The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 27, 1922, Image 6

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AN ORDINANCE Imposing a .Loonse Tax on Person Who Enga In, Prosecute or Carrj on Any l1usiness or Profession ii the City of Laurens. State of South Carolina, County of Iaurens. City of Laurens. B11 IT ORDAI'NI)D BY THiFl OIT1 C'OtTN(IL OF ril+, CITY OF IAU RnwNS: Section 1. That no person, firm 0: corporation shall, after the first day January, 1923, engage in, prosecuti or carry on any business or professiol hereinafter named, within the cor porate limits of the 'City of Iaurens without having first paid a special license tax therefor, The amount ol 8aid special tax shall be the amounl placed opposite each occupation, busi ne.,s or profession herein below nalled. respectively, an1d the amon shall be the cost of said special taN per annum, unless otherwise specified to wit: Agents for laundries. per an num1.. .. ............ 10.0( Agents for Oil Refining Com Panies, per annum .. .. .. .. ..75.0( Architects whose gross annual income is $1,000.00 or less Per annum .. .. .. .. .. ..$ 10.0( Auctioneers whose gross an nual income is $1,000 or less, per annum .. .. .... .... 15.0( Whose gross daily inme is $25 or less, per day . . .. .. 5.0C Auctioneers of horses, mares, mules or stock horses or hors es, Whose gross daily income is $1,000 or less, per day .. 200.0( Auctioneers of new furniture, second-hand furniture or hlousehold goods, whose gross daily income is $300 or less, per (lay ............ 2.0( Auto filling stations, first pump operated. per' annimil .. .. . . 15.0c E1-ach additional Pump operit (I, p r a1111111 .. ....... .. 10.0( Where stock of accessories and sipplies are kept for sale, an additional charge rI4uire id, per annum.............. 10.0c Automobile Salesman, transient, per (lay .... ............10.0c A.uto W.ishing Dpots or SledIs not coilnected withl other busi ness, 101' yea1.. .........10.0c Automobile repair shops whose gross annual income is $1,000 or1 less, per annum . . . . . . 25.0( Whose gross daily income is $01 or les3, per day . . . . . . 2.5( Automobile hacks, wljose gross anual income is. $1,500 or less, per annum .......... 25.0( Whose gross daily income is $100 or less, (hily .... .. .. 2.0( The licensee shall be allowed to operate only one aitono bile hack under each license -issud to 111m. Any public service diver or drivers, eitier of a hlack or automobile, plying the streets for hire, who shall be colivict ed in tile City Court of trans porting, having in possession, selling or otherwise violating any of the whiskey ordinancos of the city, or any public ser ,,*ce driver or drivers, either of hack or automobile, who shall transport from place to place within the City of Lau rens, any woman or women for immoral purposes, their license to do business in said city shall be immediately re voked by the Mayor and Fin ance Committee of . Council, and no new license sail be grauted to them during tile calendar year to engage in the same character or kind of business. Automobile. dealers or' agenlts, Whose gross annual income Is $1,500 01' less, per1 annum . . 25.0{ Balls and dances, where adlmis sion is char'gedl, 1per day .. 5.01 Blottle mnanufactur'ers, 1)er un1 numn.....................75.01 Butchers or (dealer's in fresh meats, whlose gr'oss annlual In-. come1 is $5,000 or less, 1)0r an1 nulm.. ................25.0' Dealers in single beef or hogs, or offering for' saile in wagons may take out special license by th~e dlay at tile following rates: Those whose gross daily in comel from single heef or hlog amounts to $20 01' less, 1p0r day 2.0( iflealers in calves, muiltton, shoat or kidl may take out special li cense by the (lay at tile fol lowing r'ates: Thiose wvohs gr'oss daily in come1 for each calf, mutton, 61hoat 01' kid is $10 or less, per1 dlay.. ..............2.0( Pr'ovidled, hlowever', that tile licensee shall nlot have thle righlt to sell under01 Is (dally li cense more tihan 0one animal. flagging and Tios-B~agging and tics r'ewor'kedl, inlcludling cot ton mill waste products . ... 15.0( 'Jroker's (ealing In stocks and 'bonds, '1)er year'............15.0( B3rokers, merchandise-meaning 0- pers'on, fIrm or' corpor'ation who acts as an Intermedihary between buyer' and seller for thc consider'ation or al commis - slon, with or' without wvare houhe .. ..,.,..... ...... 