The Newberry herald and news. (Newberry, S.C.) 1884-1903, August 28, 1884, Image 3

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Local and Special. THURSDAY, AUG. 28, 1884. Subscribers are asked to look at the figures 'opposite their names, and if It' they see that their subscriptions have exp red, will please remit the sum due. A Deaths. Mr. No:dh Metts, of Newberry Coun tv. died on th:" 19th inst. HIe was bout :' ye.r- old. tA D-ed, on the 1th inst. in Grayson C.>., 'texas. r.f typhoid fever, Mrs. Cordelia Webb, the wife of Capt. W. *l. Webb, formerly of Newberry. Mr. Mathias IV. Miller died at his residene in Spart:inburg County, on the 11th in:.t., in the 73rcl year of his age. A writer in the Spartanburg Ilercdd says: lie had been afflicted fr abont 8 months, and at last passed n:ietly and p.aceftlly away like a ut~ a:p burring out. Ie expressed sing rong .': in a meritorious Saviour rance- d dieu trusting in Him as his own NbWiWMn -onal Redeem 2r. Less than a year thWasted .moved from Newberry County ,ts is not ime among u-:, and yet in this it Kista es lie he had e-cured the conti L. S. Bowe .:i re-peet of many devoted r uthorizJ s. lie l.aves an aged wife, two i i r,. one a widowed daughter, and gratd=o.i to mourn his departure. 'hev have the warmest sympathy of the h-de community in which he did. May the Lord bless, especially the Ige companion, and keep her d urovid.k for her until He shall c ill her to h; r heavenly home. Religious. Mr. Georg, W. Thompson, of the Counmbia Theological Seminary, will preach in -the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath morning. There will be a Holy Communion meet ing at Mt. Pilgrim Church in the Prosperity charge. Sunday morning, Sept.. 7th. On the previous Friday nornin<, a Sunday-school service will be held for the benefit of teachers and scholars. Subject for consideration: "Aim, Methods and Results in Sunday school Work." There will be preach ing at 2 p. m. Preparatory service S it urday morning, and a prayer and praise service in the afternoon. Neigh boring pastors. Snftday-scho,l workers, with the public generally. are cordially invited. - Borrowed. The files of the HERALD of 1882-3 have been borrowed by some one not known to us. A return of the same to this office is requested. * The Herald and News Heading Appears at last. We hope it will please the eye of the reader. We take this occasion to thank our friends and the entire State Piess for the many kind and coinplinientary words they have seen fit to give us. The Newberry RaLD AND NEWS now throws its -... b tiner to the breeze. The pleasant relations now existing may we strive to cement and make lasting. $10,000 Damages. Edwin Bruee, a merchant of Colu;nbia, is being sued for $10.' 00 a mge.. by W. B. McDaniel, for slan !eriu; th.. good nam. of his wife. Mr. McDaniel has since stied Albert E. Fugie also for 810.000 for defaming Mrs. McDaniel's character. Not Credited. Our worthy friend and brother, Me Sweeny, ia excused for oversght in neckionnledging a tifteen line local to the HERALD AND NEWS. The reason for the~ over.ight we suppose is that his rockets are so filled with candi dates' fees as to cause mental blind ness. Discharged. At the February, 1881, Term of Court for Newberry County, Fincher Rutherford was convicted of burglary -bre tking into the hiouse of Dr. Jas. P. John;son-and sentenced to life im in the penitentiairy. M. A. C trli.-le, Esq., p)r.icured a commuta t:on of sentence recently- to three and - a half years for the prisoner, who was ikchiarged from thle Denilteutiary on Tlhursday la-t, his term hatving ex The Repubieans. 'The State Rep;ublican Convention is :nn I med to meet in Columbia on thle 2.3rd ofi Septembher. S.,i:lls, the Congr.-s,an from the Black D:strict, favo-s t'he nomination of a State ticket a ia! a right all aliong the line in this State. Thle Newvb.rry County Repu:b li.gan C.mventio:a wvill meet here o the 13th Sept*emiber. A Runaway ini thie Country. Oni S lmttay last a mule ran away with a buggy containing Mss .Ja,ie Chialmer=, of Ja'apa, and Miss L-zzie? Copelanid, of Clinton. The malie iran :about a hundred vatrds and turned off into the woods, b:eaking loose from the buggy. Miss Copeland had lier ankie spr.ained. Selentifie Agriculture. In our agricultural column appears a piece ot how to cushion baby car ri:iges. How the printer got it th'-re we are at a loss to undeistand. The -only way we can account for it Is, lie mvts have been thinking of farm, gar dea and hou<ehold. and was led away byv the refi action that "a matrhnonial frulit-bas5ket" is a necessary adjunet. An-I every farmer knows that eradles are indispensible in the harvesting of a crop. A Negro Shoots Another. L'tt Friday evening a diffienlty oc eurred between Johnu Cannon, living on Mr. Henry Koon's Kinard place, a id IIentz Slighi. who lives on Mr. T. B3. Chialmers' place. From what we are told by a gentleman who knows the3 parties it appears that Cannon's wIfe was away from hiome on his re turn fromn Newbarry and h-e met her at Sligh's house, when he somewhat