The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, March 28, 1902, Image 3

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Mrs. Hattie Mangum, wife of Mr. i'0po Matugum, died in Augusta a few days ago. St. Jamlen, .Jalapa. There will be comnunion service at St. James Lut,beran church, Jalapa, on Sunday morning at It o'clock, cot ducted by Her. A. J. Bowers. 1To Mast.-r l'urohaso S The IEwart-Pifer Co., requerts us to atate that they have just received their shipment of nice spring suits for the l':astor trade and would be pleased to have their customers call amd examrino themn. L ook out for ad next week. Ort,onf-Hli,hIll, Yesterday afternoon at Abhbeville Mr. W. P. Greene and Miss Mary IIemphill were united in mnarriage. Mtiss llemlp bill is the daughter of Gen. It. LU. Hemphill and associate editor of the Abbeville Medium. The Herald and News extends its sincere congratula tions and wishes the happy couple long life and prosperity. Tho Suwocage Contract. The Board of Public Works this af ternoon will consider the bids for the construction of a sewerage system in this city. Several representatives of firms from different parts of the coun try are in the city looking to the in terests of their firms, having bids in for the contract- We hope that the contract will be let and work begun at oice. Lockjaw From Uobwebs. Cobwebs put on a cut, lately gave a woman lockjaw Millions know that the best thing to put on a cu' is Buck len's Arnica S,lve, the infallible healer of Wounds, Ulcers, Sores, Skin Erup tfons, Burns, Scalds- and Piles It mures or no pay. Only 25c. at all )rug gists. Negro Day at he Exposition. Tuesday, April 8th, will be Negro Day at the Charleston Exposition. On account of this the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets to Charles ton on April 6th and 7th, final limit five days, at rate of $3 35 for the round trip. A number of special attractions will be offered by the exposition, and it is to be hoped that a large crowd from this place will take advantage of the low rates. Chronic 1)rarrhooa. Mr. C. B. Wingfield, of Fair Play, Mo., who suffered from chronic dysen tery for thirty-five years, says Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoa Remedy did him more good than any other medicine he had ever used. For sale by W. E. Pelhan & Son. To Speak to Odd Fellows. The joint lodges of Independent Or der of Odd Fellows, of Greenville, are arranging for a great anniversary cele bration in that city on the evening of of the 26th. At - this meeting It is hoped to have all the lodges of the Pled mont section of the State repre sented. The joint committee of ar rangemente has selected and invited ('ole, L. Blease, Esq., of this city, as orator of the occasion. Then you wakeup with a bad taste in your mouth you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse your stomach, improve your appetite and make you feel lIke a new man. They are easy to take, being sugar coated, and pleasant in effect. For sale .by W. E Pelham & Son. Seeking Southernx sUomes. lMr. John Scott is communicating 'wit,h parties in Illinois who are do .of ettlin. Teirobject, is to locat,e in acomuniy werethe climate and sol i sitaletotruck farming and congnia to oodhealth. T1hese peo blo for their purposes and as there is plenty of such land in Newberry, they should be Induced to come this way. Other communities are on the alert and see that every advantage is placed be fore them. What is, Ne wberry doing? Van't Keep It, Seoret. The sp'etndid work of D)r. King's New Life Pills is daily coming to light. No such grand remedy for Liver and Bowel troubles was ever known before. Thou sands bless them for curing Constipa tion, Sick 1-eadacho, Bliliousness, Jaun nice and Indilgestion. Try them. 25c. at all druggists. "Our Home Mission Field, tSouth." Rev. W. L. Seabrook will leave New berry oa Monday afternoon for Phila delphia where he goes to attend the 2nd annual conference of the Luthe rans of America as one of the four representatives of the United Synod in o South. Mr. Seabrookt 'will deliver address on "Our Home Mission ,South." Hie is also one of the ers at the social session to be held uesday evening. Mr. Seabrook absenst