Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, August 11, 1897, Image 1

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* ' LAN6 i VOL. VII. | /jgppANDY <; 10 * ' M 2&V .so^ ^^4*52 !: ABSOLUT?,!u GU.ARMT'".ED \V*Z?r\ %1t And booklet fr?.. A,i. *TKU!\fJ IIEMKM I 1 o??"?? ?.-?* --> k?{<kv R, BRANDS, The ,T OT? Under Tower Clock, chesteh. s. c. o i' i; / '/ us r s i m m i:i; sa t. /;. 'lit per cent. reduction on any article in the store until September lir>i. liuitation < lit t!lass will be distinued. These prices will close out the entire stock now on band. 47 dozen Tumblers, IIt <)uuitty. cents j).-r iloz.en. now nl 'Si cent-< per ilo/.on. :tl Water Itottles, Ito cents, now at 'Jitrents cacti. 2V Klifht-lncli Hurry IJowls with foot. 2-> cents, now at If> cents cacti. 120 Cream Pitchers, to cents, now at S cents each. 40 Etght-lncli tlerry Mowls. 2") cents, now at IS cents cacti. WJO t I 2-Inch Iterry tllshes. sinti'l size. 10 cents now at S cents each IS Sets. Sugar Dish. Cream Pitcher, Mutter Dish and spoon holder, 7A cents, now at cents per ??t. 4ti barge Water Pitchers, .at cents, now at SO cents each 1 *4 PIcUlo Dishes. !t cents, now '1 1-2 cents each 21 Dozen Fancy Tumblers, 75 cents now at 26 cents t>''r dozen. 72 Vinegar Mottles. Ik cents, now at 8 cents each. 27 Salt and Pep|s-rs, U.cents per pair, now at HfWIitd tun Salt and Peppers, small size. 10 cents, now at Scents per pal-. - Cream sets, thirteen plccos. f 1.2J, now at cents per set. isses Pitchers with Spring Tops,115 cents, nil? cents euch lllvo Itowls, three-Inch, 7 cents, now ents each, terry Saucers, 80 cents, now at 40 .?r dozen. oblets. It cents, now at 91 cents per ces are below actual cost. Tortus, ,ook out for our next advertlsment. R. Brandt. OABTOniA. GREENVILLE FE Has a llno location, commodious l?ni courses, a splendid Conservatory of M r.iociuion, I'tiysicat utilture, Hiisihoks T.arge and Ablo Faculty. Keeps an ex very moderate rates. Opens Septembe * M. M. KIL Now is the timi GIN REP) * Now is the timi ENGINE I Now is the tinie to have all A/AC. repaired and put in condition to d do not wait until ginning time an< are busy and expect us to get you If your (JIN needs sharpening sen on them. It takes time to do Mai that the people will look after the for the large cotton crop. We have just received our Fall MACHINE and can furnish you with anvthinj CAST GOODS, PACKING for J: Wo are going to carry one kind BELr and is guaranteed. It' it is n< back and got another Holt. Wo 1< sold is the very cheapest. Wo wi Belting, hut you will not have t We have better opportunities thai pie need in this line and wo propc Don't Buy in the Machine line until you see i money on anything. And we are goods that is not what we claim fo Don't forget that we have 111 stc Myer's Force a the best < f JF~This is the only place that * your BYCICLK. PO, ASTE LANCASTER, ainARTJ^ j .;-U<5L >\ ' '.. V . . ; r?spnf con- ti| :itlnu. fa.riTts f lie ' !< ul I .itvi .rl^ or ifrii'O.itui ?qmeuyuturol resalU. S..t.eZ O., ( Iilrui), Miintri'il, to^orNw York. si;.5 WE KNOW how close money matters ai with most people. We are pri pared for clone buyer-. \ aim that two or three years a? seemed almost impossible ai to-day an actual fact ? nearly ei in two. Many are surprised : the line of Groceries I oll'e .-some even art- in? r#?< 1111<?11. Our Leaders: 2 J pounds light brown sugar for .<i.i S pounds Arbucklcs coll'ee, . l.( 7 pounds good green coll'ee, 1.( 2 Hlh cans lino poaches, Best Molasses at do cent per gallon. A CLASSER. FRESH T~ BEEF 1 Having a Refrigerate in which 1 can keep meat almost ici cold, 1 am prepared to furnish ni< fresh BEEF every day. If you wi leave your otders, beef will be sent I your home at any hour of the day,an in time for breakfast. W. PYOUNG. July 28, 18t?7(3m) Itch on Human Mange on liorses, Dogs and a stock, cured in .'30 minutes b Woolford's Sanitary Lotion. Thi never fails. Sold by J. F. Macke & Co., Druggist, Lancaster, S. O. MALE COLLEGE! ldings, modern piipments, excellen usic, Art Studio, and departments t i. Stenography and Type writing. . ccllent table and does thorough work r r 22, 1 Si?7. Write for Catalogue to 13Y, President, Greenville, S. C. e to have your MRED! b to have your jH?fcl REPAIRED! H!Xl\li Y that vou expert to ru 0 the FALL ttl'SINKSS. Fleas 1 then come in a hurry when w out of trouble in a few minutes d the paw* in and let us ho workin chine Work right, and we hop ir machinery and have it read Stock of SUPPLIES, r in the way of CRASS GOODS Steam Engines, etc. PIKTGr, ot wnat wo toll you?just bring i enow that the belling that is bein 11 not only give you Guarantee o pay A \ )'.)