The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, January 13, 1903, Image 1

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1 4'4r- i~ .j ;~2 DJ ESTABLISHED 18 65. _NEWBERRY, S. C. TUEDY JAUr 08 _~~~~~ TW C A_W. .__.._ ULS 1a va ' anUII 1 , PRESIIENT'S BLUNDER. NEW YORK HERALD POINTS OUT HIS MISTAKE AS TO CRUM. The Herald Taken the Ground that Crum's Appointnent Is Distasteful to a Majority of the People of the United States. [Special to News and Courier.] Wiaphington, January 8.-South era senators and representatives weie surprised to find a double-leaded editorial in the New York Herald to day, in which President Roosevelt was severely arraigned for appoint ing Dr. Urum collector at Charles ton. While commending and appre. ciating the logical understanding of the Southern situation, the Southern men were astonished to see. the Herald, which daily flies the follow ing flag- at the masthead of its edi torial columns: "The people's anti trust candidates for 1904: For Presi dent of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt., of New York. For Vice President, George Dewey, of Ver mont," boldly and ably attacking the President's Southern policy. The Herald's leader will be read I with interest everywhere. If President Roosevelt wished to alienate Southern sympathies he has , succeeded. Regretful surprisa is a mild term for the feeling aroused ia the United E States by President Roosevelt.'s nomi- I nation of a colored man to the post i of collector of the port of Charleston. I Even the sincerest admirers of the President cannot help regarding that I appointment as an ill considered act, which will do more harm than good to the very people whom it is intended to benefit, namely, the negroes. The Herald does not hesitate to give expression to this belief, and has consistently supported Mr. Roose velt in his previous administrative policy, and has upon more than one occasion recorded its genuine respect for him, both as a man and as Chief Magistrate of the United States. It is not exaggerating to en) that the President's public career hitherto has fully met the expectations of his friends, who are legion, while his a prudence, great common sense and political sagacity have bitterly dis appointed his adversaries. His im partial attitude toward the trusts has been endorsed by the entire nation. t His judicious intervention in the coal t strike sl:ould earn permanent place for his name in the industrial history of the United States, and his mas terly handling of the Veneezuela imbroglio has shown him to be a statesman of a rare stamp. All this is freely admitted. What, then, can have promptedi him~ to make an appointment that is l distaateful to the major portion of the American people and thus de stroy, at one blow the reputation he has been so successfuilly L: uilding up'? What possible motive can have in duced him to alienate the respect, esteem, sympathy and confidence in his ability of the entire white people of the South? The Herald wishes it to be dis tinctly understood that Dr. Urum's I personality is not called in question in the very least, P may eveun be I admitted that under ideal conditions< there would be no objection made to the appointment of a negro to any official position in the service of the i United States, but, perhaps unifortu nately, practical considerationas regu late government policy in America. and elsewhere, anid what miay be de I airable theoretically is rarely coin patible wvith what is pricially pos ble. In making a inominario ihatlo is objoetionable to a miajority of the people affected b;y it t he Pr"sidentIr simply proves that he is unaware of.I the eleimentatry principle of govern . ment. No one will question his legal constitutional right to appoint to public oflice any nmii whom he thinks fitted to occuipy it, but has lie a moral right to exercise his power of appointment in a manner that is contrary to the wishes of the ma j ority ? The answer to this question is most decidedly, no. Majority rules in the United Stat es. Congress is elected by the majority. Laws are passed in the Legislature by the measure that is abhorrent to the majority of American citizens is a. mischievous measure. It is not unreasonable to argue that the President's proper course with regard to making appointments is indirectly indicated by the Consti tution of the United States. Each State is virtually an independent part of ti body politic, possessed of the right to make its own laws, to conduct its individual affairs as it thinks best suited to prevailing con ditions and to take such measures for the protection of its special in. berests as may be consistent with a due consideration for the interests of the other States. The power of in. bervention vested i'n the Federal government is clearly laid down, and is permissible only under certain itipulated circumstance, and within zertain carefully defined limits. It s consequently a debatable point whether the Chief Magistrate is not ,acitly bound to consult the local entiment before deciding upon a articular administrative step. How the President oannot shut his 5yes to the fact that the white popu ation of the Southern