Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, May 12, 1897, Image 1

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1 LAN . * . VOL. VII. II /|0jJANDY !| |'ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED ' | iile anil t-oolil.'t frop. Ail. STKItl.lXO IIK?KI?Y < 'vO pSISOM -J - *'*'f Primary, Hc> . ' o:i;'aryorTPrr :> p??r 1; iit'y . ' 1 r y i . ^ i . J. . - ? ; v 1: tDJ.'iJMt'it. l> .T V. C M.i.1 I . v.. i.ii ...? . i ilV'ii'.. >' >?' v . . r lil'l 't 'I'll.lO. . 1 ? ; J <>1 lliO i:i< 1 v Clsiiirt* l 1 i .:i-1 > : u:. .. . (rnnr.\ntr. Vliwilnt v v on'.. application. Add < ?? <"<?<>! , ?, SO J Alu?otilu 'JLojiljiIc, < ! i j 4;A> ' umo i uniM For Infants and Children. ?Mrs. M. .Moore has moved her family into the Methodist parsonage. Dr. Weber will board with them. ? Ernest Willie who has been in attendance upon the meeting of the Southern liaptist Convention in Wilmington, will visit Mr. W.C. Cauthen of the Oakhurst section, on his return therefrom, and will give an entertainment in that community complimentary to Mr. Cauthen, which by the way, is a nice compliment indeed. The entertainment will be given probably the latter part of this week, r flirt nnrlv ii'irt n(" nnvt ... ...x. W. ..VAl, Willie may lecture here also, though nothing definite has been arranged as fo that. He lectured to delighted crowds while in Willi niington, and if he comes this way all should hear him. Senator Tillman has our thanks for a copy of the Congreessional Directory which contains brief 4 sketches of all the Senators and Representatives composing that body, the Committees of tin; two houses and much other valuable and interesting information on the affairs of the Government at Washington. S/mt in thr .Xrrl:. riw... i i> fiwo x ii i-i i v auu ? ?u- i >rti IM'N, both colored, becamo involved in a dilliculty Friday morning last, which resulted in the former getting shot in the neck. The ball entered just in front of the coratid artery on the right side of the neck and was cut out by Dr. M. 1'. Crawford at the upper edge of the breast bone on the opposite side. l'ho wound is not considered dangerous. A woman was tlie cause of the dilliculty. A 4 i rand 4>/f'rr. In this issue of the Entkrpkisk I will bo found the "ad" of Mr. Ii. Hrandt, tho Jeweler of Chester, S. C. He is offering to clean all kinds of silverware free of charge. The tirm is a reliable one and thoroughly responsible for anything sent them to be cleaned, This is a good offer fbr our readers, for not often do they have the opportunity to have their silverware cleaned by one who understands it free of charge. I 5 AST E LANCASTER, CATHARTIC ISTIPATIOH^^ j i oauceisT.51 rmrnf ron?tipi:tion. C.-.cPnrots nrr- flic Mrsil rrip or rri|ir.inil cauRC i ry i.;.'.arnlr tKi. Sani-i Montreal. < an., or Now York. 217.5 I*'or the Knterprise. I troth of Mrs. S. //. Mohfri/ of ii?.,n. Again death has entered thej home ol Mrs S. L. Mobley, widow i ol the late .J. I>. Mobley. First, several years ago, a son, Mtinnerlyn.and her husband, were taken, I almost without warning, and I within a lew hours of each other. Then a lew years later, a daughter, Mrs. Nettie ('arson, died, suddenly. Then, about three months ago, another daughter, Miss Clem, was taken from her, followed in a few days by the unexpected death of asi-ter living near her? Mrs. \V. It. Mobley. And now! Mrs. Mobley herself is dead ; has! been taken "home"?where there is no more trouble and sorrow, and where the weary and heavy laden are at rest, ller death was not unexpected. It has long been known that, though she was able to be up, she could not be spared a great while longer?that her i ? _ i- i % me nun}: ny a very slender eor?l that whm liable to break at any time. She herself fully realized her condition, and was prepared to no whenever the Master might call. .Just before her daughter died she told her that they would not be parted long. And when she took