The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, December 23, 1885, Image 1

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y ll? I jr M. .Wi ^ ititi* LAURENS C. H., S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If), 1885. NO. 3 uujB?TioN8 ron IAIUIISUN. Som.- Inquiries Suggested by tho Close of the Ytar. , (Southern Cultivator. ) Up to yio present month tho farmer han been looking forward. Tho con summation ot'lus phuis, tho final out come ?f his labor and toil, in tho simpo of colton hales and othor orops, have been tlio objective points before him. Now,, thosooeas?'to bc matters ofcx ncctfon and become mattera ol' fact. Wo hope his exj)battitlons have not bceii too large and his crops too small ; we truijt^tju?t'hfiviiiii s<nwn wisely, he ha? reajiffd IMintifully. Hut, however, well ho has done, no might have done butter; fanning has not reached per fection and a ret ro meet may he very useful. Let us go hack together and review (no year's work, booking at it now in the light ol' results, was your year's work well planned? lu' (ho Hist place wai the work undertaken proportionate to your means; did you attempt to do more than you could well manngu; did you attempt to do mole than von could well manage; did you have enough horse-power" to work to best ad yan tugo j did von tnako all thosubstitutiou possible of machines and horse-power in place ol' more costly human power; did you spread out the manure you liad over too many acres; did you buy fertilizers judiciously and economically; did you cultivate your land so as "to save il from waining, and is it in better condi tion how than it was a year ago; how is Hie balance-sheet between expense and receipts? Endeavor to answer these questions in H calm, candid spirit, laying aside all conceit and pride of opinion. Do not attribute to seasons what might have been prevented by foresight ami energy on your part. " lt is an old trick of farmers to explain all failures by laying them at the door of had seasons. Difficulties occur in every occupation ; i he successful man is lie who anticipates, provides for and over comes them. Hut to our quostions. Was your work well planned: did you "have fixed plans or did you just work along as woathor and circumstances suggest ed? To illustrate: There arc certain kinds of work which can be done on wet days and when tho ground is too wet to plow-going to mill, hauling manure, gathering litter, hauling wood making composts, Otc. Did you always look ahead and arrange, so that any of these, which of necessity ntUSl be done, wore done and out of tho way when tho time for plowing came? When the period for planting a crop drew nigh and preparation tor it could not bc deterred, did it. lind you willi composts in sacks or barrels already hauled out and distributed conveniently about tho fiolds to which they were applied? or were your teams stopped then to do hauling when every animal should have hoon hitched to a plow? Had you studied out carefully the best appliances and most expe dios method ol' putting out. composts, and was everything ready to do the work rapidly and well? If your land was rolling and thc rows had to he run ona level, as they always should be, had you established your linos of lev?la or guides, or had the plowueu some times lo wait tor you to run ono, and if the hurry was very great, were thc rows run by guess and therefore im perfectly; was the quantity ot compost to he applied to an acre decided on, and were there ony arrangements to guage il? A most excel ?cut plan is to make a memorandum in advance of all work ti? bo-doiu,*, adding thereto anything irria* may bo suggested hy dolly : uhttirvatfyn aud oxm-rioncO. Co i i's i i te f^f h rs ti*V carefully 'and ostab 1U?I thu. oidij,- iu atWJUitib thu. various items are lo be executed, and recast tho meinoraiidifin ) accord iii {fly*. 'Chis recasting Billilli pe dyne several times ill tho course ot a \ ear, as circum stance* ?hay unavoidably in tor foro and iiecenitalo chances. Was tho work undertaken propor tionate to your moans; did vou havo funds in hand (working capital) sufll cient to nay for All tho labor needed, all the Kiipjdio?