The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 16, 1885, Image 1

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y ll? I jr M. .Wi ^ ititi* LAURENS C. H., S. C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST If), 1885. NO. 3 Tho Homeless. lt ls col<l ?lurk midnight, vet liston Tot lint putterer tiny toot; lt IM onp of your On?T, lair Indy, V? ho whines In tim Monk. OOld Btroot? ll IH om- of your silken Spaniels, Shut out In tho snow and slcot; No-my nous Bloop wm in In tliolr bnskots, Snfo I rom tho darkness and snow: All tho boasts in mir Christian country Find pity iv hero vor they KO. rin KO HIM. only tho hpmofesa children, ? ho aro wanam lng v und fro. Look ouj In tho gUBty darkness, I have KOCH lt imnln utiil ngiiln: Tliiit Blmuaw ihut mt H BO slowly Up lt lld down punt tho window pune; li ls suroly soiuocriminal lurking ??ni there In tho frozon ruin. No-our criminals uro nil sheltered, They uro pitied, und taught, und fed: 'I hut ls only u virtuous girl, Who UtlSgol neither food nor bed And tho night cries, "slit to the living." Ami tho river cries, "hilt to tho dead." Look nt the furthest corner. Where tho wall Blanda blank and bare l'un that bo a puck which u peddler HUH loft and forgotten lberuV His (roods ly lair out unsholtorod, Will bo H]>ollt by the dump, nlifht air. No-gooda in our thrifty country Aro not loft to Ito mid grow rotten, *or each man knows tho market, vuluo Of silk, or woolen, or cotton; Mut lit counting our Holies und wealth 1 think our poor ute forgotten. Uer Boasts, mid our thieves, und our chattel! Huvc weigal lur (rood or for ill: lim tho Homeless aro only Ills imago Ills prcsoncc, ills word, lile will And so LasarUB Ilea nt our door stop. And Dives neglocta him still. Colleg^?W <>r Jo80,,,,? U,,ckwo" BltOKIDN 11 IC ADS Sf. ne. 14 Ju ?it lush OI?p n?nry Year* Airo. Ki ll IO AKTS. Forty "Docthor, darling!" "Docthor, Tm hore since mornin'!" "Ddothor, let ruo go, nr? tlio heavens bless you. I'm as wako ns a piece of wot papor." ..(dory to your soul, docthor, nsthore, nu' gi' mo something for tills throm bi in' I iuivo. 1 do ho tbrcniblin] al ways, like ?i straw upon tho water.'? "Docthor, I /?car a groat pain in my fool, slr. 1 dcelaro I erica" that bottle full lo-dtiy morning, with it." "Thru was a lino physio you ga' ruo last night, long lifo to your honor." "There isn't" a hit. I atc, docthor, this timo Bick, but what I got a COUOU't again' it tho minuto af thor." "Docthor, 1 can make no hand o' ny bend al ail, those days." "Oh, docthor, what'd I ?lo at ill willi theso ears o' minc? I'm partly deaf always, an' when over I do bo, 1 hear grout sounds an' noises, waves diishin again1 tho bank, and birds Whistlin1 an' -boo! an' candlesticks; ah when I'm deaf entirely, its thon I 1 hear ail tho bolls in Ireland ringin'in my ears." "Docthor, I lioyo a great express upn my heart." " That girl, sir, that you saw yos?r day OVomng was bad entirely afiler you goin'; Oh, she bogan scrocchia'in a manner, thal if the priest was al tho doors, you'd think lief wouldn't dwr tafeo her; tin' ovory bit of her so,lot, ' thrtt you'd imagine thc clothes wjuld light about her, an' her fuco tito wlolo timo as rod as if you throw tl bow. o' blood in it." "Docthor, a' ra gal! Docthor, lin'; Docthor, asta oro I Oh, maf hu! Ala grion chloe bu, Docthor lot mo go!" Such wi re a few of the cloquea 'tollCOS addressed hy tho I ll roi) dionis, without the rails, to 1 Jarvis, ono of the attending pity to U dispensary in a district of ll Accustomed to thc din, lie ron with an Undisturbed oountonanco big alternately into tho hagga_. lui blooming, pale, fair, yo tironui ane. itt laces tiiat were thrust through tho wootton rails, am iiig his sympathy. Two or thr disciples were hammering their mortttts in dillcrent oornersftom pounding, Iiko so many Cyclops tho thunderbolts, of this groat dispenser of health or of its opposite. Tlul^eno around him was ono which iniglptavo waked uneasy sympathies in tl of a novice. On ono side was man roaring aloud in tho ag tooth-drawing; on another, n v tho Hamo "queen of a' disons woefully, with hand to fa teraplaling thc torturo of thu ami ruminating over bis own aj ing sorrow; here lay a Strip] bandaged arm and cadavorou just recovering with a sigh fro of syncope which had been iniaed by tho operation of phlebotomy, ill there '..licit, with sleOVO up-turned Bsoulaplus, wounding, with lancet, tho blue vein in tho pi of a girl as fresh as a garlam' corner was an infant IquK plunging on its mother's 1 other tho leader of a facti fluid