Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, August 18, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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V Suffered 20 Years. MRS. MARY LEWIS, wife of a prominent farmer, and well known by all old residents near Belmont, N. Y,. writes: "For twenty-seven years I bad l>cen a constant sufferer from nervous prostration, and paid largo sums of money for doctors and advortlsed remedies without benefit. Tlirco years ago my condition was alarming; the least noise would startle aud unncrvo mo. I was unable to sleep, bad a number of sinking spot's and slowly grew i ? ?- - -vov. uv^uu u.iiuK in. mites iseswrimve Ncrvlno and Nerve and Liver l'ills. At first tlio medicine seemed to have no effect, but after taking a few bottles I began to notice a change; I rested better at night, my appctito began to improve and 1 rapidly grew better, until now I am as uearly restored to health as one of my ago may expect. Uod bless iJr.Mllcs'NcTvluo." Dr. Miles' lie medics My ^H are sold by all drug- EN gists under a positive |f* guarantee, first bottlo E?s\!?rVin? 3 benefits or money re- fc. Rostoroa'^ funded, lioolt on dts- Bur u ... vfl ease .1 of tlin heart and {fifr.,- , nerves free. Address, BBBlffllMBBi ^ DK. MILLS MKD1CAL (JO., Klkhart, lad. TWO IUI.MO.\K n PEXSI?\S. .Wore I*eii*loner?< (linn were it er in Nertlee ill ??ne lime I>iiring llie War. v Front I ho New York 5 tin Thirty-two yenrs alkr the end . of tho civil war the iumber of! pensioners on account of that war exceeds l?v ;t rpnirtcr of a million tin? ntnnber of soldioisj actually engaged in service 111 all ! tho armies of the (iovernment at any time hot ween the firing upon Sumter ami the surrender of F.oe at Appoinatax. The army of pensioners altera third of a century is hot.ween .'50 and 10 per cent larger than the fight intri army at any one time the war. In the period between the war of the Revolution and the second war withe tireat Rritian the pen sion exjnnditore culminated at ^ iM.lS5.0GO i i 1 SO 1. ahniit twentel years after the end of the Revolutionary struggle. In the j>e riod liet.weun the war of I si2 and the .Mexican war the pension ex j | penditure culminated in 1 s II and thereafter decreased, with J fluctuations, from $7,*00,00o in in 1818 to $ 1.800,01)0 in 1 s 10. In tlie period hot ween the Mex ican war and I lie war I<?r tin* i n i ion the pension expenditure was i highest in 1s2. when it reached $2,101,000. This is ;?11 accord ing to the normal process of; growl h and decline. Dividing the years since 1 S0f> i into four-year periods, oncli equal j in length to the duration of tlio war itself, the increase of pension expenditure to its present stupen dous proportions is thus exhibited; lsfi.'.tsr.s 7?'?,ti72,l 10 1?0!M.*72 * I lW,7tM.l22 1s7H-ls7i? .f 110,11144.~>I 1*77-1**0 * 11C,I-J7 Is*I-is*I * 2.H,* t6,27?? Iss.Vlsss $ 274 M21.741 l*s<?-i*i?2 | ? $ r>si,:?;i,!?7;t Total . $2,001,172**11 Since the -nil of the war more than two billion dollars, I hat is to say, more than two thousand mil- 1 11011 m dollars, ha> been paid out in 1 pensions. Now, tho total cost of the gigantic military and naval oper at ions which occupied the (Joi eminent Iron: !SH1 to IStio, ii eluding the pay and sustenanc of all the armies, the buildin and inaintainence of all the ship the transportation of troops, tl recruiting and bounties, the am and ammunition, and war mat< ials in its myriad tonus?inshor every item of (lovernment e> penditure on account of the wa save that for interest on monc borrowed wherewith to continu the fight-is included in the officii figures of the war departmental) the navy department for the p< riod in question: fiscal Year. War. Navy. IHrtl ... f 389,178,502 * 42.040,1 1803 ? 