the the last sad farewell of her?the farewell of the living to the dead?she said, "Goodbye, sweet one; I am coming soon." She took worse Sunday 2nd., and though she had every care that attentive physicians and loving, tender daughters could give her. she gradually sank until Friday evening when, .just alter the sun had gone down, she breathed her last, and her spirit went to the| (ioil who gave it. A Iter the toil and trouble, There comes a day of rest; After the weary conflict. Peace on the Savior's breast ; After the care and sorrow. The glory of light ami love; After the wilderness journey. The Father's bright home above. After the pain and sickness, The tears are all wiped away; After the (lowers are gathered, No more of cart If* decay; After the deep heart sorrow, The glory of light and love; After the daily dosses, A glorious crown of love. .Mis. Mobley left five children ?Mrs. A. J. Kvans, of Rock Mill, Misses Blanche and Cora; < *lar- ! enco and.Inlia, the latter about j thirteen years of age; an aged 1 mother, Mrs. Sarah Robertson, live sisters?Mrs. K. K. Croxton, Mrs. W. I). Fssury, Mrs. L. .t. Cauthen, Mrs. Merry Mohley and Mrs. W. J. Hammond, and a brother, Mr. I,. Robertson, and many other relatives, and friends to mourn her loss. For her children now left alone, thero is the deepest sympathy. * llealhSpring,S. C.,May 10 1807. To fnr* ron?tlpnllon Ki>r*??r. Take Caacaretft Canity Cathartic. 10c or 2Sc. If C. C. C. fail to cure, drugKlsita refund money H EN S. C., WEDNESDAY, Mr. II. ?/. fircf/ori/ ttiitf Miss Iter- I trtulc f'o.r Murriril. { Miss K. (?ortrude ('ox and Mr. II. .1. (irc^ojy wore married last Thursday alternoon at o o'clock, al the homo of the hrido's lather at Landsford, Chester County, S. (It was tin? ilusiiv of the bride and groom that the ail'air should ' l?<* as simple as possible, so tlieiv ! were no attendant*, not even a liest, man or maid of honor. . The 1 . , < ceremony was perlormcd by Kev. , iv i'. i i ill son. pastor <?l 1m het hot Church, in the presence of only the relatives and most intimate/ freitids. Carriages were in waiting and immediately after the ceremony the newly wedded, with several ( Iriends, Messrs. 8am lihea. I'riah s and John .Jordan, friends of the;', groom who accompanied him,; were driven to Lancaster, reach inghere about 8:d0 p. m. At the . home of Mr. Gregory an excellent J wedding supper was served, only relatives and a few special friends! being present. The bride is the only daughter of Dr. I). M. Cox, of Landsford.. She is very accomplished and at- ( tractive and cannot fail to make! many friends in her new home ' as she had done in her old home. The groom needs no introduction to the people of Lancaster. ' Kverybodv knows *4Capt. Jack,'' that he is clever whole-souled, J jovial, and one of the most successful business men in the up country. He is the head of the ' firm of II. J. Gregory ?Sr Co.. has the respect and esteem of a large ^ circle of friends and has at all times proved himself worthy of it. May he and his young bride live to enjoy many years of connubial bliss.?Saturday's Ledger. HOOD'8 Sarsaparilla has over and over again proved by its cures, ! when all other preparations failed, that ! it is the One True BLOOD Purifier. I To he Married Thar ml a if, Mr. T. B. Clyburn, formerly of this county,but now of Chester,8 C., and Miss Hello Williams, daughter of Mr. .J. W. Williams,of the Douglas neighborhood, will be married to-morrow at Douglas' church at 2 o'clock, p. m. The' young couple will leave on the' afternoon train for Chester where! they will reside in the future. DirtHint/ iloa.He Horned. On Sunday afternoon last, be-1 tween 3 and 4 o'clock, Mr. .1. I). <' Ilinson, of the Primus section,lost j his dwelling by tire which is sup-, posed to have originated from a , defective stove line. Mr. llinsoni< succeeded in saving most of his] household effects. No insurance.'] Horn tint/ It injon Siinf /itirnctl. Mr. John Blackmon, of the i'ri- j mils section, lost his barn and; [ wagon shed,together with a lot of 1 corn, a wagon, etc. bv tiro early ] ( Sunday morning last. The tiro is It thought to be incendiary. No in- : surance. |\| ERVOUS Troubles arc due to l*i impoverished blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the One True blood | 1'uritier and NERVE TONIC. I'rraltf/teritiit Urnrrul Asscmhl//. 