The Laurens advertiser. (Laurens, S.C.) 1885-1973, September 02, 1885, Image 3

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laurens #flv?rtrs?r, LAUHKNM, S. C. SEPT. 2d, 1885. LOCAL ITEMS. A mud-lion was killed in town on Mon day. Mrs. Kierulirs High School opened on Monday thc .'Hat. Miss Lr.ii.A W If ?KKK returned from Ciesar's Hoad yesterday. Di*. Thoa. MCCOY lina returned from n trip to the mountains. fol. J. L. M. IniiY returned from Ar kansas on .Ma tu iii ay Inst. Mr. JOHN RoilKltfMON, of Clinton, ls spending a few days with UH. Mrs. KONA KI.KMINO, of A relier, Kia., ia visiting relatives in Laurens. ('apt. JOHN Moina: ia Hoing te hulld a new house in Jersey City next week. Mr. AV. C. P. KohKHTfloN, ii thc enterprising linn ol* Leake ?tr . Hov. J. Y. PAW and M IBM . fr'Al It have returned from their visit io New berry. The exercises of thc Lnttr Oils ville Mah' Academy, w ill begin on next Monday 7th instant. Kvorybody known thal Laurens needs a Hank. We arc going to have one too; Just wateli list Mr. H. F. KI.KMINO and his two little tioys have returned from II vi it ia Ab beville County. . Mr. JACK HitowN bas taken two mall Contracta] one to linnea I'ath, tho other to Cross Anchor. The Postntttstcr-Uoncrnl has eatabllah cd a Post-oiUCO at IltgllPoint, with H. (J, COI.KMAN as Postmaster. What must an Editor do when a man atcpa up and asks who wrote the leading editorial in bis paper? Mr. ll. I*. Mu.AM lms returned to OwlllgSVlllO to sell goods. It is r< |>>r|fOd that bevis to l>c married soon. li Quit? v. uoiuhor **f ibo young propio of Laurens will attend tim lonni aiment ?nd bali at (Renn Springs on the inn-it. Mrs. K. C. I'OXXOK, of fVikeaburyKor morly Miss KATK MAYOR, of Kowuuirry, ia \ Jutting thc family of Mr. W. A. jviAii Col. ll. I). CI NIMIIIA.M bas returned from a vlait to Abbeville. Ho roWctn a most delightful time w ith the \fonng laities. Mesara, ii. D. ANDKRHOM and J.\f new It Fae-' if N. WA TKIN I wall bo addod to Ml Niljin A JAHIHKOM'H clerk force during t/fo fall inoiitha. r (.HAY A iSri.uiVAN have tw^ elerka. Kit A N K HOLT, of Qoodgloi lory, ami CHAUI.IJ: D. MoaKl Greenville. Most of tho workman at work,'4>n thc new botet left on Saturday for i,'?arles to'n;~"Wfrrk on the hotel, linw(.'v]|r, has not sto]iped, Kev. JOHN (SUITKIN, of KgyjPt, baa donated an Kgyptian mummy |v? Bl? kin College. It ia thought to ?-> over 1,000 years old. The type and material upoiM which tho AOVKHTIHKP is printer are pill per fectly new, consequently, wo cBu tum Ont Job-work In excellent style. Mesara, ll. M. SCAIIKS, W. H. M i I.KKII nos J. W. Tom?, H. K. l'on?,MW. A. JAMIKHON und J. O. KI.KMIM ^'B ft Ibis morning for New York and <>).' ff North ern markets. ' | Tho track on th? <;. L. A- s S nllroad wnM bdd on Saturday, to a jBnt four milea and six hundred vard^Bif Spur taiiburg, and will lie coi|iplotr<BJ by the I-"?t 11 nf .September. We have received a o tal<>!' J/e of the Clinton College. The currica Am com pares favorably with ot her col laten of tho State. The total number of .st Jj lents for lift h collegiate -year, ending MU'V ->>?i, v? as ;'..'?. Tito Monthly Report of l\M niAnt of Agriculture of Sonta la on our table. It Contains ll account of South Carolina's Now Orleans ISXI-ISS?, undotiijp information. Mr. Bl.KAKI.KV, HO Woll km Mn to the people of Laurens by hlslKueeessful management of the Augusta Wini', last year, la now with Mr. SIIKIUAN, and will doubtless again "make B wann for competitors.