authorize anid empower counties and incorporated cities and towns to owns and operate rock quarries and to work convicts there on, and extend the police jurisdic tion. An act to amcnd section 1814 of the code of laws of South Carolina, r902, votumne I '(civil code)'so as to correct a typographical error thsere sin. At act to prohibit the importa tion of diseased stock into this State RAILROAD LEGISLATrION. An act to require all railroads operating in this State to protect the rates of freight in the bill for carriage of all freights, goods, wares and merchandise, atnd to p)rovidle penalties for the violation thereof. An act to amsend section 2159, vol. r, of the code of laws of this State, by adding a proviso that on short roads there msust be separate apartmensts for the races. Ans act to amend thse code of Sousth Carolina, 1902, volumire r. (civil code), by insserting section to be known as sections 2069a, in re gard to freight rates on mselons. Ass act to arsthsorize the Lexing toni and Cohsmnbia railway to cons struct its tracks throusgh certain counties, and for other punrp)oses. An act to p)rovidhe -for the refund ing certaitn railroad bonds its Green ville conty. Ass act relating to thse recordhing of railroad mortgages. Ass act to amnensd section n88o of the civil code (volr ume r , code r 902) so as to include ''tramnways"' ins its provisionis. Ana act relating to thse Mtnte anv county taxes due by the Blue Ridge Railroad company for the fiscal years commencing November 1st, 1872, to and including the year commencing November ist, 1881. An act concerning the lien on railroad mortgages. An act to amend section 3002 of the code, excepting certain mort gages and deeds of trust. Ad act to fix the liability of rail roads having relief departments. Joint resolution to adjust the in debteduess between Colleton and Dorchester Counties in regard to Greenpond and Walterboro railroad bonds. SCHooL MATTERS To authorize Bishopville school district to issue bonds for building a graded school; and similar acts relating to building or improving school houses for Greenwood, for Greenville, for court house school district in Chester, for Gantt town ship in Anderson, for Camden, for Prosperity, for Saluda; and also an act authorizing sinking fund com mission to lend funds to Saluda; for Kingstree, for Easley, for Marion, for Sumter and for Bamberg. An act directing disposal of sur plus school fund in Saluda County; an act to define the limits of school distric No. 18 in Greenwood; to increase the bond of the superin tendent of education of Saduda; and another act to increase the sal ary of that official; an act to author ize trustees of Marlboro graded school district to levy an additional tax; to increase salary of superin tendent of education of Williams burg County ; same thing for same official in Bauberg County; to al low county superintendents of edu cation to find room in which to keep school books for sale; to in corporate the board of trustees of the Presbyterian college of South Carolina; to pay on teachers' sala ries at Beauty Spot school in Marl boro County; to amend the acts re lating to special school districts in Marion, Mullins, Latta and Dillon; to validate election and levy in Blacksburg school district; tochange manner of electing trustees of Or angeburg graded schools; relating to time for meeting of trustees of South Carolina College ; to author ize town of Wagener to use dispen sary profits for schools. A.. .ct to amend section 1208 of the civil code (vol. i, code of laws, 1902), so as to limit thL time of elections of trustees of special school districts. An act to amend sectior 1210, code of laws of 1902, relrting to election of boards of trustees in school districts having not less than 