Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, May 26, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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HER LIPEJTRULY SAVED. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Toes It. !. ' I'olnt. a wi'll-lcmwnroildpnt of Denver, praise- I Ills woinleriul remedy. Her 11 t luiui'V -lionhi con vim e all as to t ho worth of the Now llcnrt t'uio ami llcstora. live Nervluo. !! r letter d avail Sept. Utb( 1891. reads as follows: ^ v / /&T- -v '} -N W^Mii ?? I P?it t-nr Mus. I.a Point, 212? Humboldt St. "Typhoid fever left mo with heart trouble of the most serious nature. Nothing tho doctors pa vu had any clVct. I lia<l severe pains in the heart, and was unable to He on my leftside for more than three minutes at aiiinu. My heart seen.ed to miss beats and I had smothering si>el!s. In which it seemed every breath would be my last. \?e uceidentlysaw a;? advertisement of Dr. Miles* New Heart Cure and Restorative Nervine, and purehased a bolt le of each. A fter t akitig t lie remedies a week. I could be lifted in a chair and sit up ail liour. and in a short time I was able to do lichthousework. I shall be ever grateful teiyou for your wonderful medicines. Truly they saved i.iy lif". MK-v DMAS. DA. POINT. Dr. Miles Tleari. C' is sold on a positive guar.'inn , ti..i:. tbe '.i.,: bottlo will benefit. All druggist veil it at M 1 bottles for to or it Will bo s;eiil, prepaid on receipt of prico . by the L)r Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure u"h?ui*. Ilit tin- Wrciiii; Party. JucKhoii'h Protection Prophecy. Tin; corporations ami wealthy individuals who ar?! eugagi '1 in large manufacturing establishments desire a high tarilT to increase tlieir gains, Designing ]>olitieiaus will support it to conciliate their favor ami to obtain the means for profuse expenditure for the purpose of purchasing influence in < tlier quarters. Do not allow yourselves, my fellow citizens, to be misled in this subject. It is a system of injustice, and it persisted m will lead to corruption and must end in ruin.?Andrew Jackson in His Farewell Address. \ A < rent 1 )?*':Kicrut i<* I liir iiimii/t-r. "Tin* y liill has done more in thr<' >lay-t<> rir< >ii*tru< t and str? n^ih< n tlu- D<nni arty than all th< liar inonizors and oonoiliatoYs.ntid lnanan' t's could liavo diain in a year," tint Haiti^ morn New a (IXni.) nayn. WE SEND IT FREE TO MEN W ? will stmul )?ii l>y mail (in plain package/ ABSOLUTELY FKKK, tin* powerful DR. HOFFMAN'S VITAL RESTORATIVE TABLETS, with a legal guarantee1opermanently cure LOST MANHOOD, WKAK N KS>, \ AKK'Ot KI.K; stop* forever all 111>11:itiir:iI drains. Speedily restores health and perfect manhood. We have faith in our treatment and it we could not cure you we would not send our medicine I'ltKI'] to try, and pay when sat istled. i \\ BiTEItX mcdkim: 10. r* ?iiuor ponn?Mi i, KALAMAZOO, MICH. feh.H-1 y. F.irrvb Sa\s So. Castva ts ( r.ody