*' CI.KM DAVIS, n convict on iHL. railroad in Abbeville County, oscnnBl ami re ported for duty at the I'cuitifltiary, say ing they worked him too hfld. CI.KM ia a nativo of Laurens and . Jjgnt to be pardoned for thc act. Mr. OHKATKM, tho suecBsful piano tuner of tireen ville, has ai ri Bl and will proceed lt? overhaul tho instilments bo longlng to tho I^uircuavllloBoniale Col lege. Everything eonnoc?B with tho College ia now In nrat-elo Border, and the outlook brighter i\\nn I Bas been for a numtter of yoara. Yostordsy morning ? VB Mr. H. L. lliaiior was oxmninlng <?<Bu<d In tho hardware Store of J. K. M BIN <V Co., it accident ally discharged ?nuinber 88 1 all. Patwdng through tl|Bvindnw amt across the Mouth-Vast cori flof the rub lie Square, lt entered tho Bow-window ?if W. IL tin.KKRHOM Ul Beanie near hitting him and bia little tT Mr. .!*.>. D.SlIKAHAXCaBiHt I et u rued from Novthom marketa, Beru ho baa bought a inion mot b atoeliBf <|ry gooda, grooerlea, Ac, which ifl bo o|>ened oat In bia now tpiartora. atoro for merly occupied bj lloyd, Bi HS A Co., in tb? Fowlor Htilldlngi wlB>o unod UH n dry goods department, hm in the nd Job,lng store, formerly o*BL,|,,d by I ?co. H. Anderson and AdaiiBVurtls, will . I>e toniuf bis family gw?j Th? AoVBiiTiaaa la at-! lit favor, na it ahoold fl of aubaerlbern received tl drat woeY of publient?j nambfV of aiilNM-rltiora (< boan considerably moro dred each week, and el feel greatly encourage^.'! cai nest endeavor to in .j r?a?.a all that could b lottntry ps peri and at ?Mia Mallar a year, lt ulm .liftoff/! ry honw In I au h/ growing llie number Since the tho average fda p?i>or baa m one hun lerpiently, we [t will be our (be AONKII vpoctod In a low price of [l mid Its -MIN ? Cu nt .v. ? Fatal AceWout. On s ii m I.?y morning Mm. G notion. POOL, of thia pince, met with a fatal ncol? dont ftom using kerosene oil in kind ling n Uro. It HOOIII8 that after liroak fiiHt Mrs. Pool., ?Icalrlng to start a Uro in tho MtoVO toni thinking tho coals lol't i, "in tho Uro in tho morning had entirely tiled out, placed wood in tho atovo And .slured kerosene oil upon it, when tho eau exploded and tho burning oil was soattered tn every direction. With the assistance of lier daughter and a few neighbors, who happened to see the ox plosion, slie escaped with severe horns on the fuco, anns add other parts ot' the body. Medical assistance was immodl? ately called to her nhl, hut the skill of tho physician was dallied, am' .?..he died Monday afternoon alunit 4 o'clock. The physician thinks that she breathed (he llames. She was a consistent member Of the Baptist ? 'burch ami leaves a sorrow stricken family, her husband, four sons and one daughter, Correspondence. WATERLOO? 8 KUAP. Full doods tire beginning to arrive. Thc Misses I'm sehe and Dolph, of Ab beville, ?re visiting Miss I,i/./ie W ilciilt.^.,, ? ' '..',' A line rain fell last leridav,"the 2K, two henos. The mining failed' to wet the ground. Thc dry spell has cut oil" our crops nearly ono half. It has boon suggested that a certain Waterloo young man should pay the. government a license for distilling nmX a stamp placed upon his person each d/ay, denoting the quantity consumed. / Miss I.i/./.ie Anderson, who wau* sick a few days last week, is now uif> again. Mrs. lOstelle Puller baa,?a (lite variety of Jolley, which she wi.1!,' exhibit at th'e county fair. J Mr. Claud Vloy/d was ont 'buggy riding ?me evening bast week. We know his fair companJton spoke words of ehoor, nt least wc .ofulne so, from the looks on his happy econ nt enanec. He also gave UH a OUKgjy ride, a thing he has never done bo/foro. / Mr. W. lt. lloyd is absent a few days? in