The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, December 25, 1884, Image 3

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VOL. XX. 4OSIrIVE NOTICE.; .ll person1s iii'kb ed to the unlldersigned. mast settle th same by or before the 2OtI of .Vocember ne.rt. othlerwisc /O'lr acOits arif/l be plareq i the hiands Of a/I oirer fo eolleetioi. andl(1 loil t-ill Qe no further credit in the FUI 'URE. S. F. FANT. et33St NOTICE. r cz Moss M. Cortocs. DxCEASED. i se bcrebv given to all cred1itors 6 Coppock, dec,ased. to nreiant thoI P>roperly proven, to the unrderigned in: -;y all aho are in anvwi.e indebted to th; .re requested to Fettle at once, as an earl, fA, fent of his estate i P d POKred . U' o 4JOH\ W. COPFOK.~ dmo 4st. Fxecutor. z -. TltV it Y MiI 1I l 1w t PIANOS, Grand, Upright and Square The superiority of the 'sTIEF, ilianoc is reconuized and acknowledge, by the highest musical authoritiee. ani the dem:ati for them is as steadil iin creain;; as their merits are becomiu; more extensively known. light~st Ionors Over all American and miauy Europea rivals at the Exposition, Paris. 187 flave the Etuoremntnt of over 100 d!ifereut t'olleres. Sewinaries ani - Schools as to their Durability. They are Perfect in Tone and WorA manslip and Elegant in Appearance. A large assorttuent of secontl-11 Pianos always on hand. Geteral Wholtsale Agent' for Burdett, Palace, Sterling, New Eng gland, and Wilcox and White OR GANS. 4NOS and ORGANS sold on EASY 13 STALLMENTS.1 ~'ar.OS taken in Exchanige, also tho' o .ghily repaired. -7'end for illustrated Piano or 0; Chas. Mv. Stieff, No. 9. NORTH IABERTY-Sr1tiET. BALTI MORE. MD1. F. Werber. jr.. A;gent. Ne.wberry. Ajpril 27 C2iNTRACTOR1S --AND BUJILD)ERS .-A NID Lumber Mill Ter T he und(eraignzed resojnethrough di hecitizenslI ofYbeam- brea'ks surrol:1.iinlg Coiinl of the sky. y tel at iltit'na. il are milngled-the t ract for. :a ran to;rether, alke tngs and tiand sher. r I pr ss Nuts, Crack. a' . t S. B. JONES'. a ,mapted Robbery ,nSturdy night whe Summe storeable tohey t,te scrl nailed ;the door, and on Monday morning when thywent to nljock the front door th' f tud the misdag key in the ke .l Undubedly the partles after fhdn the back donr jniled up, tried to get ' Lt the frout, yhe Veteran Walker Qtu the Sth of )lay last Catin R ~mden ye;tvrday on h1a return.,lel now ninety-threeCof age, and Is hale au he-ty. His only oompanlonl on i ~onr.8r is his little dog ido, who is snI with his master.-.Od Junl Hoia oa of anl kinds for chil di4i a~dtdnls, S. B. JONES'. Candies, ConfetioneX~ pialn ES fn At E1ggins* erry On New Year's night, there will be a dramatic, literary and musicali entertain mient. to which the public are cordially invited. We thauk a fair lady for an in vitation to attend. Hobby Horses, and shoo Fly Horses, Blow Horses, and Fast Horses, a Your Carrier. D o not overlooh~ your carrier this morn' ing It is not for your dimes tist he presnts his A~nnuial, but a kind word oi appreciation, that will encourage him tc renewed efforts to please you. Tim4 honored custom miales it necessary tc present his ChristmasM address, Frits of an Maids,a stcs WeaverV1le Nursery. Col. J. W- yandiver propreO oft Weavervnle N?ursery and edFrn a sent us a small sampleoft McLeIIan oats. There oats rate in rCe oe ounce 25 cets,5one kid, Send tobhim WeavnRe1la ., 4 d of Toys, and Fancy Artiet .Obe fodnd at ' S..JOE. -Cotton Mil. -b. Newberry Cotton Mil isc . ..nebed with the outside world byT pone. The benl has arrived and iw goo b put in plaice. CbrL~flS Is ongand its- Het 11darte!sM w11% be an _ l Ao, Merry Christmas