003,341,412 t 03,201,2 1*04 ? 090,391.040 85,704.9 1805 if 1.030,090,40) 122,017,4 #2,713,509,423 (314,!23,9 Total war and navy ,13,027.70:1.3 Roundly speakinir. t lie re ton we have already paid in pension since the war two-thirds as nine as it cost the (Jovernment t carry on the war. tot ton Cornered In St. Louis. St. Louis, August 5.?Cotton i j said to he cornered in this citt : and is likely to remain so unt (September 1, or until the oiliciti cotton venr opens and the rue erop begins to move. The state ments of the local ware house show that the total number < bales in storage aggregate 9,OS bales. Last year at this tiiu there were 2.'?,25>5 bales. Of the 9,(582 bales now on ban 9,000 are held by one linn, ti. Allen-West ('ommisiou Company .I-imh's I!. A Men, of th" bitte company, when asked if ther was a corner, replied: "Tins l the end of the cotton season < 189(5 and W97, and cotton i mighty scarce at all the ieadin points between New Orleans an St.Louis. We have over 9,00 bales in the warehouse, ami w are holding on to it. as nearl nan oi that cotton is two year old. It is well seasoned, and tii crop of two years ajro i? line than last year's urowth." II would not admit the existence o a corner. A TI.MKLY WAliMMI. To Those AVIio f'outi?ni|>Ial?* 4?oin to The Klondike. Washington, Aiivi. !< .?Seer* tarv liliss iia> taken eojrnizane ?r f Ik. n.J. ?l.~ I.- I >: I ~ ' W. ? ..X I linn ?w UIV ( \ I I I I ' I i 1\ ' mil Holds Mini Alaska, and lias issue the lollow ini; warnini; to the j;en oral puI?1 i<*: To w hom i' may concern : I:. \ iew of' in format ion receive! at thi- departm> ut Iiiai d,00 persons wit li 2,'MM) ton ol ha^^a^ and In i^'Iit are now waiting at tli entrance to White I'ass, in Alaska for an opportunity 1 > < ross tli mountain-- to the Yukon river and that many more are prepai iniitojoin them, 1 deem it prope to call the attention oi all wh contemplate making tin1 trip t< the exposure, privation, suilVrin and danger incident thereto a this advanced period ol the sea son, even it they should succee in crossing the mountains. T reach Dawson City, when overth |?:i-s 700 miles of dillioult n aviga tioii on the Yukon river, withou adequate means of transportioi will si ill l?e before them, and i is (loul?tI'd 1 if the journey can h c(?mplele<l before the river i closed by ice. I am moved to drav public notice to these condition by the gravity of the possibl consequences to people dotainc* in the mountainous wihlerne* during Jive or six months of a arctic winter, whore no relief ca reach them, however great th need. (\ V Iti iss 7 Secretary of tlic Interior. , MISS K ITT IK HKNDKItSON , ASSAILANT IIA Mi K I) BY A >Q MOB. {5 How lie Was Captured FroiaTI ( OHiecrs Who Were Kudcavo ing (o Spirit Him Away. IS ( Asheville, N. Aug. II.' j Hob Hrackctt the negro a.-sailai 1 j of Miss Kittio Henderson, w, r, i lynched this afternoon, y As announced in an Associate [t. Press dispatch last night, a m< broke into the jail at this pla< and commenced to batter dow the steel doors that led to tl e" cells. The doors soon yielde and it was then discovered tin Bracket! had been spirited awa **'} }i\f t lin A 11 t l./\ L?? ? ? ^3 ?yj vtiv uuiij^in. i \ 1 I I IK' UIIH'I I' <j.j oners in jail were liberated. n Pursuit of the officers was i ~ once commenced and a crow in caught up with thorn at Terre s, station, on the Southern railwa; lS IS miles east of Asheville, earl this morning. Hraekett was taken from h ? protectors, hut the mob cowl not agree as to the disposition < him. Some wished to hang hii there, but the stronger party d< cided to take