C.itb; s tic, the most woni derl d nu I. il dint "U'l'v of the u>f(, plcusW ant and n fivsbink' title taste, uct gently and positively on kiducya, liver and bowels, cleansing tb entire s\stoi, di|>?l colds, euro h idacho, fever, habit ml constipation and biliousness. Please bay and try a box of C. C. C. to-day; 10, f><> cents, bold aad IPiaraatced to euro by all drui-'yist3. WOOLEN MANUFACTURER URGE MODERATION. Admit Tlmt i I i'' I*llticx and Cnnxi qui'i IIIkSa I'rli'cs Will 11-.strict tin- I n- < Wuolrim. Some of the severest criticisms n< only < f sj i ditto s mill clan. s, In of the \\hole accuis1 <1 protective svi tent, < < lie from the protected liimniftit tun r* thi itiM Ives itt their ?t? ttgglc wit opposing interests Mr. S. N. D. Nortl; se? ri tiny ol' t! Woolen Manufacturer iissoeintion, is now unci always has lu t a stanch protectionist. As such he li< licvcs that the ?U,0bil,()00 consumers c this country are legitimate subjects ft plunder iiinl tliat the maiiufaeturet are the proper persons to enjoy the pre toction pluticler. 'l'he free wool experiment which w have be en trying for three years, besitk being an object lesson in the way < cheap woolens, has taught the woole uianiifaetun rs that they can inako ;i much or more profit with free wool an moderate protection, which pe rmits pec pie of moderuto means to wear ret woolen goods, than with high duties o both wool and woolens, which restrict the use of woolens to people in good eii cumstanecs. Tie manufacturers there fore display more than tie ir usual lnoc c sty ami patriotism in the aclviee whir I they are giving U congress. Mr. Jsort is in Washington to voice the manufac turers' patriotism. Here is part of hi aclviee as taken from the Washingto : correspondence of Tlio Dry (4oocls Teoi omist: 1 am free to sfiy tie- bill Is far front untisfw tory to tin- woolen i..:inuftu tuM-rs. The cliii fault is to Is- found with tin- raw wool date which aii- >< high that cm inatiufai-turers wi iiiul tie iiim-Ivi-s sorelj embarrassed. It is in tie- coliiinlttei- has provUli d eotii|>cnsnt<ir duties wliieh tire in-oliabl.v sufficient to ofTsi tin duties on r iv wool, but the dilllculty wi 1-e, in my o|iinion, that tie- very eonxidi-ruh I increase in i>: i - ii r.iu. 1 made to ! the adilitiotilil of raw n.-e. rt.,1 ? .11 ?.?. | tin nf < ir down .<.llMllii|>ti'in to i: I ixli'Ul tliut will lie ilisiistrous lo the inamifm i tuii'i-. 1 do not <- ntftid tlint the rates <1 w >?>Ii'ti lii:iiii'.f::<'turi > in lli< 1 ill iir<- not Mill ciont to jirotoct lis iiKidn-t too severe ft.reis ?'oiu|>? titioii, liut ttii to..:: t.f tl.i t oitsuini i |ilirelin?in t'owi't- st . ..ii" I 1 :?n in l.tiyir woolen manufactures, and 1 fear tin* rates < thi" now l.tll will very materially roil riot ooi Hutu|ition. This is practically saving to Dinghy ' Aldri' h and the other servant* of t1 protected manufacturers at Washingtm "<iu slow with your high duties tin I don't try to protect