The news and herald. (Winnsboro, S.C.) 1877-1900, November 24, 1877, Image 3

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LOCAL ITEMS. RAI.RoAn 8UJ1FmULrs.--Toh follow.. ing: tablo shows tho Lourn at which tho trains on the C. C. & A. It. R. reach Winnsboro: DAY PASSENoER. For Charlotto ........... 1.57, p. . For Augusta ............ 4.19, p. 1. NI1n1T PASSENGER. For Augusta..........12.52, A. M. For Charlotte...... ....2.55, A. M. RolRIouS Noticos. Associato Roforined Church Rev. J. M. Todd, 11 A. m., and 7.1 P. M. Episwopal Charch.- -Ilv. J. Obear, sorviees every Bunmday ex-ept the! 2nd Sutndmy of the month: at 11 o'clock A. M. New Advortisomon"s. Annual Report-T. R. Robertson, Clerk. Just Receivod-J. N. CAIthcart & Bros. Mess1rs. . 8iigenmheimcr & Co. havo just received a laugo lot of now fashion stiff--rim hats. * Tho Rev. C. E. Chichester preach~ es to-morrow at Aimwell church, RidgOway. The school trustees Who may at tend the convention to-day, are re (llestod to call at Mr. Richardson's ollice, or to moot at tho Thespian Hall at twolvo o'clock. The nomination of the Rev. W. H. Campbell, as one of the school com missioners of Charleston City, will plen his mniy friends. It was an Olinlently fit solooti. The sale of the real and personal offects of D. H. Ruff, deco.sed, at Ridgowty, VaLs largely attended, and the property sold brought fair prices. Read the advertiimet of J. E. Catheart & Bro. They have on hand a choice supply of fruits. They l'avo the thanks of the office for soio d-liious appl and oranges. RAmwAy AcCIm1%;r.-A. rpmt reached Winnboro at a ltte hour last evening, that a trestlo above Smith's Turnout, on the Charlotte, Coiumbia and Augusta Railro. d, had given away as yesterday's northorn passenger train was pass, ing over it, and two cars were pre. cipitated into the water. It was not knowni at that hour wvhether any passengers had been dIrowned. Deputies have started through tihe county to collect forfeited taxes, and real estate wvill 1)e sold on sales day ini December. Whilo some tracts are advertised, doubtless through erroneous entries or neglect of persons transferring property to record the change, as roequiro d, in tho auditor's ofl100, it is true that a number of taxpayers have not been able to pay their ta'xes. This has arisen :nom sheer want of money, and we hope the State will be as lenient as5 possib)lo. CAPTURE OF FRiANKC SALt. -Th is notorious burglar and sneak-thI ief was captured b)y Mr. Ralph D. Wilson last Tuesday night, at the house of George Goza, colored, near Ridgeway, wvhece lie had taken refuge until his buckshot wvounds should heal. These wounds lie roe:oivo,l recently in a chase near Messrs. Mlorrison & Co.'s turpentine distillery, wvhere he had comn mi ttod Bomne depredations. We understand there are half a dozen warrants out for him. As has been announced, the ladies of Rlidgeway gave a hot dinner and euppor last Titesday. This (lay was sel ooted as most propi ious, Owing to the sale of tihe p)ersonal and real effects of David H-. Ruift; deconsed, and the large crowvd of citizons whoso presence was expected on that day. The weather wvas de lightful-i he Indian Suimuor's sun, and the almost harvest moon waited upon' and illumined the day and the night, while the beautiful ladies decorated and made b)righter still the hall, the flowoer-decked tables and the general surroundings. T wo of the most delightful'and sumptu onis meals were served--a gentle man stating 'pon honor, that Del.. monicn auld no+. surpass the i variety and delivacy. Tho ladies are much griatuiod at thoir success the roceipts reaching fty dollars ; and they bog to sny thi.t the flag of the Hampton Rilo Guard is arssured. TiE MAILS.