Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, May 20, 1903, Image 1

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' } AMP JLx* JT\ JL ^<S Xm* f _ Vol. XTir. fl LV1 ?j si'^i ?^28 R -i (-J ' ' "' : ' tl Ki ta ? ? Jl '4. ^ Ui G. iJ v^?3tiR-= ffl 2p* E ?fe ? ;?i ^ & l? Sip* tsrsLeiSillSU After 2? Years of Suffering 1 neatness, Mr. W. Scott W DUFFYS f! m. \ <H!&V tia^j i At. j7*' W. SCOTT. 37.r>s n. Piftoenth Street, Philadelphia, i a., March 10, iWL, Dear Sirs: I hate now used four bottles ef your Malt Whiskey, and think I owe tny life to this whiskey. I am 17 years old and have had cariarrh of the nose, throat and head for t.v r.:y five years or rs^ra. I atn hard of hearing. About six weeks ago I was so sick I could not eat, sleep and hardly able to walk. Felt mors lilts h cj Thousands like Mr. Scott have been chltls, Inlluenza, Grip and Coasumpiloi stimulates, enriches the blood, aids dig* disease gcrma. The system must \y kept strong and vigorous, so that it trill throw 4 off disease. It is the run-down. worn-out * system that contracts those dWaaana which so often prove fatal. Taka baoA. fctiUd up your body, keep your blaod rtch i??w( the circulation normal, then you need have no fear of disease. DulTy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is (srssarihsd by doctors and used exclusively In all the prominent hospitals. It has stood severe tests for fifty years and always found absolutely pure and free from fusel oil and all dangerous ingredients. (At 'i'IO\. ? \\ It i* vi (* it > lax Onffy'i Pine Willi \YhiiUc> lie !( r*a a<( i tin* genuine. t lifter it ptiloun ilculcr*. luiou.oi of iii<* excellence of tula |o*etttirit?lott, re > ? pi I iv;i' enstixa ...... ... in. upon i up nuirUol for yrufit only. noil * * ! 11 try trt noil you clicitp imitation* un<J .y-uulivti MaJI Whiskey riilist f t ( (? . \Tlilrk. Tor f i*i> in rvlu'vliut {lip wick. ? ? ( ?(. titoly Iiii ?* in tul. Ileum it<! flnIT) S liu.i lie r 11 e j ilu ||ul it. At Aa tk* only ii lisol ii I ? ! > iiui'c malt nlil?ki>> wl.i'-li ciii.Iii.iim luriili'iiial kcnlllibIvIiik ({untitles. I.ouk for Uu tr:ilie-ini?I'U. "The tllil ( lirmlnt," on I.:-e luiicl. A Si'i ^?^TECTMI N.s 1 C&iU 25 CizJ iffftwt^fc-4 Or uuil '25 cents to C. Cur03 Eruptions, Bere?, THE EFFECTS OF THE 6UE.WCFTS SISTERS' f-EAD ?4Y | li1!!? X JJLliJ Frea Ou^r fft' rri! I ! '. <'(> VI't )* h'low i.ll.d toil *JU. your: V iiiMriv-i. ri H'-nl with n two cent s'.uiup, I I.' Mrs. a I!, ton Kcrihtt, S I' witui.s the lit X t llllrl \ ' I\> entitles yoll !o ii li.icl.n;:e contain ii y a 11 <nn?- Trenitio ni ilou\?\ ored tiy Mrs M Sun nier* Notre Iiime, Inil . wt led cu i s leucori'liea. ulceration. <l.-|>luconu lit, falling of the .ri nih. in** us run I disorders, lioi P flashes luimi'". in itvths, "i l alt f mn'? iron hies The tire n.icliai' contains ton (lavs treatiTient, ami If you wi-h to continue, it wi'l Cost you at out I we ve cents a Week to L' aratlt> e a ( lit" Kill out ti e sp ices lielow, HOail to Mi. liilson, 'inil you will rccelte the free troatmunv by return mail tOUION. Kanif. Town County State Don't Forget That fir-t-class colorud grocery store. Tho Novelty Grocery Has been established on t'oiler* sr near 1. It. Mu.-sey's r?M;tl*ii?e. r> * R Gregory, Manager and Seeretary and Mr". M. R. Gregory, ascistnnt clerk. We sell as e.bean as tbr cheapest and as ^otnl floods. Yot rare cordially invited to ou ui am! he treated ri^ht. .9. R.Gregory & Co. LANCASTER, i LK'I' UUUmI Ga* J ! ^f?T^f?4 s""c'? i K&i g Baa'spEl i w \ sIL# ft UIILHIb pie with Catarrh, Which Caused | *'ret as Completely Cured fry i, 0111 MALT WHISKEY p than living. Was under a doctor's earo iP'ite! and taking all kinds of drugs and medi- oXf C cine, douches, solutions in nose, etc. The I doctor nearly blew my head away with a rom powerful air pump?medicated air, he has i called it. It did absolutely nothing in my case. I threw everything away?medicine, * ? air pump, douches?and commenced on I cost Duffy's l'ure Malt Whiskey. I felt better I m(J1( from the start. I take one ounce with I . 