The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, November 24, 1877, Image 4

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TRI-WEERLLY EDITION. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Ci-Woekly One Year. - - - - 4. " Six-months. - - - -2. 6 68 Three months. - - -. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square one insertion $1.00. For eash subsequent insertion 50-. Obitua ris and Tributos of Respect charged for as advertisomonts. Liboral discount mado or ontract advertisements. -0 JOB WORK. Bill Headv, Letter Heads, Envelopes Posters, Cardm, Invitations, Ticket., &c. neatly exeouted at this office,-C-EAP NOR CASH. LOU) OUT ! L 0.0 K OUT! AND WATCH FOR DANNENBERG'S GREAT Price List. IT WILL ASTONISH '7OUJ! ES8TABLISH[ED IN 1859. CHARLES MULLERs WXATCHIES, Clocks and Jewelry re lYpaired, and satisfaction guaranutoodl to everybody. N.1B.-All who have left wvatches m y store must come and get them, or I will sell them for costs in thirty days. sept 18 CHIARILES M ULLER. ESTABLlIIED 1874. GEO. B. EDWARDS, Cotton and Goenoral Conmmission Morchant CHARLESTON, S. C. PiROMPTf attention given to the sale .LCotton, Peas, Corn, Rico and Pro duce of all kinds. Morolhandise bought free of commils alon. Being on the spot, and thoroughly posted on prices, can guarantee large saving to buyers of merchandise. Agent at Charleston for State Line Ocean Steamships between Now York, Glasgow, Liverpool, London and all parts of Europe. Reforences: IBlank of Charleston; Jam. Aclger & Co., Oh arleston, S. C. sept 22-iSm T OI LBET soA:.: JUST RCEIVED, W gsroEss of the genuine Brown ALSO, Twenty-flye dozen assorted Soaps,at the Drug Store ofe apIi1e4 D3, W,.B. AIK31N, RAD MARk PAID. JULY o. 1811. WE CnAIM rOlt Till-, IMPROVED WSTNIMY SE WIW G ,Tho following specifie points of supo riority: 1-Gr'ent himplicily in Cooa 2--111i'abi lity. 3-Exce411My LAgr t Run1. bniRIg. 4-stll tenlv abng. No Ielems. 5-PIer1or8a. all V.kaiettes of Work. G---EEtezaily' y oF.01I1si and IV WtrkLnann sm11I p. 1ItAT REU CTION R1% Single Machines selt on lrr direct from the Factory, writtei guatrantee with each lachipne. WIlY PAY OLD PRICES! .A'Sendl for circulars and particulars. The 1 itiley L11',g.Co., feb 17 Patersion, N. Ji Best i s Fha NEW VILLCOX & oinms Silent Sewing Piachine. Latest Invention, Prodcing arve'lous plaesi tl, Il s strpassing mearlit places 't bevoneal a! Ilen 11111oll, 1ti iakes It tii' lla i..a nw a. sta t i th lati I Itit (li alIl '-Ii - ma . a , II sellers of imisy, ial 11- 111i1ig, tf ratleIb tu:nc, t w - threatI, 101sht ioIlacilnes. Only 31 ehinle in the Worb1 wit 1. Autonmatic Features, and Wil 110 T'ension to Writo by Postal Card for Price List, Lism of 0lices, &c. WILLCOX & iUS S. M. 0 (Cor. Bond St.) 068 Broadway, N. Y niay 15-ly $100,000 I Ono hundred thousand dollars' worth of Merehandise! Selected wiIt a vtew of supplyin!: the wants or all the pe;ople vitisig 'oluntbla dluring tile Fatir, conisst luig oc DRY GOODS! Carpets, Oil Cloths, Wall Paper, Window Shaues, Ladies', Geuts' and Chil dren's Fin Shoes. Jone"s, Davi5 em B oukniights Offer In all tiheir varionts ispa r taUents n ex.. traortlinary collecthin of te IatIest toor ele Is lii DaIY 0001)5, FANCY (00008 .\N) sut(l:.1, We call IpeIla I at Itnt to otuiimeanse stock of Driess G ooti-a in our IIlodery tepartmentui yotu will lInl everyt liing yott want Idealernti prlers. We keep always n hlisaml a' enaplete asso51rtmnti of liarris' seamnless Kual( Glove-,: als ai sutpirl) -r ti le of' Iwo-hiutton Kitt i.; !ovs, :all colors, for one (lOllar a pair. Our Ilpholst 0ry dleoaemt ila Is 1ieI withI a fat aissortmente of l Carpets, (iI 11l) Ii.4, lin iSlats, 'anit n .)1 tta t tinr , Col a .