The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 23, 1885, Image 3

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The Advertiser. LAURENS, Dec. ?8, 1886. LOCAL ITEMS. C. M. COMPTON A Co. havo opened ? branch-house on Main Street. It 1H u cold ?lay whoo ice-cream is loft in thr> (ianda of the coo foot ionor, begin tho new year m ir.!.: hy aubscrl blng to Tnr A nv KUTI s K K promptly. It IH definitely announced thal tho Tournament will tako placo on christ iana Day. A polite way of dunning ? delinquent aubaorlber ls to send kim a bouquotof forgot-ino-aots. Hereafter, often aa our limited apace will allow, wo will endeavor to givo full market roports. Mr. WARMN HMKI.I. will anon move Into the imune now occupiod by Mr. IStanor. Sovoral young roan of tho Tumbling Minmi:; neighborhood loft H fow days ago for Oeala, Fbi. Married, on tho ?th ins'.., at QUmor, TOIM, Mr. R.B. ADAMM, of that placo, to to Mina BUK IS. HIX, formerly of Lau roiiH. Wo notice, that at the Coiltonnial Fair in Charleston, Mr. It, II. Yoi NO, of Lau? rons received llrst proiulum on liread Corn ovor twouty-throo coll ies. An exchange says a womain is ike an accord?on. You eau draw ber out, hut aho "makes music" if you attempt to Hhnt her up. Our thank* are due Congressman Pit ft RY for the Momorial A dd rosses on tho life and character of Mon. .INO. II. K v i NH, and other valuable public docu menta. Hov. ARTHUR MILLARD, tho distin guished lecturer who delivered a series of lectures some tillie ago, lectured oil Thursday last at this place, <>n .lohn Bunyan, \\ hied \s aa highly approciuli d. C. ?t A. l?o CPU I. inform the public this week that they will change basilicas aoon, and in order to do this, must sae raflCO their goods. (Juli and gel fresh groceries at cost, without freight added. After our esteemed conti mporary Hie TTeraM, and our friend J. T..lonNKON, Esq., have endet! their diseilsslou, we hope they will bo ablo to decide an t>> whether prohlbitiou really prohibits or not. Mr. W. II. Qll.KKRROM c unes to thc front thiH v eek and proposes lo ?oil honest goods at honest prices. Ilcha-, bulli upa largo trade, bul the best buyers will occasionally bo ovor-atoeked willi goods, ll is low prices ueverfull to sat lsf\ his customers. Mr. C. J, HIM, attorney for JOHN IIUKKON (col.) who was convict! ! ? murder at the last term of tho Court of . Roaalons, has again seen red n respite r.>; bis ?dient, thia time lo March lUth, Ittsil. In the uieautiiiic a motion will he made for a new trial, upon aft.-;- discovered evldeneo, Bnmetlilng is wrong wll h the mail ser Tico hi the County. Wo arealways very careful lu making up tho pupers for the different imstntliccs in the County, and we count each poper before ile- package leaven this office, yet ailliKeribeni are constantly eouiptaiuing ii?at they d<i noir.ive their papera. Something la WrOllg somewhere. A "Tribute cf Respect to Prof. m un Htropg," in pnir.phU t form, by a former ?ludent of Adgor College, hat- Inion rc- ? Col vial. Prof.STONO was va il known in thia County, having Ix < n past? r of the l'res byterlan Church at Cross (HU for a number of years. Bo ? UH an earnest and devout ministor, hut thone who knew him as a teacher, euri Pest cati? mute lila real worth. Grand Carnival At the Skating Rink on Friday Eve ning - Fancy costume! and u world ?if fun-Everybody ?nvitel. Tb* Greenville Railroad Ia progressing raiher slowly at proa .Mit, owing to the