/0it'I\ for the bes ii anybody to know what the pei so to sell it. Anything us. We can save you time an here to make good any work o >r it. ok the celebrated nd Lift Pumps on earth. you can get a decent .JOB done o Kespectfully, AC & HARPER. r pi\T; ^li JL**/ JLAI S. C., WEDNESDAY, A TIRZlll ENCAMPMENT. ;], | BIC CROWDS ATTENDED Cu BOTH OA VS. ^ he The Speakers Aim! Portion* of Their Npeeeho?Or. Strait Charged With Talking Again>t ,M', S?'T!:stor> Tillman ami .hrLuu , j, i riu. ... . _ ! _ | i ilt>se WllO W t * 11 i l?? iilVtll <'11 I'M campinen\ to ln ar Mr. J- ; of of Pennsylvania w< re j*j*<iilitotl. 0:1 lie did not :>11 ?: 1?1. Hut the crowd an - had 8]M*aking all the ante. The;'' i address ol welcome was delivered i It *t) ( v j hy I . t*. Mel tow torinerly > on a lot' Lancaster, now of Yorkville. 111 lr'1 President Wilhorne of t lie State j wl I Alliance and Dr. Strait made j lal j speeches, the following account | hr i of which we take from tlio News j ha hi and Courier, and the Columbia all UJ Daily Kecoid respectively : D; 15 The lion.d.C. Wilhorn. presi- in; (lent of the State Alliance, was w< introduced next. He called on inl all to identify themselves with ed "" the Order. Those who would not Co do so were true niether to the I State nor themselves, their wives, vj, their blue-eyed hoys, nor their j)0 bright-eyed grrls. The Alliance j-0, was the greatest means of edu- j.c cation ever given to the people of j)a "* South Carolina. Many joined the tj1( e- ()rder. There was a rush to get an j'J in that they would lind a sack ol jn to corn or some sugar to take home 'pj, d to "Betsey and the Baby." Dis- (jf appointed in this they began to an abuse the Order and left it. All these must come hack. He illus_ t rated the importance of the farm- j'* ers by saying that the exported / ' farm products of the I'nited States j " amounted to more than six hun- ^ ? dred million dollars, yet the farm- ' IS 8t( ers got no benefit from this inflow ^ " ot gold. lie insisted that the .. I cl( farmers should hang together. r - loi A WEAK ATTACK. faj I)r. T. J. Strait took the place ag 1 of the expected orator of the day, tri and, without mentioning names, it made a weak attack on fill man HI and Mcl.aurin in the interest of tie Irby, Kvans iV: Co. < lh - I When Strait got through, Col. : a I J. I>. M. Shaw asked Commisioner ; soi Wilborn. "What did you think | an f t lei t ? nr?rw>l? : lie "I did not hear the last of it." in; replied Wilborn." no "And Strait haint heard the tie last of it either," remarked a by , lie stander. tj< n! Several people who heard tho'ci 0 1 eonver-ation laugh'd heartlly.attd rei o ! as the ?lory i< being told about |th< ijthe grounds it i< very much en- it. p|.joyed. 11in * -KN \TOK I 11.1.MAN. fl"< y im Friday, although the weath i 1,1 or was unfavorable, there wero'rei perhaps two thousand people i,n< present, many coining long dis !,>0 , tauoesto swell the visitors from I '* the county and the number wlio '''' |spent the night on the grounds. j1''' When we arrived at the stand Col. I >. 1'. Duncan, agent of the av it State Alliance, was engaged in a g j discussion of alliance principles s:|! d and was listened to with much in terest. We heard but little of his * '* j address, however. <M' While he was in the midst of i his speech the train from Blacks an , burg rolled up, having aboard at I Senator Tillman and Governor tot Kllerbe, reinforced by three coach j res j es of men and women from the ne j country above. j to Senator Tillman had not long tei been upon the stand when he was introduced to the audience, as n . to which he assuredly needed no vii introduction. He was received, <m as lie was when he stepped otT| he UGUST 11, 1897. e train, with ^rreat eheerinp. looked the same "Old lien" *?l yore and spoke with his aesloined ease and energy, lie bea hy reJerr:iiit to the fact that had had hi- political birth !y a lew mil. - lioin that spot ven years tiro and spoke in I lid ly t ertiis ol the people withe, iahiiorin od lie wa net a poii tan ; ii he were la would come re to deal :n platitude- and uefalit ie.s. '"lit he c .ue wit h Id ck lull ol rooks, end t drew some them. He made a very vi^or > defence <>1 ! he di JleO - 11'V law d it wa-evident th it he intends -ink or swim with the law iere are other state-men who a 'count ol it have taken to ? e liushe> they do not know i " H'ther it is rijrlit or not. lie | \ hared till responsibility lor the|s in* : he nursed it and lielcl it ut> : . I , 1 il stood hv it, defended it against j', tint attacks in tho courts, in I he (i irlington war and is now stand ( ; I?v it in the Senate. It hard r >rk and faithful ell'ort can have?! tlucnce his hill, recently defeat- , |, in the House, will yet pass! ^ ingress. j j He jumped on tiie preachers1 r jorouslv tor opposing the taw. * cause as they say, its a shame n the State to lie selling wliis- t y. Tliev stand alongside the | r keepers in their opposition? v e devil at one end of the rope I' d the preachers at the other. 