Lancaster enterprise. [volume] (Lancaster, S.C.) 1891-1905, May 05, 1897, Image 1

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T " LAN T VOL. VII. cuMrnt " 3S? 50 ' ;' ABSOLUTELY GOSRASTfPD ?, SS7i . | |?l? mill booklet Tr. . Ail. S'i'KUMMi IIKMKDY tl ?> ??<??? LANCASTER ENTERPRISE Published Every Wednesday Morning by THE ENTERPRISE PUS, CO., LANOAS'lKR C. II., S. 0. TKHMS: *?ul?Hcripf inn 91.00 per annum. ADVERT IS KM KNTS. One stpi&re, llrst insertion ... $1.00 Every subsequent insertion i>0 f < 'entrants by the year at reduced rates. I .oca I advertisements ten cents per fine. Obituary notices and tributes of respect will be charged for. <g Marriage and death notices prick. All drafts ami m.wi..Ir nnlu.j ? .? - - J >" *"- " *" ?c made payable to The Knterpriae I'ubUahing Company. Kor the Knterprinp. Van Wyok Items. Again this week we are before the readers of the Entkrprisk with what news we can gather from our intercourse with the^ people who make up our community, but while we have been pretty closely confined with our farming interest for the past ten days we have been lucky enough to meet our friend Jim in several of our rambles. We succeeded in pulling out of him some items that are worthy our notice ^ for the pages of this letter. Jim is a sorter of a good fellow any way and when a man wants to know or pet a pood honest opinion of his neighbor wo generally 4 hunt him up. FARMING AM) FARMKRS. Yvell they have broken all past records in preparing the land and getting their crops in. About all of the cotton crops is planted, and in many instances a pood per cent, of the corn is planted. Many of our most enterprising farmers are bepinning to adopt the intensive plan in the manage ment of their farms by cutting down the acreage, manuring more heavily and diversifying their crops, and from observation we find that such have about solved the great question so often asked does farming pay ? Answer unhesitatingly it does. The small grain crop both wheat and oats are looking well and promises a full crop. S The fruit crop is almost a to tal failure. Such as apples and peaches. Smaller fruits, such as cherries and strawberries are gen erally good. Gardens and poultry will both ^ l>e late. It is not election year though, and common people can manage to make out, while can JASTE LANCASTER, I I'mrnm i; asoof constipation, Cottonta intkoIdtilLuM i rip or aripc.liut rauso ? ffj urn I risulls. Sxn-O [) , <'hira?o, Montreal. < an., or No it York. an. j didatos would expect something better. COMERS AN1) (inKBS i Miss Minnie Massey returned home a few days ago from a visit of several weeks among relatives and friends in York county. Mr. Dick Fudge and wife spent some time in Van Wyck the past week as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. li. II. Massey. 1 Van Wyck was represented at 11lie annual Falls picnic by the following representatives: Mr. J Paul Beckham, Judge and Miss Pompey Tillman. Mr. W. R. Tillman sold at one i time a few days ago 100 pounds! lard and J 00 pounds homeraised hams, which demonstrate that the Southern farmer can 1 have his smoke house in his own 1 yard with a little extra exertion. The Van Wyck school has re- j opened at last, and is running on full time with Miss Thorn as , teacher. Miss Thorn comes high- , Iv recommended as a teacher and we bespeak for our people a -* iici.ti y wupermivu ill tlie management of the school. The actions of the out going Board of county commissioners < on the first Monday in April in voting themselves pay for that day, and refusing to pay the Township commissioners who was called there for the same purpose was a little arbitrary in our estimation, and is condemned i by all fair minded men. Messrs. Massey and Tillman , have taken in Mr. Jim Smith as ' a co partner in the fish business, and they are now attending to ( their farms while Jim does the fishing. Old IIickohy. 