15.04 Brolcers in 1) lumer-n ot carrly Ing stock, -p)er year' .. .. .... -25.04 Blacksmith shops), twVo forges, wvhose gross annual income is $260 or -less, per anlnum .. 10.04 Blacksmith shops, two forges, -whose gross annual Income is .$1,000 or less, per' annum .. 15.04 F'or each additional forge op erated In a .blacksmith shop, the license shall be Increased per .anium according to in coie, as herein gradluated .. 2.00 DarJger , hops, oper'ating one einIr, whose gross ainnual in edphie is $500 or .less, per an A in .'". ....... .. ..7.50 Wjose gross annual Income Is re than $500, for each ad d jonlal $500 or less, .per an n .. ......... .........1.00 s ~~3'01shops operating miore, One, chair shall pay the O goin$ cense for the 'first * r n me for each addj U I tf~r in accordance hti JOQ as graduamted. ~ efW ose groe# annual income is $3,000 or less, per annum .. .. .. .. . .. .. 35.00 Whoso gross annual income is more than $3,000, for each additional $1,000 or less, per annun ............... 5.00 Wlhose gross daily income is $25 or less, per day .. .. .. .. 1.00 Book agents, whoso gross an nual income is $1,000 or loss, per annum ............ 25.00 Whose gross weekly incomo is $500 or less, -er week .. 10.00 -Whoso gross daily income Is $100 or less, per day ... .. 5.00 Building and loan associations, or their agents, for business (done .within this state, and not including that done with out the State, whose gross an ntmal income from such busi ness is $50,000 or less, per annum ..1..5............15.00 Whoso gross annual income from such business is more than $50,000 on each addition al $50,000 or less .. .... .... 5.00 Bakeries, whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum .............. 25.00 Bicycle dealers, wlhoso gross an nual incomo is $1,0,00 or loss, per annum ...... .... ...50 Boarding houses, taking regular boarders, per annum . . . . .. 10.00 Banks and banking houses with an investment of $50,000 or less in tho business, -per an num .... .. .. .. .. .. .. 50.00 On each adidtional $1,000 in vested .............. 1.00 Bankers doing a private bank ing business, with $2,500 or less invested in the business, per annum. .......... 25.00 On each additional $1,000 in vested in the business . . .. 1.00 Bowling Alley or Box Ball pro prictors whose gross aniual income is $1,000 or less,/ per annum .. .. .. .. .. .... . . 00.00 Each alley operated shall te deemed and taken to be sep arate business. Bottling works, whose gross an nual income is $1,000 or less, per annum .. .... ...... 35.00 13ootblacks, where the fee charg ed for shining shoes is .05, per ailliii ............. 5.00 Weire the fee charged for each shine is .10, per annum 10.00 1Mach an1d every boothlack do ing business ol the streets of tlhe City of laurens must be licenised and must wear in a conspiciois place a llinmbered badge furnished by teh City Clerk. Canvassors or peddlers selling goods, wars or mercha adise of whatsoe'er character or kind, per year .... ...... 50.00 Per day .. .. .. ........ 15.00 Cotton brokers-cotton brokers, factors or merchants or ex porters, each place of busi ness................ 20.00 Cotton buyers, per year.. ....15.00 Chiropractic-Samo as doctors, Candy Manufacturer, per year 15.00 Carpenter shop keeper, per year 5.00 Contractors or firms of such, em ploying, taking or offering to take cont'acts not to exceed $50.00 .. .... .. .. .. ...i',xempt" From $50.00 to $500.00 -per an num .. .. .. .. . . .. ..... 7.50 From $1,000 to $2,000, .per an num ................ 12.50 From $2,000 to $5.00, per an num (........................20.00 each additional $1,000 or less 1.00 Convassers-Itinerant not other wise provided for . . . . . . .. 10.00 Cirouses, first ring .. . . .. .100.00 lOach additional ring .. .. 50.00 Whose gross daily income is more than $5,000, per day, on each additional .5,000 or less 25.00 Circus paradles, where exhibi tions are held otut of the city 'limits ............... 250.00 Where exhibitions are held in the city limits .. ..,.......100.00 Collection or claim agents, whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, per o~nnum 10.00 Cabinet wvorkmon, whose ~ross annual Income is $500 or less, 1)er annum ...... ........5.00 Cotton mills, per annum . . . . 500.00 Cotton seed .buyers, whose gross annual income is $1,000 oir less, per1 annutm.. ........ 10.00 Cotton ginneiries, first gin, wvhose gross annual income is $1,000 01' less, pecr annum ... .. ...25.00 10ach additional gin . . . . . . 