about. t wo weeks and will Is father in Maryland and also nd a meeting of the board of mis a of the United Synod, of which he a member. .Would Smag!, t,hu ulub. If members of the "Hay Pever / eo elation" would use Dr. King's New Dis oovery for Consumpt,ion, the club would .go to pieces, for it always cures this mnaiady,--and Asthma, the kind that baffles the doctors-it .wholly drives from the system. Thousands of once hpel'ess suffers from C'onsum ption, neumonia, Bronobitis owe their lives 4l health to it. It conquers Grip, yes little ones from Croup and oping Cough and is positively g ua ed for all Throat and Lung ti'ou 500, $100. Trial bottles free at ruggists. VARtIOUS AND ALL AIOIJT. Sunday will be lEaster. Look out for Mimnaugh's ad. in our next paper. Yest 'rday was another dark and gloomy day. This is Good i"riday--the lay to plant In your gardens. Mr. John Scott has sown his lots on McKinley Heights in millet. 1'reparatory services at the Lutheran Church Ihis morning at 11 o'clock. lRtewemlebr the egg hunt, ti Judge 1"111e'8 residence tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock. There will be no exercises at the College next week. The College will be closed for the Charleston trip. Appropriate Easter services will be conducted at, the Lutheran Church of the Redeemer next Sunday morning. Many lot owners on McKinley Heights are preparing to improve their prop erty there by erecting buildings at an early date. An Easter egg hunt will be given by the Wide Awake Missionary Society at the Lutheran Church Monday af ternoon at 4 o'clock. The College ball team will play sev eral tuatch games of Iill with the Cit adel and Charleston College teams while in Charleston next week. Newberry needs a live Board of Trade or Business League, Why is it the business men of the town won't, or ganize for the upbuilding of their city? The numerous friends of Dr. D. L. Boozer, Sr , will be glad to learn that he is now improving from a severe at tack of the grippe of about ten days duration. None of the bodies of the negroes drowned at Saluda river near McNa ry's ferry, about ten days ago, have yet been found. People are still searching for them. LEvery Newberrian should go to the Charleston Exposition. The rates are certainly low enough. $2 60 for the round trip. Tickets sold Tuesdays, good for three days. The Graded School will have holi day all next week, giving those who are connected with theschool, and who desire to do so, an opport,unity to at tend the Charleston Exposition. Deputy Sheriff Johnson arrested two negroes Wednesday night at Cha pin and brought them to Newberry Thursday morning. They are charged with assault and battery with intent to kill. When in Charleston next week if you waut to stop at a modern and up to-date hotel, we unhesitatingly recom mend the Argyle. It is on Meeting Street. It has been recently remod eled, and is first class in every particu lar. The College party will leave next Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock over the Southern road for the Exposition. A ny citizen who desires to go should let Mr. Burton know in order that acconmoda tions will be ample. $2.60 for the round trip. The County Board of Assessors have been in session for the past t,wo or three days hearing complaints, in some eases reductions in assessments have been made, but In most cases the assessments stand as lixed by the township boards. Mr R. J. Miller has a most choice line of fancy groceries in stock. He keeps the very best and serves every thing in the ver-y best style. His prices are moderate and It is a pleasure to dleal wIth him. Call to see him. P'ersonal. Miss Helen Mower Is visiting in Co lumbia. Mr. J. P. Phillips, of Laurens County, is in the city for a few days. Mrs. Patton Kennedy has r'eturned from a visit to Newberry, 8. t.