and head broken, over tho recollection of his groaning for tho priest. ll SQUllds of woo and hiiOori, thc ear of tho medical a moro meehan ?cul i linet, nm nod to proscribo with unmoved, ainiil tho twn pestles, tho squalling of c vociferations of tho old the moans of tho young, soj bonoath their hoods, call' order to his side, and alton wants in turn. At a door la tho railing an able-bodied man, whos to admit tho patients on soe that po moro should p and to provost thon? from thoir return. "Mary iMuleahy!" crio clan, rcadiug from a tick Just been handed in. ' to?r,,"j.i?ri" bodied man boforo monti it to ashuit hon, A rush tho mob of patients oof si woman was dune-Into* Horatius Cocelos, ho anger, and confronted tl tho broach nf which th? possessed themselves. Eave; hlnasoH up for a lo i saw tho countor-soarp stormed. But Jerry sto Ho thrust right and douched fists until ho so scamming and Jostling without tho door, wit of complaint tbaa tho, from homo. Aa tho Olf 'a tyoung tithless foot In ono X and in nn isonv bnting oil, and ll those saluted with a contin tenanco of iron on, tho cn, ami 'ait from each in r to their j placed illy it was / one, to it a tilde, ering on 'ho physi tvhich had orutohus tho ablo I) openod made by Tho old doctor's taggerod second .in Ids evaders in 1 ad almost physician an when s furiously s ground", with his ho crowd 1,0k again oro causo d brought /oman ra * ?.urned, Jorry, vexed al tho outrago of which sho had been tho inuueout oc casion, caught her by tho back of tho neck, and sent hor out at tho door, crutches and all, at a ralo moro rapid than she had traveled nineo sho was a young woman. Shu tumbled and foll among tho crowd, exclaiming, in a tom? between surprise and terror: "Oh, heaven forgive you your sins, ?ou oontbralry mau. Hero's usagot lore's thratcment!" Tho doctor proceeded. "What is tho matter with your head, my good man?" "? little dillerouoo I had, sir, with a naighbor, an' ho-" "Hroko itP" "No, sir; only ho hit up to mo about my brother that was thransportod for nigh I-walkin', an' out o' that-" "Ho broke your head?" "No, sir; only 1 retorted on him, in regard of his own tallier that was hanged for cow stoalin', an'-" "Ho broke your head?" "No, sir; only thou you seo ho mado up to mo and eali'ti mo a liar, un' with that I sthruck lum, and with that ho-f* "Broke your bond?" "131'OKO my hoad across." "Ayo thal s the point. Ono would think I was a justico of peace. What is it to mo what you fought about? Tho broken head is all I want." "Faix, then, 1 could spare it to your honor now, an welcome. ' ' "Hore, take that prescription to tho young gentleman in tho blue coat that's rolling the pills in tho corner. ..Well, my young girl, what's tho matter with you? Jorry, mind tho douri" A sudden roar from without proved that Jorry took tho hint. .* Tho young patient just addressed was a timid and pretty creature of six teen, who hesitated for a considerable time, and glanced shyly on each side, as if afraid of being overheard. Pity ing her embarrassment, and interested by her figure, tho doctor took hor into an inner room. "Wolli my dear," he said, in a kind tone, "What's tho maller? Come, don't be afraid of inc. I'm your friend, you know." And ho putted her on tho shoulders. Tho girl only sighod and looked down. "Well, my dear, wdiat havo you to tell mo?" "?Something that's como over me, sir. I'm in dread. " "How ls that?" "A groat pain 1 havo on my hoart, sir. Thero's a boy livia1 over, near tho Seven Churches, an I'm afeerd ho isn't actin' well." "How so?" "I don't know, sir. Hut over sinco I met him I feel quito altered somo way. I'm always lonesome, un' with a nain mostly at my hoart, an' what makes mo think 'tis ho that dono it to mo is, beoauso when I go to his moth er's an' 1 find bim at home, from that Illimit? thO pain leave ; mo, an' I fool nolbin' at all until I ccmo away again." "Oh, ho!" sahl the doctor, ' well, my dear, I'll order you Something] but how is it you suppose that this lad isn't acting well, as you say?" Tho girl lifted tho coruor of her cheek apron to hor eyes and began to cry a lit fie. "Como now, my dear, don't keep mo hero all day. I can't euro you if you won't toll, you know." "I duucod with bim of a night, sir," sho replied ir* a timid voico and with a trembling lip, "an' when ho wan sittin' next to ino ho gavo mo an applo, an' they tell mo now that-" lloro sho lifted her apron to her oyos and eriod a-frcsh. "Well, woll," ff?lid tho doctor, sooth inglv, "what thou? Don't bo afraid of ?MC. ?j "Thoy told me ho put somothing in tho apple, slr, to -te-mako a foo' of a person." And, so saying, sho hung her hoad, and drew tho hood of her cloak around bur faco. "Pooh! pooh!" said tho doctor, "is that all? Thou you might bo ipiito at peace. Xs this boy comfortable? " 'Tis Harry Lonigan, sir, that keeps tho Latin school near tho Soven Chut?n os, an' holds Iiis placo from Mr. Darn er, of G lendearg. "And havo you any fortuno your self, my dear?" "Fifteen pounds, my undo loft mc, sir."