Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, August 06, 1902, Image 1

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LAN Vol. XII. Announcements. FOR Sli'KRVISOR We take this method of announcing tlie name of M. C f?ardi?er for County Supervisor and feel that the interests of the county are safe in his hands. He is no stranger to the duties required,as he has before honorably and ably tilled the position. MANY VOTERS. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Supervisor, subject; to the rules governing the primary election W H CASK KY I hereby announce myself as a oan^ didate for the ofiice of County Sup?%visor, pledging myself to abide the result of tlie Democratic primary. JOHN K. FA I EE. The many friends of E. J. Ferry take pleasure in presenting his name to the'voters of Eaneaster county as jp a candidate for the office of County Supervisor subject to the rules of the Democratic primary?' He has filled the oflice acceptably to the people in the n*st nnrl ia moll f? 11? i work. ~ MANY VOTKKS."' We hereby announce Mr. James A. Hyatt, of Van Wyck, as a candidate for the office of County Supervisor. He will abide the result of the primary. M ANY VO'i ERS. ^ 1 FOR REPRESENTATIVE. We hereby announce the Hon . J. N. Estridfcp as a candidate for re-election to the House of Representatives, subject to the result of the Democratic primary. Mr. Estrid^e's well-known loyalty to the be?t interests of the people and his experienoe as a legislator make it eminently proper that he should be returned to the house. MANY VOTERS I am a candidate for reelection to the House of Representatives, subject to the Result of the primary election. T. Y WILLIAMS. I hereby announce myself as a can uiuaie ior me Mouse oi Kepresenta, Uvea, subject to the rules and regula tions of the Democratic primary. OSCAR W. POTTS. FOR TREASURER I am a candidate for re-election to the office of County Treasurer. W C. CAUTHRN. To the Democratic Voters of Lancaster County : Knowing the good character and qualification of Mr. W. T Vanlandingham an well as his patriotism and loyalty to his country, we hereby announce him as a candidate for the important office of County Treasurer If ne is elected we guarantee that he will discharge the duties of the office in strict accordance with law and to the full satisfaction of the people. As is well known, Mr. Vanlaudinghaua, when quite a young man, enlisted as a soldier in the Confederate war and was badly wounded in the leg, which rendered him a cripple for life, hut notwithstanding this affliction he has supported himself and family by hard worn ;ni nis larm wirnout murmuring and has never asked for an office. Therefore, a more deserving man could not be elected Treasurer of Lancaster county. He will support the ^ Democratic nomibee. MANY FRIENDS. ^ FOR SUl'EKINTENDENT OF EDUCATION . To the Voters of Lancaster County ; With many thanks for past favors and earnest solicitations for future support, 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for re*elention to ttie ofllce of County Superintendent of Education, subject to the rules governing the Democratic primary. A V HOWELL. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the olllce of County Superintendent of education, and pledge my?eIf to abide the result of the Democratic primary M. J. I.OXU. i ikti'iij announce myself as a ran*1 i ?1 for 11 office of fount} Su intendent of Education, myself to abide by the rules of the |)emocratic primary. W. P McMAN 1*8. I J| FOR THE HEXATK I hereby myself i\m b candidate lor re-election to the Senate, pledging myself to abide by the remit of tlie Democratic primary. *V W U HOUGH. JASTE LANCASTER FOR AUDITOR We take pleasure in announcing Mr John A ('o k as a candidate for re-election to the oillce cf County Auditor?a position lie tills with such marked efficiency, faithfulness and fidelity. lie will abide the result of the l>emocratie primary \f i V\' 1.MH ? ah .v i r m is, .> I 'D Mr. Mollis II. Morton is hereby hp.- i nonnred as a candidate for election to the olllce of County Auditor Me will abide the result of* the Democratic primary. MANY FRIENDS. At the solicitation of many friends, 1 nereby announce myself as a candidate for County Auditor, subject to the rules of the Democratic, primary. k W. F. ESTK1DGK. FOR MAGISTRATE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the position of Magistrate for Gills Creek and Cane Creek townships, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. VV. I\ CASKKY. We, the many friends of Mr. W. J. Sistare, hereby announce him a candidate for the otlice of Magistrate in liutord Township, and pledge him to abide the result of the Democratic primary. MANY FRIENDS Being solicited by the citizens