-A. RI. Presbyterian, 25th.. Mr. Ned Brown, of Greenville, spent a few days with relatives here last week. Mr. H. C. Solomon has returned to Newberry to open up his tailoring es tablIshment. Miss Eunice Halfacrer eturned to her studies at Due West Female College Wednesday. Messrs. C. L. B3lease and F. H. Dom inick went to Laurens yesterday on law business. -MIss Lillie Fair, of Cokeabury, ar rived in the city Wednesday on a visIt, to relatives. Mrs. Flemming Jones has returned to her home in Laurens after visiting in Newberry. Train Dispatcher, J. A. Summersett, of the C., N. & L. R.. R., Columbia, was In the cIty Wednesday.. MIsses Arabella and Katie Moses, after spending about, two weeks in New berry, have returned to Sumter. Sheriff .Buford went, to Columbia Wednesday afternoon to carry a sub. ject to the State Hospital for the In mane. Mrs. Rebecca Brown and (laughter Miss Rachael. lef t. on Wednesday for their home at No: folk, Va. T1hey had been here on a visit to friends. George Johnstone, a leading memi ber of the New berry bar, is in the city attending court. He Is an at,t,orney In the ease of Mrs. Cokor vs. the Monag han mils.-Greenville News, 27th. The following Newberry lawyers have been attending court In Green wood t,his week says the Journal: Col. Geo. Johnstone, R, H. Welch, Esq , Cole L Blease, Esq , W. H. linnt, Esq., and Fred. H1. Dominick, Esq. COUNTY NEtWS. T. J. W. Write's an the N('ws fromls Aroundul lint,hnu1,1 Ch,alw andl Unlott Acadeny. I learn that there will be preaching at 1achman Chapel on Good Friday in sttead of Saturday evening its was stated in my last letter. Mlr. Tho.. W. Gallman and wife and two children visited their brother, Mr. .J. J. Gallnan. last Sunday. It's It blessing to say the iealth of our tommtunity is very good at present. Aecording to what, the Observer says, if you Want,t) 110011 your eandidtte you must shell down. Well, this is right. Whinevcr it comnes to adver tising a 11111 inl order to put money in his pocket he ought. to be willing to pay for it. 'Tile grain Is beginning to put on a hotter appearance. llaven't heard of any corn being planlted yet, but supmose there will he by the last of this week. The weather is just, splendid, and farm work is progressing. Tomorrow is G reen Thu'rsday. How imany can follow the old Dut,eh rule and have something green to cook. The fruit is all 0. K. so far. Ilope that, we will not only have a bountiful crop, but earnestly trust that all other crops will t>ring forth abundance. They are 8o much needed. We would have been very much pleased to have been able to have at tended the State Sunday-school convon tion which is being held in the city of Greenwood. We linow the occasion will be it grand one to all those who feel an interest in this noble work. Dr. W. E. 1'elham, chairman State ex exutive committee, has spared no time in working up the convention to a high plane. Ile kindly gave mc at copy of the progranmme which shows that every thing is very attractive and helpfully prepared, showing that addresses will be delivered by several of the most. prominent and capable divines and lay men of our Stato. Very few people ap preciate the fact that )r. Pelham is one of the most noble and enthusiastic Sunday-school workers in our State. le spares no little of his time and means in this grand and noble work. The Holy One says, ".If you love me, feed my lambs." This is the llission of the Sunday-school-which is a spirit ual home for them. It, Is truly the ob ject of the Sunday-school to lead the young children to Jesus, to labor for their conversion, to Christianize them. We would like to say more about the work of the Sunday-school, but we mtst prss on for this time by saying lin conclusion. May God continue to bless, not. only I)r. elham, but, all other co workers of the Sunday-school, aid may the time speedily come when all the children of every nook tnl corner, both in towns and counties, will be gathered into the different Sunday-schools and made to realize their sinfulness and need of i Saviour. Sad, but not unexpected, was the detth of Mrs. Ilenry Conklo. From what, we learn Mrs. Conkle had been in quite lingering health for more than ai year, but, only contined to her i-oom for about three mont,hs with that dre-ad fuil disease conisumption. Last. Satuir day aibout two o'clock the summons fr-om God came and said, its lnouigh, anid that soul is now wvher-e yours anid minie will s80on bo, in the presence of an unknown woirld. Wo have known the dleceased all our- life and it is a blessed consolittion, not only for mne to say, but