2,50() inihabitanlts. PENITENT1I ARV. To increase tile salar y of chaplain. To permit directors to exchange lands with Geo. F. Lighitsey. To. permit Jo-year conlvicts to he worked on c'haid gangs. To provide for the erection 'of a new jail for Berkeley County. Likewise for Lee County, and for Clarendoni County; and an act authorizing sinking fund commis s;ion to lend funds for building tile Lee County jail. To pay the conunissioners who built the new jail in Oconee County. NEWV ENTF1RiPR ISES. To authorize erection of a dlam across Wateree river at Catfish shoals. To pro, ide for the erection of a bridge across Saludla river at WVare's shoals. TPo inicorp)orate the Indianola Power company of Lani caster. To ratify the right to construct power plants on Tugalos and Seneca rivers ill Anderson County'. To authorize mnanufactuirinig es tab)lish ments to take oiut mnutual fire insuranice p)olicies. TLo incorporate the Spart anbur.g ILight and Power comnpan y. CII A R ISTON c,oUNT v. To cede to the United State gov emrnent rights of way to deepen the inland waterwvay b)etwen Char lestoni harbor andc McClellanville. Tlo amnenid the dIrainlage law sc thlat p)roperty owners mu tst keej. ditches in repair. To allow an additional magistrate for Charleston. To allow fruit trains to be oper ated on Sunday. To allow H. M. Lofton. Jr., to be reimubursted for purchase from the State of lands with defective titles. An act to amend section 278 of the criininol code, 1902, by making certain offenses in connection with party registration and primaries misdemeanors, and prescribing pen alties therefor. An act to amend section 38 of criminal code laws of South Caroli na, 1902, relating to grand juries. An act to amend section 258 of the civil code, 1902, by prescribing certain qualification for voters on and certain regulations in connec tion with party registration for pri mary elections in counties contain ing a city of 40,000 inhabitants or more, and for the preveution of frauds and illegal voting in the same. An act amending the act in re gard to the city court of Charles ton. MUNICIPAl. MATTERS. An act to empower towns and cities of live thousand inhabitants and over to subscribe to the main tenance of public libraries. An act to repeal section xxv. of an act entitled "an act to incorpo rate certain towns and villages and to renew and amend certain char ters heretofore granted,'' passed 19th December, 1885, and to confer the power to condemn lands for streets. An act to extend the jurisdiction of the board of health of Florence so that the same may include all cemeteries lying adjacent to such city. An act to authorize and empower the city of Sumter to refund its bonded indebtedness in coupon bonds. An act allowing ie town of Bam berg to assist in repairing certain highways in Bamberg Conity. A joint resolution to empower towns and cities of five thousand inhabitants and over to subscribe the maintenance of public libraries. An act authorizing the city coun cil of Aiken to fix and pa unto the mayor an annual salary. An act designating the holidays to be observed in the acceptance and paynent of bills of exchange, bank checks and promissory notes in Columbia. Aln act to authorize municipal or other corp)orations or individluals to lay pipes for water supply across publllic roI dls and nonl-tidlal navi gable streamIs. An act to p)rovide for a v'otin1 g precincet ill each of the font wards ini the town of Union. An act to aimnd an act entitled "anl act to amend( an act enltic ed 'all act to authorize tihe election of a town treasurler for the town of An act to validate anId confirm all acts of the city of Spartanburg in relationl to the issuanice of certainI street impllrovemenlt bonds, and to make p)rovision for thle palymlent of interest 011 