Kdgetiehl County. Miss Carrie Boydi h u last Friday for Kdgctlold County. Miss C. has made many friend* here, who arc loth to part with her. There will be more than ono aching heart loft behind, when tho Misses Car ter, who hnvo Iteon visiting Mrs. H.A. AnderHon, loavo for Triangle. Mr. -. -. Anderson and family, of Charleston, aro visiting "a member of the legislature," Mr. J, If, Wharton. When we get our Mineral Springs fixed nd and Mr. Harris finishes his large Ho tel, wo may expect many ( 'arlostoii ians to visit us. 1'ho T'dltor of tin* AVi/w I amt Courier will be Invited to visit "law less Waterloo." A string band luis boon organised by Meaara. OosHott, l.ipsford, Strihlitig and Miss Minis. We will expect something flue soon. Mr. Joseph Pearce has boon confined to his IMHI fur sevoral days. Mr. J. H. Wharton, nf Abbeville, paid our town a visit last week. Wo are aw fullv hungrv for a certain kind of cake, frieiid J. H." \. Two Gins COUid get all they could do ItefC this fall. Wc have ono." A Furniture store will bo opened hy Mess. J. H. bovell, Jr., A Co., on theist September. Mr. James C'lllhcrsotl Iliade n large VU anti ty of eider out nt homo, last week, lo brought SOVOntccn gallons to Water loo with bim. Mr Thoa. lloyd refused an offer of I'M ft y Dollar* per month, ns cloark Ina Wyoming Store. Tho offer came by let ter and urged by wiro, but Tom prefored South Carolina to tho far West. Mr. Henry Wharton hos nealy com pleted ids bouse. CLINTON. "J." Tho fi mt bale of new crop cotton was pilton thc market here, ontho2?th inst. and was I M mu ht by.'MoCrury ?V ferguson J on j?rl vat o terms. It waa front the farm of Mr. A. C. Copeland, who is one of our most progressive voting fanners, and has managed by some hook or crook, but mainly by pluck and work, to havo in the first bale of for several seasons past. Mr. M.S. Malley has put in a HOW Pratt eighty-saw gin, so that he now runs one hundred and Sa riv saws, with a capac ity of twenty to thirty haitian day, Mr. Hailey ls Investing a good deal' of his money in machinery. Ile has three steam' engines in a row, one press, a tin ur ami grist mill and inn, one splendid shingling machine amt saw mil). Tho exercises of th<> Clinton Academy will resume in a few tlnya. Prof. J. li. Parrot! is principal, mid Mrs. Hum phreys, of Union County, lilia charge of the primary depart nient and class in music. Mr. N. H. Dial of your local Har was in town a lav or two last week, on pro fession!' business, ami was accompa nied bv Mrs. Dial and his little son Haskell. I Dr. K. M. Cain?', of Mountvillo, was in town last week purchasing a new buggy. He report? everything in his Section as prospering tinclv. Wo acknowledge a most cordial invitation from tho Dr. to attend thcacsslonof Knorec Presbytery, "vhieh meets nt Liberty springs Church, on Wednesday before tin- Ith Sunday in September n??xt. Messrs. J. W, Cope? I land, lt. lt. Hlakclv and ll. X. Wright have all gone North to purchase their Kali stalk of goods. -If there are any vestiges of I sectional spirit remaining in tj^e country anya the New York Tildi n, they do not appear to he ut the South. Home of the planks of thc pint foi m of tlie Mississippi Dem? crata have a close resemblance to thoHO of llcpuhllcun platforms; of twenty years ago. They tleelure flrat of all "fidelity to tho Constitu tion of the United States" and de mand the "protection of equal rights for all elaasca," ami "no dla crimination on account of race, color, or previous conti it ion of acr vitudo or birthplace." T?tere ia scarcely nxytliing In tho platform