for the bereaved hiusband and1( chIldren to know, thatt she 7as a noble hearted Ohruistian womni. On the morninzg be fore she died she called her- husband andi children to her31 bedside and told them to meet her in heaven. Oh what a consolation, to feel that you have a dear wife atnd mother In heaven. YeB, Christ,ian friends. if we want to (lie right we must live right. Yes, dear children, we know how hard it Is to give up a mother-, we passed thr-ough this tial onily about~ seven months ago. A mnother-'s love is the tenderest love on earth, and .a child that, would disre gard or forsake Its mother- Is worse than an Infidel. But still, amid all these sorrows, what a blessed hope and con solation to feel that you hlave a wife and mother in heaven. The dleceased was a member of Colony EvangelIcal Lutheran Church, and her body was laid to rest in the graveyard of her dear old church on Sunday following her death, Rev. Mathias of St. Luke's conducting the burial services. She had livrd 52 years and 14 days. May God comfort and strengthen the sur viving b,roken heart,ed husband and children andI help them to live a lIfe like their mother's. We should make all the sweetness and happiness out of life that we possibly can. But atmid all of this, one stroke after another of sadnlesa continuallly beclouds Our minds and tills our hearts wIth gloom. Qult3 satd, indeed, was the Intell gence qf the sad fate of young Hoyt K(Ing, the son1 and step) 0on of Mr'. and Mrs. Dri. C. H. Airmstrong. May God have n.orcy uponi the heart,broken mo t,ber' andi bttep father-. We can't reall-ze their sorr-ows, although onr- syminpathy Is with them. Oh, wvhat a lesson this should beo to the boys. This boy left his happy home withot a cause, and wats not permittedi even to~ repent of Ils wrongs. The Word of God teaches you to obey you)r parents in all things, and the very fi rst command whIch God gives you Is to honor your father and mother. Let Hoyt's fate be a leeson to you as long as you live. A nd now, young boys, let mc entreat you to resolve fromi now on to stick to your bush, let the bush be hard or soft. T. J1. W. March 2f1, 1902 You wIll never wish to take anothi r dose of pills8 is youi 0nce try Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easier to take and more pleasant in effect. They cleanse the sta,mach and regulate the liver and For sale The Fin< Is made witt ing Powder. sweet, pure NO Pl':l'IAI. TE1ICM OF cOut(T. Newberry 1tar iHolds Mootlng at \Vhlch liuc"t for a $lneelal Trur,n IN with-. drawn-Will Likely 1,e Asked For ii Septeinbor. Some titme ago a petition sigled by several menbers of the Newberry bar and asking for a special term of the civil court., was sent to the Governor. Acting (In this petition, the chief justice issued an order granting a special teri oil A prii 21, and namnin;- I1on. W. F. Stevenson, Speaker of the House of Representative, as special judgo. At a meeting of the Newberry bar, held on Tuesday afternoon, it was de cided best to withdraw the request and a resolution was unanimously ad Opted requesting that the order grant ing the special term be annulled. Sev eral reasons were advanced In the full and free discus-tion that preceded. Amnon;; these mny be mentioned the fact that this would be a very busy time for the farmers, and then a g!ood manny people Who were very much int,erestt'd could not attend without much ineon venience. In addition to the opinion was held by some t'at the ap pointtment of Mr. Stevensov is judge was in violation of that clan e of the constitution which provides that the three departments of government shall be forever separate and distinct. 