S* 31HAND IN HAND WE GO.: P appy New Year. ;w er.y an< is Christmas Morning it is our plea- for to extend the cunplimn:s of the oth on to the energetic :ud s:.ccessful COU n.ess men of Newberry, w%ho have Ic d the :Lsporities of the year, and, at tilu lose, show a fair front and a deter- miy ation to fight it out on the s.ime line. Pai mother year. While in other see- C0 s of this vast and extensive country its ,y business men have gone under sne have fallen in the light, no such ca- the itv has befallen any of our mer- the its. We congratulate them sincere- vxl Energy, per-everaice and economy P1i imarked their business :ourse, and lef ay they -tand fairly and squarely, ' are prepared for the bat tl, of 1SS5. m:e thei we wish a Merry Christ was T o a Happy New Year, and for their On( fit as well as the beefit of Christ- ply .goods-looking-pcople,we name them des .r their respective lines of trade as do ,R . wa: JAVY AND LIGHT GROCERIF, &C. & G. S. Mower, J. N. Marti:i & Co., i; on & Brown, G.eo. Mc" hirter, 0. H. . v 'ant, J. F. Todd. D. M. Ward & Co., ee 3. Lovelace, Summer Bros., D. M. d and It. E. Wiliiams. Mr. H. M. the is and Mr. Luther Riser have also the ed in groceries, fruits and confec- I s. We hope they may go successful- & to tte new year. the 2Y GOODS AND GENERAL ,MD'ZE. co: & G. S. Mower, D. B. Wheeler, M. by and J. S. Russell. Ile D::Y GOODS, SHOES, &C. "I H. Cine. W. T. Tarrant, D. C. j Col in, J. 0. Havird, C. L. Hayird, Jos. 0;1 v, S. S. Langford, J. Mann and J. , C ell. OTHING AND FT'RNESHING GOODS. right & Coppock, E. A. Scott, Cloud ,9 Smirh. i HARDWARE, &C. P. Boozer, Peoples & Johnson. STOVES AND TIN-WARE. c ott Brothers. ll FURNITURE. Y. Leaveil, Geo. McWhirter, Mi:- Of Janieson. . Un E0OES AND STATIONERY. Thi A. Chapman, Cofield, Petty & Co.,' Mrs. T. F. Gret:Cker. Sw: WATCHES, JSWELRY, &C. wit L. Scholtz, John Montgomery. no FRUIT, CONFEC'.rIONARIES, &C. the B. Jones, Wheele r Bros., Proc. TvdJ. ing BREAD AND CAFES. . e F. Todd, Mrs. H. Lane. ii DRUGS AND NEDICINES. am F. Fant, W. E. Pelham and P. a fE rtson. i WET GROCE RIES. Ka Q. Boozer. T. C. Pool, B. O'Don- re6 D. M. Ward & Co., G. L. Sease are A. 3i. Bowers & Co., 0. Klettner, hor D. M. Ward. h u1h the doctors, lau yers, preachers, er, business agents, hotel proprie clerk of Court, sheriff, judge of Ab te, auditor, treas arer. county corn- But oners, school comnmissliners, trial Ift ies, constables, carpenters, brick *s, blacksmiths, tailors, butchers, we have mentioned the bakers and I -candy makers) undertakers, to- was r with the host of private citizens, white and black, we extend the and and wish them joy. May the we are just now stepping into prove em a year of peace and penty; may never know want, nor allow the rs published here to feel the band lect or indifference, but each and addle the canoe together, and come ~, feeling strong, vigorous, hap jeessful]. Merry Christmas to 4reader. All a~ant to get a bargain in Shoes o to C.L.EHavird. ( aar U An About.(l; 006 before hard-freezing. ho .rw- du-t in nest boxes is sa:d o m If pre spare timie, put you';r gates nd in order. Cr< UdT. Kershlaw has been re-elctred aml ud a~eFifth Circuit. ol Lipscomb has be en re-elect- u d n~redenit of the Penitentiary. b Tsl&ature is working hard to ini aIness by the 25th. END - a.ud girl Il. the hand knew M ef that' Chri.,mas was her1e. DN & ow10 that pig' arte susitIve :o -0 1.. Weli, ttu ae thiems warm of thi4e.t brauds of mbcc riul Chil arrihe-1 this mfornin- It was~ arsle C' y the iriug of lpoP It bh oer iat the Morm,ns on thnf sho' their religion. It Is so no Pr'-. Welch