suIch bonds and for re tiring them at mnatulrity. Aln act to crcate a board of firec colmissionlers for tIle city of Greenl ville, inl th11is State, to dlefineC i powers and duties. CoUJNTY INA NCl.s, iETiC. A\ joinIt resolultionl to p)rov idle pay mIenlt for thle trleasur 1ers and aui tors of Sum11ter , D arl inmgton and( Kershlaw Counties for serv'i'es ren - dered iln comipliance with section of the act establishlintg lee CounIt y. Au act to estalish ani add(itional voting p)lace at " 'Roper,' ' iln Edge field County. An act to provide anl add(itionla dlistrict for Chester CounIt y. An act to au[t horize anld re inin thle counIIty conunillsioners of All derson CoutI Iy to reinldex tile rea estate m11o1tgages recorded inl t h office of t he c'lerIk of court for sai couInty. All act exemlpting certainl por tionls of IKershaw Counlty froml thi op)erationl of the general stock law~ election in I-Lorry County on the question of the stock law. An act to declare certain bonds issued by the corporate authority of Pickens and Wise Townships, in Edgefield County, to be valid and legal obligations of said townships respectively, and to provide for the payment of the same. An act to enable the commission ers of the sinking fund to lend funds to the county board of con inissioners of Abbeville County to pay the past indebtedness of said cotunty, and to authorize the said county board of colmnissioners to pledge the special tax levy herein provided for to secure the same. An act to provide for ieindexing the j udgmlents entered up in the oflice of the clerk (. f court for An (lerson Countv. An act to amend section s 16 of the code of laws of South Carolina, volume I., so as to include Laurens County in the provisions of said section. An act to exempt Glenwood and Liberty Mills for cotton weigher's act for Iasly and Pickens. An act. to enable Newberry Coun I y to get on a cash basis. An act relating to stationery and stamps of the officials of Berkeley County. An act t(O authiorize the construe tlion and maintenance of a dam across K1inloeb creek in Georgetown County. An act to authorize sinking fund commission to lend Colletoin County funds for cuirrent expenses. An act to increase t he salary of the sheriff of IHorry County. An act to provide for the rein dexing of the records of Barnwell County. An act to allow the supervisor and county commissioner.; of Col leton*counlty to apply surplus funds to ordinary county ex penses. An act to authorize and provide for the erection of a new court house for county of Darlington and for re-indexing and otherwise pcr fecting the public recor(ls of said county. An act to empower the sinking fund commilissioin of Chet okee coutn ty to retire and refuind bonds of said couity and fixing compensa tion of said coimissioi. An act to enable the cOimiission ers of the sinking fund to lend funds to the county board of com missioners of Oconwe Count y to pay the back indebted ness of thle said counity boar ;of conussioners to pledlge the 'Hpecial tax levey h leroini p)rovidled to secure thle same. Ani act con ferr ing certan inuris dict ion uphoni the trustees of IPeniiel Camp Ground association, ini Cole - ton ComuntyV, and( Iimiuitinig the same, together with pilower to appfoinit al sp)ecial coinstatule. An act to a mendo sect ion 20 of codhe of civil proceduire, fi xing 1 hei time for thle holding of the circuit courts of thle third j ud icial circuit. Ani act fixig the salary of the sherifT of C.heroko.e Coumnty at Anu act incrmeasimng thie salary of the co)unity treasurmer of Cherokee coiunt y. Ai n act to abuolishu the oflic of townsipij coniuiissiohners. ini lami berg coiiuty, aind make the genieral hawv as to counit y governeniiit for. Ani act relating to the salaiy of the auditor of A ikeii