\l3jattIai s, Win (lotw Shatlaes itailtWa'eCr a'ii.ila Strangers~ vilsitIin. I lumbaia twIll 11lnd this est ablihment, cialenedlv a le nioaat allinilv p1lae i ihe cit.y, aur1 I we el'l a. corial tivia I IOn to everyi' one to pay uas a viit . Orders troma iha count iiy afo11r act:s or' samp)tlaes prom yati tended((lila ha. Wae( 11 pn-ay tree.t ona all cfahtorders or 'Tn Do )rllai' r tia'v,ipan JONES, DAVIS & BOUKNIGHITS, (Stucessor. to It. I.. Shiver' & Co.,) oot 9-3i.i A Fine Opportunity. r OHE iundersignedl ofTer4 for salo or the lineostoro bouilading no0woccui kona"Cathecart's Old Staund." Th is is one of the~ very best b)usinessi standstl in Winnsuboro--being cetrahy'II located am1i surronunded by cotton butyer's. Tlheo building has recently baeen puit inl first rate condition-repainted and otherwiso overhauled. On the sme lot, is a comi fortablo dwielling- house anda warehouso which wvill be d.sisoed of along with the store building. 'The storo hias always attracted one of the borF.t traides in the county, is altogether one of the most desirable in Winnsboro. Terms very accommo dating. D). SUGENUEIER. ALSO, .Along with the store above mnentioneadh wvill be sold, if desired, the stock oif goods in it. nov 8-txmt B. SUJGENHI. ME R & CO, I. CLENDINING, Boot and Shoe Manufatcturiera WINNSBOllO, 8. 0. THE undelr'ignedre ap)ectfilly anno utncea to the 40citizens of Fair field that he has removed his Boot and Shoe Manufactory to one door below Mr. C.Muller'su. I am prepared to muanufacturo 'ill styles of work in a substantial andl workmanlike manner, out of the very best materials, and at prices fully as low as the same geods can be mlanufactulred for at the North or elsewhere. I[ keep constantly en hand a giood Stock -of Sole and Upper Leath, Shoe Findings &c)., wvhieh will be sold at reasonable p)rices. Repairing promptly attende d to. Terms strictly Cash, #1frDtied Hides bought, one la . nrLunrDunea's Ihir Vigoro For restoring Gray Hair tq its natural Vitality and Color A dressinj which is it o0e agree able, health3 and ectut 1or presern > - ing the hair Faded orgr hair is soo restored to it original color, with the gloss an freshness of youth. Thin hair 1 thickened, falling hair checked, an baldness often, though not always cured by its use. Nothina can re store the hair where the Bollicles ar destroyel, or the glauls atrophie< and decayed. But such as reiai can be saved for usefulness by thi application. Instead of fouling thl hair with a pasty sediment, it wil kee) it clean and vigorous. it occasional use will I)revent the hal from turning gray or falling oil and consequently prevent baldness Free from those (leleterious sub stances which makie some prepara tions dangerous and injurious t the hair, the Vigor can only bencil but not harm it. If wanted merelj for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desir able. Containing ncither oil no: dye, it does not soil white Can bric, and yet lasts long on the hair giving it a rich glossy lustre and i grateful perfume. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLD BY ALL DCUGGISTS EVERYWHICRE r Es T[ ALADDIN - 0 INSECURITY OIL THE BEST HOUSEHOLD OIL IN USE. Warranted 150 Degrees Fire-Tesi WATERt 1IITEt IN COLOR. FWly Deodorized. WOLL NOT EXPLODE WIGHEST AWARD Oeritennlal Expositiot For Excellenco of Mansttfhcture AND 1IIGII FIRE TEST. E:so1 by tho Insurance Companies. !:.