too tnatty. If yn j lot i vory body into tin* protection rin; i tin ro will l.o nohotly outside to pre | upon and wo will havo to prey up< j each othor. Don't niako the inistako < taxing raw materials too high. \V I wonldn't mind it if wo could soli 01 , goods ami charge tho tax ovor to fl ! consnmor. Hut when tho tax is so hig that wo ltavo to utako out* prieos alnio: out of sight wo havo fouml that wo cat not soil so many goods, booauso tho j < ; pie can't tilTnrd to wear elothos?tin : is, woohn clothes, which are the on I ' ntii s worth considering because tin y at tho only ones which wo mnnufacturi Our solicitude for tho dear America rmisiii?ii*r i< !* ?? x*-?. .1*. ' to compel him to clothe himself in tli I si " fp\\ ihcrSS^ U I" \0 OKMOTi. 1% L i \ %,?Tfe?1 P -C'#TV 'XM |,TT=-^ UiijPffiiu skins of 1?asts, wl,:o!i are neither f:l>li | ionahl" nor heu.vwful. Lot us not ta | him to death. L< t us lie reasonable an { ?ncourage him to live and t<i wen | clothes, By so doing we can keep on mills running and giv< employment t . Ann i n .in workingun n at America wag* ?, wnu-h, alU r ail, in 11?? chief ol jtct aimed at I y us jir<'tooted maiinfat turers."?Byron W. Holt. ?100 Howard, ?100. Tin re ?l. rs of this paper will l>? plea-cd t learn ll O tte re is it least one dreaded diseas Unit science has iiten able iii cure hi nil n stayrs ami that tx Catarrh Hall's Calarrli e'ur Is the only positive eure now known to th ineilleal fraternity Catarrh heitiK a constiu t niial di-e.tse, r> <julr"s a constitutional treat meiit. Hall > Catarrh Cure is taken Internally aet I ilk' ili recti v ii|?m the lilooit ami tnticoti irfai of the sy-o in, thereby <1< stroyln ' tin f''uli of the itin ase, ami y'tvintf the 11;I th nt streneth by hnllillpy tip the coustitiit 01 and assisting nature in dot nit Its work Th . proprietors have mo much fniin in its curntlv powors, that they Joffer Ono tlundrod Dollar lor any case it fails to cure Senil for list o Ti si Imonlals. Address, I' .1 CIIKNKY \ CO., Toledo,fl Sold bv DriiircistM, #jc. Hall's Family l'llls are the best. IMIIL< >TOK KN. Is Woman's s kf jiinl Uellntile Friend. If' I 1 i vt s nuMillily (Millies, eurei i.eri eisness inn hysteria and restores to pcrlrct health. Soli by drmrtrlst* nn<l dealers for 91 a bottle Paid [ 1 mallei! >ni application II you can't |tc it from ynur 'Irtnntlst, semi fl to the prnprieto ri<l In- ? > si let vou prep.ilil hy express rims IJislev, Wholesale Uruir^lst, <W Cortland si New York "cASTOniA. i THE TARIFF ON CUTLERY. \\ i?