1 The general assembly of the } Presbyterian Church of tho I'nited States will convene in Char lotto, N. C., on Thursday, May 20. The following delegates have j been selected to represent Bethel ornsbvtorv * Mitliotnro nrinnif\nlo ?.J K. Hall, Guthriesville; J. I (?. Ilerndon, lluigeway. Alter- * nates?C. W. II umphreys, Lan- i caster; J. B. Swann, Bullock's Creek. Elders, principals?James Hemphill, Chester ; John Shillinglaw, Leslie. Aternates?O. L. McNeol, Yorkville; J. C. Foster, Lancaster. ( MAY 12, L8(n. 'or tlie Enterprise. rid Hickory Laboring Under a Misapprehension. Old Hickory says; Tin action >1 the ont-iroinn Hoard of County 'oinmissioners on llio first Men lay in April in volinir themselves >; y ir>r uiai <iav ami refusing to )ay t!u> Township Commissioners vho we re called t here !<>; the same mrpose, was a liitle arbitrary in mi* est imat ion. ami is condemned iy all lair minded men." Now, )M Hickory. you know. M least yon ought to know, that lie County Hoard of Ci?mmi-<ionus have no authority whatever o vote pay to themselves or any it her otlicial. I hat is fixed hv he < Seneral Assembly ol' the state. As a matter of justiee 1 >eliove tlte Township Comtnis doners should have been paid, at lie same time the County Hoard s not responsible for such. Well. >ld Hickory may say. the County Hoard had no authority to meet hat day. If he will look up the Jountv Government law, he will iml it says* The County Hoard >f <Commissioners shall meet on he first Monday in .January.April July and October provided that he chairman of each Hoard may jail an extra meet ins at anv time uul also that we should serve until our successors are appointed uul qualified. Had those two ['ommissioners been appointed uul qualified previous to the tirst Monday in April ? I as one fit the members of the out-going Hoard received pay for that day because it was provided by law. If I had not I should not have made any complaint. Now. Old Hickory, with a spirit of kindness I state these facts that we may not he condemned by those fair minded men that you speak of when they under stand the true situation. Joskimi M. Caskf.v. Dry Creek, S. C. The Southern Itaptist t'mieention. The editor has just returned from Wilmington, X. where he attended the meet iocs of the Southern Raptist Convention, some account ol which he hopes to give in next week's Kntkiu'Iuim:. In many respects this is said to have heen the greatest session ever held l>v this great Convention, composed of some eight hun delegates representing fourteen States, many ol' whom were among the greatest preachers and pulpit orators of this county. Rev. Mr. Roldridge who went one day ahead of us, has not yet returned. The Convention goes lit Vftrl'itll.' V't novt ' Doing into a decline." How ??ff?*n In we hear this expression. What is the matter? It means that people ire losing tlesli, growing thin, wasting. The way to correct this condition i* 0 improve the digestion. The condi1 ion arises from an inability to eat md digest food. In fact food does nore harm than good beoanse it fernents and putritiers in t he stotnaeh.developing poisonous substances which when absorbed cause various <ii>trders. What is re<|uired i- that the stomach tie made to perform its duties. The Shaker Digestive Cordial a food already digested and a digester of foods is well. It will make the stomach tiealthy. tJet a book front the druggist md read about it. A California chemist has robbed aster Oil of its bad taste. Lnxol is Is name. ltittrH for thr Sam Jours Mrrtini/. The O. K. it ('. lly will sell special round trip tickets to Kock f1111 May li'lth to .'