Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, June 16, 1897, Image 1

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LAN i VOL. VII. ^jjT^ANDY ! as'? so ; ABSOLUTELY 0D4EMTEED K?,S?J (, ulonni! luMtkl' ; free. \ ?. v l-t!K.VlM?V < I.AM'AS! KlS tN'I'tUlMUSh Published Every Wednesday Morning It Y THE ENTERPRISE PUB. CO., LANOAS'l Eli (J. 11., S. C. TKKVS* SuliHcription Jftl.OO per annum. AI)V KKTISKM KN'I'S. <>n*? square, Ilrst insertion $1.00 ^ Every subsequent insertion. 50 ?Contracts by the year at reduced rates. I.oral advertisements ten cents per tine. UDituary notice* and tributes of re pect will be charged for. V Marriage and death notices kkkk. All drafts and money orders to be made payable to The Enterprise Publishing Company. Notice of Examination of Applicants for Teacher's Certificates. ])l' RSI' A NT T< > Til E HIEING OF the State Hoard of Education, there will he an examination of applicants for county teachers' certificates lield at Lancaster Court House on Friday the 25th day of dune next, comiiienceing at it o'clock, a. m. The rules are very rigid in regard to renewintr certiticates, therefore, if your certificate has expired or you have none and you expect to teach in the free schools, you are respectfully urged to meet the hoard on that day for examination. Very Respeetifully, \V. It. HKI CE, t"??- Sunt. Fd iwn? i i.n < NOTICE! \S lll'SiNKSS II AS <'A1.I.KI> NIK from \'iin Wyck, S. (*., I have tliin day sold my entire mercantile interest ill the tirill id .1. K. Stephenson <V I'd. to .1. M. Voder and (Jrillin. y Ail aeeounts due .1. K. Stephenson A, ? o. ii111t he paid to Iliese y^ent lemeii who assume all debts against the liriu. i thank my customer* for past favors and patronage and bespeak a eoiitinuanee of the same to my successors. Respect I'lllly, .1. k. si I.ciiknsov. .1 one ;trd. ls'.i7. \ 17" K I 111: I \ I?KKs I <. \ KI > 11 A \ > * i ii e in.ii^ht t he mercaii t ile i ill crest of \l r. .1 K. stepenson in the lirin of .1. i.. Stepenson .v ? o., \ an Wyck.S. ('..will continue the business :;t t lie old stand under the lirin name <d \ iider A I ritliiii. We hope by ifetit leinatily nttentiiu to customers, lair and honest dealing to merit a ?hare of t he public patronilk'e. Respect full v, .1. M S ..I.I e < . .i. ;KI111s. POItKWAIIXKO. \LL I* Kit SON'S AIM: II Kit K It Y forewarded not to harhor or cmploy my son, Kddio Ilohorson, a I year-old colored boy. Tin* penalty of the law will lie applied to any one ignoring t his not ice. Mr I i.main. Sot iff of I'.tirt ion of .tnnistii nt ^ Tcar/n rs of Isincnstrr (fntih-il Srhoof oil I7t/i. VrOTii K IS IIKHKIlY tilVKN that J, i a meeting of the hoard of trustees of the Lancaster School District will he held on Thursday, the 17th instant, at t o'clock, p. in., for the purpose of electing live assistant teachers for the i w hite Oraded school. Jty order of the hoard of trustees. Lancaster, S. June 7th. Is!i7. ( 'II as. t. ( 'on n OIIS, Sec. and Tres. hoard of Trustees. * 'ASTE LANCASTER PRuporronslirjlirii), Cn?rnrPt? #rr <'!< ml 1 :i*a- i r : . i; I . .11-11 .:S) nrt;"il r- -.ills. Sun- i 41.. Ctiirn-.o, Mnntrrnl. < an., nr>Vr> York. t:i7. ? >??>???? ??? iSBUY THEM HERE !S I s pounds Arbiickl. "> ^ Coll'ee .. $1.00^ A 7 pounds flood <Ircmi Jk ^ roiici* in"? I Itrst Molasest'S. per gal. A I tiood ToliArait, pt'r lb. : Best White Kerosene .1 (w ^ i'.ufiV cjiJis line IViedics, ! f Ihs.I.ight i\\r<>'.v "> Sugar,*!.'*' ^ ^ I Si'ill if I I'.if if* tit .Vl.'j. > A. GLASSER. ?