* "Avery nico Hiing. Woll, my dear, tako ono of tlioso pills ovory second night; and I would adviso you gonor ally, sinco you find it rolicvesyour pain so much, to get into company with Harry, to bo noar him us-much as you can con von ion tly j and como to mo again whon thoso pills aro out. Ii Harry should call at your bouso any limo betweon this nnd Shrovetido, I would advise you not to bo out of tho way. Do you hoar?" , "Ido, sir. Long lifo to your honor." "Hut, above all things, "bo sure you tako tho pills." Tho girl promised to bo careful, dropped a courtesy, and, hoaviug a gontlo sigh, dopartod. A, loud knocking at tho door now startled tho physician. "You'ro wanttn' ovor, slr, in all haste," criod tho harsh and stormy voico of Jorry Duhig, "horo's Aaron Shepherd como to call you to soo Mrs. Willie niling, that's taken suddenly ill." This startling an non ncc mont occa sioned ali installtnneoii'. bustle. Thc doctor's horse was ordered to tho door, and ho burriod out of tho house, lea / ing tho crowd of patients storming at Jorry, and Jorry roaring at thom ilk? Dante's Ccrborus, ? ? WlH?, tlllinUt). lUff, Bl ll DH Tho Aplrln*. thru thoy for detifnoM #hih lr vain. -From (Jerald Oriffiiia Uivals. - Victor Hugo's long momory spanned tho sovonly yoars botwoon Watorloc and tho prosont; and ho had ol road j won somo reputation as a rising litera ry light before Lord Byron sat out oi his last journey to (Greece, whore, tn stoacl of fighting with tho Greoks ii thoir war for liberation, ho dlod aftei a short Illness nt Missolonghl In 1824 Whon we think ot Hugo as almost t contemporary of Shelly and Keats who seem as far beyond us aa th Quoon Anne worthies, wo real I BO bot! tho extent of his careos: and tho c'-aa ge? which he witnessed. ltCCCIICK AND TALMAGK A Wicked Nownpnprr Man on tho Thun dorara of llrooklyn. Whllo Beoohor is thinking away [Q Plymoutli church Talniago is not hilo in tho Tabornacle. As tho boys say, "Talniago is a corker." Ho draws a ranch largor crowd than Beecher, but it is a different crowd. It is tho crowd without brains, tho crowd that likes to bo amused aud linds Talniago a choap mau to amuso thom. Ho is sensational and so is Bcochor, but they do not OOH* llict. Boochor's sensationalism con sists in presenting startling facts about odueation, or roligiou, or politics. Talmage's sensationalism consists in a monkey-show, girating on tho plat form bko a clown, and by raking up old and disputed topics for discussion, and in reopening old sores. Tho cornotist who loads tho kinging holps to attract tho crowd, and Talniago kuows tho chords of tho human heart, for ho plays on thom unceasingly. Ho docs not seek to oducatu in religious matters. Ho solects a text, and around that ho weaves agarlaudof words, and hero and thcro ho intersperses old anec dotes and stories that sometime cause a smilo or a tear. Beecher does nono of this. Ho is above it, and thcro aro somo things that ho will not plungo boldly into. Talniago will undertako anything for notoriety. Ho would write a Biblo if ho wero asked to. Doth Hocchor and Talniago havo had their tussles with Dob Ingersoll, but haven't you noticed that Beecher has not had much to *say against Royal Bob latoly? Talmage, however, seldom misses a chanco to hit tho great orator. His blow is a blow of a sandbag, though. Ho doesn't sharpen adoliealo stilotto and stick it into his opponont's heai t as Beecher doos. Talmage ex hausts himself at ono swoop and thou Ingersoll jumps on him, and if ono mau over gave another a drubbing on tho platform Ingersoll certainly did Tal mage. A few years ago Ingersoll wrote a paper on "The Christian Religion" that was published in the North Amer can Review. It was a very aldo articlo and attracted great attention. It was nothing moro than tho old views that Ingersoll had so often expressed in public, but each sentence was ollectivo, and having boon published in KO prom inent a magazine they were given moro Weight than they really deserved. Thorndyko Rice, editor of thc lie view, had engaged Judge Joro Black, of Pennsylvania, to reply to tho