The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, December 08, 1877, Image 3

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LOCAL ITEMS. 1 n ScmmJ)ma. 4--Th 1( f)ilow. ing table sho)WH the h1ours a whi h tho train)- -.:' the- C. C.& .Rh' reach Wil,loud"ro : DAY Pa,isizoit. For Charlotto........... 1.57, .,. x. For Augus ta ...........4.19, r. 31. N10wT PASSNOEU. For Au-tusta............ 12.52, A. b. 'or Charlotto............2.55, A. U. Relisious Notices. Associato Roformod Church Rev. J. M. Todd, 11 A. -,., and 7. P.M. Epiacopal Church--Rov. J. Oboar, services every Sunday ex-ept the 2nd Sunday of the month: at 11 o'clock A. M. New Advertisements. Egg Nogg for Christmas-F. W. H1abonicht. Building and Loan Association D. R. Flouniken, Secretary. There, are woAdings and rumors of weddings now. Trains no. 1 and 2, day passen ger, will resune their schedule on Monday, the 10th. The postponemont of the -lales for d-linquent taxes gives great satisfaction. The fall session of Mount Zion School closed on Friday. Due notice will be given of its ro open ing. To Tl'cHERs.--The County Board Of Ex umI.. O ar receivjg a 11m be of .i i i,jb:Ia the sch~ojIs id aunt the ex m.T(i.,e .on (if teaciis. lustrucait.< ha:ve been roecived tiat no c,.rtirllates shall bo issued except after formal ex faminationl, due notice of the time of -which will oe given. Tho examin ers will not-Oxamino any applicant excopt on the day astii;ied. Tie Ox. uinatiul WIil nob Cuiultil w1hat are known aa "eatch quesi.ions" but will bo directed to tuaeertaininig what knowledge the applicant has on fundamental and gencr;al points of kiowlude. It is suggekd that all who wish to stand the examina tion should got their arithmetics, gralimire, American histories, geographies and roadors, and refresh their memories on the salient points of each. It is a very risky experiment to try to stand an examnination wvithou t previous p)reparation. Among the books, which may be of advantage, are Maury's or WVarre-n's physical geog raphies, or Swinton's larger geogra phy ; Hlart's or ,Quackenbos' or Bullion's, or Clark's grammar; Davies,' Robinson's, or Sanford's arithmetic ; Swinton's or any other good American history. Appli cants for higher grades should rovicew Algebra also. A good book on the theory of teaching is "How to Teach." There are two books, "Stone's Questions" and "Swvett's Questions," which are compiled from examination papers in dilYer ent States, and which give somc idea as to what kind of questions ,is generally asked in examinations. Of course the board does not pre~ tend to say that its examinatior papers will 1)0 taken from the books. But they are useful tc applicants in preparing. All these books, or similar ones, can be gol at the book stores, and will prov< a good investment. The p)eopkc demand that the terichers shall bc competent, and teachers can bcome competent only by preparation. .PAT TE RSON'S DISCHLA ROE WAsmNoo, December 5.-Noon, -Judge HIumuphroys, this morning, delivered his opinionl in the mattei of John J. Patterson, relator, on 1aboas corpus to be relieved from warranlt of atrreist on the req(uisitionl .of the G>* vornor of South Carolina. There were priosen t, amiong others, Senator Patterson and two of his counsel, namelly, Modssrs. Cook and Shellabarger, and Mr. Lowndcs, attorney for South Carolina. Tile judigo's- opinion was elaborate. He denied the power of the State ol South Carolina to vacate Senator Pattorson's comi)hissionl, which musi continue until constitutionally r'e voked in~ pursuance of organized authority. It could not be said that Senator Pattersoni was a "I~~~~~~~ thWk%"%nWWV"Wt ta uica conizanc o&- tof f5AthtLr, oraizto is one thn.1nda1a tion~ to d t it is anthr Th I 461 thitik i ainbx a1L)t 1i3 u-x .d application of civil fornis of law to, tho dominance or tritumph of the passion of a faction. I cannot re concile it to my sconse of duty to give aid in placing nmnacles and handeuffs around and auunt the individual citizen for the purpose of surrendering him bound inl.o the hands of those who may not be dia