suggestive ovon of party differ enccs, anti the co-operation of all citizens la Invited, "without regard to past differences." Tho apirU of !?rogroaa ia indicated in the pledge br the maintenance of free achtmla, the encouragement of immigration and tho demand (or a "prompt, vigorous and Impartial adminis tration of tho criminal lau a." ( v> I um h ic Redim?. -Mr. J. If. Clark, of ?herly. Cov ington County, A Khama, la the si ronges I man, physical ly' In that Htnte. He cnn take a 2>M) po'.nnl an vil, and, hy placing lila thumb in the unison hole, throw it off like a marble,nm? to handletwoNtnut men at a time ls child's play. Mr.Clnrk weighs nlmut two hnndr?-?1 and fifty pounds IB the Newspaper BUBUIOBB Overdone? In Our view thora IH UH much Moyer* production" in tho newspaper business UH thcro is in the manufacture of cotton gooda. AH a rule, of lute, (there ?re Homo exe options) as soon UH a town nt a rail road depot grow? largo enough to bo? eonie a "hotly pol lt te and corporate" a charter ia obtained. Tho next great and indispensable requisito to tho lifo ami prosperity ol'that town in tho opinion of its citI/.CIIK is n newspaper. A few typo (old and well-worn, perhaps,) and a sccoud-lmiid press aro pro cured. The pai>or is "started." It makes Ita nppouranoo with ono side reasonably well printed; the other, ma dded and 'blurred, and scarcely readable. Upon inquiry it is aacorlidnc'd that the readable, bettor-printed si? le ol'the paper is printed somewhere else than nt hollie -or at any rule not at said railroad slat ?or. tu other words, bait'tho paper, or what is known as thc "patent outside," is printed in the sweet land of Yankeedoui, or by sonic fellow, similar enterprising, ut homo, who lakes his cue there from. Little or nothing of a local na ture is recognized in tho "patent out side," and, for the reason already stated, what little may be in the liouui-prilltcu side can scarcely bo road. Tho elle. t is that those who only a few weeks pre vious wore so an x ions for a paper to be "stalled" have Home very decided ap prehensions that they have boon pretty badly "sold." The result is, after a few weeks, or possibly months of miserable existence, tho little "mongrel turns up its toes." lt is dead. And somebody, with more cilthuahuoil (han either cmin itient or experience, is m i nus a iVnv hun dred (lollara. This is uni' ic::i ure ort' over-production in the ii. w span, y business. Another feature \? o,,. multiplicity or excess of \(''pm s now puldished. Two news fipers m the Hinno County may not be oo nu my ow lng in a great measure, of Cours c, to thc population, and the com plex mn and intelligence of ol' the 111 habitant-.. Not more than otlO-third of tb e white voting population,on un avor H'?i>', ?||-,. Imii'l Jilli- subscribes to (he (County papei-, where only mic is printed. W here tbee are two or more published, thia proportion ?H necessarily lessened, as a very small per cent, of the popula tion of any (Jaunty outside of towns or villages,, support more t han one loeal newspaper. Hence, we take it that where more than two newspapers ari1 published in a County with a population of less than tbree .thousand white vo ters there is au excess of at least ono papor, and consequently an over-pro duction to that extent. rr H .tri I lr Ilcnthi, -An astounding bank robbery lins just boon reported from St. Petersburg. Tho plundered insti tution is tho Statu Hank nf Hussin, and tho amount or tho robbery is 220,0(1(1 roubles, or ?148.00?. This amount was tnkon bodily out of the vaults of tho bunk between two