1 Til 4 . J? v ?non niril>< Many such tlood the market, Botanic Itlnnd Halm is a conscientiously < compounded medicine, the result of forty years' practice by an eminent physician. It is the best blood purifier ever offered to the public, and is guaranteed to cure if given a fair trial. Try it for all skin and blood diseases, in- i eluding catarrh and rheumatism in 1 its worst form. One bottle of it con-' tains mere curative and building-up , virtue than a dozen of any other kind.! l'rice $1.00 per large bottle. HOW IT ST A N I >S A T 110 M K. Our retail demand is such that we buy Hotanic Blood Halm (II. H. B.) in gross lots. It sells well and gives our, customers sat isfaetion. < >ur sales have , increased 500 per cent, within a few months. We attribute its rapid sale ; to its size, price and merit. We are ; selling four or live bottles of it toj' (ink of any other preparation of the ' kind. It has failed in no instance to 1 give entire satisfaction. < Jacobs' Pharmacy, l'er Fred B. Palmer. M. I)., 1 Atlanta, (la. miiiiiiiiif imi/ ami A mill. ] Night work at tho factory lias l began Monday ni^ht. The night \ shift went on duty just as the ? whistle blew for tho day shift to < stop. The weaving department < which has been doubled and which now contains 470 looms, will run only in daytime. That department running only in day- . time can weave the output of tho J spinning department running day and night. Children Cry for J Pitcher's Castorla. * H El S. C., WEDNESD^ ? Mr. J. L. l'ou? paid Iioc Hill 11 visit last week. ?Mr. .J. J. IVrrv, ot Clintoi spent Sunday and Monday hei with his sisters. ?The planting ot cotton about over,and t!i" work ot'sidin and chop) 'ay lias commenced. ?Cultivated strawheriies at bejjinnin.t: to ripen. The crop an abundant one. ? Mr. II. .1. (iregory made trij) to Atlanta last week to Ini more stock. ? List of letters advertised f< the week ending May L lStt" Daisy Stewart, Walter llrunsoi Jos. V. (tRkookv, 1'. M. ?('apt. S. IP Lumpkin, (Jei eral Passenger and Preigl Agent of the <). 11. vV ('., was i town last week on business fc 11is road. ?The rains of last Kridav an since were fine and did gre; good. The small grain crops ai now practically certain to 1 good,barring damage from insect etc. ?The special school distri< for Oakhurst has been laid ot as has also that for Heath Spring and the next thing is the electir to decide what levy, it any, t ho will make. ?Mr. W. .1. Yarborough of tl Primus section, was exhibiting four legged chicken on the stree Saturday. it v/ar, hatched at h homo on Monday previous. THE ONLY True Blood Purifli prominently in the public eye t< day is Hood's Sarsaparilla. Therefoi get Hood's and ONLY HOOD'S ?Mr. J. T. Funderburk an his daughter Miss < Dudley paid Lancaster a vis last week. ?Mr. W. 11. Long has gone t Columbia to take a position ; the cases on the Evening II cord. ?The bridge across Kttm crec which was let to Messrs. W. 1 and W. Q. Caskey for $30, hi been completed, and received 1 the Commissioners. I) M t-1 1' " ' ? i\uv. r>. rerreu lias a cepted a call to the pastorate < Ihe Osceola Baptist church ai will hold services regularly o third Sundays and Saturdays pr vious. ?The North bound train c Ihe O. B. tVr C. road was delaye Saturday about 7 hours by washout about a mile and a ha ihis side of Camden. 1'he wasl ?ut occured a few minutes afU ihe train passed down. ?Mrs. J. 11. W. Stevens ar lier daughter, Miss May, of Che ler, came over last week toatten he Ileath Brown nuptials and I ittend the reception at the hon M Mr. Jno. T. Stevens six mil* ?ast of town. ?During the rain last Krida; i frightful bolt of electricity mad ts appearance just in front < Mr. T. It. Addison's dwelling i he Douglas church section, an uuldently exploded with a torrill; eport. Mr. Addison and Mr. ] Denton were sitting on th Ma/.za, and the latter was prott leverely shocked. 1TERI lV, MAY "), 1897. k THE "BREATH" OF SPRING. ? IIY It. K. K.?I.Ot'AI. TAI.EXT. II, 1 saw a beautiful k'irl With lowly s iti lirik'ht hair Which cluster' <1 t"Uinl ill curls, t?n a face Divinely lair. It'-: eyes like p.Ulsies Uee|? With a moon beam's softened cleam, Ma tee en my liar 1 lieui t leap 11r When on mo they once did beam Ami Ohl lor a hiss?ye i, even til death, '.v ml I 1 lotti for this blls. profound, "Till 1 leaned so close, 1 .sinelletl her brcii *0 I 'Two* onions on thcro i found. POSTAGE STAAtP FLIRTATION. itv S.VMK ai limit. i y 3h" ".as the 1'ost Master's daucliter so fair " j With tie 11 Inn brown eyes, oh' so line Shu was a merry maiden no care -s. i riie l to worry or trotihle her mind, if Without from vailed lash"S she slyly 1 PI'I'DMI ???? wliil.