of Buford township, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the ofllce of Magistrate for that township. WILLIAM J. SNIPES. At the solicitation of my friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate for Buford township and will abide the result of the primary election. LANKY J. FUNDKRBURK. The voters of Cedar Creek Town- ' ship take pleasure in announcing the name of Mr. W. F. CRENU11A W as a candidate for the ofllce of magistrate for said township and pledge him to abide the result of the Democratic primary. MANY FRIENDS. Don't Forget to call on 8. R. GREGORY <fe CO. lor your Groceries, i V wum ucni y nuu JT tllicy, HUU as cheap as the cheapest. Aii are invited to caii and be treated right. Store near | F. li. Massey's residence. S. R. Gregory & Co. j ______________??? ^ GET A NEW YORK LIFE' policy ; The new business written by the NEW YORK ! LIFH during the first six months of this year was j more than $150000.000 paid-for business. This I surpasses the record of' anything ever done by :inv t'i ?tn 1 ?-? r?\r ! >-.! wv/iiii/uu^ VAVV/Ul tliv. New York Life. < |A. J. CLARK, Agt. ; Lancaster, S. C. I Notice to Road Overseers!' The road overseers will please I ! call out t lioir hands and \\ork I heir , roads at once. I will he around between now and I he 20th of August to inspect the same. Any| one knowing oi a section ol road j without an overseer, will please, notify me at once. Overseers ef;n get copies of the road law bv calling at my office. \V. Q Caskey. County Supervisor | July 23, 1002. EN , S. C., WEDNESDAY, P DKKDlilNG I V OLD COINS. Dropped by Visitors in IIonolilln Harbor lor Hoys to Dive For. Columbus Dispatch. Tourists who have found pleasure in tossing nickels, dimes and even coins of larger denominations into the harbor waters at Honolulu from the decks of incoming passenger steamers for the enjoyment of watching half-naked Hawaiian boys dive for them inav h? *nr. prised to learn that not a tithe of them were caught by the deft little water dogs and that after many years they formed a part of the new-made lands near the railway wharf. The harbor has yielded up much of the money that has been sent to the bottom in this manner through the medium of the big suction dredger which is now at work. The mud and silt on the harbor bottom is sucked up through pipes into the dredger and is again forced through a long chain of pipes to the tide-water lands near the railway wharves, where it is spread out over a large area. Natives discovered some time ago that this pipe is depositing *1? J! ' * ' iuMio iii<iii uruinary naroor silt Coins of all metals, except gold, have poured out of the mouth of the pipe line and many Hawaiians have profited by their long vigil there. , The captain of the dredger says that for some time past his men have known of the treasure thus being brought up from the harbor, and enorts were made to stop the silver flow upon the dredger before it had a chance to get into the outflow pipe. A box was constructed and into this the majority of the coins ; sucked up have dropped and 1 ire easily gotten out. It is seldom that an opening of the box lias not yielded up a handful of 1 nickels, dimes and dollars of several nations. Some coins are comparatively now, while others are more than 200 years old. A Spanish coin dated 1SG5 was found. Another, picked up recently by Capt. Barker, bears the inscription, "Libra por la Constitution, Bolivia Kepublica, Boliviana, 1827." A gentleman who has known i)f this silver mine stated that it is probable the deposit of coins j began during the whaling days,' r* >-< r* . , when no doubt many of the oldtime coins were dropped overhoard by sailors merely for the intjoyiiit iil ot watching natives j [live after them. Will Artie in lii< .Kin u ten. This is just what Painkiller will do; try it. Have a bottle in ! the house for instant use, as it j will save yon hours of Pilfering. i Watch out that the dealer does I not sell you an imitation, as the I (Treat reputation ot Painkiller, (1 Vn y Davis), has indneed many ! people try to make something to sui),said to be "jjst as good as, the genuine" ^ | ' /"^p^ u \ y^ T" ^ .l.'ir ; .? t ", jf AUGUST 6, iqo2. SVV1.HMKltS' CUAMIV It is not Very Deimerotis it the Swimmer will Keep Cool. From Outing for August. If swimmers could be trained to keep cool under all circumstance there would bo comparatively little drowning among bathers and summer pleasure seekers Cramp is usually as signed as the cause when some good swimmer drowns. But cramp ought in reality to be nothing serious.Usuallyit affects only an arm or a leg, or, may be, only a hand or foot. Any moderately good swimmer can keep afloat with one arm. or even without the use of that; yet good swimmers