days, but tho vaults were found se curely locked on tin; morning of tho discovery, und there was no evidence of violence or burglary. It was plainly not u case of defal cation, for tho hooks showed no false entries. A careful Inquiry baa shown that tho robbery was committed hy a party of minor em ployees of the bunk who had no right of access to the vaults, but who hail become thoroughly famil iar with the routine of thc institu tion, and thus were enabled to con coct a plan by which one of shelr number was locked In the vault at ibo <dosu of business hours and ro lonsed during the night by lils con federates. Before they were able to penetrate to tho treasure vaults, tho conspirators had to forgo tho signatures ol forty high officials of tho bank. Thc chief criminal bas Hod, and there is no probability of recovering mitch of tho stolen money. Beware of l>ogs. The 1 Sit lt instant while Hov. Vash tlne Kerlong was preaching at Bethany Church, Edgefild County, a dog that hud followed its owner took a tit in church. Tho congr? gation concluded nt once the dog was nind; und tho duuth from hy drophobia In the neighborhood a few days before made them the more frantic, Women screamed, and men and women climbed on and over benches with an agility thut was astonishing'. The preach er culled out from the pulpit, "Won't somebody give me a pistol ?" "Won't somebody give me a pistol ?" Hut no pistol was produced-al though it was in Edgeflold County. A gentleman in tho congregation hud a pistol, but he would not pro duce it, for fear some good brother might have him up for currying concealed weapons. Partial order Wits finally restored, and the preacher concluded his sermon to n demoralized congr?gation. - President of the I'nited States receives daily an average of?0,0i)u letters, which, ns n rule, ure ans wered on their receipt acknowl edged on tho day of delivery. To enable him to cope with this vast correspondence, much of which re quires not simply ll formol reply but considerable research anti spec ial knowledge, the Executive ls fur nished with about ten thousand .clerks, who, for convenience . are divided into seven departments, according ns thoir work bas to do with our foreign rotations, tho army or navy, the ?sicai machinery of the Government, Its Internal rel ations, the the postal service, or the adininistratson of justice. The Daft Electric Company are nuiking a series of experiments with their electric motor on tho eleva ted railroad nf New York. They claim that it can draw four cara at a speed of thlrtty-llve miles an hour. Hcvere, Hut True. Mr. Edward Atkinson, the statis ticlnn, in a recent address to the wool growers, aaid: "If the cur dog was not ;dlunger than tlie average Legislature, you could raise ail the wool wo make and import." Hut you have not gumption enough to muzzle your cur dogs. We have to protect our wool growers from the pauper wool of foreign coun tries, and cannot muzzle our dogs. There ls no question about the bane ful influence of the dog on sheep husbandry, and thousands of farm ers aro pre vented from keeping a few or many sheep on their farms owing to tho danger of loss from thc attacks of clogs; still, with all these drawbacks and an liisuflhlout supply of home-grown wool, tho price does not advance to ^satis factory point; ?I least; our farmers think lt ought to fetid) >i good deni more than inv ent market rates. - v . ?nguiuy win lui? beenTproba ted ?lt .1 asper, Tenn. An,*!