-, till the fertilizers, and ali tho iiup!".iuciiU which could ho prolltiibly med, or did you havo to place yourself at the mercy of mer chants and dealers and obligate your self to pay fifty to one hundred per conti mor? for such things than they could bo had for cash? Do you think you CHU mako such ?argo percentages on money med in farming? It is doubtful I? thoro hoe boon au average of eight lier cent, mad? by farmers during tho last ten years. Scarcely any legitimate business pays moro than Unit. If von did not havo the necessa ry working capital lo cult?valo aa much as von (lld. iL would have been safer, it would have been better to have Undertaken less. What profit and pleasure is thoro in cultivating thirty or forty or Illly more additional acres, tho whole yield of which, and more too, must go to Mr. Merchant? As has boen tersely and aptly sahl, yon simply make yourself the merchant's overseer over" free Negroes, willi a guarantee that they shall make him so many bales ol' cotton. Had you not bettor save yourself tho worry and vexation of spirit ; had you not bettor let your lund test and recuperate? If inonov can ho hoi rowed at soven per cont.,'willi a reasonable piospect of making ten per cent, on its uso, one mi-'lit be justified In borrowing; but how is it when money is borrowed at fifty per cent., with a vory cortolu prospect of not making moro than eight or ton per cent, with it? Is it not pan-ilng strange that year after vearmon will moko such venturest Dabil and a blind, unreasonablo hope alono must load them to do lt. rhore havo been contraction and siirinkago in almost every business-lot farmers follow thc good exampln also. Lut down tho number of acres cultivated, especially In caso of crops that require much work; make up your mind to strike tho first blow at tho cotton field. It has made von tho slave ot the mer chant and placed you at the morey of the negro. Strike for Independence of both. Select tho best land yon have, ospoolally that which ls rich in humus, and concentrate upon a few aerea o. lt the labor of preparation ano the mannro you cr.u got and give the crop the moat thorough cultivation-aim for two bules to tho nero instead of I two acree to the bale. If you can | nmko it, tiiero will ho soine prollt ; thcro lr certainly Iittlo or none in tho oxton&ivo system you have followed for years past. TIIK AMKKICAN lll'DGKT. Intimates of tho Money Needed to Hun Our Government On? Yenr, Tho secretary of tho treasury has estimates of tho appropriations re quired tor thc fiscal year ending June 30, 1887. Tho total amount estimated as required for all the expenses of tho Government is $889,580,662, which is $16,678,108 moro than the sum called for in tho estimates submitted last year, and $5,820,710 moro than tho aggregate of thc appropriations for present fiscal year. Thc estimates for 188G were $828,911,894 and the appro priations for tho same year were $288, 762,842. The estimates for 1887 mo made up of thc following items: Leg islativo establishment $3,276, 828, cx ecuturo $18,491,311, judicial $108,300, foreign intercourse $1,704,901. military $26,680,495, naval $30,830,357, Indians $0,051,261), pensions $76,880.200, pub lic works $20,800,010, postal $7,448, 914, miscellaneous $24,195,951, per manent iiniuial appropriations $118, 1)10,955. The estimates given above, except the l?gislative, judicial foreign intercourse ami miscellaneous, arc for largor sums than those appropriated for uso during tho present fiscal year. Thc appropriations for pensions for tho present vcar amounted to $00,000, S47, for militare $24,849,607, naval 521,097,729, public works $8,920,829, postal service $0,211,58c. Tho differ Knees between thc estimates for thc executive establishment, for Indian illili rs, miscellaneous and permanent Appropriations and appropriations inado for tlie present year aro trifling. Among the. estimates under tho head jf public works arc the following: Dourt-house, Chattanooga, $100,000; ;ourt-house, Macon, <?a., $60,000; Hillsboro Inlet light station, Fla., 39,000; Norfolk navy yard, $983,809. TIIK ATLANTA WHISKEY SUIT. Fudge MiCiiy Decide* all