article. Black had given tho subject much thought and study. Ho was tho ablest constitutional lawyer in tho country. Ho was a splendid speaker, a mai: of rare attainments, a clear logician, ho was just tho man to reply to Ingersoll, and lo smash into atoms tho indict ment that Ingersoll had drawn up. The church pooplo seemed confident. They believed their knight would slay the infidel. Well, tho articlo was published, and candor compels the admission it was a lamentable failure. Black seemed to have lost his grip but ho severely denounced Ingersoll as a charlatan, and in a gonoral way scoffed at his unbelief. To this Ingersoll replied, and Black admitted that for once he bad been worsted. Tho groat infidel didn't spare his mau. He took oil' ' air and hide al tho same time, and left his vic tim without a word to say. lt was at this juncture that Uooohor carno to the front, and ibis wiil establish Ibo point that I have made, that Ibero aro somo contracts too big for him to enter into. Editor Bice calb il on Beecher. "liaio you read thu discussion be tween Col. Ingersoll and Judgo Black ?" ho asked him. "Yes, very carefully," was Beecher's reply. "Which do you think has the best of it?" "Iiigersoll, decidedly." "Bul thc argument is not finishod, Mr. Beecher, and I came to ask you to tako up tho case against Ingersoll and refute his statements." "I should bko to very nundi." "Then why not do it? ? will gi v i you $6,000 for a paper on "Tho Chris tian Religion' that will dispose of tho atheistic question nt onco and for ever. " "Yes, I guess you would," concluded Beecher, "but I won't undortako it. I can't do it. No man can dc it. It is an impossibility. Wo may bolievo that Ingersoll is wrong, but wo can't givo positive proof of it." That was manly anyhow.--ACM; York Cor. in Providence Telegram. How to Make Incandescent Lamps. "Tho way that incandescent lamps aro mado'is very siniplo," an electri cian said yesterday. "Thoro aro dilYer cnt ways of preparing tho lilamenls, which aro shaped, carbonized, and treated at a while heat. They aro thou placed Lu platinum holders, which nro imbedded in glass, and next go into tho hand-of tho glass-blower. Tho glass bulbs havo round openings nt tho Bottoms and littlo tubes at tlio tops. Tho glass-i lowor places filaments in oaoh bulb ot tho bottom, and wolds tho glass about tho platinum holdors to ?:'d gc s of tho opening. Thon tho air is drawn from tho bulbs. "Tho open end of tho big tubo is at tached to an air-pump, which has forty pounds of moroury nt Its top. As Ibo mei vu rv drops it carries all tho - air with it, and vacuums aro created in tho bulbs. Tho operator thou takes a Bunsen burner and directs 1rs darno against tho little tubes eloso to tho bulbs. This closes tho bulbs, which aro tie n romovod from tho big tubo. Tho glass-blower linishcs thom otf. Tho exhausting o? tho air from so many lamps at onco makes tho cost small. The bulbs can bo mado by any ordi nary glass-blowers, but it rcquiros a man of lutolligonco lo mako tho li la men ts."-New York Htm. To show what a girl can do, lt ls ro latod that a Miss Taylor, who wont to Wahpoton tbroo years ago, took a pre emption and had an olTor of marrlago tho first year. Tho second year sbo took a bomostoad-eud a troe claim and had four offors to "lino" farms. Sho now has a section of land, twonty-sevon cows, and innumerable calves, and bi ready to consider offers to marry Recreation fbr WIVOR anil House Icoopoi?. How many womoii wo soo ?lay after day who soon] to havo no ohjcot in lifo; who go alunit ihojr household duties in a meehan ion I sort of way, M m nui. as lo?say, I have so much l<> do and must got il dtine, and push llu'oii -lt in ns quiek u manuel' as possible. Now there is something radically wrong with such a woman. 1 know that doing tim sanio thing over and over, day after day, is apt to boeomo very monotonous, un less tho mind is divorto I onto in a while by other things. A walk, a fido, a night spout at some place of amuse ment, or In social pleasure will freshen tho jaded faculties wonderfully, ami you will return to your pois ami pans with new /.est. Anything rather than being enclosed within a lew rooms, no matter how pleasant they may bo. All women know bow wearing Ibo duties of wife and mothpr ?re, and unless some rest, some inversi?n i- tal.en once in a while, tho inoussanl labor and worry will soon break her down. And ?ct I havo hoard wo, . i who have argo families and no n ie lo help them say, that sometimos lwo or three weeks elapse before they go out. Now this is not