left on the 23dl for rE: the e ans exhibition. He will ex- tic ted ~els into Mexico. Th4eman is snugly fixed up in hi U1C brick barber shop in the Sci rear Se 5ase & Co. Give Thorne a Li call. Ti viu ~ arlington Is added to the St, edito of the Laurens5 Yerchan7t 8;y Para71I' e. welconme him into the be, 4.B. Hammond, of Rhode WC Jgiven alcohol a nlew name. s le it ''aqua miortis," the water of th rything moves in a circle. Ciga- gr Groduce near-sightedness, and ciga- be aper is the best thitng for wiping p0 Asses, appropriation bill passed by the ature fixes the tax levy for New- Or County at I2 muills, just about what :this year, va county isn't half big en.ough for pr an whiose wife is chasing himt tio I the block with a chair leg. So to n unfortunate editor. TI ful d maid in Nashville, keeps a par- the ich swears, and a mo:tkey that gr< e tobacco. She says between the bu r e doesn't miss a husband much. re. . y. Allie, dear, is that the way to p cour dinner ?" asked a mothuer of gI .e daughter as she began with the Ipa ead of the bread and butter.-Well, 'sh< re, mamma, I was going to eat ar a.H. Aall is our authorisad agent allectiou of accouurs for subscrip dI advert;sing, and his receipts acknowledged by us. He is also thorized to receive suibscriptions u. BE LID and NEWvS, 4 Boar of Directors of thie Mew Agricultural Association met. on C y-in the otliee of Geo. . Mowver.I but several of the members being i he eiaet son Qf ofaeers was post to ,n ade.urned meet4ire to h~O ThEF LEAP YE AR iAWLY. he lamps shone o'er fair women and brave men; thousand hearts beat happily: and when sic arose with its voluptuous swell, i Ft eyes looked love to eyes which i spake again, d all went merry as a marriage-bell." ?or some ten days or two weeks the iths of our embryonic City have been the qni rire, caused by conflicting isperings, for which Dame Rumor i d solely responib,e. Woe and mis seemed depictei upon the counteu es of some, while plea.ure. beam. hi from every rn:ok and corner of +rs. In order to cheer the faint, en rage the for:u::ate anl soo:hi the u: ky, the uudtersigned seir.d the oppor i? v. hero-lik-. and fathomnL"d the te:y, viz: The second Le:p Year rty given by the "Kapa Z..ta Phi ib of Prettiness." This club gave first entertainment last January. and ceeded in entrapning nearly all of dudes, but to make victory complete y deemed it advisable to repeat the :erimlent, and they have nobly acom ;hel their pu:pose, for not a one is of the "brave six huindred." 'lie event. o";eur"red at the el.g:nt :s ion of Mrs. E:luard Sch.i tz, csd:v evening last, and to :ay every eh!j"yed t:eiselv:-s is but to multi words; to attempt anything like a eripti.)tn seems folly, for no pen can the occa=ion full ju:t ice. Each room - beautfiliy ornamented and hung h appropriat. mottoes: "Th''e womnu 0 tesitt es5i a giose.'' "She woul lie could and she :an," "To-lay the uut::iu co.ue, to M.thomnet." "if you what you want. ask for it," and er like expre-sions afforded food for ught,: and fairly m:tde soie quake in ir beots. v nine o'clock the scene wasenliven by the appearance of a dozen or wore roughibred dtud:s in claw-h:unmer its and white kid gloves, led ive as umatty dudi:te=, whose charms baf dleiin'at-onl. br'ghtest shadows at my will <ld p:tintt hem as I see them still, t from the canvas on thy sight >uld burst forth forms of living light. t I, alas, have l!ot the art paint the itna:es of ty heart. SCanvas att my s:pplia::t will uains dark b:on:d in shadows stili" neist aft er guest tiamei Uutil the h:lls I corridors resound:d with "a most )riental roar of