passionate enough to vindicate the true rights of the individual, or to those who might be led by impas- i sioned appeals to a condition of mind they could not resist. Zeal for the correction of wrong has often led to the conviction of the inno cent. It is the duty of courts to sit still, deliberate, and, with civil pro cedure, throw their protection in such a direction as may curb or con, trol every word and action. Let the man be ronanded to the body of which he is a member. That body is legally, constitutionally, morally, intellectually Capacitated to dispose of the question involved, and to conLdemn or acquit. I discharge him from airot on the warrant for lis eXtraditiol, and the same is hereby ordered " Building and Loan Aesoolation. T III 3.ith regular monthly meeting ot the winn1sboro lWtld,ng and Loan .\ssociatIon will be held in hlle Town Hall on MndaY CVMn Ii%:, the 1011: instant. at T o'clock. Maembers will bring their books an(I pay t,heir montily instal I nnts at or liefore thai. tim, otherwiie the pnawity of tweit,y cen0s pershnre will be chargel u It're thn mee 1lwg. TIere will be fron seven buridred to nnhu1rired dollars for loan. A 1 111illVe0* V 1;.; 601Th r l, IN filieact ion of the 1);VV-0*r., in re: le14C i t u i m c ti -e' on I 11, A i ,ll' -1, of the Dy-Laws will be submitted for NNI D dcc -tixD. It. FlrNNI R IN, dec 8-flx r*ecy. and 'reas. Egg Nogg for Christmas. j,HE undermi,v:ed rnspectulily calls I. the attentIm of tht citizens of Fair ficl to the fwt (ihat he has a fil stock of 'h 1i1est l.10tO!M .nd WINES in tho 1->r(, antd its purity in eory i;tanca. In isU) stCk are the follow :n is: D11111y, Ot ar.1 & ('.. Co 111 1randy, Old getnnin" Ja'aioa 1i1:1. .tnnin'e 1808 Cablnet Rve, genii; o 181, R.ianocke UINy0 Whisky genuinMM Kniekerbooker Rye W1hikey,'1 guine' N. C. Apple lirandy. genuin- N . C. Sweet Mash Corn Whisky , ge11nu-- Stone Uontiti Sour M.t. corn Whtisky, genuinn Banche, FilH& CO., 1*1ham1ll-)tt, finl- P3113 Tab140 Sherrv an- 1 a full stock of all Domestic Liquors, Win.s, Ales. Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, &o., &Co. tospectfully, dec 8 F. W. HABENICUT. A 0, -at mWr For 'Itofidays B will ur-n these hard tinme. antt i'-a- hob is d i:).pose oth Pc' N PIANOS .ad t)UAhN, of first-cla:,a ma'-rers at lowe~'r pries for eash, oru in W~ATfEHS' Ianosand Uan aure th:e best amade. wvarran ted fori iivoi years. Illrutr-. ted Catalo,u es mail-l . Greet iniduce mtst!t to the trade. Pianos 7 octave. SI40; 73 octave, $i5'i. Org.ins. 2 stops, 5-18; .1 stops, $53; 7 stops, &No; 8 stops, $7ith 10 sto ps, $S5; 1 2 sto ps $sl; in pe-rfect order not used a year. Shoet Music at haif price. IOilACE~ WATERtS & :ON8, Manufaceturers and Dealers, 40 East 14ith Strect, Nowv York. The State of South~ Carolina, cOUNTY OF FAIRFIELD. By 0. R. Ti'LOMPS0N, livq., Probale Jude W~T HEREAS, Benjamin Stewart hath mVtiade suit to met to grant hims letters of administration of the estate and effects of Lovin Stewart, decensed: Trhese are therefore to cite and admn.,nish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Lovin Stewart,. deeceed, that theCybe and appear before me, in theo'ourt of Probate, to be held at Fairfleld Court tIlIOs, S. (J.,on thol8tht day of December next, after publication hereof, at i1 o'clock in the forenoon, to show causo, if any thoy hiavo, why the said admninistra lion should not be granted. Given under miy hand, thi's 3rd day of Deoomber, Anne Domni 1877. 0. R. TIHJOMP1SON, deC 4-txaw2 J. P'. F. 0. A Fine Opportunity. rp HE undersigned ol'ars for Bale or the fine store building now occu pied by IR. Sugenheimner & Co., and known as" Catheart's Old Stand." This is one of tile ver,v best business stands in Win nsboro -i>etig centrally located and surrouded by cotton buyers. The building hasl recently been put in first rate condition--repainted and otherwise overhauled. On the same lot, is a com fortable dwelling-house and warehouse whtich will be dlisposedI of along with the store building. The store has alw~ays attracted one of the best trades in the county, and is altogether one of the most desirable In Winnsboro, ' Terms very acoommo dating. D. SUGENHERIMER. ALSO, Along with thosatorc above mentioned, will be sold, if desired, the stock of goods In it. no, 8-tim B. SUGENHE IMER & Co Just Received, A PPLES, Oranges, Pears, Raisins and Onions, just In and low for We will keep on hand during the sea son a choice stock of the above fruits. ALSO, BuItter, Eggs,Boda Biscuits. Ginger Bread, Spices, Starch, Grist, Meal, eto., always frosh at 5. U4I3A.TOAT A4Rk t-., i, ar I ,' r' a wi-i- iertt ile% fild oth r p1..;s, to Il-lal. ...: nt obst,trit-l s, .o p'ir. Aft.