5.00 Cabinet andi general repair. shops, 'whose grobs annual in-e come is $300 01r less, per~ an num~f ,...... .... .... 5.00 QJeaning, (lying or pressing clotihng, where the gross an nual income is $1,000 or less, peri annfhium..............15.00 Cold drinlk stands, 1)0r annum.. 5.00 Conti'actoi's for moving houses, wvhose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum . . 10.00 Coal companies or agencies, where thle gross annual in come is $2,500 -0or less, per annum...... ........ .......*15.00 Conveyancers 0or scrivners wvhose gross annuial Income is $500 or' less, per' annum .. ......5.00 Cotton seed oil mills wvith $100, 000 01' less invested, 1per an num............ ....... 150.00 On each addlitional $1,000 in vestedl, p)er annm.. ........1.00 Cotton weighers , whose gross annual 'Income is $1,600 or less, per annum ..........10.00 Directories-Nach and every person compilinlg city dired tories, per annum .... ......10.00 Dealers in junk, per day .... 5.00 .Por' annum .... ......... .. 15.00 Dealers in fr'uits, melons or veg etables, selling from car ny : Itinerant dealers, each car or t raction thereof ...... .....100.00 Dealers in stocks and bonds, per annum.. ............25.0 Dealers In wagons and other vehicles, other than manufac turer with or .with'out 'busi ness, Rvhose 'gross annual In come Is $7,500. or less, per an num. .. . .... ..... .. ....25.00 J'ealers or agents for the sale of fertilizers, whose gross annual Income is $4,000 or less, per annum ..4 .. . .. 35.00 iWihose gr'oss annual income is more..than $4,000, on each ad ditional $4,000 pr less, per an num .. . ...-...-25.00 Dealers in pianos, organs, sew Ing machines, iron safes, well fixtures, and tombstones, not connected with stores, whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, each, per annum ... 25.00 Dealers in second hand tbagging ties etc. ............ 5.00 Dealers in soap, jewelry, iner chaudise or other goods on the streets, whose gross daily income is $100 or less, per day 10.00 Per annum.... ..........50.00 Dealers in Green groceries, sell ing from wagon, whose gross daily Income is $50 or less, per day............ .. .50 And each wagon operated shall be deemed a separate business. Dealers In green groceries sell Ing from car or common car rier, whose gross daily in come is $500 or less, per day 10.00 And each car operated shall be deemed a separate busi ness. Dinner houses whose gross an nual income is $2,000 or less, per annum ............25.00 Dentists whose gross annual in come is $1,000 or less, per an num .. .. ............ 15.00 Whose -ross annual income is more than $1,000, for each ad ditional $1,000 or less, per an num ................ 1.00 Dogs, all kinds ........... 1.00 1Mach and every dog to be paid for by person or persons upon whose premises (log is kept. The city police are hereby au thorized to selYo and confine every (log they find running at large not having attached a tag for tax furnished by the City Clerk. Every dog taken up $2.00 additional must be pid. or the dog killed. EIlectric power companies whose gross annual income is $5,000 or less, per annum '.. .. .. .60.00 Whose gross annual income is more than $5,000, for each ad ditional $10,000 or less, per annum.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .00 Express companies maintaining an agency whose gross annual income at, such agency arising from business done wholly within the state of' South Carolina, if $1,000 or less, per . -annum .............. 100.00 Electricians whose gross an nual income is $1,000 or less, per annum ............ 10.00 Provided that electricians may take out license by the job at the following rates: Where the gross income is $100 or less, per job . . . . . . 2.00 lire insurance companies, on amount of net jrmiei iuils col lected ................ 3% Fruit trees or other trees and ' plant agents, whose gross an nual income is $500 or less, per annum........ ...'.. 10.00 Fresh fish dealers, with or with out other business, whose gross annual Income is $1,500 or less, per annumi .. .. .. 15.00 Fresh oyster dealers, with or .without other business, whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum .. .. .. .. 5.00 Flour mills, whose gross an nual incoime is $1,000 or less, each, per annum ..........15.00 Grist mills, 'whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, each per annum ............ 