1 r?'l- ? MUU ? ??-?-* 0 Let..' C J s t I can eat and drink and sleep well, and I I ' c feel better lo-uuy tnj.. t nave tor i?cniy . .'oi i years. I was opposed to vV. kinds of liquor ' and used none for twenty-five years. I | use Duffy's as a medicine only, and shall WIIO conMnue to use it as long as I livo, if I ' ()f j{ can got it. I know it will keep me alive, I and may in time improve my hearing, j > 11 Ot1 hopo it will. Yours very sincerely. Tool? W. SCOTT. , . a later letter. ( Dear Sir: I have Improved some sinco writing you before, only occasional cough any and very little discharge from nose. FaelIng much better. My hearing i- much lm- ' proved now; not so much roaring in my to hi head since Duffy's lias brought my blood 1 to a healthier condition and motion. Sincerely yours, " \V. SCOTT. CortJ March 31, 1901. L.,.,1 _________ _ 1111 cured c* Catarrah, Asthma, iiron- t'Xpe l by Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey, which .. stion, builds new ticsues and kills tho J ( Of X u i;,' Tka anultao fi. V)..MA VI..W UM,t? I .t 1 f IMV LSiAklJ O 1 UIV sIia?W iua key is Sold st all Dispensaries, or direct at $1.00 a bottle. Refuse li.ilta- j tions and substitutes. th< re is none Just as this good as "Duffy's." It is the only whiskey j recognized by the Government as a medi- fpftll cine. Valuable medical booklet sent freo. nroY Duffy .Malt Whiskey Company, Rochester, ! ' v- i the " ' the t Jfsap Cures CficlGra-lntantum, BHRFWrre 1 ^ diarrhoea,Dysentery, and | L. L. of WTI W the Rowel Troubles of j 'ion Id ^id$ Digestion* kriiulatee | POWDI RS)3g the Bowels,Strengthens lurs . ti , the Child and Makes tS at PRTOSiSk TELT11ING EASY. j t,<>n J. MOFFETT, M. D.. ST. LOUIS, MO. j Utiej i, Thrush. Romovos and Provonts, lini:COUNTERACTS ANP OVERCOMES v.or HEAT UPON TEETHING CHILDREN. 0| tl kiT!,< |j A i 111 A i sets IV H L U L Hp Crystalized Mineral Water iKeou ... I salt ! ()ndi A combination of crystals contain- I ir)K Hie medicinal proper!i ?.< of four | COTO| noted mineral spring. < 'ores * msti- > tx>iio pal ion, I iiditfesf ion, Stomach, l\ idoey, i Liver and Bladder troubles. Builds war up the nerve centers. ^ Take Kalola Six Days and Eat Anything You Want. it* u 114* n l A teaspoonful dissolved in a jflaa? of water make* a delightful and inexpensive inornintr laxative. I'rie.e .*?(?e All and $1.(Hi. For snle at dru<* stores and law mailed upon receipt of price. trou KAT.OLO COMPANY, cont mayd-.ltn Savannah, Oa. Li .. j M K | to f 'rtiwhern' Rjrtttniimtion bage l'iit) next regular t-xainiuulinu ' .nu) of applicants for teachers' certificates will he held at the court- mari house on Friday, Mav 22d, 1003. f?.M during the usual hours. cent A. I/1. Howell. prt." Co. ?Sujit. ivtiiicaiion. rvruj f Enter S. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1903 TKR FROM WASHINGTON i? oilicinlly classed as i *r<-' cinnati" or the "Boston. >1 Correspondence of Tho Enterprise. the disposal of til? ] ... .. , at all times, and was fit ashington. May IS.? 1 he peo- _ . tt x o x i enormous fori of the Unitee .States have a . _ ... . i inonr. i he King of Ei 111 o 11 s president in the White I , c ., , , . . the Emperor of Germs se, and tie also is a very coat- . . . . . . , ' not travel in more initios opoBition when you come to , ... , than does Mr. Roosevelt t the dollars? he has coat the . , , . , , , is aboard his private v avers of the country since Iip .. , . tl J, the people of the coun red the mansion ot the chief ., . . .. the aristocracy ot wealt utive