cha<tised lhen. Sigh told hIm he was taking the law ini his own hands, and a diffienty then occurred between the two men, in which Cannon got the worst of it. Cannon thereupon left, but returned with a gun and shot Sligh in the knee. The wounded man is doing well. Pardoned. Robert Gallman, a younig negro about et vears old, was convicted of fornication at the last March term of cou:-t for Newberry County, and sen tence,l by Judge Fraser to imprison ment in the penitentiary for amonths. He has been pardoned by Governor Thompson. after having served four months of his sentence. The petition for his pardon was signed by leading citizens of Newberry. including sev eral of the county offisers, as lie was convicted upon the testimony of a wo man of bad character, and it also hav ing be2n proved at his trial that Gall nun's charaeter was more than ordi narily good for one of his race. The Tmde and Solicitor recommended his M''". Gallman was represented by ** litit. Jr. ti MOLLOIION ROW, OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE. COFIELD, PETTY & CO., PROPRIETORS. The County Democratic Committee Met here Tuesday morning. 26th, to canvass the returns of the Primary Election held on the 19th inst. The following members were present : Township No. 1, Jas. K. P. Goggans. Chairmnan. ---N. 2, T. B. C:hahiners. ., B. H. Maybin. 4, M. M. Buford. 5, T. II. Ch:tlners. S. J. R. Spear man, Jr. 9. Alan Wve. 10. D. II. Werts. Townships r. 7 and ii were not represented. [The tabulated re port published la-t week was corcect, with the exeeption of a few figures here and th."re which made no mate ri:l difference.] After declaring the nomineea of the party and annouimeing the time for the second primary elec tion and the candidates to be voted for (all of which haA already been pub iished) the committee adjourned. A Salutatory. With the advent of our new heading the lo(al thinks it an appropriate time to utttr a few words, or forever here after1iold his peace. What we have joined together let no man put asun der. Men, women and children desire something new under the sun. They require it, and inquire for it, and some acquire the habit so strongly they per spire in their ef'orts to be first ii find i<ig out what tr:mnpires. The public appetite continually craves something new. The editor must dig deep or die. The public appetite is a big thing. It is insatiable, unquench able, never-ying. Bit we will dig around in the junrnalistic pasturres green and try to find something before everybody else finds it out. And as variety is the spice of life and brevity the soul of wit, and originality about the newest thing under the sun, we will try too to be brief, original and ".various." Much Milk. T he American Agriculturist furnishes an account of a Holstein cow, now dead, which gave one hundred and three and one qu:irter pounds of milk in one day-or thirteen gallons. Of another, the "Crown Jewel," pure blue blood of Holland, which gave seventy pounds of milk per day for one month; thirty-four quarts, or eight gallons. She made nineteen pounds of butter in one week. Wonderful cows, truly. Next Generation. We dislike to publish the following, but think it only fair that the girls of the next generation should know how the thing is going to work. The girls of the present period are all right : A Philadelphia magazine makes the statement that marriage is on the de erease, and it predicts that every twen tieth gil of the next generation will be obliged to live an old maid. Just One Minute. There has been a slight change, very slight for this station, in the schedule of the C. & G. R. R. The. train from Columbia passes Newberry at 2-51 p. mi.-one minute earlier than before the laist change. Railroad men are minute men, and railroad.e, like time and tide, wait for no mani. So make a niote of this f::et, for many a main ha~s b- ein just one minute too late. and you. reader, may sonic day fail to make connection and-I-thien you'll be left. We are right now. Another $10,000 Damages. The Columbia 1?egister says that Col. R. C. Watts of Lau:rens states that papers have been tiled in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Laurens County, in the case of Martha Eliza Burdett against Wim. H. Pool, a prom inient grocery merchaint of Laurens yille, in whlich th~e plaintifY charges se duction tinder promise of miarr'age, anid claims damages to the aiouiit of 8 0,0 .0. The plain tif1f has recenitly become a mother. Sue is represented by Messrs. Ball & Watts. The ese h?ms excite,] deep initerest, atnd Col. Watts says will be a lively trial. Some Snakes. Rev. A. J. Stokes, of pleasant New berry memory, has been doing the State as well as the Chui:ch good ser vicer. As Presiding Elder of the Sum ter Distrier, and wvhile oin his rotunds, he killed a huge moceasin, a pot inor tern examination of the monster bring ing to light forty young moeeasins, each abont seven inches in len:Shil. They were enclosed in separate sacks, showing that all snakes do not propa gate by egga. We have heard of a chariot drawno by forty grey horses, but never