>Td niall died, leaving a large? property in truMt to be used by tiny truatees in any manner they deemed lx*>*t to suppress the habit pfjfevnlonl among men of eating with/ knives when fork* should be |ts<ff. Tile de ceased sahl lu? fthimyri felt the dis advantage of oarhrtrainlng tn that respect. If o was lin tho habit of re* proving eve ry bot ly at thc hotels or elsewhere ho sn vi using knives for cuting, and was m monomaniac on the subject. (J* -In the Northeastern part of North Carolltpa. nour Plymouth, it is said a ren-'uirkahle discovery bas boon made/ Of trees which bear cot ton. Tiley are on lund belonging to a Norfolk cotton dealer, w ho bus had thejtn carefully examined. The tree?* are numerous and ure in a HWavmp. They are thirty-live feet Ityhclght and perhaps a foot in dill lill/ter. They are bulen with bolls., which are now opening. Tfie?-c are two thirds the size of or d I Ilia ry cotton bolls, and are tilled with a ?rood lint. Sr. I'Ari, MINN. August Ll?, - The signal service shows t li is morn* lng that thc frost last night extend* ed ns far south as Morehead, where the mercury fell to 112 degrees, the killing frost point. There is no further fear of frost in this section for the present, for tho cold wave is now broken. - Florida has 1,207 miles of rail road which can be operated at all seasons of the year, and Is never blockaded hy snow, like some of the roads at the North. -One hundred and eight con victs from the South Carolina Peni tentiary, at work on the Spartan burg and Asheville railroad, es caped from tho stockade, nour Ar den, N. C., between Asheville und Hcildcrsoiivillo recently. It is ru mored that the guards fell asleep while (?ii duty and left the way clear for tin1 prisoners. -J. s. Walook, of Martin's depot, has 500 acres of cotton on which he exp eds to make a ball to the acre -An ordinance has been passed hy the town council requiring the hoard of health of the town of New berry to register all births and deaths occurring within the corpo rate limits of that towns. BUSINESS LOCALS. Smoke the "Hy Jingo" Cigar, at W. II. GARNETT'S. "By Jingo." nest 5-cent Cigar on the market. Sohl hy W. IL (Jarrett. Oo to \V. IL (Jarrett's and see the "Minstrels." School Hooks-Pull supply of School Hooks just received at J. E. Wilkes' Hook Store. Second Hand books bought and sold at reduced rates. "Grovel Cleveland" Cigars nt J. E. Wilkes' Drug and Hook Store. Try one. Like their namesake, tliey arc made of good, honest ma terial, and will always give satis faction. Glospcl Hymns 1,2, :i and4. Shape Note- Hig Lot! Cheap for Cash at WILKES' Hook and Drugstore LEAKE A TATTON Will sell Straw Hats worth *1.7o for 70 cents; worth $\.'2~> for (??cts.; worth $1.00 for l">cts.; worth .70 for floes.; worth ."?(I for 2?cts. They must be sold. McCord's stock of tine Fur Huts, soft ami stiff", at Half Price. The) aro nier goods nil nobby shapes. 1 i 11 "M T A X E S ! On n r. CoiTNTV TaKASl'RKUJ LAIMIKNH COUNTY, AWI. 28, ISS?. i" I WILL attend nt the following named places, for tbe collection <>f Tuxes for Lau rons County, fur the fiscal year com mond ng November the I, issi, aa fol low:?: Hotelier 1st, al Itosoboro, in Jacks Township, from IO n in to '1 p ni. October 2d, at Vance's store, in Juoks Township, from lo a m to ._' n m. October 3d, at < told Vi ll?, Hunter Town ship, from in a m to2p m. October ?th and Uti), at Laurens C. H., from lo H m th .; p m. October 7th, al Waterloo, in Waterloo Townnbip, loom lu a ni to 3 p m. October8th, nt Cross Hill, in Cross Hill, Township, from tl n in to 1 p m. October Otb, nt Spring (?rove, In Cross 1 lill Township from 0 ii in to 1 p m. October 10tI?, nt Clinton, in Hunter Township, from