right. Ululer su h Ire it mon I a woman, no matter bow < V et .. inpor ed she may havo bee.., u iii hcooiUO morbid and fretful. The bu-hand does not like to see her tims, and unless ho is very far seeing, will attribute it to sulkiness. Whenever your wifo is looking, as you think, sulky, proposo a walk, or a street eur lido, and tako tho children alon ', if you can't do any hotter. Or biro some trusty person to como in and take care ol ibo lillie ono for an cveuing, and lake ber out, and you will seo how she will brighten up, and tho effect of that evening's pleas ure will last SOino Men who aro out every day do not reali/.o how te dious it is for a liborly-loving woman to stay at home, or how great an un dertaking it is to go out willi three or four babies. Husbands, as a rule, aro not hard-hearted; they do not seo that mother is p iling for fresh air and amusement; that tho drudgory of OVOry-day lifo is wearing her out; that the caro and worry of tho little ones is nearly turning her brain. If thoy fully realized il they would spond a littlo moro money for that same trusty per son mentioned above, and at least oncoaweek, thc partner of their joys and sorrows should havo a real good Limo, something like she used to havo ivhen they wore ll rat married and with out care. Tho need of recreation Can not bo too highly valued by both moth ers and fathers. Tho wife will tako moro interest in her household labors, ind tho husband will seo a more healt hful face when lie comes homo at night. Change is rest, and ono will soon become tired of lifo if there is no break in tho monotony of every day work. A Dreadful 1.1 under. Speaking of bustles, says Clara Hello, 1 went to church last Sunday with just tile most sensitively devout girl that breathes tho air of this sphere, whence sllO will arise to the azures and ['dights of heaven. She is truly fash ionable, too, and her summer costume was a droam of bounty. She ought to liavo boen Bpi ri tu a ly composed and re ligiously happy, but i plainly saw, as I watched lier through tho service, that die was ill at ease. "What's tho matter, doer?" I whis pered. "i can't imagine," she sadly replied; "but somehow or other I am getting ne c insolation out of tho exercises. T ic i'octor is as enchanting as over, tho Wcathor is perfect, my own religious BXporionOO was comforting, up to tho time 1 sat down in this pew. I am positively miserable in my mind. Somo occult I ntl Un n co is at work, I'm suro." After wo got homo and were disrob ing to dross anew for dinner, a sudden exclamation from my friend arrestad my utleulioiM "Clara, obi Chiral" she cried, "i'vo ?solved the mystery. Look here," and BIIO whipped out a copy of tho I'olicc Gazette from her bustle. "That's some brother Jack's horrid litoraturo. How blind 1 must' have bOOJll I nm so care ful always, pretty nearly, to soled tho Christian union to put into my bustle when 1 am going to chUroll. Thun I seem, somehow, to get an case of soul from tho .services that is due, in somo dogroe, to what I am sitting on. Hut to rest on a Police Uazcitcl No wonder tho religio;:, exorciso? went for worso than" Congressmen and Gontlonion, A good and perhaps true story is old of Hob Ingersoll and Secretary Lamar. Hob called ut tho Interior Department and asked to soo tho Sec retary. "Do Sco'tary is occupied, sah, with numbers and Sonatnhs only. Won't ice nobody olso now, sub," said tho jolored messenger at thc door. Hob waitod a momont, with his hands n his pockets. Then ho pulled out mlf a dollar and dropped il into tho janitor's hand, utter giving a few whis pered instructions. A momont hitor tho mcssongor walkod into tho Secrc Lary's roc?n, whoro a largo number of jnnntors wore assoinbloib and address ed tho Secretary: "Mr. Soc'tary, Mr. Hob Ingersoll am it du doab, l?o snys bo understands [hat dis am do tiuio when you won't mo any but members and Sonatahs, an' ho wants to know when you re solve ; ( lit leinen I. " "Show tho Colonol in," said tho Soc retarj*.-^ Washington Ular. An old logond of Sb Louis isrovived, which says that tho ground on which tho Southern Hotol was built was cursed by a poor and agod French wo man, wno was dispossessed of hor hum?le home, which stood on Its sito, by tho olly's march of progress, far back In tho early days of tho settle ment. St. Louis is cobwebbed with traditions and old logonds, and thoro seems in this oaso a eui hms fulfil I men t of tllO I i adit ional curse. 