of forty young snakes in this way. Neverthe*less we do not dloubt the story i.m the least. Is She Wild? Last Friday oi.e of thme laborers on Judge J. B. Fellers' pihtee, four miles from town, saiw a white wvoman, ap parently about 4' years old, hanging out her clothes to dey on some btishes in oiie of the fields. IIe could get no satisfaction from her. In answer to his question she Informed him that she was not lost. It was very evident that she was a stranger to those parts. The man left her to consult with oth ers. On returning, it was found that she had gone, but not far, as she was seen sitting near a drain, eating. She was agaIn left to her solitude, with nono to molest or make her afrali as she enjoyed her frugal meal, and Judge Fellers was informed of the state of affairs, and his legal counsel asked as to a settlement of the diffi culty, 'rhe Judge didn't thInk It ne cessary to take out letters on her es tale, said that she must be made to go --not stand on the order of her going but go at once-If she didn't make the object of her visit clearly and satisfac torily known, But when the messa ge got there the stranger had gone. Shbe was next heard froni at Mrs. Elizabeth Gallman's, asking for'-something to eat. She told them she knew some body lived there because she saw the hou'e, Late that afternoon ehe wvent into a grove near by, swvept a-place clean, and laid down and slept ithere all night. The next mornIing she stopped at Mrs. ElIzabeth Reedia for a cup of coffee and some bread. We have heard nothing of her since. DIsinfect your premises with crude carbolic acid. VERY CHEAP, at Pel hanm's Drug Store. Aug. 34-t f. No remedy more frectually destroy-s anet exoeIs worms4 from the intestin a than Shriner's Indian Vernxmtge. It is. without doubt .* b ~tartile in the unmrk ~or What Is Said of Some Newberrians. Rev. Mr. Dysinger, of Newberry, preached interesting sermons at White Church Sunday morning and at this place Sunday niglit.-LerinJton Di.: pateh. Mi=s Anna Stuekinau, an accom plished anl attractive young lady of Newberry, has returned home after a pleasant visit to her brother, Mr. S. W. Stuckman, of this county.-Lexington Dispatch. Miss Janie Wardllaw, so popular among us both socially and profes sionally, is now on a visit to Winn boro. She will ret:irn to Edgeth ld the last of the present noith, and re open her school on the first day of September.--Adrerliser. We received a pleasant call on Sat urday last from Mr. John A. Chapnan, of Newberry Village. Mr. Chapman is the proprietor of Chapman's B ,ok Store, and is quite extensively known as anl author and editor, to say no thing of his fame as a poet. He was accompanied by his brother, Mr. A. M. Chaliman, of Coleman Township, in this eounty.-Edgefield Monitor. "Please allow me to add to the cx cellent report of the E.lgetield Baptist Sundav School Convention by brother Luther Broaddus, thit lie was a host with us himself. His sermon and speeches were brimful of cogent truth, practical suggestion and pathetic illus tration-the recollection of which will ever be fragrant in the minds of thase whose privilege it was to hear lim." J. K. Fanf, in Baptist Courier. Mrs. James F. Todd and chil,be:: of Newberry are spending a few weeks at the old homestead.-Mr. Charlie Zobel and Misses Lina and Mary Z:>bel of Helena vi=ited friends here last week. Hope they enjoyed their visit well enough to come again.-Mr. Proc tor Told, who is now a prosperous young mercltant of Newberry, has been spending a few weeks at his mo ther's, to get rid of the chills.-Long Branch Correspondent in Laurensrille Herald. The Hon. J. A. Slighl, who has been nominated for the Senate, is a man of more than average strengfh. At the call of his friends he became a e:mldi date for the House and was elected to this position. where he exerted a coin manding influence in favor of tempe rance and reform. Again he has been nominated after a hotly contested ca: vase. Mr. Sligh has served in the po litical arena without reproach, and will command the respect of all who know him. During the past twenty years lie has filled the pulpit of St. Paul's Lutheran Church in this vicin ;ity. He has also conducted one of the best farms in this section. Among other positions of tru-t he tills that of president for the board of Newberry College. Men differ here on many points ; but there is a gratifying agree ment in favor of our nominee for the Senate. Mr. Sligh is a strong man, of sterling worth and commanding inlin ence.