>"* a I ii.Sc \ .ill I'iii.iii . acil Out* ruKroUMly lliuli Hullo*. ; Oil** of Ihe worst . !i' lull s in the Diiigley bill is that reintlug to cutlery i ?especially pocket cutlery. Tho duties i oil p(i< kctknives rang. Irom 100 per i cent to SJoo per cent above present, duties and arc nearly double these in the 1 MeKinley tri 11. Why. you will ask, are i these duties so extraordinarily high'. i And why are they allowed to remain i there? Moth questions are easily answered. ) It is unnecessary here to go into de i tails. Before McKinley's nomination one of the live or six large nianufaetur> ers of pocket cutlery, who was proni, inent in the trust, which raised prices an average of about lie ju r cent under the MeKinley bill, began to hustle for i MeKinley. He is said to have raised a i large sum of money by passing the hat i among tho 20 or 25 cutlery manufaetur( ers. Just how the money was spent is i not known. It is probable, however, i i that several MeKinley delegates to Ht. i | Louis owed their presence there to this 3 fund. Tho hat passer himself was one _ j * ' ' r ui mi' very io\v ucicitutcH from New York who was for AlcKinley tirst, last 1 ' and all the time. He was one of Han 1 na's most, trusted lieutenants. One of 1 tho two favors which ho is said to have ) t asked as compensation for his valuable i services was the fixing of the cutlery t schedule. This privilege, bcinjj an or<lii nary and expected one und< r the protection system, was readily granted by the u power behind tho throne. This is probably tho wh< le story. It explains fully j why the duti* s are there and why they ? will stay there. : Below is given in detail some of the J effects of the proposed duties as applied I, to importations for tho last fiscal year. Of ci ur.-e 1 lit few knives will bo iui' ported uialt r such exorbitant duties. I'UOI'OSKI > Si HKDI I.K. First. ?All p< lc i knives not <- ?.-tinvr mnro . than 40 rents u >/ n, . per nt n.l valorem. Second. c-tie.: ? r?- than 4acents a dozen, 1 Maili1, '.H |mm' i rill ml valorem unit CO rent* a ' dn?i 11. 'Jrlai'd.?('..-tin,; more than 40 cents u dozen, ' U l.lade, "Jo p< r eont ud valorem and 41 a dozen, i If purl or >hell, .V) rentS n dozen extra, i Fuurth.?C'o.-.tini? more than 4a rent*ad>>z.en, *' a Made, 20 per ecnt ad valorem anil a n dozen. i , Fifth.? Co-din^ nmro than 10 cents a dozen. 4 ; l>hule? or mure, 20 per cent uil valorem and l-; a do... a. *- | ill i earl nr shell, 75 rents a dozen extra on 2 ? anil 4 hlaih -. i N Calculation showiair result based on tmporta tiotis for I'. al j . ar ls'.?>". All knives eosttim 4i, ' cents per dozen anil less: >1 .".I'.ai) lb . en. average price, 211 cents; value, 'i I"!.,'.*J); :-? o nt. Knive.-. e.,stin^ over 40 emits jmt dozen: is.ut) do/.i n, I blade, nveras'e prii-e. Hi rents; 11 Value, 42S.SOU; at A) per cent aial .'*> cents a I dozen; duty, $2U,7tlO. ar.'.UJO dozen, 2 blade, iivitiii;c price, 11.UU; value, jliO.TiXl: at SU |?t crnt and 41 a dozen; 1 duty. $472,762. ' 277,1??) dozen, blade, average price, JI.27; it value, 4:..'d,Il?); at 20 per cent and tl.fnOadozi n; _ duty, 4Ki.sSn. 'J ' 25fcuiU t blade, average priee, II. valui', I l,.0, I - . at 20 per real and f J |>?r dozen; >. duty, , Total v.thu , ll.2lSI.