The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, December 11, 1877, Image 2

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t A vu and 80q 1I(I. WINNSiOlRO. 8. C. Tuosday, December 11, 1877. R. MEANS DAVIS, Editor, JNO. S. REYNOLDS, Assoclato Editor. Tus CoimESPoNm)WHT Of the Jour 1 o* Comimerce says that Ropro uontat.ivo (lailla1rd, of this county, made an ablo 3peoch agaimnt the usury law, as op)osd to the rules of political conomy, and powerloss to offect any good to the borrower. Mn. R. V. SiausoN, of Anderson, has boon elected chairman of tho Committoo of Ways and Means of tho Houso. It had boon thought that the plaeo would be given to the lon. C. . Mommu1inger. ut Mr~. Simpson a is an earnest worker, cool andI clear headed, and will malk an admirable chair man. We havo no unfavorablo coI - mont to m1lako uponl thi solo etion. Important Bills. Among tho billN of importance now beforo the Legislature aro the following: 1st. That. the comptroller-general rk-1mit the forfeit onl (11lnqlilt Uaxei whenlever Oho apl)[ic-nt, poe by affidavi! 0hAt he wasv prosenit be foro ho clo'sin)g of tho tax books, but that the tromsuror could not collect hil; tax on account of the rush of busills. 2d'. An am1endmlont to the con stit,utionl providing that the justicos of tho supre-0m0 court and the cirmCut uldges slall hold oflico during good behavior. 3d. That all parsons engaged in manufacturing, in this State, guano or other fortilizors, or in solling, in this State, guano or other fortilizers manufactured in another State, shall attach to oaoh Back, barrel or other artiolo containing tho same, a tag, eithor written or printed, containing the namo or namos of the person or porsons, or the namo of the company, with the namos of its individual members, so- manu facturing or selling such guano or other fortilizer, and a true analysis of such guano or other fertilizer. The ponalty for non-complianco with this act to be a fine of from two thousand to five thousand dollars, and im1isonmnit in the penitentiary of fronm onoe to five years, or either fine or imprison mont. 4th. The continuance of the operation of the lien law for two years. 5th. A re,onactment or the usury lawv. 6th. The ratification of the school amendment. Besides which there are several bills providing ways to abolish special legislation, iuuich as in the matter of erecting gates, &c. A Needed Amendment. *1 ~The ratifica4tion of tiho school amnendment ha.s boon1 made t.he special order for the 14th inst. Considerable opplosition to it exists ; but it should pass. Edgeolold was the only county that voted against * ~ it; and nlow the Advertiiser favors its ratification, on the ground that a closer study of the matter b)rings out its good points. In one respect both tihe p)resenit sectioni of the consatiutioin and t.he tuamient arc faulty, each providinig that the moneiy shall be apportionied accord ing to the school attonldanco, with. out specifying in what way attend ance shall be0 reckoned. This gives rise to the most absurd results as will readily be scen. Assiueo that the amendment is not ratified, and that one county has one thousand childlren attending forthomnh; another county three thousand children for ono month; a third, six thousanmd children for three weeks; and a fourth, twelve thou-. sand children for one week. Here it is obvious that the amount of teaching-i. e. the numnber of children multiplied by the number of days each attends--is the same in all these counties. Yet in nmak ing up the annual report, the irat county will be credited with one thousand chuildlren in attnenan. the second, with throo thousand; the third, with six thousand ; and the fourth, with twelvo thousand: for the law says nothing about the 1VOru/e attendance, and each county will report tho largost possiblo nunbor of. scholars, in order to obtain the largest possible share of the school money. And by thus showing, the fourth county will claim twelve times as much as the first. So long ,as there is a premiiumt on fraud, the ratio of apportionment each year will be so inaccurato as to practically daIno the system. If the amendment be ratified, the same objection holds good as bo tweOn the respce-tivo school districts in each county. It is tho duty of the Logi3laturo to define the meaning of tho words "school atteIdailnce," so that thoro May b 10 no ambiguity. For that purposO we strongly urgo the passage of an act of the following tenor: Tht the teacher of each public school in the respmetivo school dis trict"s of the St-Ato, be, an(d is hore by, required to keep -t roster of all tho pumpils attondiig school, With dato of enterin', anld leavim; and slw1l fturthwr kep it recor(l of the daily 'attundallco ill said twhool and4 si-Li, at tho end of euch month of four wecks, enter in s.tid record the number of daiiyl