States has trongly developed very tenacious )rejudices with the regard to the iegro question. There is no neces ity to discuss the justice of those )rejudices. Their existence and trength cannot be denied. When, herefore, the President takes an nitiative which is protested against y a majority of the population he iot only commits a grave political )lunder, but also exceeds his moral iuthority. The possible comm tuences of such a step as the nomi iation which has aroused a storm of ndignation in the South cannot be onsidered without apprehension. t would take very little of this kind f administration to light the lamps f a race war, in which the principal ufferers could only be the negroes. Public sentiment, in fact, is strong ir than idealistic theorizing, and is isnally embittered and made more obstinate by opposition. The great olonizing Powers of the world. uome, England, Holland, have all hown that they are aware of this ruth by conciliating the people un for their rule with a respect for their ustoms, creeds and even prejudioes ['he attitude of Southerners toward he colored race, whether it be due o custom, creed or prejudice, is a 'ery uncompromising one, and the ituation is one that calls for great ircumspection in its treatment. Every friend of President Roose relt, therefore, must deplore his ill Ldvised attempt to row against such tremendous current of public opin ou, i. e., to set his personal views, e they ever so respectable, against hose of the vast majority of his 'llow countrymen. PAINFUL TO REBCORD. t Gallant Confederate SoldIer DIes in Laurens Poorhouse. [special to The State.] Laurens, Jan. 8--Mr. Hiliary d1osely, aged 65, died last night at he county home. He was a native >f this county and at the outbreak of he Civil War he promptly volunteer. id enlisting with the Soath Carolina luards, Company A, Third S. C. egiment. He served gallantly to he close of hostilities. He was well ionneeted in this and Greenville ounties. His health failing a few rears ago bie became a ward of this ninty. The remains were initered ure I his afernoon. Reflections or a Bachielor. TIhe man who wants but little here wlo uv suffers no shlook of disappoint T'he more a wotnan suffers for a ntan the linr sacried to her it makes ir love for him. bThe rankest coward would tight a burglar if he tried to steal the bed thsont a cold night. TIhere is something mighty wrong wit.h a six-foo)t man who can't be wisted roundl a mui.e of a woman'sa little finger. Teman who talks about the p)osi tion lie has "accepted" is the one who sat on the front doorstep for six months begging for it CLEVELAND THE TALK Of Democrats in Some Sections of the Country. Washington, Jan. 6.-Democrata from the West and South are appa. rently alarmed over what appears tc them to be an organized movement which has for its purpose the pre. sentation of Grover Cleveland as a candidate for the next Democratic nomination for the Presidency. There have been indications of a movement in that direction for some time. Every utterance of the ex President has been given the widest publicity, and discussed at length by the Democrats who have been seek. ing for some time to secure a reor ganization of the party along old lines. The last form of this effort to press Mr. Oleveland's availability upon the Democrats has been in a series of articles and interviews showing the magnificent physical condition of Mr. Cleveland. The public has been assured with much detail that the former President is losing flesh, that his "eye is as bright and his step as firm as in 1887." There is an intimation that he is tak ing a keener interest in public af fairs. While the active reorganizers of the party would probably welcome Mr. Cleveland as a candidate in 1904, the Democrats of the West and South are not prepared to make such a radical departure from the Democ racy of Bryanism. Recent inter views with Congressman Clark and Cochran of Missouri, Cooper of Texas, Jackson of Kansas and other Demo crats from thb former Bryan strong holds now indicate that they are ready to take an Eastern Democrat for their candidate, but will not be satisfied with a candidate who did not support the Democratic tickets in 1890 and 1900, whether he be. lieved in free silver or not. Presidential Possibilities. [Birmingham News.] No longer does it appear that de feat for the Democrats is inevitable in the next campaign. There is a chance for their success, and the prospects brighten as the struggle approaches. With hope of victory has come search for suitable material for leadership. These names have been suggested: Gorman, Olney and Parker. The last named is now being boomed with a periistency which inspires the sus picion that it is systematic. Judge Alton B. Parker is a very worthy New York jnrist and Democrat. For sev eral campaigns he might have had the Democratic nomination for Gov ernor of New York but declined the honor, for what reason is not certain, although it may be surmised that he was unwilling to be made victim of certain defeat. There is not a blem ish upon the reputation of Judge Parker, and his ability as a judge and lawyer has ample attestation. In national politics, however, he