difficulty in obtaining cross-ties. The track baa been laid nine miles from this place. Tb? China Hall. Mr. T. W. A 1.1.KN has charge ol the new China, (?lass* ire and Crockery .Store of Mr. J. <?. Mt'COHKLK, which baa been opened at this place. Rolla Ryan. On Monday evening a full house greeted this Celebrated Humorist, and were WOll paul by two hours of hearty laugh ter. Although the programme was not new to many present, yet it was such as would well boar repetition, lie pro poaca to give ?m? more lortittiimcnt, this evening with an entirely new pro gnome. Tba Operetta. Tho Oparotta announced in our lain Issue to come off at tho College OliApol, on Thursday of thia week, will comoon on Wednesday instead. This promises to be tho most enjoyable entertainment yet presented hy Olir College, and will bo free Ul tho publie. Too much praise cannot bo gi van In hoi.aifoi' the college, in that it has so often of late contributed to the substantial enjoyment of mr people by Ita freo publie eutortalnmonta. In every way possible, the col lego ia en deavoring te endoar Itself to our poople. Mlwa KINO, of the minde department, hua given much limo ?ml labor to tho careful getting up of the Rain-Bow operotta, and lt la the determination of tho faculty, thatevory time Ihe CoIloge appears before thopnblie, ll shall boto raia? itself In public mid popular eat oem. This will doubtless bo tho r?'M"11 (,f l,,u entertainment of Wednesday night. Lot ?Terybody attend and enjoy it. Tba Kal? Aoademy For a number of voira paat Lauron* baa beon unfortunate) In not having a good xchool for IKI\S, hut we are ?hol to note that along -.villi lh< IP itiT Improve menta that our norn baa in ide m Ino fiant f?w year", one of tho moat notable alp our okoelloul school . Prof.JSvAN* ta, in everv seine, a competent *. ndier, and baa given e itlre Satisfaction, notn to pat rona and pupils. Iv'm-at )d for tilla profeaaton. he ha? rOIUO llltfl ocr niblet a? a tnrniauoiit lea< her, ami ta not tining tina aa a alejadng-rt uie to Bomotbtng0U?y Wntrnat that our peo ple will Nufbolently appreciate Hie mt vantage io I* derlei fmm auch lu ?tl!u \\\\\\\WWm ?_I_ . ? ?> Pomona!? , < ?hlof of Policw BICH m. ?o: nomi is agnin ?lt Iiis post. Mr. W. A. I,AW, of Spart ur.burg. NV;:s tn tow n last wonk. s. vt ral communications and ad vcr t ?semen ts crowded out of Uti* isjuc. Mrs. HKWI.KY ami (laughter, Mi:,s (OA, are visiting relatives in town. UKO. WKMTMOIIEMAMP, Harp, of Orei n ville, attended court last nock. Mr. N. S. Il vunts, Jr., ls homo for tho holidays, from the Citadel Academy. Mr. It. Ft, ANOKKSOX, who luis upon I tho past year in Florida, has retune d home. Hov. o'.T. ([A KM OM i who has so ac rccnptahly Ulled thc position of paator of tho Methodist Church at this place during the past year, will remaiu du ring tho next. Mr. C.W. < J A iir.K rr, cadet of King's Mountain Militurj School, ia sponing n ahort vacation at homo. With pleasure we notice from his "stripes," CLAUDE trna been promoted to the rank of Order ly uorgoant. Mrs. H. P. Tonn received a telegram on Monday,*ntatlng that Col. Tonn w as quite sick. She left on the evening train for Columbia. We trust the Illness of tho Senator may not provo .serious and that ho w ill HOOD be nt bia post again. ?oantg ?orr?sponfl?nGB. CLINTON. I "J." The Monds of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Par rot! will he pleased to learn of their slow, j but sure, recovery