--Whnll it was an nounced that by moans of the quick schedule the Charloston papers would reach us on the day of publi cation, wo wore happy. When. the Reegiater announced that it would defy opposition, and deliver the morning paper in Winnsboro by 8, a. i., we were still happier. As matters now stand, however, we got the Charle.ton papers as before, a day old, while the Register has ne - tually lost time, and reaches us at tle sallio timo as its competitors. Why is this,; thus ? There are now two day trains from Columbia, in.. stead of one. Mr. Brown figures it out thus : If the Reg/ister reached 1Winisboro on the day of publication when one train was running, and comes a day late when two trains are runniIng, it is likely, if another train were started, the Jeryater wouldn't colie before the end of the week. Tis equals Lvy Crockott's story o' fashiionable life in Wa:hing ton, whiore dinnor was so late they had to cat supper the next morning. Som1ething ought to be dono in the matter. If not, wo will havo to or ganizo an opposition telegraph line, and stOrt a daily ourselves. Notes from Blackstock. BLACKSTOcK, Nov. 22.-A few days since a colored boy in the vicimity of Blackstock was killed by the falling of a tree. The boy's brother ws cutting down tle tree, and as it was falling, the deceased ran to get out of the way, but a limb struck him on the he%d, killing him instantly. Trial Justico Mackorell, acting coroner, suimmoned a jury of in quest, which found a verdict in ac cordaneo.witi the facts. A wodding took place here a fen night-M ago. A couple stopped into Trial Jiustico Mackorell's oflice, and, to his great astonishment, announced that they wished to be married. Om ti ial justico was not well postod ill that portion of his duties, but was equal to thu emergency ; so b1 scooped il) an old "Confession of Faith," and read the ceremony from it, thereby.uniting thoum in the bonds of wedlock with much honor to him self and pleasure to those present. Our hotel is again vacant, Mr. Mackorell having removed to his old stand near the cross roads. It is expeted that the hotel will shorth~ be0 reopened and refurnished by an other pafrty. One of our young townsmen is ai present absent on a visit to the North State, wvhitLher lhe has gone for the purpose of taking unto himself a wvifo. John Purcll is nowv engaged in erecting a nice little cottage foi the happy patir More anon. Arnnual Report ('F the County Commissioners .oJ JFairfield County, of' disburso monts for all ~proses during the fiscal year ending October 31st, 1877. P'oC)R HOUsE AND) OUTSIDE RIELIEF. WV. R. Doty' & Co., S 7 Dr. E. W. Aikon, 2 00 C. A. Aboll, 10 (63 Bon1j.uinl 'Tiurkey, - 85 00t Is.uC Kennedy, 30 5( T. J. Gladney, 17 4( Dr. E. A. Gibson, (64 4C Frank Clark, 2 00t F. EldeI, 11 2C J. W. McCreight, 9 It Thomas Goode, 7 SC Arthur Johnson, 11 50 Noah Johnson, 9 oc John Purcell, 10 70 March Thompson, - 7 SC John Boyd, 6 00 'Henry CopeClanld, 3 (iC W. H. Pagott, 13 5(; M~cMatotr & Brice, 150 00t A. F. Gooding, 11 90 G (. M. Simpson, 2 00t J. Q. D)avis, C. T., 7 00 D. .R. Flernniken, 273 39 PUDLIC B('iLDINoS,OFFICES, PEIINTING ANY: sTA'LTIONERIY. Winnsboro Publishing Co., $12,1 42 WV. J. Crawvford, . 