-Prosper;ty correspondence in iNews and Courier. Avoid malaria by using in time Pel ham's Certain Chill and Ague Specific. See what the people say : E P. Chal mers, Clerk of Court, testifies one bot tle cured four of his family one year ago, and the chills have not yet re turned. Juo. Henderson on Broad River testifies to its work as a chill cure. Jos. Hargrove, Mollohon see tioni, says lie had chills for 2 yeamrs in his family until he commenced the Chill Specific, with no return of the disease since. So testify also Frank G. Spear man, Silver Street ; T1. E. Summer, Peak Station ; T. H. Ale wine, Glymph ville, and a ho-t of other people. Come and see the certificates and buy a bot tle. Aug. 34-tf. Red Hair, Mosquitoes and Bustles. The local editor of the HERALD AND NEWS stauied out to pick up items. Editorial matter and selections aind clippings he was not after. He was in search of original, pungent paragraphs for the people-local news, for locals they must have, whether anything happens or not. The Asiatic cholera may raige and spread, and investiga tions prove that the Arctic explorers ate the flesh of the dead ; France may put on her wvar paint and pull China's big pig-tail and make the heathen rage all samee like Melican m.n ; the anti Jewish riots may continue in Yeka tarinosto, Southern Russia, and at tempts be made to seal up the German colony at Angra Pequena, in A frica; the relief of Khartoum may perplex and worry others besides the inhabi tants of Wady HaIfa and Suakimn and Keah and Kasseir and so forth; plague, pestilence and famine, battle and murder may range from the gilded palaces and Orient al splendour of the East to the dark jnngles and dirty mud hovels of the far West, where for long, lost centuries the star of empire has been taking its course; slander and scandal may continue to be the leading question in the Presidential race and Ben Butler try to get his re venge in Cleveland's defeat ; anti-pro hibition may swell one-half of the country and spirits dwell in the other, n hile baseball and gnats predomrinate in Newberry, and the heat be strong enough to run the phosphate royalty throagh the State University into the Columbia Canal; the big injun may whoop and dance on the wild prairie and k!ck up as much noise as the boys who voted for Sligh, Pope, Schum pert and Hardy ; the telegraph and cable may continue dlaily to send the electric fiash of intelligence and flood the countries with news, circling the hemispheres, as to wvhat is transpim ing ; sixty-seven persons may die each1min ute, while seventy are born, according to a European newspaper's calcula tion ; the earth may quake and oceans roar and stars and planets etigage the astronomer's eye ; all this and more, may go on from day to day, but local news must be found. Bitt what has thisg to do with red hair, mosquitoes and bustles? Nothing, only, as said before, we started out local hunting, and found game scarne. There was a lumlt in the streets, with an occasional lullaby in the houses. Not a leaf stirred; you know the balance--but that is old. Well, knowing the ave rage Newberrian's desire for news, not manufactured but genuine, we fanned the dad-blamed gnats away, wiped the perspiration from our face, pulled our vest away from our suspenders and did the saLme tihing over again. How ever, wve succeeded In picking up a few dots, caught on the fly here and there, which can be found in other column;. On our return we came across the in formation that natural red hair is worth from 818 to $20 per ounce ; that a mosquito always kisses a pret ty girl before he bites her ; and that a married lady heard a young lady say she had eve ry newspaper in the State in her bustle except the Christian Adrocate, and when she got idle she just reached back and pulled out a paper to while away the time. P. S.-Old papers for sale here. Tme editor of the Wadesboro, N. C., Intelligencer has published his book, entitled "Tihe Cash Family." Hie sent a copy tolCol. Cash with his compli fiatt. Various and All About. Weather hot at last, and Mosquitoes and gnats are active. There mle nineteen postoflees in this county. We are rather late in saying iV, but didn't Pope run ? Next Tuesday the 2nd primary elee tion will be hebid. The frame of the new ColonyChurch is up and being weather-boarded. He h:ta been ad.1reased by letter as Rev. J. B. Fellers. G:trlington & Anll's law office is re moved to No. 7, Mower Block. Prepare your ballots for Wheeler and Gary, Cook and Riser. It takes money and encouragement to make a news:paper a sUccess. From observation we conclude th:tt } the gnats are not confined to this of fi::e. Mr. John Scott was made a happy 1 man Sunday night. It is a tine, large boy. We know an individual who would 1 not run for office unless certain of election. 1 A good rain fell lait Friday night, and we had a nice little shower Mon day afternoon. The <State De mocratic Committee will meet in Columbia on the evening } of Sept. 1. t She says she is not going to say any thig else in our presence. Now, Mizs Ann:t. don't go back on i. Some parties are anxious to have a telephone line from Newberry to Hel- 1 ena. We would like to see it. "Our Little Ones and The Ntrsery" for September is at hand, brimful of happiness for the children. A medical journal recommends the I external use of buttermilk to ladies 1 who are exposed to tan or freckles. C Monsieur T. P. Lane, the great cat tie king of Helena, has another drove of fine cattle ready for the Charleston I market. See the card of the HERALD Book and Statfonery Store. Mrs. Greneker respectfully solicits a share of the pub lic custom.c Parties going North on or