from a protracted ami pain Ad illness. Everything is brightening up for Christmas, and moving is the order of tho day. The latest move la Mr. M. O. Peake Into tho new cotlage^on Main Street. One more new linn bas opened busi ness here within the past wcok. Tho linn name is Blakeley ?V Voting, ??uss ?nd Ocorgo, aro respectively, the nona of I m le I lavin and Cuele Newt, and are deserv ing of a liberal patronage. Their stock is composed entirely > f family and fancy groceries. our young folks have, in active re hearsal, to be performed on next Wed nesday night, at tho! irphatis' Si Hilliary, a splendid farcical drama. The charge for admittance is only II quarter, and ibo proceeds to go Into the general fund of the Ladies' Aid Society, and will ho op plied to tin? College building, The number.* In the matrimonial lin ha\ e become a llltlo eonfuKi d ol' late, so that von may [?ut down, without enu meration, Mr. T. Drnyt. Ibinutgoto Miss stella King, m* you may di?as Hu cotton buyers. Mart a new nuinbei for Drnyt. ami his brid -, with the eonlldont expec tation thai the number will -OOH run up again. The A. M. Vt, Church, lo tated two miles from this place, was burned lol the gr< und <>n leal Thursday night, ft was ono of tho very best colored church os in tho county, and cost about one! thousand doll.irs. Tho stewards of the I church arc eonlldont that i. v. aa du work of an incendiary, and will swear) out warrants and have certain sn* ; et- I od paid loa ur rest od lu a few days. Tin suspicions-, ul pres-nt, :-e-.t Upon a d... alVeeled portion of the church un ;nbei . ship. CKOSS HILL. Mr. D. 0. Crow of thia township baa removed to Waterloo Township. christmas is nearly lu re am) all hands arv busy preparing fur tba fosllvilivti in cident to tho riannon. NSC understand that J. Hillary Bry son has rented thc Cross (fill place from J. Willie .Jones. Mr. bryson and his family are qui te an acquisition. Mr. Hendrix, of Hunter Township, hus moved to tho place ol bia father-in law, Mr. J aa. A. Jonos, noar Croas Hill. Wc gladly Welcome him and Ida estima ble wifo Into our inldat. There acema to be quite on epidemic among the boga in this section; we hoar of quite a number (bat have died in thc last week. We are sorry to learn of thia, because hogs aroaonre.e and lt la imposai binti? live without them. Wo have been treated to nome de lightful weather for a few days; the sun ia bright and wann, and gentle brco/oa rustle the leaves, and wo are roinilided that we live in the sunny South, whoso "balmy breeSQS brighten every scene." We were ghut to see tho handsome and genial face of John M. Anderson a few days tinco. He was visiting his mother and friends before departing to bia new held of labor-Newberry Whore ho will enter tho service of tho Singer S wing Machine Company'. Mr. Hartington Owens, of Madison Cn. Kia., waa married to Minn bottle [.owe, of this county, on Thursday, tin- I7ih inst., Uev. lt. W. Seymour i nu. Mr. Owens will leave in afew days with hin bride for the land of Howers. We throw thc?.ld shi ii alter the happy cou ple for ,/iod luck. m HKM ANi:. DABS. AM I have novar noon anything in your paper fi <>m Hurricane, I will glvo yoi! a short sk( toll. ?lade Holland w ill loaVO US next ymir. The bad weather la delaying wheat sowing. Mr. !>. F.. fribble is soiling 'ewing machines* Mr. Joe Hollingsworth has moved ti? Mr. J. H. Copeland's, ll i 'e .n e ic abort hi.'