~t); total duty, |l,.Vv4."2M; , 121'' I r eeiit. Km in tti-d that of 2, It an.I I Made 2a per rent i< are < f | arl or -lu ll, adding duty as follows: ts>,eui) do.. u, 2 I lad. , at ."too. I ll),UUO ft),2,V) do/on, lll'lad. , m T.V Ivj.uoo du/i'U, 4 blade, at Tat' 41 ,t"25 4l.T4o,:;l7?I ts", p. c. KESIT.T. Knives to tiie value . i ti per cent of importation.-, duty would 1 e ;!f> per rent. KlltVe 4 to the \ alue of 1 I pel* eont of llu]s,r tut ions, duty would Is- 112';, per rent. The duty on poeitei eutlery for some years prior to 1M? was 21 per rent ml valorem. From 1 sun to lhl*l it was So per cent ml valorcui, with ti.- e.\. eption-, <>f a short timu during that period when it was 45 jier cent ml valorem. The MeKinh-y taritT averaged als.ut 01 per cent ml valorem. The Wits, a tarilf averaged about Si per rent ml valorem. The propt.stsl Dlnuley tarifT will average, liltsed on the importations of 1M*>, 142', per I t'. at ml valorem . a 01 p.-r rent, of all knives importetl during that year. The ei|utvalent ml valorem iluties on th. f,,) lowing popular tie- -rtptmn of knives, under the MeKinley hill. Wil-on hill and propostsl '* bnngley hill, areas follow-. * M<*Kin* Wil-on 1 ?ing(I h v lull. lull, lev lull. ( \ 1'. C. 1'. C. 1'. l 2 blade JaekknivoH that retail at 25 t ent 112 Sri 14.' ' 2 Made p. .1*1 ladies' Univ. . n that retail at liieeiits. . 112 ati 10.'; 2 1 ihnh* iM-.irl 1 . 11. s' knives It. .1 r. I ..I ..t - ...... ....... ..V wvr ? <14%r? no ol I JL U bU!<- |h nlviiivt ., ii?.t pearl or shell, that retail at So cent.s St 51 IX I il lilixle peiikuive., jiearl ??r shell,that retail at SiOrentM s:i 51 17C 4 l liele jH>nkiitves, not ponrl or sin 11, that retail at *) O rent.. 'il 51 It". *' 4 hhwlo jH-nkjilve., pearl or ale-ll, that retail at 50 cent. bJ 51 ii>l S ; A lady at TooIeyn.La., was very sick with liilioiH colic when M.C. Ii Tisler, a prominent merchant of the town gave lien a bottle of , ('hamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhua liemedy. Ho nays she was well in forty minutes after taking the fir?t dose. For sale by .1. F. Markey A < 'o. and l?. ('. Hough A- Co., Lancaster, S. ('. ! Mn In lie Pile, I "Mil. It UTII Kit XOTM KFtfivcn in\ oltlce will Im? open on Satur " <la> i'l ca< li week, ami on tlie lir?t Mote , day in each montli. I,. .1. I'KKItV, County Supervisor. !MADE ME A fclAhVj AT,t'"' 1:'" ' ' Rf 1 > 'ai.uuj or Vint ) - *H u .1 ' 1*rations. I'ftrf/ #/tiir#?/./ *?/.?/ *nr<lt V 1 1 t Vi lit a tiiauf jrhtu'lv. tneim ,r mi.> r:. . yfi-. ' l'r?*v?*nt In anity an'! < . ntut i taken ill liitiM. T!n:ir 'im? pIkjWh i::?rn? ' ' ? irn| r-?v mailt and olToct* a 4 IJicH wl.i-m nil ot'ier tail in npon Imviii T tlio p? A? x '.'Mat ;. T1? j tinvoctn? ?l i !iou? amis an ; wi. ii are >c n. \\V ,-i. a i itiva %vrittnn i:uurnnt??o to elti rt a ? ;ro ?I*| PTC i' each ci oor refund 'he n ?? . ! W vl 3 1 i pnckfiRe; or ei.x |'ku?s (full treatin ?nti for j;'.A >. ixi(4 I. in plain wrapper, upon r?*e? ij t t?f i ? >??. ( in i AJAX REMEDY CO., -'^XTuir For salt* in Lancaster, s. (by .1. I Mackcy vS: Co. CSSOUTHHRN RAIL WAV. ! Control Tim. Colombia and .TacklOiKlllr.