10.00 Hay, grain, provisions or mer chandise brokers . who carry no stock of goods in either w-rehouse or store room, whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum .. 15.00 Hair dressers or manicurists, whose gross annual income is $l,000 or less, per annum . . 10.00 Whose gross (daily income is $50 or less, per day. .. .. ...1.00 Hariuness shops, whose gross an nual income is $1.00 or less per annum ...... ..........10.00 Hawkers or peddlers, selling or offering for sale, goodls, wares and merchandise, whose gross daily income is $50 or less, per (lay ...... ..........10.00 Hog dlealers, whose gross an nual income is $2,500 or less, per annum .. ............15.00 Whose gross monthly income is $500 or' less, pecr month.. 10.00 Whose gross daily income Is $50 or less, per day .... ....5.00 Hotels wvhose gross annual in come is $5,000 or less, .per annum ................60.00 Wh'1osei gross annual. income is more than $5,000, on- each add~itional $5,000 or less, per' annum................ 2.0 Horse or mule .traders, transient, 'tyhose gross daily income is $1,000 or less, por dlay . . . . 5.00 Horse and mule traders, trans ient, whose grows monthly in come is $10,000 or less, per' month .. ........ .......15.00 Insurance conmpanies, life, ac cIdent and health, maintain ing agencies (going business within the cit~y of Laurens, whose gross annual income from such agencies is $1,000 or less, per annum .. .. . 15.00 eo dealers, wvhose gross -annual income is $500 or less, jper en num ........ ..........5.00 Ice cream vender's, selling from carts, whose gr.>s)5 annual in come is $1,500 or less, per an num .... ....... ...,...15.00 ice cream venders, selling from wagons, whoso gross annual income is $2,506 or less, per annum .. .... .........25.00 Ice manufacturers, per annum 75.00 Jewelry, watch and clock re pairs, whose gr'oss annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum .. .......... ...15.00 Jewelers, itinerant, offering for sale jewelry, watches, clocks etc., or repairing same, who gross daily income is $100 or less, per day ......... .. 6.00 Laundries, run bhy hand, whose gross annual icnome is $1,500 $2,500 or less, per annum. . 35.00 Laundries, run by machinery, whose gross annual income. is $2,500 or less, per annum .. 25.00 Lawyers whose gross annual in-. come is $1,000 or less, .per an num.......,.. .. .150 Lightning rod agents or ceal e, whose gross annual in come is $2,000 or less, per annum . 26.00 Whose gross monthly income is $500 or less, per day .. .. 5.00 Long siis tanco telephone com panies, operating In city, or agents of same, collecting toll, per annum ............ 75.00 Lunch counters, per annum .. 15.00 No Sunday license shall -be granted to any person to oper ate a lungh room, restaurant, confectionery store, fruit stand whore other articles of merchandise such as gro ceries, meats, etc., are also offered for sale in the same room or building during the week days. Machine shops and foundries, whoso gross annual income is $2,000 or less, per annum . . 15.00 Manufacturers of fortilizers, 25, 000 tons or less, per annum 60.00 Each additional 1,000 tons . . 1.00 Merry-go-rounds, whose gross nwcokly income is $250 or less, per week ........... .. . 5.00 Merchants, or all persons, firms or corporations selling at re tail articlos of trade or mer chandiso for which a special gross annual Income Is $10, 000 or less from sales, per annum .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25.00 Wnoso gross annual income is more than $10,000, on each additional $1,000 or less, per annumi................ 1.00 By Iwcomo is meant the amount of goods sold by the licensee, and sworn statement must acconipany payment. Medicino sellers and Tondors. whoso grosi annual income is $500 or less, per annum . . 50.00 Whoso gross daily income is $1,000 or loss, per day . . . . 10.00 1lhrble yards or agencies. whose fross annual income is $1.000, or less, per annum . . . . . . ''00 Mechanics, working on automo biles who do not maintain a regular place of business, per annum' 11....................10.00 Moving picture shows. whose gross annual income is $2,500 or less, per annum . .. .. . 40.00 Newspapers, whose gross an nual income is $1,000 or less, per annum ............. 15.00 Opera house hall whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum ........ 40.00 Organ grinders and itinerant musicions, whose gross daily inecimue is $100 or less, per day ................10.00 Oil and gasoline companies or agents whoso gross annual In colle is $li,000 or less, per . 