about the 15th September will please communi cate with the local editor of the HER ALD AND NEWS. We speak much thia week. Our new head causes it. It takes a head to make a man speak. Ask George Speake if it doesn't. Newberry will be represented in the next South Carolina General Assembly by a preacher, a lawyer, a doctor and a farmer. The Columbia Palmetto Yeoman has entered its sixth volume. For five years it has shown energy and grit. Pluck and merit, like blood, will tell. Miss Nora Cofield's school com mences its 'Fall session the 15th of September. It is earnestly hoped the opening attendance will be flatteringly large. The State Sunday School Conven tion will meet in Columbia on ..the 17th of September at 8 p. ni., and re main in session until the night of 18th inclusive. The responsib.iiity of an editor is mnch greater thtan people think, lie frequently is forced to make enemies for himself in dloing service for thte public. 1lThe Hartford inet wvill plaly the Maybinton nine between 10 and 11 o'clock Friday lmortning, 29th inst., on Honi. W. D. Hardy's grounds at May binton. Memorial services in honor of thle late R. B. Ellio't will be held on1 the 24th of Septemiber next, at Bethel A. M1. E. Church inl Columlbia, Prof. D. A. Straker eu.logist. It is reported that Dr. RI. P. Clark, of JTalapa, has met with the misfortune of haiving his saife robbed of a large amount of monmey, *500 of whlichl be longed to Mrs. S. E. Kinard. A majority of the editors in this State, strange to say, are in wyant of money. This is a ba-l state to' be in. They nearly all mnent'on the subject in funlereal style. Dr. Frank Darby, son of Rev. Dr. 0. A. Darby, has recettly returned hlome withl his Oiploma from a Balti more medical collega. Hie will locate' at Lynchburg, S. (:. What is the nt-e ..f wasting money by advertising in the newvspapers, wheni One can t:ack a notice like this on a post : "Los 'r strade, a Sural hIorse too wite feat and wite fase. Blind in iun i five dolor rewvord.'' Mr. Willie Riser, a Newberrian, writes us from Langley, the letter pub lished elsewher-, stating that lhe will return to his niative town wihein the Factory is itn r'a*nitng order, and sub scribes to thle UERALD AND NEWS. Rev. Dr. J. Steek or Rev. Prof. G. WV. Holland will accompany the young la dies from Sonth Carolina going to thte Hagerstown (Md.) Female Seminary. Tile party will leave Columbia for Ha gerstown next Thursday, Sept. 4. Thorne Coleman's new barber shop between the Fallaw House and Bow ers' Bar is now in good trim and the prcprietor stan-is ready for work. HIe Is well-known t o the community as a first-class barber, and he respectfully solicits a continuation of patronage. Peanuts are cultivated in eleven or twelve counties of Mississippi, In ats many of Georgia, in a large part of Tennessee, in se'veral counties of east ern North Carolina, to some extent in South CarolIna. Florida, Texas, and in seventeen counties of Virginia. Some wonderfu ei ures of dyspepsia are being made in Oconee county, we see by the pap"rs, by taking a spoon f ul of fine sand after each meal, gotten in a branch or from a spring. Parties who sufferedl for years have been en tirely relieved. Rev. S. Lander will soon begin tho publication of a monthly paper, as the special organ of the Williamsaton Fe male College. To be called The Naiad. It Is a suggest'vn namne for a female college paper, ii thlere are are any riv ers or streams near by. We would not have the buisiness put lic forget that this ofice is prepared to execute all sorts-of job prInting at exn tremely low lrices, and at the saume time in first-rate style, We have ii large and fine variety of white and colored paper, cards and envelopes with which to do work. A new and substantial horse-rack has been erected on the public yard ill rear or the court-house ; and a plank curbing Is being laid on the pavemlent leading from the bridge over Scott's creek to the railroad crossing, prepa tory to raising the p)avement. These and other improvements are by our young and progressive town council. We learn also that when this latter wot-k is completed a sidewalk will be . iarin #rnn Kaeery tM ffla.j Last Friday night between nine and ;en o'clock Mrs. J. Mittel, while sit ing quietly in front of her store, was )adly frightened by a man disguised vith a black ma-k and long beard. 3enh things shonilil not be. If the po ice had caught him lie would have )eeII made to sufir. 'Te following conversation was car -ied on by telephone the other day 'Hello !" "Well. what is it ?"1 "Heard rou want to buy a cow. I h-ive one to ell." "Well, send it :long." "I'll tave its picture taken and send that. 