is practically unknown, and the wisdom of nominating him will be seriously questioned. Arthur Puie Gormani will have a following in the convention unless all signs fail. Hie has strong and powerful advocates, and, being a past master of the art of politics, will make the best showing possible with his support. Gorman is too much a manipulator, however to make- an ideal candidate, andI the probabilities against his selection are very great T1twire has been' an unmistaksble ide towardi Rihardl OJney in the pas fe~w months, growing in volume asi it progre'sses. Olney is unques tio)naly one of the b)iggest men in America. H-e dlemionstrated his ea parity andi. backbue~ while Attorney Gienera,l and1( Secratary of Stats re spet-tively in the ClHvelanid cabinet. Hie is an Amierican to the finger tips, His rep)ly to England on the Vene zni.laIn affair ranks with the greatest Sn a' a papers of the inat ion. It may bo urged aigai nst him that he hails prom a Republ ican State, but Olney is probably stronger in New York hamniany other canididate would be, and New York hold-s the key to the situation. The Democrats must carry New York to win. The history of the party demonstrates that, and the ro suite of the last election, when the West returned to its Republican love, confirmed it. It was a maxim of the late la. mented Thomas B. Reed that he who prophesied concerning political events to happen within one hundred years was a fool with emphasis. The uncertainty of politics add some weight to the maxim, but one is tak. ing, little risk in predicting that Richard Olney will be a potential factor in the next Natijnal Demo. cratic Convention. Nobody Knows But Mother. How many buttons are missing today? Nobody knows but mother. How many playthings are strewn in her way? Nobody knows but mother. How many thimbles and spools has she missed? How many burns on each fat little fist? How many bumps to be cuddled and kissed? Nobody knows but mother. How many hats has she hunted today? Nodody knows but mother. Carelessly hiding themselves in the hay Nobody knows but mother. How many hardships wilfully strayed? How many ribbons for each little maid, How, for her care, can a mother be paid? Nobody knows but mother. How many muddy shoes all in a row? Nobody knows but mother. How many stockings to darn, do you know? Nobody knows but mother. How many little torn aprons to mend? How many hours of toil must she spend? What is the time when her day's work will end? Nobody knows but mother. How many lunches for Tommy and Sam? Nobody knows but mother. Cookies and apples and blackberry jam. Nobody knows but mother. Nourishing dainties for every "sweet tooth" Toddling Dotties or dignified Ruth, How much love sweetens the labor, forsooth? Nobody knows but mother. How many cares does a mother-heart know? Nobody knows but mother. How many joys from her mother-love flow? Nobody knows but mother. How many prayers by each little white bed? How many tears for her babes has she shed? How many kisses for each little head? Nobody knows but mother. --New York Mail and Express. To Rafftle Himself Off. Secaucus, N. J., December 31. Failing to secure a wife through mat rimonial agents, advertisements or in the usual way, John W. Miller, a well to-do farmer, has hit upon the original plan of putting himself up at a raffle among the women of this district at 25 cents a chance, the win ner to take him, his savings and farm of 27 acres, on the Snake Hill road. Up to date Miller has sold 711 tickets and says he could sell as many more. Five colored women bought tickets, and Miller is in despair lesi one of them should prove the lucky contender and carry off both him and his worldly goods. The raffle is to be decided to-morrow night at Mil ler's home. Afterward there is to be a real old-fashioned New Year's feast. Miller is not venturing into the matrimonial heaven without ex peri enee. He has been "hitched before'' as he expressed it. In 1899) his wife died and he lately decided to makie another venture. Ho tried ini the usual way, but failed, perhaps be. cause he has a red board anmd hair. He has tender blue1 eyes, but the coml. bination did not convince any of the fair danes of the county of his serious ness, notwithstanding his farm and other monetary attractions. Miller is 57 years o1l, stands 5 foet, 5 inches, anid is sid to be' well- to do. His strange idea of railing himself is not the result, he says, of a whim, but because he wishes to find( a wife He (declaros ho will abido b)y the coin ditions he made, b)ut admits thant he is "mighty nervous" for tear one of the live niegresses will draw the win ning chance. GREENWOOD TO HAVE A COLLEGE. Nine.tenths of the Trustees, President Lander and Seventy-five of the One Hundred and Five Boarding Stu dents Favor the Removal of the Williamston Female College. [Special to News and C,urier.] Greenwood, January 7.