-r tO ntA 1 of the 'ifth bottlf) o f IRg1.I littor, she has en fully resttrilti to fer foruvriealth and happin s, andl is nw tho joy of tl,o hno hl, Oold -is abl4 to walk two m1ilks bcfor breaifat:t. de 4. ?w Augusta Advertisomenta. EST Dry Good i,ue ini !the onth. .) A ll expr r s ir iht t pti. w 1w r. th * order is $10.041. Writo a Postal for Kam p1e4 and Prioo LiEt. V. Ul HAILDO) & it , oct 27- G;aIta, (i. G. V. D0aaf, 11 holesale 11nd. 11 ctailI FURNITURE DEALiER -AND Undertaking in all its Branches. 147, 1471 and 149 Broad SL. WALNUT BUREAU SUITS. Ten pieces, onclosod Wash Stand, S 35 4" 4 "4 45 s "6 "o 51) " Marble top,onclosed Wash Stand,45 "6 4 4 4 50 " " ., "60 " '. " "65 upwards, to 1-.5 BUREAUS. Imitation Walnut and Glass, $ 7 75 Walnut and Glass, 1375 1750 " quarter marble and glass, 19 Oto " full " 24 00 " " " 28 Od . 6 s31 00 " upwards to 100 00 BEADSTEADS. No. 1 Red, $ 225 2 " 275 3 " Sohil Hea.l, 4 feet, 6 inches high, 3 75 4 s aolid lcad, carved top, 5 feet 6 incIes high, 4 00 5 " colid head, carvecd to), Fr'-nch, 8 00 1 " Walaut, carved top. 6 feet (I inches high. 7 75 2 " solid head. emrved top, 6 fvet 6 inches high, 9 75 3 solid head, ciarved top, 7 feet high, 11 75 4 " solid head, carved top, 8 feet high, 1400 G. V. DeOAPAF, nov'27 " ugeta, On. - 1 No charge for drtygw. r f.a'hing. Columbia Bsinees C;e.ds. I..~ilQUAt . fori chue a:ot (Gr Ieisa, lard wvare in 001A . itia to bie ftoanad at the ahg rehiable hoauet sf LOR.tCK & L~OWitANC:E. I IX'S, Portraits, Photographs, St'ere ILosopes ke*'a. All old pic ture.s capied. Artu i;.dlery UBuihling, 1Lig .\ain Street, Columtbia, b'. O Vis.itaru*, are cordiatlly invited to cui and examtino. C IARLES EL~IAS,formaerly of Camnden, ./ has moved to Columbiat, an i opened a hirg~e stookt, of D)ry Goods and Notions, Boots, Shoes, Trunksq and Vaiises. Satttis faction guaranteed. R uCKLING'S GALLERtY.-Opposite the Whoaoler HIouse. Portraits, Photographs, A mlhrotypes and Ferrotsy pes1 finished in tihe latest style of the' n Old pile u rcs copied andi *nlarged to( anfv DIERV'KS & DAVIS, imuporlers and J.Jdealers in Watchecs, Clochas, y, Silver and Plated Ware, Iheouse Fr.rnish ing Goods, &c. N. B.-*-Watches andl jew elry repatirod. Columbia, 8. (1. ot 27--y W. G. ROCIIE, DIERCH[ANT TAIL1O01, hAS removed to the store next to the post-offlee, where he will be glad to re ceive his friends and customers. A full line of Samples will be kept on hand, from which customers may make selections. He now has the finest line of Freneh and English goods ever brought to this market. Ho is also prepared to out or to mak up goods for those who desire. Garments of all kinds repaired and cloaned. Jfl Cleaning a speciauty. Thankful to the publio for past patron.. ago, he ' solicits a continuanee of the same, and guara'ntees satisfaction. ast 18 W.a.z1003, ATLOJ)WES HAVE just Ietur-1ned fro0m the mr11 somwit, 1-irgest, aiid best atsnorted sto theV Spcial b0eILfit of the Cit.z4ns of invito their atten1tiun. -0o Tro the LaclioH who woil have t GLOVES, LNGERIE, und tho very -- To the Gentloinon who VWould get th CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, BOOT' To those who aro in need of goods variety TABLE LINEN, IIOMESPUNS, DO YLIES, CHEII ,CKS . , TOWELS, TICKING, BLANKETS, BLEACII -TIIESE MAY BE --. WE offer our largo stock of Boys Youths' and Gout3' Clothing at REDUCED PRICES. W sell at prices to suit every body. OUR CLOTHING is well made, is of good style and finish, and we guarbAte the pricO