Counmt 'v. An act to p)rov'ide for reindiex ing thle public re:ordsM ini the i oflie of thle clerk tof ('ourt for l,atuirens (Countu v. Au act to coufIl mi the titlL to ceritaini landos imadle 1by thei c'otuit y Count v. Ani act to rep)2al the himw gi ing the magistrate at Greenuwod to issue priocess to the sheri ff An act to a menid ani act relatinug -to the salary of thle and(it(or ot A\ikeni coiunty. An act dhisp)osingt of surlums innd Iin the huandos of the caonuoissioni, of the home of thfe p)oor, of lI my -toin Ciomunt v. An\u ac(t to es~talish ani addfitina -votinig phice at 'Rop1ers,"' in lEdge An act to fix the amtlotlit of sal ary of probate judge of Georgetown County. I1' I; COU7NTY. Iii acdlitionl to school andcl jail bills elsewhere noted, the followilig Lee County measures p)assed: A joint resol(ution to )rovicle pay lnent for the treasures and au(l'tors of Sumter, Darliigton and Kershaw counties for services rendered in colul)liance with sectioti 4 of the act establishing l,ee County. An act to provide for the trans fer of certain recol ds to the ofice of probate judge of I-ee County. A joint resolution to provid e for a special assesslelnt of real property inl I,ee Coility. An act to create anl additional township in I,ee '_'unt y. An act to lix salaries for county oflic:rs of e,e Countv. Anl act to chlantg;e and dtesignate Certainl towliship)s ill Sui tel Cotnt1 ty, a11(1 to I pvide for enhatgiiig the registration certificates. 'I'A\XlIs RE-.PAID). Tlere ar4' liii11)t'r o f acts to re fintl over paid taxes, etc., to cer tainl people. 'hese are as follows. An act to antlorii.e adt require couilty Col llilniS5iofle0 to refild cer tain Collilitlit.itioll ro:id tax to school ti 1stee:;. Al act to reflund taxes to the church of St. Philip, Charleston. Also to the follo sint; : i rs. S. J. Nettles :a11 \ liss Fi. S. NIcCall, Darlington: How ling2 Green Knit tin+;., Mills, Volk Count\y; J. S. Gil bert, Abble'ville (hack salary as sthool ! n i :ier); ,J no. '1'. \ougblood, Pickens; (). A. Ma lone, a1nd( Ilattie .. Stokes, I)or chester C'otuntv; Ili). C. Funchess of Orangeburg, :uit J. B1. I,angley of I,aica,stter NI ts. Carrie I Iallfor(1 of 'lorence, -,. Keith I )argani, of )arlingtonl. The whole of the aboVe tlaimis will aggregate consiterably less thanl the co,st of getting thes(e bills tllrough;11. PI'UUi.l.V, P'llSs(INA\I.. \l aet to p)rl4\I(it for I ie p"Iss-ige u11p)n an1 pair v i 4 ofI chilns of N. W. Birooker. An act t4 alIthorir.:u' l direct the 0c(I11iiio1el . of t1h1 silnking find to sell alld convey to I)elpilia A. \'eleell Al tie estate of tier stelp. fathet, A. I,. P'eldergrass. Aln :Wt to> eltitle .Malcollm P. Ilarris t aIppl fr adm ission 1o jIl act it'e I:i \v Ajit lesolitilil Ic> re(fllire tlie V.ll'1 1)f lkilli ti ll foli ('41 oley ad r4 IjIli I* act illtorpor-atinlig the toxvi of S(4(i.4 illn llmptonl reCa4 len4, lerplitii 1 lp alI11 act rdt i lig 4ilIi let ill (I ll Mi4l bIilds ill I'2h>I Ct, ( )r;atige A Grlanid llldinKg to he Ifirected hy Carne K'e at th Ha lague1L. Thej1 llegn144: I, 8104br h ay E 2 1. Iis (1p44n44d twooni'41 a ti .itial s4v14licalt4 for tIho saue of an ost at is here, whichI for4 14nerly be4loniged( 4' ->114h gra1:41I d ll' I,andh of \%4ixi \'ihnar, iIponl wh,ieb .\ r. Ca(ri44ogl 41 prpo ('to~ 4 (recta "paic o(444'f peace4 ." I low t he' bo .\ tl acly re;ol \hn a1-i boyi I be4'gan to re:a'Cl very earnl!estlyI, but( :4t Ithe foot1 of (ver y p' ge I re:ad I sI 0pped.4 :144( 4obliged mlyselfto giv)~'e 44n atcounIt oft whait I b:4d re:td on4 ihat )I;lge. At first I bit' ore4 1 got umy iiii Ii xed, but1 1 t14 heIphin, unt4 iil44no w, all er i ae r':til a b4took thr ouigh once41, I c:in l Any Coo4k GjOod liuioughi. and4( mlost, n114 ritiouls biscuits I hat eve' ('2am(eOI ut (of the oven and( any13 cooki a1 gol>d enlough ('ook to miake themm. A HIav. & MuCar'tx'' an(Ii'~ It. tIiian' TILLMAN'S DISAPPOINTMBNT, Had His Bond Ready and Signed.