.f way botYVOon Clinton and Ib-vno -a. M/. W. A. Nahora han bought tho Car- j ger place (Vom M r. Weir. Mr. F. o. Pitt* Naya lt la cold in Flori da. Ho has only been Hiere a hort time and linne bun been plenty of ha and frost. Kev. 11. bowler, pastor of Hurricane ''huid., hrta i-overt t<> tho plac h. boil ht from Mr. Janies H?mago', who has moved to Arki.nsaB. Our courtly commissioner^ make us work our road twice a year, while thora is a road in two miles of hero that't |i0<ni wot ki (1 m livo years. Mr. Un m NliupSoj? has moved to his , i poi " J?"?- labors to Miss Maggie braddock; Miia Muggie Prod (Vick to Fowler Parka, We td so loam that Mr. W. F. Adair nil', as?jii M W. W. figaaii Hi bi i miltj h a ow o in ll) lie ? .Utk ile. au! W? Wt. CENTJBitVlI,L13. H A wy VO?; 8MA8H. Th6 Texas Covi r ?v ?til) raging. WO H?tico .S"':!?' OOltOIl ill the liolds yet. Mr. Henry lloyd will do buwiues.-i at Mr. .1. A. < " >a'cs next year. Mri Ja?. H. Duval 1, of Waterloo, h moving bitch to tho old homo placo, all pin all's ? ?ross Hoads. We tim'. Mr. Henry Cooper, of Waterloo, is moviny, IJUI k in the bounds of our uolghborhood nguiu. Mr. Hugh Mahon pu ised through oiir neighborhood a few days ugo with :i drove of boga. Helling ut ."? couta. Wo loam Hint another drove passed up the road lust Monday, HI ?lin;; ul name pri?e. WATKIU.OO.S. C., I Hee. mt,h (KS?i Korron OK ADVKRTIsin: ?Pienso no tice in your paper that tho Ladies of Waterloo uno vicinity will nive a "Hot Supper" ot Anderson's Itali, on Wed? ?enday night, tho Both Inst., for the benefit of the Methodist ami baptist Churches bf Waterloo, (.'onie down, Mr. Editor, and satisfy tho longing of your soul with good cheer, and us Leake it Patton bas well sal?, .'don't forgot vour pocket hook." CHEEK. To Wed or Not. EDITOR PAT DONAN PRESENTS IIIS VIEW8 ON MATRIMONY. From n Letter to Minneapoli? Trihum J j Von are going to marry me off, j uro you? How kind of you todo for me wind 1 never could do for myself! 1 lind begun to (hink, per- j h.ips il wits time. !'r<>;u my ro served sent on (I b:\rbed wire feline 1 hnvc boen wat? liing (be proces sion u good while. Day after day lind Wee',; lifter We k, lin: ii Hie weeks have leg!honed Intonionths, and the month Into yen! -, 1 ha\ e looked on ni humanity's strange wedding mareil, it is tho old, obi story. Loaf nv leaf the roseS f; ll. Yelp hy yelp young cherubs bawl. j The trap springs- and nnolher vSetlin \:< caught. The mini b rial lariat ?-?thrown and another hap less bumpkin ls writhing lind dan cing on the airy nothingness of honcymoomttic delights- .:;.! thc honeymoon is made of greenes! green cheese. One by one 1 have seen my boones I companions pass, ever passing away to t!':;t dread bourne whence noyoyugi r returns, save through a Chicago divorce suit or tho expense of .? Il rsi-class funeral. A few y curs since, a miljie blind of handsome (md high aspiring friend ? etood around ino-drosh, brigid, ver.'ian; young plants, Tito matrimonial si m ni n bas svv< pl over their pla i ti, whore III' ' they iuiw'?--J-H.init(en, bbl i od., eui down like the grass of tho Held, '.'.hieb to-day ls, Hud : i-niorrow i niiide in ld hay to fe <d n ilonk* ,v < '.' ? line ti goose nest. Faded, with id! rlry enough for peiisticks. Alas! alas! wiml ha- gol hilo ? bc you iii nf thc I ?nd ? j I CllUgh.l '< \ ? Te --''e. Roi) bow they wlirglr. Adam'- wool) g i'OsI bim lah ami gird Iii..i ide ki i ii vb . >?.? . . . ; garden fence 5n bare ski:; and troupers, and Hg I af rniind-nboiil, plump into tim briar patches of im ' iluknown wu's ld ??d's?n, I li J 'l ..: s . ? i . : crud!"