tito l'oints In Knvor of tin- I*rohlbitlonl?tii. Last Thursday morning in the Uni ed States Court Judge McCay decided ,he contested election case growing jut of thc recent Prohibition election ii Fulton county. Ho had previously (ranted a temporary order restraining he ordinary from announcing tho 'osult of thc election which was in avor of prohibition. The Judge re used to continue the injunction, (le ading thc caso against tho liquor men >n every point. There is in tho bill adopted a pro vision that Georgia wines may he sold, mt as wines from other States were excluded, that portion of tho bill Judge UcCay decides to ho unconstitutional, md that no wines can bu sold. Judge Mnrxludl J. Clark, of Fulton bounty Superior Court, lias granted a emporary injunction to restrain Or linary Calhoun from announcing tho .esultof tho Prohibition election. Ho tot Monday last to hear argument on he question of inukiug tho injunction lerpetual. A DREADFUL ACCIDENT. ten Persona.Killed und Niuo Wounded on n Georgln lUiilrond. A fearful und fatal accident occur ed on thc (icorgia Pacific railroad ibo ut 11:30 o'clock on tho night of tho 14th inst. The accident occurred sev enteen miles from Atlanta at what is jailed the Seventeen Mile water tank. Ten persons were killed and niue tvounded. Tho accident wa? caused >y an East Tennessee train tclcscop 'ng tho Georgia Pacific train.' Tho East Toaacsseo trains havo thc right jf-way over tho Georgia Pacific track ts far as Austell. Tito Georgia Pacific )ulled out of thc depot on Um fatal flight at 10o'clock. At 10:45 tho East ronaosseo pulled out. Thc Georgia Pacific train stopped at the water tank ind while taking in water tim Eust reunes8co carno up behind and ran nm the rear ond of tho Georgia Pacific rain. Tho Houthern l oi ?nt i > Congress. Thc session of tho Southern Slates [forestry Congress at Dcfuniak, Fla., Iclcgates from Florida and tho neigh boring Southern States and from Northern Staten Interest in forestry, AS shown by tho largo delegation of rmc .dilutive men, has more than fulfilled tho expectations of Governor Perry, Patron of this first Southern Forestry Congress. An interesting rcoturo of the exercises was the plum ing and dedication of trees in a na tional circle to evory State and Terri tory in tho Union. In the circlo of of honor livooak trees wero dedicated, willi imposing coromonioB, to Oliver Wendell Holmes, Whittier, Paul I lay no, E. S. Jaffray, Harouess Bur tletto Coutts and II. fl. Clalin. Happy Thought in the Night. For yoara Mr. Jas. R. Ackley, of 103 West Fayotto streot, Baltimore, hud suffered with neuralgia so that ho could hardly sleep. But he writes, '.Ono night l was suffering very much and tho thought struck mo that Brown's Iron Bitters would do mo some good, mid " 'l imps eure me. It was a happy thoa j nt, and to my great joy it has nntirely cured mo after using two bot tles. Aftor ilnec. monshs I have had no return of tho symptoms. I cheer fully recommend it as tho best tonic I havo evor used." Nouri'gl* ?nffrrers, tako tho hint I * Tm; Senate has passed tho Presi dential succession bill aa reported by the committee of tho Renate. Mr. Hlbblo, of 8outh Carolina, lias Intro duued a bill in tho House providing for tho same contingencies by way of voting for a second Vlce-Prosldont who shall he voted forby the Electors, said vice-President to presido over the Senate in the absence of the first vice President -Celia Perryman, colored, and her two children, aged respectively 8 und 10 years, were brutally mordored by 8aro Wllfon, coloreo, at Laurens. Miss. Wilson fled, bat was captured and lynched. nst week, was ? ..?-m?W79 .. tm m-m^tt^amfttrwt? IfAJtjM TOPICS. , Tho "faftotloat ?r l!u ?lien* H-n" f.?r Ku perlor to Kn ?ff i.: 1'liTkrnv Vi? !..?:'i'.. Crop. How to TV.pirn Mi B-Tl for Growing; Ito*?v:-.r.xp.-?ni?i. Ailvl?p to OrnwvM ..: y i:i%? s ...