{<)th inclusive, >n account of Sam .lories1 nioetng. The rates are as follows : Kershaw, Heath Spring 1.60 Lancaster ... 1*1 Riverside ... 65 rtpringdell 5(1 Tickets limited two days from late of sale. *R!SE. XO. 8. I ^ fcll|l ^ m AbsofutoJy Pi:ro for its jjri :tt lcavcninir strength mil lieult hfuln-'ss Assmp s tlit- food ii rai, st 1 ;ilum un<l till forms i ' ail'i'ter.C.on common To llio cheap l,rains ItOYAJ. BAKING s l'OWDKBtn. NKW YOKU. Card ?l Thanks. Kditoh Kntkkimusi-::?IMease al1 low nic space iii your columns to thank my many friends for so i generously contributing to me in .cash, clothing and household artiI eles since my recent loss by lire, j h'x/><t:'nilh/ do 1 desire to thank, , from t he (lept lis of my heart, those I of my neighbors who aided me so much in saving mv out buildings, i i c and those who labored so earnestly land contributed so liberaly in my efforts to re-build. Charity has been bountifully bestowed upon me by them as well as by White Kluir Lodge A. K. M.. and Hanging Hock Lodge K. of 1*. lor all of which I am indeed grateful. .1. N. Estiudgk. ASLEEP*TfT JESUS. Mrs. Km mil .1. Belk was bom in I'nion county,North Carolina.June the 1st, lsr,7 anil died April 28th, 1 S!?7. She was married to H. b. Belk, December 17tb, 188S. Ttiree children were born to tliem?two girls and a son. Moved to Arkansas in 18SI4. Sister Belk profesed religion in tier early days and joined the M. K. ctnireh. She was a I sweet spirited christian, faithful to tier church and to her (tod. She was j kind and devoted to her husband? ! sharing with him the sorrows, cares anil trials of life. Asa mother she was devoted to tier children. She ] taught them to love the church, the Sunday school, their teacher and all ' good religious people. She strove to j bring them up in the admonition of t t lie Lord and to lead them along the path of the just. Iter sutl'ering was I great; tint (tod's devine grace had t aken away t h ? st ing of t lie last enemy ? < n iM-nni, .->ih* oiii'ii expresseu herself to Imt friends :is being ready ami willing to go. Iler death was peaceful, yet triumpliant. Ilt-r life iiad been full tit anxiety, labor and eare, but the weary worker is now at rest anil Iter sweet spirit lives forever in that home where not a wave of i trouble rolls aeross the peaceful breast. Maytiod bles- the berieved I husband ami lit! le ones. >1 ay be | a companion to him and a mother to his children. May they remember 'with joy that earth has no sorrows that heaven cannot heal, sister Hoik I leaves a companion, three children ami a host of warm friends in Arkansas, a father, mother, sjstors and brothers in North Carolina to mourn her toss. Her brother in t hrist .Ir-iis, .1. i? .1 r. i i on. Ziima, Arkansas, May .*>th, W<7. Notice?Lancaster Graded School. To nil irhoni it iimt/ roiirirn: i hk?? nonce mar pursuant to a petition signed by ton voters and treeholders re-iden' in Lancaster School j 1?i-1 ri?-r. we I tie undersigned, Trus' toes of said Dist riot, do lioroby call a public meeting to l?o composed of nil ! those voters v ho aro resident in and return for taxation in -aid District real or personal property of the | value of not loss than one hundred dollars, to assemble in the Court Mouse at Lancaster, S. ('., on Friday the 28th day of May, In07, at 1 o'clock p. in,, for the purpose of electing a I chairman and secretary of said meetj ing, live trustees of said school l>isI trict, and of determining what special j tax, if any, not to exceed live mills, ' shall he levied, as the majority present shall decide, on all the real and personal propely within said School District for the maintenance of the public schools of said District. B. K. Mii.i.Kit, W. 'I'. Oil KOOKY. M. 1'. t'KAWrOKH, C. T. Con NOMS. Trustees of Lancaster School district.