IO a ni to I p in. October 12th, at Tyloravlllo, In ScuiUo town Townsnip, fr?m IO n ni to H p m. October Kith, nt Young's Store, Young's Township, from 10 H ni to .'1 p in. October 14th, at Parson's NI oro, Young'* Township, from 10 a in to a pm. October r>th nt Oreen Pond Church, ta nial's Township, from 10 a m to H p m. October loth, at Dial'?Church, In nial's Township, from 10 a m to :i p tn. October 17th, at Tumbling shoals. In Sullivan Township, from 10 a ru?to 8 p m. ? leloher 1st h. nt Hi ewerton, bi Hulllvan Tow oM)Iip, from 0 n m to 1 p m. October 18th, at I Muh l s Store, In Wa terloo Tow n sii ip from 3 p tn too p m. On nuil arter the 10th, tho Ti i a MU roi's OfUcfl Will bc Opon at Laurens C. H., for tba col i,-.-I ion of Taxes, tilt Novem ber Mt, 188A. Tho Tax I.evy for laurens (\mnty, for ile- ii- ycnr'commciicing NoVOfWMMt lat, 1SK4, la na follows : State Tau 5*4 in (Un on every dollar. Comity Tax n milla on every dollar. Railroad Tax ni4 mill? on ov?ry dollar. School THX '?milla on every dollar? Tho Coll Tax extends from 21 to ftO year* of agc. L H. COPELAND, CnrNTY TnKAM-nKn. Sopt. 2il, 1885 fr US Ou Monday next, Hie 7tli our Grocery Department, a con DRY GOODS, CL? which \vei"o selected in person, fest designs, of XolnSy Suituij Look encll week for OUI' TTSTC Dr. W. H. BALL, Dentist, OFFICE OVKR WILKES' DOOK AND DRUG STOKE, onico days-Mondays mid Tuesdays. LAURENS C. H., H. C. I am agent for tho following MACHINERY. Call for clrculnrH Ar. Eclipse Engines, Saw Mills, Separators, 01ns icc. Grain Drills Hay Rakes, Fan Mills, Feed Cutters,. Also air. nt tor tho Cdobratod Cox ti Markly Wagona. OEO. D. ANDERSON. Laurens C. H., K. {'. 4 mo E YOUR MONEY By buying your Drugs and Med icines, Fine Colognes, Paper und Envelopes, Memorandum Hooks, Face Powders, Tooth Powders, Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Sha ving Brushes, Whisk Brushes, Blacking, Brushes Blacking,Toilet and Laundry Soaps, Ten, Spice, Pepper, Clinger, Lamps and Lan tcrns, Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff, Diamond Dyes, and other articles too numerous to mention, nt the NEW DB i'd STORK. Also Pure Wines and Liquors, for Medical purposes. No trouble to show goods. Bespect fully, B. F. POSEY ? BHo., LA V ll ENS C. If., S. C. August .">, 188/i I ly Adams & Curtis Would respectfully Inform the public that they are prepared to furnish SA DOLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS and everything to he found in a first-class Harness and Saddle Store. Satisfaction guarntcod both us to quality of work and prices. (EPA I KINO A SPECIALTY. Also deniers in bent Cincinnati Buggies and Carriages. LAUKENS, S. C. August ?, l?s.r) 1 fun 500 BUSHELS Al>l>eville Raised, Red Rust-Proof Oats, For Sale by W. W. JONES. LAVUKN'S C. IL, S. C. August 20, 4 tf LEAKE A PATTON. The ladies always said McCord kept thc nicest line of Hosiery in Laurens; hut his pnce wa? too high. Now those same hose can lie 1 ?ought at ?, 10, and 15 eta. that were worth 15, 25, and 40 cents per pair. They wont hist long at those iigurcs EKING ? of September, wo will open in rip?ete New Stock of in tho Eastern Markets?, for L;S and Stylish Fits. catalogue of IIOT-SIIOT FRI D. 3D. SHE! LAURENS MALE A C A 1) E M Y J V lt A N K E V A N S, " PRINCIPAL, Tho next Annual Session hegtns tho Kirnt Monday in September, (7th) hist. Thorough preparation for tho University of South Carolina, Col leges of Highest Grade, and th? s. C. Military Instituto. Tuition, 12.50 Per Month. No deduction made for absence, except in cuso of protracted siek