5.00 Whose daily income is $100 or less, por (lay ... . ... 1.00 Occulists or opticians, itinerant, Whoso gross daily nicome is $.~,0 or less, per day.. .. ... 5.00 Opticians or occulists on their own account, or working for others, whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum..........,... .. 15.00 Lumber yard, selling planks, shingles, framing laths or moulding, whose gross annual income is $5,000 or less, per annuM .'. .... .. .. .... .. .25.00 Lumber yards or dealers sell Ing other kinds of building material other than the ones last before enumerated, whose annual Income from the sale of such material is $2,500 or less, per annum 4......... 10.00 Paint shops, 'per annum .. .. 10.00 Pawn shops, or money 'lending shops, whose gross annual la come is $1,000 or less, per annum........ ... .. 15.00 Planing mills, 'whose gro. an nual income is $1,000 or 2ss, per annum .. .... .......10.00 Pool room, ikast table, per an - nlum....... ................000.60 Each additional tale, per an numn.. .. .......... ...00.00 ,Photographers or artists, whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum .. . . . . . . 1"0Ot Whose monthly income is $1,000 or less, per month ..5.00 Whose daily income is $50 or less, pecr day ............2.00 Physicians whmose gross ann~ual income is $1,000 or less, per 4nnum.... .... ...........15.00 Printing oflice, job), whose gross annual laconme is $750 or -less, per~ annum .... .... .... ...15.00 Plumbers, whloso gross annual inconmo is $1,000 or less, per annum .. ..... ...15.00 'Plumbers, wvhose gross Income from one job is $20 or less, perjibb....... .. ...... ....2.00 Public wveighiers, othier than cotton weighers, whose gross annum income is.$500 or less, "per annum .. ....... ..5.00 Railroad ticket ofices, per an num .. .. ............ 50.00 Restaurant or eating h-ouse, whose gress annual income is $1,500 or less, por~ annum . . 25.00 Rail road agencies iwhose grosn annual incomo from business dlone exclusively wvithin this state is $100,000 or less, for the first track, per annum .. 250.00 For each additional track .. 100.00 For each additional $1,000 or less, per annm. .. .. .....1.00 Renovaters of feather :beds, *whose gross annual income is $2,600 or loss, per annum 25.00 .Whose gross monthly income is $150 or lens, por month .. 15.00 Real estate agents whose gross incomeO is $1,500 or less, per annum .... .... ..; .. .. 15.00 Serlvners 'whose gross daily in ,ome is $10 or less, per day 1.00 bhows, performances, exhibi :ntions of all kinds, except cir hies or similar exhibitions, 1whose gross daily income is *$500 or less, per day .. .. .25.00 ~oda ,fountains, wjghopt or' with store, whose gross ainnual in come Is $1,500 or lees, .per an num ..,.. .,, .. .., .. . 15.00 ~table, feed only, whose gross bannual income is $1,000 or loss, per annum .... .. ....10.00 gable, livery only, whose 'gross aunnual Income is $1,500 or ~less -pr alnu v .... . . 15.00 ables, sales on y, whose gtuBS 'nnual incom4 is $2,500 or Voss, per arnnu n~ e, *.,. . . .40.00 $abos, enies, ed . nd liIey, W segross au 0n is $4,000 or less, per annum 50.00 Salvago or bankrupt sale man agers, or sale conductors, whqse gross annual income is $5,000 or less, per annum . 50.00 Whose gross daily income is $50 or I , per day .... .. .. 5.00 Stock ymai whose gross annual Income 4500 or less, per an ntum......,.. ..........5.40~ Surveyors whose gross annual Income is $1,000 or less, per annum .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10.00 Whose income per job Is $5 or less, per job,..... ........ 1.00 Street hacks or carriages, one horse, whose gross annual in come is $1,500 or less, per an 1111111 .. .. . . ... . .. .. .. . . 15.00 Street hacks or carriages, two horses, whose gross annual income is $2,000 or less, per annun.... ............ 25.00 No person ,filrm or corporation shall let or hire any hacks, automobiles or other chicles for hauling or transporting passengers, within the cor porato limits of the city, with out first obtaining a license therefore fro mitie City Clerk, and every person, firm or cor poration running or operating e5uch 'a hack or vehicle shall have the registered number on tume legibly printed or otherwise marked upon said vehicle in letters of not less than three inches in height and one inch in width; and ev ery driver in charge of such vleile must wrear a numn berod bad& furnished by Cit y Clerk. Owners and driv ers iust ominply with the City Ordxhiane herein, and any percs-on. Arm or corporation vi *lating any of the %above pro vistens shn11. upon~ convic tion, . he fined not exceeding five dollatrs, or .be imprisoned Io 10 1% Cy oe, ,- .t ,4 for ea chl.