him back to the v 1Q einitv of his crime. It was I * la. m. when the party started 01 'j afoot, leading the negro, no nearly exhausted and sccmingl 1 I only half conscious, t hough he ha | not been ill treated. itreakf a: '*! was had with a fanner, the negt (slhnviiv 1 i<dciro mil tlu>n tl c- ' ? >f walk of some t welve miles w; 2 resumed. The loute was throug e a deep ravine, between toweriu i mountains. (j I At noon Hemphill sehoolhous J was reached, ami there the i>;?"t ' j was informed that the- Ashevill r 1 turilitin had been failed out an e j were on their way to meet tli s mob. After consultation. Mb ifiKittio Henderson, the negro sj victim, was sent for, tour and i'1 half miles away, that she mig! (' j see her assailant handed. Who " she arrived the ne<:ro was strun (> up so quietly that half the ban. ! ers on who had gathered from lii Hi . ej country round did not know tin r;it had been done. No shots wet 0! tired, and the mob dispersed afti if I a ball hour leaving the bod ; banging. At no time was it possible IV I the malitia to have interferred. ! This is tl>.. i; i lluneonibo fountv in twolw year CA3TORSA For Infants and Children. il The f*o- /) il ; (iOVEUNWENT BY INJUNCTIONd| n. The State liailroad Commission < c Texas Enjoined hy a Fcderi e| Judge. ' Austin, Texas. August, Tlii' Texas railwav coinniis-io | was serve; 1 to Tav with a tenim rarv injunction, granted hy .1 udi: i? Met'ormiek, oT tin* Federal ('our > | at New < )rleans, at 11?** instanc - ol the Texas F.xpress Compare restraining 1 ho coinmission I'roi putting into olloct its tarilTon o> 0 press shipments. 'The tarill w: e issued some time ago, and wci olloct to-day. The express con 1 pany charge that it lixod expre: |t" charges at less than freight rate ejand hence is ruinous to the Inis is'nessoftho company. A 1 ivol v I tight is contemplated, as the eon lsjmision threatened that it the e? I j press eoinpany objected the ,s would take ste[)s looking to to u foitnre of permits to do htisine ii in the State, Future develo] ? nients are awaited with interns .No-'I o-Hue for Fifty Con til. Ouar inlo< il toiiftrco httbli rurc. nmkc* wc I muu auvug, blood pure, buc, ?1 AtldrugKis >V41 ~ ~ r , I IVIiAl*#-*- IVil LL ?*\ IJsA&Xi ' AJA\ TAKL!*T5 POIT1VL1//CUKE * i MomI ry sj , | i. ' ' u **, \ 1 by Atiixjo or tdhur >!xc*?a?e? ami India- x } :. , and Bun 7 V ~2/ rwtore X/v*t VuaUiy in oldcryoung.und 1U. 11 it?ii:i for ntv 1;*, H cr nnirrinc". 1 11 I'rev'. ii litKut.i an l Con ?unit?tion ii* l"M*n m tiir-.o. Thoir i:-*> show* immediate linnrovo- ; 11 out i.nd oftoct* n t "iiiP. to i I oth-r !::ii Info-t upon hiving the cmu'mu; Ajax Tnblets. They r imvocnrod thononnd*and willcnr?>>ou. Wo pivo H|ios- * itlvo written i!tir.rant?M> tooll&ct a euro E*A pT/J in o.ich cnKo or rotund tho money. Price v" v# I Wtper A (nckuue, or ?ix <fnil treatment) for $2.60. liy ? tnuil. in plain wr up?,n n*coipiof priro. < ircti'ir _ *? AJAX REMEDY CO., , lit For salt* in Lancaster, S. hj r. F. i ;IS Mar key & Co. j j. m1 , Report of Tlio (Jills Creek Town- j >l>: ship Sunday School Convention. j H . ; ? 11 ] lie Convention met at I nitv >? A. R. L\ church on Saturday, July '?! 24, 1897. * * ' it 1 1 Ooh .... iimi <111 iiuiuuuuiury service iy of prayer and praise, conducted by s- .Mr. K. K. lioyce, the convention was called to order by the PresiM dent, Mr. T. P.Nesbitand proceed'(1 ed to business. 