2 70 J. J Neil, 80 00 R. Li. Bryan, 81 00 W. J. McDowell, 7 10 McMaster & Brice, 10 (60 ROADS AND BRIDOEs. 0. W. Veno, 10 00 W4 J. Crawford, 88 00 Thomas Goode, 8 00 J. E. Gilbert, 2 UC J. T. W. Stitt, 8 0C A. I,. F- iith, . 7 OC ). WV. 8.eril 5 0C 1. T. Gladden, 4 00 ..f1. . ,ore. 7 5 W.\ A)weH, 3 .)0 Thomas A& .-rson, 86 81 R. WV. Phi"lips, 8 75 A. P. Goodling, 13 30 John Gibson, 2 50 W. D. Davis, 20 00 James Amin, 15 00 F. M. L. Duko, 20 50 cos'rs IN BTATE CASES. S. W. Rbff, 80erif, $533 05 J. N H:mnond, con.stable, 28 30 James Ailkn, T. J., 49 50 Thompson Ciappoll, Witness, 8 60 W. Rt. Marshall, T. ;J., 70 15 ]--:m: Willias, constabbl, 11 70 Daiii-l I feinierson, constable, 25 60 MArtinl 1hl, 24 50 Dr.T. J. 11. Dmughass, inquest, 10 80 Arthuir McDowoll, witnoss, 3 40 W. A. Neil, witness, 1 10 T. Hardeni, witness, a 2 10 L. W. Duvall, labt slieriff, 359 05 J. A. Simpson, constable, 15 30 T. I. Robertson, T. J., 105 50 H. J. F. W. Coleman, T. J., 9 00 J. J. Ncil, J. P., 10 00 J. R. Harvoy, constable, 36 95 B. E. Elkin, T. J., 26 70 Wm. tosborough, juror, G 40 V. N. Mason, witliess, 9 40 Jas. T. Lemon, jurGr, 7 00 A. D. Rose, ju-0, 5 50 J. WV. *3olivk, jiror, 3 60 J. W. Mecight, grand jury, 2 00 G. 13. Pearsun, juror, 8 00 H. C. 1javis, witlic"s, 4 40 Adam V.anderh1orsf, w'tness, 3 40 It. F. Martin, J. C., 15 00 Chares Ualdwell, juror, 7 40 W. Watt Brice, juror, 5 80 H. t. Johnston, juror, 9 70 Dennis Miuler, juror, 10 00 D. 1-1. Robertson, juror, 10 10 J. T. Nichols, juro, 8 10 J. W. Ashford, juror, 10 00 ). Jen1kn-, juror, 9 00 V. H. Pa"gott, jiu-or, 9 90 , uDsportes, juror, 5 50 J. 1). Iog-an, T. 17 00 J.. C."aldwull, winess, 4 00 Centr Gibon, cosltable, 10 50 J. C. Sqluicr, juror, 6 01 U. G. Desportes, juror, 6 0U Charles David, juror, 6 3C A. Ml. Mackey, solicitor, 120 00 J. D. Hogan, juror, 4 0 J0hn 1sonhowe.r, juror, 6 8c Henry Anderson, juror, 4 50 Frank Thompson, juror, 6 0C Aaron Boyd, juror, 6 10 Daniel Rochell, constable, 7 50 Allen Beaty, witness. 3 9c Belton Tobias, witness, 3 0 Jefy Stone, witness, 3 0C Bart Sims, witness, 3 0( J P Casonf, juror, 5 RC 1) M Aikenl, juror, 5 9C W T Yarborougm, juror, 7 5C J T Mothershied, constable, 6 00 Starling Glenn, juror, 9 71 W C Beaty, juror, 9 0C Charles Haimrris, juror, 1 71 R1 W Phlilhps, juror, 6 0C Chad es X yors, juror, 6 00 A F L. :, jur'or, 5 70 Hugh ltob,inson juror, 6 447 J) M G.dloway, juror, 6 0t W A Cook, jurior, 7 1C Hardy Hlall, witness, 4 3( Sp)en(cer Bell, witness, 4 10 Enoch Rocholl, witness, 2 7C J P Liakin, juror', 7 0 it J McCarley, juror, 6 00 J W~\ McGreight, juror, 3 0: D) P Cro.sby, juror, 6 7C Israel Hayne, juror, (6 71. Thomas Nelson, juror, 0 70 Susiannah Bfrown, wit;ncss, 4 SC R CI Arnetic, witness, 5 51 TI H D)avis, juror, 5 71. J P? Elkin, juror, 6 3C (1 W Colema.n, juror, 6 71 J A F Coleman, juror, 8 21 WN B Brooks, juror, 5 4C H-fandy Fraser', juror1, 6 01 S RA Fan.t, jur~or, 9 0C R 13 Crawfor'd, juror, . 