--The Wil. liameton Female College is be moved to Greenwood. This decision was reached yesterday. Nine tenths of the trustees of that institution de. oided to move it here A vote of the students of the College resulted in over 75 per cent agreeing to come to Greenwood. There are at present one hundred and five boarders in the College. The Williamston Female College is said to possess the most extensive and valuable equipment of any fe male college in the State, Winthrop alone possibly excepted The col. lege has about $5,000 worth of appa ratus. All of this, the furniture, pi anos, etc., will be moved here. The building will be furnished by Green wood Dr. Lander, the well knowu president of the College, will sub scribe liberally to the fund. He will have charge of the Fchool. He will also keep the building in repair and run the College. If he should leave the College the property will be ten. dered to the Methodist Conference and that great body will not allow so splendid a gift to pass. The (Jol1 legd is a certainty. WILILIAMSToN COLo,EQIi. Anderson, January 8. .- In formation received here today is to y the effect that it is by no means set. I tied that the Williamston Female College is to be moved to Greenwood. Efforts will be made to have the Col lege retained at Williamston. DRINKING WATFR ON THE CARS. The Board of Health Would Find the Rail way Water Cooler the Source of Infection. [From American Medicine.] The drinking water furnished by the railways-who knows anything about it? What are the regulations of the different companies as to its purity and the cleansing of the tanks and coolers in railway waiting rooms, ears, steamboats, etc? In the pres ence of the great fatality of typhoid fever and the recent increase of the disease all over the country the fore going questions seem very apropos. Certainly the transportation compa. nies no not generally furnish their patrons with boiled, filtered or spring water, and just as certainly the water furnished by most of our cities, s. pecially by Chicago and Philadel phia, is contaminated and dangerous. One constaLitly notices the engineer and fireman drinking from the tank of the tender, and the men who han dIe the freight trains, the station agents all along t he road-is there any attem pt, is thet e any company that makes any Rerious and thorough going effort to supply these em ployees with pure water? Whose business is it to see that the railways (10 their duty in this respect ? Can anty of our renders tell us what laws have been passed or what regulations of city and State governments, and of t)oards of health, exist concerning this important subject? Have we not here a source of frequent infee tion which has too much escaped the attention of nanit arianas? An Innocont Woman Seven Years in the Fenitentlary. [Columbia lLecordl ] There is a white woman in ti,> penitentiary whlo has been there sev en years, and1 all the facts go to show that she is inniocenit, and( that from her religions sernples about taking an oath she was convicted. Hear name is Plunma Hall, and with a man named Ferrel she was conivictedl ini Marlboro county of killing WVaaton Hall, her husdland. There is no dloubt abont the guilt of the man, for he has con fessed and exonerated the women from all participation in the murder or even any knowledge of it. When trial was had a letter was produced from the woman to the man in whieb she warned him "not to do what he intended." This was taken by the prosecution as evidence of her know ledge of the crime. Her attorney, Mr. Clayton of Florence, got all her correspondence with Ferrell and he claims that it would absolutely have proven her innocence, but to his sur. prise, and everbody else's she abso lutely refused to take the stand say. mng she was a member of a s"ct known as "Holiness and Sanctified" people, and that they had told her that she should answer her accusers either aye nor nay, the Lord would sako care of her and bring her out of ier trouble. It didn't turn out that Ray, for a plain, ordinary practical ury convicted her and she was sen enced. All of these facts have been irought out in a petition for her par ion presented to the governor. He iae not yet acted on the case-, hav ng it under consideration. This is tot the first time it petition has boen >resented in her behalf, but. the facts iavo just been made known. A TRAIN FOR MILLIONAIRES s to Run Between Chicago and Florida Resorts. Chicago, Nov. 21.- Chicago is to tave a millionaire's train between ,his city, Jacksonville and other :lorida resorts, which will be as line n equipment and as fast in time as he famous train running over the At. antic Coast Line from New York to ?lorida points The new t rain will e placed in service by the Eastern Ilinois soon after the first of the rear, and will make the trip from lre to Jacksonville in thirty houts, nsteadt of thirty one as heretofore. All equipment to be used is to be tow and is now in course of construe ion by the Pullman company. The oat of the necessary equipment will >e between $700,000 and $1,000,000. This elegant new train from the West will be operated via Evallhville, vashville, Atlanta, Albany and the tlantic Coast Line to Jacksonville, hence to St. Augustine, Fla. It will be seen that the At lantie Joast Line will maintain its reputa ion for perfect paseeenger service From the West, as well as from the I ast. Tillman has a Right. Here is Senator Tillman, cou Went on nomination of Crum to be