> lee ('old (Jingor Ale always on hand, I All kinds of other Groceries at correspondingly low prices. ?A parly of young people here took a moonlight straw ride to Heath Spring Monday night, returning in the wee small hours of Tuesday morning, hut greatly de lighted with the outing. ?The work of rolling hack Mr. W.T.Gregory's residence to White street has begun, preparatory to building him a residence better adonted to the ?i/? of hio _ ... W...W Alio iniiiJl) , | The new one will occupy the site of the old one, on Main street. ?Mr. R. .1. llerndon, of Yorkville, is in Lancaster for a few days and if you want a piano or an organ, he can supply you, and you will do well to see him. He has recently sold Mrs. W. B. Knight a piano, and she is delighted with it. ?.1. F. Mackey & Co., are offering a diarrhoea and dysentery cure for children that is said to possess great merit, and those who have children in their homes should procure a bottle at once and have it ready for an emergency that may arise at any time this hot weather. rn? Rew Nag?r Srnmlul, Is tho counti} to he nfllictod with n econd HUKiir scandal? Aw tho "senators from Haveineyer" ex-oflirio members of the finance committee, anil are they to he permitted to dictate tho important sugar schedule??Chicago Evening Post (Ind. Hep.). The senate committee's bill, whether designed to do so or not, will give the trust a great advantage should it borome law. For that reason tlie country Is bitterly opposed to the senate sugar schedule, and if the renati will h< 1 the voico if the people that schedule will not I " embraced ii: *!. new tariff. ?Indianapolis Journal lb p. ). The storm over the sugar sehednlo is j steadily increasing. All the ? xaminn tions wliieh have been made since its report, instead of ch aring it up, only make it look the blacker. It has apparently been made of a very complicated charncter to ha tile analysis and to dis guise a job, hut, intricate as it i . it does not conceal the fact that it embraces a very largo differential f< r the benefit ef the trust. This conviction is universal, and if is avirriivafi d lv tl... stories of personal profit in connection with it.?Philadelphia l'r< <s ; H. ji. i. Tho specific charge by a r? sponsible newspaper in (abeagothat three members of tint senate speculahd in tin' secrets of thr committee room aft? r tho sugar schedule 011 tho senate tariff hill hud been framed, and profited fliO,0(10 by the transaction, in altogether too tan ouh to bo treat* d by the senate with contempt or indifference. The peculiar influence which the | magnates of the Sugar trust have exerted in the framing of tho now sugar schedule has alreudy created suspicions as to the integrity of tho framers of the hill. If the charge against the allege^l speculators shall not he investigated, it will erve to strengthen, if not confirm, thin suspicion.?Philadelphia Ilullutiu (.Hep.). it EN , S. c., WEDNESDA\ ' T/ir Work of Uifht h i n</. During the severe thunder and rain storm Saturday night lightn' ing struck the residence of Judge |,Jones and the Presbyterian church. Ono of the chimneys ol | the Judge's handsome residence j was struck and badly torn to i pieces above the roof, and a considerable hob- was knocked into the roof several fe *i i\v;?y fi>m the damaged chime - The v head plastering in on - of the rooms 011 the fir t IP was con| siderably shattered, and the house 1 was tilled with the fumes of --.ili phurj or powder. None of the I family was hurt, but, of course, I they were much alarmed at the I terrific crash which was terrifying to people in all parts of the 1 town. I Mr. and Mrs. R. If. Allison who , are boarding there experienced a v?ense fog of scot in their room iimmnilinTH&v after the stroke. I which iti some ?!rf:in^e wfty*extinj guished the light in iye'r roo,n? j They all expected every ^lume,,t to see lire break out in the hi?",('" , in}:, but fortunately their expectations never