laughter." Soon led to ease by one of Strauss' waltzes, 1 notes with many a winding bout linked sweetness long drawn out, twisting all the chains that tie e hidden souls of harmony." ow, 'rerpsielhore rules with imperial 1y, cotubining grace with dignity l pl;:-ing effect, w%hen supper is an x:eed. lrtiemns Ward. I believe, says "Of all blessings, ladiies are the most sooth est," a:id in my humble opinion Arte orrect, and N%henk it comies to the cui they do up things in the "most aw ynsoothinigest" style imaginable. I vet too full for utterance, for it was 1st worthy of the Ancients ! etrspectively we may say that the pa Zeta Phi has fully sustained its Drd. They have taken the fort and entitled to wear the laurels. All ior to the victors! 'o the vanquished we only offer the Losophic reflection of Phcebe Cary, - 'We fuss and we fret. >ut the one we didn't get, ;we needn't make such an awful fuss he one we didn't want didn't get us. UNCLE BEN.TA3IN.: .S.-Find enclosed photo of one who left. ( ) ~elham's Imperishable Cologne, par dience, the toilet requisite of the day. sizes of bottles. Dec 11 )r paper accounts are neatly made and lie beautifully arranged on our k. We look for a large run on themi -l the month of January. We hope, vever, that ouri sntheribera will ui't comel in: at the sa:mw t inm. Too mu.t:li ney at one :hmne night 1:4: ke us pod -ast Sunday more ing M r. H-. II.Biea.-w, descending th: outer steps of the .t.well ilotel, slipped uponi the sleet I fell to the bottom witihout injxry or than slight bruises. A very for ate escape for a ma'n of his age. He reiates the fact that he has no limbs ken. _______ ks th~e Carolina Spartanm, while it titters~ . eyister why partari of so mucue bItter.<? If it Is thxat ya.' :re 10I, Sis yon take a:il W xi he o us Och be: :.r th!ani Brown. Bitter-. L'here is iikely ;-- a w ita for ihe S. Seniio:'ship fr..nx N. Y. Th--re is by one chio-en1 tromi thar Sti;e dunring W winor :, ad th:e Legi-latuire !tn'l; pbllcan of course he will~be ait5 biean. Levi P. MIoLto. ia u uned as a canidae. ~'The filends of soe Conklinmg and President Arthur pectively use them to enter the race. her no doubt could secure the elgecr n if induced to enter the race. A. catalogue of Anderson Military :ool, is on our table. Messrs. W. J. on and U. G. Reed are the principals. o of its studente are from our county, :G. W. Adami and C. H. Cannon. ange to say it bears .he imprint of srs. Walker, Ryans~ d: 00., we had en under the impression that Ander ihad a printing ofiice in which such irk conld be donie. The colleges and ools of Newberry don't do s1ings iri it ay. _________ ur young friend Miss AnnIe Hurd is >wing in favor as will be seen by the low paragraph copied from the Bridge rt (Conn.) Standard: Eiss Annie Hurd, of Stratford, has eed in Brewster's a-t store two flower ces in oil. ear-h <. which is a gem. Le of thiese is a bouquet of chrysanthe-I ims p.laced carelessly in a decorated se. On a close iuspection one is i. ssed with the idea that the original wers have, instead of being allowed wilt, been transferred to the canvas. le varying tints and hues are success .y and harmoniously reproduced by a artist. The other is a bunch of ywio- thiistles, not dead and fiuffy, t briliant and full of life. There is a ility in the thistles that is very f ascina g, aind a des ire to pluck them is sup essed by fear of pricking one's fingers. s Hurd did not begin the study of ining until recently, but asaXpupil e has made rapid progress under a >st competent teacher, Mr. Calvin iris, arnd judging from the work she a already accomplished, her