-h. TMK HLSlNKSS ll KN. M. Ki LeWijN ? !? ..Fr?lich poultry breeder, has writ ton a work cotitlod "Lr* Poul" Practique,"-ibo practical or business hon. Thc elliot object of the bo'-k up pe ji rx ld bo io dissuade farmer? ami OttWrT, who ?Ko?p fowls for pi olid Iron) investing in tho fancy brooda ot chickens, especially those that originated ia foreign countries. Ho affirms that low breeds ot fowls arc profitable iu placea remoto (rom that whom they originated. Ho ?talos that the Houdans aro valuable, in tho department of Franco wintro tLoy have loni; been raised, tor tho reasons lhat tho incubator is thorn used for hatch ing oggs, and that there is a local de mand for ohiokotia that furnish very choice Heall. Tho Crevo Cours aro popular and valuable iu Normandy, cb lolly because lino grass ia plonty in that department of France. Taken to moat other parts ot' tho country, however, they soon loso their charac teristics and become of vory little value. The like, ho says, is true of tho Houdans, which havo gono to otiior countries uiit| boon welcomed by breeders on account of tho reputation they acquired in meir native home. Tho Dorking, which is tho favorite ta ble fowl in England, lie linns, dwin dles in Franc and becomes a vory in ferier bird. Fowls of either of thoso breeds begin to deteri?ralo as soon as they mo takon lo piucos having differ ent climatic conditions from that where they have buen long raised aud wheiv a peculiar pruOtioo is followed in brooding them. To keep up any o? thean breeds so that ti poi: I tnt) ml arc fit for exhibition it M necessary to renew tho blood by means of frosh importa tions ?very two or turee years. Ho states lhat tho Houdans aro essential pen fowls. '1 hey aro great caters ami ure wanting in ability or energy to se em o food for Ihotnaolve*. They aro of lillie value when thc incubator is not Used for halalling pulposus, and aro entirely unsuitable for thc ordinary farm. Tho author cf this work has no praise to spend ou tho Brahmas, Co chins, or J a panoso fowls. Ho admits that they aro very large, (hut tiley pro duce eggs in proportion to tho size of tho binls thal lay them, und thal they arc good senors and careful mothers. But lui remarks that when eggs aro sold by the do/.en. instead of by weight, there is no inducement for supplying tho market with those of very largo size. Ho thinks that incubators aro much choaner tuan hens for hatching eggs, and bullo VOS Ihul tho tim? will soon como when they will bo iu gen eral use in all countries where fowls aro kept. Tho flesh of all tho largo breeds of fowls is course and lacking in tlavor. lt ranks below good beef or prime mutton. Tho Langshan fowla, iu tho estimation of this writor, rank iar above tho Brahmas and Cochins. Spanish hens aro praised for produc ing many and largo oggs. It is ad mitted that most Spanish fowls are poor eating, and thai they aro not suited to countries having a vory cola climate. Tho Hamburgs aro spoken well of as layers, though thoir eggs aro so small that (ow liko to eat them from tho sholl. Tho fowls aro easily kept, however, and suited to tho farm, and furnish very good eating, especial ly when they are young. ^ M. Leroy recommouds farmers, to koop tb? common barndoor fowla, giv ing prcforonou lo thoso raised ; nour Where they are to bo Kept, i Ho ?;tated that they aro hardy, require little care, aud aro possessed of ability to pick up most of Hie food they require. They devour grass and oat large numbers of insects. '1 toy do not \s ait iq bu fed in tho luornh s. Liko tho (armor who owns thom, they are In the Held al most as soon as it is light. '1 'nev aro industrious birds and attend strictly to business. They take exorcise alter the manner of wild birds, and aro (ess liable to disoaso than facey fowls' of the fashionablo broods. The keeper of barndoor fowla should exercise judg ment in tho selection of birds to meed from. Ho should preserve for breed ing purposes only the best specimens. Their blood should bo occasionally ren ovated by a cross; tho best cross is with tho wild Bankiva cook. If that oan not bo obtained ho recommends the Indian game or largo English gamo cock. Theso birds iusuro hardiuosa and vitalitv, as well ns lino oggs and delicious lb' .h. Ho winds up his re marks by saying: "In tho pen and the 1 farm, for the oruolette and tho spit, there is but ono hon, and that the barndoor." _ POTATOES IN Tit K KA ST. Exhaustive