of the nation. Aside i r . ,, . . tl , ... , ,, .of intellect in the Win the half a million dollars it .. , , , , ,, . . they ehould by all me cost to repair and refurnish ^oosevejj. there building the past year, the ,,r. * ... " ... W hencvor the trus of maintaining the establish- . , , . , , . anything they begin wc t lias increased enormously. J n . .. ,?? /v>r? , the other rlivopHrm f''h lOeiiliui oliice buiuung, Ul- cu 1ml passi. y to .he v. enl of tu? White l""1 session of Co..0.' se, and members of congress that is why they sei have expressed an opinion telegrams to the say that it looks like a stable, that it he killed. Tin rtninlv is about the ornoriest that would do the trie ing ?fTair for tho ofTCo of the is wjlv< at t]lis t-l|no> , 1 executive of a great nation giving out the impress ivo cost so much mon *v that they do not want I man ever saw. On first be- nominated or elected. T ins it nearly every man eava tho ,e win j.ive th( mselt that.if that little cheese , . ,,r 11 hoy do not want. \\ cost $05,000, tnen some man i . r i game uiily got in his graft good " hard. Then there are other was to < a ow i ?i) uidilures tiiat the people uT '^0 highest possible . muntry never heard, in con- that tho investigation ion with Roosevelt's short Coal 1 rust methods bj pancv of tho White House, terstato Commerce Coi e has been an increase in the instituted by Mr. Willi ling expenses of the White dolpli Hearst, would < se,since the Roosevelt advent bottom of things bcfoi rer $25,000 a year; new fur- dropped. The Coal Ti re and fitiings for Mie "May. |)ro(Ulco its papers and er" (the president's yacht) or be haled before the $100,000; the cost of keep- ti10 colintry and show the "Mavflower" in com mis- . . , , . 4 . , for its refusal that is f for two months last vear, .... , ,. , .. ,? \\ hat .a republican )00 : repairs and refitfinr tho >Honor" last "year',' ?^000- >K,S refusoil t ira ami refitting the "May- ',GG " 11(1 '0' !t citizo or'' this year, $30,000. All sympathies are ahvavs with the half million dollars under dog. More pow< t on the White House ap- elbow. imately makes $750,000 that One ellect that the r< strenuous president has cost i in pubic ollice under axpayersof the country more c;in administration is , he or any man in his po?i- Imv0> is tll!ll it will rc should have coat them. nocosvitv ? (|Pmocr o were a tew thousand dol ... . , . r . torm next vear modi lett over Irom the appropria- , , ,0_ ' , . , . .. .. .... . .. titat ot 1S<<). on wluch to hx up the White House cpendetl after the work was J Olden was nointna hed, and plana immediately e'eeted. rhat ]datfori ; put in operation to get ritl H01' n'b?"in in every pa ;s amount before the end ol 1 hero i.-> as much ueces fiscal year, .June 30, next, reform now as there w ?re ain't a coin1 to be no core and it seems to lie the lis apple" when the president su? of d unocratic ' pin through with that appro- ti,ut the cry of reform toon. The president's * . > ' <?IM' OI I I I *? I>SIK'S I SI Mayflower," is the most gnr- lf ,|ln hmi - craft th?t ever floated in j|1(, nation, ro<*:ir< water. It was built by Mrs politics, could be mndo en (ioolot and was about j stand tho conditions pleted when the povornm 'nt 1 nianv of the departnio ; for $430,000, at the time i would sweep the r< was declared with Spain. It,l,:n*ts' ?l,t (>f ofhco 01 of reform iilmo and CRt'.ATLV AI.AIt.1Ii:i>. i r<TsiitlriilCuiiKli. hut l'?r<int Iy ( urril l>v ? limnt?i rtain*H hi,.,. , I The A'ltiiTH. r 11. L . Hurbage, a student a* 1 in Greenville, S. C.,had bt-en | Recent experiments, by bled four or five years with a 1 tests and examination inuous couch which lie says laid of the X-Uays, estat atly alarmed me, causing mo a fact that Catarrh of tl ear that I was in the first ach is not a disease of il s of consumption." Mr Bur that it results from rep i having seen Chamberlain's | tacks of indigestion. "J ;h Remedy advertised, con-, I Cure My Indigestion I ed to try it. Now read what ; Dyspepsia Cure i? curi Jll'i cf if ' klT D/wm fr. 1 f o r,? "no 1 4 mill wam i v m o?