'I bero is a theory that tho magnotlo fluid that per vades ovorything ls affected by a foul wrong done, and that a repetition in tho sam ; placo is more probable, but all such airy sp?culations may well bo loft to the llo'd occultism.-Boston Traveler, BUFFALO AS A KAILltOAD OKNTKR All through thu summer tho harbor ia full of life-tugs dart hitliorfmid you, lako vossels, big and little, reccivo thoir cargoes, hugo steamers uud pro pellers tako on passengers or freight for tho upper lakes, wliilo uunuorous ploasure-yachts, named forsea-nyiuphs and dryads, steam toward tho Inter national bridge, which opens in tho center willi massive swing, and per mits them to pass through on thoir way "down tho river." Finally, and most important, stretching in all directions, aro tho iron rails over which tho coni nioreo of tho groat Wost roachos tho Eastern soaboard. To win the heart of tins uucou city to-day you must court her fn tho rolo of a railway king. You must como as tho projector of a new trunk lino, pre pared to lay your millions at her ieot 1 iu return for a sito from which to throw auothor girdle around tho city, and with thousands moro to invest for a commanding lot on Delaware Avenue, "Tho Circle," or fronting one of tho many park approaches, whereupon to erect a palace of Medina sandstone, or a cypress- shingled villa rivaling those of Newport or the famous Jorusalom Hoad. Never was tho Importal position of Buffalo appreciated as now, whoo, all signs point to tho realization of tho prophecy that sho is destined to sit "liko a commercial Constantinople stretching aloug tho Bosporus of tho broad Niagara, and holding tho koys of tho Dardanelles that shall open and shut tho gates of trado for tho regions cast and west." A study of tho globo will show why, from tho foundor of tho city ia 1797down to tho latest railway manager of 1886, cager to obtain an approach to tho International Bridge, already inadequate to tho demands of traillo and mootiug tho revival of tho old schemo of tunneling under thc Ni agara, every sagacious person has predicted a great commorcial futuro for tho Qucon City of tho ompiro State. With tho completion of tho Northern Pacific Railroad tho wholo world will pay lier tributo. Not only will tho products of tho inimenso wheat fields of tho Ked River, tho coal, oil, and iron of Pennsylvania, tho lumber of Michi gan and tho Southern States, tho ores of Lako Superior, and tho livo stock ot tho great western prairies pass through her gates, but tho conirucrco of Asia with the Atlantic States, with England, and tho Continent. lu tho yoar off Buffalo's incorpora tion, 1832, when thoro wcro hut ono hundred miles of rail in tho United States, was granted tho first permit to nut a railroad through Erio county. Now, without tho repetition of a rod, over niuo thousand miles of travol aro possible on tho lines confering at Buf falo alono, as tho starting point or tor minus of twenty different railway lines. No city, save ono, owes so much to railroads as does Buffalo. Her tormin al facilities aro unoqualed, and her transfer yards at East Buffalo aro tho largest in tho world, with tho outlying country encompassed for miles about by a net-work of tracks, approach ing closer and closer os they near tho city, and extending around tho harbor-side to pour their freight of coal, salt, and petroleum in to the lake vessels in return for a car go of grain, Hour, lumber, iron, and copper ore. Commercial B?llalo is like a portly and self-satisfied spider, supreme in the center of her wob. Tho business mau has his ohoico among six different routes to Now York city. The New York Central and Hudson Uiver; tho New York, Lake Eric, and Western; the New York, Wost Shore, and B?llalo; li:u Delaware. Lack wail hu, and Western; the Lehigh Valley; and tho Buffalo di vision ot the Buffalo, New York, and Philadelphia-all load east amid tho beautiful scenery ol' the interior of tbo Slate. Stretching away in an opposito direction toward tho western prairies arc tho Lako Shoro and Michigan Southern, tho Michigan Central, thu Glrngd Trunk of Canada, tho Groat Western division, and the New York, Chicago, and St. Louis, or "Nickel {dato." Tho romalnlng niuo roads aro ocal lines. Among the most impor tant of thoso is tho B?llalo Crook Rail way, a belt freight line four milos in length, extending down on either sido of tho ship canal. Every railroad en tering tho city has connection with this, and by tho terms of tho city's grant its rates are uniform to all, thus placing tho railroads on equal terms. Within tho oily limits railroad cor porations own 2,74(J acres, or moro than four square miles of territory. There are 486 miles of standard guago track-more milos of rail than aro con tained in any other city on tho globe. Within thc cornorato boundaries of Iiis own town thu Bullalonian could enjoy a railroad journey cciual to a trip to Now York over tho Lackawanna, with twouty-six milos to spare.