each 1upil shall hie attended during the month. The liggreIgato atteldllance of all the 11up1)il; for the mlonth shall bo livilo( by lwonty, and the gntioat slall be the a0vera1g attendanco for the month, (a f!Wtion lOss than one half being rejected, more than a half being countd as ono.) The attendaneo of one pupil for one month of twenty school days shall be taken as the unit of apportion ment of the school funds. Each teacher shall make aflidavit of the correctnesr of this report, to tho best of his knowledge and beliof, and shall filo a duplicate of the rnport with tihe clork of the board of trustoes beforo he be entitled to roccivo pay for his services as teacher. And the school conumissioeior shall not countersign any pay certificate, until he shall have received the teacher's report of average attendance for the month for which the certificate is (rawn. By the adoption of this act the difficulty would b obviated. It would entail trouble on the teachers and school oflicials, but it is the only just way of apportioning out the funds. Under this, the four counties moeitioned in the hypo thetical case would receive the samie sum-one thousand pupils for three months, three thousand for one month, six thoumsand for half a month, and twelve thousand for one--fourtht of a muonth-all giving the same number of units of attend ance-throco thousand. We trust this matter will receive attention. It is as important to the school law ais the multiplication table is to arithametie. TilE ST'ATI E G ISLATiURE. FamaAr, December 7, 1877. SENATE. A number of bills wvore intro dued, read by title and properly roferrod. On motion of Mr. Cannon, the Senate proceeded to eoet a commit tee on Federal relations. Mr-. S. S. CJrittendon was elected chatirman. Mr. Cannon nominatod the follow, ing senators as miembers of that eonuni ttoo: M.esiu-s. WilIey, Lips comb, [Butlor, Gary, (runyboll and Maixwell. A ftor somo debate, these gentle-. meon were dumly elected. Concurren t r-esolution (H-ouse) relating to the election of Hion. J. J. P'atter-son to the Senato of the United States was taken up. Mr. Hlowar-d moved to refer it to the committee on Federal relations. Mr.- Cochran moved as an amend umont to request that committee to report in Jive days, and called for the ayes and nmoes, which wyore.taken with the following result :Ayes, 11 ; noes, 1(3. Yeas-Messrs. Campbell, Carter, Evans, Gar-y, Jotor, Mootzo, Myers, Walkor, Williams, WVitherspoon and Wylie. Nays-Mess. Bowen, Buck, Butler, CIan n om, Coker, Counts, Cr-ittendon, Duncan, Howard, Kinsler, Lips comb, Livingston, Maxwell, McCall andl Todd. Mr. Cochran then called for the ayes and noes on Mr. Iloward's motion, which resulted as follows : Yeas-Mossrs. Bowen, Buck, Buntler, Cannon, Counts, Critten din. Eans Gry, howA Jeo., Kinslor, Lipscomb, Livingston, Maxwell, McCall, Todd, Witherspoon and Wylie. Nays-MosEis. Campbell, Cochran, Meotzo, Taft, Walker and Williams. So the resolution was referred to tho committoo on Fodoral relations. Mr. Lipscomb presented memorial of Stato Grange, rolative to railroad freights and other railroad abusos. R1oferrod to the railroad committee. Adjourned. HousE oF REPRESENTATIVES. After calling the House to order, General Wallace, Speaker, in a very graceful speech, resigned the Speak ership, and then requested Mr. Mommuinger, of Charleston, to take the chair. Mr. MIomninger, on taking the chair, said : "The Speakor of the Hotuo having resigned his position, what is the pleasuro of the House as to tho order of business 7" Whoroupon Mr. Hall, of Charles ton, olfereud a resolution thanking H1on. W. II. Wallaco the uniformly couttoons and ablo manner in which he had porformed the arduous and trying dities of his position. The resolution was seconded by Mr. Aldrich, and unanimously adol)ted. On motion, the Houso thon pro cooded to elect a Speaker. ilr. Buist, of Charleston, nomi natod Honl. John 0. Shoppard, of Tho roll wias then called, and Mr. Shepimud unanimously elected. Tih now Speaker then took the chair, and, after a brief and appro-. p; iato address, called the Houso to ordiwor. A number of bills and resolutions were introduced, road by title and pr).perly referred. Mir. (Iaillard, of Fairfield, intro duced a bill to alter and amend the law on tho subject of fences in certain townships in Fairfield coun. ty. The resignation of Mr. W. H. Wallace as a member of the House was accepted. TIhe unfinished business yestor day-bill to regulate the rato of intorest on all contracts arising in this Stato-was taken up and dis.. cussed. Adjourned, SATURDAY, December 8, 1877. SENATE. A number-of bills were introduced and referred. Favorable reports were made other bills, which were ordered to a second reading. None of general interest. A joint report was received from the ju(iciary committee of the two houses that in their opinion offices and attaches cannot be appointed and elected at the present session. Adjourned. HousE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House met, Speaker Shep. pard presiding. A number of peti.. tions were presented and referred. On motion of Mr. Haskell the House resolved to mneet hereafter at 11, a. mn. A number of bills were reported, none of general interest. The usury .bill was then argued till the time of adjournment. Mr. Brown argued forcibly in favor of it. Mr. 0. G. Memminger spoke learne,lly in opposition. Mr. White of Charleston followed in favor, as did Mr. Rt. WV. Simpson, of Anderson. Adjourned. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWS. Aiken has-am eight-.pound potato. Col. 3.. D. Wylie has been elected senator from Lancaster county without opposition. Associatio Justioe Haskell and Judge W. H. Wallace have both :iualified and entered upon their judicial duties. C. H. BalHwin, formerly of Colum bia, wvill be nominated for collector of tihe port of Charleston, vice Worthington. The treasurer and the auditor of Williamsburg couldn't agree who should make out tihe delinquent tax list, and so the people got off. The "Marion's Men of Winyah" are to have a regular old. fas hioned gander-pulling in Georgetown on the 14th inst. A negro named Malloy broke into a house near CJheraw one night during the recent freshets, and in attempting to make off with his booty fell into the water and was drowvned. Four miles of the Greenwood and Augusta Railroad have been graded, andl are now ready for the cross-ties and iron. If a hcartby response be made to the call of tile company tihe road will be b)uilt and in running order within eighteen months. Edgefield was ablaze with enthu-, siasm on the receipt of the news of the admission of Senator Butler. The citizens, white and colored, went out in a body~ to Sunset Hill,. his residence, a mnile from town, and indulged in bonifres, music and speeches Richland county has the lion's share of offices. They are as fol lows: governor, treisurer, attorney general, superintondet of edntcation, chief justice, associate jotico, su perintendent of the penitentiary, clerk and assistant clerk of the House, and aSBittant cl(rk of the Senate. Why is this thus ? The Beaufort Domocratic conven, tion nominated Col. Win. Blliott for sonator on the fifth ballot, Maj. Joff. Warren withdrawing in his favor. Whipper is trying to induce the Radicals to run him for the po sition. They will scarcely bo such fools. The Savannah and Charleston Railroad has completed its bridge across the Ashley River at Bce's Ferry. The river where the bridge crosses is 490 feet wide and 60 foot deep in the channel. The draw bridge is 115 foot long, rsting on it stationary bridgo 128 feet long. Whon the draw is opn, two opon ings 60 foot each are left for vossol s to pass through. Passengers can now go through fromn the North to Florida without cliange of cars. On Thursday last, while M. Charles R. Bates, a wealthy citizen af Kalamazoo, Mich., who had como Lo Aikonc for a wiinter tour, was walking out With his wife, he was inddenly attacked w'ith a heavi aess in his chest, and, without any prAi,rous symptoms, 'was dead in Gwenty minutos thereafter. F 'our mece(-(ssivo paroxysims of what is 3upposed to have beon conlgestion >f the lungs seized him, ore lie 0asod to broathe. Ho had been tpparutly a hearty man. NE IVS 01 TIL E D.AY. The Washington Post, a now Domocratic daily, has been started. Two nogroos are to bo hanged in Jharlotte, N. C., on the 14th inst. Samuel Bowles the editor of the 3pringfield, Mass., Republican, :s langerously ill with paralysis. The Wolfborough, N. H., Savings Bank is closed, pending an *xamna - Lion of its condition. Thore were over a hundred nomi. ations left unconfirmed at the lose of the extra session. Conunodoro Charles H, B. Cald -yell, United States Navy, died at Waltham, Mass., on Friday night. Tom Scott is engineering a bill ,hrough the Mexican Congress for a grand railroad. The New York police have boon -econtly arresting large numbers of anlicensed liquor dealers. Hon. John H. Evins, of Spartan. )urg, has been admitted to practice n the Supreme Court of the United states. A Spanish council of ministers has approved of the marriage of King Alfonso and the Princess Mereedes. The Pope has been in a dying )enditionl for twvo weeks, Cardinal dimeoni, his primio minister, is also Iange'rously ill. The Indians are pre a-ing for a 'aid on Deadwvood, i'o the B3lac(k Fills, and United Status troops al e Iurrying to reinforce it. Georgia ratifies the new constitu tion by a large majority, and re ruses to remove the capital from atlanta to Milledgevillo. The Russians have the advantage at present, but the Turks are mnak ng desperate resistance. The l'urkish ,.parliament will meet on ~he 