ness. J.M.VISANSKA, JEWELER, WATTN1 Ii IAH1 h', LAURENS C. H., S. ?. Angus! ?, 18K"> 1 tf GULLETT Magnolia Gin I We mc Belling the Gullett Magnolia Gin and Condenser. Firs! prize taken nt tho New Orleans Exposition. Sample (?in on band at the store, of BOYD, PLUSS & CO. Aug. 5, 1885 1 tf. LEAKE A PATTON Will soil ftOO yanks Nonpareil Velvets, in all shades, bought at McCord' sale at 2-*>c on the dollar. These goods positvely cost K?e per yard, Leake A Patton price 80c. That attractive lot of silk & sat ins will he sold nt 2f>, :J5, 15 A $5cfs per yard. 205 odd coats, ?02 odd vests, 500 pair panta,-Good Goods you can buy anything in this lot at your price, and no hum* bug. Come in, lay down the salid, the persuasive standard the mans best friend--the al mighty dollar, and you can buy the goods right. LEAKES ?fe PATTON. WEST, -T>KA1.KHIN - Watches, Clocks, Jew elry, Spectacles, ?zo. /p*-RKPAIIUNO A SPECIALTY. 0tT All work Guaranteed. Jf/M LA?RKSB C. IL, H. C. Sept, % '8* 4 . 4?! Fowlers Block, sep?ralofrolf SOOTS & SHOES* our special taule. All of la. CES. FAMILY GROCERIES. We h?vo on hand BACON, ll AMS, LARD, FLOUR, SUGAR, COPPER MOLASSES, and everything to bo found in m First-Class Grocery Store? Bottom Prices for Cttah. fJ?f~ Traynham A- Dial's Re?! Block. J. M. MURFP, LAURENS, S. C. August 5, lKHO 1 ff HARDWARE. We keoj) constantly on hand a full linc of Hardware, Agri cultural Implements, Paint? and Oils. Call and seo us before bu: illg, and we can convince yo that we will sell goods ns cheap as they can he taught elsewhere, W. L. BOYD ?fe CO. August ?, 1 ital LEAKE A PATTON Made n good trade when they bought the stock of Luther MeCordL Kvoryhody knows that Luther kept good goods, anti everybody know? that the trade made by Leake A, Patton wa? a good one. Now, thin Stock must 1)0 sold before we cnn get our fall stock of clothing ir!. We haven't the room fo" tM, ami dont to handle * J hy >? .. . You can buy elegant F.mbrohierieM and Laces nt less than half price A few pieces of nice dress goods at your own prices. LL A KU Si PATTON. 11 K M A G N <> L I A I* ASS EN (iKK ROUTE. 0. L. and 8., A. and K., and P. R. and AV Railways. nui: TIMK GOING SOUTH. Leave Woodruff '7.5c a m Louve IC norco s.22 a m Leave < ira H..Vi a m Leave Laurens UJ? a nv Leave Ililli Point 10.10 a nv liOavo Waterloo 10.34 a rn? Leave Coron nea 11.07 a m Arrive Oreen wood, '11.35 a nv liCuve Orecuwoo MM) a ni '?.no p tr? Arrive AllguatU M>.'JT? a ttl 7.(10 p n. Leave Augusta ?in. 50 a m * 10.00 p m Arrive Atlant? ?VU? pm 7.ofl a tn Leave A11 ?ru st it '11.20 a ni Arrive Charleston f?.oo p ny Arrive Headfort 6.06 0 nv Arrive Port Hoy* I (1.20 p m Arrive Havannah 7.oo p rr? Arrive Jacksonville 6.W a nv GOING KORTI!. Leave Jacksonville *H..V) p m f^eavo Savannah o..v? n nv Leave Charleston 7.00 a n? Leave Pori Royal 7.35 n ni Loavo neituiWt 7.47 a nv Arrive A11 frost? 1.55 p nv Loave Atlanta "?*,2n p nv Arrive Augusta B. to a m Leave Augusta ?2.30 a rr? ?H.15 p rr? Arrive Greenwood 7.00 p m 11.40 a nv Leave ( < reen wood 2.00 p tn Arrive Coronnea 2.2ft p tn Arrive Waterloo 3.01 p m Arrive I UH, Point ^pm Arrive laurens 4.03 pm Arr Ivo Ora 4.43 p tn Arrive Knoree 5.1S p m Arrive Wootlrnff 5.46 p m *I>ally. Connections mudo at Oreen wood to and from point? on Columbia A Oreonvllle Railroad. Ticket? on sale nt Lr?uren* to alt pointa at through rules, Baggngo checked to destination. C. T. CHARLTON, G. P. A. J. N. BAHN, Kup't., Augusta, Ga. CINCINNATI TYPE ?FOUNDRY -ANO - PRINTING MACHINE WORKS, 24* VIM ttreat, Ct?C?JMi*TV * The tn? ?" xhM Pm*m w** al?v?! tomnlry.-Ku.