--No Change of Venue to be Asked. (Columbia Record ) 'T'he dec'ion not to gritut bail to J m111es H. Tilhlnan coues Iolmewbat unexpecodly to the public, because the unual coure in such oases had boon almost. univer-ally to the cou trary, and the g.neral expectation VHH hut, hail would bo granted though the amount Wias anticipated Fis heinlg a Iargt, one. The ptople liid not hour the ttlidavils read pro lunt' cot , tlso I ho decision would not hav createdi any comment. 't'ttr"o is a good doal of specula tion as to whet her appiioation will be mladt) to any of her judge, tntd munch 3lo11bt wtas txprosseid as to whether 'h ia coulroe wal(tould b tlltak,n. It. is tonght that Ihe decision of the chief jtstice while not bindling on any otlh m jtdge, Wouli go I long way in yhaping Iheir views of the case, ui lIess TI'ilinmiI'M attorneys can go , ui) aId(itit;n,ll evideneo to that already prets ittd. If the dotision wasH unetxptttd by a groat majority of the pe ol it cer taic,ly was a doop nand hltt,r disap p)intt niont t- ''itlluain. S.) contidont wa ho t hat h wtld be allowed I1il t hat, ht had his ,otld already titn;ttd I by good suoretloN, towl all that r''1iitjil."l to io timluo weis to ilt'rt, t hi' alt l tr atll l 11a p ) V,t th.'s ctlri (is. It. is 11i1 t.hat Col. Till bnan had muimited his iecurit"ios to Clerk of (murt \Vtlktkr, who had to approvo then inl ortlr that t here should be no dt.!:ly in furnishing the bond and Nt, euring his relo1uHs. He is very tired of cnfin11mont. aind firmly expectod to be Net. at. liberty. The deaition of th11 olhi") jus-ti0., ()'mlltoly ulp'.t his plans11. 'Th at atttrnevH for Trilbuan have nott yet dit+Iidod exactly Whit stip4 t.hoy will t ako inl thi tunttur. Col. Nelson, wht1n11 aoikfd ab,tut, it tthim morning, Nta itt t htI it VaI ti011 Hoo1! aifter the dIICIMion to b , MAl to it-ato what w",ll b.-dInt., The gpneral imu prost+Hl)1111011 to he 1)0W that I1O Inultion! for i cont tannelurt will be imadtle ihit (hit tpplifainlt for bttll wt" r fn-t, I,but il inl it1h, Irial will bo hbIol li, April ).a of (h inu ty n.Iwspaper Itenl hert y1st'rtq'y sent the following to his P1t1wr in regard to a changu of vi:1utn. beiN I,skdlt fIr: li r n lns.i ..i . I?, of L. ig. tii'hi, whIo ix a closei friend of .Jin Tilb ((aO, ix aluthor)tity1 for the st.ate ht it m tiney to motlvi for a change oIf veuei. It hias all alohng biieen pre-i diet tod Ithat Ti hin N's atttorneyx would m((vii iotv.i i hte ess e id eIlhrii, "'.\l r TLilbnan11 fooils as though hot is amiong hti friaxtds here,"' sid Mr. lhoitfordl, 4arnd 1 am1( cure wiltl naklo ""i rltovie to htiae hti (calnto heard in (lIl 1finrlI fanailiar with his lint of deifiiise, ando know)~ wherietf I (ipea(k."' VIctIms ofr a Hirc Trap Hotel at Cedar 1Rap his, !Mya -Thme Cilftont Hotel Burned. CJahuitapt ljidis, Iowa, FebI. 2( -. Firen thtis mninitag dest roye i be Ih Chftuin I lot.ol, eroni'id( ((i1n4 of t he guets andlI( 0 cuedi itjurties to fo, y' two pel)rsotns, wIho werei scorchedit or forettd to jhump to the frozen treet A(u-r aa all (lay liutrch ~ in te debri is, four boieis hav. beeniit ii* rcverod(. It is ntow behoitved tht live m(ort. b)odies remtinl in t he rutns of the hoteli, wIebut is saidI to havet bteen a tIin,ny thu Statot You fg Mten'i Christ Iian trict Con)aven( t of t he KnIights of Py thi as. Ith hoi el eogisteor wasi do asNcer t ain( t hte numbter (of issling i r 'oni.ttue t) i ig f,rth romamdli)llJtur of .tloNN iN u800t,000). 'titarly all th1ose ini jmodl ti wereni Juown Ptoph'. Wt hue ii tir L (njuits are0 Nieverei (0 mainy casesc nO oneLlV'i- was faano rou