11 Kev. It. Krvin Hough was then introduced. Mr. llough deliver- r l.V ed an eloquent and inspiring address, captureing his audience ? and holding it in rapt attention 14 Id during his remarks, which were M based on "the best methods of w t? promoting interest in Sabbath ki ' School work." i Dr. (J. II. Burgess and Mr. .1. I >. Nesbit then followed with a it : few spicy impromptu remarks, q w | on th<' same subject, y "The Perils of the Sabbath d School," was ably discussed and -t the hidden dangers, which menace the existence of the Sabbath c to i ^^*oroi' 'H!y *)0i^c(l y i* that veteran Sabbath School work- 11 :h j er, Mr. .1. W. McCain, ijij The Convention then repaired " to the grove near the church, <| to j where a bountiful dinner was w y | spread, by the ladies ot the com- j, munity. After about an hour of a d i 1. : i - -11?t. social intercourse the a Convention reassembled; and n ? after praise service, which was 1 " conducted by Mr. .1. I). Xesbit, $ ii proceeded to business. it Deports from the Sunday Schools ii in the township were then heard. ^ it? as usual these reports were incom c - plete, and right here, the Conven iv tion directed me to urge the Q " senoois to rouse up ami take more vv '0, interest in t lieso meetings and see n >r that a lull delegation from each (, y school i- sent to the next annual A ineetng. as we believe that they fi 'r are productive ot' much good to j those who do take an interest in ' I them, and would he much more ? i interesting it all would wake up; j to their duty in this matter. Mr. I. S. Caldwell was then I' introduced, and in a few timely and well chosen remarks, illustra ] ted the great influence for good. _ which the Sabbath school could ; have on the youth of a comtnuni- a i. |ty and for the promotion of good i morals and ehristain civilization. I 'I'l <11 - 1 i lie louowmg query was men; I answered liy Mr. K. K. Roycej J "How can the members of t li*?' kl Sabbath school 1 ?f>t help to -top Sabbath desecration." After :ni address by the I'resi? i dent the convention adjourned. *' 11 to meet at (lills Creek A. R. I'. > ehnreh. the * I rd Saturday in July, !i. o 1 S1>S. . Respectfully submitted. ?' t, 1 i.i ! I. I'.. ( OI FKV, ( i Secretary. ? i\ I ' n ! ". v : IT DON'T TAKE A ^FORTUNE TO BUY A iNEW HOME k . , ' 1 To people of moderate means, j l- we do not hesitate to say that (! iv our variety of sew in;; machine* t and prices cannot tint command ji 1- their consideration and we nsoiire \ mi 111;it t In* v| MEW HOME ? IMain liiii->li \o?, I anil r> which J ss can In* ?p?mi by calling on its,? ' arc in linish ami style < ?|unI to ( ' many of the *." *,<><) ami smi.iio . ;| machines. Sold and guaranteed l?y the ak ENTERPRISE PUB* CO. u. i t> .H'O RIVER AND CHARLESTON RAILWAY CO. pASSKNGLK I Jlil'AKJ M :;*.*i. In IlKvci Wounesduy. .M.i\ .v.h tv.*r. tforilibotitui. | tOj M >33 j STATIONS : o2 12 34 M. A. M. KM. I KM j p.M P.M i uo . | . Cauideu I ; CM) >' - ?-Joj 1)' Kalli . 12 35 o |f> in . 2 32 Wostvilie. 1 22 j 5 f ft I I" . - 451 Kerehuw. ' I2IM ft ;< i 1 AO, 3 o.i . ilealli Springs. ' 11 ;i* , 4 j,;, I .V?l . 30ft iVesuiuiit lilll.. II 47 j 4 2ft - 3 2ft .... Lancaster 11221 3 25 I O-ii .1 ! > .... Ulvcrsldi' . . Il<nl 2 36 I 2Uj I* -Ail SprinjMloll. .. Ill Mi 20ft 0 : 1 "3 Cutun l>.i Junction 104ft! 15u i lo. . 4 II) !..-ssll?- Ill 3ft | I |j fJ'i! I3H . Hock Hill ... I0 20j 12 ft* "0 14-) .... Newport 9f?l in ftft >-'<? . I ft i .... Ti/kb y 471 1U4-S loo ?IK> .... Yorkvillo .... 93ft1 102ti 5 2t>. ft an ... shurou 9 2o! ufti, > 4U 5 40 .Hickory Grove. ?oft 9 25 > 55 ft 50 ... .Smyrna 8 ftol 9 lift 30 jj till) . ..H'acksblirg ... Mini1 9oo 8 40 8 30 'j'*"' luarls 7 48 >, 4?, j 8 40 ' Patterson Sp: n's 7 4'-' 940 9|0 'i ^0 Shelby 7 30 n?5 940 -I Latimore .... 735 ! 9ft0 ... Mooresboro ... 7 2ft loon Henrietta.... 710 11020 . Forest City... rtfto IiOfto ..Rutherford ton.. 0 20 .iHOft ...- Millwood Oik) .,ii25 . . Golden Valley.. 53ft . 