applica n has not been in vain. That she spowers yet ndeveloped is apparent. ec charges which are often brought ainst young artists, namely: lack of ginality, incorrectness of drawin, hur d execotionl and crudeness qf color, yv not be alleg.ed in the two examples w on exhibition. G a rindrop foretells a Sto:m. so does a npl upon the huma. body indite health Arovi:.g vira. i the blood, which cruj be . utrized~ andii exipeicd onlIy by l)r. iiarter's Personals. Lambert 3Jones, Esq., is home. E. H. Aulrq will spend his Xmas under the .er al roof in Edgetield. Mr. & Y.i'. F. Harmon are uow do mlicilc'd ar t1%w sberry Hotel. Prof. Harttber,t w"Ill spendhisChrist mas in Charleti Mr. Abe Fo:s on a visit to the pa rental home. l re glad to see that he is improving in r th. Mr. Lynch, wlv has been farming near Helena, left 0Mot:dav for Ark:tn .\is B-ll:t MeCat ha- r:t::r::e(l to P Nt\W1 i':'\'. aiit'rt'' .",""o W ~e :-e re1a-Sied toaonnet" tiat he stniay S("hool Ck-.ationa at the f Lutheran Church i- po-):;td to the tirst Sunday evening in J:try. Messrs. Clint. Bishop antd A. Welch -xchanged residences last Aday. Mr. Wm. Barre has removed to ~planta ion. Do sandnic- con: fr m the\lnd:eh [s'and".? Of Course ::, but ca.:ntu iaO al wvays comes f1om ln : t';ttce:ed c - -tl le of Dr. Ball's C tngh Syrup .tken ritme will save muc:, saffering. It the January Number of The Eclectic is a very favotil specimen of thi, long established and el. lent magazine, which seems to grow bei. i:t irs age This nunher being the cot. Mnncement of a volume, is tubehlished with beautiful steel eugravin; c'thld - the L-" son." The fir"t -:rticle is alt iaer..' i pap..r n "Mountain Observa:otis." andi mt xt we hav:1 I contna:tion of P;of. J. it. S.:ley's striling stuav of Gcethe. A racy and gossip in article is foun in "Bygone Celebriie, and Li:errv RIecolleC:ion," by Dr. Charles Mac kay. Stcpnia!:, the g,c-r authority on Ter rorism in Run+ia, is represented by a powerful story calld "A Female N:hilis:," wiich h:n4 grc:tt pathos, and wt ich we unde.s:tad to be true ita its facts anti! nor fiction. "Amantg the Trap;ists" and '-Tbc L:tcat Color of Iomeo und Juliet" are sngaestive anld in;erestin,e papers. Articles of great intelest to reader-, of varyin.g taste will be fou .d in "General Gor don and the Slave Trade." 'iWutz'trg md Vienta" hv Enile de" L-tvelye, "ancient Or gans of Puhlic Opinon" by Prof. R. C. Jebb, "Three Glimpses of a New Engknd Village," and filerbert Spencer's " Words about A .no:tici..w and the R eligion ot Ilmantanlav." A ebtarnina li!z;t paper will It' e::joyed in "Beyond the IMaz," a Winter.trnlIe R.eve ric, and those ittere,cd ipM. a:r -e etce wiil find their t:ase< suited in :he art:ecs on fhunderbolts and Elt'e:ricity mad Conmmon Gas." The Editorial Deptrtment of the tum ber will be found unusually full and interest lg. As thi< number begins a new vo'ume it of fers a favorable time for ne-. sub-eriptions for the sear. Published by E. R. Pehon, 25 Bond Street, New York. Term--, S5 per year; single nun hers, 45 cents; trial suhcription for 3 months, Si. Eclectic and any S4 Magazime. SS. Cheap Club Rates. Attention is again called to our Club rates. These rates are very lw, and the reader who takes up either of these must acknowledge that he gets much more than the worth of his money. The Afer to every subscriber who pays up in uli to date and renews for a year in advance, as well as to every subscriber not in arrears who pays one year in ad rance, is a twelve months subscription to the HERALD and NEWS, and either ie of the following papers and maga rines: Elerld and News and Amer. A griculturist$3.00 " " " " Godey's Lady's Book 3.50 t t " " Peterson's Magazine 3.50 " " " " So. Cultivator 3.'w " " " " American Faier 2.00 " " " " Good Cheer 2.00O " " " '' Our Country H-ome 2.00 Make up your minds at once and send In your subscriptions. THOS. F. GRENEKER. Dec. 25 4t For the Herald and New-s. THE CHRONICLI. We gladly welcome a valuable addi ton to our mail tis week, in the Edge eld Chronicle. Phconix-like, it has aris m from the debris:and ashes oIf the late re, and spreading its strong wings :ne w in the golden sunlight of a new born prosperity. plumes thetm for- a long and successful flight. Most heartily do we bid'It God-speed and boni royage. Williamsuton, S. C. MAGGIE. MARRIED, Derc. 20th, 1884, by J. S. Reid, E sq., Mr. J. HIenryv Todd and .Alice Mecr eant. All of Newberry. Dee. 17. -18C.4, by R':v. S. J1. H lnan. Mr. S. J. Kiatard antd Misa ,.aEia beth We -.tman. Both of Newb.rr-y Co., Dec. 23, 1SS4, a: r!-e 'e.aidence of the bride's fatther, by Rl-s. Luther Broaduas. Mtr. Johua W. Booz. -ri and Miss Azolee Rhodes, all of Newb-a-er County. Otn the 18 I Dee. 1SS4. by ]R v. -W. D. Pagtt, ae tile reh!b'nee- 0 i he brie'sa father, 3ir. Lossena Domxiniek, of New bery Co., :t:ai 31i-a Lizzie lE hvar.zds. of Edgein-l, ______ -.,,.-M .y., . lv- ar-. I ta::ve .: -::n b s - t-- .d a in :a-. .- a d o taor : .-- . , .n - - -- .Sm '. *tt-:r:e o- te b:-. -s. . nm -'-ea Ct-Ee ion ta kne h a f, :aItar x aaadbsence wa.t, '1 a w-eks, He e- l imed to he renowed I -in ic, .ta .,in A number of oaher catses less typ.ligua~r'atave coae under my observatiqrn, :a: aii with : he het.results Swift's Spsidot i- an excellent touic for debility, and yea will fitad it the mo%t satisfagtory one ever used!. I hav-e been deal ing in Swif's Speelice for five '-euars or tmore, and am satisfied that t do not ph:mge too high an esalmate upon its meaxit5, 0. W. Dzxost. Parescribed by Physicians. I have prescribed Swift's Specine in mnany cases of Blood Poison and as a general ?onic, and it has made cares after all other remedies had failed, ii. Mf. S'raXeC,AIrD, M. D., Cave Spring, Ga, 'reatise on B!ood and Skin Discases mailed free. THE Swi? Sr-zceme Co., Atlanta, Ga t He Thanks His Paper. Mfr. Editor:-I was induced by reading yonr good paper to try Dr. Harter's Iron Tonic for debility, liver disorder and sc-roftala. and three bottles have cured me. Accept my thanks. Jos. C. Bogas.-Ex. Dec. 4-lm. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY, IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. S. J. Dlouthit, Master, es. Mrs. Marie W. Moorman, et al, Relie f. By order of the Coart herein, dated 1 Dec., 1884, 1 will sell at pumblic outc-ry before the Court House on Saleday on the first Monday in January 1885, all tht lot of land, known as the Maybin Residence, in the town of Newberry, and State and Conty, aforesaid, con taining thirty-one acres anal four-te-n ts, more or less, and bounded by landas of Jno. S Fair, Estate of James a.M. B.tter, T. S. 3Moorma.n, D. M1. Ward, W. H, ickrt, James Ganntt, F. Werer,3 Sr,, and Harrington str-eet. TERMs. The purchasar will bef re ruir'd tr- pay one.third of the purchase igney' in ciash, anad toaccoure the balance paybe in one and two years with in terest from thne day of sale, by bond and mortgage of the premises, dud a policy of insurance of the buildings on the said lot. SILAS JOHINSTONE, Manster. AMERICAN FARMER FREE To all our Subscribers. All our sibseribers w ho will pay their subscription :eecounts to this m per in full to date, a:ld one year in advance, will be presented wit I one year's subscription to THE "AMERICAN FARMER!" sixteen-page Agricuitural Magazine, pibishetl by E. A. K. Hackett, at Fort a1vne. Indiana,:1n1 whicih is rn pidly t:tking ra!k a one';%f th: leading Agricultural abliCltions of the co:: It . t i( devotC( i ex i v--: ly to tie :itere.,ts of thw Far .'r. Stock Br.'e-r, D r 'ian. G irde;:er' and th -ir h h.1;,o1 i Wit . :11j1 e'-rY Ce s F i.dustrv toi::ee ":e, wi7h th:tt .re:1' t ionO)l of I 1 :> l.