reports to the Now En gland Homestead from seven hundrod corespondents ind?calo that tho potato crop of Now England and New York ia fully one-tim d below the average, and a trillo smaller than last year. The acreage is about tho samo as in 1884, when it was about 15 pur oent below a full average. Pigging will be (generally completed this week. Bugs lave not been aa destructive as uiutl, but the "scab", is overy yoar becoming more and moro prevalent, until (lils season a largo portion of tho crop il not smooth aud fair. Lalo "potatoes bavo rottod to a largo exlont in west ern and northern Vermont und ibo shipping counties of New York state. Wasniugtoii county, New York, which is ono of the greatest potato counties in tho country, ia ao aiHioted with roi that whole fields ar? now being plowed under, and nome largo growore will not have enough tubers for family uso. Tho yield in southern New England U generally light, especially in Connecti cut, where rot is reportad in lau patches, as well aa in western Massa chusetts. In eastern eeollona the crot. ls bettor, and Maine bas nearly an av oi ago yield, with not as much rot ?a \t oouio yearn. Tho great potato seetioni of Arooatook county ara turning om butter than last year. As we entei the provinces whero the crop last yeal waa almost an entire fal!uro, tba yield and quality steadily Increase, until th? shippiug sections of Nova Scotia ant ri meo Edward Island report 000 o? the best crops /or years. Th? coruplotion of tho big railroad brhlgo ncross tho St. Joint's river will greatly facilitate shipmen u to itiu Sluiv?, nud u line of boated freight-cur* will bo put ou for this tr.*Hi0 wu won us the Boston niur kots wib pay ii profit over freights und duty of 16 couts ])or bthtlief. Prices in tho province!) .ire HON? lo" to 20 cents par bushel lot- unassorted stock nt tito btaruh-uiilis. good, marketable moors coniuiuiiilnig /.'?) to 40 ec nt?, with gruw ors sciIIII;? Irooiy. LYiees in N?W En gland mut New Y"urn uro (iou 30 to 40 eotit?. in di.; shipping districts ??nd b> to 76 oems nt eu/-' mat kui?, which havo un upward loui.?ncy, bm tin; SUP pin* in thc province's may prevent a simrp advance. Farmers uvinoe a dis pusbiuii io hold, lt limy oe udVhfkbiu to hold good, ?nund polalooi tor ono or two mouin*, out utiies? mc rot con tinue* in nie tan? v?ry n gi. ? r'.uuK in Febrility a II? i Marea iiuxi ino not pto bu bte. A viml t|UiiUtiK ut piaulons ure being wonted on slitruh-milU. tho prodiiei ot which wal bu greater iban lor thieu \ cars p:.s.f. I'KKl'A Kl .\ ?. I OU KO KS. Tlio soii loi* roses?, writes tm Kilgin*!) florist, uiiuuid bo >>t lea?! I wo foot deep; liiroo feel would even bu bettor, espoci illy iu dry Mmsoii?. A lurg? umt excellent bed tor roaos I oueo saw nowie iu Ibo following ner: Toe a..lund soil was .-hallow, poor and light 'i iiIM was (?isl iru 11 ohed up, ibo good ?ou b'dug ?.upi on the top, thou twelve iuoihtt in depth ol soil from un old pa? lu iv wa? laid on that. This was obtained by running a plow ut intervals ot a lew lent turo u g li lue surface of n grass Hold, an t U:..i..iu^ away wltat tho plow turneil up. Dur ing ncxl suiumor tuo grags gre*** .inn filled up the furrows tnado by tho plow, and the pasture was nono tho worso for the hiss of thu narrow strips removed, lu course of tuno clay plac ed ou thc surf nco finds its wny to tho bottom of the moved soil, and it is very U8O?11I lhere in storing up mois ture. Indeed, ono inch or two indies of clay whore the subsoil is vory por ous placed at the bottom of rose-bods or borders would be a benefit rulhor than an evil, inasmuch as it checks tho too lapid doscuul ot walor. In ap plying el ny to the Burfuco a? a top dressing, it should be doue in winter and lett to pulverizo by exposure, so that it may afterward oasily mix and blend with tito soil. lu manuring rosos tbo character of tho soil should bo studied. For light, porous soils, that from tho cowliousu and piggors is tho host, stable manure being boiler adapt ed for heavy soils. Though roses like deop, heavy loams overlying clays, thoy will uot succoed well whore the clays como up near tho surface Clay is vory