-.. ! Lot's Diilcinea . ai . w ilji'M i) . graber of getting li ?in turneil ?ubi ti j Cn rd ?d'giiilit bf ..KI! rJ'urV.j i hind snit. j Jacob, courtship ol' Miss U?id' ', Lallat:, who hos e- ? be b-iiion <?. ' well at every church f? 11 viii, nub'-. Inc tod bini ' lo fourteen ,\ ear . o?' bitler slav-ry a \ve< Our I? IO lt herd of gouts, while all the (din e girls in the neighb >ehood giggh d at him daily from thc windows. For thc bliss of resting bis infill uated pate in the bice check apron of n dusky Delilah's Inp, Col. Sam son, the great original lion splitter and jawbone swinger, allowed him self to be shorn of bis wool, his' strength and his glory, and played 1 blind horac for years In a Philis tine treadmill. David had to steal bis sweetheart anal bushwhack her distempered i old father the rest of lils lifo. Solomon's julnrkey mude him a I renegade, a Mormon, un idolater; for a she darkey's sake the Wise Man-sovereign, songster, and sage Inspired-forsook his religion nnd been me a fool, and burnt Incense In jeweled censor to stuffed croco diles and pickled toads. In pressing his ?ul! with the ''star-eyed Egyptian, sweet sorop rpSS of tho .Nile," oh<> v., II ii'.i Intto. thc father of our distill) nish ed fellow-eltlz?n, Col. Susan li. Anthony, threw away thc sooptr? of th? world, Tiie grass-widower Napoleon's second courtship was bis* hr. t step on tho rodd ti? \Vi\U v loo and St. Il (delia. Married! To bo murrli M W 1. hardly. What ls married bul mi - mated, too ollen married ? Nature plays many high obi M'1'! and quirks, and kicks up her venera** ble loads lo cou '!. . e.:i pan pi rouct los cud whirligigs. Sho stud's a prosident with a pearn;; potldlor's soul ami makes ' r 's .-. i throb benoni h iin* . l w ai of a ?ciivougor. Sue drapes gal vunl/.cd oyster, wenches, Or worse, in the rich laces and broce b So i ut tors', go verne rs', und CSlbi t mini .-te rs' wives, and On?b M - ? in spirit of u saint or a martyr In tho dingy tnttorn of a char*w<Jirinn or a beggar. She wraps courage, grati.tide and affection in the bide of a dog, und switddlo basenc ami brutality in broadcloth and fine linen. Rho permits tv o legged donkeys to bray In all our legisla tive balls and dine al our Delmon ico'while their superiors lnev< ry worthy ((imllty und qu?litlcation mttui h course straw hi a thousand IIB 'ninia il country bl Every fellow get,--. Hu .. h wo man, and no womtin gefs tho right fellow. To love ls lo l e Qcsiati cally miserable. To courl i to yt? htjite between tb'? orthodox ?Hml tl?t> Chinese boll-from n hell of firfl to a hell of leo. To marry is to plungd headlong into-bothJ at Once, and t ? take thc chalices of iQoUltttt '.'never Uko one ba D'Of ll ; tm<im-rm\rM*imjmmimtniami^mmmmm?tm?mmmmmi Can Uno charlot team, which USU* ally consista of U blind Jack and n mooly cow, or a scrub calf aud a knock kneed Jennet. Marriage ba,- been likened b> the flies on a dining room \vtaddw-all on tho outside are l?uttlng their heads j agu! Ut r C?o ?ila: ; to |i :( In, and ! ad co the inside hutting I heir bends ; against it to got out; ?ind, go' which j wuy they will, there is always a pam* ahead tO I hen). Marri? di Tu he married! Arid toa Mexican ghi! What sort of u traitor do you take nie for? Desert my own country and Country wo men und many a foreign' ,-i while the census showa a half million or a million possibly or probable old | miids entiling on bi? nea I ii Tue starry ; banner of the free. Neve*'! Lint; sin- i i rich. Well, I have no hank-1 erlng for the situation to can y ?omo worn,'a''-; baggage ched .