10 01 W S Rabb, juror, ' 4 5C George T1rappl, witness, 6 5( P Jenkins, witness, 3 01 Chnairles Smith, witness, 3 01 J S Gradir-k. witness, 3 0C WV J Martin, juror, 7 4( Q TL Seiglar, juror, 9 9( W H Fionniken, juror, 6 0( 1Henr~y Pauml, jurior, (6 3( D) Rt Flenniiken, junror, 4 51 J T W Stil t, juror, 5 3( Samuel Mc\WVators, juror, 7 41 Jacob King, juror, 6 5( D)ouglass Fox, juror, 6 21 Ar thur Williams, juror, 5 90 J W McCreight, constable, 1 50 J CI Propst, constable, 6 01 IMattie Sims, witness, 3 2( Hiram Cl ark, witness, 2 0( Jack James, witness, 3 2( Douglass Fox, grand jury, 2 0( Arthur Williams, grand jury, 2 0( SALARY OF COUNTY CO.MM[ssioNEp.s ANY CLERlK. Henry Jacob, 0. 0., $138 0( Carter Boaty, 0. 0., 100 01 J R Harvey, 0. 0., 100 01 T R Rober tson, Clerk, 95 01 I hereby certify that, to the besi of my ,knowledge, the foregoing r'eport is a correct exhibit of dis, bursements for all county pufrposem made by the County Comnmssionere for Fairfield county, during the fiscal year eniding October 81st, 1877. T. R. ROBERTSON, nv24-tx1 01erk of B3oard. THE LATESI BEST ,ATLOWE" THAVE just returned from the mv somest, largest, and best assorted at the cKpecial benefit of the citizons ol invite their attention. To tlo Ladies who would have GLOVES, LINGE1I1E, and the vor To the Gentlemen who would get t CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES, BOO' To thoso who aro in need of good varioty I TABLE LINEN, HOMESPUN D)OYLIES, CHECKS, TO WE S, TICKING ILANKETS, BLEAC -THISE AY B S1 -ale ULtiter O'de' of Court. It. E. Em.soN, Sit., Auctioneer. A Marhley Lee, Junior, Trustee of the Danlkrupt Estate of J. M. Caldwell & Sons, againlst Jacob A. Caldwell and Otle:-s. ~-) Y virtue of an order of the District ) Coi rt of the United Stats for the 1)istrict of South Carolina, in the above case, will be sold Oil Monday, the third (ty of December, A. D. 1877, at the Court lloise in the town of Winnsboro, county of Fairtichw and Stato of Sfuth Carolina, at 1- o'clock, im: A t! thot. tract or plintation of land,con taininig ELEVEN HUNDRED ACTU of land. more or less. Mituatc, lying and being in tle county of Fairfield aild t) Stato iafiresaid, on the waters of Dutchman's Creek, bouided by lands of Thos. Davis. Eioatc of David Provence, Estat of N. A. Fteay, Henry Harrison, Jetor Harrison and other.; :ad having suoli other boundaries as a -hit of resurvey made by B. II. Itobert6on, D. S., moro fully represents, ALsO, All that, certain piece, parcel or lot of lan,], with the store- house ther"on lring, being 11n1d situate In thu town of Black stock, in the Stato and County aforesaid, fronting on .ain street, and located betweenl the lots owned respectively by Culp & R1ag.Male and John C. MAckorell. AI.4o, All that lot or parcel of land lying and sitluate ill the town of Blakstock and Itate aforesaid, fronting on Main street two hundred and ten feet, on south-iast by lands of W. ). Richardson one hun, diretd and sixty-eight feet, on the north by - lot two hundred and ton feet, and on1 tile north-wost by alltty-way one hun lred and six'y-eight feet--containing TuiE TiaUSAND, NN1N. UUN)RADDAND TWEN Tv (3920) squAm umns, more or less, TERMS OF SALE: Ono third cash, tihe balance in) two eq ual successive aninual instalments, with interecst tromc day of sale, payablu annual-. ly, securedh by houd of pulrch)aser anid mIor t gage of the) promises. Bu ildings On p)remi)ses to ho insured, and policy as signed. i'urchauer to pa~y for papers. GEORGiE 11. WALER, nov 10- Reuferee, NEWY, CHEAP -AND-,. ATTRACTIVE_GOODS! Ecall the attention of tihe Ladles tO 01 ourn 0w stock of Bib Collars,Collerettes, Linen Collars, Silk Ties, Hiamburg Edg ings, ilerlin and Kid loves,' Iosiery, Ha;ndkorchiefs, Blibbons, and various other goods which we are offering as low as an ybody. Calicoes from 0 to 83 cents. Brown loinespun from 0 to 10 oents. pBleached Hlomospuns from 04 to 12j ents. Checked Homespuns from 10 to 12.