- ,f I0e i:r " h r 1.s. Te subs:ription pj.rie, :s o D.,llar p r Year. F.trlers :an i lnt well get olig without it. It p4t new i"leaLs i1ll ) ther mimIS. It t!ach:-s thn how to rn with protit. to tieti ilv.-s. It. m11akes the homle happy, the voung folks "hteer i1, the growler contented, the down st ilappv. :11i the <ilmogogue hoiest. This otier is Inade by T. F. GRENEKER, Editor and Proprietor, Herald and ew~s. THE PRINTER BLOWETH HIS OWN HORN! (There being nont r,a l to how it f or him.) BY SAYfN Th:tt he is Prepa red ti Exc. te ALL KINDS 0'' JOB PRIN T IN G- ! At Prices Lower than ever before .nouwn in Newbe:ry. We enumerate as follows: Ball, Party and Wedding lnvitatr!.; Ball. D.ino.V, Wed ding and Pa.rty Carts; Beautiful Papur and Fine Cards; Business Cards, Circnlars, Bii! and Letter, Posters, Dodgers, Receipts, AND ALL OTHER KINi)S O1F WORK. Come and examine our Specimens ! And then ask our Prices ! And then give ns your Work ! And then we guarantee Satisfaction! We wfil not disappoint you! We will do all work at timie pronised I And if not satisfactory, no charge will be 1nd-, ! Forty yirs' experience enables us to say and do this. All that we ask is a call. THOS. F. GRENEKER. FULLLAJD LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Dry Goods, BOOFS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISS AND SATCHELS, HA'T AND CAPS, CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, FURNITURE AND CARPETS, And a General Stoc in Variety tootedious to mention, all vhich is of. fered at PRICES 'HAT DEFY CO 'IPETITION. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. AT TI.E OLD E~STABLISH3fI T OF M. FOOT. P. S.-Country Mchants will find it to their advantage to examine my Stock. It will save em mon:y. October 16. THE I0LIDAYS COMVING. Nowv is the timeo prepare for them. Finest Variety of TRO]-ZOAL FRUTIT$ P MARKET. FRESH CRGOES EVERY WEEK. Bananas, Cocotuts, Oranges, .M alaga Grapes. -NOIrHERN FRUITS Apples, Figs, Peaits, Raisins, Zhuts, Gitron, Currants. Wij Orders filledvith dispatch. C, 3A RT & Co. Oct 50 6mn C]arleston, S- C - Our Iuus II --and- " EVErHjNG FRTHE GAREt-" Heneron an- fnR of vaIe- cult,ural directions, containing &C* PL ANTS ee o-~a-a ,an = 35 &317CortlandtSt New Christmadoods. AlrFor C:m.. 6cpCfe~Tctly Pfeaou EYrRk S f-e:, ni.d at low flg:sr.. 'q:i line to Chrirmas. Catll on 13. !$.',vela"e. Minn.e Meat and Apple Bibr. A fresh Jui. TI::e best brand of Miin Meat and 0 Apple Butrter', at the Llttlktore of5 II. I,loVelace. TO ALL: Ne v Mi.ddag Pow.ier. !crder. io g--t Wfl be mailed IO etieb' att.d Win Mr, IKing Pow,~ Ol1, to linta eri brsi be,fc:-e ii.e l,.!h1.-. '1 a give'i ou Cre it. Itcontains ceusrciz s,pre Majoii:t Ie. e t jJ..l- w' -verv half i~ na ad drectiorns ni al pond' Call iof the P~owde$o'hl -eeabeand Flower mune UB B3. II.oveiace. DM.FERRY&Ch.D 2 C1gars Just Reived. The I De 11.30.3m Clevelatnd and Hlendrix Cigi. 