> through life. And sim sing.' ilk a nightin gale. That ?weet, but 1 pieter our own mocking hird?, oriole's, or meadow larks. A,nd she speaks three language. Heaven preserve ino. Any well-organized woman eau talk enough to me lu ono. Married! To be married ! Nay, nay. I wu? rei ?idly an editor, man. Divide nothing by two, and perhaps by several, und 'nov. much remains? Ask to starve omeothcr gentleman'.- ?dater to death? Har ness an angel fresh rroui realms of celestial bloom and sunshiiu to ll ragman's dog cart. Clip the rain bow tinted pinions of sen ph, < :. a seraphim, and give her in exchange one ink-smeared, gray gnoso-tplill V Ah, no, i would uni If i could-but I need not fret about il, for I could not if 1 would. It. v. enid !??. a swill <'l i to-< luigi for u.n\ [liing hilt terri torial '*..! . ntl! . i.i?i to ci ni', m I du to with' ?I feeling a chunk ol' mofa I lee .dide down my vertebra) column. Far be ii from Ino. for many n day. 1 would rather cook forever, conk forever my lone eorti dodger, Wush my own solitary pa per collar, sew on iny Own paste? hon rd horn hu* ton, tupi dp my owii dnrtiing nil I other ,;t Minta ?ii lye pro pro fa ni ty i dream ?? snob n i'rtiud on womankind or uni;ind, now, henceforth and for ninety days or -<-, world witt.on! end. n-m< n, ti -v ' . i. n ! State of South Carolina, LA Fl?CNH CDC NT ?', i .< H ::'? pp < i ; v. HON PLKAM. J ti me : W. < ij eliind ? C.,. v. . Ag io- .! Heliums, * / af, i'll'- niid i i judgment for sale in i!i uhove stat ed case, I will sell a ? unidlo outcry, ut laittrons C U., v.'. < '., iiiiriug (III legal ii rd for - alp, oii'Salesibiy ;.. I lt nt: a ry next, bo|ng Moininy the ?::. day of tho month, ;ie- following dvc'.M\ ! properly: All Hint (rue) of mud lying, be ing sind -ituttle tn tho i!ounly and r?tale aforesaid, i*02itiittiing Ont' Hundred und ili'?y-eiglil tte rcs, : ' ! , und 1 ; ?. ? I .y I f M. V- . dohii Walker, aud otb irs. t< nu : < me-lnlf ol' the purchase money ii bo paid e ?sh : anil t '.: ? balance on :i cn di : of twelve tn ???.< U , with Inlorosl from da > o?' sab?, et ii ref! by tile i?.;.d nf I he ?Mi!chafer : lid h m ?-?; agc 'of .in ! li mba l \.vc!-.;. .:. (d pUy ( ,.. ; ??. ? te: vii . ' . . ? . I:TOTICS OF ??. Il ?ES BaAEZCTO? i i'O lt Fiscal Yeari385-1888. IN pursuance of un A<t <>t the flenernl Ass 'uibly of s. ? !., nppoved Dee. the Li? ii, 188-1, n genern I assess ment of property for luxation will commence ?m Jun. Ibo 1st, 1880, ami continue until the 'jeth day of Feb nary. All properly, I io th Ken I and Personal, mu t ho returned for tax ation, sud :dl changes in realty since May, I MK |, must bc noted hi return-:. During the shove time my office nt Laurens C. II. will be open fur tho reeoj Hon <>t' return-., and for tho COU von h nco of tho tax payers, I will also attend nt the fol lowing places at (he time speedier!, to wit : young's Township, Voting'sStorei .lau. ">l!?. Young's Township, W. ii. Par son's, Jun. ''a h. I >?:i ?' To win fun. i >. I >. I furris', Jan. 7tb. I dui' i Tou n hip, W. M. Stoddard*?, Jan. 8 th. Diul's Township, Cloodgion's Jan. (Uh. >?tlli'. -n's T<.'AD-Inp, Tumbling Shun!