11 35 . . Thermal City .. ft 30 . 12 mi - .. Glenwood ... ? ftoft '|220 Marlon : 4 4ft .li>. M. . P.M. . M. P.M. AM 1 I ! AM Mo. 32lias connection with Southern Kailav at Knelt Hill, and with Seaboard Air Line. t ( ntawba Junction. Nos. 34 and 3ft will carry passensrerK. Nos. 11 and 12 have connection at Mat ion iih Southern Hallway All trains will stnpoti 8 lit nil! at OaUliurst. L Ill.t'UHKC VS. Uoddvs. Old Point. London TCInir r?ek, and Vain Mountain. SAMUEL HUNT, Prestdent, S. B. LUMPKIN, 1*. A. 'ourisl Sleeping Car Lino Hetwecn Washington and San Francisco. The Southern Railway and its onnections (tho A. & W. 1'.. L. : N. and .Southern Pacific) have [laujrurated a Tourist Sleeping !ar Line between Washington nd San Francisco, via Atlanta, lew Orleans, and Los Angeles, his sleeping car goes through rithour change, leaving Washngton every Saturday morning t 11 :15, and is accompanied by Personal Conductor and Pnlllan porter, who go through. The 'ullman fare for double berth is 7.00 from Washington to San rancisco. This service is especially for the onvenience of the parties holding ?cond-class tickets, though iirstlass tickets are good in the car. Further information may he btained from any Southern Railay or Southern Pacific agent or flieial, or from A. J. I'oston, leneral Acent, 511 Pennsylvania .venue, Washington, 1). C., or rom W. A Ti hk, / s it ? - l? u. i . 2\., oo. ivV., Washington, I). I AN C ASTKIr .V CHKSTKK I? V ! IAVAY. lot ween Chester suul Lancaster. in i ffuct ; 00, .Sunday, fob. 14, lhl?T. Dailj/ l'].i'C4'i>t Siimfili/. f outbound. KiiMt bound, o. ft No. II. No. 10. Na 12 M.ll*. M ^\. M. I* M. II oft ft fti (I Ar... Chi'stcr . f.vl II Oft 7 o"> * 5(>' ft lift * Orr's " II 2n T * i:i| ft 25. ' Knox's .... " | n ?> t 3i 8 3ftj ft is . Mi'D.iiiitii's... " ii ioi 4ii 8 2ftI ft oft 11 . Klcliburtr.... " j II fto| T fto s ifti i ftft Musfoinvilir ' 1 1" oft s o S Oft, 4 4ft * ". (ft-dar Shonln. I- Ifti 8 10 7 ft.". 4 KftM ". .Fori I .awn. " 1" 2ft s 20 7 I4S| 4 20 * " (irai-HM " | 12 40 s 3ft : >' 110 " MllkrVs C'ross'K" 12 ft'.'! f i: 7 2* I <1 l.v l.alUMslcr, ,\r' 1 '?'( 8 ftn M II' M I*. M l)'. M Train li'avio.r f.a.'H a>br .a 7;20 a. in., r?i.i rts it ("1 i -1. - " wit I. soullii i n Kail way u'i>nut Ill III, I . I . I_'i 'I 111- IK'l II ill." I I I < .< M'-' an?l K i'iil trains oolni' west Train leavlm.' Kane-aster at :t: 40 j> in , cm c;-> I. ii.- i w.ili ' i; & i' 'rnir Curr, ii. ami ?")ii stir wiili lii-rn Railway ttuim. artli an>: . Ml. ami with C & I- north. Train leaving Chester at 11:05 a. m.. connects [Chester w ith Southern Railway from Charilte, also C & I., from north. Train leaving t hosier at 7:05 i>. ii: . con nee 1s itil Soiilherii Railway from Columbia, i?. C N'. from Atlanta anil C. & fron Kern ir. I.T'KOY SPKINKS. V . II. II A KIM N, President Vii-f-l'ri's. ami Manager. Teller, Salt-Rheum anil Kciema The intense itching anil smart incr incilent to those diseases is instantly allayc 1 iv annlvinir Chamberlain's Eve and Ikin Ointment. Many very bad eases lave been permanently cured by it. Ir s equally elbeient for itching piles and l favorite remedy for sore nipples; happed bards, chilblains, frost bites ind ehronie sore eyes. iWcts. per box. Dr. Cudy'ft Condition Powders, are ust what a liorse needs when in bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and ,'ermifuKo. Th y are not food but nedicine and the best in use to pat a lorse in prime condition. Price 25 jents per package. XOTICE, 1 want c(crv man and woman in the T"nlt*d State* interested in the ?'|iiiuii and Whisky habits to have one i f my hooks on these tli rnsos Address It M. Wooltev, Atlanta, Ga lio\ island one w.i" he ttut you free.