'in surprised at yon." "All. right. ood-bye." Ting-:lin,-aling. T he Laurens Merchant and Farmer. n its notice of the Newberry primary lection, spell- C:ipt. J. Y. MeFall's lame 3fePhall. Well, it doesn't make my difference. It's a very small mat er. We wouldn't have noticed it, but or the glaring, staring fact that news s mighty scarce down here, and we iave to catch at straws to fill up on. Any one who knows Dr. Fant knows in to be a two-twenty pounder, and hat our distinguished and worthy Dr. 3en Mayer, Jr., is just the reverse in ize. The latter happened in Spartan )mrg lately in company with Mrs. ant, and they met at the house of ev. J. B. Campbell. The latter's lit le soon mistook Dr. Mayer for Dr. ant, and remarked : "Why, Doctor, ow you have zcirrered away." Pretty ood for the young Campbell. It is astonishing how green some >ople are when they first try to talk hrough the telephone. A fellow in his town. after answering one of the offices, didn't know how to "get loose" rom the phone. IIe rang the bell. hinking that would be suflicient, and vas turning away, when he was sur >rised to hear a voice say: "Well. rho are you? what do you want?" le didn't know what office he hsd ung up, but thought it was the cen ral. Not knowing what.else to say, te ventured to mitter. "Disconnect." t transpired through the transmitter hat lie wasn't talking to the central die, and it wasn't his place to ring or disconnection, anyway. He thinks te heard a laugh. ersonals. Miss Janie Chalmers of Jalapa has -etutrned from a visit to Clinton. Miss Lizzie Copeland of Clinton is ma a visit t ) Jalapa. Mr. D. Booz"r has left Greenwood Lad gone into business at Laurens. Mrs. Dr. S. F. Fant has returned rom Glenn's. Mr. N. R. Norris Is visiting Dr. ant. Mr. Jno. W. Kibler Is clerking at F. F. Todd's. Mr. W. M. Lane has returned from lenn's. Mr. H. II. Evans has been elected [ntendant of Laurens. Cadet Harry H. Blease is reading .aw in Justice H. H. Blease's office. Dr. 0. B. Mayer, Jr., has retu:ned romt Hendersonville and Glenn's. Mr. J. A. Burton is again at his fa niliar post at I). B. Wheeler's. Mr. J. D. Chapman has returned rom Cross Anchor, accompanied by Uirs. Charlie Chapman and children. Mr. J. E. Glenn and daughter, Miss K:tie, of Helena, have been on a visit :o relatives at Spartanburg. Mr. Jodie Hunter has gone back to ;b,e Laurens house of Minter & Jamie ion. Mi-ses Mamie and Mattie McIntosh mad Miss Sarah Ramnage have returned rromn Concord, N. C. Mrs. Cynthia Mower and WV. T1. Tarrant. M1. Foot, J. Mannm andl I. liittel have gone North for goods. Mr. WV. J. Lake has removed to the mouse lately occupied by Dr. Greene. und Mr. A. C. Chapman to the house ust vacatedl by Mr. Lake, and b>ught >y Mrs. Chapuman. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ropp, who have othi been very ill, are now at Mrs. Ropip's father's residence in the coun ;ry. We hope the change will restore hem entirely to health. )ur State Fair.* "Richiland's" (Col. L. A. Ransom) Dolumbia letter to the Augusta Ch/ron ele, of a recent date says : "Col. D. P. Duncan, President, and Col. T. WV. holloway, Secretary, of the State Ag 'icultural and Mechanical Society, were a the city to-day, payinug off the con ractor and emp)loyees engaged at vork on the splendid exposition build .ig of the society, now nearing com pletion. The building will be one of he largest and handsomest of its kind n the South, and will cost between 3G,000 anud *7,000. It is a matter of great pride to South Carolinians that vhile the societies in other States have railedl to hold their fairs regularly, the society in this State makes its annual fairs better every year, until they are pronoumnced by strangers eqnal to those held in the wealthier Western states. South Carolina is centrally located between Georgia and North Uarolin;a, and as those States have not deld regular annual fairs for some :ime, would it not be well for them to anite with South Carolina and hold a grent Inter-State exposition ?" selfishness. Selfishness Is one of the ugliest traits of character. It Is a pity that so much of It is seen. We would rather be as poor as Job's turkey and be gen arous and kind, than be rich as Cresus tnd selfish and unkind. A selfish cha aeater Is despised- by all 'good men, socially, morally or financially. He :hinks only of himself, nothing of neighbor or friend ; he accepts all kinds of favors and returns none. He sares not If you are well or sIck, for whlat matters It If he is well, and his itomach Is full? This Is all he cares nr thinks about. His house is not ded icated wIth the beautiful motto,. "Wel some to All," simply because you are not welcome. He would rather have your room tIhan your company. Save as from a selfish man. He is a.blot on the earth, and Is not liked in lis neigh borhood; In short, he Is unwhiolesome, eind smells bad, and when he dies he will be laid away unlamented and for gotten. We have no use for a seltioh man. Peterson's Magazine For September opens with a per fectly Idyllic steel-engraving. "In Arcadia; 'Guess Who It I.