*, Jam 11th. fttilllviVs Township. Hreworton, Jun. 12th; Wdi crin?' Township, Dnuiei's Storti, Jan. lil th, WaterlooToHvnshlp,Cleo. 's .1 m. i Ith. Waterloo Town sid , Wntorlrto Jan. lo tip C . Mill, To\\ MS '.ip, Cr 11 ill, Jan. IBth. Ords* ll ?il. Township, Bprlng (irove, .ian. 1,0th. li un tev's 'i'ov, i- inp, Milton, Jan. '.Otb. Hun tor** Towntjhip, (.'o' ?Ville, Jan. 21st. ifunti r's Township, (Minion, Jan. 22<\. Hcttfnotown Township, TI'.T - viii", .bm. 211*1. Jack's Township, Flcyhosn, Jan. 25th* J.-ek's Town-bin, Ho e? -trough, Jun, 20th. All male cltlxortft-nc'twoort the 'are!? oj 21 mid on voa rs m-e tnxahlo bulli, oxcopt thi s" who arc Inonpabloof eiirnfug anj> port by being undmod or from any otlu r cause. owne . of fte?l 13 hi a w ?1, take Notice th . Full T: tnfiiH of Bo?! i'mpt-ny will be relmired. AfloV the Suth flavor Vt%. issn, M t,vr cent, penalty v, i'd nUaon on all property pot listed for taxation. (K .M. FANOHTON, County Auditor. lt ls (!..'. time-honored custom to to th? loving and ai?ant ones, ami t of Kris Kringle. AH II present for ni cheap selections. Thoao aresuhstaii ho rcclph nt longer than thu ilo/idu t ! Grift 3STo. -4. tl yds. Gilberts Flannel 8? cts. Trimmings thc same ns Dress No. 8 $1.38. With 12 yds.GiU Mixed Braid .1)0, and i yd. of Velvet to match .70. Toral. This I55 upe rb Dress complet $7.08, $."?.' 10 Ki : ?'. ?j V- .',*, ITCi I r ?ostex's Sales. STAT IO t IF SOl'TM CAROLIN \. LA tl !.'!'. N S i ni' NTV. c. ?r I:T ol' Ci >M M< s Pl :: \H. lilaiord c. Hani*, ? Phdullli" against Partition. Kofdidi Mums, and ol hors, I Pursuant f>< .judgement for sal ? ia tlie above stated ....?.so, ! will sell ai public outcry, nt Laurens c. t l.,v '., oh tibv day In .lanuary next) hoing Monday the ?th day l of tlie mouth, willtiu the legal I hours for -.iii-, the following des? i ' ci Ibeil i roperl situate in the I t minty and .Stute aforesaid: ? ! Ail that tract of bimi con-: tnlnjng Two hundred ami seventy j three hores, moro or ie;--., and hounded hy binds of \V. L. Crisp, I Voting tl ar rt lt, Abner ? >\\ el Martha A. Owens, and others. Thc above mentioned : met of Two 1 Hundred und seventy-three acres, j has been divided into four tracts, numbered I, 2, il and ! ; and tracts N is. 8 and 1, (-?ntaining respec ] lively, 72 acres, ii" acres, 91 acre: \\ i!l bo sold. 1 A Iso, all t hat I raet ?>f land eon . I tabling Fifty-three acre*-, more or lo . and bounded by land-. ; of Koslah Burns, Lewis Burns, : Young ' larri 11, and ??thor*. Pints showing tho metes and j bounds of these '.amis may bo seen j at my office. Terni---! im--th i rd of the purchase money to bo paid cash; and thc balance on a credit of ono and two years, with interest from the I day <>!* side. Thc purchaser to give j bond and a mortgage ot the prem I ises to secure tho credit portion, and to pay b>r papers. C. D. BA R K si) A LE, Mastoi, i., c. Ni iv. I I. I sw;, I'._u. G LG Sin G ? QU? RO? BR IES ii rr ( >n nml a!'i- e thia, l 5th dry day of December, I will sell my entire stock <'i GROCERIES, At Cos', in order to close oin tin business r.l this }>!"<.''. Thc 8t)ck cdhaists of Moins* n?s, Sugar, (itt tju?iinty) Tob acco flfld OVorything lobe found in a Clroct rv Store, J. T. POOLE LAI' IIFN.M, S, C. Dei- 10 20-8 Tho next Senspm will begin .fan. 4th, nod will e..minno ?'ix mont IIB. l?nrh pupil vdt ho rurefiill.v governed ?nd thoroughly Inst ruei eil. Tuition Vi per ilioi ths. P?O dud nc lion iitndo for nbseeee exeopl lu cuses <>r prc HANK RV A NS,, Principal, m lither tho eli l< ; gm i; Miid eleni HM most plouslng pictures, ns gift? ?i<?.