- %ri 4e -y v) lation t hereof. Street nucks doing dniyage whose go 3 rzi'iz n nc-one is $500 or less.......... 15.00 Street ~wa'ns or d one horse. whose crs nnual in come is $ o0 er less. p-r .n $5 or less. pCer Iay.. ....... .50 Street wagons or d : ,wo horse. whose 'ross .wa in coic is $~50 o- es, per an num .... ........ .... . Whose gross daily income is $7.50 or less. per day...... . Each and every draynmen Jo ing business in the Ci4v of Laurens muist wear in spicuous place a nu:nbered badge furnished by the City Clepk an( must have N marked on each side of his dray the cnme number borne by said badge. Shooting galleries. whose annual income is $.500 or less, per annum ........ 25.00 Sign painters. whose gross an nual income is st.o+ or less, per annumn ............ 10.00 Whose gross weekly income is -$500 or less, per week .. . . 5.00 .Wiose gross daily income is $10.00 or less. per day .. .. 1.00 Shoe Sh6ps. each bench, whose g-oss annual income is $1,000 or less, per annum . . .. .. 10.00 Each additional bench .. .. 2.50 Storage battery charging sta tions, per annum ........10.00 Tailor shops, and agents whose gross annual income is $1,000 or less, 'per annum . ... .. 25.00 Terra-cotta dealers, whose gross annual Income Is $1,500 or less, ier annum........ . 15.00 Tin or tinker shops whose gross annual incomle is $750 or less, . per' annum .. ...... .....7.501 Telephone companies, local, per annum .. ... .... .... .....100.00 Telegraph companies, or agen cies, for business (lone within this state, and not including that (lone 'without the state, whose gross annual incime from. such business is $2,000 or less, per annum .... ......7%.00 Transient dealers in fruits, bread andl cakes, meats or merchan (1180 of whatsoever character and kind, selling fromt car or common carrier, except as hereinafter provided, per an num ..i .... ...... .....25.00 Apple wagons wh~ero they ratisedl the alppes themselves may be Issued license by the day at $1.00 except that no person or persons shall set upl their stand or sell from their eai. or common carrier on any public street in the City of Laurens. (Where ap plicants for 'license buy ap 1)10s for resale their license shall he $25.00 per annumfl,isub jact to same rules as apply to day license as above. Undlertakers wvhose gross an nual income is $2,500 or less, per annum .. .... .......35.00 Each additional $1,000 or less, per annum .. .... ........ .l.00 Vulcanizing shops, per atIthm 10.00 Wood shops and wagons m'anu facturers whose gross annual Income is $500 or less, per annum .. ...... .........15.00 Wood dealers or brokers, whose gross annual income is $500 or. lo3s, -per annuml . .. ....10.00 Wheelwrights, whose gross -an nual income Is '$1,000 or less, per annum .. .... .,..--.-,.5.00 Warehouses kept for storing cotton, grain, etc., whose gross annual income is $2,500 . or less, per annum ...'. .36.00 Elach additional $1,000 or less, per annum ..,. . .... .. 1.00 Wholesale dealers in hay, grain, provisions,~ geo s, wares, or mnerchandise, 'who carry a. stock of goods either in a :wareliouse or store room,"4 'whose gross- annual income' from sales 4s $50,000 or -less, nor annum ....... " . 50'00 10lach additional 41j000 o#-10oo per annum ......... . . .50 000, 2. All iooIsose4 to3 one day'oli1y qhall Q Jlet olth$t Sec. 3. That all licenses issued un der and by virtue of this Ordinance shall be non-transferablo and ox cept a license for a day, a 'week or a month, shall terminate and end on the 31st day of December of the year in 'which they were issued; but may be revoked at any time by the City Council of the City of Laurons on satisfactory cause being shown. Ek cept license issued for a day, a week or a month, annual rates shall be charged for all licenses issued prior to June 30th of any year, three-fourths the annual rato shall be charged for "I licenses issued after June 30th of any year and -prior to September 30th or any year; and one-nult Yne annual rates for all icenses issued after Sep teiber 30th of any year, and prior to December 31st of any year. Sec. 4. That every person, corpor ation or partnership, roquired by this ordinance to obtain a license to en gage in any