'lhe menbers had no objection to Mr. Stevenson personally, but he Is also a tnember of the legislature and speaker of the house, and as there are soinc very important cases to come up for a hearing, among others somtte very im port.ant railroad Cases, they were afraid that some question as to the legality of the trial might afterwards arise. It is likely that a special term will be asked for to be held soe time in September. liame Called OIIT. The gane of baseball arran:ged for yesterday afternoon between the col lege and Furnan University nines was postponod on aes'ount,of the inclemency of the weather. The game will be ar ranged for a lat,er date, probably week after next. A Priuor Greatly Surprised I never was so much surprised in my life, as I was with the results of using Chamberlain's Pain Balm," says IIenry 'T Cook, Tre'ssman of tihe A.eville, (N. C.) Gazette. "1 contracted a se vere ease of rheumatism early last winter by gett,ing my feet wect. I tried several things for It without benefit,. One day while looking over the Gazett,e I noticed that Pain Balm was p)ositively' guaranteed to curec rh umnatism, so bought a bot,tom of it, and( before using t,wo-thirds of it my rhcu mat,ism had t,aken its flight and I have not, had a rheumatic pain since." Mold by W. 1F. Pelhiam & Soni. Wants to tiuld Our Seowerage. Mr. Hallahan, of the firm of lIalla han & Castello, of Augusta, Ga., Is in the cit,y, and paidl us a p)leasant call yesterdlay. Mr. Ilallahan represenits one of the largest, and most t,rust,worthy firms In the country. ie is here for the p)urpose of putting In a bid to coni struct our sewerago system. We wish him suiccess. Cough itemeudy. Between the hours of eleven o'clock a. mi. and closing time at, night on .Jan. 25th, 1901. A. F'. Clark, druggIst, Glade Springs, Va., sold twelve bottles of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Lie I says, "I never handled a medicine that sold better or gave better satisfaction to my customers." This Remedy has - been In igeneral use in Virginia for< many years, and the p)eople thece are well acquainted with It,s excellent to the remarkable cures which it has etfected. WVhen you need a good, re liable medicine for a cough or cold, or attack of the grip, use Chamberlain's Cough Remedly and you are certain to be more than p)leaised with the quick cure which it affor-d. For- sale by WV. 1F. Pelham & Son. "WONDEROil." Kills all Pain in Man and Beast, Internal and External Reme dy. K Cures Rheumatism, Neural gia, Backache, Stlffness of the Neck and Joints, Sprains, Lumbago. Toothache, Cramp Colic. We are selling lots of it. PRICE 35c. Manufactured by W. E. Peihamn& Son, Prescription Pharmacists, -'for Labor' contLractse, Rent con tracts, Lins,etc. st Cake i Royal Bak Always light, wholesome. TOp \'IMITI NICfV'II:1l(R SCi11()tI,4. AiloN Witherp. Ci IPf Cl.'rk to i.t e tnt.. ltap1. 9f N lut lo Will '61i, Y' tei t ii n tt, of Ot"r ehtoolu Miss Sarlil \Vither', chief eclerk int tit ollice of the State Supn'rin tendent, of E:ducation, who is Imtkinrg a toutr of inspection of the print try wor" in the country schools, will visit Newherry aboutL Monday a week for tie purpose of visiting soie of ourl count-ry schools. Superintendent, Wert;s will have It route mallpped out. in order t,hat as tuarty Fchools as p)ossibl, cnn be visited dtr Lug the two days that will he devoted to this eount,y. Mliss \Withers is a distinguishedl )ri mary teacher ainld is to pe:pare Ia hand book of primary methods as ia iellp to the teachers in t.he public scho(Is. It is the object of Sulp rintendent L Miahan to have this printed and in the bands of t,he tnee rs before the opien ing of the schools t his fall, and if possi ble in time for use in sone of the coun bry sumuer schools. Sulperintendent Werts tilhs written ht S ut ulperilt nent thtat he would ) pleased to have M iss \Vi ers come, nd iLt, will e a pie asnre for himrl to visit some of t.he schools wit h her. O1ut Fri,aI44141, th 1n )ruagglstlp, it is a I)leasure to testify to the gii. )rally hi1gh charactcr of druggists. But beclulse of a few t'Xcepl)tions to Lite 'ile, it is necessary to caution the pibt it to he on guard against imitations of P'orry Davis' I'ai,killer. See I.hat you Let the right, article, the soothing, elp)ful that was used inl your family )cftore you were h)rn. I)on't be taken nto buying a st ,i,stti,te. 'I.'here is but )o 'aiinkillerl, I'orry Davis'. SPECIAL NOTICES. ANTII-)-Ten fresh imilch cows warranted to gi"e three t.o four ,allons of milk per ilay. (Give full de teription and stat.e price deivered at Pomariat. I)r. 1FOLK, ('tolumbhia, S. C. I-IA Vl' t,hings t1l to dtiit,. S!ind your (ollars and CullTs to Newherry >tca Lfauindry. NOlbundle too sitt,l1I, none too lare, to have ourl at.tention. Newherry Stein l,aunilry. ST"""i'"Ot1: for 'l'tnt. 