1 ,'ing to choke the law to death. ;> ley have allied themselves with 1 mzales, Hemphill, Simonton f d the devil. t There was stealing in the dis- ' nsary because of the divided c sponsibilily, but that there was ' so dishonesty elsewhere. Wo v vc thieving cashiers in the ' nks, thieving clerks in the v >res, thieving county treasures. ' rks of courts and auditors; in s t corruption is found in every * m of < iovernment, and it is un 0 r to hold the dispensary man- 0 ement up to scorn as the only ~ ist in which there is stealing. '' He made a defence of (Jovernor * lerbo in which there is but lit room for misunderstanding.. had known the (lovernor forj long time and iio was his permit and political Irion. 1 ; lie was j honest man and t rut hl'ul. and i had no idea he had gone to ly i at this late dav. The (lover r had been criticised in his ao ! n about the metropolitan po . e. It had been said that tIi?? 1 j" ivernor had a deal with the J larlestoii people, promising to move the police in return for. ir support. Ii did not believe iy Two days alter the Logisla > re met iu .January lie had a endly interview w ith (Jovernor t lerlie and advised him not to || novo the police unless every 'I nnher of tlio Charleston city i unsel would sign -in ai:r>emout j (] see the law enforced. I'heCov t nor said he would not, ami he j v 1 not tiiiid; ho had turned out Ii he a liar and a hypocrite. 11? j i owed responsibility tor the me | > police. In Ins last tnes t re to the Legislature lie pointed i t the importance of the adop 1 >n of such a law and reeomend t it. \ lie invited niiiwtiunc IVaih ll>u . <' dience and several were fired'* him. One as to his preference ' a * 1'. S Senator met with the .1 <ponse that that was his husi si ss and he was trying to attend j 1 it, and the questioner had het - |l r do the same. j i Mr. W. II. Lawrence of Laurens j! ke<l him if his and McLaurin's 1 aws were the same on tariff* is ( es. He answered by saying that 1 and McLaurin bad voted alikeI" RISE. NO. 21. Koyal jukca the food pure, wholesome und delicious. I I^OY^I I j. J Absolutely Pure KOYA OAKING POWDFR CO., NT * YORK. ii every instance on the t'ariff is lies. I'hey had l?oth voted for he two dollar tariff in lumber, or the duty on cotton and the .lity on rice, lie had gone a lit le further than Senator McLauin, but was more honest than IcLaurin. lie had advocated a end tax?.$1000 per head on all oreign emmigrants, but McLaurin bought it was straining democacy and deserted him in that intance only. That <|uestion is iot dead, however, and he inends to press it again. He avowed that he had said he /ould vote for the Dingley bill if lis vote be necessary to pass it, nit bis vote was not necessary nd he cast his vote against it. le would have voted for that till because he believed its adopion would overthrow the Repubican party and restore the Demoracy to the control of the govern nent. lie told the Republicans rhen he voted for the tariff on umber, rice and cotton that it ras a steal, but as the Dingley lill dispensed spoils to all other ections. lie and McLaurin bought they would gral? as much t' the pie as they could for their wn people. Free trade is a myth ?a will-o'the-wisp. It cannot he nd without taxation. The govrnment must he supported--if iot by the tariff then by a tax irect upon the people, and he :)tl)Pr tlinlKrlll v.? v*>vf\?^aiv i IIV J/VPWJ/IC liau nongh of that already. lie was listened to attentively v those who were close enough r> hear. Those who were not eemed bent upon preventing thers from hearing. It was evident that the Senator ? still lord and master of the ieart.s of all his old followers. UOVKHNOH KI.I.KKISK. Governor Kllerho had been ad ised by his physicians not to peak, but lie was introduced mid much applause. The mater ot the metropolitan police iad been ;eterred to by Senator 'illman and he felt called upon t? say that when he took the iath of oflice he pie- ged himself o enforce the dispensary law, as vol 1 as all other laws. That he tried to do. He had made 10 deal?no private deal or >ronii>i?to ui. man ta ivmove lie i! let ro j>ol it an police in return or the vote of Charleston, nor lad he made any deal to remove lie police it Charleston would ote lor Mchaurin, and no man ould look him in the lace and av so. He thought it unfair for my man to go front the mountiins to the sea and make charges igainst him, your t iovernor, when ?e was in his otlice attending to tis duties and had no opportunity of reply, lie expected to be t candidate for re-election and hen would be the time to make harges. lie had expected to renovo the police, but not unless Continued on fourth l'age.