business, trade, profes sifon or occupation, for which a license is required, shall at tho time of ap plying for such .license, or at any other time as may be required by the City Council, furnish to the City Clerk, or Auditor of the city, such other and further information, as may be neces sary for correctly ascertaining the 11 conso to be assessed and collecte(d. Sec. 6. Any person, firm, company or corporation prosecuting or engag ing in any business, occupation or profession, or keeping or maintaining any establishment named in this Or dinance without having first paid the license tax imposed thereon, shall, up on conviction, bo fined not expoeding one hundred dollars, or be inipris sned not exceeding thirty days with or without hard labor at the discre tion of the officer trying the case. Sec. 6. Where a license is imposed by this Ordinance upon any business, profession or occupation, and sucg business, profess ion or occupation is oarried on or conducted by an agent, clerk or employee, such agent, clerk or employee shall be subject to all the penalties herein imposed should the said business, profession or oc eu pation be carried on or prosecuted without the license inposod having beei paid in the same manner as if such agent, clerk or employee were the proprietor of' such business, pro fession or occupation. Sec. 'I. That every person, firm, comnpany or corporation, required by tiN Ordinance to obtain a license to engage in business, trade, profession or occupation for which a license is required, shall at the time of apply ing for such -license, iake a state :uent under oath, before an oflicer qualified to administer oaths, and file said statement with tho City Clerk, setting forth: I1) His or her name, style of firm, nane of company, or corporation; (2) The trade, business, profes Mon. or occupation for 'which a li eense is required; 1:') The amount of business pro posed to be done during the current year and in those cases in which sucli information is required, the amount' of business done the previous year in the same occupation, trade, busi ness or profession if same was car previous year. The City Clerk shall thereupon as sess and collect the proper license tax as provided for In this Ordinance, and upon such tax being -paid, shall issue to the applicant the proper license. Sec. 8. For any business, trade, oc cupation or profession not enumerat ed in Section 1 of this Ordinance, the license shall be fixed by the City Council of the 'City of Laurons at any regular or special meeting thereof. Sec. 9. The license taxes herein imposed are levied for the purpose of raising funds to meet the annual or dinary expenses of 'the City of Lau reng for' the fIscal year commencing on'the 1st day of January of any year hereafter and for the purpose of pay ing in whole or .in part any legal In debtednless of the said City incurred for ordinary expenses thereof falling (due during the said fiscal year. Li censes must be paid on or .before Jan uary 15th of the year in which they are due and payable. See Sec. 5 for further information. Soc. 10. Trhis Ordinance shall go in to effect on the 1st day of January A. D. 1923. Done and ratified b~y the City Coun cil of the City of Laurons andl the cor porate seal of the said City of Lau rens hereto aiflxed this the 'l6th day of December A. D. 1922 and in the One Hundred and 'Forty-Soventh) year of the Sovereignty and Independence of the 'United States of America. 1W. H. DIAL, Attest: 61ayor. &lPANilj1Y W. CR10WS, City Clerk. AN ORDINANCE Stao of South Ca4rolina, .County of Lauirens, City of i,aurens. B10 IT OHbDAINED by the 'City Coun'. cil of the City of Laurens: Sec. 1. That all able-bodied male residents of tihe City of Laurens, be tweeni tihe ages of 18 and 60 years, shall each ipay a per capita tax, for street improvements, the sum of $2.00, on or before the 1st day of Starch, 1923, and all persons failing to pay said street tax en or before that date shall pay to the -City Clerk thle sum of $4.00 .as such street taxes, and fail uire to (10 50 shall, upon conviction, be punished as otherwise p~rovi'ded by the City Ordinanco. Done and ratified by the City Coun cil of 'the City of -Lau rens and tha cor porate seal of 'the. said City of Lau rens hereto affixed this the 15th <ty of iDecember A. -D, 1923, and in the One Hundred and Forty-Severfth year of the Seorpignty and .Indopendnce of the United States of- Anierica. City Clerk. Dr:KINd5S PlII