-?'" The double-sized fashion-plate is also from steel, colored by hand. Mrs. Lucy H. Hooper is "Peterson's" fashion cor respondent in. Paris: the only on~e, we believe, who keeps a correspoident there, hence the fasbions are always the latest and most stylish. The Ktories In this number are unusually good, even for "Peterson," andl range from love stories like "Lord Avalhon" to comic ones like "Juba at the Wake," and tragic ones like"Greole Blossoms." Hlow sneh a magazine can be supplied for only two dollars a year, and mnuch less to clubs, is a miracle ; we can onily explain it by its enormous circulation. Specimens are sent gratis to get up clubs with. Address Chas. J. Peterson, 1o. SOGi Cahestnut Stret ?hiln&lnhia. John P. Sloan Commits Suicide. Froi the 1t+th to the 26th inst. John P. Sloan. t h; wife murderer, had been at large. Monday the Governor of fer:!d a reward of *150 for his appre hension and convittion. Tuesday morn ing, just one week from the time of he first act in this terrible, bloody tragedy, the sevo:td and final act was -tummitted The wife-murderer be camie a sell-nttrderer. An awful se rucel to a- awful crime, unheard of in the anals of Newberry. Perhaps it is bes: tt:at it Atnal+l end :as it tid that It one who slew his own wife -hotild be the onet to end his own life. But be that as i. ntay, John P. Sloa-t is 3 leid. IIe taken reftt_e o.i the ingr:ia of the 20th i;t a negri' cabi t : Grti igio.: ontig's place, in Laiets Contly. just avro-; the New Nterry line. lie was seen by :a party mnd was being pursued, when, tinding here wa. no <:hance for his escape. tid rather than be captured. he fell at thie loint of his own pistol an: inime liately died, having Jired three times n his left brea-t. The jury of inquest rcidered a ver dict in aceorduce with the :above facts. The r.-mains were brought by private convi-yance through he co-ttry Wedueslay and interred in Rose,nont Cemetery. This appal;ing murder of a wife and mi:cide of a husband, is fearful to con template, for the double tragedy takes t prominent place in the catalogue of !rime, and has cruelly wronged and :rphaned a family of children, leaving then ith an inheritance of bitter snd remiors-le;s memories. It is said that the post-mortem re realedl the fact that co:tsunption wtould soon enough have destroyed the life of Mrs. Sloan. No man can reach the awful point that Sloan did, at once. It is by slow :Jegrecs, yielding to the tempter, that be comes finally to make evil his ood and commits the mortal sin. U What man would imbrue his hands in the blood of the wife of his bosom, and then hate his own son with mortal hatred and breathe out threatuings,un- A il lie had lost all control of hlins.-lf? h 0 that maatmon, ioloch and dark passion would give place to generou= and gentle thoughts and emotions that must find expression in words and te:s of sympathy and forgiveness, in r which the afiections and not the pas- - sions are eheri=hed. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. At a meeting of the Excelsior Steam Fire a Engiun Company, August 6-h, the under signed were appointed a committee to draft Puirable resolutions commemorative of Tiox- t As EDWAnoD GaBl EKER, and the comm;ttee preser.t the following: WuEita.s, God. in His myaterioa. divpen- 2 sations. It is removed fron our company one of its brighte-t aud most v.lued member-; therefor-, be it itesolved, tirst, That in the death of our friend and fellow-worker, T. E Gatxxxu. the Newberry Steam Fire Engine Company has sustaiued a most severe affliction and a loss that will be long felt and deeply mourned. Resolved, second. That we, the survivors. 2 will ever hold in tend.:r memory this loving youthful friend and artent helper in the pub liegood; and that his name be handsomely inscribed on a page in our Minute Book, and that our Engine Iouse be draped in mourn ing, and our membership wear the usual badge of grief for thirty days. I--solved, third. That a copy of these res olutions be tendered the bereaved family. with our heartfelt sympathy and condo- j lence and a prayer that God, the All-wiscstnd All-loving, may ,cor upon their bruised hearts the oil of consolation which only His love can give. Respectfully sub)mit ted. SAMUEL hi. JoNEs, EvzusTvr Mi. Evaxs, Coin. FlASK i-. Lia. Newberry, S. C., Auog. 20, 1881. POST OFFICE, NEwBERRY C. H., S. C. List of ,adv.-rtised letters for week ending [ Angust 23, 1884: Abrams, Mi,s P&nnle Hogan, James Anthony, itev E M Harris. GriffinI Bird, Wmt Hill. Miss Lou Bird, Miss Julia Lindsay, Miss M J C.ildwell, Square L.arkins, Mrs itarriet ( Cannon, Mtary Miller, Mrs Mattie E Dorroh, Il iss Funnie Nelson, Mrs Cat berine Ed wards, James -Penn. E-lizab-th Gamlman, Miss Sallie Patterson, G C Owen, Miss Alice ;Kibler, Mrs Mary F.ay, Dr F Luzenberry, WV W Glvmph, Thos Lake, F P Gilmer, Mrs Laura Marshall, Anderson 1 llammond. W H Scott, Geo S Hair, Sam Smith. Mally Harris, Doc Stratman, A C Jackson, D.anl Shell, Richard Jackson, WM Smith. Miss Joe Jackson, Rev J A ITaylor, Mrs Maggie James, Fummau Parties calling for letters will please tay itiadver'i'ed B W 1R0E'I. P V CLOCKS on eacy terms at jy 3: 3It R. C. WVIL L .A S'. ] Post masters are requested to notify uIs of any inaccuracies in our mall. A paper may be misdirected, or a paper may fail to reach the post office, or a ( subscriber umay refnse to take it from the office. Please inform us of these ( paper troubles. tf A few doses of Shriner's Indian Verm i fuge, given in time, may save you many