/?/u ten .1 i ic- j nrtimn, / u ? i u L u I r > "ij table change and after lifting ; gestion and dyspepsia, bottles of the twenty-five vent or cure Catarrh of ??z, was permanently cur- ach. Kodol dinesta wha Sold bv d. K. Vflckov & Co .'?mskfu stomach oy Cruvvioid iiros. ? IFRISS. No. 9 a. cruiser i'v, t'P n , . +m,f * jfaL my does B2 J ,1 POWDER ?rking in Absolutely Pure f\\r W?J ry f _ ... b />/. Its i%* fJnJ gS *1 Mm :il at tno OoS, <111(1 it those ^ novel Menus of self deso askin" 'ruction was recently record. & iu 2V knew ^upland. A London tehprain to\^ ;c. That ''lo ^hienpo Tribune sav-: A vthey are cornnr r's in<iu?Rt ai S i,- vhnry ion that ,'1's we<Jk revealed a remarkable toosevelt case <,l suicide. Mrs. li .berts, Iievknow 'be buxom wite ot a cm nil term Mil what er, died in the Shrewburv iufirmatch the nry. A post mortem , fexagination revealed the fact tint. -ite s a^o by deceased had swallowed I'irteeu uitliorit;, dan i is; needle;-, two <> , nary into the needles, twelve pins, live aafetr 7 the In- pins, a hat pin, a boot protector, ntnission il button hook, two screw nails, p twelve wire nails, eipht snort nails, three tacks, a piece ot the 5? *? stem ot a clay pipe, two bits of re it was colored chalk, a Manx coin, an list must English farthing, twelve rap contracts nUM ts of rlass, and ot her art icles, courts of 1^2 i'1 a^ V -I I a reason ' A man living on a farm near here came ih a short time ago attorney completely doubled up with rhouo do litis mutism. I handed him a bottle n whose of Chamberiain'8 Pain Balm and . . . told him to use it freely and if 1111 10 sa (after using it he, { flf or to his need not pay a cent tor it, savs (J. P.liayder, of Pattens Mills. N. V. "A few days later ho wtdked ottenness ... . 4 . into the store as straigh us a republi string and handed me a dollar going to sayinp, 'aive mo another bottle vivo the ?' Chamberlain's Pain Baim. I '.rant it in the house ail the time utic plat- for ,| cured mo." For sale by J ed after F. Maekey A Co., Drusgists. Samuel , t f 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCKKN. in called otice is h uvby given that F ran-rapli the Countv Board of Com mis- # Isionors will not approve or pay osity for . . .' 1 1 .J any claini against the county ras then, j for WOrk, such as repairing consen-1 roads or ground bridges, unless ion hero I tho same shall have been will Un 1 authorized bv. or :l rnoM'aet Mill ? f\' J # J 1 made with some nipmber of the tho next > ,, , I Board. 'f;st mon\ L.J. Perry, lloss , 011 County Supervisor, t-Minder- w. B. Bruce, Cleiv. here in nts, they Th?> u ?r iht- is ,?iy publican , 1 the crv kyerv f??ven days the blood, it] 0| muscles and bones or a man of i average size loses two pounds of <. >ni,rn. 1 . mm ; wurnout tissue. litis waste can- ' wards uot be replenished and the health and strength kept up without . perfect digestion. When the ; stoni leh and digestive organs fail practical I to perform their functions, the with the | strength lets down, health gives dish it as I w?v. and dif??aaA nn K /wlr.1 I)e Stom j Dyspepsia Cure enables the tsolf, but stomach and digestive organs to eated at digest and assimilate all of the " How Can wholesome food that may be eatKudol en into tiie kino v>l bio. d .1. .. re mg thou builds the tissues and protects of indi- the health and strength of the and pre-, mind and body. Ivodol cure- 1 ?the Stem- digestion, Dyspepsia and all it you eat stomach troubles. I' n al re*t Sold arrir.p fr?nic Srdd bv ' " * ' rd i liroa.