'The cel -_____ ebr4ted Jumbo Cigar, the it 5 cent ei gatr in this market. A largka.riety of To any body who has disease of these good cigars for sale etp, for cas throat or lungs, we will send proof bype B. H1ovelae l that Piso's Cure for Consumption has Pueground Bakand Cs.nue Pep- c ured the same comnplaints in other per, for sale in any quantit;aud guar- cases. Address, E .HZLIE anedpr.Pepper and All lice whtole. D9yWarren, Pa. Nutmegs, Citron, Currante~., eheap' ~. by B. Hovelace. ________________ Cabbage, Turnips Irish 1atoes, re eived! in fresh lots three 1%s~ a week, B 'N .M fromt Tennessee and Newrk Also ~POE Whiite Beans, Peas, &c. Sadr ubn Dee 1l 2t B. H. LOrLACE. dtebscotucdan List oe.adi Of Subscribers to the Herald l o1ewso whoont,pe have paid during the month of stmber: zht stfreb NtAME. PAID Ti AMOUNT. Hug,h Rodger. Nov. 7, .$ 2 0 un n0 a J.W bdsJan'y 8,1 1 50Set2,3. W.lR.Johnson, May : i 0 J. B. Glary, Ju1l1.S s' O0 L. Slawson, Jan .1. t? 8 50 L. J. Feagle. Nov. 9.8s ? 00) J.lH. Llingso Nov. 23,6 2 25 Rev. J1. C.Boyd, Jan. 1, 53 5 s. C. Thomassen. Dec. 1, 84. t5 J. H. Domirjok, Dc ,k 1O J. N. Martin.,O.,s. 20 ue Fml eiieta J. A.U. Klhler, De.S 20 G. S. Merchant, ~ ~ 1 ~ NvrItxcts 8. J. McCracken, e.8 akrsHi asmI leyprue n H. J. Hionts, e.$ O~wra:dt rvn aln fhhi n J. S. Bickly,e.s' ormvednrf adicig A.1P.i'ifer, a 5. 0 T. R.lHolmes, .c 5'50 0. nlalloway, Dc29$. 2CHSOX& O, W U. Lane,Ja. 2. 10 G.L. lDobb,De.$. j 13 iim tei wYr. J. A. Caldiwell, Nv 1 O.adS !c.a l elr nmdcns W. W. Waldrop. Jl ~ 0 J. F. Wilson, Ja. $,2oi (rn aigibungolrsi. Martha Nance, Jn 5 ~0 J. C.Whitmiire, Mr n 0 T.F. Ray, e. 8. 0 ,~ Dr. T bompson, Nv 4 o~~O G N .S00 S.C,Merenant, Fb 5 P. Ei. Wile, Fb D.P, llyd, a. 5.~~HgCLhnr a i ra ol' xl J~ . W,oay. - lSlatock Jn. " 2 00 r I HT PA O J.' .Sebt,Dea. s5. 2 00) J. W. Ury.DJa. 84, 2 e tt1la lI uh Isrm ns ..lgt l Tru. Ater c Jam n wme. 'y 2c~ 00Ilsrtdea i~a i feWlTJ, Dec. .4. d~ 1 0 1 I! Nov. ~S&-10 - 0 r - (1 Eb-Ib flO uuB REAK! 0 has bought Goods at and is determined to sell them accordingly. if there still lingers the faintest dioubt that the far-seemtg judgment, the many years' experience and the unfailing pow erCASH have secured for FLYNN a position in advance of al competitors, a brief inspection of goods and comparison of prices are the only tests necessary to convince the most in credulous. Our constant aim is to supply our friends aind patrons with good honest goods at prices that leave COMPETITION IN THE SHADE! Our efforts heretofore have been appreciated by a discrimi nating and intelligent public, an1d our past success enables us to continue the good work anL do even better than before. We are now prepared to show Goods (which is notrouble), and to sell them at prices that cannot fail to please the great est disciples of economy. BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY, COME WEAL OR WOEK OUR POH10f 18 INLXIBLY DETIUINi. Defies the fates themselves, Organizes his vast resources, and eMeets the coming tide of unnatural competition with a barrier of yet Unheard of Prices 1 JUST A FEW NOW: 3-4 Shirting, - - - 31 and 4c. 7-8 " iendale and Piedmont, i. 4-4 Sheetings, - - - 5 and 6 c. Bleachings, . .. - 5,6 , 7,8, 9 and1e. Good Calicos, . - - - 30 yards for $1.00. - - 25 " " " Standard " - - - - 20 " '' " Best Brands, - - - 16 " " " Jeans from - - - - O c. per yard up. H{eavy home-made Jeans, .. Soc. per yard. Good Feather Ticking, '- - 15c. per yard. 12-4 heavy C ounterpanes, - $1.25. Beautiful Marseilles Quilts, Cheaper than ever before. 000 SOLWDDURABLE 3OOTSudSHOZS At Frices to 8i Timaes: Children Shoes, 35c. up. Misses " 50c. up. Women " 70c. up. Men's " 90c. up. .---000 Time and Space do not admit of de tailed quotations of everything. Allthat is necessary is to give FLY N N a call and satisfaction is guaranteed. C. J. PURCELL, Managere