dol lars in money and the life of your child. For ' sale by Dr. S. F. Faut. it I have known and watched the use of Swift's Specific (S. S. S.) for over fifty years, and niever have known or heard of its failure to cure any case of 1 Blood Poison when properly taken. HI. L. DENNARD, Perry, Ga. Aug. 14, Im. Glenn's Spring Water, ALWAYS i FBESH, at Pelham's Drug Store. c Aug. 34-f r Various articles at COSTr FOR 30 DAYS, In Fancy Goods and Notions, at R. C. WILLIAMS'. jy 3I 3t _______ Mr. Gough on Silk Hats. "It would be no violation of the commandment," said John B. Gough, "if a man were to fall dowtn and - wor ship the silk hat, for it is not made in I the lIkeness of anything in heaven, or on earth, or, in the waters which are under the earth." Besides it heats the head and causes the hair to fall off, ( Parker's Hair Balsam will stop ~that and restore the original color to gray or faded hair. N'ot oily, not a dye, beneficial, deliciously perfumed. A perfect hair dressing. oc. All drug gists. Aug. 14, 1mn. Trhe Eldrldge "B" Sewing Maclino leads the world. R. C. WILLIAMS, A4gt, Next door to Z. L. White's, jy 3l St NEWBERRX A. P. PIFER, Principal. T HE NEXT SESSION WILL BEGIN on 17th of Septemnber, 18S4. Course of instruction as thorough as at any Female School in the State, while theI price of Tuition in the Academic, Music and Art Departments is coim parativehy low. For particulars in quire of the Principal, or of S. P. Bloozer, Sec'r, Newberry, 3. C. Aalg. 11-2.9m FLYNN bTeeding MONET 6mF pl"Mi t"Ek $5OOQ.?;7K and must be had by the 30th day of June if goods a, alf price can be any inducement. We are willing to lose 1,500 on the actual New York cost of the goods and still iake money. On the first day of July we can buy i bank apt stock of $11,027 67-100 for $5.000 in cash down. and i that way we make our money. If this plain statemert. ' oes not convince the reader a careful perusal of the foliow ig prices will enlighten him and get him to thinking that. cyclone has struck Flynn's and torn it all to pieces, and ow comes the thunder of our prices that is bound to carry, rror to our competitors: doz buttoi+s for 1c. 12 doz for 5c. doz good buttons for 3c. 2 doz buttons 5 worth 10 per doz. 000 doz buttons 5c. worth 15c. 1000 doz 10 worth 25e "6 " "t 8c. " 20c. " " 15 " 40c. Hairpins 1c. per paper. 500 fine Palmetto fans 1c. each Jersey Gloves, extra long, at a terrible sacrifice. papers Pins for 5c. 3 balls Sewing Thread for 5c. Calico 3 3-4, 41-2, 5, 6 1-4, reduced from 5, 61-4, 7, 8c. k Sweeping Reduction in Dress Goods I Fancy Dress Muslins 4c. reduced from 61-4.c " "" 6 1 c . " " 1 0c . ine Cambric Muslin, fancy colors, 10c. reduced from 15c. mported Organdies latest styles 12 1-2c. " " 18c. solid colored Worsted all the new shades at 10c. former >rice 15c. Fancy Broch's all the latest designs 16, 17 1-2, ,nd 20c. cost 17, 20, 23 1-2c. Summer Mohair in fancy rixed Shades reduced from 45c. to 25c. Lace Bunting educed from 25 to 15c. Lama Wool. plaids reduced from 5 to 38c. Nuns Veiling in the newest tints at 17 1.2, 20, 2 1-2c. reduced from 25, 30, 35c. Silk Pongee at 40c. re ~uced from 65c. In black and mourning goods the slaughter is immense, black Cash iere marked down from 60, 70, 75, 90, 1.00, 1.25 to 35, 40, 45, 50, 60 ndl 75c. Black Hienrnttal reduced from 65 and 90c. to 40 and 55c. Linings and rimmings to match all the Dress Goods. Read on, for we have made a clean weep in Laces, Hamburg edging, [nserting, Lace Collars, Fichues ties, lorsets and Hosiery, these goods are sondemned to go if 50o. on the dollar >f the former prices will sell them. .aces and Crochet edging at 1c. per yd. 12 yds. for 10c. Laces at 1j, ?, ,4, 5, 6}, 8, 10, 12}, and 15ce reduced from 3, 4, 6}, 8. 10, 12j, 16j, 20, 5, and 30. Hamburg edging 2, 3, 4, 5,.6k, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 5, 50, 60 and 70c. reduced from 4, 6, 81, 10, 12j, 16). 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 5, 85, 90, 1.00, 1.25 and 1.50. Lace collars, ties and fichues in stock at aif their former prices. Corsets are bound to go If' 45c. on the dol sr will clear them; it is strange how this can be done but we are deter uined to do it and clear the decks to gain our point. White lawn 48 aches wide marked down from 15c. to 8), fine white lawns at 10, 124 5, 18, 20, 22k, redueed from 18, 25, 30, 85, 40 and 50. Ladies Under eats 35, 40 and 50, from 50, 75 and 1.00. Hosiery In plain and fancy - olors, full and regular made at a~ forced sale reduction this means busi ess. In Clothing we make competitors stand I: om under, but as our space is limited we cannot quote the rrices. Caasi neres, Bleaching, Towels, Table Linen, Shoes, Shirts, C0l ars, Ties, and in fact every thing that completes the stock of Sfirst class store to be found on our counters, at the same pro. prtion of slaughter prices as the above mentioned goods. If - sustomers will see to their interest they will call at once here they can bny as many goods for a ten dollar note as an be had elsewhere for $18,00, Respectfully, D.C FLYN Chas. 3. Purcell,