'r sale or rent. Also I two-horse fia rm) to 'ent. Apply to Antinti Buziardt,. t&f tf RI'JMIOVIlI)-I have muoved my jew elry e:'tablisht nt. into tihe store )cenlpied by Peltamu's china hall antId vilt in Ithe future lbe inl a heter post ,iln toi serive'b pi4~lubtie. I keep eion. ILitantly on h sml, Gobdiiaebes, l)ia ii lCiverware, ('lt glass, cilocksi an d niovit ,Ies. I toeember I am preare toiiii LIit. li ilculIt eyes wit,h glahOSOse. Vn cirs for A I A biisiness Lthat, 's buisi ness Is "r ciproeity"' bu1sineiss. WVe help I hose whoi( help us; it,1pays S aidi thiemi The New berry SLeami L aundry 1'. Iiv yo have fauilt, to Iinrd do niot, besi title to tielt us. All complllainits are arefulliiy conisideredl at the New hotrry lt dosn't pay to be a mile behind the band wagon. Be in it and let the other feliw do c.he following. Moral. Send your laundry to :he Newberry Steam Laundry. IC,AN lNICN pauys. Ini ordier to) Jhavo IL, LIhis way seiid iL t,o New terry St.eam L auind(1ry, L)li'ES MA K ING--All kinds of dross ma k ing, c hild ren 's e!othies a spe laity. P~ricos reawonahh r MiRS. .J. TI. l'IllCSS()N, l"ourthi door' fromi oiptriai hose I &f 8L Nance strtic'. Homestead Notice. OTICI' IS it 'I'lE\Y Cl \'EN L. that iEliz,.ibeth ii Norriis ha-- aip lid to me to have her~i a h''meisl -adt in ,ndt eC, off' aceord]in g to latw. Maser' fot' Niewbierr'y t'imunty, S. ('. Mareb, 7th, 19)02. .it IH.AV.E Joffee, Totloy's Toas, Itaisjins, (utrrants, Citroni, Nuta, Frnit-i of all kinds, Oat Mioal, Pottijohni's Br. Food, 0xtra Sifted Junoe Ponsur, Okra and Tomnatoos, Strinigloss Beim,s, Cailifornia Peac10i(ho, (California (Cherrios, Apricots, Snecotash, Corn, Condounsed Milk, F'rench Sardines, Salmon, French Candy, Gelatinos, Ext racts Fancy Sweet Cakon, Cigars andl Tobacco. ALL FINSH. R. J. MILLE R. (JALL TO MElt ME. C.G S. MOWER CO., DISTRIBUTORS OF Reliable Merchandise AT Honorable Prices At the lowest possible prices to be had for the same high grade of goods. We do not sell shcddy goods. We do not take your good money and in exchange give you worthless goods. Our's is a clean cut business, done in aclean cutway. We protect ourcustom ers from loss by selling them wor thy merchandise. We carry fine full lines of Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Silks, Hosierv, Underwear, Millinery, Ginghams, Per cales, Domestics, Linens, Notions hs For Men, Women, oes Boys, Girls B Babies. Our stores are full of goods. We ask you to visit us. We promise courteous dealing, fair treatment, lowest prices. No misrepresen tations : d a big good stock to select from. Yours truly, S~ so2 MOWEIR Co. DON'T SLEEP When~ we advertise we have the goods, but we advertise to sell and sell we do. Goods e.o a flying. 5000 2 lb cans tomatoes and a lot of other Bargains sold in less than two weeks. There are some who, awake at last, come after the early bird has caught the worm and then say, why you advertise and dont have the goods We say to thecse, Watch our advertis ments, come at once, for delay is danr;erous. There are those who lake advantage of every opportunity. HIERE IS ANOTHIE E{YE OPENER! 1 ,.i00 Cans lb I Tornntos, 10ircn 1 ,000 211b cansI Sy rtip l'enche i m enn. I ,70( 2Ib cans1 Illnekbe'rri's, 9 o)-. f0(0 2Ib carn OIior ris, (good enough for Il'ritc le u 13ry ) ice pr cn. We haove bariga ins for overy ono 0in overy li IE~ne, n esoinllIy 1) ry (Goods, Cl othin g aind Sh ooe. \Vnotil ongh or goods8 while 0coI jtinlition was bl1owing :o keep warn. Now goods airriving dai0ly. Yours for the bes1 tat ht lowetI, 0. KLETTNER. ThIe Fanir anrd S<pin tre I)oalor. BEAIU EASTER WILL SOON BE HERE. PICTRE iMake the little children hpyby dyeing eggs for For the N1ext 60 D ays "Vehv-1de-t. of Whit " A\ll Pictures will be sold at greatly redu ced A NICE REMEMBRANCE prices of Ienuster would be tosenTd your best at girl at box of WViley's Candly. Mayes' Book Store. sron hiaso itn goii -comol( m. YOU cani got, aI good hatir A nice line of cheap or"ohIrlhfo s stationery at 25c. per Let us fill your pre pound. ,scr iptions. Pure drugs Malways used. "The Mayes best is none too good for you." Bookstore..h aves' DruStoe.