-Jane M. Welch in ITarper'i Magazine for July. -- m . mm A Doo tor's Hint to Working-Men When you havo heavy work to do do not tako oithor boer, cider, oi spirits. By far tho best drink is tliii oat meal and wator, with a little sugar Tho proportion?, aro a quarter of i pound of oat meal to two or throi quarts of water, according to tho boa of tho day an^ your work and thirst; i should bo wuil boilod, and thon ai ouueo or an ounco and a half of browi sugar added. If you lind it tbtoko than you like, add throo quarts of wa tor. Boforo you drink it, shake up tin oatmoal well through tho liquid. Ii so m mer drink this cold; in wintor hot You will find it not only quonche thirst, but will givo you moro strengt! and onduranco than any other drink li you cannot boil it, you can take littlo oatmoal mixed with cold walo and sugar, but this is not so good; n! ways boil it if you can. It nt any tim i-ou havo to mako a vory long day, ti n Imrvost, and cannot stop Tor moult inei ea io tho oat meal to half a potint or ovon throo-quartcrs, and Ibo watc to throo quarts if you aro likoly to I rory thirsty. For quenching thirst, itv things are better than woak coffee an a 1P.U0 sugar. Ono ounco of coffee an half an ounoe ol sugar boilod in tw auart? of wator and cooled is a vei iii .ii-quenching drink. Cold toa hi tho samo offoct, but neithor is so so porting as oat moah -j- <s-^-mmmm***mimmmmm^m Penitent. Twonty-aix years ago a young dork in tho city of Now York stolo a pockot dictionary from tho law oiiico in which ho was oinployod, and, soon aftor, thirty-fivo dollars in money from other employors in tho saino city. Ile ro movod to China, whore as lt appears, ho lived virtuously, and bocaruo a pros perous man. Ho is still a rosidont of Shanghai. A few months ago ho lost a prayer book, which was roturned to him by a Catholic priest, to whom tho theft had boon confessed. At iirst, indignant at tho injury done him, ho donianded tho txposuro and punishment of the thief. Dut tho recollection of his own similar transgressions long ago o anio to him with such forco that his anger was swallowed up in contrition, ana ho de termined to mako a similar restitution. Ho wroto a letter iu tho Now York Herald, confessing his thofts, enclosing tho stolen dictionary and monoy, ana requested tho editor to forward tho samo to their owners, or in caso they could not bo found, to give the mouoy to a charitable institution. Tho proprietor of tho book had been dead for many years, hut tho rightful owner of tho money, ouco a prosperous New York merchant is now a toDacco plantor in North Carolina, and so poor that tho stolon money is roallj an im fortant addition to his yoar's rovouuo, t hns boen sent to him. A remarkablo circumstance is, that tho contrito man gave to tho Herald his full namo and address, and in montion ing his crime, ho did not call it by any lino name, or attempt any excuse Ho says in plain English that ho "stolo" tho book and "pilforod" tho money. Ho is a wiso man. Ho has won back a portion of a lost treasure, most pro cious, his solf-rospect! Moro than this, whilo it was not necossary that ho should havo given Iiis namo to tho pub lic, ho has mudo such restitution as lay iu his power for tho wrong ho had dono. Brond-l<'aced lien. However dull un Irishman's ear may bc, iiis imagination is always lively, a fact which thia amusing anecdote illus trates: A rather stout Irishman was walking slowly through thc markot one morning witli a haskel on hi? arm. On coining to a stall wheio a large owl was perched upon :\ bar, he stopped. After inspecting it for a few minutes will? a troublod expression on his coun tenance, his face lighted up, and with ? a patronizing air he inquired: "How much do you want for your broad-faced hon?" With a very audiblo grin tho pro prietor ropliod, "That's no lien; it's an owl " "1 dou't care howould it is; it's good onough for tho bourdthors, and it will make soup. "TII^^IJRENS^BAR" JOHN C. HASKELL, N. ?. DIAL, Columbia, S. C. Laurens, S. C. HASKELL & THAL, ATTOKNHYS AT LAW, LAURRN8 C. H., S. 0. J. T. JOHNSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFFICE-Fleming's Corner, Northwest side of Public Square. LAURENS C. IL, S. C. ~j7c. OAKLINGTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LAURENS