13th. President Machon of France ~as backed down from his contest rith the Republicans and will select i ministry from that political party. It is reported that Disraeli will osign the premiership of Great Britain, on account of ill health, ma that the Eamrl of Derby will mucceed him. The Pot tnguese M~inistor to the Vatican has been raised to the rank f ambnssador. Portugal claims a 'ight of veto in the next Papal oloc Lion. A Panama letter of the 26th :dltimo says that the Terrorist R~evolution in Equador has assumed grand proportions, and is (uito bhreatoning. Gener'al Or'd stated, in his8 evis lence before the military committee oecently, that the Mexican peoll md authorities on the lower Rio *rande were in sympathy with the i'aiders into Texas, There is no doubt that Eustis will seated as senator from Louisiana, ut there will probably be six speeches on each side, not for delay but to enablo senators to place their motives on record, The Republic Trust Company of Newark, N. J., have decided to dis oontinue business, owing to the diffloulty in making safe nd profi table investments, Peposit'ors daw thnih balances I full The London Financior says that the premium for roiniiufnces onl the Overdu staiMo0r City of Uerlin which left New York on the 24th of Novomber -wis advanced on Thurs day to twenty guineas. The Post says tho rate was from thirty to thirty-fivu guinoas. In Laneaiter county, Pa, on Thanksgiving Day, a youtli named Milton Helm attempted to shift a pistol from on1e pocko. to another, wlon tho woapon was disclmrge' the ball striking Miss Mla Neal n the tomple, causing her death in half an hour. Antorio Nicrosi and Miss Orolia Sharp woro recently found lying doad together in the Montgomery, Alabama, Comotory, each with a bullet through tho brain. They had boon engaged, but moeoting with opposition, they sought death ai a relief. The inquest has developed no facts about the sh1ootinD. John J. Patterson claims to havo received three hundrod letters from all parts of the country asking for coplies of his great speechl in tho sonate, which,it, is said, was written for him by Judge '. J. Maekoy, Patterson smys, also, that ho has received an oftr $2,000 to deliver twenty lectures in the North upon the Southern q-mstion. Ler-do Tejada withdrivaws his pre tEnsiois to the Mexic"n Presidency, anIld intends ret iring to Prance He recoI01111ds General Eicoblo to the sufi'rages of his friends. Variouis bodies of troops are moving to tho frontier. The iaz government s4cm- to be firmly seated in power, but has n ot been recognized iby the United States on account of the Rio Grande border troubles. A prisioner inl c-mrt t Pal myra, N. Y., haviti cll Judge ichmiond in Open court "a gray haired old scoundrei, ' t-e jkvlgo left the bacih, and seizing his clle hoganl to casti - gato the rnflum, but his foot slip ping, the pri:,oner got Iim dvowin and kicked 1um severely about the head beforl he w ,.s alrresited. The pris. onor was remankded to jail until tho judge wan sufliciently recovered to Continu his case. The Russian Court invited Dr. Ayr and his family to the Archsv (ike's wedd'Ing in the Roval Palace. Thiii distinction wasi aw'arded him not only beeanso he was an Ameri can, but also bocause his name111o Its a physician had become favorably known in. Russia on its passago round the world.-.Pueblo (cut.) People. It was rough on a fellow to have to got up in the middle of the night and hunt around for another bhmnk et. 1.1L it wis rougher to find that the blanket wasn't there. A Virginia Sherill' asked a muira dorer if he wanted to muake a speih on the gallow~s, and he rop!iodl, ''Gutss not ; it looks like rain, and I dlon't want to get wet. Go on with the hanging." .T COST 1 To Change Investment U,~ Twill sell my entfire stock of' Ilard w'mro . . for the nr.xt sixty d1ays at cost to elo, o out, thle buin ess. Mer,.hants and ~ Plan ters will hint it, to) their inlte-roit to cal I soon at-l setorme g uods they maiy be inu1 im s I in,ten I to s. 1! thiemi (,lY ns arly a.s possibtlLe. Ay3 pIers(on wish in'. to con toniie the buinless will ha furishail wi th particulars, anid willi be given liberal deCbted are requtestol to caill nt set .le ait Onco). I havo0 ton Shamros of' Ui.ling arut Loan Stock, which I will also sell on good terms. dec i--1mi J. M. GALLOWAY. IAM RECEIVING daily fresh Sugars, Coffees Green and Roai.-t od, Ten, Flour, Grist, Meal, Syrutps, Molasses, Soda, Soap), Starch, Bagging and Tios, Bacon, Lurd-in B3bls., Cans and B3uchots Seed Oats, Rye and Barley, Nails, Trace Chains, Horse and Mulo Shoes, Axle Groese, White WVino aind Cider Vinogar. Mir All goods delivored within corporate limits.} Fresh Cheese and Maccaroni received to-day, Now Buckwheat Flour. Choice now crop New Orleans Mo.usses. Now Mackerel in kits, i and 4 barrels. * D. IL FLRNNTKENa