sollector at Charleston, wh)ich was. ent to the Senate ont Monday: "'So far as this special case is con eerned, I can not see that Crum is given this place for any other reason than thp.t he is a negro, and if the qualitleations requisite to federal ap. pointments are hereafter to he that the prospective appointees shall be black, white men of the South will be compelled to object. The Presi. dent seems to standl on a certain line of policy which indicatoq the pol it i cal considerations paramount just now. There seems to hoe a race on for delegates to the next national IRepublican convention. I (10 not bhink thi t. in any Sta'e public offices ought to be parcel led out along any settled basis of distribution. Through out the State of South Carolina the majority of white men have protested against this nomination of Crum. There are not 500 white men in the whole State who will endorse this selection. We think the President could have selected some reputable white Republican for the place with out subjecting us to this mortifica tion. lie could have e'ven gonte to the extent of app)ointing a carpet bagger. We now have a carpet bag. ger postmater at Charleston. Per. sonally I am opposed to hoth negro aund carpet bagger appoinitees, but of the two evils I select the latter.I argue that the President should not discriminate in the States in select ing negroes for federal office. Why, for instance, should the President not appoint a negro postmaster at Cumberlainid, Md., Harrisburg, Pa., or some other townt in the North. Let all States share alike. (Give us nc partiahity. It is all brutal politics in this matter. Negro dlelegates to the national R~epublican convention are involved " REPUBLICANS SQUIRM UNDER THE COAL FIRE. RESOLUTIONS TO REMOVE THE DUTY DISCUSSED. Senator Tillman Takes a Hand-Majority Attempts to Muddy the Water and Avoid Question Till Pass ing of Blizzard. Washington, Jan. 8 -Today the senate again discusoed the Vest reso lution requesting the finance com mittee to prepare and report a bill removing the duty on anthracite coal and Mr. Aldrich replied to some of the criticism of Mr. Vest, made last Tuesday. Mr. Aldrich insisted that the resolution would not accomplish the result sought and also that it in. fringed the constitutional rights of the house in respect to revenue bil1l. Mr. Aldrich said that a Democratic senate voted to put a duty of 40 cents on coal in 1894 and that they fa vorod free coal except on the day when they could have voted free coal into the tarriff bill. Mr. Aldrich said the high price of in the cotintry now was not due to the present tar iff. Mr. Vest replying, said it was an open secret how the rate of 40 ents a ton was put on coal in the Wilson bill. There were five Democratic senators opposed to the bil.l who were in a position to dictate what sh, uld be placed in the hilI, and that their votes were needed to passed the measure. President, Cleveland, he satid, had urged free coal on congress. "We wero hold up," said Mr. Vest, to use plain vernacular," and told if we dared to put free coal in the bill it would be defeated. A compromise therefore was odected on the basis of 40 centH a ton. "What. does it matter how anybody voted in 1894 ? he inquired. "Is that an answer to the poor, freezing people who now demanl"i immediate relief ?" He referred to his former state mert that the rates in the Dingley bill were made so high as to render possible the negotiation of reciprocity agreements and said it was based on information he believed to be true. Mr. Hale defended Mr. Dingley, saying the statenient attribhutod to him is radically opposed to all his utterances and involved the charge of insincerity. Mr. Tilliman of South Carolina in terruipted( to remark t,hat he did not consider that. there had been a reflec tion on Mr. D)ingley. The p)olicy of his party, lie said, had been ox emplifiedl in thre reciprocity treaty niegotiatedl and pending, that nothing but the selfish gre'ed of the people whose p)rotectioni is redluced prevents he ratification of the pend(ing treaties. "'None of uso," said MVr. Hale, re ferrinig to the alleged interviewv with Mr. D)inrgley, "would want our si. cerity imiprgrned b)y somebody live years after our (leath." Mr. Tillman replying to Mr. Hasle saidl there wvas rno accusaitiori against Mr. Dingley 's character or sincerity. Thei senators who symonpathized with the senator from Missouri were riot hard uip for argumrenits on thne trs qu estion. "T1hiso is certinmly put forward now as the one argument," retorted Mr. Hasle. Mr. TIillmnan said that congress onl y had been assoembled Ii broe weeks and ''we have hardly got torn over our Christmas druniks yet." The Vest rsoolution went (boer to comoe up on next legisolat ive day. HAS SLBPT 100 DAYS. Dora Meeks Went Iiitot a Trauce After a Quarrel. Centralia, IlI. J an 8. .The one huan dIredth day of D)ora Meek's slhep passed1 quietly today, the patient knowing nothing of the event. December 28 she became suddenly ill. On Sunday she awoke slightly and passed1 into a tranco. Today she oat up, seeing no ling hearing nothing. Dora Meeks went to sleep while ox citedI over a quarrel with her sweet heart