*rII time Hmvi'CIl CoI Ulllblu iiimI Ollu-r Points. EFKKCTIVK >IAY i. IH??7 II ~ ~ |.N??T3S No. HO Northbound. .. .. .. Holly. 1 t.t11 y. Lv. J'vttle, F.C.&P.Ry.. B Uft 7 '"pj " Soviinnah l2 2opj II 15 j>| Ar. Columbia ft 15 i- ft 24 U| Lv. Char'tou.SC&QKB. ' P)u, 5 m.? t ! Ar. Columbia... 10 55 11 10 lOpI Lv. Augusta, So. By.... i 10pj 0 HOpj.. " (triuiltovillo ' TKtp. 10 12 Jo " Trenton. U 08 jv 10 SOp " Johnstons slop! 11 10p|.?..,..| Ar. (''ilumlil.kUn. dep't ' ft fto p; i IT .1 Lv Col'bln Blnnd'g bt .. 5 20p' ft lift a| ...... " WinnilKiro. 0 12 p (1 2s .1; c tester 7 01 p 7 18 *1 " U ..-k 11111 7 ->ftp 7 57 a Ar. < "hurlottp f> '*> p 8 ?V? u " It.mvillo 12 OOnt 1 bop Ar Richmond ' 0 OJ:? 0 40p Ar Washington tft 4 >,?! ;? top' ... . " ift:iltiiiior<. Pa. B. K..; ? .? ;?j 11 ?> ... " Philadelphia I 10 15 H 2 .VI11 '* N"\v Yorlt.. ,| 12 4-lp 0 2211, No. 37 No. 3A Sotlt llmMIIHl. | . B. . i>uily. Kut.v. | Lv Now York Pn 4C0pj Klllut ; " I'hllndi.'lphtik... .1 rt 35 J- 8 .v a ! " I'.altitnoro. .1 0 20p 0 ?! i? .... I Lv Wiuh'ton, So Tty..' 10 Wp: 11 15 a I Lv. Richmond J 2 00ft| IV ftftp ! Lv Dnnvilln : ftftOn # 20p l i. u l'iliv .j 9 o.i it 10 2U p " !< k Hill ' in -Mai 11 Wp , " ('',.1'sinr ' 10 .">N ?* lluTat ... .. 1 " Winnslioro. ... 11 i) :\ 1J ill! n ....... Ar * ' ?l'lii i Hlaml'i.' 1- 'un 1 a Lv ColumbiaUu dvp't. 1 lSpl 4 30i*| " ilohnatona 2.Mpj o .-.j a' | " Trenton 3tn?pl fl 4S a. " <irmiit?'Villo 8 Mpl 7 17 a; Ar AiikuhU I ljj> S IMII Lv ('ol'liln, K.C.&U.lty. 4uup 7 ui a ... Ar. Charleston Ntiup 11 uu a i Lv. Gol'bift, FO.4sP.Ky.; 11 13 4? a " Savannah .' 4 p ft lOal j AcJnoksonvtll* 9 mi p. n 10 a( M-KEI'IMi ('Alt >EltVI( ?; Double daily pas.ongor service between Flo Ida anil Now York Ndj. 37 ani .IS?Washington and Southwester Limited. Solid VeatibuTed train with diinn ; rurs and flrst elans conches north of Churlotti Pullman drawing room sleeping car- h lwoTniuim, Jacksonvillo. Savannah, Woshlngto and Nhw York. Pullman sleeping car between Augusta on Now York Not. !|7> and .*>?U. S. Fast Mall Throne Pullman drawing rontn buffet sleeping ears In iwoii Jackson villo and New Y>rk and Ai ftista and Charlotte Pullman sleeping eat .-tween .luck-on vilb and Columbia, on rout daily between Jacksonville and Clucinnati. vi Ash'-vlllo. W. 11. OKEEN. .1 M. CL'LP, (4 vi it . Washington T M Washington. W. A TUltK. S. 11 HAKOW1CK, <? P. A.. Washington. A <1 1* A . Atlanti ''In addition to tlie above trail . service, there is a local train dai ly between Columbia and Char i lotte, making all stops. No. ;{ leaves Columbia (Blandin< Street) at 5:00 p. ni., arrive: Charlotte S: 10 p. m. No. 3.' leaves Charlotte daily 0:30 p. m. arrives Columbia 0:55 p. m." TT7 YOU _aiiii in *vv GOING WEST*] | Anil waul T.OW HATKS to St. 1 oiiiMi'inpliis, Now Orlonns, inrinnati 1 . >11 i>vi11?>, < liira^n, or point* in Ar Kansas. 