-(2 thit &rtifivae-one of Itany. P"T ime !T,Ascf Co. op 1ATi3oni .. . - :. ' West <& &n --. :- Q.3 n1 the various oils sol iii city for i: I aTint,g ipurposes, I take plea wo. rit m . h r "lain Securit A"a . ",/'-st life/i i Pie.ver used in our housi A. DREW REESE, Presiden Mdaniufactutrccd by C. WEST & SONTS, BIaltimorE r.y it, nnd you wvill uno no0 other.. WATERS' OROIJESTRION Aie ORGA1 fa, the mstben utIf'ut style and pecrlfeet in t i , ever und.e. I t ha the crebratedI Contces to istop, wiche is a An ...Imtatilonof thel1 iumn half Octaves of betl Stuned in perfect hat and their ef'et is tn i >NA, ORiVE1*THItAl ___ \X CONCERTFo,, VESI ER,CENTENNIAL CI1I3iIES, CIIAPELT, nr (toTTrA(E ol 4ANM, ~e initen Frenchl O nes combiL'ne Pf':i ITY of Voh(tN(G with gree volumn e qf tone., suit able for P'arlor or Chn urc Worknmuhi titi, and lDurnblllt y Unmsurpatsse WInrranttted for MIX YEARSM. PR1ICEM E.' TR'l EMIlELY L.oWfor enshm.Moi thly Itntstlets rectvedl. tItumeCnts i let nntil Itpad for as per cotrt?. A libor A GEiNT'.X WA NT ED). iSp.clusIlindumcemen to thei trade.*I ltu,stratedl (iatlaaneu MlaIle Rceond-handsl inst rrumets ut 4OEAT DIA1 (JAINt4. IIACE W1ATERIS & SON Manactuttre rs anad D)eniers, , ,40 EAST 14ith sTr.,UNION SQUAhtR E,N. -AND Wuinter CGoocls. ----- J. F Icdotr & Ct A 1,rge adompl"te: assortmenit ed. Prinlts, Longelothas, Sea hlome sputns, Osntaulmrgs, ])'illiungs. .Plain Homtesptiuns, Cotlton and WVoo1en 1Flannels. French and Charlottesvillo Cassi mores 131ankets, Jeans anid Korso One of the finest lots of Clothing we bi over received. Boots, Shos and Hasts of all the hat styles. All of which we are offoring very 1 for the cash.. PCI, J . 6ASE &o FUBN] ) 1 1 O3- Save high bills by purchasing j A NEW SUP 1 Rus-ric Wmnow Su.ius, Low in Pric I will never get out of order, and will lat SMA.TTR] Spring Beds, Picture Frames, Pictu Carriages. LUM] . And Shingles at Pric, REPA - Neatly done at niodorato Pricok UNDERTAKE1 I keep on hand a full supply of Me and Coffins of the finest finish. Also, R. Oheap? JU I ILLED WIri DRY GOODS, A, AND C)OCD ar 0 fl~ GREAT BA Sugar, Coffee, Lard, Bacon, r Mackerel, 01 GREAT BARGATI All we ask is ta AND WE ARE SURiE W. G. ROCI-E, IIERCHIANT TATILORl, ASremoved to the store next to the of post-offieo, whore ho will be glad to ro A full line of Samples will be kept on hand, fromn which customers may make solootions. He nlow lhas the finest line of Fronch and English goods over brought to this market. He is also prepared to eut or to mak y'up geods for those who desiro. ,vo Garments of all kinds repairod and cleaned. ost fi!r Cleaning a speoiaity. Thankful to the publie for past patron aw ago, ho solicits a eontinuane of the same, and guarantees satisfaction, . .p.1B W.G.3OOnnu --TUBE, Arrived and to arrive, con sisting of Walnut Cbambom Suites, Painted Cottage Suites Wardrobes, Sideboards, Safes, Book Cases, Bureatys, Tables ! Chairs, Bedstead's,. Cribs Desks, Towel-racks, Wash Iiiistandp, Lounges, Sofils, Hall Stands, Hat Racks, Cout Hooks, Corner Stands-for Design and Workmanship Un 04pequalod. VT HOME. PLY OF 3, Durablo and Convenient. They ;t longer than any other Shade. BSSES, res, Brackets, Mirrors, Children's 3ER 3s to Suit the Times. IRING . Furniture mado to order. 3 DEPARTMENT. alic and Rosewood Burial Capos a cheap stock of Coffins. W. Phillips. Stores IER & CO. ALL KINDS CLOTHING, 3IRYWARE, to til BB;t. RGAINS IN Molasses, Hams, Crackers, eo, &c. ~S IN TOBACCO. give us a trial, TO PLEASE YOU. OTTO F. WEITERS, Wholesale Grocer -AND Commission Merchant, Nos. 110,112 and 181, .E..MT 33A.Y MT., CHARLESTON, S. C.