materialized. The bolt that struck the Presbyterian church damaged the facings of one of the doors, tore to pieces the frame of one of the windows damaged the roof and left a number of other marks in different parts of the church. The fact that the church had been struck was not known with certainity till next morning. Mrs. .). J. Graham was pretty badly shocked by the stroke, and they suspected that the church had been struck. Judge Jones1 loss is fully covered by insurance, but there was no insurance on the church. DERFECT mi<l permanent are tlie ' cures by Hood's Sursaparilla, be- ' cause it makes pure, rieli, healthy, | lifo and health-giving BLOOD. , '/'? the Officers of the latncastcr < 'omit 1/ I n ti'Cilc noniinational Samtai/ School Association. i <>ur County Sunday School Convention is not very far oir and it is time we should get to work. We have not heard of any Township conventions being held. What are our township vice President doing? We would be glad to hear of conventions being held in every township in the ' county. I hope we are not growing cold in the matter, but if we l arc let us consider the need of Sunday school work and let the ollieers of the diU'erout townships appoint and arrange for a con volition, it some convenient plate, and we believe the people will i come out and make it a success. L ! suppose the township vicepresidents konw if they were appointed in 1 v?."i that thev are still in office, as the convention of lMHi re-elected all of ihe old officers. I find the names in the minutes of the convention of I 'I I. e- >i io.'.i. i in*y iirn its IOIIOW8 : (Jills Creek, T. 15. Xisbet. I Buford, .1. 1). I'ly nn. 1 Pleasant Hill, W. I). Usaery. Flat Creek, J. W. Mamel. Waxhiiw, W. I). I lodgers. Cedar Creek, K. J. Mcllwain. I ndianland, I.. Shurley. in place of B.C. Wolfe, deceased. I hope these brethren will use | every effort to get the Sunday J ; schools together in the various townships and see if we cannot! TERF JUNE 16, I8()~. fret our county thoroughly organized. And the County Executive 'Committer will arrange to have our county convention some time in the latter part of .Inly or the I *t of August. J. I\ Nisi tux, St a. Secretary. Fff's \if/ht i*oficrnttut. Sonic twelve or fifteen years go it was .1 very common thing for stores in Lancaster to he broken into or unhvke 1 hv t<l-e keys ami entered and goods of all kind* carried oil"; but for several years past we liavo had lit le or none of that kind of thing until 'recently. < Lie night about three weeks ago one of the large glasses in the show window of 15. C. llough ?V (Jo's store was broken and some pistols and cartridges I stolen therefrom. The broken glass wa ? promptly replaced l?y a new one next day. ami on last Saturday night the same glass was b'oken in exactly the. same place as the other and other goods ,stolen. | This shows the importance of a night policeman. The town is at ' the mercy of thieves after dark, : because, under the plan that, has always existed here, there is no 'noii.^man on duty at night. We ropn?ct'^uHy direct the attention of our tow.,,Lro"nril tn th'* Htt?r and ask that .the.T nwinUin \hr[ progressive noi(^iV a s .' < > s <?ou'career i characterized their n., ? n by departing from this " ! and by putting on a policeman ! at night. We are sure this will appeal to their sound judgment and that they will be sustained i by the business men of the town. ? Hon. W. I). iMayfield, State j Superintendent of Education, is scheduled for an address before the annual Teachers' Association, to be held at Hotel Altamont. Paris Mountain, beginning June 30th and lasting live dnvs. The subject of the address is, "Effects of Recent Constitutional Action i on Education in South Carolina."