'leva-. Missouri, Kansas. Cnlo ratio, t iri'gim, Washington, < alifornia or any point West, It Will Pay Yoi Io w rite to or skk mk. Kxrnrsion am Spoeial Kates from time to timr ('lioiot* of Houtos, No trouble to an >\v<t ipiost ions. Halt's anil maps for nishi'il free. Aihlress Fi<ki> 1Kr-n l>i*t. I'ass. A>;i'nl, L. a \. H. li.. U all st root, A t lanta, < .a. Vol us Tkii.v, K H KI > l?. HI'S II, I >ist. I'ass, A (font, A I I. A N I A, ('A. spa nisi i ^ .ia<;k I>i:i:? h I:NKM?t;K, -J HI: < 1:1.1. I) hrated tlioroii^lihri'il >I'\NI>| , .1 \CK?the liandsoinc>t in tin- Mate I which has liccn awarded the hi^he* j jircmiiiin over all compel itors at tie state Fair for years, will stand tin present season at the stable* <>l lle.i'li i springs a <'n. in t In* town of Lamas j ter. Sure f.,*i| guaranteed for *1<> April Id, l.v.17. ' ?All kimls of blanks at tin Kvmii'KisK ollice. ?(let your .lol> Printing don< at the Kntkhi'sisk ollice. ?See our sowing machines am prices before you buy. Knti it 1'RISF. ollice o Rivrr AMD CHARLCST ON V? RAILWAY CO. iVvssi. I H i* \ir; mkvi . | In lift, ill Weliicsii iy. May Mil I Mo* j Northbound. | | Si.ulM.uund 3 0 I >_|33 32 12 34 A. M A.M. P.M. I* M |? II Ip.M. I " ' -" i .Catnden . | I ft) I 050 , - - ' . I ? . I i'J ij |5 '.I I V , ''I1 - l\i i -Saw i ISIi.i 5 :(i| 11 ' : i .VI I.,:, 11 " : '' I' - i i 11 ill iir 135 - 1 1 . . I.i '.-Iir. . I I . . 35 " ' "' .I 310 ....Riverside.. ..111 3 ;?5 | .| :?.hi .. s,arin:;ilfll (MM1 3u5 I " ' Cutuw 1.1 lion! 1(1 45 1 50 i ' .... I.* -.... I'J:i;> l 15 1801, . .Kockiilll 10 80 18 U '"> I l-"1 .... Newnoll 051' 1055 fr-'O . 15' . ... Tl/.ah t 0 17 III |5 ' . 5i'.. .... YurUville .... : In 30 'j 8" 5 3(1 . stiaroii.. .. 0 3" 0 50 5 1" liicuur.i licovu 0".' 0 35 h 5 5" ... Smyrna .' x .' ? 0'5 :i" H j,, ij i i li'il-iiir/ s an x to siii,';-'' llarls ...i ! ix .-j. x n; I" Patterson Sp? n'- 7 (3 s |i o i il ' siiei i y ? ! T ;i" h :?, 1 0 I"' ' .. I.atlmore ... I T 35 j Ofdil ... Moorexboro j 7 35 hum) ... lien- ? tin . . ; In nr.'"' . .Forest City., i orv' HI 501 .. liutlicrforil loll.. 0 30) . 11(1.5 ... Millwood.... (Jim . 11 35 .Golden Valley.. 535' .;1135 . ..Tl'ornml city. 5'inl .13 Nil . .. Glen wood ... i 5 Of.1 . 13 3" Marion ( |."> . jl?. mi. I* M l P.M. I P.M. AM ' I I 'am No. 33 has connection with Southern Kail wav ni Rock 11111. and with Sea hoard Air Line. j at ( ataw I.a .1 unction. N 31 mil t."> will i arry passengers. II No-, it anil 13 havo commotion at Marlon . | with Southern Railway. All trains will stop on signal al Oakburst, El* yin.C.i- i-v-. Koihlvs, Old I'olnt.Loudon.King's ' Creek, and Vain Mountain. SAMUEL HUNT, l'r. -Id. ,,t. S. B. LUMPKIN, < P. A. Tourist Slfcpiim Car Cine Ilc1 tveoii Washington ami Sail Francisco. The Southern Railway and its , I connections (the A. A: \V. 1'., L. ?V N. iiiul Southern Pacific) have inaugurated a Tourist Sleeping ; Car l.ino between Washington anil San Francisco, via Atlanta, New Orleans, ami l.os Angeles. This sleeping