* OS.III..? - . I - . > ?' ?up" "Wont you It!" Yes, satd sho shyly, I Then she licked it and put it on dump. I "Twas a letter to uirl sweet-heart in Dover ' Sh" said as ale- hands it to me I "IM llko you rieht well for a lover." I- "All r; -lit then, I'll sit this on? free." 1 So 1 tori- up rny letter " | Then courted this maiden for fun Hut I found out she wat very much better, j Titan most maidens, just under the sun. T Sin 's my wife now. who in idleness flirted I My heart it was caught In a vamp I My mind to-day has reverted To the day that 'twas stuck with a stamp <1 j . ? . l' j No mystery about it. When tl (; ' Shakers oll'eretl to some time n;'n give away a bottle ??f their Digesti G Cordial to any one who might. call s titeir New York ollice, there was great rush ami a threat many peop thought they were crazy. Subsequent events proved it to ha' been a very clever advertising trail y action, for although they gave aws ' tliousands of bottles, it was in the pi s, profitable; nearly every one that tot n a free bottle came back for more ai paid for it with pleasure, saying tin y had derived better results from it tin from any other medicine they in ever used. ie There is nothing so uniformily su cessful in the treatment of stotnai troubles as the Shaker Digestive Co ts dial, ami what is better than all, it r jg iieves at once. lAijrol, the new form of Castor C !r is so palatable that children lick tl > spoon clean. *o m < ! NOTICE. . I wast every man and wontsn in the Unit (1 States interested in the Opium and Whin , habit* to have one of my hook* on ihete d )f ease*. Address It. M. Woolley, Atlanta, C Box SSI. and one will be sent you free, it ? ? POAG & | Thexr ff// roitml /ncrhnnn r? I ?/// # ? /si ' ' \A^ Miteh IllfS tO do the. nreassa, iy ' ^ and count y. li e /tarn at ta ' ^k pared with ?( 2 Machinery a ^ to tin anythtm/ / >mi Inn . ' ^ / m in I'd Hot i/o .\oi'th "/ ran hare done at home, m a ? First Cla: ^ Had far lens money, .1 rtsi ^k that Wi ai'i not adeci'tisim/* . . I do for i/ou. II c know hrftii I need to repair their ma eh in Oar evpt i'ii nee is him/ and I of eu I res, xt earn i/ayes, 'jai/t j ( < eery kind is a/ways eotuple j lathe, to do all kinds of em/1 )(| j rinys made on short nnflee. to anew. II/' arc Ujcnts for ti a ha I low and d< < p nullv, uno ^P diction, that in the jtunij ^P cost a fortune. 11/ can itls< ^ work, such an turned and sa )! f drops, brackets, mantles one n ? as your orders. We can fli [" ty and price. [J? J IIV don't do a credit bus ? J for what we do. Ilemevibei y 4AWWWV% ?RISE. NO. 1. | ^ p|3 ^ Absolutoly !Furo Celebrated for its ureal leavening strength and hualtnf Ulr.'SS AsMir< s the fooil itgal: st iiluin and n'.l form* of adulter.i'Ion common to the client* brands ltOYAI, UAKlN'f! ?Mr. li. L. Kobiuson who has been at Princeton, X. .J., for several months past taking a theological course in Princeton Puivorsity, and who is well known to the readers of the Kntkhi'KIsk on account of his series of letters ?"Twenty Days in New York"? written expressly for the Kntku>*' i'HIsk and published therein the early part of this year, reached at home yesterday to spend the ,!l Summer vacation. Ie ?The re building of the bridge s- across Lower Cane creek was let last week to Mr. S. II. Starnes for ?k, I ?175. 1 i OI 1 WONDERFUL are tho cures by l(j Hood's JSarsaparilla, and yet they arc simple and natural. Hood's Sarsac parilla makes PU RE BLOOD, eh r- * ' c- Judging from the dispatches, tho Greeks will soon be whipped, or rather ovepowered, oy the I,',1, numerical superiority ot the Turks. f'J To Care Conut Ipntlon forever. IS* Tftkn Caticarets ('anily Cathartic. 10c or 2Sc. If O. C. I to cure, druKKists refund money. harperTI w, have been ntri vi nyfor nearly a ^P <j and mi/liny pfanf. a elasn of 0 ry work demanded by thin town f succeeded and a re mar prend Experience a n y where. else to yet what yon 3S Manner, 5 f to our placi will couv)net jou ^P unnefh my we ha era t yot or can t ,f than anybody what the prop/, cry and try to hare it tor them. ^ citi'icd i/i f/us /inc. One line : t net's iHi'/ stcum I'iffiiijs of tc. iir /hwi />' ? iit/1/ jmf iii o ne Oin/ jm i'i j>(CWinj. I'iston ( '////ndei's I'e/ioi'i'i/ dm/ ^fitted 'it cclehrntcd Myers pumps for ^ ' Wi soy wit/toul Juir oj con leu I on the cm thy inn/ flu i/ don't i do an J kind of J unci/ wood ^k Wed hillusfe/'s, columns. newels. ^k / cabinets of all kinds. Ifrinj ^k ' them satisfactorily in t/uali ^k * hiexs. H'(! mn.ii' have the cash ' that please. J