well when coverod with a good depth of loam, bul roses will not thrive successfully in heavy, cold clays, but oven this class of soils cull be fit ted for roses or anything clso if ono foes tho right way about matters, 'bo first thing to do ia to remove some of it now, and when partly dried re turn it, mixing ashes with it to breuk it up and adding plenty of manure; then plant before Christmas; KV. Kl* TUB CALV RS UKOWINO. We presume, at least we hope, that our advice to keep tbo hoifcr calves has boon takon by many, and that tho butcher will never again havo such an excellent opportunity to lind tho ma terial for voaL But lot it now be un derstood that if it is intended to make a good cow-or for that matter, a good steer-the calf must bo kept growing. .That rule ought to be ob served with reference to all young stock. And, perhaps, this is as good a place as any to tell what a corres pondent in ono of our most valued ex changes says in regard to raising calves without milk. Hu says he bas raised just tts lino calves a? can be raised by the method to be described. It is this: For three days be 'lets tho calf suck tue cow. Thon he takes it entirely away from the cow, and feeds upon hay toa and milk, beginning with ono-quarter of toa and tbroe-quartors of milk, footling it blood warm. Grad ually ho diminishes the milk, until the food is exclusively hay tea. He says that hay toa-the hay must be the best - is much better than grass, and that tho calf likes it much better. Mill stuffs may be added to the tea as the ealf seems to need it, but in small quantitios. A littlo first-rate hay is placed whero the calf can get at lt. and ho will soon learn to nibble at it The writer is enthusiastic over his plun, and certainly it is cheap, lt will Eay a great deal better to try it on a oiler oalf than it usually will to soil it to the butcher. West ern Bural. The Burgeon aa av P# jr c h ol og lat. My subject being the mechanism of tho will, it might be asked, "What has a surgeon to do with psychology f" To which 1 wonld answer ..Every thing. " For, without sheltering my self behind Mr. Jonathan Hutchinsons trite saying that "a surgeon should be a physician who knows now to use his hands." 1 would remind yon that pure scienco has proved so good a foster mother to surgery, that diseases of tho brain which wore formerly considered to be hopelos?, are now brought with in a measurable distance ot tho knife, and therefore a atop nearer toward oure. Again, 1 would romlnd you that surgeons rather than physicians seo tho experiments which so-called Na ture is always providing for ns-ex periments which, though horribly elnm sy, do on rare occasions, ns I shall presently show jon to-night, lend ns poworful aid in attempting to solve the most obscure problems evor pre sented to tba scientist.-- Vtctor Uar* ley in Popular Science Monthly for No? tx tn tar. Chief of Detective Bureau-You wish employment on the loteo, oh? How would you proceed in n doiioato inter view P Applicant -Oh, I'd skirmish adroitly for a while; thoo, when I hod succeed ed in arresting hi? attention. I would ti "That will do, slr. You can consid er yonrself engaged. Hang mo if I don't want a mau on my force who ean succeed iu arresting something or Qt\t9t."-i*tteul*lphia tull. NELSON'S HOTEL, (Formerly Central Llotol.) NO. 49 WEST PLAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, . - H. C, TI11S HOUSE has bison renovated and put In first-class coiiditlon, and is now jpen fur tho accommodation of travel. Situation cool and retired, and within two minutes' walk of tho malu business part at the city. Terms fel .50 and per Day, ACCORDING TO ROOM. W. M. NELNON, Proprietor. NovlDfxtf COLUMBIA Sc GREENVILLE lt. R. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On and after October 4th, 1885, Passenger Trains will run us here with indicated upon this road and its branches: DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS. No. 53-Up Passenger. Lv Columbia (C G D) ll 00 a in Ar Alston 12 00 a tn Ar Newberry 1 03 p m Ar Ninety-Six D 2 li) p m Kv Hodges 3 21 p m Kv Belton 4 27 p m Ar Greenville o Tal p m No. 62-Down Passenger. [JV Greenville 10 00 a m Kv Pelton 11 21 a ni Kv Hodges 12 ?54 p ni \r Ninety-Six 1 26 p m Ar Newberry :5 12 p m Ar Alston 4 12 p m Kv Columbia 5 16 p in SPARTANBURG, UNION AND CO LUMPIA. No. 63-Up Passenger. LiV Alston 12 05 p ni Ar Union 2 47 p m Kv Spart'g, S U Sc C depot 4 ?? p m Ar Spart'g, R & D Dep B 6 00 p m No. 52-Down Passenger. Lv Spart'g lt Sc D Dep II ll 06 a m Lv Spart'g S U & C Dep G ll 16 a m Kv Union 1 12 p m Ar Alston 4 05 p m LAURENS RAILROAD. Lv Helena 3 32 p m Kv Laurens G 30 a m Lv Laurens 8 Oo p m Kv Helena 11 00 a m ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Lv Hodges 3 45 p in \r Abbeville 4 45 p in Lv Abbeville ll 00 a m Kv Hodges 12 00 in li LUE RIDGE AND ANDERSON BRANCH. Lv Belton 4 32 p ni Ar Andeison 6 04 p m Ar Seneca City G 17 p in Ar Walhalla ' G 45 p in Lv Walhalla 8 30 a ni Kv Seneca City 8 60 a m Ar Anderson lo 27 a m Kr Belton ll 02 p in CONNECTIONS. A. Willi South Carolina Railroad to ind from Charleston; with Wiltning on, Columbia and Augusta Railroad 'rom Wilmington and all points north hereof; with Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta Railroad from Charlotte and di points north thereof. B. Willi Asheville and Spartunburg 'rom and for points in Western North karolina. C. Atlanta and Charlotte Division lt. Sc D. R. R. for Atlanta and points South and West. G. R. TALCOTT, Superintendent. M. SLAUGHTER, Gen. Pass. Agi. D. CARDWELL, A. G. Pass. Agt. MAGNOLIA PASSENGER ROUTE. ?. h. and s.. A. aud K., and P. R. and A. Railways. In F.I IV vt September 27, 1885. riMEOOtn MERIDIAN-ONE HOUR SLOWER THAN C. Sc. G. R. R. TIME. GOING SOUTH-DAILY. Lv Spartanburg 3 00 p tn 7 10 a in Lv Mooro 3 27 p ni 7 60 a in Lv Wood ru IT 3 48 p m 8 26 a m Lv Euoreo 4 04 p in 8 61 a ni Lv Ora 4 20 p ni ii loam Lv Laurens 4 38 p ni 0 4."> a m Lv High Point 4 59 p in 10 19 a m Lv Waterloo 6 10 p ni 10 86 a ni Lv Coronaca 5 30 p m 11 60 a m Ar Greenwood 5 50 j) ni ll 40 a in Lv Greenwood 6 50 a m 2 00 p ni Ar Augusta 0 u6 p m G 52 p iu Ar Atlanta 7 00 am GOING NOnTH-DAILY. Lv Atlanta 8 15 p tn Lv Augusta 7 45 am 8 10 a in Ar Greenwood ll 00 a m 1 25 p m Lv Greonwood 11 00 a m 2 00 p m Ar Coronaica 11 20 a ni 2 25 p m Ar Waterloo 1141am 2 65 p m Ar High Point 1163 am 3 ll p tn Ar Lau.ens 12 14 pm 3 40 pm Ar Ora 12 3G p m 4 10 p in Ar Enorco 12 52 p m 4 44 p in Ar Woodruff 1 Ol) p m 5 10 p in Ar Mooro 1 82 p ni 5 45 p m Ar Spartanburg 2 00 p ni G 25 p m PORT ROYAL AND AUGUSTA RAILWAY. GOING SOUTH-DAILY. Lv Augusta 11 30 a m 6 00 a in Ar Beaufort G 05 p m 6 25 p m Ar Port Royal G 20 p m ? 45 p m Ar Charleston 6 00 p m Ar Savannah 7 00 p m Ar Jacksonville 8 55 a m GOING NORTH-DAILY. LT Jacksonville 7 20 p m Lv Savannah 7 30 a m LT Charleston 7 36 a m LT Port Royal 8 10 a m 6 15 a m LT Beaufort 8 22 a m 6 SI a m Ar Augusta 2 00pm 5 20 pm Connections at Greenwood to and from points on Colombia and Green ville Railroad. At Spartanburg with Asheville Sc Spartanburg R. lt.. A. & C. Air-Line for points North. At Augusta with Georgia, South Carolina and Central Roads. Tickets on sale at Laurens to all points at through rates. Baggage checked to destination. K.T. CHARLTON, G. P. A. J. N. BASS, Supt., Augusta, Ga. BEST GOODS! LOWEST PRICES! AUGUST DORR, TAILOR, HATTER AND FURNISHER, Offer to the public nt large, the largest and handsomest stock of Cloths, Cassi mers, Montaignacs, Heavers, Worsteds, Meltons, etc., ever brought South. Thcso will be made up tuto Suits, Overcoats, Trousers and Vests, at Prices Unprecedented in this or any other market. Perfection in fit, and handsom est trimmings, ns well as Lowest of Prices shall bc our motto. Solo Agent for Dunlap, Knox, Youman's and other celebrated Hats. Also, a thoroughly comnlcte linc of Underwear, Neckwear, Suspenders, Col lars and Cuffs, Handkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and undoubtedly the cheapest und best stock of Shirts in the city. Thc best $1.00 Shirt in thc market. The choicest stock of Overcoats in thc market-our make. Wedding outfits a specialty, and satisfaction guaranteed. All of tile above arc offered to thc public, and th.' prices guaranteed. -A-XJO-XJisST IDOJHtR, Tailor, Hatter