% cents. T1ieking from 10 to 25 cenlts, 10-4 Bleached and Browun Sheetings, very lowv. A nice assortment of Dross Goods and Fancy,Dlress Buttons, Shawls, Ladies' and Misses' Boulevard Skirts, wvhite, red and , ait, Flannels, Jeans, Cassimor,es and Ito1pellanits. Our (ents' Deplartment is full and coim plete. Ev'ery ticn g from a paper collar to anI overceat. IA good assortment of Carpets on hand, very ceapil. Our stock of Shoes and Hardware is .Call ancd examine our goods, end we will convyinoo vou that we don't intend to bo undersold by anybody, anywhere. McMASTER & BRICE. RE~STAURLANT. ----- liE undersigned begeleavo to informn hlis friends and the pub lie generally that tho Rtestaurant attaohed to the .u orning Star Saloon is open, and suplied with the host the maktaffords-such as Boefsteak, Hamn, Bologna Sausage, Oys ters in every style, F'ish, and bthor deli. A full supply of the purest 'IWinos, Liquors and Larger Beer. jihNot Carolina ZCorn Wbhiskey a specialt,y.Not --ALSO Awell selected stock of Tobacco and Segiars, d 3. GROESOHFL, A 96Nt8g Poreo. r ARRIVALS I GOODS 'T PBICES! -0 rket, having selected one of the hand. ocks ever brought to this place, for Fairfield, to which I respctAully 0 the pretiest styles of DRESSES, daintiest SHOES Call on SOL. WOLFE. 0 ho very latest and nobbiest suits of LS, and furnisbing GOODS Call on SOL. WOLFE. 0 s of ll kinds, Notions in great HOSIERY, BUTTONS, HAMBURG EDGING, RING, VALISES and TRUNKS; N FOUND AT DL. WOLFE'S. CONNOR & CHANDLER CALL att.ntion to their full STOC, --OF.-. Watches, Clocks, Gold and Silver Watch Chains, Brooches, Ear rings, Studs, Collar and Sleeve Buttons, Plain and Fancy Rings, , Solid Silver and Plated Castors, S p o o ns, Forks, Napkin Rings, Goblets, Cups, Butter Knives, Butter Dishes, &c. Specta cles, Catlery, Lamps, Lanterns, Glass and Crockery Ware, Vases, Toilette Sets and China Tea Sets -ALSO Machine Needles and Springs. Sewing Machinex repaired, .cleaned and adjusted. aug 23 TIHEP EL EPHIANT~ -HAS COME With a Fresh Stock of Fall and WVinter Goods, AT THE DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS AND illinery DBzaar. IMP'ORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. XNE take pleasure in announcing to our friends and the public generally that woearo now op)ening the finest and most omip\ete assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, including Millinery and Fancy Goods in all the latest styles and novelties of the season, such as are generally found in a cy and staplo0 Dry Goods, a beautiful stock of newest styles of Dress Goods, Buttons and TRIMMINGS. A full assortmout of brown and bleaehed MuIsllps, 1'oplins, Caicoes, Ginghamis, Glents' Goods, Notions, Corsets, Gloves, Hoslery,Bustles,8kirts, Shawls, Cloaks,&c. Men's and Boys' Hlats. Boots and Slhoes for 0onts and Boys, Shoes and Gaiters for Ladies, Misses and Children, A FULL STOCK OF Fresh Grocerics, Confectioneries, Cakes and Crackers, Cheese, Mackerel, Flour, Meal, Grist, Soaps, Starch, Candles, Kerosene, Crookery, Tin and Wooden Ware, Furnitureand Mattresses, LUMBERFOR SALZ As low as the lowest. Call and oramin. my stock and price. 0, O,1O