to b as low as can bo found any whero. Paieis in search of good Cloth inig, latest ft.yi, andygod bar gaLins, will find it to their interest to grive us a call. MoMASTER & BRICE. nov 29 Ono hundred thonsind dollars' worth of Murt-handi Ie! "lIte(1r Wit h at ylew of $Iup'ivying the wantis of aI1(ll h jpopeI. visting Lklbtl during the Fahi, cotlalag of D)RY GOODS ! Carpefs, O'l Cloths, WalI Paper, W1idow dren'is Fino Shoes. Jones, offer in nli their var-iou dep;tri mo' ut an e.. traor-dl.izry collection of thec late-at nov-el,ies in DaIL ocons), FANCY GOODS AND) 8Hoir.. We call speelnl attent ion Lo our immenCise in onei !fIa'ry'3 departmnenit youi will lii keep fiwaI.a on hanr1 aL comipleto assort ment1 Of I i riid t.iii: 1eamles Kid Gove also a super'b nr 1ul1k of u,wo-himtion Kid Gloves, all colois, for one4 dloilart al palt, (air 4. phlst-ery departmetnt, is .stoeced with a 11ul1 us..urt.mieu ofG Carpels, Oil (loths, liugs, M1atl, Catui \1: ait(hug-. Coeoa Miat.tings, 'Ain diow thmiu4 anlt i. Cliii Urainsa. Atfranger (isiin lg (luiaiIiIf will find tis estlabliahmntdel ed l~ct~1y the miont, at Itctiv place in 1.ho0 cit,y, ini we OxIond( a cordial hanvita Lion to every onie to pay usa visit. tlrdem4 from the country for goods or samples promptly3 aittended to. we prepay frei ght on1 all ea-uh orders of Tfen i)ollars andI( upward'.. JONES, DAVIS &o BOUKNWHTS, (successonrs to It. o. Shiver & Co.,) Oct 9-3r. PATEN~TZ. To Invenitor's and Manut'acturers. EsTABLAIIF,D 1865. Gilmore, Smith & Co., SoJJrOITORS OF PATENT8 AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Amerloan and Foreigni Patents. 629 F? St., WVashington, DP. 4. No foes in advance, nor until a Patent is 1 allowed. Nofees for makiwyprdimainary t Special attention given to Interferencoe Cases before the Patent Of11c0, Infringo-t mentat Suita in the different States, and all litigation apportaiing to Patents or Inventions. Send( Slamp for amphlea of s8.X4y pages&(. 3TOTIO... ALL persons having claims againstr AJay. R. Aikon, deceased, are hereby requested to present the same, properly C attested, on or before the tirst d ay of January next. And all persons indebted I to Jas. R. Aiken, atoeasert, are horeby I notified to pay up on or before the first day ofDeeoIber netit. . H,. L. ELLTOTT, : '11411 ODS T PLICES! 0 zet, haviug solectod one of the hand. ks over brought to this place, for Pairflold, to which I rospectfully ho protioRt stylos of DRESSES, .la.utiest SHOES Call on SOL. WOLFE. 3 very latest and nobbiest suits of 3, and furnisbing GOODS Call on SOL. WOLFE. of oll kinds, Notions in great HOSIERY, BUTTONS, . HAMBURG EDGING, ING, VALISES and TRUNKS: FOUND AT )L. WOLFE'S. Great Reductions. 10 make a change in our business wo vill from this date offer our large and lectod stock of goods at a great rodue. ion, and a large part of them at and >Clow cost, CONSISTING IN PART OF 'lothing, Charlottesvillo Caesi mores, Jeans &c. Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, Alpacas, Cashmeros and Dross Go'ods, Kid and Lislo Gloves, IIosiery and Notions. J. F. McMaster & Co. iov 29 OTTO F. WEITERS, Wholesale Grocer -AND---. Commission Merchant, Nos. 110,112 and 181,' CHARLESTON, S. C. not 4-3m itiit~Zion IJolleglate Indtiif6 TIl HE fall sossion of this well known Institute began on * Monday, August 27th. Thex courso of instruction embraces Mathomation, the Ilassics, Scienoe and the usual English ranchos. Special attention will be paid a elocution, reading, spelling and writ.. .Pupils wtlreev hat careful .ril in the rudiments which is essential a securing a thorough education, laosk oard exercises will enter largely as a iethod of instruction. The college uilig is commodious and conveniently eoated. The Principal l;opes, with the olitical and mateial improvement of the tate, to scure a liberal patronage, by acans of which 'the Instituitox10,y be ro tored jto its former popularity and useful. ess ilassical departmex% per session of twenty weeks, - . 480.00 aitermediate,. . - - 2tL. iiihary, - - - 0O9 Vatymette to be made quarterly t 4 anoce, DAV4~'i'rIelpar