and Furnisher, 718 Broad Street. AT GOODYEAR'S CARRIAGE REPOSITORY, Can always bo found a full line of Medium and Cheaper Orados of OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, At lower price* than at any other hou-e this side of Cincinnati. This work is all made to order, ls lighter running and better finished than the class of work generally sold aB standard Vehicle?. Hut I have just received a full lino of Fino Family Carriages, Phaetons and Cabriolets ! Just recoived, another shipment of those Fi no Open and Top Budgies,mado upon special orders by tho best manufacturers North and East. Nothing ho ing used in tho construction of these Vehicles but tho best mtterials, and lu ?uulity, stylo and finish, are unequaled by any others now In tho market, n stock a full Uno of SADDLES AND HARNESS, All grades, which I will oder at lower prices than have ever before boen known In tho history of the business. Milburn, Studebaker and Standard Plantation Wagons, all sizes. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather, Calf Skins,Shoe Findings, Carriage and Wagon Materials, Harness Leather, Belt Lacing of superior quality, Dubber and Loather Belting. Also, a full lino of H ARDWARE, Guns, Shells, Powder, Shot, Table and rocket Cutlery, Plow Points for all makes, Nails, Ax % Does, Picks and Mattocks. Pitchforks, Shovels, Spades. Steelyards and Scale Beams. Grindstones, Bakes, Padlocks, Carpenters' Tools, Files, Hinges, Window Sash, D mrs and Blinds, Farm and Church Bells, which I am offering at lowe3t cash prices. A. ll. (?OODYEAII, AOKNT, (Successor to lt. IL May & Co.,) at tho Old Stand, opposite Georgia ltall road Bank, 704 Broad street. THEO. MARKWALTER, Steam, Ularbie & Granite Works, Manufacture all kinda of Home & Eastern Granite Monuments, 529 Broad St., Near Lower Market, AUGUSTA, OF.OBGIA. TI i KO H KA Pi* SP ?AUPETS IN GEO HOI A Stock Larger, Prices boiver than Pier Before? Carpets and House Furnishing Gxids, tho largest S'ook S null. Maqn ?'. V, -<- ? <?li, 3-Ply and Ingrain Carpets, Rugs. Mats and Crumb Cloth*, W1H'??M s . .* Wall Pap?rs>, Borders, Lace Cur^ae??, Cornices and Poles, Coona and Canton M . - tings, Upholstery, Chromos. CSyWrit? tor Ram pies ?nd prices, JAMES O, BAILIE & S 1N S Ag'ts . Mar. 17, 1885.-15 7M Broad S . Ain?usr>?. TH K LAURENS BAR. JOHN C. HASKELL, X. lt. DIAL, .Columbia, 8. C. Laurens, S. C. HASKELL & DIAL, A T T O It N E Y S AT LA W, LAURKNS C. II., S. C. Y0??E MONEY J. T. JOHNSON, SAVK ATTORNEY AT LAW, Ol 'PICK- Fleming's Corner, Northwest side of Public Square. LAURENS C. H., S. C. . . JTC.OAKLINGTON, By buying your Drugs and Medicines, Fine Colognes, Paper and Envelope-, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Memorandum Books. Faco Powders, LAUKKNS C. H., s.e. Tooth Powders, iltur Brushes, ?shav ing Brushes, Whisk Brushes, Blacking, Offlco over W. IL Garrett's Store. Brushes, Blacking, Toilet and Latin- - dry Si ips, Tea, Spice, Pepper, Ginger, w. BKNRT, K, P. M'GOWAN, Lamp and Lanterns, Cigars, Tobacco Abbeville. Laurens, and Snuff, Diamond Dyos, and other BENET ?!C Mci JOWAN articles too numerous to .... . .., * thc NEW DRUGSTORE. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Also, Pure Wines und Liquors, for LAURENS C. ir. s. C. medical purposes. No trouble to show goods. j. w. FERGUSON. (SKO. V. YOI'NO.,)si,Y & FERGUSON & YOUNG, Laurens C. H., S.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAUREN8 C. H., S. C. It. I?, TODD. W. II. MARTIN. TODD & MARTIN, A T T O It N E YS AT LA W, j LAUKKNS G. II., S. C. ? N. J. HOLMES. II. Y. SIMPSON. August 5, 1885. l ly HOLMES & SIMPSON, A T T O R N E Y S AT LA W, LAURENS O. H., s. e. Pelot & Cole, PHOTOGRAPHERS 628 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. Pictures made m any kind of weather by the Dr. W. H. BALL, DENTIST. OFFICE OVER WILKES' BOOK AND DRUG STORE. Oftlco days-Mondays and Tuosdays. LAURENS C. H., 8. C. CINCINNATI TYPE* FOUNDRY I -AND - Instantaneous Process. PRINTING MACHINE WORKS, Special attention given to copying and enlarging Photographs. 201 Vino Street, CINCINNATI, 0. Tho typo ?Bed on thin paper nra? fla* Uy *. a hove foundry .-Ko.