car goes through without change, leaving Washington every Saturday morning at II :1a, and is accompanied by " ( a Personal Conductor and Fullman porter, who go through. The r Pullman fare for double berth is n $7.00 from Washington to San j. Francisco, ^ i This service i- especially for the ' convenience of the parties holding second-class tickets, though lirst? | class rickets are good in the car. .lj Further information may be e obtained from any Southern Railway or Southern Pacific agent or ollicial, or from A. J. l'oston, 4 (ieneral Agent, oil Pennsylvania " Avenue, Washitigton, I). ('.. or i from W. A Ti hk, (i. P. A., So. Kv., -; Washington, L). C. I : I,ANCAST 1!K AL ClICSTKK Jl RAILWAY. > , ??? - ? , P.ctwoen Chester and Lancaster. I In effect T.iw, Suntluy, l''ol>. II, l*i?T. Jhiih/ < t jit Smithi//. | No. tt. No. 11. No. III. No. 13 A M !'. M A. M 1'. M. "> | .\r Cht"?ter l.\ II (?.*< 7 n6 ) K .Vm 5 86 * " ( (IT'S " II 90| 7 30 v it* r> Knnv -. . " ii :tn 7 :m *> :c. :> 16 Mi i>i>oi<>l*M.. " i ii toi 7 m 8 3." 6ii:.,| Kioliliurj?.... " 11 ."<0' 7 .Vi , * 16' i * n i--in111?- ' 13 os s o-i - H ' !!' l ?aiar Manila ' 13 I6j 8 in . v I I rl I. \\ i, ' 13 36 * 30 - | . a -,ii tiract-rt... . " 13 in ? ;u> ; 7 "> I I'1 "MilN r'-i Crn.-s'i,'" 13 6o s l=i , I 7 3" I .1 I. v. l..ii.i\i.-.trr Ar I '?'l 8 .Vl ' ; A M P M IP. M.lp. M. i. : Train ! * . * -r at 7: M a. m., con r.i-i'ts a i i'I '"Hit \i i i?iiinlit'rn K.n'.wav u'olntr -." 111. .'. I. - ;. - ' It a ml i. I ?\ N \ cslinula all' I ' ' : I. i. \\ I sl Tra ' i\ !. I. in. i-iItT :n :t In p m cm . | licc'.s ill I.aiii'.i-.l? i with O K .v i Irmii l am : a, ..'ill- . ii - titlii fn lialiuu . i ' | north :in<l south itnil Willi (' \ I., north I 'I r.un it-uv no,' i In iU-r .u 11 o5 ;v. in., connects at Chest* r wltn Southern Railway from Char* | lotto, also (' .v I,, from north. Tiai . 1? a . t.. < he-Oi r at ?;0T> o. m . connects I with Southern Rnllwav front Columbia, Q. C. ! ?v N front Atlanta ana C ?v L. from Lenoir. i. i: k< ?\ sriuNt.s, W. II. II A KM X. President Vire-l'res. and Manager. Totter, Salt-Hh"tun nn*l F.ozottta The intense itehing and smarting incident tuth. ,-e diseases 1 instantly allayed i by applying Chamberlain s Kye and . Skin Ointment. .Many very bad cuses t have been ]ioriiuinently enrod by it. It ! is e?mally efficient f>r itching piles and B a favorite remedy for sore nipples; , ui i|'| '-'i i uiiuiuins, iroht lutes - and chronit ><-re eye.-. cts per box. , m , Dr. Cady's Condition I'owdors, are . ju t what a horse need - when in bad a condition Tonic, blood purifier and veiniiliij^e. Tliey are not food bnt Tnodieinc and tlvb - t in uso to put a " hoi . ill 1 e 111'. ? ? 3 cent i r package " ! KOTUT. ' 1 wvm eve y man ii a woman in 'he i niteil Stale-, intere-lei) in I he Opium an?l Whi-kv liat- l-. l<> have one <a iiit hooka on l..ene ?l I jiaKl Aditrwi It, M. IVoolley, Allni.,ii vk lkox atTC, and one will be t.cui you Ireu.