are drowning every week as a result of cramp. If such fatalities were analyzed they would be more properly classed as drownings from fright and loss [of nerve. This comes from the fact that every one is thought in childhood to fear the water, and comes as a grown man and a swimmer to fear cramp. The average opinion is that the man who is attacked when swimming in deep watter is as good as drowned. Therefore, when a swimmer feels a leg or arm begiu t> cramp he is frightened, in cases, entirely out of his wits, lie loses his head, begins to splash and paw and struggle and then goes down. What the swimmer should remember is that he can keep affloat with very, very little effort if he will turn 011 his back and keep his chest inflated. It is the simple matter of floating, which ev?ry swimmer knows and finds very easy. If the swimmer will keep cool and float the cramping limp will frequently relax after a little and he will find himself as well as evjr. Tin- Beat rrcNcrlptloii fer.lf iilnrln chills and fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form No Curp. no pay. Price 50 ot?. Insanity Among the Negroes. ,..,.1;...; wuu uuk.u a IVIIIH siiiioment of President G. Stanley Ilall, of Clark University, Dr. A. 1? Richardson, superintendent of the Government Hospital for the Insane at Washington, has written a letter to Charities, in which he says: "The experience of all superintendents of hospisnls for the insane in the Southern States and those along the border is that insanity among the colored race is constantly increasing. In the District of Columbia there are in round numbers 400 colored insane out of a popula ti?>n of about '.10,000 and about 000 wliito insane out of a |>o|> illation of about 165,00b, which as far as it goo* would >ecni to indicate a larger proportion of insanity among the colored in the District. Avoid Consumption. When .. >u cough H irr talus your tun >. urn) the more you cough the mora your lun> - Income . * )?l with wrak.icv and tl< cuv T) < wlibdi r.- M.tii, : tuny* *)">uUi r.eo i u- < .:i . rough. 'i hore la no other cure so -?:?f < *o uer?*.n. It is no pleasant to take hat I li" ch'U'.rer. will oll'u ask for mere I'm" '.'J cents. , /m ?ir y ?'" Wrf- ' $7j ? ?? "Wrr V T8^ T TatB?k > r<r ? >\ H U i > ' ? i ^ .H\. \k. ?*v ">.\- udr ju^xj&tU (I No. 21 A V W IK * 1 9 jL ^BLfcud light loads. SQREASE j 1 ^^^^ood for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. ^IUd? bjr STANDARD OIL CO. , ?? tr **.. A Bridal Trip on Foot. Baltimore, Aug. 3?To walk from Richmond, Va., to Dayton, Ohio, is the ta?k set hy a young couple who left here today. They stated at the otlice of the sim^r. _ _ ~ - r" intendent of charities that they had eloped from Day I on four months ago and had gone to Washington, where they were married. This part of the story was substantiated bv the marriage certificate which liiey exhibited. From Washington they said they had gone to Richmond, where the young man had secured employment as a conductor on a trolley car. Then came a strike and the husband lost his position. II is lungs were not strong and they decided that he would be better oil' at Dayton, and particularly as there did not seem to be any way of making a living for himself and wife in Richmond, whereas he is confident of securing employment in Dayton. They had very little money and decided to waik, and started OUt headinc for Raltinmrn ia nno of the stops. It has taken them four weeks to get here The official,. refused to give tlie names of the couple, but said the man was 27 years old and his wife 17. They declined to accept transportation to Davlon, hut were provided with shoes. OASTOniA. Bear* the ^ KM VCJ Haffl AlwaV3 Bought Reduced Rates via The Southern Railway. Very cheap round-trip r-'es to various points, account ot - oecial occasions. Camden, S. C.?Grand Lodge G. r. O. O. F., Aiuu.-t ">-9th. Very low rates. Date- o- sale August 4?7th inclusive Final } limit August 11th. Clernsou, S. C.?Fannei Institute of South Curoiina Aug usi i i ? j.'iiu. < >no i}i! ? -. J ickets sold to Calhoun, S. C. Vt.ites of I sale August lo?15th. inclusive. 1 Final limit August 1(' : Greenville. S. (' ?Annua; lle| union Confederate Veteians of (South Carolina, Align- u-Sth. j One cent per mile traveled, j Dales of sale August i.. ;.n? 'elusive. Final limit Auni.-t 10?h. For further information as to rales, schedules, etc.. )> y to a any agent. or to?.1 C Ream 1) j I'. A., Atlanta, 'in : K W !Tr' t, 1>. 1*. A., Charleston. S t' ; W. ! 11 Tavloe, A-^st Gen), 1'Agt , I Atlanta, <in For biliouaiipss use ' Is.utberlain's I Stomach ?v Liver i ah - Tln?.v cleanse the stomach am! r ?fn ? he liver ami bowels. ? It< . i . i>- > < ., W Hint permanent cure For sale by .1. K. Mac key A Co.