-.!. lo uti . .!:.:. " with sumo sweet or tun using so?venler ot hoi*,* vt-it'?', ?1 loi or ?wo! t, wo show ?KOIIIO choice and remarkably ;i;il ?od nul will Irv,-1 l-.mgor than a season, and will tond to remind Gi rt itSTo. 1. t lur $ ?1.00. ? >ross 12 vd?. Elegunl Dross floods in Wino", Carne*., Navy Ultu*, Drown A Mack ul 2!> ol - .> I yd. Volvot Trimming lo IIIMI ch ?1 yds. Lace to match .1 yds. Calico for skirt linton li A yds. Drill for Waist and Sleeve lining 1 yd. Wigan for stiffening skirt l Spool of Th rend 1 do/.. Elegant Huttons ,10. .2^. .20. au. .<)->. .._'.>. Total. ? 1.88. O-ift 3STO. S. 12 yds. Elegant, Cintngoablo Brocade Dross Goods or n combination ault of 7 yds. Solid and o yd?. Plaid or Brocade worth :i:i l-:l cts. .fl.ou. With a full line of trim mings ns above $2.43. IO yds. (Pensons) Lyous Silk with a pretty Lustro and heavy (.ros (.rain worth $1 .fit). $2 f.Ot?. with Linings, Duttons, Thread, Whale Rene, Crin . line, Skirt Druid &c, Ac. amounting to $2.10. .Milking u Total of ?0.451. ? hir ?(?1.78 cts. Dre? Tlie Greatest \ f? yds. i.upin- IO Inch Blue Dhu k Ciishmoro worth Of? nts. .';'>.~'K I yds. Simpsons solid Black (lulled ul Vels. .2^ 2.) yds. Drilling Ml ets. I yd. Wigan .10 1 do;<. Eh'jrnut huttons .2? 1 Spo ?! of Silk IO i-,-. I :.pool '* Twlsl ?"> cts. 1 Spool of thread .20. 2 Windi- bones .2<?. I Skirl Druid .In. Tt)tal. $20.10. This tho hnnsomosg of all Dress?s only ?17.50. il ( iurment com. Total. Tlii- ?pl? pinto fi J? M. ?KMRSOr COMMISSION MERCHANT, At: KNT PO It .'" - i ?TTON t.iv . IJ'EEDKHS nnd CONDENSERS, and LED'S ! Di PARED AORKCULTURAL DIME. Charj reduced lo .Mic. pur bale cotmnimioM? 2*"io. per bille storage. I ? i'll I I 'AS ii SDN A X ( . I 1H made on Cotton in Store. ? ATTI-: S id->N given to Weighing and biuHUj. ':- i .. und \\*nri lion io, !)o;t Reynolds St., Augustn, (Ju. v U. W. HENSON. ; . bwantaAd Saloon, ( Iver S.'?J Broad* Street, Aui?usta. Ga. r< uisisi i ti ju <.:' all the sn bntiui*Lii?i and 4*H ? . msl.v neal, thc bunt or ovdur kopt, amil li lillliil St ;il. .-lil .. ?li --dtf? !.. Si fyi m ?4 V ' ff?d&. Mt~? :?JL\~J.' jhsL^? By so doing you WILL SAVE MONEY BI I^uirolnELSing your Extrsiots; Jel lies, Preserves, <Sco., a.nd also Can dies, FruLits, OSToats anci Toys, from J- M, PHILPOT. 1 . . . . . ^i'.V/'iV// tv .V? .*,*.,,,-..*"-.' ?fj'vVv.- 'V .-"t. f<\#?t>v I have on linnd n Lol nf PT NE METALLIC, CEDAR, WALNUT t\nd ROSEWOOD BURIAL CASKS and CASKETS, also, a Lot of Cheon Collins from ?ft.OO upwards. ^SP" ll oars ? furnished ull ocC|t,slons nt small price, Ik D. HUNTER. 3rpeoial IrTotioe. All pri sons indebted to mc either by noto or account are oarnestly re-< quested to settle-by Jan. lat. 1880. My ImslnoMMKlkfet bo closed by that time. A11%liri fall to come and mnkc sntlsfactory arrangement? In Some way, will find their notes and accounts In tho hands of an office? for collection, S. IC TODD. Nov. ic, ?s.s.. to tm, r. Having located In tho FWwlor Building, over thc -tores i>f John 1^. Sheahan, for Du* purpose bf tali i Off PhottStfraphfl and Ferrcotypes, and also Copying and Enlarging, r am prepared lo nive you .satisfaction, baying J|ad ten ytvirs' experience. Call and ;;? t w shadow before tho substance mdo#. cit inn s taken on a cloudy as well ns a fair day, J. R. Ct LA ZEN ER.