C. H., 8. t:. Of?lco over W. IL Garrett's Store. \v. c. BENET, F. r. M'OOWAN. Abbeville. Laurens. HEN KT & MCGOWAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS C. II., S. 0. J. YV. FERGUSON. UEO. F. YOUNO. FERGUSON & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS C. H., S. C. R. P. TODD. W. II. MARTIN. TODD & MARTIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, LAURENS 0. H., S. 0. N. J. HOLMES. II. Y. SIMPSON. HOLMES & SIMPSON, A T TORNEYS AT LA AV, LAURENS 0. H., 8. C. SAVE YOUR MONEY Hy buying your Drugs and Medicines, Fine Colognes, Paper mid Envelope*, Memorandum Books, Face Powders, Tooth Powders, Hair ?rushes, Shav ing Brushes, Whisk Brushes, Blacking Brushes, blacking, Toilot and Laun dry Soaps, Tea, Spice, Popper, Ginger, Lamps and Lanterns, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Diamond Dyes, and other articlos too numerous to mention, at tho NEW DRUG STORE. Also, Puro Wines nnd Liquors, for medical purposes. No troublo to show goods* Respectfully, B. F. POSEY & BRO., Laurens 0. H., S. C. t August 6, 168?. I ly COLUMBIA &? GREENVILLE R. lt. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. On and alter July 19th. 188?, Passen ger Trains will run as herewith indi cated upon thin Road and its brandies: DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAYS. No. 53-Up Passenger. S C Junction A 10 30 a m Columbia (O GD) 10 65 a m Ar Alston ll 55 a m Ar Newberry 12 68 p m Ar Ninety-Six D 2 14 p m Ar Hodges 3 16 p ni Ar Belton 4 24 p m Ar Greenville 6 45 pm No. 52-Down Passenger. Lv Greenville 10 00 a m Ar Belton 1121am Ar Hodges 12 31 p m Ar Ninety-Six 1 23 p m Ar Newberry 3 08 p m Ar Alston 4 10 p m Ar Columbia 6 15 p m SPARTANBURG, UNION AND CO LUMBIA. No. 53-Up Passenger. Lv Alston ll 58 a m Ar Union 1 69 p m Ar Spart'g, S U & C depot 3 27 p m Ar Spart'g, R Ss D Dop B 3 37 p rn No. 62-Down Passenger. Lv Spart'g R & D Dcp II 12 05 p m Lv Spart'g S U & C Dcp G 12 ll p ra Ar Union 1 48 p ra Ar Alston 4 05 p m LAURENS RAILROAD. No. 3-Up Passenger. Lv Newberry 3 15 p m Ar Goldvillo 4 15 p ra Ar Clinton 6 10 p ra Ar Laurens 6 00 p ra No. 4-Down Passenger. Lv Laurens 9 10 a ra Ar Clinton 9 65 a m Ar Newberry 12 00 m ABBEVILLE BRANCH. Lv Hodges 8 20 p ra Ar Abbeville 4 20 p m Lv Abbeville ll 25 a ra Ar Hodges 12 25 p m BLUE RIDGE AND ANDERSON BRANCH. Lv Belton 4 28 p ra Ar Andcison 5 01 p m Ar Seneca City 6 16 p ra Ar Walhalla 6 45 p m Lv Walhalla 8 50 p in Ar Belton ll 02 p ra Trains run solid between Columbia and Uondersonvillo. CONNECTIONS. A Seneca with R. & D. R. R. for Atlanta. A. With Atlanta Coast Liuo and South Carolina Railway, from aud to Charleston. With Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta from Wilmington and all points North. With Charlotte, Columbia and Au gusta from Charlottee and all points North. B. With Asheville and Sp: i an burg from and for points in Western North Carolina. C. Atlanta and Charlotte Division R. & D. R. R. for Atlanta and points South and West. G. R. TALCOTT, Superintendent. M. SLAUGHTER, Gen. Pass. Agt. D. CARDWELL, A. G. Pass. Agt. MAGNOLIA PASSENGER ROUTE. Gr. L. and S., A. and K., and P. R. and A. Railways. BLUE TIME-GOING SOUTH. Lv Woodruff ?7 60 a m Lv Enorcc 8 22 a m Lv Ora 8 52 a m Lv Laurens 9 82 a m Lv High Point 10 10 a m Lv Waterloo 10 UTm Lv Coronaca ll 07 a m Ar Greenwood *11 35 a ra Lv (J reen wood 5 50 a m 2 00 p m Ar Augusta 10 25 a in 7 00 p m Lv Augusta ?IO 50 a m *10 00 p m Ar Atlauta 6 40 p m 7 00 a m Lv Augusta *11 20 a m Ar Chalcsaton 6 00 p ra Ar Beaufort 6 05 p m Ar Port Royal 6 20 p m Ar Savannah 7 00 p ra Ar Jacksonville 6 15 a ra GOING NORTH Lv Jacksonville *8 50 p m Lv Savannah 6 55 a ra Lv Char leeton 7 t)0 a m Lv Port Royal 7 35 a m Lv Beaufort 7 47 a m Ar Augusta 1 55 p ra Lv Atlanta 48 20 p m Ar Augusta 6 10 a m Lv Augusta *2 30 a ra *5 15 p ra Ar Greenwood 7 00 p m ll 40 a m Lv Greenwood 2 00 p m Ar Coronaca 2 28 p m Ar Waterloo 3 01 p in Ar High Point 3 23 p m Ar Laurens 4 03 p ra Ar Ora 4 43 p in Ar Enorco 6 13 p ra Ar Woodruff 5 45 p ra .Daily. Connections made at Green wood to and from points on Columbia and Greenville Railroad. Tickets on salo at Laurens to all points at through rates. Baggage checked to destination. E.T. CHARLTON, G. P. A. J. N. BASS, Supt., Augusta, Ga. Dr. W. H. BAXiIa, DENTIftT. OFFICE OVER WILKES' BOOK AND DRUG STORE. Office days--Mondays and Tuesdays. LAU ?{ENS C. H., 8.C. - CINCINNATI TYPE* FOUNDRY -ANO - PRINTING MACHINE WORKS, 201 Via? Strttt, CINCINNATI, 0. ? The typo u?*d on u?* paper wa? ?M? by I ?bOYO foundry,-BP.