! ? l)r. Wood row has resigned his position as president of the South Candida College, on ao j count of lii> age and the exacting duties oi the position, %POAG & i <0 t; n St t >n fun nil i/iir/iilu irs, '/< a/ hi art iiiln //n il' i/iiiiiim/ ^0 III llf'/i III I A ((I III f /it / . . . llllil lIUl if'/. Ill /Itfl'l ill Ills/ j>n I'I iI ir 11h ^ Machinery ar <* In i/ii it ti i/l h i nt/ m mi i' //in . I 'y } im mil/ nut i/n ,\m lh *n ti : i'tf/i !'(1C(> t/otn ?// /tOttt C ft* it ? First Clas: llllil I'll II XX IllOlli '/ .1 I'lS/l ) W I hut ll'i ill'l nil/ llill'i ft I SI III/ XIII, ^0 i/n fiif i/nii. II i /'iimf hi 111 f I m < t In i'i/'ii i f f/n if l/ifl/'h i in f (/u f i ' /irfifit ''i is huu/ iiii/l fit "f I'll/l'l sfl if III l/lll/l x, l/lll/f i fi fi/ L'/inl is il/ii'it i/s rumji!i h ^0 htfbr /u i/ii all /' IIII Is nf I llifllll fiin/x intii/c mi .shaft nutu'f. iimii'. II < ni'i oi/in/s tor f/n k/iii/IoW iim/ i/i i /> wc.Hn. Hlid r diction t/ult is the heat /iili/i/i i (I forfllni . II/- run itlso Will'I', such lis till'lied Hud HOW dt'Op*? hi'iu'l'i tx. nullities Hud nx i/one orders. We at n fill fi/ Hud price. W H e don't do (I credit hnxiii, tt'or w/int we do. /tcmoiiihcr f f RISE. no. rj. Itoyul mukes the lood pure. wlioleautuc und delicious. i ^ | (>ov^ ! ; O . Pii I i POWDER Absolutely Puro I rival (iakino ro*r>rn co., vr m yOrk. i . IN MEMOUIAM. In memory of Win., son of Ellison and L. A. Small?was born March 27th, 1S1?5. Died dune Sth IS96 of pneumonia, aiied *2 years, i 2 months and 12 days. A precious one from us is gone, A voire we loved is still, I A place is vacant in our Home Which never can he tilled. Clod in his wisdom has recalled The boon his love had given, And though the body moulders here The soul is safe in heaven. Safe in the arms of .leans, Safe on his gentle breast, There by his love o'er shadowed Sweetly his soul shall rest. <1 kaxi) fatitkk. Sick stomach mean sick man (or tgt'ili 'n). ! " * 15 anfth* WP" * Uhy' , comes from poor food. Sick stoi.Sac'"* t v means poor health, poor noiirishinen oov?r Digestive Corpcor.comfort. stun* --bio ?*11 stomach, dial means health ami ?. , *mch we If we could examine ours.? i?.twould understand why it is that. tie will put it out of order. Hut, unless we are doctors, we never see our stomach. We would feel it less if we took Shaker Digestive Cordial. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes you stomach digest all the nourishing food you eat, relieves all the symptoms of indigestion, acts as a tonic, and soon makes yon well and strong again. The more you take, the less you will feel of your stomach. At druggists. Trial bottle 1(1 cents. ?Mr. W. V. Cook's dwelling at Kershaw was struck by light ning during a thunderstorm Monthly night. The damage,we learn, was not seriniK IIIWU^II UII.IHH' H> live the details. HARPER. | /itfi'i hi ( // .v// / ( / //</ f IIi ni ,i/ : if it iiml mi! I m/ jiliiiif ii r/it.s.s <>t }i f/l (fi vih-i'i i/i ./ i/inl i/i'i /mil' /'/'< t ic! Experience ^ 5 'ilt/IIVH I i i -Si III /. t W/lttt >/ou s Manner, ^ '</ nil f Ji htrc . , )JOtl in th 'ill/ il'i /uli'i n t ifnt ill' I'll n t Intn 11n i/lnii/1/ ir/iift (/it' jH iiji/i !I llllll tl'l/ III htfl't if fill till III. I'nil 111 this tini. ttui' line t'Ofl'x iiiul .sti iiin rittim/n nf II . Inti'i I'm nfhf iint in if iiinl I/III fi jnli I'I in/. J*m/nii ( 'i/limini's' i'i hii, i'i/ iiml fi/fril rt Ifhi'it11 </ Mi/i i's jutmjis fur i'r sin/ if 11 hunt J i'ii/' nf I'lmti'if ^B >n the i ii r th, tin if i/oi 1 no imii KiiiiI of Ji'iici/ irnnd rd ht/li'x/i fx, ail ii in fix, Hi it'll x, I'tlfn in fx of nil 11 mix. 11/'till/ /limit x/tfinfili'tnr/It/ in i/mili vxx. Wt' mux/ hilt'f /lm ritxh hat please. 0